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Forests have long been recognized as excellent model systems for studying insect ecology. The fact that many forests' ecosystems still function in a semi-natural state, with little influence from human disturbance, provides unique opportunities for understanding co-evolved community and population processes. Unfortunately the structural complexity of forests and the sheer size of trees often pose formidable problems when attempting to sample insects in forests. As such, any scientist embarking on a study of forest insect ecology would be well-advised to carefullv plan their sampling efforts.  相似文献   

The Floristic Quality Analysis (FQA) is a method to assess the quality of a flora based on the assignment of scores to plant species and subsequent calculation of indices. This method is widely applied, but inadequate investigation has been devoted to test its potential problems due to human factors. This work is aimed to specifically test how the human factor can affect the calculation of the FQA indices, by addressing three questions: (i) Are the scores given to plant species consistent among different experts?; (ii) Are the floristic quality indices calculated by different experts consistent in ordering individual sites?; and (iii) Does the use of an appropriate statistics change the ordering of individual sites? To answer these questions, a list of species obtained in 136 plots in central Italy was submitted to nine experts, who scored each species. The FQA indices were then calculated from the scores of each of the experts. The results showed that: (i) the scores given to the species by the experts were not consistent and the derived floristic quality indices were statistically different; (ii) the floristic quality indices calculated for each plot were significantly different among experts, but the ranking of these plots based on their floristic quality was rather consistent; and (iii) the use of ordinal statistics, which is more adequate for this type of data, did not change the results. This study demonstrated that the Floristic Quality Analysis does not provide reliable and objective tools to assess the quality of the flora in a human-managed ecosystem. The application of these indices should be preceded with resolution of the methodological problems associated with the use of inappropriate statistics, and by procedures to reduce the degree of subjectivity in assigning the CC scores.  相似文献   

In the face of ongoing atmospheric nutrient loads the employment of management measures to remove nutrients from heathland ecosystems has increased in importance. The present study is the first to analyse whether Calluna vulgaris is a suitable bio-monitor of management-mediated nutrient pools in heathland ecosystems. If Calluna vulgaris proves to be an appropriate indicator, its bio-indicative usage may prove to be a helpful tool for an assessment of management success in heathland ecosystems. In the Lüneburger Heide nature reserve (NW Germany) we analysed the impacts of grazing, mowing, prescribed burning, choppering and sod-cutting on the nutritional status of Calluna vulgaris by measuring nutrient contents (N, P, Ca, Mg, K) of current year's shoots 1 and 5 years after application of management measures. Results were related to management-induced nutrient flows and nutrient pools at the focal heath sites. Our results indicate that the less the physical environment of a heath site was affected by management measures the better the nutrient contents of current year's shoots of Calluna vulgaris mirrored changes in nutrient pools. For low-intensity measures (i.e. grazing, mowing, prescribed burning), shoot nutrient contents were a suitable indicator for changes in nutrient pools, particularly for nutrients with conservative cycles such as P. At grazed and mown sites high output rates of P caused by these measures were well reflected by decreased shoot P content. At burned sites, Calluna vulgaris proved to be a good indicator of changes in nutrient pools of the organic layer, mainly attributable to the deposition of nutrients with ash. In contrast, at sites subjected to high-intensity measures, shoot nutrient contents did not reflect management-mediated shifts in nutrient pools, despite the high nutrient losses caused by choppering and sod-cutting. At these sites, shoot nutrient contents mirrored only the effects of altered mineralisation rates attributable to changes in the physical environment following high-intensity measures. As plant growth and competition in heathlands is considered to be controlled by N or P, shoot N:P ratios are recommended as a tool to indicate whether plant growth tends to be limited by N, by P or by N and P. This, in turn, allows for an assessment of long-term effects of both atmospheric nutrient loads and management-mediated shifts in N and P pools at a focal heath site.  相似文献   



The concept of electro mobility is gaining importance and has become more dynamic in recent years, particularly in developed economies. Besides a significant reduction of mobility-related CO2 emissions, electro mobility is also expected to minimize the current dependence on oil, while maximizing energy conversion efficiency. However, the associated shift in resource requirements towards so-called strategic metals gives reason to suspect that trade-offs could threaten the desired merits of e-mobility with regard to sustainability. This study aims to give a more comprehensive understanding of the challenges—including the issue of uncertainties—which the broad implementation of e-mobility could place on resource availability and especially on a sustainable management of special metals for the high voltage traction batteries forming the heart of the electric powertrain.


