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Sugarcane sugar and bagasse can be utilized for the production of ethanol or other biofuels. A better understanding of the changes in composition with development along the stalk and with crop development will maximize the usage of sugarcane for this purpose. Two experiments were designed to elucidate internode composition changes during the growing season. In experiment 1, an internode of stalks of 5 modern cultivars were marked at the start of elongation, and then sampled every 1 to 2?weeks from July until October. Sugars were extracted and assayed, and a sequential detergent method was used to estimate hemicellulose, cellulose, and lignin contents. In experiment 2, internodes 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11 down the stalk were sampled in late July (grand growth) and late September (ripening). Internode length, fresh weight, dry weight, water content, and sugar contents were determined as well as cell wall composition. Both experiments were repeated in 2?years. As internodes elongated, total sugar increased, and hemicellulose decreased as a proportion of neutral detergent fiber, while cellulose and lignin increased. After elongation, sucrose and lignin increased, and cellulose content decreased with internode age. The variability in cell wall composition among the five cultivars suggests that selection for desirable composition may be possible. In Experiment 2, hemicellulose contents were lower, and lignin and ash contents were higher at ripening than during grand growth. Delaying sugarcane harvest to maximize sucrose content may decrease bagasse suitability for cellulosic ethanol production because of the increased lignin content.  相似文献   

The chemical composition of phloem sap from the uppermost internodeof rice plants (Oryza sativa L., var. Kantou), one week afteranthesis, was compared with that of phloem sap from the leafsheath of a young seedling. The pure phloem sap from rice plantswas collected by an insect laser technique. The phloem sap from the uppermost internode contained a highlevel of sucrose (573.8 mM) which was the only sugar detected.The concentrations of total amino acids, potassium and ATP were124.8 mM, 40.4 mM and 1.76 mM, respectively. The concentrationof sucrose was three times higher and the potassium level wasone third as high in the internode sap as in the phloem sapfrom the leaf sheath. The total concentration of amino acidswas almost the same, but the relative amount of each amino acidwas quite different. The ratios of levels of Glu to Gln andof levels of Asp to Asn in the phloem sap from the uppermostinternode were smaller than those in the phloem sap from theleaf sheath. The adenylate energy charge was 0.92–0.93in both types of phloem sap. The amino acid composition of the phloem sap from the uppermostinternode was compared with that of the phloem sap of the flagleaf and the endosperm sap of the same plant, one week afteranthesis. The differences in composition along the phloem pathwaysuggest the selective translocation of amino acid. (Received July 21, 1989; Accepted December 11, 1989)  相似文献   

Both parts of the actin-myosin complex involved in cytoplasmic streaming could be regulated by mineral ions. The main goal of this study was to find a relationship between cyclosis and ion transport across the cell wall and plasma membrane. The transport of K(+) and Ca(2+) along pH bands in Chara branchlet internodal cells was characterized by using the MIFE system for non-invasive microelectrode measurement of ion fluxes. Branchlets formed acidic and alkaline bands with the pH ranging from 5 to 8. Different pH patterns were observed for different sides of the branchlets. Sides with cyclosis streaming acropetally generally showed greater variation in the profiles of pH and H(+) fluxes. Although a high correlation was not found between pH bands and Ca(2+) or K(+) fluxes, there was a positive correlation between Ca(2+) and K(+) fluxes themselves for both sides of the branchlets. Application of cytochalasin D, an inhibitor of cyclosis, had no immediate effect on pH and ion fluxes, however, the time of cyclosis cessation corresponded with a dramatic change in Ca(2+) and K(+) fluxes; pH profiles and H(+) fluxes were affected within 2 h. The evidence suggests that, in Chara branchlets, pH band formation and Gd(3+)-insensitive Ca(2+) transport systems are linked to the cyclosis machinery: (i) the pH band amplitude for the acropetally streaming side was larger than that for the basipetally streaming side; (ii) cessation of cytoplasmic streaming after cytochalasin D application resulted in changed pH banding profiles and H(+), Ca(2+) and K(+) fluxes; and (iii) the application of GdCl(3) or incubation in GdCl(3) solutions did not lead to the cessation of cytoplasmic streaming, although external Ca(2+) fluxes changed.  相似文献   

