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Lehtoranta  Jouni  Pitkänen  Heikki 《Hydrobiologia》2003,492(1-3):55-67
The relationships between P and components binding P were studied by analysing the concentrations of N, P, Fe, Mn, Ca and Al in sediments and pore water along the estuarine transect of the River Neva in August 1995. The high sediment organic matter concentration resulted in low surface redox potential and high pore-water o-P concentration, whereas the abundance of amphipods resulted in high surface redox potentials and low pore-water o-P concentration. However, despite the variation in sediment organic matter and the abundance of amphipods, very reduced conditions and slightly variable concentrations of Tot-P (0.7–1.1 mg g–1 DW) were observed in the 10–15 cm sediment depth along the estuarine gradient, indicating that the pools of mobile P were largely depleted within the depth of 0–15 cm. Multiple regression analysis demonstrated that organic matter and Tot-Fe concentration of the sediment were closely related to the variation in Tot-P concentration of the sediments (r 2 = 0.817, n=32). In addition, the high total Fe:P ratio suggested that there is enough Fe to bind P in sediments along the estuarine gradient. However, low Fediss concentrations in the pore water of reduced sediment (redox-potential <–50 mV) indicated efficient precipitation of FeS (FeS and FeS2), incapable to efficiently bind P. Consequently, the low Fediss:o-P ratio (< 1) recorded in pore water in late summer implied that Fe3+ oxides formed by diffusing Fediss in the oxic zone of the sediments were insufficient to bind the diffusing o-P completely. The measured high o-P concentrations in the near-bottom water are consistent with this conclusion. However, there was enough Fediss in pore water to form Fe3+ oxides to bind upwards diffusing P in the oxic sediment layer of the innermost Neva estuary and the areas bioturbated by abundant amphipods.  相似文献   

An increase of xenodiversity in plankton and benthos in the eastern Gulf of Finland was observed from 1998 to 2004. Nonindigenous species account for 4.8% of all species found and up to 96% of total biomass. Invasive benthic omnivores, the alien amphipods Gmelinoides fasciatus and Pontogammarus robustoides and the predaceous fish Perccottus glenii with their versatile diets strongly affect the community structure. Invasive sessile seston-feeders that directly (through grazing and water clearance) and indirectly (through recycling of nutrients) interact with other ecosystem components, are mainly represented by the zebra mussel Dreissena polymorpha, which affect the structure of benthic and planktonic communities as well as benthic-pelagic coupling. The invasive predatory cladocerans Cercopagis pengoi and Evadne anonyx and larvae of D. polymorpha are only temporary components in the zooplankton, which is limiting their overall effect. Alien benthic bioturbators, the polychaetes Marenzelleria neglecta and the oligochaete Tubificoides pseudogaster account for a high proportion of total abundance and biomass but their effects on native species need further research.  相似文献   

We introduce an index for estimating the annual phytoplankton spring bloom intensity in the Baltic Sea. It is based on chlorophyll a estimates calculated from automatically sampled fluorescence and chlorophyll a measurements on board cargo ships from 1992 to 2004. The intensity is described by an index including information on the chlorophyll a concentration and duration of the spring bloom period. In all of the years studied, the spring bloom was most intense in the Gulf of Finland. In the Gulf of Finland and the Northern Baltic Proper there was a slight tendency for the bloom to start earlier in the spring.  相似文献   

The study is based on multi-year monthly and yearly averaged time series of the Neva River discharge, monthly salinity observations from near-shore hydrographic and hydrometeorological stations in the Gulf of Finland, and several years of data from international seasonal salinity observations in the open region of NE Baltic Sea. There is a good coherence between seasonal variations of the Neva River flow and the salinity regime in the upper layer of the Baltic Sea. Near the shores periods of low, normal and high salinity correspond to the periods of high, normal and low river runoff, and the same trends are observed with some time lag in the open parts of the Sea as well. The impacts of the Neva River discharge oscillations on salinity of the Gulf of Finland surface waters are analyzed in terms of time regression probability models. The obtained river flow-marine salinity transfer functions summarize well the observation data on both multiannual and seasonal scales of variability. Some seasonal periods with different anomalies of the influence are distinguished.  相似文献   

