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Mercurialis annua L. is a dioecious anemophilous species thatflowers all year round in central and southern Italy. The flowersof both sexes are dimorphic: the female flower has a vestigialcalyx; the male flower consists only of a calyx that opens atanthesis. The anthers always dehisce after anthesis. The anthesisof male flowers seems to be temperature dependent, whereas antherdehiscence is related to relative humidity. The pollen grainsvary in volume according to the season: they are smaller whenrelative humidity is low and vice versa. They always decreasein volume after anther dehiscence and have the capacity to varyin volume and reach equilibrium with a changing environment.Viability is high, but may drop suddenly during heavy rain orhail that damage the exposed male flowers. The number of pollengrains per stigma varies from 0 to 300. The data is discussedin relation to the type of pollination and environmental characteristics.Copyright1994, 1999 Academic Press Mercurialis annua, dioecism, anthesis, anther dehiscence, pollen volume, pollen viability, anemophilous pollination, pollination ecology  相似文献   

Structural and cytochemical details of the pistil and the interactionof pollen and pistil were studied in a non-pseudogamous apomict,Commiphorawightii.The anthers in the male and bisexual flowers producefunctional pollen grains. The stigma is of the wet and papillatetype. The style is typically solid with two strands of transmittingtissue that traverse the entire length of the style. There isa marked reduction in the area occupied by the transmittingtissue from the stigma to the base of the style. The cells ofthe transmitting tissue are isodiametric in transverse as wellas longitudinal section and do not form longitudinal files ofelongated cells as reported for other taxa. Proteins could notbe localized in the intercellular matrix. Although pollen grainsgerminate on the stigma, pollen tubes do not grow beyond theproximal one third of the style. Changed orientation of thecells of the transmitting tissue and absence of proteins inthe intercellular matrix could account for the failure of thepistil to support pollen growth.Copyright 1998 Annals of BotanyCompany Guggul, pollen-pistil interaction, non-pseudogamous apomict,Commiphora wightii, transmitting tissue  相似文献   

Floral biology and pollination mechanism of theAcaciahybrid(A. mangiumWilld. xA. auriculiformisA. Cunn. ex Benth.) growingin Thailand are investigated using light and electron microscopy.The hybrid is andromonoecious. A floral spike consists of about150 loosely arranged flowers. Flowers are cream coloured, fragrantand have no floral nectaries. The pistil has a solid style witha smooth, wet stigma and amphitropous ovules with immature integuments.The anther consists of eight loculi, each bearing only one 16-grainpolyad. The flowers are weakly protogynous. Anthesis is completeat 0500–0600 h but peak female receptivity begins at 0200–0300h and is completed that day. The stigmatic exudate is of thelipophilic type and is secreted from the stigmatic cells bya holocrine mechanism. Pollen is the main floral reward forthe insect pollinators. There are several floral characteristicswhich facilitate pollen transfer from anthers and depositionon stigmas.Apis melliferaandCeratinasp. are the most effectivepollinators because they are the most common visitors and carrya heavy load of hybrid polyads. However, their behaviour inforaging for pollen in the same tree and weak protogynous dichogamymay promote self-pollination in the hybrid. The hybrid has lowpollination success due to low pollinator number. An increasein exposure time of flowers to pollinators or pollinator numbermay increase pollination success but may not affect the rateof pollen deposition on stigmas due to the relatively smallsize of the stigma in relation to the polyad.Copyright 1998Annals of Botany Company Acaciahybrid,Acacia mangium, Acacia auriculiformis, pollination, pistil receptivity, anthesis, pollinators.  相似文献   

