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The pre-mRNA splicing pathway is highly conserved from yeast (S. cerevisiae) to mammals. Of the four snRNPs involved in splicing three (U1, U2 and U4/U6) have been shown to be essential for in vitro splicing. To examine the remaining snRNP, we utilized our previously described genetic procedures (Seraphin and Rosbash, 1989) to prepare yeast extracts depleted of U5 snRNP. The results show that U5 snRNP is necessary for both steps of pre- mRNA splicing and for proper spliceosome assembly, i.e., addition of the U4/U5/U6 triple snRNP. The prior steps of U1 and U2 snRNP addition occur normally in the absence of U5 snRNP.  相似文献   

U4 snRNA is phylogenetically highly conserved and organized in several domains. To determine the function of each of the domains of human U4 snRNA in the multi-step process of snRNP and spliceosome assembly, we used reconstitution procedures in combination with snRNA mutagenesis. The highly conserved 5' terminal domain of U4 snRNA consists of the stem I and stem II regions that have been proposed to base pair with U6 snRNA, and the 5' stem-loop structure. We found that each of these structural elements is essential for spliceosome assembly. However, only the stem II region is required for U4-U6 interaction, and none of these elements for Sm protein binding. In contrast, the 3' terminal domain of U4 snRNA containing the Sm binding site is dispensable for both U4-U6 interaction and spliceosome assembly. Our results support an organization of the U4 snRNP into multiple functional domains, each of which acts at distinct stages of snRNP and spliceosome assembly.  相似文献   

Two sequences important for pre-mRNA splicing precede the 3' end of introns in higher eukaryotes, the branch point (BP) and the polypyrimidine (Py) tract. Initial recognition of these signals involves cooperative binding of the splicing factor SF1/mammalian branch point binding protein (mBBP) to the BP and of U2AF(65) to the Py tract. Both factors are required for recruitment of the U2 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particle (U2 snRNP) to the BP in reactions reconstituted from purified components. In contrast, extensive depletion of ST1/BBP in Saccharomyces cerevisiae does not compromise spliceosome assembly or splicing significantly. As BP sequences are less conserved in mammals, these discrepancies could reflect more stringent requirements for SF1/BBP in this system. We report here that extensive depletion of SF1/mBBP from nuclear extracts of HeLa cells results in only modest reduction of their activity in spliceosome assembly and splicing. Some of these effects reflect differences in the kinetics of U2 snRNP binding. Although U2AF(65) binding was reduced in the depleted extracts, the defects caused by SF1/mBBP depletion could not be fully restored by an increase in occupancy of the Py tract by exogenously added U2AF(65), arguing for a role of SF1/mBBP in U2 snRNP recruitment distinct from promoting U2AF(65) binding.  相似文献   

The existence of two sophisticated parallel splicing machineries in multicellular organisms has raised intriguing questions--ranging from their impact on proteome expansion to the evolution of splicing and of metazoan genomes. Exploring roles for the distinct splicing systems in vivo has, however, been restricted by the lack of techniques to selectively inhibit their function in cells. In this study, we show that morpholino oligomers complementary to the branch-site recognition elements of U2 or U12 small nuclear RNA specifically suppress the function of the two splicing systems in mammalian cells. The data provide the first evidence for a role of distinct spliceosomes in pre-mRNA splicing from endogenous mammalian genes and establish a tool to define roles for the different splicing machineries in vivo.  相似文献   

The spliceosome assembly pathway in mammalian extracts.   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
A mammalian splicing commitment complex was functionally defined by using a template commitment assay. This complex was partially purified and shown to be a required intermediate for complex A formation. The productive formation of this commitment complex required both splice sites and the polypyrimidine tract. U1 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein (snRNP) was the only spliceosomal U snRNP required for this formation. A protein factor, very likely U2AF, is probably involved in the formation of the splicing commitment complex. From the kinetics of appearance of complex A and complex B, it was previously postulated that complex A represents a functional intermediate in spliceosome assembly. Complex A was partially purified and shown to be a required intermediate for complex B (spliceosome) formation. Thus, a spliceosome pathway is for the first time supported by direct biochemical evidence: RNA+U1 snRNP+?U2 auxiliary factor+?Y----CC+U2 snRNP+Z----A+U4/6,5 snRNPs+ beta----B.  相似文献   