Sakson  Maire  Miller  Urve 《Hydrobiologia》1993,269(1):243-249
Twenty one superficial sediment samples from areas of high and moderate eutrophication in the Gulf of Riga were studied with respect to siliceous microfossils, mainly diatoms.The results seem to imply that the number of taxa and the abundance of the frustules are affected by runoff from rivers and the degree of eutrophication in different parts of the Gulf. Areas with high eutrophication, e.g. the river estuaries, have diatom assemblages of varying composition, while in areas with moderate eutrophication the composition is almost constant and the influx of freshwater diatoms and littoral periphyton small. The high abundance and low diversity of brackish-marine and brackish, planktonic diatoms seem to be a result of an influx of nutrients and pollutants in the water and bottom sediments. The sea ice diatoms occurring in the Baltic waters and also in the Gulf of Riga tend to be resistant to eutrophication or are even favoured by it.  相似文献   

Weckström  Kaarina  Korhola  Atte  Shemeikka  Petri 《Hydrobiologia》2002,477(1-3):115-127
Regular water-quality monitoring is yielding a great number of hydrographical and chemical data regarding the brackish Baltic Sea. However, present monitoring programmes often do not include shallow and sheltered near-shore areas, which are adjacent to human population and used for recreation purposes. We collected new near-shore water quality data from the southern coast of Finland that will allow the definition of the present state of these systems and may serve as reference data for possible future monitoring programmes. The data set comprises 45 small and shallow embayments with a mean surface area of 211 ha and a mean depth of 4.3 m. According to redundancy analysis (RDA), catchment land use explained 20.3% of the variance in the measured water chemistry. Agriculture had the strongest influence on the water quality of the study sites, capturing 13.1% of the variance. Nitrogen seemed to be strongly related to agriculture, whereas phosphorus was correlated with urban areas and industry. Higher than average nutrient concentrations regularly occurred at the mouths of large rivers, or close to human settlement, emphasising the significance of local sources to the nutrient concentrations of coastal waters. No increasing trend in nutrient or chlorophyll-a concentrations was observed from west to east in these shallow and sheltered nearshore areas. This contrasts with earlier results from pelagic samplings that report a marked influence of the River Neva and St. Petersburg on the nutrient status of the Gulf of Finland. Because these shallow embayments are strongly influenced by the local nutrient load, continued measures must be undertaken to reduce the nutrient load from land to prevent the continued deterioration and eutrophication of the nearshore, coastal waters.  相似文献   

Specimens of ocean skaters Halobates were collected off the south coast of Japan in the East China Sea in 1995, and from the Kumano‐nada Sea to the East China Sea in 1998 and 1999. Three species were identified: H. micans, H. germanus and H. sericeus. We found two species co‐occurring in comparable densities in different years, a phenomenon not hitherto reported in other regions of the ocean. We discuss distributions of the three Halobates species with special reference to the influence of the Kuroshio Current, temporal variations of sea‐surface temperature, and monsoonal winds.  相似文献   

The implementation of the European Water Framework Directive (WFD) requires the development of ecologically-based classification systems for anthropogenically-induced eutrophication in all types of water bodies. Due to the inherent high temporal and spatial variability of hydrological and geochemical parameters of the coastal waters of the southern Baltic Sea, discrimination between anthropogenic impact and natural variability is necessary. The development of statistical methods for this discrimination was the main aim of this study. These methods were used to derive indicative phytoplankton parameters for different stages of eutrophication for the investigation area. For this purpose, a long-term phytoplankton data series was analysed, which covered a broad salinity and eutrophication gradient. In order to detect eutrophication effects, the analysis was restricted to phytoplankton spring bloom events and to the salinity range between 5 and 10 psu, i.e. superimposing seasonal and hydrodynamic effects were eliminated. An artificial abiotic degradation vector was developed based on four typical water quality parameters. A total of 11 potentially indicative phytoplankton parameters on different taxonomical levels arose from a correlation analysis with this degradation vector. These indicators were then tested for their ability to discriminate between three eutrophication levels. Finally, seven phytoplankton indices could be proposed: total phytoplankton biovolume, the percentage of diatoms and the biovolume of different size ranges of diatoms and one indicative species (Woronichinia compacta). Guest editors: A. Razinkovas, Z. R. Gasiūnaitė, J. M. Zaldivar & P. Viaroli European Lagoons and their Watersheds: Function and Biodiversity  相似文献   

