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Polyploidisation in hepatocytes has been associated with many physiologic and pathologic processes such as proliferation, metabolism, regeneration, aging, and cancer. We studied gene expression patterns in hepatocytes of different ploidy. Primary hepatocytes were obtained from mice of different ages: young (4-6 weeks old), adult (8-10 weeks old), and older (22-24 weeks old). Diploid (2N), tetraploid (4N), and octoploid (8N) hepatocytes were isolated for studies using a high-density mouse genome microarray. No major changes of gene expression patterns between hepatocytes of different ploidy were found. Fifty genes were identified as differentially expressed in the diploid and tetraploid populations, but the changes were less than twofold either way. Four genes (Gas2, Igfbp2, Nr1i3, and Ccne2) were differentially expressed in tetraploid and octoploid cells. This was confirmed in two age groups, "adult" and "older," but once again the factors were less than twofold and the expressions of Gas2 and Igfbp2 were more different between age groups than between ploidy classes. Our results show that polyploid hepatocytes are stable and "normal" without aberrant gene expression, unlike what is thought for cancer cells. By contrast to megakaryocytes, hepatocyte polyploidisation is not a differentiation step associated with major changes in gene expression. Our data support the hypothesis that hepatocyte polyploidisation is a protective mechanism against oxidative stress that occurs via a controlled process throughout growth and aging where binucleation is important.  相似文献   

Expansins are essential components of plant cell wall and play an important role in plant growth, development, and stress resistance via loosening function. To understand the codon usage pattern of expansin genes, we gained the sequence data of expansin genes from eight plant species. Statistics analysis showed obvious codon characteristics between monocot and dicot plants. Comparably, expansin genes in monocot plants had really higher GC content, more high-frequency codons, and more optimal codons than that in dicot plants. Several monocot plants performed somehow as dicot plants in a few characters. Codon information of expansin genes might contribute to the understanding of the relationship and evolution clues between monocot and dicot plants. It further gained insight into the improvement of the gene expression and roles.  相似文献   

利用在多种应激条件下酵母的基因表达谱数据 ,分别计算互作蛋白质及复合物亚基编码基因的表达相关性。结果发现 ,相对于随机对照组 ,互作蛋白质的编码基因与蛋白质复合物的编码基因表达相关性均显著 (P <0 .0 1) ,即互作蛋白质及复合物亚基有共表达的倾向。通过比较 ,进一步发现蛋白质复合物亚基的基因表达相关性显著高于互作蛋白质的基因表达相关性 (P <0 .0 1) ,这与复合物亚基之间功能联系强于定义不甚确切的互作蛋白之间功能联系现象吻合。  相似文献   

Bathymodiolus mussels associated with deep-sea hydrothermal vents and cold seeps harbor chemosynthetic endosymbiotic bacteria in bacteriocytes located in the gill epithelium. Two distinct morphotypes of γ-proteobacteria, sulfur- and methane-oxidizing, have been identified and form a dual symbiosis in B. azoricus mussels from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and in B. aff. boomerang from cold seeps in the Gulf of Guinea. Thiotrophic bacteria (SOX) are capable of fixing CO2 in the presence of sulfide or thiosulfate and methanotrophic bacteria (MOX) use methane both as a carbon and an energy source. In this study we used quantitative real-time PCR to test whether symbiont abundance and gene expression varied between the two mussel species. Results showed that B. azoricus from two hydrothermal sites had similar ratios and gene expression pattern for both symbiont types. In B. aff. boomerang, SOX ratio and ATP sulfurylase gene expression show differences between specimens collected on the different sites. Analysis of symbiont ratios in both species indicated a clear dominance of MOX symbionts in B. aff. boomerang and SOX symbionts in B. azoricus. We also evidenced that the species from the deeper sites (B. aff. boomerang) and mussels collected from sulfur and methane rich habitats showed higher symbiont ratio suggesting that environmental parameters may have significant impacts on the symbiont ratios in Bathymodiolus mussels.  相似文献   

