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In the present study, anaerobic fungi were isolated from different ruminants and non-ruminants; i.e., cattle, buffalo, sheep, goats, wild bluebulls, elephants, deer, and zebras; and were identified as Anaeromyces, Orpinomyces, Caecomyces, Piromyces, and Neocallimastix sp., based on their morphological characteristics. These isolates possessed significant in vitro hydrolytic enzyme activities; however, an isolate of Caecomyces sp. from elephant was found to exhibit maximum activity, i.e., filter paper cellulase (Fpase; 21.4 mIU/ml), carboxymethyl cellulose (CMCase; 15.1 mIU/ml), cellobiase (37.4 mIU/ml), and xylanase (26.0 mIU/ml). Besides, this isolate also showed the significantly highest ability to digest plant cell-wall contents in vitro. The in vitro dry matter digestibility increased from 45.1 to 48.9% after 48 h of incubation, and the plant cell-wall contents, in terms of neutral detergent fiber and acid detergent fiber, decreased from 64.2 to 61.3% and from 31.3 to 29.6%, respectively. These results indicate that such fibrolytic ruminal fungal strains are prevalent in wild herbivores such as elephants, as well as in other ruminants and non-ruminants, and could be exploited as microbial feed additives for improved nutrition and productivity in domesticated ruminants.  相似文献   

The rumen anaerobic fungi   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The anaerobic fungi represent a new group of organisms inhabiting the rumen ecosystem and possess a life cycle alternating between a motile flagellated form (zoospore) and a non-motile vegetative reproductive form (thallus). In vivo studies show extensive colonization of plant material suspended in the rumen indicating the fungi have a role in fiber digestion. Pure cultures of anaerobic fungi ferment cellulose to give lactate, acetate, CO2 and H2 as the major products. Ethanol and formate may also be produced. Fermentation of cellulose by the fungi in coculture with H2-utilizing methanogens results in a shift in the fermentation pattern favouring the production of H2 (utilized in the formation of CH4) and acetate at the expense of the electron-sink products, lactate and ethanol. It is postulated that the methanogens in reducing the partial pressure of H2, facilitate an increased passage of reducing equivalents towards the production of H2 via a pyridine-nucleotide (PN)-linked hydrogenase reaction. H2 is believed to be produced in microbodies of the fungi called hydrogenosomes which possess all of the enzymes necessary for this function including PN-linked hydrogenase. Absence of mitochondria and key electron transport components in these organisms indicate a dependence wholly on fermentative processes for growth. Anaerobic fungi also participate in hemicellulose and starch degredation but it is not yet clear whether they have a role in the degradation of lignin. Simple sugars (mono- and disaccharides) are readily utilized and their uptake is subject to similar regulatory constraints such as is found with other micro-organisms.Enzymological studies have revealed that anaerobic fungi release substantial amounts of endo-acting cellulase and protease, possibly giving them a competitive advantage over rumen bacteria in the degradation of plant structural material.  相似文献   

The fermentative characteristics of anaerobic rumen fungi   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Substrate utilization and fermentation characteristics of rumen fungi of the genus Neocallimastix are described. Preliminary observations on the removal of monosaccharides from plant cell walls and the effect of fermentation products on growth of Neocallimastix sp. (isolate R1) are presented. The properties of rumen fungi are discussed in relation to their role in the rumen.  相似文献   

Fermentation of woods by rumen anaerobic fungi   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Abstract The potential of rumen anaerobic fungi for fermenting untreated woods has been assessed using two Neocallimastix species isolated from sheep. When a strain of N. frontalis was incubated for 11 days with wood from 12 hardwood (angiosperm) species, many woods were measurably fermented, with wood from Populus tremuloides (32%) and Fagus sylvatica (21%) being the most highly degraded. This N. frontalis solubilised celulose, hemicellulose and lignin in P. tremuloides wood. Lower degradation (17%) of P. tremuloides wood by a different species of Neocallimastix showed that the choice of fungus as well as the structure and chemistry of the wood influenced the amount of wood cell wall degraded by anaerobic fungi. The amount of degradation was not related to the length of fungal rhizoids.  相似文献   