The development of a filamentous, nitrogen-fixing cyanobacterial bloom was followed during July–August 1990 in a stratified basin in the central Gulf of Finland, Baltic Sea. Hydrography, dissolved inorganic, particulate and total nutrients, chlorophyll a, alkaline phosphatase activity, 32PO4-uptake and phytoplankton species were measured. The study period was characterized by wind-induced mixing events, followed by marked nutrient pulses and plankton community responses. Phosphate uptake was highest throughout the study period in the size fraction dominated by bacteria and picocyanobacteria (< 2 µm) and the proportion of uptake in the size fraction 2–10 µm remained low (2–6%). Higher phosphate turnover times were observed in a community showing signs of enhanced heterotrophic activity. The bloom of filamentous, nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria Aphanizomenon flos-aquae was promoted by a nutrient pulse with an inorganic nutrient ratio (DIN:DIP) of 15. The results show that the quality, frequency and magnitude of the physically forced nutrient pulses have an important role in determining the relative share of the different modes of phosphorus utilization and hence in determining the cyanobacterial bloom intensity and species composition in the Baltic Sea.  相似文献   

Studies on the zooplankton community of the Bothnian Bay (BB), the northernmost basin of the Baltic Sea, were carried out in 1976–78. Only 8–14 taxa dominated in the zooplankton community. The highest abundances and biomasses occurred during the warmest period or immediately afterwards, in July–September. The production of zooplankton was estimated to be 3.1–7.8 g C · m−2. a−1 in the coastal area and 2.5–3.6 g C · m−2 · a−1 in the open sea. During the short growing season (June–September) the biomass turnover took place in about 11 days. The productivity of zooplankton is discussed in relation to available food of both autochthonous and allochthonous origin and compared with the other parts of the Baltic Sea.  相似文献   

O. D. Saracino 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(4-6):1051-1055

Phytoplankton abundances and species composition of coastal waters of the Gulf of Taranto (Ionian Sea) were investigated in July 1995. Abundances were lower than those of other Mediterranean coastal areas. Higher densities values were found in the central part of the studied area. In surface waters, small phytoflagellates (<10μm) and dinoflagellates, such as Heterocapsa niei and Oxytoxum variabile, were the dominant species. Diatoms, mainly belonging to the genus Chaetoceros, were also present.  相似文献   

Seasonal variations in the physiological condition of two benthic deposit-feeding amphipods were studied in two environmentally differing areas in the Gulf of Riga (Baltic Sea) with the purpose of estimating their role in benthic mineralisation. At the shallower (26 m) nearshore station, Monoporeia affinis exhibited low ammonia excretion rate (VNH 4 + ) throughout the year. After intensive accumulation of lipids in spring, the lipid reserves of the individuals became rapidly depleted during autumn. Gravid females in winter-early spring showed exceedingly low lipid and triacylglycerol (TAG) levels compared to studies carried out in open-sea areas. Pontoporeia femorata studied at the deeper (43 m) offshore station exhibited a higher VNH 4 + at all times with no significant seasonal variation. Lipid and TAG accumulated continuously until November, reaching higher levels than recorded previously for this species. Experiments showed that the temperature coefficient Q 10 determined for VNH 4 + is likely to depend on the recent feeding history of the amphipods. Mineralisation of nitrogen and carbon by the amphipod populations at the study sites was estimated to be 1.7-3.0 g C and 11.3-13.5 mmol NH 4 + m–2 yr–1. Conclusively, both biotic and abiotic factors affect the condition of the amphipods, while the species also have genuine differences in their metabolic characteristics.  相似文献   

