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The effect of two anti-CD45 (T200, LCA, Ly5) antibodies on the activation of the murine T-cell hybridoma 13.13 has been evaluated. These studies have been carried out in a system that did not require cross-linking or coclustering of antibodies. Activation of 13.13 cells with the anti-CD3 monoclonal antibody, 145.2C11, gave rise to rapid increases in intracellular calcium and interleukin-2 production. Additionally, within 1 min, phosphorylation on tyrosine of four major proteins of about 130,000, 110,000, 80,000, and 37,000 daltons could be seen. Pretreatment of the cells with the anti-CD45 mAb M1/89.18.7.HK markedly inhibited all three biological responses, while an alternate anti-CD45 antibody, M1/9.3.4.HL.2, had little effect. The two antibodies bound to CD45 with similar affinities, and no differences in the lateral mobility of antibody-CD45 complexes in the cell membrane were observed. The inhibition of activation of the cells by M1/89.18.7.HK was abrogated significantly both by the phosphotyrosine protein phosphatase inhibitor orthovanadate and by excess M1/9.3.4.HL.2. If M1/89.18.7.HK was added to the 13.13 cells after they had already been activated with anti-CD3, it very effectively stimulated dephosphorylation of substrates that had been phosphorylated on tyrosines prior to adding the anti-CD45 antibody. These results indicate that the phosphotyrosine protein phosphatase activity of CD45 is critical to its biological function and that bivalent (i.e. uncross-linked) anti-CD45 antibodies can give rise to markedly different responses. One of the antibodies, M1/89.18.7.HK, appears to behave much like a receptor ligand and is able to activate the enzymatic activity associated with the CD45 transmembrane protein.  相似文献   

In cultured amniotic cells from fetuses with Edward's syndrome (trisomy 18), the activities of two protein phosphatases, alkaline phosphatase and phosphotyrosine phosphatase, were measured. Comparison with normal fetal cells showed a different behavior for each enzyme. Alkaline phosphatase was significantly lowered while phosphotyrosine phosphatase remained at normal levels. The interest of these enzyme assays in the screening procedure of this severe chromosome defect is discussed.  相似文献   

We have studied the effect of insulin stimulation on phosphotyrosine phosphatase (PTPase) activity in the well-differentiated rat hepatoma cell line Fao. PTPase activity was measured using a 32P-labeled peptide corresponding to the major site of insulin receptor autophosphorylation. Of the PTPase activity in Fao cells, 14% was in the cytosolic fraction, whereas 86% was in the particulate fraction; this latter fraction also had a 4-fold higher specific activity. Purification of the particulate fraction by lectin chromatography resulted in a 50% increase in specific activity, although this glycoprotein-rich fraction contained only 1.5% of the total activity. Both the cytosolic and particulate PTPase fractions were active toward the tyrosyl-phosphorylated insulin receptor in vitro. The activity of the particulate fraction but not the cytosolic fraction was inhibited by addition of a micromolar concentration of a phosphorylated peptide corresponding to residues 1142-1153 of the human insulin receptor sequence. By contrast, addition of the nonphosphorylated peptide even at millimolar concentration was without effect. Both PTPase fractions were inhibited by Zn+ at similar concentrations, whereas the cytosolic PTPase activity was 10-fold more sensitive to vanadate inhibition. Treatment of cells with 100 nM insulin increased PTPase activity in the particulate fraction by 40% and decreased activity in the cytosolic fraction by 35%. These effects occurred within 15 min and were half-maximal at 3-4 nM insulin. When assessed as total activity, the magnitude of the changes in PTPase activity in the particulate and cytosolic fractions could not be explained on the basis of a translocation of PTPases between the two pools.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

We have partially purified an 18-kDa cytoplasmic protein from 3T3-L1 cells, which dephosphorylates pNPP and the phosphorylated adipocyte lipid binding protein (ALBP), and have identified it by virtue of kinetic and immunological criteria as an acid phosphatase (EC The cytoplasmic acid phosphatase was inactivated by phenylarsine oxide (PAO) (Kinact = 10 microM), and the inactivation could be reversed by the dithiol, 2,3-dimercaptopropanol (Kreact = 23 microM), but not the monothiol, 2-mercaptoethanol. Cloning of the human adipocyte acid phosphatase revealed that two isoforms exist, termed HAAP alpha and HAAP beta (human adipocyte acid phosphatase), which are distinguished by a 34-amino acid isoform-specific domain. Sequence analysis shows HAAP alpha and HAAP beta share 74% and 90% identity with the bovine liver acid phosphatase, respectively, and 99% identity with both isoenzymes of the human red cell acid phosphatase but no sequence similarity to the protein tyrosine phosphatases (EC HAAP beta has been cloned into Escherichia coli, expressed, and purified as a glutathione S-transferase fusion protein. Recombinant HAAP beta was shown to dephosphorylate pNPP and phosphoALBP and to be inactivated by PAO and inhibited by vanadate (Ki = 17 microM). These results describe the adipocyte acid phosphatase as a cytoplasmic enzyme containing conformationally vicinal cysteine residues with properties that suggest it may dephosphorylate tyrosyl phosphorylated cellular proteins.  相似文献   