MURRAY  B. G. 《Annals of botany》1990,65(6):691-698
Observations on the floral biology of Luculia gratissima (Rubiaceae)showed that this species is distylous with complementary positioningof anthers and stigmas in the two floral forms. Unusual featuresof distyly in this species include the larger size of the corolla,the stigma surface and the stigmatic papillae in the thrum flowerscompared to the pin ones. Stigmatic surfaces have similar secretionsbut they appear more copious in thrum than pin. The floral dimorphismwas accompanied by a very effective self-incompatibility systemand no seed was set on selfing. Seed number per capsule on crossingwas significantly greater in thrum flowers compared to pin.Incompatible pollen tubes were inhibited within 24 h at thebase of the stigma/top of the style in both morphs. Amputationof this region of the gynoecium removed the self-incompatibilityreaction in thrum but not pin flowers. Pollination with a mixtureof compatible and incompatible pollen and sequential pollinationwith self followed by cross pollen showed that there were interactionsbetween the two types of pollen tube. The presence of compatibletubes was found to cause the excessive swelling of the pollen-tubetip of the incompatible ones. The incompatible tubes did notappear to have any effect on the growth of compatible ones. Luculia gratissima, distyly, floral biology, self-incompatibility, pollen-tube interactions  相似文献   

Experimental evidence is presented that there exists an antherprotein that is reactive with a polyclonal antiserum raisedagainst the stigma S-glycoprotein of the S8-homozygote of Brassicacampestris. The antiserum did not react with extracts of seeds,ovaries or leaves. Since this antiserum did not react with thepolysaccharide residues similar to those in S-glycoprotein,it was considered capable of identifying S-glycoprotein-likeproteins in anthers (SA-protein: S-glycopro-tein-like antherprotein). The SA-protein generated a single distinct band ata pI of about 5.0 on blots of gels after isoelectric focusingand three spots at 29 kDa and 83 kDa on blots of two-dimensionalgels, which were different from those of stigma S-glycoprotein.The SA-protein did not contain polysaccharide residue that reactedwith Con A. No allelic differences in pI were found for theSA-protein within a given species, while such differences arecommon in stigma S-glycoprotein. The SA-protein appeared inanthers at the uninucleate microspore stage which is much earlierthan the stage at which the stigma S-xglycoprotein appears.It is present in anther walls rather than in the pollen of matureanthers. The SA-protein is considered to play an important rolein sporophytic control of self-incompatibility. (Received April 2, 1991; Accepted July 24, 1991)  相似文献   

Pollination and stigma wounding: same response, different signal?   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
In Petunia hybrida flowers, both pollination and stigma woundinginduced a transient Increase in ethylene production and hastenedcorolla senescence. Ethylene production by different flowerparts was measured in situ using laser photoacoustic (LPA) spectroscopy.In pollinated flowers, ethylene was exclusively produced bythe stigma/style region whereas wounding of the stigma Inducedethylene production both by the stigma/style region and by theremaining flower parts. In aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG)-treatedflowers, subsequent treatment of the unwounded stigma with 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylicacid (ACC) induced ethylene production exclusively by the stigma/styleregion whereas treatment of a previously wounded stigma withACC induced a simultaneous increase in ethylene production bythe stigma/style region and the remaining flower parts. Theseresults suggest that following stigma wounding, either ACC orethylene is involved in inter-organ communication. Followingpollination, the signal is apparently not directly related toethylene. In vivo ACC oxidase activity of most flower parts, includingthe gynoecium, was higher in light than in dark. Light or darkdid not influence the relative contributions of stigma/styleand remaining flower parts to the total pollination, woundingor ACC-induced ethylene production, indicating that ACC is nottranslocated. Both in excised styles and intact flowers, radiolabelledACC and its analogue -aminoisobutyric acid (AIB), applied eitherto an intact or wounded stigma, were largely immobile confirmingthat ACC is not likely to play a role in inter-organ signalling. The results collectively suggest that following stigma wounding,translocation of ethylene may be the signal responsible forinitiation of corolla senescence; following pollination thesignal is not directly related to ethylene. Key words: 1-Aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC), ethylene, flower senescence, Petunia hybrida, pollination, stigma wounding  相似文献   