Mouse monoclonal antibodies to CD19 detect an antigenic determinant expressed exclusively on the surface of B lymphocytes, and have previously been shown to be potentially useful therapeutic reagents for human B cell lymphoma. We report the production and characterization of a mouse/human chimeric antibody, cCD19, with potent in vivo antitumour activity. The genes encoding the variable domains for heavy (VH) and light (VL) chains were subcloned into eukaryotic expression vectors containing human constant region genes (IgG1 and ), and co-transfected into non-secreting Sp2/0 mouse myeloma cells. Intraperitoneal administration of cCD19 produced inhibition of growth of subcutaneous CD19+ Sultan human B lymphoma tumours inscid/scid mice. When the antibody was administered 18 and 20 days after subcutaneous tumour inoculation, an approximately 30% reduction in tumour size was noted by day 29. cCD19 faithfully mimicked the in vitro binding characteristics of mCD19 as (a) the chimeric antibody was shown by flow cytometry to bind exclusively to cell lines that expressed CD19, (b) cCD19 was able to inhibit the binding of mCD19 on CD19+ cells completely and (c) the affinity of binding of the two antibodies was not significantly different [K a=(2.03±1.5)×108]. In biodistribution studies, up to 14.8% of the total injected antibody dose per gram of tissue was localized in CD19+ Sultan tumours at 24 h approximately, 14.4% was present in the tumors at 48 h and about 13.7% at 72 h. These levels were comparable to mCD19 administered in the same fashion. cCD19 conjugated to idarubicin was specifically and strongly cytotoxic to CD19+ cells cultured in vitro, and demonstrated an IC50 of 0.17 M, similar to that of mCD19 (0.32 M) and approximately 14-fold greater than the IC50 of free idarubicin. The specific cytotoxic capacity of cCD19 and its likely reduced immunogenicity suggest that it may potentially be of use in the treatment of refractory B cell lymphoma in humans.  相似文献   

目的:制备针对嗜肺军团茵血清8型的单克隆抗体,并建立双抗体夹心酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)检测方法。方法:用甲醛灭活的嗜肺军团菌血清8型菌免疫BALB/c小鼠,采用杂交瘤技术制备抗嗜肺军团菌血清8型单克隆抗体,建立双抗夹心ELISA检测方法。结果:研制出8株能特异性分泌抗嗜肺军团菌血清8型单克隆抗体的杂交瘤细胞株,Ig类型分别为IgM(2株)、IgG,(1株)和IgG,(5株);利用IgG1型单抗6G10与6C7配对,建立了双抗夹心ELISA检测方法,该方法的最低检出浓度为2.6×10^5cfu/mL,除与金黄色葡萄球菌有微弱的交叉反应外,与14株其他血清型嗜肺军团菌、17株非嗜肺军团菌及11株非军团菌均无交叉反应,具有较高的特异性。结论:制备了具有高特异性和亲和力的抗嗜肺军团菌血清8型单克隆抗体,并建立了双抗夹心EUSA检测方法。  相似文献   

Chitinolytic systems of anaerobic polycentric rumen fungi of genera Orpinomyces and Anaeromyces were investigated in three crude enzyme fractions - extracellular, cytosolic and cell-wall. Endochitinase was found as a dominant enzyme with highest activity in the cytosolic fraction. Endochitinases of both genera were stable at pH 4.5-7.0 with optimum at 6.5. The Orpinomyces endochitinase was stable up to 50 degrees C with an optimum for enzyme activity at 50 degrees C; similarly, Anaeromyces endochitinase was stable up to 40 degrees C with optimum at 40 degrees C. The most suitable substrate for both endochitinases was fungal cell-wall chitin. Enzyme activities were inhibited by Hg(2+) and Mn(2+), and activated by Mg(2+) and Fe(3+). Both endochitinases were inhibited by 10 mmol/L SDS and activated by iodoacetamide.  相似文献   

The survival of a strain of Legionella pneumophila (Lp-1) inoculated in artificial water microcosms was investigated with and without an amoebal host and varying environmental conditions, such as biofilm formation, amount of nutrients and incubation temperature. The results obtained using short (micromethod) and long (macromethod) term methods showed that L. pneumophila Lp-1 dies rapidly at 4 degrees C in the "macromethod" assay. When the same temperature (4 degrees C) was applied to the "micromethod" assay, L. pneumophila Lp-1 survived for three weeks, although it progressively decreased. At an incubation temperature of 30 degrees C, the aquatic environment was more favourable and better survival emerged in the "macromethod"; in contrast, this favourable temperature condition did not improve the survival of L. pneumophila Lp-1 cultured with the "micromethod". The role of the protozoa Acanthamoeba polyphaga proved to be indispensable for legionella survival only when environmental conditions become unfavourable.  相似文献   