There are very few time series documenting clear trends of change in the biomass of total phytoplankton or single taxa that coincide with trends of increasing nutrient concentrations. Weekly or biweekly monitoring since 1997 on a cross section of the central Gulf of Finland (NE Baltic Sea) with similar climatic and hydrographic conditions, but different nutrient levels, provided a uniform dataset. In order to evaluate seasonal (June–September) patterns of phytoplankton succession, more than 1,200 samples were statistically analyzed by selecting 12 dominant taxa using wet weight biomass values. In addition, the continuously measured hydrographic parameters on board the ships of opportunity, and simultaneous nutrient analyses gave high frequency information on the water masses. The objective of this study was to identify the taxa that may prove indicative in the assessment of eutrophication in the appropriate monitoring time periods. None of the most common bloom-forming species (Aphanizomenon sp., Nodularia spumigena, and Heterocapsa triquetra) showed reliable correlations with enhanced nutrient concentrations. The species we suggest as reliable eutrophication indicators—oscillatorialean cyanobacteria and the diatoms Cyclotella choctawhatcheeana and Cylindrotheca closterium—showed the best relationships with total phosphorus concentrations. Their maxima appear toward the end of July or in August–September when phytoplankton community structure is more stable, and less frequent observations may give adequate results. Another diatom, Skeletonema costatum, exhibited stronger correlations with dissolved inorganic and total nitrogen in June, during the period of the summer phytoplankton minimum. Guest editors: J. H. Andersen & D. J. Conley Eutrophication in Coastal Ecosystems: Selected papers from the Second International Symposium on Research and Management of Eutrophication in Coastal Ecosystems, 20–23 June 2006, Nyborg, Denmark  相似文献   

Blooms of cyanobacteria are a recurrent phenomenon in the Baltic Sea, including the Gulf of Finland. The spatial extension, duration, intensity and species composition of these blooms varies widely between years. Alg@line data collected regularly from ferries as well as weather service and marine monitoring data from 1997 to 2005 are analysed to determine the main abiotic factors influencing the intensity and species composition of cyanobacterial blooms in the Gulf of Finland. It is demonstrated that the development of the Nodularia spumigena Mertens bloom is highly dependent on weather conditions such as photosynthetically active radiation and water temperature. Nutrient conditions, especially the surplus of phosphorus (according to Redfield ratio) related to the pre-bloom upwelling events in the Gulf, affect the intensity of Aphanizomenon sp. (L.) Ralfs blooms. Differences in bloom timing and duration indicate that, if the preconditions (like nutrient ratio/concentration and weather conditions) for bloom formation are favourable, then the Aphanizomenon bloom starts earlier, the overall bloom period is longer and the Nodularia peak might appear in a wider time window. Handling editor: K. Martens  相似文献   

Phragmites australis, a native helophyte in coastal areas of the Baltic Sea, has significantly spread on the Finnish coast in the last decades raising ecological questions and social interest and concern due to the important role it plays in the ecosystem dynamics of shallow coastal areas. Despite its important implications on the planning and management of the area, predictive modeling of Phragmites distribution is not well studied. We examined the prevalence and progression of Phragmites in four sites along the Southern Finnish coast in multiple time frames in relation to a number of predictors. We also analyzed patterns of neighborhood effect on the expansion and disappearance of Phragmites in a cellular data model. We developed boosted regression trees models to predict Phragmites occurrences and produce maps of habitat suitability. Various Phragmites spread figures were observed in different areas and time periods, with a minimum annual expansion rate of 1% and a maximum of 8%. The water depth, shore openness, and proximity to river mouths were found influential in Phragmites distribution. The neighborhood configuration partially explained the dynamics of Phragmites colonies. The boosted regression trees method was successfully used to interpolate and extrapolate Phragmites distributions in the study sites highlighting its potential for assessing habitat suitability for Phragmites along the Finnish coast. Our findings are useful for a number of applications. With variables easily available, delineation of areas susceptible for Phragmites colonization allows early management plans to be made. Given the influence of reed beds on the littoral species and ecosystem, these results can be useful for the ecological studies of coastal areas. We provide estimates of habitat suitability and quantification of Phragmites expansion in a form suitable for dynamic modeling, which would be useful for predicting future Phragmites distribution under different scenarios of land cover change and Phragmites spatial configuration.  相似文献   

