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Increasing tourism and mineral exploitation potentially affects the caribou range use. This fact requires identification of critical caribou areas to be able to avoid large effects on the population. We have applied resource selection functions using data from satellite tracking of caribou, satellite-based vegetation maps and a digital elevation model. Maps showing five levels of relative-probability-of-use for caribou during the summer in West Greenland were prepared. The maps clearly illustrate that the caribou are much more selective in choosing their feeding habitats in July than in late summer. Therefore, activities like tourism and mineral exploration would have least impact in September. We validated the results by comparing the models from the ARGOS-based locations with two models based on locations obtained during fieldwork. We therefore conclude that the method and satellite-based data used in this study are valuable tools for resource management in remote areas like West Greenland.  相似文献   

1. Large-scale habitat loss is frequently identified with loss of biodiversity, but examples of the direct effect of habitat alterations on changes in vital rates remain rare. Quantifying and understanding the relationship between habitat composition and changes in vital rates, however, is essential for the development of effective conservation strategies. 2. It has been suggested that the decline of woodland caribou Rangifer tarandus caribou populations in North America is precipitated by timber harvesting that creates landscapes of early seral forests. Such habitat changes have altered the predator-prey system resulting in asymmetric predation, where predators are maintained by alternative prey (i.e. apparent competition). However, a direct link between habitat condition and caribou population declines has not been documented. 3. We estimated survival probabilities for the threatened arboreal lichen-feeding ecotype of woodland caribou in British Columbia, Canada, at two different spatial scales. At the broader scale, observed variation in adult female survival rates among 10 distinct populations (range = 0.67-0.93) was best explained by variation in the amount of early seral stands within population ranges and population density. At the finer scale, home ranges of caribou killed by predators had lower proportions of old forest and more mid-aged forest as compared with multi-annual home ranges where caribou were alive. 4. These results are consistent with predictions from the apparent competition hypothesis and quantify direct fitness consequences for caribou following habitat alterations. We conclude that apparent competition can cause rapid population declines and even extinction where changes in species composition occur following large scale habitat change.  相似文献   

Rutting behaviour in a barren-ground caribou population   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
P C Lent 《Animal behaviour》1965,13(2):259-264

An extant population of the long-stalked pondweed Potamogeton praelongus is reported from West Greenland for the first time. However, endocarps of the species have been recovered from up to 3500 years old lake sediments, so the species has a long history in this region. The species must have arrived in West Greenland by long distance dispersal, probably by geese migrating from NW Europe.  相似文献   

To select appropriate recovery strategies for endangered populations, we must understand the dynamics of small populations and distinguish between the possible causes that drive such populations to low numbers. It has been suggested that the pattern of population decline may be inversely density-dependent with population growth rates decreasing as populations become very small; however, empirical evidence of such accelerated declines at low densities is rare. Here we analyzed the pattern of decline of a threatened population of woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) in British Columbia, Canada. Using information on the instantaneous rate of increase relative to caribou density in suitable winter foraging habitat, as well as on pregnancy rates and on causes and temporal distribution of mortalities from a sample of 349 radiocollared animals from 15 subpopulations, we tested 3 hypothesized causes of decline: (a) food regulation caused by loss of suitable winter foraging habitat, (b) predation-sensitive foraging caused by loss of suitable winter foraging habitat and (c) predation with caribou being secondary prey. Population sizes of caribou subpopulations ranged from <5 to >500 individuals. Our results showed that the rates of increase of these subpopulations varied from −0.1871 to 0.0496 with smaller subpopulations declining faster than larger subpopulations. Rates of increase were positively related to the density of caribou in suitable winter foraging habitat. Pregnancy rates averaged 92.4% ±2.24 and did not differ among subpopulations. In addition, we found predation to be the primary cause of mortality in 11 of 13 subpopulations with known causes of mortality and predation predominantly occurred during summer. These results are consistent with predictions that caribou subpopulations are declining as a consequence of increased predation. Recovery of these woodland caribou will thus require a multispecies perspective and an appreciation for the influence of inverse density dependence on population trajectories.  相似文献   

The vegetation of a snow bed has been described by a pin-point method and a modified Raunkiær frequency analysis. The thawing of the snow has been followed and some soil properties have been investigated. It is concluded that the composition of the vegetation in the snow bed is influenced mainly by the duration of the growth period, but locally the density and the species composition are determined by the downward flow of the melt water.  相似文献   

The Bathurst herd of barren-ground caribou (Rangifer tarandus groenlandicus) in the Canadian central arctic declined from an estimated 203,800 to 16,400 breeding females from 1986 to 2009, with the most rapid decline from 2006 to 2009. A key research and management question was whether the decline was mainly due to decreases in productivity alone or also due to reduced adult female survival. Investigating causes of the decline was hampered by a lack of direct estimates of caribou demographic parameters. We developed a demographic model that could be objectively fitted to field data to explore the mechanisms for the Bathurst decline, with a focus on the recent accelerated decline from 2006 to 2009. Our modeling indicated that the decline was driven by increasing negative trends in adult female and calf survival rates and possibly reduced fecundity The effect of a constant hunter harvest on the declining herd was one potential cause for the recent accelerated decline in adult survival. The demographic model detected negative trends in adult female survival that were not detected using standalone analyses of collar-based survival data. The model allowed rigorous interpretation of trends in productivity by controlling for the simultaneous influence of trends in adult, calf, and yearling survival and adult fecundity on field-based calf–cow ratios. Stochastic simulations suggested that large increases in adult survival and productivity would be needed for the herd to recover. Our methods enable objective modeling of caribou demography that can assist in caribou management based upon all sources of available data. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

