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Long-term experimental plots of Norway spruce and European beech are investigated for a link between stand-level self-thinning and tree-level leaf biomass allometry. Self-thinning refers to the finding of Reineke (1933), who postulated for unthinned forest stands that with β = −1.605; i.e. an increase of mean (quadratic) diameter d q by 1% results in a decrease of tree number N by 1.605%. On the individual tree level, leaf biomass (w L) can be related allometrically to the tree diameter d: w L = ad α. If we assume that (a) the stands have reached the ceiling leaf area, (b) the specific leaf area (leaf area/leaf weight) is constant, and (c) differences resulting from the use of mean quadratic diameter or individual tree diameter are negligible, then the decrease in the stands’ leaf biomass due to the trees lost in self-thinning must be compensated by an equivalent increase in the remaining trees’ leaf biomass. This means, the absolute slope of the individual trees’ leaf biomass allometry α and the self-thinning allometry β would be equal and just have the opposite sign: α = −β. The analysis of the two long-term plots reveals that α is stronger than β, both for spruce (β = −1.744, α = 1.840) and especially for beech (β = −1.791, α = 2.181). The cause is traced back to a changing average specific leaf area during stand development [assumption (b) is wrong]. The results do not only bridge a gap between tree and stand allometry, but also emphasize an important effect for the understanding and modelling of the resource allocations in trees and forests.  相似文献   

Quantifying the self-thinning process in various plant communities has been a long-standing issue in both theoretical and empirical studies. Most studies on plant self-thinning have centered only on aboveground parts, and rarely on belowground parts. There is still a general lack of comparison between above- and belowground self-thinning processes, especially for forest communities. The fundamental mechanistic difference and the functional association between above- and belowground competition indicate that the self-thinning process of belowground parts may be different from that of aboveground parts. We investigated the self-thinning lines for above-ground (M A), below-ground (M B), and total biomass (M T), respectively, across forest communities in China. The results showed that neither the classical self-thinning rule (−3/2 exponent) nor the universal scaling rule (−4/3 exponent) can apply to all the self-thinning relationships across these forest communities and that the self-thinning lines for belowground biomass were flatter and lower than those for aboveground biomass across most of these forest communities.  相似文献   

Biogeographical studies are a necessary step in establishing conservation area networks. Determining the ecological factors influencing vegetation is also a basic principle for hierarchical ecological classifications and a necessary prerequisite for ecosystem-based land use planning. Eco-floristic sectors (EFS) have already been identified for the Indonesian island of Sumatra, combining both approaches, dividing it into 38 EFSs representing unique ecosystems in terms of tree flora and environment (Laumonier 1997). The impact of deforestation on individual EFSs has been highly varied and in some cases extreme. We assigned one of five ‘extinction risk categories’ to each EFS based on the percentage of forest lost between 1985 and 2007. Eighty-five percent of all forest loss (10.2 million ha) occurred in the eastern peneplain, western lowland regions and swamps. In 2007, only 29% of forests were protected by conservation areas, only nine of the 38 EFS had more than 50% of their remaining forest cover protected. 38% of remaining forest was “critically endangered”, “endangered” or “vulnerable” EFSs (5 million ha) but only 1 million ha (20%) were protected. Sumatra’s existing network of conservation areas does not adequately represent the island’s ecosystems. Priorities for a new conservation area network can be formulated for integration into Sumatra’s new land use plans at provincial and district level. Decision makers can now use EFSs to locate new conservation areas so they represent and maintain the whole range of the island’s diversity.  相似文献   

According to a traditional but hitherto untested reconstruction of Madagascar’s Holocene environment, continuous forest preceded the monotonous grassland formations that now cover most of the island’s interior. Preliminary analyses of pollen samples collected near14C-dated horizons at Ampasambazimba (central Madagascar) indicate that a mosaic of woodlands, bushlands, and savanna existed close to this important vertebrate subfossil site around 7000–8000 BP. Although most members of Madagascar’s recently extinct “subfossil” fauna are thought to have been forest dwellers, several may have preferred a more open habitat like the one inferred for the region of Ampasambazimba. Dry savanna-woodland burns more readily than does dense forest and may have been more severely affected by the forces which transformed the Malagasy environment during the later Holocene. If so, the loss of savanna-woodland, not dense forest, may have been an important factor in the subfossil extinctions.  相似文献   

