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In this study, we compared three different methods used for quantification of gene electrotransfer efficiency: fluorescence microscopy, flow cytometry and spectrofluorometry. We used CHO and B16 cells in a suspension and plasmid coding for GFP. The aim of this study was to compare and analyse the results obtained by fluorescence microscopy, flow cytometry and spectrofluorometry and in addition to analyse the applicability of spectrofluorometry for quantifying gene electrotransfer on cells in a suspension. Our results show that all the three methods detected similar critical electric field strength, around 0.55 kV/cm for both cell lines. Moreover, results obtained on CHO cells showed that the total fluorescence intensity and percentage of transfection exhibit similar increase in response to increase electric field strength for all the three methods. For B16 cells, there was a good correlation at low electric field strengths, but at high field strengths, flow cytometer results deviated from results obtained by fluorescence microscope and spectrofluorometer. Our study showed that all the three methods detected similar critical electric field strengths and high correlations of results were obtained except for B16 cells at high electric field strengths. The results also demonstrated that flow cytometry measures higher values of percentage transfection compared to microscopy. Furthermore, we have demonstrated that spectrofluorometry can be used as a simple and consistent method to determine gene electrotransfer efficiency on cells in a suspension.  相似文献   

The nucleic acid stain SYBR Green I was evaluated for use with solid-phase laser cytometry to obtain total bacterial cell counts from several water sources with small bacterial numbers. Results were obtained within 30 min and exceeded or equaled counts on R2A agar plates incubated for 14 days at room temperature.  相似文献   

Central to the field of bacterial pathogenesis is the ability to define if and how microbes survive after exposure to eukaryotic cells. Current protocols to address these questions include colony count assays, gentamicin protection assays, and electron microscopy. Colony count and gentamicin protection assays only assess the viability of the entire bacterial population and are unable to determine individual bacterial viability. Electron microscopy can be used to determine the viability of individual bacteria and provide information regarding their localization in host cells. However, bacteria often display a range of electron densities, making assessment of viability difficult. This article outlines protocols for the use of fluorescent dyes that reveal the viability of individual bacteria inside and associated with host cells. These assays were developed originally to assess survival of Neisseria gonorrhoeae in primary human neutrophils, but should be applicable to any bacterium-host cell interaction. These protocols combine membrane-permeable fluorescent dyes (SYTO9 and 4'',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole [DAPI]), which stain all bacteria, with membrane-impermeable fluorescent dyes (propidium iodide and SYTOX Green), which are only accessible to nonviable bacteria. Prior to eukaryotic cell permeabilization, an antibody or fluorescent reagent is added to identify extracellular bacteria. Thus these assays discriminate the viability of bacteria adherent to and inside eukaryotic cells. A protocol is also provided for using the viability dyes in combination with fluorescent antibodies to eukaryotic cell markers, in order to determine the subcellular localization of individual bacteria. The bacterial viability dyes discussed in this article are a sensitive complement and/or alternative to traditional microbiology techniques to evaluate the viability of individual bacteria and provide information regarding where bacteria survive in host cells.  相似文献   

Biofilm formation is a general attribute to almost all bacteria 1-6. When bacteria form biofilms, cells are encased in extracellular matrix that is mostly constituted by proteins and exopolysaccharides, among other factors 7-10. The microbial community encased within the biofilm often shows the differentiation of distinct subpopulation of specialized cells 11-17. These subpopulations coexist and often show spatial and temporal organization within the biofilm 18-21.Biofilm formation in the model organism Bacillus subtilis requires the differentiation of distinct subpopulations of specialized cells. Among them, the subpopulation of matrix producers, responsible to produce and secrete the extracellular matrix of the biofilm is essential for biofilm formation 11,19. Hence, differentiation of matrix producers is a hallmark of biofilm formation in B. subtilis.We have used fluorescent reporters to visualize and quantify the subpopulation of matrix producers in biofilms of B. subtilis15,19,22-24. Concretely, we have observed that the subpopulation of matrix producers differentiates in response to the presence of self-produced extracellular signal surfactin 25. Interestingly, surfactin is produced by a subpopulation of specialized cells different from the subpopulation of matrix producers 15.We have detailed in this report the technical approach necessary to visualize and quantify the subpopulation of matrix producers and surfactin producers within the biofilms of B.subtilis. To do this, fluorescent reporters of genes required for matrix production and surfactin production are inserted into the chromosome of B. subtilis. Reporters are expressed only in a subpopulation of specialized cells. Then, the subpopulations can be monitored using fluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry (See Fig 1).The fact that different subpopulations of specialized cells coexist within multicellular communities of bacteria gives us a different perspective about the regulation of gene expression in prokaryotes. This protocol addresses this phenomenon experimentally and it can be easily adapted to any other working model, to elucidate the molecular mechanisms underlying phenotypic heterogeneity within a microbial community.  相似文献   