We examined a role of Ca2+ in the activation of the two majorion channels, i.e., Cl and K+ channels at the excitationof the characean plasmalemma. The current-voltage relation (I-Vcurve) of the Chara membrane was compared under the ramp voltageclamp condition before and after external application of 20µMof La3+ (a Ca2+ channel blocker). The transient inward currentcomponent, which is carried mainly by the efflux of Cl,disappeared almost completely in about 30 min with La3+ treatment.On the other hand, no effect was observed on the late largeoutward current, which is mainly carried by the efflux of K+in a large depolarization region (less negative than –50mV). These results suggest that the Cl channel in theChara plasmalemma is activated by Ca2+ influx, while the K+channel is simply activated by depolarization. (Received April 7, 1986; Accepted June 6, 1986)  相似文献   

A simple device was developed to detect net ion efflux duringa single action potential of Chara as an increase in the electricconductance of the bathing solution. The device showed a sufficientlyhigh sensitivity and rapid response to the increase in the electricconductance. Net efflux of monovalent ions was estimated as65–660 pmol cm–2 impluse–1 (average 220 pmolcm–2 impulse–1). (Received June 28, 1985; Accepted November 13, 1985)  相似文献   

The NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) method of Conlon and Outhred (1972) was used to measure diffusional water permeability of the nodal cells of the green alga Chara gymnophylla. Two local minima at 15 and 30°C of diffusional water permeability (P d ) were observed delimiting a region of low activation energy (E a around 20 kJ/mol) indicative of an optimal temperature region for membrane transport processes. Above and below this region water transport was of a different type with high E a (about 70 kJ/mol). The triphasic temperature dependence of the water transport suggested a channel-mediated transport at 15–30°C and lipid matrix-mediated transport beyond this region. The K+ channel inhibitor, tetraethylammonium as well as the Cl channel inhibitor, ethacrynic acid, diminished P d in the intermediate temperature region by 54 and 40%, respectively. The sulfhydryl agent p-(chloromercuri-benzensulfonate) the water transport inhibitor in erythrocytes also known to affect K+ transport in Chara, only increased P d below 15°C. In high external potassium (`K-state') water transport minima were pronounced. The role of K+ channels as sensors of the optimal temperature limits was further emphasized by showing a similar triphasic temperature dependence of the conductance of a single K+ channel also known to cotransport water, which originated from cytoplasmic droplets (putatively tonoplast) of C. gymnophylla. The minimum of K+ single channel conductance at around 15°C, unlike the one at 30°C, was sensitive to changes of growth temperature underlining membrane lipid involvement. The additional role of intracellular (membrane?) water in the generation of discontinuities in the above thermal functions was suggested by an Arrhenius plot of the cellular water relaxation rate which showed breaks at 13 and 29°C. Received: 12 August 1998/Revised: 13 November 1998  相似文献   

Abstract A ``double-water-film electrode technique' has been developed for the long-term characterization of the electrical properties across the interface between the nodal (N) and internodal (A or B) cells and the vacuole along the length of an internode of Chara as a function of time and temperature. The electrode unit consisted of a pair of the water-film electrodes described elsewhere (Chilcott 1988; Chilcott and others 1983; Coster and others 1984; Lucas 1985; and Ogata 1983). The distance between two water-film probes was fixed at 1.0 cm. By scanning the electrode unit, the spatial variations in electrical resistance and capacitance along the longitudinal axis of Chara were observed. Analysis was performed by applying an electrical equivalent circuit for the biomembrane (Philippson 1921). Across the internode (−A or −B)/central nodal cells interface, the specific parallel resistance (Rm) and the parallel capacitance (Cm) at 20°C were 30 ± 5 × 10−3Ωm2 and 1.5 ± 0.5 × 10−1Fm−2 (at 30 Hz), respectively. And the series resistance, corresponding to the vacuole of the internode was 8 × 10−3Ωm2. Study of temperature dependencies of Rm and Cm suggested that a dynamic homeostatic regulation was operating at the interface where numerous plasmodesmata were observed with an electron microscope (Pickett-Heaps 1967; Spanswick and Costerton 1967). Assuming that the individual cylinder of plasmodesma was filled only with cytoplasm, the number of plasmodesma per interface was estimated at 2.6 × 105. Received 19 January 2000; accepted 16 March 2000  相似文献   

Chara fragilis possesses microbodies with a remarkably large size of up to 2 µm in diameter . Many of the organelles contain huge nucleoids of amorphous material or paracrystalline inclusions. After isolation of the organelles by gradient centrifugation the specific density of the microbodies was determined to be 1.25 g cm−3. Catalase, glycolate oxidase and hydroxypyruvate reductase as well as enzymes of the fatty acid β -oxidation pathway were demonstrated to be constituents of the microbodies in Chara indicating that they are similar to those in green leaves. The data obtained are in agreement with the view that the Charophyceae and especially the algae in the subgroup of Charales are very closely related to the land plants.  相似文献   

