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记述中国妩蛛科长妩蛛属3新种:匙长妩蛛,新种Miagrammopes spatulatus sp.nov.,双叉长妩蛛,新种Miagrammopes bifurcatus sp.nov.和蹄形长妩蛛,新种Miagrammopes unguliformis sp.nov..  相似文献   

中国南方肖蛸科蜘蛛的研究(蛛形纲:蜘蛛目)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文记述我国云南省、湖南省、广西省产的肖蛸科蜘蛛,共6新种,其中银鳞蛛属5新种,肖蛸属1新种。文内对各新种均作了详细描述,并绘制有外雌器和触肢器等结构图。全部模式标太保存在湖南师范学院生物系。种名为:三角银鳞蛛,新种Leucauge trigonosa sp.nov.纽银鳞蛛,新种Leucauge lygisma sp.nov.瘤银鳞蛛,新种Leucouge tuberculata sp.nov.楔银鳞蛛,新种Leucauge sphenoida sp.nov.筒银鳞蛛,新种Leucauge cylindrata sp.nov.钩形肖蛸,新种Tetragnatha aduncata sp.nov.  相似文献   

记述了采自中国重庆洞穴内的球体蛛科喀蛛属1新种,心形喀蛛Karstia cordata sp.nov.,模式标本保存在四川大学自然博物馆(SCUM).心形喀蛛,新种Karstia cordata sp.nov.(图1~18)新种与上扬子喀蛛K.upperyangtzica Chen,2010相似,但它们的区别在于:前者具1插入器附片,后者缺失;前者插入器突不分叉,后者多分叉;前者中突表面呈具细齿锉刀状,后者光滑;前者雌性生殖板呈心形,后者为近三角形,前者纳精囊宽且长,后者窄而短.正模♂,产自中国重庆市武隆县土地乡天生村硝洞(29.53°N,107.85°E;海拔1050 m),2010-10-17.副模:1 ♂,3♀ ♀,采集信息同正模;2 ♂♂,10♀ ♀,产自四川省华蓥市洋河镇盐井沟村垛子石洞(30.29°N,106.77°E),2010-10-16,均为林玉成和窦亮采集.词源:新种种名源自拉丁词语cordatus(心形的),意指该种雌性生殖板形状;形容词.  相似文献   

报道采自我国云南省的平腹蛛科蜘蛛2新种:大理掠蛛Drassodes daliensis Yang et Song, sp. nov.和朱氏狂蛛Zelotes zhui Yang et Tang, sp. nov. .模式标本保存在河北大学生命科学学院.文中测量单位为mm.大理掠蛛,新种Drassodes daliensis Yang et Song, sp. nov.(图1~5)正模♂,副模3♀♀,4♂♂,云南省大理市凤仪镇公山,2000年11月7日;10♀,1♂♂,公山,2000年11月28日;2♂♂,云南省大理市下关镇洱海边(25°30'N,100°12'E),2002年6月4日,杨自忠采;2♂♂,云南省云龙县检槽乡,2001年7月26日;1♀,检槽乡,2001年10月6日,杨二兵采.鉴别特征新种近似于石掠蛛Drassodes lapidosus(Walchenaer, 1802)但有如下3点不同:(1)本种触肢器无胫节突,而后者有胫节突;(2)生殖球中突成鸟喙状,而不同后者;(3)外雌器两侧缘相距较近,而后者的两侧缘相距较远.词源学:新种的种名以模式标本产地而拟定.朱氏狂蛛,新种Zelotes zhui Yang et Tang, sp. nov.(图6 ~10)正模♂,云南省大理市凤仪镇公山,2000年11月7日;副模6♂♂,公山,2002年6月4日;1♀,云南省大理市下关苍山,1999年6月6日;5♂♂,苍山,2002年7月31日,杨自忠采.鉴别特征新种与巴里坤狂蛛Zelotes barkol Platnick et Song相近,但有如下3点不同:1)本种生殖球插入器端部平截,而后者端部较尖;2)后者插入器基部前侧面有向后侧面延伸的尖锐突起,而本种则无;3)本种雌蛛中纳精囊管较粗大且前端弯向背后方,而后者较细且不弯曲.词源学:新种的种名以朱明生教授的姓氏而拟定,以示感谢.  相似文献   

在浙江西天目山蜘蛛调查中,采到皿蛛科一种中皿蛛,经鉴定认为系一新种,报道如下: 天目中皿蛛,新种Centromerus tianmushanus sp.nov.(图1—5) 正模:1♀,浙江西天目山新茅蓬,1983年4月3日;配模:1♂;副模:1♀,采集地点和日期同正模。模式标本保存于中国科学院动物研究所。  相似文献   

中国管巢蛛属两新种记述(蜘蛛目,管巢蛛科)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
报道采自太行山区的管巢蛛科管巢蛛属2新种:白石山管巢蛛Clubiona baishishan sp. nov.和克氏管巢蛛Clubiona kropfi sp. nov. .模式标本保存在河北大学生命科学学院.文中测量单位为mm.白石山管巢蛛,新种Clubiona baishishan sp.nov.(图1)正模♂,副模2♀♀,河北省涞源县(39.3°N,114.7°E)白石山,1999年7月4日,海拔1 300~1 400 m,张锋、张俊霞采;副模7♂♂,3♀♀,河北省平山县驼梁,1999年6月5日,海拔1 500~1 700 m,张锋采.新种与沟岸管巢蛛Clubiona riparia L. Koch, 1866相似,但有以下3点区别:1)本种雄蛛触肢的胫节突复杂,而后者较为简单;2)本种外雌器呈"门"字形,而后者不同于此;3)本种螯肢的后齿堤2齿,而后者为4齿.词源学:新种的种名依模式标本的产地拟定.克氏管巢蛛,新种Clubiona kropfi sp. nov.(图2)正模♀,副模1♀,河北省涞源县白石山,1999年7月16日,海拔1 300 m,张锋采.新种近似巴氏管巢蛛Clubiona bakurovi Mikhailov,1990,但本种的外雌器后缘硬化部分超越生殖沟向后延伸,后中部形成一舌状的突起.词源学:新种的种名以瑞士蛛形学家克罗普夫博士(Dr. C. Kropf)的姓氏拟定,以感谢他对此研究工作的支持.  相似文献   