China’s forests are characterized by young forest age, low carbon density and a large area of planted forests, and thus have high potential to act as carbon sinks in the future. Using China’s national forest inventory data during 1994–1998 and 1999–2003, and direct field measurements, we investigated the relationships between forest biomass density and forest age for 36 major forest types. Statistical approaches and the predicted future forest area from the national forestry development plan were applied to estimate the potential of forest biomass carbon storage in China during 2000–2050. Under an assumption of continuous natural forest growth, China’s existing forest biomass carbon (C) stock would increase from 5.86 Pg C (1 Pg=1015 g) in 1999–2003 to 10.23 Pg C in 2050, resulting in a total increase of 4.37 Pg C. Newly planted forests through afforestation and reforestation will sequestrate an additional 2.86 Pg C in biomass. Overall, China’s forests will potentially act as a carbon sink for 7.23 Pg C during the period 2000–2050, with an average carbon sink of 0.14 Pg C yr−1. This suggests that China’s forests will be a significant carbon sink in the next 50 years.  相似文献   

Forests in Vietnam are heavily utilized resources. Some 25 million people who live in and near forests depend on timber and non-timber resources for subsistence and income. Vietnam’s timber processing industries, which are in a steep growth phase, demand raw material from the nation’s forests, but that demand greatly outstrips available, high quality supply. A national forest development strategy through 2020 calls for broad expansion of plantation forests coupled with third-party forest certification. One type of forest certification, involving certification of groups of smallholder farmers, is comparatively understudied. A recent effort to promote group forest certification in Vietnam yielded measurable benefits to stakeholders, including enhanced income streams to plantation smallholders. However, long-term challenges to group forest certification remain, including smallholders’ ability to cover recurring costs for certification – costs that are subsidized by a bilateral donor. Vietnam’s recent experience with group forest certification represents an early chapter in that nation’s ambitious plans to increase forest cover, make forests more productive through plantation forestry, and improve forest management and market access through forest certification.  相似文献   

Nowadays 37% of Earth’s ice-free land is composed by fragments of natural habitats settled in anthropogenic biomes. Therefore, we have to improve our knowledge about distribution of organisms in remnants and to understand how the matrix affects these distributions. In this way, the present study aims to describe the structure of the butterfly assemblages and determined how richness and abundance are influenced by the scale of the surrounding vegetation. General linear models were used to investigate how the type and scale of vegetation cover within a radius of 100–2,000 m around the sampling point explained butterfly diversity. After sampling ten forest fragments we found 6,488 individuals of 73 species. For all clades tested null models explain the species richness at the fragments better than other models when we include the effect of butterfly abundance as a covariate. Abundance of Satyrini, Brassolini, and Biblidinae were best predicted by small scales (100–200 m), and large scales were more suited for Charaxinae. The presence of pasture best explains the abundance of all groups except Charaxinae, which was best explained by early-regrowth forest. The abundance of different species and groups are correlated with different kinds of vegetation cover. However, we demonstrate that small scales (100–200 m) are more effective at explaining the abundance of most butterflies. These results strongly suggest that efforts to preserve insect diversity in forest fragments should take in account the immediate surroundings of the fragment, and not only the regional landscape as a whole. In general, actions of people living near forest fragments are as important to fruit-feeding butterflies as large scale actions are, with the former being seldom specified in management plans or conservation policies.  相似文献   

Understanding the historical biogeography of this global biodiversity hotspot is as important to long-term conservation goals as ecology and evolution are to understanding current patterns and processes. Today’s geography is, however, misleading and typical of only ~2% of the last million years; >90% of that time the region’s land area was 1.5–2.0 times larger as mean sea levels were 62 m below today’s, climates were cooler, and extensive forests and savanna covered the emerged Sunda plains. The region’s land area varied two-fold as sea levels fluctuated up to ±50 m with each of ~50 Pleistocene glacial cycles, and forests expanded and contracted with oscillations in land area and seasonality. This dynamic geographic history is relevant to the development of biogeographic regionalism and shows that it is today’s forests that are refugial, not those of the Last Glacial Maximum. This history affects how species will adapt or shift their ranges in response to global warming and further decreases in land area (submergence of low-lying coastal areas) during the 21st century. The alternative is mass species extinction. The biota is also threatened by the continued destruction of forest, destruction of Mekong River flood-pulse based ecosystems, and continued human population growth. Human biogeography will become more important in conservation planning as tens of millions of people who depend on protected area forests, riverine ecosystems, and coastal habitats become environmental refugees. Conservation scientists need to become more involved in regional ecological education, environmental stewardship, and ecosystem-based adaptation to sustain as much as possible of this rich biota and the ecological services it provides.  相似文献   