Methanogenic bacteria, which are presently identified on the basis of cell morphology and substrate conversion to CH4, can be differentiated from nonmethanogens and identified in pure or mixed culture on the basis of their autofluorescence under ultraviolet illumination.  相似文献   

A new method for the rapid and sensitive detection of Legionella pneumophila in hot water systems has been developed. The method is based on an IF assay combined with detection by solid-phase cytometry. This method allowed the enumeration of L. pneumophila serogroup 1 and L. pneumophila serogroups 2 to 6, 8 to 10, and 12 to 15 in tap water samples within 3 to 4 h. The sensitivity of the method was between 10 and 100 bacteria per liter and was principally limited by the filtration capacity of membranes. The specificity of the antibody was evaluated against 15 non-Legionella strains, and no cross-reactivity was observed. When the method was applied to natural waters, direct counts of L. pneumophila were compared with the number of CFU obtained by the standard culture method. Direct counts were always higher than culturable counts, and the ratio between the two methods ranged from 1.4 to 325. Solid-phase cytometry offers a fast and sensitive alternative to the culture method for L. pneumophila screening in hot water systems.  相似文献   

目的:建立一套稳定、简便、快捷,可靠的细菌活的非可培养状态(VBNC)荧光显微镜观察方法。利用市售的黑色钢笔墨水着染微孔滤膜,然后采用手动压片方式,将经LIVE/DEAD BacLightTM Bacterial Viability Kit(13152)染色的细菌样本固定在滤膜上,用落射荧光显微镜直接观察。结果:该法所得的荧光图像背景无光亮且黑暗,菌体荧光、形态、排列等均清晰可见,而且呈现绿色荧光的活菌与呈现红色荧光的死菌较易分辨。与现行技术相比,还能缩短染色时间近12~16h。结论:建立的VBNC细菌荧光观察方法能有效地克服现有技术存在的适用范围狭窄、取材困难、观察结果不准确、操作时间长等缺点,可为细菌VBNC研究提供值得借鉴的方法。  相似文献   

A Comparison of Methods for Counting Viruses in Aquatic Systems   总被引:4,自引:6,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
In this study, we compared different methods—including transmission electron microscopy—and various nucleic acid labeling methods in which we used the fluorochromes 4′,6′-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI), 4-[3-methyl-2,3-dihydro-(benzo-1,3-oxazole)-2-methylmethyledene]-1-(3′-trimethyl ammoniumpropyl)-quinilinium diioide (YOPRO-1), and SYBR Green I, which can be detected by epifluorescence microscopy (EM), for counting viruses in samples obtained from freshwater ecosystems whose trophic status varied and from a culture of T7 phages. From a quantitative and qualitative viewpoint, our results showed that the greatest efficiency for all ecosystems was obtained when we used the EM counting protocol in which YOPRO-1 was the label, as this fluorochrome exhibited strong and very stable fluorescence. A modification of the original protocol in which YOPRO-1 was used is recommended, because this modification makes the protocol faster and allows it to be used for routine analysis of fixed samples. Because SYBR Green I fades very quickly, the use of this fluorochrome is not recommended for systems in which the viral content is very high (>108 particles/ml), such as treated domestic sewage effluents. Experiments in which we used DNase and RNase revealed that the number of viruses determined by EM was slightly overestimated (by approximately 15%) because of interference caused by the presence of free nucleic acids.  相似文献   

Comparison of Methods for Enumerating Fluorescent Bacteria   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Comparable numbers of fluorescent bacteria may be obtained by either the most-probable-number procedure or by preparing spread plates on modified Henrici agar.  相似文献   