Ion Composition of Tobacco Cells Cultured under Sulfur Deficiency   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In both photoheterotrophic and heterotrophic tobacco cells areduced supply of sulfate in the medium did not alter the ratebut the duration of exponential growth. The higher the sulfatesupply in the medium the longer exponential growth proceeded.However, the ion composition of photoheterotrophic and heterotrophiccells was affected by sulfur deficiency in completely differentways. The dynamics in the K+-, Na+-, Mg2*-, nitrate-, phosphate-,and malate-con-tents of photoheterotrophic cells during growthwere not at all, or only slightly changed, when the sulfatesupply in the medium was reduced from 1.8mM to 1.2 mM, 0.6 mM,or 0.3mM. In heterotrophic tobacco suspensions, however, severesulfur deficiency caused K+, Na+, Mg2+, and malate to accumulateand nitrate to begin to accumulate earlier inside the cells.Addition of sulfate after 4 days to heterotrophic suspensionsgrown under sulfur-limiting conditions prevented the accumulationof these cations and anions. During the initial period of growthalso phosphate accumulated inside heterotrophic tobacco cellsto amounts found to be the higher the smaller the sulfate-contentof the media. Apparently, in photoheterotrophic tobacco cellsthe ion composition can homeostatically be regulated independentfrom the cells' sulfate supply, whereas the ion compositionof heterotrophic tobacco cells appears to be highly dependenton the sulfate supply of the cells. 4Present address: Fraunhofer Institut für AtmosphärischeUmwéltforschung, Kreuzeckbahnstr. 19, D-8100 Garmisch-Partenkirchen, F.R.G. (Received August 30, 1988; Accepted January 18, 1989)  相似文献   

The influence of the Na and Le genes in peas on gibberellin (GA) levels and metabolism were examined by gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric analysis of extracts from a range of stem-length genotypes fed with [13C, 3H]GA20. The substrate was metabolised to [13C, 3H]GA1, [13C, 3H]GA8 and [13C, 3H]GA29 in the immature, expanding apical tissue of all genotypes carrying Le. In contrast, [13C, 3H]GA29 and, in one line, [13C, 3H]GA29-catabolite, were the only products detected in plants homozygous for the le gene. These results confirm that the Le gene in peas controls the 3-hydroxylation of GA20 to GA1. Qualitatively the same results were obtained irrespective of the genotype at the Na locus. In all Na lines the [13C, 3H]GA20 metabolites were considerably diluted by endogenous [12C]GAs, implying that the metabolism of [13C, 3H]GA20 mirrored that of endogenous [12C]GA20. In contrast, the [13C, 3H]GA20 metabolites in na lines showed no dilution with [12C]GAs, confirming that the na mutation prevents the production of C19-GAs. Estimates of the levels of endogenous GAs in the apical tissues of Na lines, made from the 12C:13C isotope ratios and the radioactivity recovered in respective metabolites, varied between 7 and 40 ng of each GA per plant in the tissue expanded during the 5 d between treatment with [13C, 3H]GA20 and extraction. No [12C]GA1 and only traces of [12C]GA8 (in one line) were detected in the two Na le lines examined. These results are discussed in relation to recent observations on dwarfism in rice and maize.Abbreviations GAn gibberellin An - GC-MS gas chromatography-mass spectrometry - HPLC high-pressure liquid chromatography  相似文献   

A new single gene-recessive internode length mutant inPisum, lkc, is characterized. The internodes oflkc plants are 30–40% shorter than those of comparableLkc plants, and this is attributable to reductions in both cell length and the number of cells per internode. Dwarfism in the mutant is not due to modified gibberellin (GA) levels, as determined by gas chromatography-selected ion monitoring (GC-SIM) for GA1 and GA20, and bioassay (rice cv. Tan-ginbozu). Furthermore,lkc plants are not as responsive as the wild-type to applied GA1. The diminished stature oflkc plants appears to result from a direct or indirect interference with the transduction of the GA1 signal.  相似文献   

The breakdown phenomenon in the Chara internodal cell was studiedusing the voltage clamp technique. When a slowly hyperpolarizingramp potential pulse was applied to the Chara membrane, thebreakdown occurred with hyperpolarization of about 220 mV. Thebreakdown was observed by less hyperpolarization, if the externalK+ concentration was increased. Such a breakdown phenomenonin the Chara membrane was caused principally by a large shiftof the membrane electromotive force toward depolarization. Thisshift frequently exceeded the peak level of the action potential. (Received July 26, 1976; )  相似文献   