The assembly of spliceosomal U snRNPs depends on the coordinated action of PRMT5 and SMN complexes in vivo. These trans‐acting factors enable the faithful delivery of seven Sm proteins onto snRNA and the formation of the common core of snRNPs. To gain mechanistic insight into their mode of action, we reconstituted the assembly machinery from recombinant sources. We uncover a stepwise and ordered formation of distinct Sm protein complexes on the PRMT5 complex, which is facilitated by the assembly chaperone pICln. Upon completion, the formed pICln‐Sm units are displaced by new pICln‐Sm protein substrates and transferred onto the SMN complex. The latter acts as a Brownian machine that couples spontaneous conformational changes driven by thermal energy to prevent mis‐assembly and to ensure the transfer of Sm proteins to cognate RNA. Investigation of mutant SMN complexes provided insight into the contribution of individual proteins to these activities. The biochemical reconstitution presented here provides a basis for a detailed molecular dissection of the U snRNP assembly reaction.  相似文献   

We showed previously that the yeast Prp4 protein is a spliceosomal factor that is tightly associated with the U4, U5, and U6 small nuclear RNAs. Moreover, Prp4 appears to associate very transiently with the spliceosome before the U4 snRNA dissociates from the spliceosome. Prp4 belongs to the Gbeta-like protein family, which suggests that the Prp4 Gbeta motifs could mediate interactions with other components of the spliceosome. To investigate the function of the Gbeta motifs, we introduced mutations within the second WD-repeat of Prp4. Among the 35 new alleles found, 24 were pseudo wild-type mutants, 8 failed to grow at any temperature, and 3 were conditional sensitive mutants. The biochemical defects of the three thermosensitive prp4 mutants have been examined by immunoprecipitation, native gel electrophoresis, and glycerol gradient centrifugation. First, we show that snRNP formation is not impaired in these mutants and that Prp4 is present in the U4/U6 and U4/U6-U5 snRNP particles. We also demonstrate that spliceosome assembly is largely unaffected despite the fact that the first step of splicing does not occur. However, both Prp4 and U4 snRNA remain tightly associated with the spliceosome and this blocks the transition toward an active form of the spliceosome. Our results suggest a possible role of Prp4 in mediating important conformational rearrangements of proteins within the spliceosome that involve the region containing the Gbeta-repeats.  相似文献   

Pre-mRNA splicing is catalyzed by the spliceosome, a macromolecular machine dedicated to intron removal and exon ligation. Despite an abundance of in vitro information and a small number of in vivo studies, the pathway of yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) in vivo spliceosome assembly remains uncertain. To address this situation, we combined in vivo depletions of U1, U2, or U5 snRNAs with chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) analysis of other splicing snRNPs along an intron-containing gene. The data indicate that snRNP recruitment to nascent pre-mRNA predominantly proceeds via the canonical three-step assembly pathway: first U1, then U2, and finally the U4/U6*U5 tri-snRNP. Tandem affinity purification (TAP) using a U2 snRNP-tagged protein allowed the characterization of in vivo assembled higher-order splicing complexes. Consistent with an independent snRNP assembly pathway, we observed high levels of U1-U2 prespliceosomes under U5-depletion conditions, and we observed significant levels of a U2/U5/U6/Prp19-complex mature splicing complex under wild-type conditions. These complexes have implications for the steady-state distribution of snRNPs within nuclei and also reinforce the stepwise recruitment of U1, U2, and the tri-snRNP during in vivo spliceosome assembly.  相似文献   

Mutants in the Drosophila crooked neck (crn) gene show an embryonic lethal phenotype with severe developmental defects. The unusual crn protein consists of sixteen tandem repeats of the 34 amino acid tetratricopeptide (TPR) protein recognition domain. Crn-like TPR elements are found in several RNA processing proteins, although it is unknown how the TPR repeats or the crn protein contribute to Drosophila development. We have isolated a Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene, CLF1, that encodes a crooked neck-like factor. CLF1 is an essential gene but the lethal phenotype of a clf1::HIS3 chromosomal null mutant can be rescued by plasmid-based expression of CLF1 or the Drosophila crn open reading frame. Clf1p is required in vivo and in vitro for pre-mRNA 5' splice site cleavage. Extracts depleted of Clf1p arrest spliceosome assembly after U2 snRNP addition but prior to productive U4/U6.U5 association. Yeast two-hybrid analyses and in vitro binding studies show that Clf1p interacts specifically and differentially with the U1 snRNP-Prp40p protein and the yeast U2AF65 homolog, Mud2p. Intriguingly, Prp40p and Mud2p also bind the phylogenetically conserved branchpoint binding protein (BBP/SF1). Our results indicate that Clf1p acts as a scaffolding protein in spliceosome assembly and suggest that Clf1p may support the cross-intron bridge during the prespliceosome-to-spliceosome transition.  相似文献   