Atomic force microscopy (AFM) has emerged as a powerful technique for mapping the surface morphology of biological specimens, including bacterial cells. Besides creating topographic images, AFM enables us to probe both physicochemical and mechanical properties of bacterial cell surfaces on a nanometer scale. For AFM, bacterial cells need to be firmly anchored to a substratum surface in order to withstand the friction forces from the silicon nitride tip. Different strategies for the immobilization of bacteria have been described in the literature. This paper compares AFM interaction forces obtained between Klebsiella terrigena and silicon nitride for three commonly used immobilization methods, i.e., mechanical trapping of bacteria in membrane filters, physical adsorption of negatively charged bacteria to a positively charged surface, and glutaraldehyde fixation of bacteria to the tip of the microscope. We have shown that different sample preparation techniques give rise to dissimilar interaction forces. Indeed, the physical adsorption of bacterial cells on modified substrata may promote structural rearrangements in bacterial cell surface structures, while glutaraldehyde treatment was shown to induce physicochemical and mechanical changes on bacterial cell surface properties. In general, mechanical trapping of single bacterial cells in filters appears to be the most reliable method for immobilization.  相似文献   

Optimization of Procedures for Counting Viruses by Flow Cytometry   总被引:10,自引:5,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
The development of sensitive nucleic acid stains, in combination with flow cytometric techniques, has allowed the identification and enumeration of viruses in aquatic systems. However, the methods used in flow cytometric analyses of viruses have not been consistent to date. A detailed evaluation of a broad range of sample preparations to optimize counts and to promote the consistency of methods used is presented here. The types and concentrations of dyes, fixatives, dilution media, and additives, as well as temperature and length of incubation, dilution factor, and storage conditions were tested. A variety of different viruses, including representatives of phytoplankton viruses, cyanobacteriophages, coliphages, marine bacteriophages, and natural mixed marine virus communities were examined. The conditions that produced optimal counting results were fixation with glutaraldehyde (0.5% final concentration, 15 to 30 min), freezing in liquid nitrogen, and storage at −80°C. Upon thawing, samples should be diluted in Tris-EDTA buffer (pH 8), stained with SYBR Green I (a 5 × 10−5 dilution of commercial stock), incubated for 10 min in the dark at 80°C, and cooled for 5 min prior to analysis. The results from examinations of storage conditions clearly demonstrated the importance of low storage temperatures (at least −80°C) to prevent strong decreases (occasionally 50 to 80% of the total) in measured total virus abundance with time.  相似文献   

根据不同无尾类蝌蚪的实际分布状态,设计了体积面积像素换算法(VAPT法)、样方拍照计数法,并结合经典的标志重捕法,通过对宽阔水国家级自然保护区的中华蟾蜍指名亚种(Bufo gargarizans gargarizans)、泽陆蛙(Fejervarya multistriata)、黑斑侧褶蛙(Pelophylax nigromaculata)蝌蚪群体进行数量资源调查,以探究蝌蚪数量调查的方法及适用性。结果表明,VAPT法、样方拍照计数法具有科学性与适用性,值得探讨。新方法的设计与应用可以对无尾类蝌蚪数量调查方法作有益补充及完善,对无尾类种群数量调查数据的准确与完整性有较大意义。  相似文献   

Guard cells emit an alkali-induced, blue fluorescence upon excitationby ultraviolet radiation (emission maximum energy at 365 nm).Fluorescence emission of guard cells was brighter than thatof the neighbouring epidermal cells in a number of wild andcultivated plants including conifers, but the relative fluorescenceintensity and quality was species-dependent. Three representativeplants possessing stomatal complexes which differed morphologicallywere studied: Olea europaea, Vicia faba and Triticum aestivum.Immersing leaves of these plants in chloroform for 30 s (therebyremoving epicuticular waxes) significantly reduced the intensityof the fluorescence emitted by guard cells. This indicates thatguard cell fluorescence could be due to either an increasedconcentration of fluorescing compounds (probably wax-bound phenolics),or a thicker cuticular layer covering the guard cells. Giventhat the alkali-induced blue fluorescence of the guard cellsis a common characteristic of all plants examined, it couldbe used as a rapid and convenient method for in situ measurementsof the number, distribution and size of stomatal complexes.The proposed experimental procedure includes a single coatingof the leaf surface by, or immersion of the whole leaf in, a10% solution of KOH for 2 min, washing with distilled water,and direct observation of the leaf surface under the fluorescencemicroscope. Fluorescence images were suitable for digital imageanalysis and methodology was developed for stomatal countingusing Olea europaea as a model species. Copyright 2001 Annalsof Botany Company Cuticle, epicuticular waxes, fluorescence microscopy, image analysis, phenolics, stomata  相似文献   