We have recently shown an essential role of the 32 amino acids C-terminus domain of IcmT of Legionella pneumophila in bacterial egress from macrophages. Mutants expressing an IcmT protein with a truncation in the C-terminus, replicate intracellularly but are defective in pore formation-mediated egress. The C-terminus domain of IcmT is the only hydrophilic domain of IcmT that is predicted to be in the cytoplasm while the rest of the protein is in the cytoplasmic membrane. In order to characterize the structure-function of the C-terminus of IcmT in the pore-forming activity and bacterial egress, we constructed 10 icmT missense mutant alleles differing by a single amino acid in the C-terminus of icmT and introduced them into the null icmT mutant. The H58Q, W69L, R71I, R79I and R86I icmT mutant alleles showed significantly lower pore-forming activity as measured by hemolysis of sRBC. The Y59S, R68L and S77L mutant alleles showed significantly lower cytopathogenicity to U937 macrophages. All 10 mutant alleles enabled the icmT null mutant to replicate intracellularly as efficiently as icmT null mutant harboring the wild-type icmT. Seven of the icmT alleles enabled the icmT null mutant to egress from infected macrophages as efficiently as icmT null mutant harboring the wild-type icmT. The other 3 substitutions conferred a partial defect in hemolysis and two of them also conferred a defect in egress from macrophages. Thus, two amino acid residues in the C-terminus of IcmT are required for both pore formation and bacterial egress. However, certain single amino acid substitutions in the C-terminus reduce the pore-forming activity when tested in vitro, but may or may not have a detectable effect on egress of L. pneumophila from U937 macrophages.  相似文献   

The fatty acid (FA) composition of fresh mycelia of anaerobic rumen fungi was determined. The fatty acids methyl esters (FAME) of six strains belonging to four genera (Neocallimastix, Caecomyces, Orpinomyces, Anaeromyces) and one unknown strain were analyzed by gas chromatography. All studied fungi possess the same FAs but differences were found in their relative concentrations. The FA profile of anaerobic fungi comprises carbon chains of length ranging from 12 to 24; the most common fatty acids were stearic (C(18:0)), arachidic (C(20:0)), heneicosanoic (C(21:0)), behenic (C(22:0)), tricosanoic (C(23:0)) and lignoceric (C(24:0)) with relative amount representing >4% of total FA. Significant differences were determined for heptadecanoic, oleic, behenic and tricosanoic acids. Rumen anaerobic fungi can contain very long chain fatty acids; we found unsaturated fatty acids including cis-11-eicosenoic (C(20:1)), cis-11,14-eicosadienoic (C(20:2)), erucic (C(22:1n9)), cis-13,16-docosadienoic (C(22:2)) and nervonic (C(24:1)) acids in very small amounts but their presence seems to be unique for anaerobic fungi.  相似文献   

Five strains of anaerobic fungi isolated from the faeces of wild (hog deer, Cervus porcinus; blackbuck, Antelope cervicapra; spotted deer, Axis axis; nilgai, Baselophus tragocamelus) and rumen liquor of domestic (sheep, Ovies aries) ruminants showing high fibrolytic enzyme producing ability were added to mixed rumen microflora of buffalo to study their effect on the digestibility of lignocellulosic feed (wheat straw and wheat bran in the ratio of 80:20), enzyme production and fermentation end products in in vitro conditions. Among the 5 isolates studied, FNG5 (isolated from nilgai) showed the highest stimulating effect on apparent digestibility (35.31 +/- 1.61% vs. 28.61 +/- 1.55%; P < 0.05), true digestibility (43.64 +/- 1.73% vs. 35.37 +/- 1.65%; P < 0.01), neutral detergent fiber digestibility (29.30 +/- 2.58% vs. 18.47 +/- 2.12; P < 0.01) of feed 24 h after inoculation compared to the control group. The production of carboxymethyl cellulase, xylanase, acetyl esterase and beta-glucosidase was significantly (P < 0.05) higher in the FNG5 inoculated incubation medium. There was no improvement in the digestibility and enzyme production on the addition of the other 4 isolates. Total volatile fatty acid levels as well as the concentration of acetate, propionate, isobutyrate and valerate were significantly higher in the FNG5 added group as compared to the control group. The fungal isolate FNG5 from nilgai, a wild ruminant, was found to be superior to the other isolates tested and appears to have a potential to be used as a feed additive for improving fiber degradation in domestic ruminants.  相似文献   