The competition density effect and changes of mean total tree weight (w) and stand density (ρ) during course of self-thinning were examined in even-aged pure stands ofEucalyptus camaldulensis Dehn. which were planted in the tropical monsoon region. The level of competition was controlled by changing the initial stand density from 625 trees ha−1 to 40,000 trees ha−1. Hozumi's model was used to describe thew-ρ trajectory with aging of each stand and thew-ρ relation between stands of different densities at each time. The higher density produced trees of smaller mean tree sizes. The higher the density, the sooner self-thinning began. The growth curve ofE. camaldulensis followed the logistic growth curve where both maximum size and intrinsic growth rate change with time. Mean intrinsic growth rate was maximized at initiation of growth after lag time and then gradually decreased as time progressed. Hozumi's model was considered to be the best model with wide applicability for describing and comparing the growth characteristics during the course of self-thinning among different species, especially in tropical forest plantations, in which many diverse species were used for reforestation.  相似文献   

Previous studies have used home range size to predict a species’ vulnerability to forest fragmentation. Northern bearded saki monkeys (Chiropotes satanas chiropotes) are medium-bodied frugivores with large home ranges, but sometimes they reside in forest fragments that are smaller than the species’ characteristic home range size. Here we examine how travel and spatial patterns differ among groups living in forest fragments of 3 size classes (1 ha, 10 ha, and 100 ha) versus continuous forest. We collected data in 6 research cycles from July–August 2003 and January 2005–June 2006 at the Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project (BDFFP), north of Manaus, Brazil. For each cycle, we followed the monkeys at each study site from dawn until dusk for 3 consecutive days, and recorded their location. Although bearded saki monkeys living in 10-ha and 1-ha fragments had smaller day ranges and traveled shorter daily distances, they traveled greater distances than expected based on the size of the forest fragment. Monkeys in the small fragments revisited a greater percentage of feeding trees each day, traveled in more circular patterns, and used the fragments in a more uniform pattern than monkeys in the continuous forest. Our results suggest that monkeys in the small fragments maximize their use of the forest, and that the preservation of large tracts of forest is essential for species conservation. Species with large home ranges sometimes inhabit forest fragments, but doing so can alter behavior, demographics, and ecology, and the monkeys may be vulnerable to stochastic events.  相似文献   

Data from an Ethiopian population of Colobus guerezashow that territory size is fixed by the high density of the population. Groups undergo fission when their size results in fewer than 10 trees per individual within the group’s territory. The daughter groups produced by fission emigrate into suboptimal habitat, which acts as a demographic sink. Comparative analyses using data from other East African populations demonstrate that mean territory size is inversely related to population density and that density, in turn, is a function of the size of the forest block. Since both group size and reproductive rates can be shown to be positively correlated with type of forest, it is concluded that this relationship reflects the fact that local population densities reach their ceiling more rapidly in small forest blocks because the animals’ access to alternative territories is limited. The number of males in a colobus group is shown to be a function of the number of females in it. Multimale groups have lower reproductive rates than one-male groups, probably because the stress generated by competition among the males causes temporary infertility among the females.  相似文献   