Future metal flows for three possible cathode materials containing the special metals lithium and cobalt are estimated in this paper by means of a Material Flow Analysis. Using two scenarios (dominant and pluralistic) projecting the annual demand for electric vehicles until 2050 and the free software STAN in order to perform the calculation steps to build up the model for the analysis, the MFA considers the resource input requirements based on annual vehicle registrations and the consequent energy requirements.

Results and discussion

The results indicate continuously rising lithium requirements with a wide variation in absolute terms depending on the scenario, which can be considered symptomatic for the uncertainty regarding the development of e-mobility. In the case of cobalt, the projected demand trajectories differ even more drastically between the two scenarios. In comparison to lithium though, for both scenarios cobalt requirements in absolute terms are much less than lithium requirements. With a view to currently known reserves, the cumulative demand for battery technology projected in the dominant scenario will consume 74–248 % (for two different cases) of the lithium reserves and 50 % of the cobalt reserves by 2050.


Despite significant differences between the examined scenarios, it becomes clear that e-mobility will be an increased driver for cobalt and particularly lithium demand in the future. Exact increases in demand for both metals are difficult to predict, especially due to the necessity of numerous assumptions, such as recycling rates, as well as data availability and quality. The results of this study imply a shift from managing primary resources, resource uses, and waste separately, towards managing materials, i.e., resource flows and their implications over the entire life cycle.

The ubiquinol oxidase cytochrome bo3 from Escherichia coli is one of the respiratory heme-copper oxidases which catalyze the reduction of O2 to water linked to translocation of protons across the bacterial or mitochondrial membrane. We have studied the structure of the CuB site in the binuclear heme-copper center of O2 reduction by EXAFS spectroscopy in the fully reduced state of this enzyme, as well as in the reduced CO-liganded states where CO is bound either to the heme iron or to CuB. We find that, in the reduced enzyme, CuB is coordinated by one weakly bound and two strongly bound histidine imidazoles at Cu-N distances of 2.10 and 1.92 A, respectively, and that an additional feature at 2.54 A is due to a highly ordered water molecule that might be weakly associated with the copper. Unexpectedly, the binding of CO to heme iron is found to result in a major conformational change at CuB, which now binds only two equidistant histidine imidazoles at 1.95 A and a chloride ion at 2. 25 A, with elimination of the water molecule and one of the histidines. Attempts to remove the chloride from the enzyme by extensive dialysis did not change this finding, nor did substitution of chloride with bromide. Photolysis of CO bound to the heme iron is known to cause the CO to bind to CuB in a very fast reaction and to remain bound to CuB at low temperatures. In this state, we indeed find the CO to be bound to CuB at a Cu-C distance of 1.85 A, with chloride still bound at 2.25 A and the two histidine imidazoles at a Cu-N distance of 2.01 A. These results suggest that reduction of the binuclear site weakens the bond between CuB and one of its three histidine imidazole ligands, and that binding of CO to the reduced binuclear site causes a major structural change in CuB in which one histidine ligand is lost and replaced by a chloride ion. Whether chloride is a cofactor in this enzyme is discussed.  相似文献   

The dark incubation at room temperature of photosystem II (PS II) membrane fragments in a chloride-free medium at pH 6.3 slowly leads to large chloride-restorable and non-restorable O2 evolution activity losses with time as compared with control samples incubated in the presence of 10 mM NaCl. The chloride requirement in O2 evolution generated under these conditions reveals a complex interplay among various experimental parameters, including the source of the plant material, the times of incubation, the sample concentration, the chloride concentration, as well as those treatments which are believed to specifically displace chloride from PS II such as alkaline pH pretreatment and Na2SO4 addition. The results indicate that secondary, structural changes within the PS II complex are an important factor in determining the influence of chloride on the O2 evolution activity and raise the question whether or not chloride ions actually play a direct cofactor role in the water-oxidizing reactions leading to O2 evolution.Abbreviations Chl chlorophyll - EPR electron paramagnetic resonance - MES 2-(N-morpholino) ethanesulfonic acid - NMR nuclear magnetic resonance - PS II photosystem II  相似文献   