J. C. Hawke  R. M. Leech 《Planta》1990,181(4):543-546
The cellular amounts and cellular activities of acetyl CoA carboxylase (ACC; EC were determined in the first leaves of diploid, tetraploid and hexaploid species of Triticum (wheat). Per leaf the ACC activities were very similar in T. monococcum (2 ), T. dicoccum (4 ) and T. aestivum (6 ). The ACC activity per chloroplast also showed little variation between species of different ploidy but since chloroplast number increases with ploidy, the ACC activities and ACC amounts per cell also increased with ploidy. These cellular increases in ACC amounts associated with increases in gene dosage were highly co-ordinated in the diploids T. monococcum and T. tauschii and their respective autotetraploids so the specific activity of ACC was highly conserved in these plants. The relevance of these findings to attempts to genetically manipulate lipid biosynthesis in chloroplasts is discussed.Abbreviation ACC acetyl CoA carboxylase We are very grateful to Dr. Kevin Pyke and Miss Jo Marrison for many helpful discussions and to Dr. Collin Law for the generous gift of seeds.  相似文献   

Differential gene expression was analyzed after infection with Phytophthora infestans in six potato cultivars with different levels of resistance to late blight. To verify the infection of the potato leaflets, the amount of phytopathogen mRNA within the plant material was quantified by real-time quantitative PCR. The expression of 182 genes selected from two subtracted cDNA libraries was studied with cDNA array hybridization using RNA from non-infected and infected potato leaflets. Gene up- and down-regulation were clearly detectable in all cultivars 72 h post inoculation. Gene expression patterns in susceptible cultivars differed from those in potato varieties with a higher level of resistance. In general, a stronger gene induction was observed in the susceptible cultivars compared to the moderately to highly resistant potato varieties. Five genes with the highest homology to stress and/or defence-related genes were induced specifically in the susceptible cultivars. Four genes responded to pathogen attack independently of the level of resistance of the cultivar used, and three genes were repressed in infected tissue of most cultivars. Even in the absence of P. infestans infection, six genes showed higher expression levels in the somewhat resistant cultivars Bettina and Matilda. Possible reasons for the different levels of gene expression are discussed.  相似文献   

Species belonging to the Amaryllidaceae (Zephyranthes and Habranthus) were analyzed by banding with chromomycin A3 (CMA)/4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) fluorochromes. The patterns of bands were studied in seven species of Zephyranthes Herb. and one of Habranthus Herb. Subterminal and interstitial DAPI+ bands were observed in Z. robusta 2n?=?12 and Z. brachyandra 2n?=?24. Other species showed no AT-rich heterochromatin. In species with 2n?=?12, CMA+ bands were observed on one chromosome pair of Z. robusta and Zephyranthes sp., while in Z. sylvatica an additional small terminal band in the fifth chromosome pair was observed. Z. rosea and Z. grandiflora presented with 2n?=?24 and had four CMA+ bands, while in Z. brachyandra, with 2n?=?24?+?1B, there were eight interstitial dot bands and a larger terminal band in the short arm of the B chromosome. Z. candida with 2n?=?38 presented CMA+ heterochromatin blocks on the long arms of five metacentric pairs and in the short arm of one of the submetacentric pairs; in addition a terminal band was observed on the long arm of one of the homologues of a larger submetacentric pair. H. itaobinus showed a heterozygous pair revealing a strong CMA+ band in only one of the homologues, likely a nucleolus organizing region. Taxonomic implications and karyotype evolution of this group are discussed and correlated with previous data from the literature.  相似文献   

崔红  冀浩  杨惠绢  肖炳光  曾建敏  邓云龙 《生态学报》2011,31(11):3143-3149
利用cDNA芯片技术,对同一烟草品种(Nicotina tabacum L cv. K326)、不同生态区(典型的浓香型烟区-河南平顶山和典型的清香型烟区-云南玉溪)、同一叶位(中部叶)、相同叶龄(60天)的叶片腺毛基因表达谱进行了比较研究,共发现有效差异表达基因445个。其中,与光合色素代谢、光合作用以及类萜生物合成相关基因在河南烟叶腺毛中高表达,与碳水化合物、蛋白质分解代谢过程相关的基因在云南烟叶腺毛中高表达;防御过程相关基因在两生态区均有高表达。该结果表明, 烟草叶面腺毛的基因表达水平受到生态因素的调控,生态因素有可能通过影响腺毛的物质代谢和分泌,从而对烟叶风格形成产生一定的影响。  相似文献   