Because many growth factor receptors are ligand-activated tyrosine protein kinases, the possibility that growth hormone (GH), a hormone implicated in human growth, promotes tyrosyl phosphorylation of its receptor was investigated. 125I-Labeled human GH was covalently cross-linked to receptors in intact 3T3-F442A fibroblasts, a cell line which differentiates into adipocytes in response to GH. The cross-linked cells were solubilized and passed over a column of phosphotyrosyl binding antibody immobilized on protein A-Sepharose. Immunoadsorbed proteins were eluted with a hapten (p-nitrophenyl phosphate) and analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and autoradiography. The eluate from the antibody column contained an Mr 134,000 125I-GH-receptor complex. A similar result was obtained when the adipocyte form of 3T3-F442A cells was used in place of the fibroblast form. O-Phosphotyrosine prevented 125I-GH-receptor complexes from binding to the antibody column, whereas O-phosphoserine and O-phosphothreonine did not. In studies of GH-promoted phosphorylation in 3T3-F442A fibroblasts labeled metabolically with [32P]Pi, GH was shown to stimulate formation of a 32P-labeled protein which bound to immobilized phosphotyrosyl binding antibodies. The molecular weight of 114,000 obtained for this protein is similar to that expected for non-cross-linked GH receptor. The Mr 114,000 phosphorylated protein could be immunoprecipitated with anti-GH antibody, indicating that GH remained noncovalently bound to this protein during absorption to and elution from the immobilized phosphotyrosyl binding antibody. Phosphoamino acid analysis after both limited acid hydrolysis and extensive base hydrolysis of the Mr 114,000 phosphoprotein confirmed the presence of phosphotyrosyl residues.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

P K Howard  B M Sefton  R A Firtel 《Cell》1992,71(4):637-647
We have cloned a Dictyostelium phosphotyrosine phosphatase (PTP1) with a catalytic domain showing approximately 38%-50% amino acid identity to those of other PTPs. PTP1 contains an approximately 99 amino acid insert and bacterially produced PTP1 possesses PTP activity. PTP1 is expressed at a very low level in vegetative cells, induced by 4 hr, and maximally expressed at the tight aggregate stage. PTP1-lacZ studies indicate that PTP1 is spatially localized to prestalk and anterior-like cell types. PTP1 gene disruptants show accelerated development, whereas strains overexpressing PTP1 to a high level fail to aggregate. Strains overexpressing moderate levels exhibit severe morphological defects following aggregation, including multiply tipped aggregates and morphologically aberrant fruiting bodies. Western blot analysis using anti-phosphotyrosine antibodies shows specific changes in the mutant strains when compared with wild-type cells. The results indicate that reversible protein-tyrosine phosphorylation and PTP1 play important regulatory roles during Dictyostelium development.  相似文献   

The study of mice with spontaneous and targeted mutations has uncovered a signaling pathway that controls neuronal positioning during mammalian brain development. Mice with disruptions in reelin, dab1, or both vldlr and apoER2 are ataxic, and they exhibit severe lamination defects within several brain structures. Reelin is a secreted extracellular protein that binds to the very low density lipoprotein receptor and the apolipoprotein E receptor 2 on the surface of neurons. Disabled-1 (Dab1), an intracellular adapter protein containing a PTB (phosphotyrosine binding) domain, is tyrosyl-phosphorylated during embryogenesis, but it accumulates in a hypophosphorylated form in mice lacking Reelin or both very low density lipoprotein receptor and apolipoprotein E receptor 2. Dab1 is rapidly phosphorylated when neurons isolated from embryonic brains are stimulated with Reelin, and several tyrosines have been implicated in this response. Mice with phenylalanine substitutions of all five tyrosines (Tyr(185), Tyr(198), Tyr(200), Tyr(220), and Tyr(232)) exhibit a reeler phenotype, implying that tyrosine phosphorylation is critical for Dab1 function. Here we report that, although Src can phosphorylate all five tyrosines in vitro, Tyr(198) and Tyr(220) represent the major sites of Reelin-induced Dab1 phosphorylation in embryonic neurons.  相似文献   

Dopaminergic D2 receptor agonists, such as bromocriptine, are potent anti-proliferative agents in the treatment of human pituitary adenomas. We have reproduced the anti-proliferative effect of dopamine in an established pituitary cell line stably transfected with the rat D2 dopamine receptor cDNA. We found that dopaminergic inhibition of DNA synthesis parallels the stimulation of a phosphotyrosine phosphatase activity. Both actions are blocked by pertussis toxin and by the phosphotyrosine phosphatase inhibitor, vanadate. We suggest that the anti-proliferative action of dopamine is mediated, at least in part, by the dopaminergic stimulation of a phosphotyrosine phosphatase.  相似文献   