Stable association of U2 snRNP with the branchpoint sequence of mammalian pre-mRNAs requires binding of a non-snRNP protein to the polypyrimidine tract. In order to determine how U2 snRNP contacts this protein, we have used an RNA containing the consensus 5' and the (Py)n-AG 3' splice sites but lacking the branchpoint sequence so as to prevent direct U2 snRNA base pairing to the branchpoint. Different approaches including electrophoretic separation of RNP complexes formed in nuclear extracts, RNase T1 protection immunoprecipitation assays with antibodies against snRNPs and UV cross-linking experiments coupled to immunoprecipitations allowed us to demonstrate that at least three splicing factors contact this RNA at 0 degree C without ATP. As expected, U1 snRNP interacts with the region comprising the 5' splice site. A protein of approximately 65,000 molecular weight recognizes the RNA specifically at the 5' boundary of the polypyrimidine tract. It could be either the U2 auxiliary factor (U2AF) (Zamore and Green (1989) PNAS 86, 9243-9247), the polypyrimidine tract binding protein (pPTB) (Garcia-Blanco et al. (1989) Genes and Dev. 3, 1874-1886) or a mixture of both. U2 snRNP also contacts the RNA in a way depending on p65 binding, thereby further arguing that the latter may correspond to the previously characterized U2AF and pPTB. Cleavage of U2 snRNA sequence by a complementary oligonucleotide and RNase H led us to conclude that the 5' terminus of U2 snRNA is required to ensure the contact between U2 snRNP and p65 bound to the RNA. More importantly, this conclusion can be extended to authentic pre-mRNAs. When we have used a human beta-globin pre-mRNA instead of the above artificial substrate, RNA bound p65 became precipitable by anti-(U2) RNP and anti-Sm antibodies except when the 5' end of U2 snRNA was selectively cleaved.  相似文献   

U snRNP assembly in yeast involves the La protein   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

U1 small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs) are required for in vitro splicing of pre-mRNA. Sequences within U1 RNA hybridize to, and thus recognize, 5' splice junctions. We have investigated the mechanism of association of U1 snRNPs with the spliceosome. U1-specific antibodies detected U1 association with precursor RNA early during assembly. Removal of the 5' terminal sequences of U1 RNA by oligo-directed cleavage or removal of U1 snRNPs by immunoprecipitation prior to the addition of precursor RNA depressed the association of all snRNPs with precursor RNA as detected by immunoprecipitation of splicing complexes by either Sm or U1-specific antibodies. Assembly of the spliceosome as monitored by gel electrophoresis was also depressed after cleavage of U1 RNA. The dependency of Sm precipitability of precursor RNA upon the presence of U1 snRNPs suggests that U1 snRNPs participate in the early recognition of substrate RNAs by U2 to U6 snRNPs. Although removal of the 5'-terminal sequences of U1 depressed U1 snRNP association with precursor RNA, it did not eliminate it, suggesting semistable association of U1 snRNPs with the assembling spliceosome in the absence of U1 RNA hybridization. This association was not dependent upon 5' splice junction sequences but was dependent upon 3' intronic sequences, indicating that U1 snRNPs interact with factors recognizing 3' intronic sequences. Mutual dependence of 5' and 3' recognition factors suggests significant snRNP-snRNP communication during early assembly.  相似文献   

Early recognition of pre-mRNA during spliceosome assembly in mammals proceeds through the association of U1 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particle (snRNP) with the 5' splice site as well as the interactions of the branch binding protein SF1 with the branch region and the U2 snRNP auxiliary factor U2AF with the polypyrimidine tract and 3' splice site. These factors, along with members of the SR protein family, direct the ATP-independent formation of the early (E) complex that commits the pre-mRNA to splicing. We report here the observation in U2AF-depleted HeLa nuclear extract of a distinct, ATP-independent complex designated E' which can be chased into E complex and itself commits a pre-mRNA to the splicing pathway. The E' complex is characterized by a U1 snRNA-5' splice site base pairing, which follows the actual commitment step, an interaction of SF1 with the branch region, and a close association of the 5' splice site with the branch region. These results demonstrate that both commitment to splicing and the early proximity of conserved sequences within pre-mRNA substrates can occur in a minimal complex lacking U2AF, which may function as a precursor to E complex in spliceosome assembly.  相似文献   

