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The transient orientation of lambda DNA and lambda-DNA oligomers has been measured during pulsed field gel electrophoresis. The DNA becomes substantially aligned parallel to the electric field E. In response to a single rectangular pulse, orientation shows an overshoot with a peak at 1 second, then a small undershoot, and finally a plateau. When the field is turned off, the orientation dissipates in two distinct exponential phases. Field inversion leads to periods of orientation with intervening periods of reduced orientation as the chains reverse direction. Field inversion pulses applied to linear oligomers of lambda-DNA show that orientation responses slow down but increase in amplitude as molecular weight increases, for a given field. Because DNA stretching and alignment parallel to E are expected to correlate with DNA velocity, the velocity in response to a pulsed field is also expected to exhibit an overshoot.  相似文献   

The acceleration of linear DNA during pulsed-field gel electrophoresis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The velocity and orientation of T4 and lambda DNA have been measured for the first 20 s during pulsed-field gel electrophoresis in order to clarify the DNA motions that occur. For a square pulse with field strength E = 10 V/cm, the velocity of lambda DNA increases gradually to 10.5 microns/s in 1.0 s, declines to 8.6 microns/s, and then rises to a plateau value of 9.3 microns/s after 4 s. T4 DNA behaves similarly, but more slowly. Parallel measurements of fluorescence-detected linear dichroism show that the DNA becomes substantially aligned with its chain axis parallel to the electrophoretic field E after the pulse is applied. The alignment also shows an overshoot, an undershoot, and a plateau comparable to those seen for velocity. When the field strength increases, both the velocity and the alignment reach their peaks more quickly. For all field strengths and both molecular weights, the velocity peak occurs when the molecular center of mass has moved 0.3 to 0.5 L, where L is the chain contour length. A qualitative model is provided.  相似文献   

Pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) techniques have been developed to overcome the limitations of conventional electrophoresis and to increase the separation to DNA chromosomes of few megabase pairs in size. Despite of the large success of these techniques, the various separation protocols employed for PFGE experiments have been determined empirically. However, a deep understanding of the molecular mechanisms of motion responsible for DNA separation becomes necessary for the rational optimization of these techniques. This paper shows the first clear observations of individual molecules of DNA during the reorientation process in 90 degrees PFGE and 120 degrees PFGE. Real-time visualization of the DNA dynamics during PFGE was possible with the use of an epi-illumination fluorescence microscope specifically equipped to run these experiments and by staining the DNA with YOYO-1 (1,1'-(4,4,7,7-tetramethyl-4,7-diazaundecamethylene)-bis-4-[3-meth yl -2,3-dihydro-(benzo-1,3-oxazole)-2-methyl-idene]-quinolinium tetraiodide). This dye forms a very stable, highly fluorescent complex with double-stranded DNA and dramatically improves the quality of the DNA images. The results of computer simulations used to reproduce the molecular mechanisms of motion as well as the DNA separation features are also discussed.  相似文献   

The instantaneous position and velocity of bands of linear, double-stranded DNA were measured during 120° pulsed-field electrophoresis in 1% agarose gels, using a video micrometer capable of simultaneous measurements in two dimensions. When the direction of the field was switched, the band initially retraced the last portion of its path during the preceding pulse. The distance the band moved backward increased with DNA length: 48.5 kb (kilobase pair) DNA moved backward only 0.2 μm, but 1110 kb DNA moved backward 24 μm, before setting off in a positive direction. The velocity of the DNA band was particularly rapid during the backward movement: the magnitude of the velocity spike increased with M, reaching 2.4 μm/s for 1110 kb DNN, which was about 5 times the steady-state velocity. The velocity in the y direction, perpendicular to the mean drift direction, allowed an even larger transient spike, which also increased with M. Simulation of the dynamics of long DNA chins undergoing gel electrophoresis by a dynamic Monte Carlo method gave instantaneous xy position and velocity in excellent agreement with experiment. The simulation included extensional motions of the DNA within the tube of interconnected agarose pores as well as the possibility of loops (hernias) that escape laterally from the tube. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

In pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, megabase DNAs are well separated if the angle θ between the two electric fields is 120° but not if θ = 90°. To elucidate the molecular basis for this observation, we measured the instantaneous position (x, y) and velocity (vx, vy) of a band of G-DNA (670 kb) while the field switched direction, for 90° ≤ θ ≤ 102°. For θ = 120° and long pulse period T. The band retraced the last segment of the preceding pulse before moving in- the new field direction. The retracing wax done at a velocity much greater than the average forward velocity. For θ = 90°, rather than retrace itself, the path during one pulse appeared to originate from a point beyond that reached in the previous pulse, end the velocity showed only a brief backward spike. A Monte Carlo simulation that included tube-length fluctuations and hernias was carried out for a model DNA chain moving through a three-dimensional network of interconnected pores, with parameters corresponding to the DNA size, agarose concentration, and field strength of the experiments, Both the xy path and the instantaneous velocities of the simulation were in excellent agreement with experiment for 90° ≤ θ ≤ 120°. When the field changed direction in the simulation, hernias often advanced from both ends in the new field direction. In the 120° case, those near the erstwhile trailing segments of the chain soon established superiority because chain tension and a component of the new field aided their growth. For θ = 90° and long T, however, segments from the head end were more likely to continue to lead because there was often an excess of relaxed segments there, and no component of the field aided either end. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Hybridization to genomic DNA fractionated by CHEF electrophoresis can vary >100-fold if the DNA is acid depurinated prior to Southern blotting. The level of hybridization is high or low depending on whether the molecule being analyzed migrates at a size coincident with or different from the size of the majority of genomic DNA in the sample, respectively. Techniques that avoid acid depurination including in-gel hybridizations and UV irradiation of DNA prior to blotting provide more accurate quantitative results. CHEF analysis of DNA molecules containing repetitive satellite sequences is particularly prone to this effect.  相似文献   

We have examined the use of pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) to measure DNA double-strand breaks induced in CHO cells by ionizing radiation. The PFGE assay provides a simple method for the measurement of DNA double-strand breaks for doses as low as 3-4 Gy ionizing radiation, and appears applicable for the measurement of damage produced by any agent producing double-strand breaks. The conditions of transverse alternating field electrophoresis determined both the sensitivity of the assay and the ability to resolve DNA fragments with different sizes. For example, with 0.8% agarose and a 1-min pulse time at 250 V for 18 h of electrophoresis, 0.39% of the DNA per gray migrated into the gel, and only molecules less than 1500 kb could be resolved. With 0.56% agarose and a 60-min pulse time at 40 V for 6 days of electrophoresis, 0.55-0.90% of the DNA per gray migrated into the gel, and molecules between 1500 and 7000 kb could be resolved.  相似文献   

A method is described for estimating the size of large circular DNAs found within complex chromosomal DNA preparations. DNAs are treated with low levels of gamma-irradiation, sufficient to introduce a single double-stranded break per circle, and the resulting linear DNA is sized by pulsed-field electrophoresis and blot hybridization. The method is fast, reproducible, and very conveniently applied to the agarose-enclosed chromosomal DNA preparations commonly used in pulsed field electrophoresis.  相似文献   