Activity of phosphotyrosine - protein phosphatases (PTPases) has been investigated in the different cellular regions of bovine eye lens. PTPases were tested in cellular detergent extracts using phospholabelled synthetic peptides and p-nitrophenyl phosphate. We show that a high PTPase activity is only present in cells which undergo differentiation, namely the equatorial epithelium and cortex fiber cells. Since this activity is found to be severely inhibited by a specific inhibitor of receptor - type PTPases, it can be suggested that one or more members of this class of PTPases might play an important role in the lens differentiation process.  相似文献   

A continuous activity assay for protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs), employing phosphotyrosine (P-Tyr) as a substrate, has been developed and applied to measure the activities of two purified enzymes, namely, the full length T-cell protein tyrosine phosphatase (TC PTP) and its truncated form (TC delta C11 PTP). The reaction was followed by changes in ultraviolet absorption and fluorescence resulting from the dephosphorylation of P-Tyr. Both enzymes obey Michaelis-Menten kinetics, with Km = 304 microM, Vmax = 62,000 units/mg for TC PTP and Km = 194 microM, Vmax = 73,000 units/mg for TC delta C11 PTP. The D- and L-forms of P-Tyr are equally effective as substrates. The optimum pH for both enzymes is 4.75. The known effectors of PTPs have the predicted effects on catalytic activity.  相似文献   

The protein phosphatase 1cgamma (PP1cgamma) gene is required for spermatogenesis. Males homozygous for a null mutation are sterile, and display both germ cell and Sertoli cell defects. As these two cell types are physically and functionally intimately connected in the testis, the question arises as to whether the primary site of PP1cgamma action is in Sertoli cells, germ cells, or both. We generated chimeric males by embryo aggregation to test whether wild type Sertoli cells are capable of rescuing mutant germ cells. To distinguish between the desired XY-XY chimeras and uninformative XX-XY chimeras, we designed an adaptation of the single nucleotide primer extension (SNuPE) assay. None of the XY-XY chimeras sired pups derived from mutant germ cells, indicating that the protein is required in germ cells for production of functional sperm. Analysis of a chimeric testis revealed intermediate phenotypes when compared with PP1cgamma-/- testes, suggestive of cell nonautonomous effects. We conclude that PP1cgamma is required in a cell autonomous fashion in germ cells. There may be an additional cell nonautonomous role played by this gene in testes, possibly mediated by defective signaling between germ cells and Sertoli cells.  相似文献   

In this study we compare the effect of CD3 and CD2 ligation on tyrosine kinase activation in human peripheral blood T cells. Using antiphosphotyrosine antibody to detect tyrosine phosphorylation of cellular substrates, we demonstrate that mAb stimulation of either CD3 or CD2 results in tyrosine phosphorylation of the TCR-zeta chain and 135- and 100-kDa proteins. However, differences are observed between CD3 and CD2 ligation; only the former results in rapid tyrosine phosphorylation of 72-, 65-, and 40-kDa substrates. Co-aggregation of CD2 and CD45, a tyrosine phosphatase, results in inhibition of intracellular calcium elevation and T cell proliferation. We demonstrate in this study that this manipulation also inhibits polyphosphoinositide hydrolysis and tyrosine phosphorylation of the 100-kDa substrate. The failure of tyrosine phosphorylation of the 100-kDa substrate is specific in that phosphorylation of the 135-kDa protein is not inhibited. Similar results are observed when CD2 and CD45 are independently cross-linked rather than co-aggregated. The observation that CD45 cross-linking alters tyrosine phosphorylation of T cell substrates and effects polyphosphoinositide hydrolysis is further evidence that tyrosine phosphorylation regulates early events in T cell activation including, perhaps, phospholipase C activity.  相似文献   

Treatment with 1000 units/ml of murine beta-interferon enhanced an adenylate kinaselike activity and markedly increased the level of L-alpha-phosphatidyl inositol 4-monophosphate in quiescent BALB/c-3T3 cells. The addition of platelet-derived growth factor (22 units/ml) or poly(I).poly(C) (0.3-1 microgram/ml) to the phosphorylation reaction mixture did not alter this interferon action.  相似文献   