Summary In gills of the shore crab Carcinus maenas an ATPase activity was found which was stimulated by bicarbonate and inhibited by low concentration of oligomycin and thiocyanate. This ATPase was activated by small hydrated alkali cations, i.e., activation was absent in the presence of Li+, small in the presence of Na+, and highest in the presence of K+ (K m=4 mM). Inhibitor studies using ouabain, NEM, and vanadate suggest that this ATPase is different from (Na++K+)-ATPase, the H+-ATPase of organelles, or an E 1 E 2-type ATPase represented by the H+/K+-ATPase in gastric mucosa. Results obtained by differential and density gradient centrifugation indicate that this ATPase is located in crab gill mitochondria, a location ruling out its direct participation in transepithelial ion transport. Since the ATPase lacked specific Cl--activation it is not considered to be a Cl- pump but a mitochondrial F 1 F 0-ATPase. Specific activities of mitochondrial ATPase and (Na++K+)-ATPase were of comparable magnitude. Both ATPases were greatly increased in gills of crabs acclimated to brackish water (salinity 10) compared to crabs maintained in sea water (30). These results imply that low salinity-induced modifications in branchial tissues include mechanisms for active ion uptake as well as the elements for provision of cellular energy.Abbreviations ATPase adenosine triphosphatase - HEPES N-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazine-N(2-ethanesulfonic acid) - LDH lactate dehydrogenase - NADH reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide - NEM Niethylmaleimide - PEP phosphoenolpyruvate - PK pyruvate kinase - TRIS TRIS (hydroxymethyl)aminomethane - S salinity  相似文献   

The distribution of Acacia dealbata Link (Fabaceae) in its non-native range is associated with disturbed areas. However, the possibility that it can penetrate the native forest during the invasion process cannot be ruled out. This statement is supported by the fact that this species has been experimentally established successfully under the canopy of native forest. Nonetheless, it is unknown whether A. dealbata can express shade tolerance traits to help increase its invasive potential. We investigated the shade tolerance of A. dealbata under the canopy of two native forests and one non-native for three consecutive years, as well as its early growth and photosynthetic performance at low light intensities (9, 30, and 70 μmol m−2sec−1) under controlled conditions. We found many A. dealbata plants surviving and growing under the canopy of native and non-native forests. The number of plants of this invasive species remained almost constant under the canopy of native forests during the years of study. However, the largest number of A. dealbata plants was found under the canopy of non-native forest. In every case, the distribution pattern varied with a highest density of plants in forest edges decreasing progressively toward the inside. Germination and early growth of A. dealbata were slow but successful at three low light intensities tested under controlled conditions. For all tested light regimes, we observed that in this species, most of the energy was dissipated by photochemical processes, in accordance with the high photosynthetic rates that this plant showed, despite the really low light intensities under which it was grown. Our study reveals that A. dealbata expressed shade tolerance traits under the canopy of native and non-native forests. This behavior is supported by the efficient photosynthetic performance that A. dealbata showed at low light intensities. Therefore, these results suggest that Mediterranean forest ecosystems of South America can become progressively invaded by A. dealbata and provide a basis for estimating the possible impacts that this invasive species can cause in these ecosystems in a timescale.  相似文献   

? Linking tree diversity to carbon storage can provide further motivation to conserve tropical forests and to design carbon-enriched plantations. Here, we examine the role of tree diversity and functional traits in determining carbon storage in a mixed-species plantation and in a natural tropical forest in Panama. ? We used species richness, functional trait diversity, species dominance and functional trait dominance to predict tree carbon storage across these two forests. Then we compared the species ranking based on wood density, maximum diameter, maximum height, and leaf mass per area (LMA) between sites to reveal how these values changed between different forests. ? Increased species richness, a higher proportion of nitrogen fixers and species with low LMA increased carbon storage in the mixed-species plantation, while a higher proportion of large trees and species with high LMA increased tree carbon storage in the natural forest. Furthermore, we found that tree species varied greatly in their absolute and relative values between study sites. ? Different results in different forests mean that we cannot easily predict carbon storage capacity in natural forests using data from experimental plantations. Managers should be cautious when applying functional traits measured in natural populations in the design of carbon-enriched plantations.  相似文献   