R. Moss  A. Watson 《Oecologia》1987,73(4):598-600
Summary Difficulties in using genetic markers to demonstrate that changes in gene frequency cause fluctuations in the density of animal populations are illustrated. The frequency of chicks with light-coloured down increased during 4 years when population density of red grouse declined and the inherent level of aggressive behaviour of adults increased. Variations in aggressive behaviour and down colour of individuals within years, however, were not related.  相似文献   

Summary A small caribou herd of 24–77 animals resided on Pic Island (1138 ha) in Lake Superior from 1976 to 1984. Most of the caribou populations on the adjacent mainland had gone extinct earlier in this century. We tested three hypotheses for the persistence of this remanant population: (1) there was more forage available on the island than the mainland, (2) the animals on the island were isolated from white-tailed deer and did not develop the meningeal worm infection, and (3) there was less predation by wolves on the island. Forage was more abundant on the mainland than on Pic Island. The eggs of meningeal worms were not found in the feces of deer on the mainland or Pic island. Wolves seldom visited the island and when they did there was escape habitat available for the caribou. We concluded that the herd persisted because of this reduced predation risk and that the animals were prepared to select a reduced variety and phytomass of forage to remain for long periods in the relatively safe island habitat. When the animals did visit the mainland to feed they sclected forbs that provided a large bite size. On the island food supplies were too meager to select plants that gave a large bite size and the caribou spent long intervals feeding. Caribou by using habitats with a large phytomass and selecting for large bite size should minimize their time feeding which would allow them more time to watch for predators.  相似文献   

In April 2006, a dedicated survey of bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus) was conducted on the former whaling ground in West Greenland to determine the current wintering population abundance. This effort included a double platform aerial survey design, satellite tracking of the movements of nine whales, and estimation of high-resolution surface time from 14 whales instrumented with time-depth recorders. Bowhead whales were estimated to spend an average of 24% (cv=0.03) of the time at or above 2m depth, the maximum depth at which they can be seen on the trackline. This resulted in a fully corrected abundance estimate of 1229 (95% CI: 495-2939) bowhead whales when the availability factor was applied and sightings missed by observers were corrected. This surprisingly large population estimate is puzzling given that the change in abundance cannot be explained by a recent or rapid growth in population size. One possible explanation is that the population, which demonstrates high age and sex segregation, has recently attained a certain threshold size elsewhere, and a higher abundance of mature females appears on the winter and spring feeding ground in West Greenland. This in combination with the latest severe reduction in sea ice facilitating access to coastal areas might explain the surprising increase in bowhead whale abundance in West Greenland.  相似文献   

There is limited research on the influence of Pacific‐based climate in large herbivore populations. Additionally, much of our understanding on the effect of large‐scale climate on ungulate population dynamics has occurred on forage‐limited rather than predator‐limited populations. We compared the influence of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), North Pacific Index, and local weather on recruitment in a predator‐limited mountain‐dwelling caribou Rangifer tarandus caribou population in the Yukon Territory, Canada, across a range of wolf Canis lupus densities. A large‐scale wolf removal program allowed us to examine the role of Pacific climate and weather when wolves were reduced to ~15% of their pre‐removal levels. Recruitment was best explained by the interaction of wolf density and April‐PDO, with wolf density explaining the most deviance. Predicted recruitment during good springs was 0.45 (SE = 0.04) during wolf removal and 0.29 (SE = 0.03) with no wolf removal. During poor springs (low PDO, increased snow depth) predicted recruitment was 0.55 (SE = 0.10) during wolf removal and 0.12 (SE = 0.03) with no wolf removal. With non‐altered wolf densities, there was a positive relationship between April‐PDO and recruitment due to reduced snow depth at calving, allowing parturient females to disperse up in elevation away from predators. When wolf densities were substantially reduced there was a slight negative relationship between April‐PDO and recruitment, possibly due to a more rapid vegetation green‐up reducing the temporal availability of highly nutritious forage necessary for lactation and subsequent calf growth. Attempts to find general relationships between climate and ungulate population dynamics have proven difficult due to different ecological mechanisms by which climate affects individuals across populations. Temporally varying factors, such as predator density, may also play an important role in uncovering the mechanistic relationship between climate and population dynamics.  相似文献   