During 2009, while we were celebrating Charles Darwin and his The origin of species, sadly, little was said about the critical contribution of Alfred Russel Wallace (1823–1913) to the development of the theory of evolution. Like Darwin, he was a truly remarkable nineteenth century intellect and polymath and, according to a recent book by Roy Davies (The Darwin conspiracy: origins of a scientific crime), he has a stronger claim to the Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection than has Darwin. Here we present a critical comparison between the contributions of the two scientists. Sometimes referred to as ‘The other beetle-hunter’ and largely neglected for many decades, Wallace had a far greater experience of collecting and investigating animals and plants from their native habitats than had Darwin. He was furthermore much more than a pioneer biogeographer and evolutionary theorist, and also made contributions to anthropology, ethnography, geology, land reform and social issues. However, being a more modest, self-deprecating man than Darwin, and lacking the latter’s establishment connections, Wallace’s contribution to the theory of evolution was not given the recognition it deserved and he was undoubtedly shabbily treated at the time. It is time that Wallace’s relationship with Darwin is reconsidered in preparation for 2013, the centenary of Wallace’s death, and he should be recognized as at least an equal in the Wallace-Darwin theory of evolution.  相似文献   

Model averaging is gaining popularity among ecologists for making inference and predictions. Methods for combining models include Bayesian model averaging (BMA) and Akaike’s Information Criterion (AIC) model averaging. BMA can be implemented with different prior model weights, including the Kullback–Leibler prior associated with AIC model averaging, but it is unclear how the prior model weight affects model results in a predictive context. Here, we implemented BMA using the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) approximation to Bayes factors for building predictive models of bird abundance and occurrence in the Chihuahuan Desert of New Mexico. We examined how model predictive ability differed across four prior model weights, and how averaged coefficient estimates, standard errors and coefficients’ posterior probabilities varied for 16 bird species. We also compared the predictive ability of BMA models to a best single-model approach. Overall, Occam’s prior of parsimony provided the best predictive models. In general, the Kullback–Leibler prior, however, favored complex models of lower predictive ability. BMA performed better than a best single-model approach independently of the prior model weight for 6 out of 16 species. For 6 other species, the choice of the prior model weight affected whether BMA was better than the best single-model approach. Our results demonstrate that parsimonious priors may be favorable over priors that favor complexity for making predictions. The approach we present has direct applications in ecology for better predicting patterns of species’ abundance and occurrence.  相似文献   

High-resolution finite element models of trabecular bone can be used to study trabecular structure–function relationships, elasticity, multiaxial strength, and tissue remodelling in more detail than experiments. Beside effects of the model size, scan/analysis resolution, segmentation process, etc., the type of the applied boundary conditions (BCs) have a strong influence on the predicted elastic properties. Appropriate BCs have to be applied on hexahedral digital finite element models in order to obtain effective elastic properties. Homogeneous displacement BCs as proposed by Van Rietbergen et al. (J Biomech 29(12):1653–1657, 1996) lead to “apparent” rather than to “effective” elastic properties. This study provides some answers concerning such differences by comparing various BC types (uniform displacement, mixed BCs, periodic BCs), different volume element definitions (original and mirrored models), and several bone volume fractions (BVTV ranging from 6.5 to 37.6%). First, the mixed BCs formulated by Hazanov (Arch Appl Mech 68(6):385–394, 1998) are theoretically extended to shear loading of a porous media. Second, six human bone samples are analyzed, their orthotropic Young’s moduli, shear moduli, and Poisson’s ratios computed and compared. It is found that the proposed mixed BCs give exactly the same effective elastic properties as periodic BCs if a periodic and orthotropic micro-structured material is used and thus denoted as “periodicity compatible” mixed uniform BCs (PMUBCs). As bone samples were shown to be nearly orthotropic for volume element side lengths ≥5 mm the proposed mixed BCs turn out to be the best choice because they give again essentially the same overall elastic properties as periodic BCs. For bone samples of smaller dimensions ( < 5 mm) with a strong anisotropy (beyond orthotropy) uniform displacement BCs remain applicable but they can significantly overestimate the effective stiffness. In Memoriam, Prof. Christian Huet.  相似文献   

