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Summary Scanning electron microscopy and cryofracture technique were applied to study neuronal architecture and synaptic connections of the human cerebellum. Samples were processed according to the technique of Humphreys et al. (1975) with minor modifications. The granule cells exhibit unbranched filiform axons and coniform dendritic processes. The latter show typical claw-like endings making gearing type synaptic contacts with mossy fiber rosettes. The unattached mossy rosettes appear as solid club-like structures. Some fractographs show individual granule cells, Golgi neurons and glomerular islands. The climbing fibers and their Scheibel's collaterals were also characterized. In the Purkinje layer the surface fracture was produced at the level of the Bergmann glial cells, which are selectively removed, allowing us to visualize the rough surface of Purkinje cells and the supra- and infraganglionic plexuses of basket cell axons which appeared as entangled threads. In the molecular layer the three-dimensional configuration of the Purkinje secondary and tertiary dendritic branches was obtained. The filiform parallel fibers make cruciform synaptic contacts with the Purkinje dendritic spines. The appearance of stellate neuronal somata closely resembled that of the granule cells. The subpial terminals of Bergmann fibers appeared attached to the exterior of the folia forming the rough surfaced external glial limiting membrane.  相似文献   

The fracture surface of human submandibular gland analyzed by scanning electron microscopy is studied here. Acini showed spherical granules of 0.7 +/- 0.28 micron diameter, their most distinctive feature. Some empty, septate cavities found contiguous to serous acini were considered to be mucous acini. Striated ducts had a circular lumen, with microvilli forming prominences. Blebs, some intact and others ruptured, were interpreted as apocrine secretion. The 'separating zone' of the striated cells was distinguishable from the rest of the cell because the structure of the cell was granular whereas the 'separating zone' was fibrillar.  相似文献   

Summary Spermatozoa from fertile and infertile human ejaculates were observed under the scanning electron microscope. A parallel study of sections was performed by transmission electron microscope.The normal head shows under the scanning electron microscope vesicular elevations in the region of the acrosome and a smooth and rigid appearance corresponding to the postnuclear cap whose occurrence is confirmed under the transmission electron microscope. Immediately anterior to this cap a shallow furrow transverses the head. Duplicated, unusually large or small and deformed heads are found under the scanning electron microscope. Most of these abnormal heads show no surface structure suggesting an acrosome.The neck and middle piece are occasionally, though frequently in abnormal spermatozoa, covered by a cytoplasmic droplet. Otherwise, the mitochondrial sheath is recognized under the scanning electron microscope as a beaded thickening in the middle piece. The lack of mitochondria is manifested by a smooth middle piece thinner than the principal portion. Transmission electron microscopy of sections reveals various types of anomalies in the number of cores, core filaments and mitochondria embedded in the cytoplasmic droplets.Abnormalities in the principal portion of the tail such as duplication, unusual thickness and length are shown under the scanning electron microscope.The investigation indicates that scanning electron microscopy is suited for the clinical as well as cytological examination of human ejaculate spermatozoa.  相似文献   

The chromosome structure of human metaphases was observed in the scanning electron microscope (SEM) after exposure to G-banding techniques for light microscopy (LM). Individual chromosomes showed an inherent specificity of quaternary coiling. Circumferential grooves along the chromatids demarcated the individual gyres of the coils, which were shown to correspond to the LM G-banding pattern. An increased number of quaternary coils was observed in prometaphase chromosomes, which were shown to be correlated with the high resolution LM bands. We propose that the observation of G-bands relies on LM visualization of quaternary structure by accumulation of Giemsa stain between the coils.  相似文献   

Summary Scanning electron microscopy was used to assess the ultrastructural differences exhibited by the varigated ependymal lining of the near-term human fetal 4th ventricle. The central portion of the fourth ventricular floor, including the median sulcus is punctuated by numerous clumps of cilia. The density of cilia here is not as great as that described for other regions of the human cerebral ventricular system; accordingly, underlying substructure can be noted. There are distinct differences between ependymas that line the floor of the fourth ventricle with those of the adjacent area postrema. The latter region possesses not cilia, but instead exhibits a dense knap of microvilli. The ultra-architecture of the choroid plexus is relatively similar to that of other circumventricular organs with the exception that it possesses small isolated groups of cilia as well as microvilli. These findings are discussed with respect to the dynamics of local CSF movement and flow, ependymoabsorption and ependymosecretionSupported by U.S.P.H.S. Grant NS 08171.Career Development Awardee GM K04 70001.  相似文献   