The lly locus confers fluorescence, haemolysis, brown pigmentation and an increased resistance to light in Legionella pneumophila. In this study, we correlated the pigment production of two lly-positive L. pneumophila isolates and a recombinant lly-positive Escherichia coli strain with the presence of homogentisic acid (HGA) in the culture supernatant. The detection of HGA by high performance liquid chromatography and the data analysis of the deduced amino acid sequence of the lly gene indicate that the lly locus codes for a p-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase (HPPD). This enzyme catalyses the transformation of p-hydroxyphenylpyruvate into HGA, which subsequently oxidises and polymerises into a melanin-like pigment. One open reading frame (ORF 1) in the lly region exhibited homologies with genes of Synechocystis sp., Petroselium crispum and Streptomyces mycarofaciens that code for methyltransferases. By screening a genomic library of L. pneumophila (serogroup 1) strain Corby with a monoclonal antibody against the legiolysin (lly), we identified two recombinant E. coli clones that did not produce the brown pigment and showed no haemolysis and fluorescence. DNA sequencing revealed that both clones contained 874 nucleotides of the N-terminal part of the lly gene. The recombinant strains expressed truncated legiolysin proteins of 39.5 and 35.7 kDa and did not produce HGA. Considering the highly conserved structure of legiolysin-like HPPD genes from other organisms, we suggest that the C-terminus of the legiolysin may be essential for the enzymatic activity that conferred pigmentation via HGA polymerisation, haemolysis and fluorescence.  相似文献   

A grass + fishmeal ruminant feed was incubated for 7 d in a mineral salts medium with the non-proteolytic rumen bacteria Bacteroides succinogenes, Ruminococcus flavefaciens, Megasphaera elsdenii and proteolytic strains of Bacteroides ruminicola, Selenomonas ruminantium and Streptococcus bovis in the presence and absence of the anaerobic fungus Neocallitnastix frontalis . The fungus increased the dry matter digestion from 65·0 to 69·4%, and more than doubled the proteolytic activity of the culture filtrate. However, a greater difference was observed with the solid material, where the proteolytic activity increased from 0·71 to 6·89 mg 14C-casein hydrolysed/g/h, due mainly to EDTA-sensitive fungal protease.  相似文献   

To investigate the genetic difference of Legionella pneumophila in human‐made environments, we collected isolates of L. pneumophila from bath water (n = 167) and cooling tower water (n = 128) primarily in the Kanto region in 2001 and 2005. The environmental isolates were serogrouped and sequenced for a target region of flaA. A total of 14 types of flaA genotypes were found: 10 from cooling tower water and nine from bath water. The flaA genotypes of isolates from cooling tower water were quite different from those of bath water.  相似文献   

The effect of rumen chitinolytic bacteria on cellulolytic anaerobic fungi   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
J. KOPEČNÝ, B. HODROVÁ AND C. S. STEWART. 1996. The polycentric anaerobic fungus Orpinomyces joyonii A4 was cultivated on microcrystalline cellulose alone and in association with the rumen chitinolytic bacterium Clostridium sp. strain ChK5, which shows strong phenotypic similarity to Clostridium tertium . The presence of strain ChK5 significantly depressed the solubilization of microcrystalline cellulose, the production of short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) and the release of endoglucanase by the fungus. Co-culture of the monocentric anaerobic fungus Neocallimastix frontalis strain RE1, Neocallimastix sp. strain G-1 and Caecomyces sp. strain SC2 with strain ChK5 also resulted in depressed fungal cellulolysis. Cell-free supernatant fluids from strain ChK5 inhibited the release of reducing sugars from carboxymethylcellulose by cell-free supernatant fluids from O. joyonii strain A4. Strain 007 of the cellulolytic anaerobe Ruminococcus flavefaciens was also shown to produce small amounts of soluble products upon incubation with colloidal chitin. Mixtures of culture supernates from this bacterium and from O. joyonii strain A4 showed cellulase activity that was less than that of the component cultures. It is suggested that the ability of some rumen bacteria to hydrolyse or transform chitin may be an important factor in the interactions between bacteria and fungi in the rumen.  相似文献   