A new protocol for rapid, specific, and sensitive cell-based quantification of Vibrio cholerae/Vibrio mimicus in water samples was developed. The protocol is based on catalyzed reporter deposition fluorescence in situ hybridization (CARD-FISH) in combination with solid-phase cytometry. For pure cultures, we were able to quantify down to 6 V. cholerae cells on one membrane with a relative precision of 39% and down to 12 cells with a relative precision of 17% after hybridization with the horseradish peroxidase (HRP)-labeled probe Vchomim1276 (specific for V. cholerae and V. mimicus) and signal amplification. The corresponding position of the probe on the 16S rRNA is highly accessible even when labeled with HRP. For the first time, we were also able to successfully quantify V. cholerae/V. mimicus via solid-phase cytometry in extremely turbid environmental water samples collected in Austria. Cell numbers ranged from 4.5 × 101 cells ml−1 in the large saline lake Neusiedler See to 5.6 × 104 cells ml−1 in an extremely turbid shallow soda lake situated nearby. We therefore suggest CARD-FISH in combination with solid-phase cytometry as a powerful tool to quantify V. cholerae/V. mimicus in ecological studies as well as for risk assessment and monitoring programs.  相似文献   

The fluorescent nucleic acid binding dyes hexidium iodide (HI) and SYTO 13 were used in combination as a Gram stain for unfixed organisms in suspension. HI penetrated gram-positive but not gram-negative organisms, whereas SYTO 13 penetrated both. When the dyes were used together, gram-negative organisms were rendered green fluorescent by SYTO 13; conversely, gram-positive organisms were rendered red-orange fluorescent by HI, which simultaneously quenched SYTO 13 green fluorescence. The technique correctly predicted the Gram status of 45 strains of clinically relevant organisms, including several known to be gram variable. In addition, representative strains of gram-positive anaerobic organisms, normally decolorized during the traditional Gram stain procedure, were classified correctly by this method.Gram’s staining method is considered fundamental in bacterial taxonomy. The outcome of the Gram reaction reflects major differences in the chemical composition and ultrastructure of bacterial cell walls. The Gram stain involves staining a heat-fixed smear of cells with a rosaniline dye such as crystal or methyl violet in the presence of iodine, with subsequent exposure to alcohol or acetone. Organisms that are decolorized by the alcohol or acetone are designated gram negative.Alternative Gram staining techniques have recently been proposed. Sizemore et al. (19) reported on the use of fluorescently labeled wheat germ agglutinin. This lectin binds specifically to N-acetylglucosamine in the peptidoglycan layer of gram-positive bacteria, whereas gram-negative organisms contain an outer membrane that prevents lectin binding. Although simpler and faster than the traditional Gram stain, this method requires heat fixation of organisms.Other Gram stain techniques suitable for live bacteria in suspension have been described. Allman et al. (1) demonstrated that rhodamine 123 (a lipophilic cationic dye) rendered gram-positive bacteria fluorescent, but its uptake by gram-negative organisms was poor. This reduced uptake by gram-negative bacteria was attributed to their outer membranes. The outer membrane can be made more permeable to lipophilic cations by exposure to the chelator EDTA (4). Shapiro (18) took advantage of this fact to form the basis of another Gram stain, one which involved comparing the uptake of a carbocyanine dye before and after permeabilizing organisms with EDTA. All of these methods, however, rely on one-color fluorescence, making analysis of mixed bacterial populations difficult.An alternative to the use of stains is the potassium hydroxide (KOH) test. The method categorizes organisms on the basis of differences in KOH solubility. After exposure to KOH, gram-negative bacteria are more easily disrupted than gram-positive organisms. This technique has been used to classify both aerobic and facultatively anaerobic bacteria, including gram-variable organisms (8). In a study by Halebian et al. (9), however, this technique incorrectly classified several anaerobic strains, giving rise to the recommendation that the method should only be used in conjunction with the traditional Gram stain.In this study we demonstrate a Gram staining technique for unfixed organisms in suspension, by using clinically relevant bacterial strains and organisms notorious for their gram variability. The method uses two fluorescent nucleic acid binding dyes, hexidium iodide (HI) and SYTO 13. Sales literature (11) published by the manufacturers of HI (Molecular Probes, Inc., Eugene, Oreg.), which displays a red fluorescence, suggests that the dye selectively stains gram-positive bacteria. SYTO 13 is one of a group of cell-permeating nucleic acid stains and fluoresces green (11). These dyes have been found to stain DNA and RNA in live or dead eukaryotic cells (16). Both dyes are excited at 490 nm, permitting their use in fluorescence instruments equipped with the most commonly available light sources. We reasoned that a combination of these two dyes applied to mixed bacterial populations would result in all bacteria being labeled, with differential labeling of gram-positive bacteria (HI and SYTO 13) and gram-negative bacteria (SYTO 13 only). The different fluorescence emission wavelengths of the two dyes would ensure differentiation of gram-positive from gram-negative bacteria by either epifluorescence microscopy or flow cytometry when equipped with the appropriate excitation and emission filters. While a commercial Gram stain kit produced by Molecular Probes includes HI and an alternative SYTO dye, SYTO 9, we are unaware of any peer-reviewed publications regarding either its use or its effectiveness with traditionally gram-variable organisms.  相似文献   