Forty isolates and five standard laboratory strains, representing serotypes c, e and f of Streptococcus mutans were analyzed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) after digestion of the genomic DNA with BssH II. The digestion patterns of standard laboratory strains were characteristic of serotypes c, e and f. Serotypes c and f generated diagnostic DNA fragments of approximately 145 kbp and of approximately 130-175 kbp in length, respectively. Serotype e generated a ladder of at least 14 fragments of 15-155 kbp in length. The digestion patterns of isolates were essentially similar to those of the standard laboratory strains. The patterns of almost all isolates obtained from a single individual were identical, but patterns of a few different types were also observed among isolates obtained from two individuals. Digestion with BssH II revealed differences among isolates obtained from different individuals. We used differences in banding patterns among isolates to construct a dendrogram. The dendrogram included two major clusters, one that consisted of isolates of serotypes c and f, and an other that consisted of isolates of serotype e. Our results indicate that BssH II is a useful enzyme for distinguishing among isolates of S. mutans and that digestion patterns obtained by PFGE can be used for chromosomal DNA fingerprinting.  相似文献   

We have developed a new, labour-saving method of preparation, handling and treatment of DNA-containing agarose plugs for pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). A plastic mould in which plugs are formed and supported during DNA purification and digestion was designed and successfully tested in a prototype device.  相似文献   

Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis techniques were used to study chromosome-sized DNA molecules of C. albicans. Chromosome-sized DNA of two strains of Candida albicans has been resolved into 8 bands by orthogonal-field-alternation gel electrophoresis (OFAGE). Six bands were observed in chromosomal preparations of C. albicans using field-inversion gel electrophoresis (FIGE). Differences in the electrophoretic mobilities of bands of the strains of C. albicans examined suggests that chromosome-length polymorphisms exist and make it difficult to correlate the banding patterns among strains. These correlations were facilitated, however, by assignment of C. albicans chromosomes by hybridization using a collection of cloned DNA probes specific for each of the 8 observed bands. Southern blotting showed that the 6 FIGE bands consisted of 4 singlets and 2 comigrating doublets, accounting for the 8 bands observed by OFAGE analysis. The agreement between OFAGE and FIGE analysis suggests that the C. albicans haploid genome contains a minimum of 8 chromosomes.  相似文献   

M K Mathew  C F Hui  C L Smith  C R Cantor 《Biochemistry》1988,27(26):9222-9226
Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis is a powerful technique for the fractionation of linear DNA molecules with sizes above 50 kilobase pairs (kb). Here it is demonstrated that this technique is also effective for separating smaller DNAs including linear, circular, and supercoiled species. The mobilities of linear DNAs larger than 8 kb can be modulated by pulse times between 0.1 and 100 s. The mobility of supercoiled DNA molecules up to 16 kb is generally unaffected by these pulse times except that 10-s pulse times cause a small but distinct increase in the mobility. The general insensitivity of small supercoiled DNAs to pulse time presumably occurs because these species reorient so rapidly that they spend most of their time undergoing conventional electrophoresis. However, the mobilities of larger supercoiled DNAs are affected by pulse times of less than 1 s, and at 0.1 s the molecules are better resolved by pulsed electrophoresis than by ordinary electrophoresis. The mobility of 3-19 kb nicked and relaxed circular DNA molecules is also affected by pulse time but in a complex way.  相似文献   

Y Zhang  K Geider 《Applied microbiology》1997,63(11):4421-4426
Erwinia amylovora strains, isolated from several host plants in various geographic regions during different years, were analyzed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) after digestion of the DNA from lysed, agar-embedded cells with rare-cutting restriction enzymes. The banding patterns obtained with enzyme XbaI digests revealed significant differences among strains from different areas. North American strains E9 and Ea-Rb, a Rubus strain, were highly divergent from other E. amylovora strains. French strains were different from central European and English strains. E. amylovora strains from central Europe and New Zealand had identical PFGE patters, as had strains from Egypt, Greece, and Turkey. PFGE of genomic DNA from American and English strains gave rise to dissimilar patterns. Patterns of some American strains resembled those from strains isolated in other parts of the world. The restriction fragment length polymorphisms observed by PFGE analysis can be used to group strains and may give hints about the course of distribution of the plant disease. From the sizes of the restriction fragments obtained, a molecular mass of approximately 4.5 Mb was calculated for the genome of E. amylovora.  相似文献   