Comparative analysis of different satellite DNAs in four Mytilus species.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We report the characterization of three satellite DNAs in four species of mussel: Mytilus edulis, Mytilus galloprovincialis, Mytilus trossulus, and Mytilus californianus. The monomers of the Apa I satellite DNAs were 173, 161, and 166 bp long. These satellite monomers were used to construct phylogenetic trees to infer relationships among these species. The topologies obtained clearly indicate that M. californianus is the most divergent species with respect to the other three. Furthermore, localization of satellite DNAs on metaphase chromosomes was performed using fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). Fluorescent signals revealed a different organization and distribution of these three satellite DNAs.  相似文献   

Isozyme zymograms of esterase (EST), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), malate dehydrogenase (MDH) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) were analysed by polyacrylamide gradient gel electrophoresis at different developmental stages of embryogenesis in 4 types of various ploidy crucian carp embryos, including haploids, diploids, natural triploids, and multiple tetraploids, and 2 types of haploid and diploid common carp embryos. Haploid embryos of crucian carp (Carassius auratus) and common carp (Cyprinus carpio) were produced by treating eggs with UV-irradiated milt from blunt snout bream (Megalobrama amblycephala). Natural triploid embryos were obtained from the eggs of gynogenetic silver crucian carp (Carassius auratus gibelio) inseminated with milt from red common carp. Multiple tetraploid embryos were also produced by gynogenesis from eggs of the newly discovered multiple tetraploid females inseminated with milt from red common carp. Gradient gel electrophoresis indicated that the band types and staining intensity of 4 isozymes expressed in haploid embryos of crucian carp and red common carp were similar to that in the correlative diploid embryos. In natural triploid silver crucian carp embryos, the zymograms of MDH and SOD isozymes were identical with that of diploid crucian carp embryos, but the EST and LDH isozymes manifested more new enzyme bands in comparison with diploid embryos. The corresponding expressed products of some bands in the triploid embryos, such as EST5 and EST6, could be observed also in red common carp embryos, which provided evidence for hybrid origin about the gynogenetic fish. The multiple tetraploids incorporated one foreign genome of red common carp, therefore, the effects of genes from the foreign genome could be observed in the multiple tetraploid embryos. Gene expression of the isozymes in the tetraploid embryos was somewhat similar to that in hybrids. Owing to interaction of triploid silver crucian carp genomes and common carp haploid genome, some isozyme bands, such as EST5 and EST6, changed in quantity, and some bands increased, such as s-SOD1, s-SOD2, s-SOD3 and s-SOD4 in the tetraploid embryos. Moreover, the heterogeneity was revealed among embryos developed from gynogenetic eggs of 3 different multiple tetraploid individuals.  相似文献   

Enzymatic activities of three types of serum albumin—rat, bovine and human—were analyzed comparatively using a mathematical model. Kinetic and equilibrium constants of carboxylesterase and paraoxonase activities of albumin in Sudlow’s sites I and II were determined. The effects of specific ligands, ibuprofen and warfarin, on enzyme kinetics in these sites were studied. Ibuprofen was found to have an inhibitory effect both on carboxylesterase and paraoxonase albumin activities, whereas warfarin specifically inhibited only carboxylesterase albumin activity.  相似文献   

Binary expression systems are of key interest to functional gene analysis by over- or misexpression. The application of such systems in diverse organisms would allow the study of many biological problems not addressable in model organisms. Here we report a set of constructs and an effective kinetic approach to quantitatively compare a series of diverse binary expression systems based on GAL4/UAS, LexA/(LL)(4) and tetracycline-controlled tTA/TRE. By the use of these constructs, we could show that in Drosophila melanogaster the yeast-derived GAL4/UAS systems are more effective in activating responder gene expression than the bacterial-derived LexA/(LL)(4) and tTA/TRE systems. The constructs are embedded in broad-range piggyBac-based transposon vectors and the transactivators are driven by the widely applicable 3xP3 promoter. These constructs should therefore be transferable to evaluate the functionality of binary expression systems in non-model insect species.  相似文献   

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