The two most important components of biodiversity, species diversity and genetic diversity, have generally been treated as separate topics, although a coordination between both components is believed to be critical for ecosystem stability and resilience. Based on a new trait concept that allows for the assessment of genetic diversity across species, the relationship between species diversity and genetic diversity was examined in eight forest tree communities composed of different tree genera including both climax and pioneer species. It was intended to check whether a trade-off exists between the two diversity components as was found in a few studies on animal species.Using several isozyme-gene systems as genetic markers, the genetic diversity across species within each of the tree communities was determined by two measures, the commonly used intraspecific genetic diversity averaged over species and the recently developed transspecific genetic diversity per species. Both data sets were compared with the corresponding community-specific species diversity resulting in a positive relationship between the two diversity components. A statistically significant positive correlation was established between the transspecific genetic diversity per species and the species diversity for three isozyme-gene systems. Beyond that, consistent results were obtained using different parameters of the diversity measure which characterize the total, the effective and the number of prevalent variants. The number of prevalent variants reflected most significantly the non-randomness of the observed diversity patterns.These findings can be explained by the observation that the pioneer tree species reveal a by far higher genetic diversity than the climax tree species, which means that an increase in species diversity, due to the addition of several pioneer species at the expense of one or two climax species, goes along with an increase in the level of genetic diversity. Forest tree communities with the highest degree of species diversity exhibit therefore the highest transspecific genetic diversity per species. This result was discussed with regard to the particular composition and stability of forest tree communities.  相似文献   

Richie DL  Askew DS 《Autophagy》2008,4(1):115-117
Nutrient limitation is one of the most common forms of stress encountered by microorganisms in the environment. Surviving this stress depends upon a number of integrated responses, one of the most important of which is autophagy. When the filamentous fungus Aspergillus fumigatus becomes nutrient deprived it undergoes two important processes: the developmental pathway for asexual sporulation (conidiation), and a foraging response that promotes the migration of the hyphal tips into new substrate. To determine the contribution of autophagy to these two functions, we disrupted the A. fumigatus atg1 gene. The data reveal that Atg1 is required for wild-type conidiation of A. fumigatus, but only when nitrogen is limiting. Secondly, we demonstrate that metal ion availability limits the extent to which A. fumigatus can grow without a carbon/nitrogen source and that autophagy is necessary for growth under conditions of metal ion deficiency. These findings indicate that autophagy is responsible for maintaining an adequate supply of nitrogen to support conidiophore development, and provide intriguing new evidence that autophagy is linked to metal ion homeostasis.  相似文献   

Is the Simes improved Bonferroni procedure conservative?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
SAMUEL-CAHN  ESTER 《Biometrika》1996,83(4):928-933

The conservation of alternative splicing in orthologous genes from the human and mouse genomes was analyzed. Alternatively spliced mouse genes from the AsMamDB database were used to scan the draft human genome. The mouse protein isoforms were aligned with respect to orthologous human genes, and thus the exon-intron structure of the latter was established. Proteins isoforms that could not be aligned throughout their length were analyzed in detail using the human EST alignment.  相似文献   

The concept of pilot pseudopodia is reconsidered 30 years after its inauguration (Gerisch, G., Hülser, D., Malchow, D., Wick, U., 1975. Cell communication by periodic cyclic-AMP pulses. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B 272, 181-192). The original hypothesis stated that protruding pseudopodia serve as dynamic sensory organelles that aid a cell in perceiving variations of chemoattractant concentration and, consequently, in navigation during chemotaxis. This influential idea is reevaluated in the light of recent findings about the mechanisms governing chemotactic cell motility, morphology and dynamics of pseudopodia, and about molecular constituents and regulators of pseudopod extension and retraction. It is proposed that stimulation by a chemoattractant modulates speed of pseudopod protrusion and thereby increases cell elongation. Elongation further enhances chemotactic sensitivity of the cell to shallow chemoattractant gradients, reinforces cell polarization, and finally leads to suppression of lateral pseudopodia and continuation of cell migration in the gradient direction.  相似文献   