B Seraphin  M Rosbash 《Cell》1989,59(2):349-358
Although both U1 and U2 snRNPs have been implicated in the splicing process, their respective roles in the earliest stages of intron recognition and spliceosome assembly are uncertain. To address this issue, we developed a new strategy to prepare snRNP-depleted splicing extracts using Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells conditionally expressing U1 or U2 snRNP. Complementation analyses and chase experiments show that a stable complex, committed to the splicing pathway, forms in the absence of U2 snRNP. U1 snRNP and a substrate containing both a 5' splice site and a branchpoint sequence are required for optimal formation of this commitment complex. We developed new gel electrophoresis conditions to identify these committed complexes and to show that they contain U1 snRNA. Chase experiments demonstrated that these complexes are functional intermediates in spliceosome assembly and splicing. Our results have implications for the process of splice site selection.  相似文献   

The existence of two sophisticated parallel splicing machineries in multicellular organisms has raised intriguing questions—ranging from their impact on proteome expansion to the evolution of splicing and of metazoan genomes. Exploring roles for the distinct splicing systems in vivo has, however, been restricted by the lack of techniques to selectively inhibit their function in cells. In this study, we show that morpholino oligomers complementary to the branch-site recognition elements of U2 or U12 small nuclear RNA specifically suppress the function of the two splicing systems in mammalian cells. The data provide the first evidence for a role of distinct spliceosomes in pre-mRNA splicing from endogenous mammalian genes and establish a tool to define roles for the different splicing machineries in vivo.  相似文献   

F Caspary  A Shevchenko  M Wilm    B Séraphin 《The EMBO journal》1999,18(12):3463-3474
We have partially purified the U2 snRNP of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Identification of some proteins consistently found in the purified fractions by nanoelectrospray mass spectrometry indicated the presence of a novel splicing factor named Rse1p. The RSE1 gene is essential and codes for a 148.2 kDa protein. We demonstrated that Rse1p associates specifically with U2 snRNA at low salt concentrations. In addition, we showed that Rse1p is a component of the pre-spliceosome. Depletion of Rse1p and analysis of a conditional mutant indicated that Rse1p was required for efficient splicing in vivo. In vitro Rse1p is required for the formation of pre-spliceosomes. Database searches revealed that Rse1p is conserved in humans and that it belongs to a large protein family that includes polyadenylation factors and DNA repair proteins. The characteristics of Rse1p suggest that its human homologue could be a subunit of the SF3 splicing factor.  相似文献   

We have isolated and microsequenced Snu17p, a novel yeast protein with a predicted molecular mass of 17 kDa that contains an RNA recognition motif. We demonstrate that Snu17p binds specifically to the U2 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein (snRNP) and that it is part of the spliceosome, since the pre-mRNA and the lariat-exon 2 are specifically coprecipitated with Snu17p. Although the SNU17 gene is not essential, its knockout leads to a slow-growth phenotype and to a pre-mRNA splicing defect in vivo. In addition, the first step of splicing is dramatically decreased in extracts prepared from the snu17 deletion (snu17Delta) mutant. This defect is efficiently reversed by the addition of recombinant Snu17p. To investigate the step of spliceosome assembly at which Snu17p acts, we have used nondenaturing gel electrophoresis. In Snu17p-deficient extracts, the spliceosome runs as a single slowly migrating complex. In wild-type extracts, usually at least two distinct complexes are observed: the prespliceosome, or B complex, containing the U2 but not the U1 snRNP, and the catalytically active spliceosome, or A complex, containing the U2, U6, and U5 snRNPs. Northern blot analysis and affinity purification of the snu17Delta spliceosome showed that it contains the U1, U2, U6, U5, and U4 snRNPs. The unexpected stabilization of the U1 snRNP and the lack of dissociation of the U4 snRNP suggest that loss of Snu17p inhibits the progression of spliceosome assembly prior to U1 snRNP release and after [U4/U6.U5] tri-snRNP addition.  相似文献   

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