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V(D)J recombination is the process that generates the diversity among T cell receptors and is one of three mechanisms that contribute to the diversity of antibodies in the vertebrate immune system. The mechanism requires precise cutting of the DNA at segment boundaries followed by rejoining of particular pairs of the resulting termini. The imprecision of aspects of the joining reaction contributes significantly to increasing the variability of the resulting functional genes. Signal sequences target DNA recombination and must participate in a highly ordered protein-DNA complex in order to limit recombination to appropriate partners. Two proteins, RAG1 and RAG2, together form the nuclease that cleaves the DNA at the border of the signal sequences. Additional roles of these proteins in organizing the reaction complex for subsequent steps are explored.  相似文献   

Inward rectifier potassium (Kir) channels regulate cell excitability and transport K+ ions across membranes. Homotetrameric models of three mammalian Kir channels (Kir1.1, Kir3.1, and Kir6.2) have been generated, using the KirBac3.1 transmembrane and rat Kir3.1 intracellular domain structures as templates. All three models have been explored by 10 ns molecular dynamics simulations in phospholipid bilayers. Analysis of the initial structures revealed conservation of potential lipid interaction residues (Trp/Tyr and Arg/Lys side chains near the lipid headgroup-water interfaces). Examination of the intracellular domains revealed key structural differences between Kir1.1 and Kir6.2 which may explain the difference in channel inhibition by ATP. The behavior of all three models in the MD simulations revealed that they have conformational stability similar to that seen for comparable simulations of, for example, structures derived from cryoelectron microscopy data. Local distortions of the selectivity filter were seen during the simulations, as observed in previous simulations of KirBac and in simulations and structures of KcsA. These may be related to filter gating of the channel. The intracellular hydrophobic gate does not undergo any substantial changes during the simulations and thus remains functionally closed. Analysis of lipid-protein interactions of the Kir models emphasizes the key role of the M0 (or "slide") helix which lies approximately parallel to the bilayer-water interface and forms a link between the transmembrane and intracellular domains of the channel.  相似文献   

The structural properties of the endogenous opioid peptide dynorphin A(1-17) (DynA), a potential analgesic, were studied with molecular dynamics simulations in dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine bilayers. Starting with the known NMR structure of the peptide in dodecylphosphocholine micelles, the N-terminal helical segment of DynA (encompassing residues 1-10) was initially inserted in the bilayer in a perpendicular orientation with respect to the membrane plane. Parallel simulations were carried out from two starting structures, systems A and B, that differ by 4 A in the vertical positioning of the peptide helix. The complex consisted of approximately 26,400 atoms (dynorphin + 86 lipids + approximately 5300 waters). After >2 ns of simulation, which included >1 ns of equilibration, the orientation of the helical segment of DynA had undergone a transition from parallel to tilted with respect to the bilayer normal in both the A and B systems. When the helix axis achieved a approximately 50 degrees angle with the bilayer normal, it remained stable for the next 1 ns of simulation. The two simulations with different starting points converged to the same final structure, with the helix inserted in the bilayer throughout the simulations. Analysis shows that the tilted orientation adopted by the N-terminal helix is due to specific interactions of residues in the DynA sequence with phospholipid headgroups, water, and the hydrocarbon chains. Key elements are the "snorkel model"-type interactions of arginine side chains, the stabilization of the N-terminal hydrophobic sequence in the lipid environment, and the specific interactions of the first residue, Tyr. Water penetration within the bilayer is facilitated by the immersed DynA, but it is not uniform around the surface of the helix. Many water molecules surround the arginine side chains, while water penetration near the helical surface formed by hydrophobic residues is negligible. A mechanism of receptor interaction is proposed for DynA, involving the tilted orientation observed from these simulations of the peptide in the lipid bilayer.  相似文献   