Membrane filtration and epifluorescent microscopy were used for the rapid enumeration of bacteria in rinses of milking equipment. Rinse solution (10 ml) was filtered through a 0.6 µm pore size Nuclepore membrane filter and the bacteria retained stained with acridine orange. The clump count of orange fluorescing bacteria on the membrane correlated well with the corresponding plate count ( r =0.83). The technique is rapid, taking approximately 10 min, and is sufficiently sensitive to detect 1000 bacteria ml rinse (equivalent to 5 × 103 bacteria/m2 of milking equipment surfaces by the method currently in use).  相似文献   

TO distinguish lysosome populations of HeLa cells, acid phosphatase, /8-glu-curonidase, arylsulfatase and esterase were demonstrated using various substrates and couplers with different fixations, pHs and inhibitors. The substrates chosen were for acid phosphatase, naphthol AS-BI phosphate with fast red violet LB at pH 4.6; for β-glucuronidase, naphthol AS-BI β-D-glucuronide with fast red violet LB at pH 4.4; for arylsulfatase, p-nitrocatechol sulfate, with lead as the capturing ion, at pH 4.8 and 5.6; and for esterase, naphthol AS-D acetate with fast blue BB at pH 6.5. In the azo-dye methods, the coupling was always simultaneous and results were satisfactory with unfixed cells. For optimal demonstration of arylsulfatase, cells were fixed in glutaraldehyde in 0.1 M cacodylate buffer pH 7.2, 2% for 24 hr or 6.25% for 2 hr, and washed for 1-9 days in 0.1 M veronal acetate buffer pH 7.2, 7.5% with respect to sucrose. Two groups of lysosomes were distinguished. One comprised small bodies, probably primary lysosomes, which lay in a cluster near the nucleus. They had quite stable membranes and were mostly acid phosphatase-positive. They sometimes contained β-glucuronidase or esterase, but rarely arylsulfatase. The other group included all the acid hydrolase-positive bodies scattered throughout the rest of the cytoplasm. They were mostly larger, with more labile membranes, and contained β-glucuronidase, esterase or arylsulfatase, but rarely acid phosphatase.  相似文献   

Millipore HPC samplers are simple, self-contained test devices that can be used by personnel in dental offices who do not have microbiologic training to easily and economically monitor dental unit water quality without laboratory support. This study evaluated the correlation of HPC samplers to R2A agar for enumerating planktonic bacteria in dental unit treatment water. Eight different dental units were sampled. Five replicates were performed for each media at each dilution. The Pearson correlation coefficient between the R2A agar and HPC sampler is 0.89. These data suggest HPC samplers correlate with conventional laboratory-based R2A culture techniques for determining dental unit water line contamination. Received: 16 June 1998 / Accepted: 31 August 1998  相似文献   

Planktonic bacteria collected from several freshwater environments and cultured bacteria were used to compare two methods for determining the numbers of metabolizing bacteria. The methods used were (i) reduction of 2-(ρ-iodophenyl)-3-(ρ-nitrophenyl)-5-phenyl tetrazolium chloride 2-(ρ-iodophenyl)-3-(ρ-nitrophenyl)-5-phenyl to tetrazolium chloride-formazan and (ii) elongation of cells by using yeast extract and nalidixic acid. No statistically significant difference was found between methods in determining metabolizing bacteria, although significant differences (P < 0.05) were found when comparing numbers of total bacteria. A combination of the two methods yielded significant changes, both positive and negative, in the numbers of metabolizing bacteria.  相似文献   

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