Enzyme activity (EA) mediates soil organic matter (SOM) degradation, transformation, and mineralization, thereby maintaining the biogeochemical cycles and energy flow of ecosystems. To determine the main factors explaining EA variations in China’s forest ecosystems, we created a database of soil EAs and relevant variables using data from the literature and analysed relationships between EAs and both climatic and edaphic variables. Catalase, phenol oxidase, acid (alkaline) phosphatase, and protease activities differed significantly among different types of forests. Catalase and urease activities were generally higher in primosols, cambisols, and argosols than in ferrosols. EA largely decreased with soil depth and increased with SOM. Phenol oxidase and urease activities were negatively correlated with mean annual temperature (MAT); in contrast, catalase, invertase, and protease activities first decreased (< 2.5 °C), increased (2.5–17.5 °C), and then decreased (> 17.5 °C) with increasing MAT. Although protease activity was slightly positively correlated with mean annual precipitation (MAP), catalase, phenol oxidase, and urease activities were all negatively related to MAP. Catalase, invertase, acid (alkaline) phosphatase, urease, and protease activities first increased (< 2000 m.a.s.l.) and then decreased (2000–4100 m.a.s.l.) with increasing elevation. Principal component analysis revealed most EAs to be correlated with climate conditions and soil pH. These findings suggest that climatic and edaphic variables directly and indirectly correlate with forest type and greatly impact soil EA.  相似文献   

凋落物是森林生物地化学循环和火险预测的关键参数。然而,森林凋落物如何随林龄变化仍不清楚。因此,量化森林生态系统凋落物年际变化对减少大尺度凋落物预测的不确定性至关重要。本论文基于中国人工林和次生林凋落物连续多年(≥2年)测定的数据集(N = 318),采用变异系数(CV)、变化百分比(VP)和年际间比率量化凋落物的年际变化。研究结果表明,凋落物的年际变化随林龄增加(1–90年生)而呈下降趋势。其中,1–10年林龄的凋落物年际变化最大(平均CV = 23.51%,平均VP= -28.59%~20.89%),其主要原因在于树木早期快速生长,即下一年与当年凋落物比率平均为1.20。11–40年林龄的凋落物年际变化逐渐减小,但CV平均值仍在18%左右,VP平均值在-17.69%~21.19%之间。41–90年林龄的凋落物年际变化最小,CV平均值仅为8.98%,VP平均值维持在8%左右。因此,大于40年林龄的凋落物量较低且稳定。这一结果与已有研究的认知不同:即当林龄大于30年、20年甚至15年时,森林凋落物量达到相对稳定。本研究结果将有助于我们深入理解森林凋落物生态学,并为大尺度碳收支和生物地化学循环模型提供基础。  相似文献   

Forest ecosystems world-wide are being subjected to invasion by organisms representing all domains of life. Here we use a combined aboveground-belowground approach to provide a conceptual framework for assessing how forests respond to biological invasions. We first address mechanisms by which invasive plants and aboveground and belowground consumers impact on forests, and highlight that although we have a growing understanding of the determinants of the effects of invasive plants, for invasive consumers we have yet to move from a series of iconic case studies to the development of general principles. We also address the effects of invasive biota in the context of the drivers of invasion, co-invasion and invasional meltdown, the issue of simultaneous species gains and losses, and forest restoration and recovery post-invasion. We then highlight areas that would benefit from further work, particularly regarding underlying mechanisms, determinants of context-dependency of invader effects, and linkages between causes and consequences of invasion. In concluding, we emphasize that biological invaders have the potential for large-scale and long-term impacts on forest processes, and consideration of these impacts in an aboveground-belowground context will enable better prediction of future responses of forests to invaders and their management as well as of restoration efforts.  相似文献   

Bhagwat AS  Carpenter MA  Bujnicki JM 《DNA Repair》2008,7(3):349-50; author reply 351-2

“Charged” amino acids play countless important roles in protein structure and function. Yet when these side chains come into contact with membranes we do not fully understand their behavior. This is highlighted by a recent model of voltage-gated ion channel activity and translocon-based experiments that suggest small penalties to expose these side chains to lipids, opposing the prevailing view in membrane biophysics. Here we employ a side chain analog as well as a transmembrane helix model to determine the free energy as a function of protonation state and position for a lipid-exposed arginine (Arg) residue across a membrane. We observe high free energy barriers for both the charged and neutral states. Due to the stabilizing influence of membrane deformations for the protonated form, the Arg side chain experiences a pKa shift of ≤4.5 units and remains mostly protonated. The cost for exposing Arg to lipid hydrocarbon is prohibitively high with implications for many membrane translocating processes and the activation mechanisms of voltage-gated ion channels.  相似文献   

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