The Galanthus nivalis agglutinin (GNA)-related lectin family exhibit significant anti-HIV and anti-HSV properties that are closely related to their carbohydrate-binding activities. However, there is still no conclusive evidence that GNA-related lectins possess anti-influenza properties. The hemagglutinin (HA) of influenza virus is a surface protein that is involved in binding host cell sialic acid during the early stages of infection. Herein, we studied the 3D-QSARs (three-dimensional quantitative structure–activity relationships) of lectin– and HA–sialic acid by molecular modeling. The affinities and stabilities of lectin– and HA–sialic acid complexes were also assessed by molecular docking and molecular dynamics simulations. Finally, anti-influenza GNA-related lectins that possess stable conformations and higher binding affinities for sialic acid than HAs of human influenza virus were screened, and a possible mechanism was proposed. Accordingly, our results indicate that some GNA-related lectins, such as Yucca filamentosa lectin and Polygonatum cyrtonema lectin, could act as drugs that prevent influenza virus infection via competitive binding. In conclusion, the GNA-related lectin family may be helpful in the design of novel candidate agents for preventing influenza A infection through the use of competitive combination against sialic acid specific viral infection.  相似文献   



Histone demethylase, JMJD2A, specifically recognizes and binds to methylated lysine residues at histone H3 and H4 tails (especially trimethylated H3K4 (H3K4me3), trimethylated H3K9 (H3K9me3) and di,trimethylated H4K20 (H4K20me2, H4K20me3)) via its tandem tudor domains. Crystal structures of JMJD2A-tudor binding to H3K4me3 and H4K20me3 peptides are available whereas the others are not. Complete picture of the recognition of the four histone peptides by the tandem tudor domains yet remains to be clarified.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We report a detailed molecular dynamics simulation and binding energy analysis of the recognition of JMJD2A-tudor with four different histone tails. 25 ns fully unrestrained molecular dynamics simulations are carried out for each of the bound and free structures. We investigate the important hydrogen bonds and electrostatic interactions between the tudor domains and the peptide molecules and identify the critical residues that stabilize the complexes. Our binding free energy calculations show that H4K20me2 and H3K9me3 peptides have the highest and lowest affinity to JMJD2A-tudor, respectively. We also show that H4K20me2 peptide adopts the same binding mode with H4K20me3 peptide, and H3K9me3 peptide adopts the same binding mode with H3K4me3 peptide. Decomposition of the enthalpic and the entropic contributions to the binding free energies indicate that the recognition of the histone peptides is mainly driven by favourable van der Waals interactions. Residue decomposition of the binding free energies with backbone and side chain contributions as well as their energetic constituents identify the hotspots in the binding interface of the structures.


Energetic investigations of the four complexes suggest that many of the residues involved in the interactions are common. However, we found two receptor residues that were related to selective binding of the H3 and H4 ligands. Modifications or mutations on one of these residues can selectively alter the recognition of the H3 tails or the H4 tails.  相似文献   

The structure and interactions of the 1-24 fragment of the adrenocorticotropin hormone, ACTH (1-24), with membrane have been studied by molecular dynamics (MD) simulation in an NPT ensembles in two explicit membrane mimics, a dodecylphosphocholine (DPC) micelle and a dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) bilayer. The starting configuration of the peptide/lipid systems had the 1-10 segment of the peptide lying on the surface of the model membrane, the same as the equilibrated structure (by MD) of ACTH (1-10) in a DPC micelle. The simulations showed that the peptide adopts the surface-binding mode and essentially the same structure in both systems. Thus the results of this work lend support to the assumption that micelles are reasonable mimics for biological membranes for the study of peptide binding. The 1-10 segment is slightly tilted from the parallel orientation to the interface and interacts strongly with the membrane surface while the more polar 11-24 segment shows little tendency to interact with the membrane surface, preferring to reside primarily in the aqueous phase. Furthermore, the 1-10 segment of the peptide binds to the DPC micelle in essentially the same way as ACTH (1-10). Thus the MD results are in excellent agreement with the model of interaction of ACTH (1-24) with membrane derived from NMR experiments. The secondary structure and the hydration of the peptide and the interactions of specific residues with the lipid head groups have also been analyzed.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics simulations of membrane proteins have become a popular tool for studying their dynamic features, which are not easily accessible by experiments. Whether the force fields developed for globular proteins are adequate this purpose is an important question that is often glossed over. Here we determine the permeation properties of potassium ions in the gramicidin A channel in a lipid bilayer from free energy simulations, and compare the results to experimental data. In particular, we check the dependence of the free energy barriers ions face at the channel center on the membrane size. The results indicate that there is a serious problem with the current rigid force fields independent of the membrane size, and new, possibly polarizable, force fields need to be developed to resolve this problem.  相似文献   