The parameters ‘a’ and ‘b’ of length weight relationship of 6 species (Scolopsis vosmeri (Bloch, 1792), Engyprosopon macrolepis (Regan, 1908), Bleekeria murtii Joshi, Zacharia&Kanthan, 2012), Centriscus scutatus Linnaeus, 1758, Samaris cristatus Gray, 1831 and Iniistius bimaculatus Ruppell, 1829) are reported from the Gulf of Mannar, South east coast of India. The fish samples were collected from experimental trawling conducted twice a month during the period August to December 2012 and September to December 2013 at a depth ranging from 8.5 to 20.5 m. Three hauls were made in a day with each haul of one hour duration. The total length of the gear was 32 m with a cod end mesh size of 30 mm. The total length of the fish was measured to the nearest 0.1 cm and weight to the nearest 0.1 g.  相似文献   

The reefs and benthic communities of 15 islands in Ha Long Bay, listed by UNESCO as a world heritage site, have been studied using scuba. Two reef types have been distinguished: structured and unstructured reefs. The changes in the composition and structure of reef-building corals takes place in these reefs under conditions of heavy silting in the surrounding waters. Poritids that primarily form the reef carcass become dominant scleractinians. More than 250 species of macrobenthos are found; the greatest species diversity was recorded in the reefs of Bo Hung and Kong Do islands, which we recommend be organized into a national nature reserve.  相似文献   

For over two decades, passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) methods have been successfully employed around the world for studying aquatic megafauna. PAM-driven studies in Indian waters have so far been relatively very scarce. Furthermore, cetacean populations inhabiting the north western Indian Ocean are far less studied than those in many other regions around the world. This work likely constitutes the first systematic study of the vocal repertoire of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) at a near-shore site along the western coast of India. Analysis of the observed vocalizations provides an insight into the behaviour of the species. This is significant as it assists in developing a better understanding of the habitat use of the non-migratory Arabian Sea humpback whale population. In contrast, other breeding populations such as those around the North Atlantic, South Pacific and Australia have been relatively well studied. Underwater passive acoustic data were collected during March 2017 using an autonomous logger at a shallow-water site off the eastern edge of Grande Island off the coast of Goa. Humpback whale vocalizations were found to occur over multiple days in the recordings. Time–frequency contours of individual units of vocalization were extracted with the aid of an automatic detection technique and the characteristics of the units were measured. Further, successive units were analysed for formation of phrases and themes. Reconstruction of putative songs from the identified units and themes was not possible due to the limitations imposed by the nature of data collection. Detailed analyses of units, phrases and themes are presented.  相似文献   

宁夏南部旱区坡地不同粮草带比间作种植模式比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在宁夏南部旱区15°坡耕地上,于2007年5月至2008年10月连续2a研究了7种不同粮草带状间作(谷子和糜子间作苜蓿)模式与粮食单作(对照处理)模式下的作物产量、形态指标、水分利用效率及水土流失特征。结果表明,同粮食单作相比,4∶4、4∶6、6∶4、6∶6、6∶8、8∶6和8∶8等7个粮(谷子或糜子)草(苜蓿)条带间作种植模式的作物生育后期单株叶面积和单株质量明显增加,作物水分利用效率提高0.99-1.57kg/m3,产量增加3.02%-15.72%,地表径流减少6.86%-58.42%,泥沙流失量减少56.09%-100%。不同粮草带比间作种植模式比较,带距越窄,粮食增产效果和整体水土流失防治效果越佳。尤其是4∶4、4∶6和6∶43种带比间作种植模式的综合效果较好。  相似文献   

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