Allelopathic activity of Chara aspera   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
Allelopathic activity of Chara aspera was determined in agar diffusion assays using planktonic cyanobacteria as target organisms. Growth inhibition of cyanobacterial strains was observed in bioassays inoculated with living Chara aspera shoots as well as with 60% aqueous methanol extracts of Chara aspera. For further analysis, the methanol extract was fractionated into three parts: a lipophilic methanol – a butylmethylether-extract and a hydrophilic methanol extract. The bioassays indicated that major allelopathic activity was retained in the hydrophilic methanol – and the lipophilic butylmethylether-extract. Separation of the extracts by means of high performance liquid chromatography followed by fractionation of the eluant resulted in supplementary nine fractions, three from each part, respectively. Three fractions exhibited a strong growth inhibition of the target organism Anabaena cylindrica Lemmermann. The second and the third fraction of the lipophilic butylmethylether extract indicate the presence of novel allelopathic active compounds with lipophilic characteristics. The results lead to the suggestion that more than two chemical compounds in Chara aspera are responsible for the growth inhibition of cyanobacteria.  相似文献   

温度对温敏核不育水稻eui突变体最上节间伸长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以培矮64S为对照, 采用田间调查和人工温度处理方法研究了温度对温敏核不育水稻(Oryza sativa)eui突变体(双低培eS)最上节间伸长的影响。结果表明, 双低培eS穗颈伸出度与抽穗前12–17天(花粉母细胞形成期至减数分裂期)的日均温度呈显著负相关。在温度敏感期分别进行人工温度处理, 在18–26℃条件下穗颈伸出度为正值且不包颈; 在28℃条件下出现包颈现象。在可育温度(20℃)和不育温度(24℃)条件下, 双低培eS最上节间中GA1、IAA和ZR含量极显著地高于培矮64S, 而ABA含量则显著低于培矮64S, 最上节间中最内层薄壁细胞数目分别比培矮64S多1 177和823个, 细胞平均长度分别比培矮64S长23.2和16.7 μm。温敏核不育水稻eui突变体最上节间伸长是由于节间最内层薄壁细胞数目增多和细胞长度增加双重作用所致, 其中以细胞伸长为主, 且随着处理温度的升高, 最上节间最内层薄壁细胞数目减少, 细胞平均长度变短。eui基因还可能通过调节激素间的平衡来控制温敏核不育水稻eui突变体最上节间的伸长生长。  相似文献   

Control of Passive Permeability in the Chara Plasmalemma   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Conductance to K+ alters as a function of membrane potential(m). Conductance to H+ (or OH) changes with externalpH (pHo) This conductance change can be modulated by alteringcytoplasmic pH or external K+ concentration, both of which alsoalter m. We suggest a role for H+ conductance in regulatingcytoplasmic pH above pHo 7.0.  相似文献   

Recently, it was found that myosin generating very fast cytoplasmic streaming in Chara corallina has very high ATPase activity. To estimate the energy consumed by this myosin, its concentration in the internodal cells of C. corallina was determined by quantitative immunoblot. It was found that the concentration of Chara myosin was considerably high (200 nM) and the amount of ATP consumed by this myosin would exceed that supplied by dark respiration if all myosin molecules were fully activated by the interaction with actin. These results and model calculations suggested that the energy required to generate cytoplasmic streaming is very small and only one-hundredth of the existing myosin is enough to maintain the force for the streaming in the Chara cell.  相似文献   

The Tonoplast Impedance of Chara   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The capacitance and conductance of the plasmalemma and tonoplastof Chara were measured simultaneously in space-clamped cells.At a frequency of 5 Hz the capacitance and conductance of thetonoplast were 60 ± 5 mF m–2 (i. e. 6.0 µF cm–2) and 6.5 ± 0.6 S m–2 respectively.These values were respectively 2.9 ± 0.3 and 3.7 ±0.4 times greater than those of the plasmalemma. It is shownthat any leakage of current around the cytoplasmic electrodewill not drastically affect the calculated area-specific valuesof the tonoplast parameters under the experimental conditionsused, providing that the cytoplasm possesses a reasonable longitudinalconductivity. An examination of the relative measured impedancesof the plasmalemma and tonoplast supports this conclusion. Key words: Chara tonoplast: Plasmalemma, Capacitance/ conductance  相似文献   

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