Neuroglobin, a member of vertebrate globin family, is distributed primarily in the brain and retina. Considerable evidence has accumulated regarding its unique ligand-binding properties, neural-specific distribution, distinct expression regulation, and possible roles in processes such as neuron protection and enzymatic metabolism. Structurally, neuroglobin enjoys unique features, such as bis-histidyl coordination to heme iron in the absence of exogenous ligand, heme orientational heterogeneity, and a heme sliding mechanism accompanying ligand binding. In the present work, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were employed to reveal functional and structural information in three carboxyl murine neuroglobin mutants with single point mutations F106Y, F106L and F106I, respectively. The MD simulation indicates a remarkable proximal effect on detectable displacement of heme and a larger tunnel in the protein matrix. In addition, the mutation at F106 confers on the CD region a very sensitive mobility in all three model structures. The dynamic features of neuroglobin demonstrate rearrangement of the inner space and highly active loop regions in solution. These imply that the conserved residue at the G5 site plays a key role in the physiological function of this unusual protein.  相似文献   

The tris(pyrazolyl)borate and related tripodal N-donor ligands originally developed by Trofimenko stabilize mononuclear compounds containing MoVIO2, MoVIO, MoVO, and MoIVO units and effectively inhibit their polynucleation in organic solvents. Dioxo-Mo(VI) complexes of the type LMoO2(SPh), where L = hydrotris(3,5-dimethylpyrazol-1-yl)borate (Tp), hydrotris(3-isopropylpyrazol-1-yl)borate (TpiPr), and hydrotris(3,5-dimethyl-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)borate (Tz) and related derivatives are the only model systems that mimic the complete reaction sequence of sulfite oxidase, in which oxygen from water is ultimately incorporated into product. The quasi-reversible, one-electron reduction of TpMoO2(SPh) in acetonitrile exhibits a positive potential shift upon addition of a hydroxylic proton donor, and the magnitude of the shift correlates with the acidity of the proton donor. These reductions produce two Mo(V) species, [TpMoVO2(SPh)] and TpMoVO(OH)(SPh), that are related by protonation. Measurement of the relative amounts of these two Mo(V) species by EPR spectroscopy enabled the pKa of the MoV(OH) unit in acetonitrile to be determined and showed it to be several pKa units smaller than that for water in acetonitrile. Similar electrochemical-EPR experiments for TpiPrMoO2(SPh) indicated that the pKa for its MoV(OH) unit was ∼1.7 units smaller than that for TpMoVO(OH)(SPh). Density functional theory calculations also predict a smaller pKa for TpiPrMoVO(OH)(SPh) compared to TpMoVO(OH)(SPh). Analysis of these results indicates that coupled electron-proton transfer (CEPT) is thermodynamically favored over the indirect process of metal reduction followed by protonation. The crystal structure of TpiPrMoO2(SPh) is also presented.  相似文献   

In the R form of ATCase complexed with the bisubstrate analogue, N-(phosphonacetyl)-L-aspartate, large temperature factors are reported for the allosteric domains of the regulatory chains. We studied the conformational flexibility of the holoenzyme with molecular dynamics simulations and rigid body (TLS) analysis. The results of the molecular dynamics simulations suggest that, although local atomic fluctuations account for the temperature factors of the catalytic and zinc domains, they do not account for the large temperature factors of the allosteric regions. However, the temperature factors of the allosteric domains can be satisfactorily analyzed using a rigid body model. The simulations and rigid body analysis support the idea that the allosteric regions are mechanically uncoupled from the rest of the enzyme in the PALA structure. Implications of this uncoupling for allosteric regulation are discussed.  相似文献   