Anaerobic ruminal fungi may play an active role in fibre degradation as evidenced by the production of different fibrolytic enzymes in culture filtrate. In the present study, 16 anaerobic fungal strains were isolated from ruminal and faecal samples of sheep and goats. Based on their morphological characteristics they were identified as species of Anaeromyces, Orpinomyces, Piromyces and Neocallimastix. Isolated Neocallimastix sp. from goat rumen showed a maximum activity of CMCase (47.9 mIU ml?1) and filter paper cellulase (48.3 mIU ml?1), while Anaeromyces sp. from sheep rumen showed a maximum xylanolytic activity (48.3 mIU ml?1). The cellobiase activity for all the isolates ranged from 178.0 – 182.7 mIU ml?1. Based on the enzymatic activities, isolated Anaeromyces sp. from sheep rumen and Neocallimastix sp. from goat rumen were selected for their potential of in vitro fibre degradation. The highest in vitro digestibility of NDF (23.2%) and DM (34.4%) was shown for Neocallimastix sp. from goat rumen, as compared to the digestibility of NDF and DM in the control group of 17.5 and 25.0%, respectively.  相似文献   

Anaerobic ruminal fungi may play an active role in fibre degradation as evidenced by the production of different fibrolytic enzymes in culture filtrate. In the present study, 16 anaerobic fungal strains were isolated from ruminal and faecal samples of sheep and goats. Based on their morphological characteristics they were identified as species of Anaeromyces, Orpinomyces, Piromyces and Neocallimastix. Isolated Neocallimastix sp. from goat rumen showed a maximum activity of CMCase (47.9 mIU ml(-1)) and filter paper cellulase (48.3 mIU ml(-1)), while Anaeromyces sp. from sheep rumen showed a maximum xylanolytic activity (48.3 mIU ml(-1)). The cellobiase activity for all the isolates ranged from 178.0-182.7 mIU ml(-1). Based on the enzymatic activities, isolated Anaeromyces sp. from sheep rumen and Neocallimastix sp. from goat rumen were selected for their potential of in vitro fibre degradation. The highest in vitro digestibility of NDF (23.2%) and DM (34.4%) was shown for Neocallimastix sp. from goat rumen, as compared to the digestibility of NDF and DM in the control group of 17.5 and 25.0%, respectively.  相似文献   

Proteolytic activity of a rumen anaerobic fungus   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Abstract A strain of the anaerobic phycomycetous fungus Neocallimastix frontalis isolated from the rumen of a sheep had a high proteolytic activity which became predominantly extracellular during growth. Proteolytic activity appeared to be due to a metalloprotease, as it was inhibited by 1,10-phenanthroline, EDTA and other chelators but not by phenylmethylsulphonyl fluoride (PMSF). Inhibition by EDTA was fully reversed by the addition of Zn2+, Ca2+ or Co2+, whereas addition of metal ions in the presence of 1,10-phenanthroline restored only a little activity. p -Chloromercuribenzoate (PCMB) was also inhibitory in dialysed supernatant fluid. N-α-p-Tosyl- l -lysine chloromethylketone (TLCK) inhibited proteolysis, suggesting that the protease(s) has a trypsin-like specificity, but benzoylarginine p -nitroanilide was not hydrolysed. Protease activity has a broad pH profile with a maximum at pH 7.5. Gel fractionation indicated that most of the activity was in a high- M r form.  相似文献   

Abstract We measured adenosine deaminase (ADA) activity in a guinea pig model of Legionella pneumophila infection. Female Hartley guinea pigs were inoculated intraperitoneally with one-quarter of the LD50 dose of L. pneumophila Philadelphia-1 strain. Control groups were inoculated with clinical isolates of Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae or Klebsiella pneumoniae . Each group consisted of 5 animals. ADA activity in plasma was assayed calorimetrically before and at various intervals after infection by measuring the amount of ammonia produced after adnosine was added to plasma samples. ADA activity before inoculation was 25.6±6.0 IU/1, it reached 174.4±60.0 IU/1 on day 3 after inoculation of L. pneumophila . ADA activity returned to normal levels on day 14. ADA activity did not increase significantly in guinea pigs infected with the other types of bacteria. These findings suggest that measurement of plasma ADA activity may be useful for the diagnosis of Legionella infection.  相似文献   

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