A preliminary characterization of the protein phosphotyrosine phosphatase (PT-Pase) activity in human peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) has been made using two tyrosine-containing peptides and the epidermal growth factor receptor from A-431 cells as substrates. High PTPase activity with a pH optimum near 7.4 was observed in both the membrane and the cytosolic fractions. At least three distinct fractions with PTPase activity were separated on DEAE cellulose columns, indicating that the enzyme is heterogeneous. Vanadate, molybdate, and salts of zinc, copper, and mercury were all effective enzyme inhibitors, although the inhibition was generally incomplete and showed some variation with the enzyme preparation. The difficulty in completely inhibiting PTPase activity in lymphocytes may help explain the variation between laboratories in studies of tyrosine phosphorylation in these cells. Studies with highly purified T lymphocytes obtained by filtration of PBL through nylon wool columns indicated that the activity is present in T cells. Absorption with agarose containing anti-HLe-I, a mouse monoclonal lgGi antibody specific for the leukocyte-specific surface protein T-200 (CD45), removed up to 40% of the PTPase activity. Enzyme activity was recovered on the immunoadsorbent after extensive washing, confirming that the enzyme was being bound to the beads. Immunoabsorbents containing other mouse lgGi antibodies failed to bind PTPase activity, indicating that the binding to beads with anti-HLe-I antibody is specific. Further characterization of the CD45 and PTPase activities in lymphocytes may provide a better under standing of the role of protein tyrosine phosphorylation in the regulation of proliferation and differentiation in these cells.  相似文献   

The ability of dividing canine prostatic epithelial cells in primary monolayers to phosphorylate protein tyrosyl residues was evaluated by metabolic studies performed through incorporation of [32P]-phosphate into alkali-resistant phosphoproteins and by the assay of their tyrosine protein kinase activity. The presence of sodium orthovanadate during cell incubation with [32P]-phosphate greatly enhanced the relative labelling intensity of a 44 kDa alkali-resistant phosphoprotein and the total cellular content of phosphotyrosine in proteins; in this respect, growth factors such as epidermal growth factor, insulin, and insulin-like growth factor I, and the steroids dihydrotestosterone and estradiol were inactive. When the cells were solubilized, sodium orthovanadate stimulated their tyrosine protein kinase activity and inhibited their phosphotyrosine phosphatase activity. To characterize the tyrosine protein kinase of these cultured cells, conditions for optimal activity were established using the substrate poly [Glu80Na, Tyr20]. The subcellular localization of the enzyme was determined upon cell fractionation: 88% of the kinase activity was associated with the particulate fraction and 30% of this activity was partially solubilized with 0.5% Triton X-100; this solubilization was improved to 83% in the presence of 0.25 M KCI. The enzyme directly solubilized from prostatic cells with Triton X-100 (38% of activity) mainly catalyzed the alkali-resistant phosphorylation of pp63, pp59, and pp44, which contained phosphotyrosine. These proteins were also phosphorylated by the major peak of kinase activity which was eluted at an apparent molecular weight of 300-350 kDa upon gel filtration.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Src family protein tyrosine kinases (PTKs) play an essential role in antigen receptor-initiated lymphocyte activation. Their activity is largely regulated by a negative regulatory tyrosine which is a substrate for the activating action of the CD45 phosphotyrosine phosphatase (PTPase) or, conversely, the suppressing action of the cytosolic p50csk PTK. Here we report that CD45 was phosphorylated by p50csk on two tyrosine residues, one of them identified as Tyr-1193. This residue was not phosphorylated by T-cell PTKs p56lck and p59fyn. Tyr-1193 was phosphorylated in intact T cells, and phosphorylation increased upon treatment with PTPase inhibitors, indicating that this tyrosine is a target for a constitutively active PTK. Cotransfection of CD45 and csk into COS-1 cells caused tyrosine phosphorylation of CD45 in the intact cells. Tyrosine-phosphorylated CD45 bound p56lck through the SH2 domain of the kinase. Finally, p50csk-mediated phosphorylation of CD45 caused a severalfold increase in its PTPase activity. Our results show that direct tyrosine phosphorylation of CD45 can affect its activity and association with Src family PTKs and that this phosphorylation could be mediated by p50csk. If this is also true in the intact cells, it adds a new dimension to the physiological function of p50csk in T lymphocytes.  相似文献   

The antigen receptor complex on murine MHC class II-restricted T cells consists of disulfide-linked alpha and beta chains noncovalently associated with four additional polypeptides, two that are endoglycosaminidase F-sensitive, gp26 and gp21, and two that are endoglycosaminidase F-resistant, p25 and p16. We demonstrate here that treatment of murine T cell hybridomas with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate results in phosphorylation of p25 and gp21 on serine residues. However, activation of cells by antigen results in the phosphorylation of the gp21 chain and a heretofore unidentified 21 kd protein. This newly defined polypeptide, p21, is specifically immunoprecipitated with the antigen receptor complex, is endoglycosaminidase F-resistant, and is itself part of a disulfide-linked molecule. Unlike antigen-induced phosphorylation of gp21, which occurs on serine residues, phosphorylation of p21 occurs uniquely on tyrosine residues.  相似文献   

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