PETTITT  J. M. 《Annals of botany》1980,45(3):257-271
This paper describes the characteristics of the pollen and thereceptive surfaces of the stigmas in the three marine angiospermsincluded in the Hydrocharitaceae. The pollen in Enhalus acoroidesand Thalassia hemprichii is spherical and has an ornamentedexine. An exine layer is not found in Halophila stipulacea wherereniform pollen grains are contained within transparent moniliformtubes. Cytochemical tests show that the pollen wall in the threespecies contains acidic and neutral polysaccharides and acidhydrolase acitivity is detected in the intine of H. stipulaceaand T. hemprichii. In Thalassia, one of the intine enzymes,acid phosphatase, is unambiguously associated with cytoplasmicinclusions. Flowering in Thalassia is coincident with the spring tides andthe pollen is released as a mass suspended in a thecal slimewhich contains approximately 5 per cent by weight carbohydrate,the principal mono-saccharide being mannose. Electrophoreticanalysis of the pollen-free slime shows a single glycoproteincomponent. The stigmas of the three seagrasses are papillate and of the‘dry’ type possessing a continuous protein-aceouspellicle subtended by a cuticle. The stigma pellicle exhibitscytochemically detectable esterase activity and binds the lectinconcanavalin A. Acid phosphatase activity is localized beneaththe cuticle at the tips of the stigma papillae. The discoveries show that the characteristics of the pollenand stigmas in the seagrasses are comparable with those foundin terrestrial flowering plants. The similarity in enzymaticproperites of the pollen wall and stigma pellicle suggests that,intriguingly, a similar mechanism of cuticle erosion might wellfollow compatible pollination both on land and in the sea. Enhalus acoroides, Thalassia hemprichii, Halophila stipulacea, Halophila decipiens, seagrasses pollen wall, stigma surface, hydrolytic enzymes  相似文献   

YI-BO  LUO; ZHEN-YU  LI 《Annals of botany》1999,83(5):489-499
Flowering and pollination biology ofChloranthus serratusandChloranthusfortuneiwere studied. Flowering took place from early Marchto mid–April inCh. fortunei, and from April to September,the whole growth period, inCh. serratus.The flowering periodof an inflorescence ofCh. serratusaveraged about 8 d and anthesisof a single flower was 5–6 d. Flowers are slightly protogynous.The flower emitted fragrance when the androecium became white.Both species are entomophilous with thrips as exclusive pollinators.Under natural conditions, fruit set occurs mainly as a resultof cross-pollination, but self-pollination and agamospermy mayoccur in some cases. In flowers ofCh. fortuneiandCh. serratus,theincurved androecium, the carpel and the spike axis form a nearlyclosed chamber that contains the anthers and stigma. The developmentof a floral-axial chamber may be an important step towards amore economical and effective pollination system. Floral morphology,pollination biology and fossil evidence suggest that the mainevolutionary trend in the genusChloranthusis towards developmentof ‘closed’ flowers. The fidelity of the relationshipbetweenChloranthusand thrips is regarded as a specialized featureof pollination biology and this relationship may have originatedearly in the evolutionary lineage.Copyright 1999 Annals of BotanyCompany Chloranthaceae,Chloranthus, Thysanoptera,flowering, floral-axial chamber, pollination, evolution trends.  相似文献   