Metallothioneins (MTs) are cysteine-rich, metal-binding proteins known to provide protection against cadmium toxicity in mammals. Metal exchange of Zn(2+) ions for Cd(2+) ions in metallothioneins is a critical process for which no mechanistic or structural information is currently available. The recombinant human alpha domain of metallothionein isoform 1a, which encompasses the metal-binding cysteines between Cys33 and Cys60 of the alpha domain of native human metallothionein 1a, was studied. Characteristically this fragment coordinates four Cd(2+) ions to the 11 cysteinyl sulfurs, and is shown to bind an additional Cd(2+) ion to form a novel Cd(5)alpha-MT species. This species is proposed here to represent an intermediate in the metal-exchange mechanism. The ESI mass spectrum shows the appearance of charge state peaks corresponding to a Cd(5)alpha species following addition of 5.0 molar equivalents of Cd(2+) to a solution of Cd(4)alpha-MT. Significantly, the structurally sensitive CD spectrum shows a sharp monophasic peak at 254 nm for the Cd(5)alpha species in contrast to the derivative-shaped spectrum of the Cd(4)alpha-MT species, with peak maxima at 260 nm (+) and 240 nm (-), indicating Cd-induced disruption of the exciton coupling between the original four Cd(2+) ions in the Cd(4)alpha species. The (113)Cd chemical shift of the fifth Cd(2+) is significantly shielded (approximately 400 p.p.m.) when compared with the data for the Cd(2+) ions in Cd(4)alpha-MT by both direct and indirect (113)Cd NMR spectroscopy. Three of the four original NMR peaks move significantly upon binding the fifth cadmium. Evidence from indirect (1)H-(113)Cd HSQC NMR spectra suggests that the coordination environment of the additional Cd(2+) is not tetrahedral to four thiolates, as is the case with the four Cd(2+) ions in the Cd(4)alpha-MT, but has two thiolate ligands as part of its ligand environment, with additional coordination to either water or anions in solution.  相似文献   

A number of alleles of an orthologous gene His6 encoding histone H1 subtype f (H1-6 in pea) accumulated in chromatin of old tissues were sequenced in three legume species: seven alleles in Pisum sativum, four in Vicia unijuga and eight in Lathyrus gmelinii. In the total of 19 alleles sequenced in the three species, 29 non-synonymous substitutions and six indels were found in the coding region; most of amino acid substitutions (26 of 29) and all indels occurred in the C-terminal hydrophilic domain of the encoded protein. All species were polymorphic for some non-synonymous substitutions, V. unijuga was also polymorphic for one and P. sativum for two indels. Three near-isogenic lines of P. sativum bearing different alleles showed differences in many quantitative traits; that in the growth dynamic could be tentatively attributed to the allelic substitution of subtype H1-6. The frequencies of four electromorphs in a sampled locality of V. unijuga were found to be close to those observed 25?years ago, although their rapid change in the past was supposed in the previous study.  相似文献   

N Sreerama  R W Woody 《Proteins》1999,36(4):400-406
A significant fraction of the so-called "random coil" residues in globular proteins exists in the left-handed poly(Pro)II conformation. In order to compare the behavior of this secondary structure with that of the other regular secondary structures, molecular dynamics simulations, with the GROMOS suite of programs, of an alanine octapeptide in water, in alpha-helix, beta-strand, and left-handed poly(Pro)II conformations, have been performed. Our results indicate a limited flexibility for the alpha-helix conformation and a relatively larger flexibility for the beta-strand and poly(Pro)II conformations. The behavior of oligopeptides with a starting configuration of beta-strand and poly(Pro)II conformations, both lacking interchain hydrogen bonds, were similar. The (phi, psi) angles reflect a continuum of structures including both beta and P(II) conformations, but with a preference for local P(II) regions. Differences in the network of water molecules involved in hydrogen bonding with the backbone of the polypeptide were observed in local regions of beta and P(II) conformations. Such water bridges help stabilize the P(II) conformation relative to the beta conformation. Proteins 1999;36:400-406.  相似文献   

Being able to efficiently and accurately delimit species is one of the most basic and important aspects of systematics because species are the fundamental unit of analysis in biogeography, ecology, and conservation. We present a rationale and approach for combining ecological niche modeling, spatially explicit analyses of environmental data, and phylogenetics in species delimitation, and we use our methodology in an empirical example focusing on Aneides flavipunctatus, the black salamander (Caudata: Plethodontidae), in California. We assess the relationships between genetic, environmental, and geographic distance among populations. We use 11 climatic variables and point locality data from public databases to create ecological niche models. The suitability of potential contact zones between parapatric lineages is also assessed using the data from ecological niche modeling. Phylogenetic analyses of portions of the mitochondrial genome reveal morphologically cryptic mitochondrial lineages in this species. In addition, we find that patterns of genetic divergence are strongly associated with divergence in the ecological niche. Our work demonstrates the ease and utility of using spatial analyses of environmental data and phylogenetics in species delimitation, especially for groups displaying fine-scaled endemism and cryptic species.  相似文献   