Molecular typing is now widely used to aid and supplement conventional epidemiological studies of mycobacterial diseases. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), in which the entire genome can be represented as a distinct pattern of DNA restriction fragments, is a particularly powerful tool in epidemiology for the determination of clonal identity of bacteria providing information for understanding and controlling the spread of disease. Application of PFGE to the study of mycobacterial diseases has been limited because isolation of high-quality genomic DNA from mycobacterial sources has proved problematic. Here we report a simple, highly effective method for the preparation of high molecular weight DNA from a range of mycobacterial species. Cultures are continuously stirred and are homogeneous. This enables accurate quantification. The presence of detergent in buffers keeps the cells in suspension throughout preparation enabling efficient lysis. In addition, it is compatible with heat-inactivation of pathogenic mycobacteria and all of the preparation procedures can be carried out with a category III facility. This standardised method of preparation of DNA from mycobacteria means that PFGE should now be evaluated as a method for typing these organisms and it may be particularly important as a means of typing less well-characterised mycobacteria for which other techniques are not available.  相似文献   

AIMS: To examine whether pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) of DNA macro-restriction fragments could provide better discrimination among the different biotypes previously described within the species Staphylococcus aureus than the traditional biochemical approach. METHODS AND RESULTS: Seventy three Staph. aureus strains from various sources (human, animal or food origin) and belonging to eight biotypes, including the poultry-like biotype, tentatively designated as an 'abattoir' biotype, were genotyped by PFGE after SmaI digestion of DNA. The PFGE patterns were compared using the average linkage matching method (UPGMA) with the Dice coefficient. A total of 61 PFGE patterns were observed, showing between 31 and 100% similarity. In most cases, strains with the same biotype were grouped specifically into one, two or three separate sub-clusters. Strains from the 'abattoir' biotype were clustered in one separate sub-cluster. CONCLUSIONS: The PFGE typing is useful to distinguish the traditional biotypes of Staph. aureus and has a more discriminatory power than the biochemical typing. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The PFGE typing confirms the 'abattoir' biotype as a separate group on a genetic level and is well suited to investigate modes of staphylococcal contamination of food.  相似文献   

Electrophoretic separation of oligonucleotides in denaturing polyacrylamide gels is primarily a function of length-dependent mobility. The 3' terminal nucleotide sequence of the oligonucleotide is a significant, secondary determinant of mobility and separation. Oligomers with 3'-ddT migrate more slowly than expected on the basis of length alone, and thus are better separated from the preceding, shorter oligomers in the sequencing ladder. Oligomers with 3'-ddC are relatively faster than expected, and are therefore less separated. At the 3' penultimate position, -dC- increases and -dT- reduces separation. Purines at the 3' terminal or penultimate positions of oligonucleotides affect separation less than the pyrimidines. These results suggest specific interactions among neighboring nucleotides with important effects on the conformation of oligonucleotides during electrophoresis. These interactions are compared to compression artifacts, which represent more extreme anomalies of length-dependent separation of oligonucleotides. Knowledge of base-specific effects on electrophoretic behavior of DNA oligomers supplements the usual information available for determination of sequences; additionally it provides an avenue to thermodynamic and hydrodynamic investigations of DNA structure.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity of Lactobacillus sanfranciscensis strains isolated from naturally fermented sourdoughs of different origin was evaluated by using randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD). Computer-assisted comparison of the RAPD patterns revealed a clear separation of L. sanfranciscensis from other obligately heterofermentative Lactobacillus species closely related or normally present in sourdough. Six clusters, five of them constituted by strains of the same origin, were recognized at a similarity level of 63%. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) results on strains chosen as representative were generally in good agreement with the grouping obtained by RAPD. Both techniques showed a high degree of discriminatory power and indicated the existence of a remarkable genetic polymorphism within the species. Furthermore, the chromosome size of L. sanfranciscensis was estimated by PFGE to be about 1.4 Mb.  相似文献   

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