Stigma-surface esterase activity and stigma receptivity througha sequence of developmental stages of the pistil have been studiedin four taxa characterized by having wet stigmas — Petuniahybrida, Nicotiana tabacum, Crinum defixum and Amaryllis vittata.The style is solid in the first two and hollow in the lattertwo taxa. In all the taxa, stigma—surface esterase couldbe detected in a thin surface layer (pellicle) from a very earlystage of pistil development, irrespective of the presence orabsence of the exudate. However, the taxa showed variation instigma receptivity. In Petunia and Nicotiana, stigmas from pistilsof all the stages supported pollen germination and tube growth.In Amaryllis and Crinum, stigmas of only the mature pistils,when the exudate is present on the stigma, supported normalpollen germination and tube growth. It is inferred that in taxacharacterized by a wet stigma and solid style, the factors requiredfor pollen germination are present from an early stage of pistildevelopment and the exudate per se is not involved in pollengermination. In taxa characterized by a wet stigma and hollowstyle, however, the pellicle does not carry the factors requiredfor pollen germination and tube growth; they appear to be presentin the exudate. Petunia hybrida Vilm, Nicotiana tabacum L., Crinum defixum, Ker-Gawl, Amaryllis vittata Ait., tobacco, pollination, pollen germination, stigmatic exudate, stigma receptivity, stigma-surface esterase, esterase activity  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of Grevillea robusta growing underexotic conditions in Kenya and Australia is reported. The speciesshowed both protandry and a self-incompatibility mechanism.The stigma was wet and papillate with a distinct groove in themiddle. The anthers dehisced prior to anthesis, when the perianthopened. Stigmatic receptivity began 1 d after anthesis, withthe greatest pollen germination rates and longest pollen tubesobtained 2 d after anthesis. Nectar secretion commenced withpollen dehiscence and was abundant at anthesis. Most stigmaticgrooves opened widely 1–2 d after anthesis and stigmasshowed taller papillae and abundant secretion. Controlled pollinationsgave a greater fruit set from cross-pollination (5.9% in Apriland 17.5% in July) than open-pollination (0.1% in April and3.3% in July). No fruit set from self-pollination was obtainedin April, and very few fruit set for geitonogamous (two outof 1622; 0.1%) or for autogamous (one out of 2707 flowers; 0.04%)pollination treatments in July. Following self-pollination,growth of pollen tubes was poorer than in other treatments,and was generally arrested in the upper style. Cross-pollinatedflowers produced normal and straight pollen tubes, while self-pollentubes had growth abnormalities. Most of the open-pollinatedflowers were found without pollen or with only self-pollen ontheir stigmas indicating that the amount of cross-pollen reachingthe stigma under open-pollination may be a factor limiting seedproduction. Flowers shed soon after the fertilization phasewere those with ungerminated pollen or no pollen. Although avery low rate of selfing may occur, G. robusta presents a self-incompatibilitysystem and allogamy is its primary breeding behaviour.Copyright2000 Annals of Botany Company Grevillea robusta, silky oak, Proteaceae, protandry, controlled pollinations, receptivity, pollen-tube growth, self-incompatibility, pollination  相似文献   

The stigma in Zephyranthes candida and Z. citrina is of thedry type with a continuous cuticle—pellicle. In some papillae,however, the terminal portion of the cuticle—pellicleis lifted upwards and occasionally even disrupted by the accumulationof a secretion product below it. Both non-specific esterasesand acid phosphatases are present on the stigma surface. Thestyle is solid with a central core of transmitting tissue whichhas conspicuous intercellular spaces containing a matrix thatincludes proteins, polysaccharides and pectic substances. Zephyranthes citrina is self-compatible while Z. candida isself-incompatible. Followng incompatible pollination in Z. candida,pollen germination is normal but pollen tube growth is inhibitedat the junction of the stigma and style. Self-incompatibilitycan be overcome by bud pollination. Protein synthesis is necessaryfor pollen germination in both species. Concanavalin A bindsto the stigma surface of both species, but does not affect pollentube penetration in Z. candida. In crosses between the two speciestypical unilateral incompatibility is observed when Z. candidais used as the pistillate parent. Zephyranthes, stigma-surface enzymes, dry stigma, pollen-pistil interaction, self-incompatibility, unilateral-incompatibility  相似文献   

The various pathways of pollen development were investigatedin cultured anthers of Lolium temulentum, Festuca pratensisand the L. multiflorum x F. pratensis hybrid ‘Elmet’.In all three, development from the vegetative cell was the predominantpathway of pollen callus development. However, there were characteristicdifferences in the behaviour of the generative cell. In L. temulentumit remained attached to the pollen wall and degenerated, whereasin F. pratensis it divided. In ‘Elmet’ it detachedfrom the pollen wall and remained undivided. Both polarizedand unpolarized partitioned calluses were observed. Developmentof the fusion product of the vegetative and generative nucleiwere also observed in anthers of L. temulentum. Anomalous grainswere not found to be major source of pollen calluses. Sections of anthers of L. temulentum were used to investigatethe origin of S pollen grains, the small pale-staining grainswhich denote pollen dimorphism. Such grains form out of contactwith the tapetum and are therefore determined before or duringmeiosis (i.e. before harvest of anthers for culture). Sectionswere also used to demonstrate the influence of the durationof pretreatment on the development of the middle layer of theanther wall. Festuca pratensis, Lolium temulentum, Lolium x Festuca, anther culture, haploid, microspore, pollen  相似文献   