We present here the results of 1-ns molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of two ideally amphipathic lytic peptides, namely LK(15) and LK(9), in a 1,2-dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine monolayer with two different cross-sectional areas per lipid of 80 A(2) (loose film) and 63 A(2) (tight standard film). These peptides are lytic, ideally amphipathic with a minimalist composition L(i)K(j) and the following sequences: H(2)N-KLLKLLLKLLLKLLK-CO-Ph for LK(15) and H(2)N-KLKLKLKLK-CO-Ph for LK(9). From experimental data, LK(15) exhibits an alpha-helical secondary structure, whereas LK(9) was found to form antiparallel beta-sheets at the interface of a DMPC monolayer. Whatever the specific lipid surface is, the two peptides exhibit very different behavior: the alpha-helix inserts deeply into the monolayer whereas the beta-sheeted peptide stays at the surface within the upper polar part of the monolayer. In all cases, a loose monolayer (80 A(2)) results in noticeable artifacts whereas a monolayer with standard specific surface leads to very reliable behavior well in accordance with experimental data. Despite their different insertion depth, the two peptides exhibit identical lytic efficiency. This is very likely a direct consequence of the very strong Van der Waals interactions between the fatty alkyl chains of the lipids and the highly lipophilic lower part of the peptide, resulting in an identical thinning of the two monolayers.  相似文献   

Bovine pancreatic ribonuclease (RNase A) forms two three-dimensional (3D) domain swapped dimers. Crystallographic investigations have revealed that these dimers display completely different quaternary structures: one dimer (N-dimer), which presents the swapping of the N-terminal helix, is characterized by a compact structure, whereas the other (C-dimer), which is stabilized by the exchange of the C-terminal end, shows a rather loose assembly of the two subunits. The dynamic properties of monomeric RNase A and of the N-dimer have been extensively characterized. Here, we report a molecular dynamics investigation carried out on the C-dimer. This computational experiment indicates that the quaternary structure of the C-dimer undergoes large fluctuations. These motions do not perturb the proper folding of the two subunits, which retain the dynamic properties of RNase A and the N-dimer. Indeed, the individual subunits of the C-dimer display the breathing motion of the beta-sheet structure, which is important for the enzymatic activity of pancreatic-like ribonucleases. In contrast to what has been observed for the N-dimer, the breathing motion of the two subunits of the C-dimer is not coupled. This finding suggests that the intersubunit communications in a 3D domain swapped dimer strongly rely on the extent of the interchain interface. Furthermore, the observation that the C-dimer is endowed with a high intrinsic flexibility holds interesting implications for the specific properties of 3D domain swapped dimers. Indeed, a survey of the quaternary structures of the other 3D domain swapped dimers shows that large variations are often observed when the structural determinations are conducted in different experimental conditions. The 3D domain swapping phenomenon coupled with the high flexibility of the quaternary structure may be relevant for protein-protein recognition, and in particular for the pathological aggregations.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships amongst the southern African freshwater crab fauna are reinvestigated following the recent collection of morphologically distinct Potamonautes specimens from remote mountainous regions in Malawi and Mozambique. Specimens were subjected to DNA sequencing of three mtDNA loci, cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI), 12S rRNA, and 16S rRNA and compared to the 14 described species from the region. Phylogenetic analysis using maximum parsimony and Bayesian inference revealed the presence of two novel evolutionary lineages. The phylogeny demonstrates that Potamonautes obesus (A. Milne‐Edwards, 1868) is sister to a morphologically distinct novel species from Mount Namuli in Mozambique. Two sympatric and genetically distinct species from Mount Mulanje, in Malawi (forms A and B) were recognized. Form B is sister to the large‐bodied South African riverine freshwater crabs and represents a novel lineage whereas the remaining species (form A) from Mulanje, in Malawi was sister to samples from Mounts Inago and Mabu, and in Mozambique was identified as Potamonautes choloensis (Chace, 1953). The two novel evolutionary lineages were genetically distinct and morphologically different from the described species in each of the respective regions. Two new freshwater crab species Potamonautes namuliensis sp. nov. and Potamonautes mulanjeensis sp. nov. , are described in the present study. The samples from Mount Mulanje in Malawi, and Mounts Mabu and Inago in Mozambique represent new distribution records for Potamonautes choloensis. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 164 , 498–509.  相似文献   

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