Scanning electron microscopy of Drosophila   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Bacterial degradation of sheets of selected polyhydroxyalkanoates by Comamonas sp., Pseudomonas lemoignei and Pseudomonas fluorescens GK13 is reported. Five natural polyhydroxyalkanoates were used, namely poly(3-hydroxybutyrate), poly(3-hydroxyvalerate), a copolymer of 3-hydroxybutyrate and 3-hydroxyvalerate, a copolymer of mainly 3-hydroxyoctanoate and minor amounts of 3-hydroxyhexanoate, and two rubber-like copolymers of saturated and unsaturated hydroxyalkanoic acids that had been modified by electron-beam-induced cross-linking. Each of these polymers was degraded by at least one bacterial strain, the rate of hydrolysis being dependent on the surface area of the polymer exposed to attack. Scanning electron microscopy of partially degraded samples showed that hydrolysis started at the surface and at physical lesions in the polymer and proceeded to the inner part of the material. No evidence for areas of non-degradable polymer was found for any of the polymers analysed, even if the polymer contained chemical cross-links. Received: 24 July 1996 / Accepted: 29 August 1996  相似文献   

Ford J. W. and Blankespoor H. D. 1979. Scanning electron microscopy of the eggs of three human schistosomes. International Journal for Parasitology9: 141–145. The surface of the eggs of Schistosoma haematobium, S. japonicum and S. mansoni, examined by scanning electron microscopy, are covered with microspines. The spines of S. mansoni and S. haematobium are essentially similar; however, in S. japonicum they are smaller and more densely distributed. A fibrous matrix, present on the surface of the eggs, is not host derived. This matrix may account for the stickiness of the eggs and the micospines may function to hold the matrix in place.  相似文献   

A range of fracturing and sectioning techniques are now available which permit intracellular structures to be observed in the scanning electron microscope. One such technique, based on the method of Tanaka (1981), has been used to study chloroplast ultrastructure in Japan laurel, Aucuba japonica. Small pieces of leaves were fixed, fractured whilst frozen and transferred to a dilute solution of osmium tetroxide in which cytoplasmic maceration took place. Specimens were dehydrated, critical point dried and examined was required to remove the stroma from fractured chloroplasts. Following this treatment details of the chloroplast envelope, frets, grana and plastoglobuli could be observed. The results were compared with conventionally prepared thin sections examined in the transmission electron microscope and with the three dimensional reconstructions described in the literature.  相似文献   

The morphology of conidia in 211 species and 12 varieties belonging to the genus Penicillium Link ex Gray have been studied and compared.According to surface ornamentation, conidia have been classified into six groups: A, smooth-walled (7% of the species); B, delicately roughened (13%); C, warty (28%); D, echinate (10%); E, striate with low irregular ridges (36%); and F, striate with scarce high ridges or bars (6%). Whereas the first two groups are closely related in both shape and average size, a gradual reduction was observed in size and in the length/width (l/w) ratio in the remaining groups. Echinate conidia were globose, having the largest average size. Only four species produced conidia not surpassing 2 m in diameter. Maximum length observed was 8 m, and most elongated conidia had a l/w ratio of 3.5. Forty per cent of the species studied had globose conidia.Conidia of the monoverticillate species were generally smaller, more globose and frequently with ridges. In the Asymmetrica, the conidia were generally larger, and showed ridges in comparatively few species. Conidia of the Symmetrica, which were frequently striate with ridges, presented the most elongated forms. The largest average size was found in the conidia of the Polyverticillata which were generally warty. Finally, we have considered the variations in surface ornamentation of conidia during the evolution of the genus Penicillium and drawn attention to their possible relationship with certain habitats and ways of conidial dispersion.  相似文献   

Changes in the appearance of the vaginal epithelium of rats during the estrous cycle were seen by scanning electron microscopy. Bacterial colonization of this tissue appeared to be influenced by these changes.  相似文献   

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