Causes of cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) in plants have beenstudied for two decades, and mitochondrial chimeric genes havebeen predicted to induce CMS. However, it is unclear what happensafter CMS-associated proteins accumulate in mitochondria. Inour previous study of microarray analysis, we found that 140genes are aberrantly regulated in anthers of CW-type CMS ofrice (Oryza sativa L.). In the present study, we investigatedDCW11, one of the down-regulated genes in CW-CMS encoding aprotein phosphatase 2C (PP2C). DCW11 mRNA was preferentiallyexpressed in anthers, with the highest expression in maturepollen. As predicted by the N-terminal sequence, DCW11 signalpeptide–green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion proteinwas localized in mitochondria. Knockdown of DCW11 in wild-typerice by RNA interference caused a major loss of seed-set fertility,without visible defect in pollen development. Since this knockdownphenotype resembled that of CW-CMS, we concluded that the down-regulationof DCW11 is correlated with CW-CMS. This idea was supportedby the up-regulation of alternative oxidase 1a (AOX1a), whichis known to be regulated by mitochondrial retrograde signaling,in DCW11 knockdown lines. Down-regulation of DCW11 and up-regulationof AOX1a were also observed in two other types of rice CMS.Our result indicates that DCW11 could play a role as a mitochondrialsignal transduction mediator in pollen germination.  相似文献   

Anthers of Hordeum vulgare cv. Sabarlis at the mid-unicellularpollen stage, pretreated in the excised spike for 14 d at 7°C, dehisce within 24 h of being floated on the surfaceof liquid medium. About half the pollen (1500 grains per anther)is liberated into the medium. If the anthers are then removedand the cultures re-incubated, calluses develop from the shedpollen in high yields. At low anther densities, 10p–20(1–3 x 104 grains) per ml, medium preconditioned by anthersand supplemented with m-inositol (1000 mg 1–1) is required,but at high densities, 120 anthers (2 x 105 grains) per ml,preconditioning is less important, the cultured anthers themselveshaving a sufficient conditioning influence. Large-scale dissectionof anthers can be avoided by use of drops of medium, the volumebeing increased gradually as culture proceeds. Pollen remainingin the anthers after 3 d gives rise to calluses if isolatedmechanically and cultured in the inositol medium. The use ofshed pollen is seen as particularly valuable for culture inspecies whose anthers are small, tedious to dissect out anddifficult to process without severe damage.  相似文献   

Dry, powdery pollen grains were expected from 'buzz pollinated'flower species. However, vibration of Actinidia deliciosa (kiwifruit)anthers (a buzz pollinated species) by a mechanical shaker,at similar vibrations to Bombus terrestris caused clumps ofpollen joined by small droplets of tapetal fluid to be ejected.Pollen that was largely covered with tapetal fluid could notbe removed by vibration, whereas dehydrated pollen was easilyremoved, even without vibration. The late desiccation of A.deliciosa anthers after anthesis meant that pollen removed byvibration depended on the anther maturity. The presence of thedroplets gives insects which vibrate while foraging advantagesover insects which do not. A vibration attachment on a commercialpollen harvester increased the weight of pollen collected by57% over the whole day; 91% in the afternoon.Copyright 1994,1999 Academic Press Actinidia deliciosa, Bombus spp., bumblebees, buzz pollinate, kiwifruit, pollen collection, tapetal fluid, vibration  相似文献   