Understanding and predicting the ways in which large and intense hurricanes affect ecosystem structure, composition and function is important for the successful management of coastal forest ecosystems. In this research, we categorized forest damage resulting from Hurricane Katrina into four classes (none, low, moderate, heavy) for nearly 450 plots in a 153,000 ha landscape in southern Mississippi, USA, using a combination of air photo interpretation and field sampling. We then developed predictive damage models using single tree classification tree analysis (CTA) and stochastic gradient boosting (SGB) and examined the importance of variables addressing storm meteorology, stand conditions, and site characteristics in predicting forest damage. Overall damage classification accuracies for a training dataset (n = 337 plots) were 72 and 81% for the single tree and SGB models, respectively, with Cohen’s weighted linear κ values of 0.71 and 0.86. For an independent validation dataset (n = 112 plots), classification accuracy dropped to 57% (κ = 0.65) and 56% (κ = 0.63) for the single tree and SGB models. Proportions of agreement between observed and predicted damage were significantly greater (P < 0.05) than would be expected by chance alone for all damage classes with the training data and all but the moderate class for the validation data. Stand age was clearly the best predictor of damage for both models, with forest type, stand condition, site aspect, and distance to the nearest perennial stream also explaining much of the variation in forest damage. Measures of storm meteorology (duration and steadiness of hurricane-force winds; maximum sustained winds) were of secondary importance. The forest-wide application of our CTA model provided a realistic, spatially detailed map of predicted damage while also maintaining a relatively high degree of accuracy. The study also provides a first step toward the development of models identifying the susceptibility of forest stands to future events that could be used as an aid to incorporating the effects of large infrequent disturbances into forest management activities.  相似文献   

Recently, considerable intraspecific variation in the diets and ranging behavior of colobine monkeys has been described, although in most cases this has involved documenting variation between, not within, sites. Some African colobines, such as guerezas (Colobus guereza), are relatively abundant in disturbed habitats that are very heterogeneous, raising the intriguing possibility that even groups with overlapping home ranges may exhibit large behavioral differences. If such differences occur, it will be important to understand what temporal and spatial scales adequately portray a species’ or population’s diet and ranging behavior. This study documents within-site variation in the diet and ranging behavior of guerezas in the habitat types in which they are described to be most successful—forest edge and regenerating forest. We collected data on eight groups of guerezas with overlapping home ranges for 3–5 months each in Kibale National Park, Uganda. The guerezas were highly folivorous, with leaves constituting 78.5–94.0% of the groups’ diets. The percentage of mature leaves and fruit in the diet varied widely among and within groups. We show that differences among groups in the intensity with which they fed on specific tree species were not just related to phenology, but also to differences in the forest compositions of groups’ core areas. Range size estimates varied more than fivefold among groups and the minimum distance from groups’ core areas to eucalyptus forest (which all groups regularly fed in) was a better predictor of range size than was group size. These results reveal considerable variation in the diet and ranging behavior among groups with overlapping ranges and have implications for comparative studies, investigations of within- and between-group feeding competition, and the potential for populations to adapt to anthropogenic or natural environmental change.  相似文献   

Synchrony in forest insect outbreaks is important because the resulting regionalized outbreak dilutes the regulating effects of natural enemies, reduces the landscape’s ability to buffer the disturbance, exacerbates the economic burden on individual stakeholders, and overwhelms the logistical abilities of managers to suppress populations and mitigate impacts. Understanding the process of synchronization of dynamics is therefore a crucial aspect of understanding outbreak dynamics. We studied the second-order log-linear (autoregressive) model to ask what patterns of synchronization across invasion fronts may be expected from Moran’s model. Generally, we show that the time to synchronization in the log-linear model is a complex function of a number of parameters of which the overall strength of regulation, the strength of delayed statistical density dependence, and the relaxation time seem to be of particular importance. Interestingly, while environmental correlation is the crucial determinant of the magnitude of asymptotic synchrony, it does not appear to influence the transient process of synchronization. However, synchronization proceeds much more quickly among weakly periodic populations than among populations that are strongly periodic. As a case study, we investigate synchronization following colonization by gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar) populations located along the species’s expanding invasion front in northeastern USA. Data consisted of more than 100 years of county quarantine records and 30 years of detailed defoliation maps. We found that the dynamics of new populations tended to be initially out of synch with the broadly synchronized outbreaks within the established range. However, the outbreak dynamics of these new populations lock on to the regional patterns very quickly—within 10–15 years of invasion. Focusing on parameters that produce periodicity comparable to that seen in real gypsy moth populations, we discuss how the observed synchronization compares to that predicted by the log-linear model. While our results are equivocal, the synchronization appears to be surprisingly rapid, so more mechanistic models may be needed to explain the synchronization observed in this case study.
Derek M. JohnsonEmail:

Summary Sembene’s technique allows for African models of reality that are not solely in opposition to our concept of civilization. We are not presented with Conrad’s single emissaries into the exotic heartland of Africa who then return to us with a message. For Sembene, large numbers of people are characterized in a revolutionary act and large numbers of people are reacting to colonial control not just within the grid of traditional thought that reinterprets new contacts in terms of a concept of “untouched” communalism, but as mirroring cleavages in society that are reflective of historical interaction and of African literature’s basis in oral tradition. What happens when you get something like a heinneman series (a London publishing concern which controls the literature that reaches a Western audience) is that authors like Sembene move to different mediums. Sembene now writes exclusively in Woloof.God’s Bits of Wood ends optimistically. The “Vatican” is the city’s living compound that is created by the whites, but it is the blacks who name it. The “Vatican” symbolizes the white’s inability to control the blacks. The final confrontation involves Isnard’s wife, Beatrice, who upon realizing that the new order born out of the union member’s solidarity will cause their recall to the metropole, culminates in the black’s destruction of the European’s sanctuary. The fallen wife sybolizes the resistance on the part of the Africans, to European attempts to deny their history “Tell them” she screamed at the terrified woman. “Tell them that you like Monsieur! Say it in the name of God, say it! [86]. I have attempted to present in my examination of one aspect of African literature the idea that when shared symbolic elements are highlighted over time, the units of analysis that have been utilized in the past (e.g., tribes; extrapolated to the concept of the modern nation state) must gain a wider frame for analysis. Class formation has not been seen as a basis of cleavage in Africa’s past. The perspective for Africa has been that of the closed social system; the only perceived basis for cleavage becomes ethnicity, interaction with external forces is that of cultural substitution and ultimately supplication to the steamroller of Imperialism. It is at this level, and at this level alone, that the analysis of Oral and Literate traditions has been seen as dichotomous. But if one perceives the openness in African systems of thought and chronicles the fluctuations of these systems over time as representative of their ability to generate alternative hypotheses, one can obtain a more sophisticated, more appropriate, dichotomy between Oral and Literate traditions, that can become the genesis of creating new cultural forms and new social structures. Marciana Silagan is working on her doctoral dissertation at the Graduate Faculty, New School for Social Research.  相似文献   

同龄纯林自然稀疏过程的经验模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用-3/2法则及广义Schumacher生长方程导出同龄纯林自然稀疏过程中密度随时间变化规律新模型,采用遗传算法对非线性模型参数进行最优估计.以山杨、云南松、杉木等树种同龄纯林自疏过程中密度随时间变化资料对新模型进行了验证,并与前人提出的主要森林自疏过程密度随时间变化规律模型进行了对比.结果表明,所提出的同龄纯林自疏规律模型能很好地拟合实际观测资料,具有良好的使用价值;新模型拟合效果较前人提出的自疏规律模型效果均更佳,说明新模型是一个描述同龄纯林自疏过程密度随时间变化规律的理想经验模型,可在森林自疏规律研究中应用.杉木林自疏过程密度变化规律的研究可为南方林区杉木林经营管理提供参考.  相似文献   

Gilligan’s (1982) refinement of Kohlberg’s theory on moral development operates on two theses: (1) females, more so than males, reach moral decisions based on the personalities of the relevant individuals; and (2) female behaviors stemming from moral decisions are based upon “care” and “responsibility for others.” This article accepts the first thesis but argues that the second is incorrect. That is, self-interest—i.e., aiding “blood” kin and/or carefully monitoring reciprocity—rather than “altruism” is argued to be the operant dynamic in forging distaff morality and resultant behavior. Six empirical examples are presented as contraindicative of Gilligan’s second thesis. Finally, it is suggested that selection for the psychological traits of independence and the mastery of subtle social chess yielded ancestral females who had more descendants—us—than did females with alternative profiles. Nancy S. Coney is a professor at Western Illinois University and is interested in both clinical and nonclinical aspects of women’s psychology. Wade C. Mackey is interested in biocultural anthropology and has authored two books on fathering:Fathering Behaviors (Plenum, 1995) andThe American Father (Plenum, 1996).  相似文献   

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