1. The area around Kangerlussuaq (Søndre Strømfjord; West Greenland, 67°N 51°W) contains thousands of lakes ranging from coastal, dilute (conductivity < 30 μS cm–1) oligotrophic systems to subsaline (~4000 μS cm–1), closed basin lakes close to the ice sheet margin. In closed basins, salinity (or conductivity) is often a proxy for effective moisture, and thus palaeorecords of lake conductivity can provide valuable palaeoclimatic data. Little or nothing is known about the recent history of these lakes and hence it is difficult to evaluate how they will respond to effects of future changes. 2. Over 100 lakes have been sampled (1996–2000) between the ice sheet and the outer coast for a variety of water chemical and limnological variables. Surface sediments were taken from a subset of 40 lakes and analysed for diatoms. Diatom responses to 28 environmental variables were analysed by multivariate ordination techniques and indicate that the main gradient is highly correlated to conductivity (explaining ~12% of species variance). Despite the relatively short gradient (24–4072 μS cm–1), diatom assemblages exhibit a clear response to conductivity. The most saline lakes do not contain a true saline flora. 3. We developed a range of weighted averaging (WA) and weighted‐averaging partial least squares (WA‐PLS) models from this training data set and found two component WA‐PLS models performed best. The effects of data transformation and omission of dissolution susceptible species (Diatoma spp.) on model performance were also examined. The error statistics for the preferred WA‐PLS (2) model (r2jack=0.88, root mean square error of prediction (RMSEP)=0.217 log μS cm–1) compare well with other published models. 4. A 210Pb‐dated short core from a meromictic, subsaline lake (Braya Sø; location 67°N, 51°W, max. depth 23 m; conductivity 2600 μS cm–1) was analysed for diatoms. Diatom preservation is poor and some taxa (e.g. Diatoma spp.) are badly corroded. Lake water conductivity was reconstructed using WA‐PLS models. Diatom‐inferred conductivity ranges from 1800 to 4400 μS cm–1 over the last 600 years (extrapolated 210Pb chronology). 5. The Kangerlussuaq area of West Greenland is an important area for palaeoclimatic research, located as it is between the Greenland ice sheet (ice core records) and the Davis Straits to the west. The development of a statistically robust transfer function for diatoms and conductivity will enable the reconstruction of conductivity from the many subsaline lakes around the head of the fjord and, hence, regional estimates of changing palaeoprecipitation.  相似文献   

Physical and chemical profiles of a shallow (c. 12-m-deep) subsaline (total dissolved solids 2.3-2.8 g l–1) closed-basin lake in the continental area of southwestern Greenland are described for the first time. Watercolumn data for every 5th consecutive day between April 20 and October 6, 2001, and continuous recordings of lake water level and meteorological conditions are used to infer controls on contemporary lake functioning, sediment formation and climate-lake interactions. Limnological observations demonstrate the importance of lake-ice formation and its role in haline convection and the development of meromixis. Observed lake cycling suggest that the lake at present is in a state of near-meromixis where stagnant bottom waters de-stratify through deep penetration of weak haline convective cells by the end of June. From this study, the primary reasons the shallow Greenlandic low salinity lakes develop meromixis are:(i) lack of an outflow (ii) meltwater dilution and chemical stratification of surface waters, (iii) insubstantial wind mixing, (iv) a weak winter thermohaline convective cell forced by cryoconcentration, and (v) biogeochemically enhanced solute concentrations near the sediment bed. Throughout the open water period the hydrological balance is dominated by evaporative losses. Lake surface water conductivities change from 2110 to 2890 S cm–1 due to the combined effects of open water evaporation, meltwater dilution, diffusive exchanges over the seasonal pycnocline, and boundary mixing. Freeze-out of salts and resulting deep haline convection increase overall water column salinity during winter. Owing to deep convective mixing, plant nutrients are relatively high in the upper watercolumn with a dominant internal source of phosphorous. Extreme productivity pulses of phytoplankton are observed as soon as sub-ice radiation levels increase and directly after ice-out when sufficient wind mixing can support an intense monospecific diatom bloom of Diatoma spp. leading to the rapid depletion of dissolved silica.  相似文献   

Twenty–nine inoperculate discomycetes and two plectomycetes are recorded from West Greenland, with ecological and plant geographical notes.  相似文献   

Escape performance was examined in three similarly sized teleosts caught in Arctic waters: the Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua, the Greenland cod, Gadus ogac, and the short-horned sculpin, Myoxocephalus scorpius. Escape responses were elicited by a mechanical stimulus and followed by recordings of velocity and acceleration over the first 320 ms. A significant difference in escape performance was confirmed between the three species. G. morhua always exhibited the fastest and M. scorpius the slowest responses. Maximal measures of acceleration and velocity revealed no difference between G. morhua (12.6 m s–2 and 1.27 m s–1) and G. ogac (11.9 m s–2 and 1.16 m s–1) but an overall reduced performance in M. scorpius (6.5 m s–2 and 0.71 m s–1). The escape performance of the gadid and cottid species generally correlate well with their behavioural lifestyle, but it is surprisingly similar to Antarctic notothenioid fishes at lower temperatures.  相似文献   

Besnoitiosis was diagnosed in an adult male woodland caribou found dead in northern Saskatchewan. The lesions present were comparable to those of chronic besnoitiosis in cattle, and were much more severe than those previously described in domestic reindeer and barren-ground caribou.  相似文献   

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