Structural changes associated with corolla wilting may serve as a mechanism for effecting self-pollination. Low pollinator visitation, high seed production and a corolla that persists after anthesis indicates that Pedicularis dunniana is autogamous. Delayed autonomous self-pollination is facilitated by corolla wilting. Wilting of the upper lip (galea) brought the pollen laden anthers into contact with the stigma resulting in the deposition of self pollen on the stigma. The seed set of flowers either emasculated, or with restrained galeae thus preventing anthers brushing against the stigma, was significantly lower than that of open-pollinated flowers. This demonstrates that autogamy occurs in this species through corolla wilting. Germination experiments indicated that outcross seedlings were more vigorous than selfed seedlings as a result of inbreeding depression. It is likely that autogamy provides reproductive assurance for P. dunniana under conditions of pollinator scarcity.  相似文献   

通过实验观察和野外控制授粉等方法,对天仙子的自交亲和能力和自交传粉机制进行了研究。结果显示:(1)天仙子的花不完全雌性先熟,开花进程中雄蕊伸长是维持其混合交配系统的重要花部特征。(2)野外控制授粉实验证明天仙子的自交亲和性高,具有主动自交能力,主动自交发生的时间集中在晚花期,与花药和柱头接触的时间吻合。(3)在花粉活力和柱头可授期内,花药与柱头的接触能够发生自花授粉,这种依赖花药与柱头接触发生的自花授粉机制属于典型的延迟自交类型。研究表明,天仙子不仅在花结构上首先选择了适于异交的特征,而且还利用雄蕊伸长成功实现自花授粉,通过异交与延迟自交混合的交配系统为该物种提供了灵活的遗传与繁殖保障。  相似文献   

Models of hybrid zones differ in their assumptions about the relative fitnesses of hybrids and the parental species. These fitness relationships determine the form of selection across the hybrid zone and, along with gene flow, the evolutionary dynamics and eventual outcome of natural hybridization. We measured a component of fitness, export and receipt of pollen in single pollinator visits, for hybrids between the herbaceous plants Ipomopsis aggregata and I. tenuituba and for both parental species. In aviary experiments with captive hummingbirds, hybrid flowers outperformed flowers of both parental species by receiving more pollen on the stigma. Although hummingbirds were more effective at removing pollen from anthers of I. aggregata, hybrid flowers matched both parental species in the amount of pollen exported to stigmas of other flowers. These patterns of pollen transfer led to phenotypic stabilizing selection, during that stage of the life cycle, for a stigma position intermediate between that of the two species and to directional selection for exserted anthers. Pollen transfer between the species was high, with flowers of I. aggregata exporting pollen equally successfully to conspecific and I. tenuituba flowers. Although this study showed that natural hybrids enjoy the highest quality of pollinator visits, a previous study found that I. aggregata receives the highest quantity of pollinator visits. Thus, the relative fitness of hybrids changes over the life cycle. By combining the results of both studies, pollinator-mediated selection in this hybrid zone is predicted to be strong and directional, with hybrid fitness intermediate between that of the parental species.  相似文献   

The stigma of Dendrobium speciosum does not correspond to anymorphological category previously described. The stigma lieson the lower surface of the column as an oval, bowl-shaped depressioncontaining a wet, jelly-like, viscid material, which comprisesa large number of elongated, detached cells suspended in a matrix.The stigmatic cells are thick walled and have a vacuolated cytoplasmcontaining amyloplasts. These cells give a positive reactionto fluorescein diacetate indicating that the plasma membraneis intact; this evidence points to the conclusion that the stigmaticcells are not detached, senescent or necrotic papillae. Histochemical staining of the matrix shows high levels of acidicpolysaccharides with low levels of lipids and proteins. Biochemicalanalysis shows this matrix to comprise around 80 per cent uronicacids. This highly specialized stigma may be a further evolutionarydevelopment of the wet papillate stigma resulting from the specialneeds of both pollination and the nutritional support of thelarge number of developing pollen tubes. Stigma, Dendrobium speciosum, Orchidaceae  相似文献   

A simple method for analysis of meiosis in anthers of Arabidopsisthaliana is described. Anthers showing a high frequency of microsporocytesundergoing meiotic divisions were obtained from buds of 18–20-d-oldplants at the rosette stage of growth just prior to bolting.All stages of meiosis were readily observed. Arabidopsis thaliana var. Landsberg erecta, meiosis, chromosomes, anthers  相似文献   

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