记述采于太行山区的中国妩蛛科Uloboridae涡蛛属1新种:旺氏涡蛛Octonoba wanlessi sp.nov..  相似文献   

记述了采自贵州洞穴和云南西双版纳雨林的愈螯蛛科安拉蛛属2新种,盘县安拉蛛Anapistula panensis sp.nov.和郑氏安拉蛛Anapistula zhengi sp.nov.,模式标本保存在中国科学院动物研究所(IZCAS).盘县安拉蛛,新种Anapistula panensis sp.nov.(图1~5)新种与A.bifurcate Harvey,1998相似.它们的区别为:前者触肢引导器呈不对称分叉,后者为对称分叉;前者跗舟具2根长背刺,后者缺失;前者生殖板中管成“Y”形,后者为“T”形;前者生殖板后缘直,后者呈弧形.正模♂,产自中国贵州省盘县珠东乡十里坪村神仙洞(25°37′N,104°45′E;海拔1 687 m),2007年3月15日.副模:1 ♂,50♀♀,采集信息同正模,刘杰、林玉成采.词源:新种种名源自模式产地地名;形容词.郑氏安拉蛛,新种Anapistula zhengi sp.nov.(图6~ 10)新种与A.secreta Gertsch,1941相似.它们区别为:前者跗舟具2根明显的长背刺,后者仅1根;前者触肢引导器呈三分叉,后者为二分叉;前者生殖板中管宽且短,后者窄且长;前者纳精囊较小,后者稍大.正模♂,产自中国云南省勐腊县勐仑镇西双版纳自然保护区雨林冠层(21°56′N,101°17′E;海拔876m),2006-09-19~ 2007-03-15.副模:48♂♂,156♀♀,采集信息同正模,郑国采.词源:新种种名源自采集人沈阳师范大学郑国博士的名字;词性为名词性同位语.  相似文献   

记述湖南省巨蟹蛛科2新种:壶瓶巨蟹蛛Heteropoda hupingensis sp.nov.和谢氏中盾蛛Sinopoda xieae sp.nov.,模式标本存于湖南师范大学生命科学学院,量度单位为mm,比例尺为1mm。壶瓶巨蟹蛛,新种Heteropoda hupingensis sp.nov.(图1-4)正模♂,湖南省石门县壶瓶山,1992年6月25日-7月5日,彭贤锦采。鉴别特征:新种与白额巨蟹蛛Heteropoda venatoria (Linnaeus,1775)相似,但有以下区别:1)胫节突不同,新种的胫节突腹面观腹支呈拇指状,背支不易见及,后者腹面观明显可见两分支,背支较长;3)新种的插入器较粗短,沿生殖球中间向端部延伸,后者的插入器较细长,沿生殖球边缘向端部延伸。新种的种名来自模式标本产地。谢氏中盾蛛,新种Sinopoda xieae sp.nov.,正模♀,湖南省石门县壶瓶山,1992年6月25日-7月5日,谢莉萍采。鉴别特征,新种的外雌器腹面观似Sinopoda forcipata(Karsch,1881)但有以下区别;1)交后缘相跨较近,其间的夹角远小于后者的夹角;2)与中隔端部相连的横向裂陷远宽于后者;3)纳精囊远较后者粗大,无明显分支;后者纳精囊较细小,有明显分支。新种的种名来自模式标本采集者的姓氏。  相似文献   

描述了采自云南西双版纳热带雨林的蟹蛛1新属高峭蛛属及1新种胶高峭蛛Acrotmarus gummosus gen.et sp.nov..新种模式标本保存在中国科学院动物研究所.高峭蛛属,新属Acrotmarus gen.nov.与蟹蛛科蟹蛛亚科峭腹蛛族中的其它属的主要区别在于:后侧眼眼丘大而隆起,雄蛛触肢插入器呈薄片状,基部有宽缘,其端部具1凹陷,末端呈钩状.本属近似于非洲的Pherecydes O.P.-Cambridge,1883,但有以下不同:前者仅后侧眼在隆起的眼丘上,后者的前侧眼、后侧眼均在隆起的眼丘上;前者雌蛛的后侧眼间距/头胸部宽为0.93,后者为1.29;前者雌蛛前中眼间距/前中、侧眼间距为0.97,后者为1.52.本属的生殖器官结构与Pherecydes差异明显:前者雄蛛触肢有VTA而后者缺乏,前者插入器扁平片状而后者丝状;前者外雌器有兜而后者无.词源:新属属名由于标本系从高层雨林冠层采集而来,且与峭腹蛛族的属在外形上有相似性.胶高峭蛛,新种Acrotmarus gummosus sp.nov.(图1~3,6~21)正模♂.副模:24 ♂ ♂,15♀ ♀,云南省西双版纳国家自然保护区勐仑保护区的热带雨林及橡胶林,2007年7~8月间,郑国采;1 ♂,西双版纳勐仑镇绿石林森林公园,2009年11月15日,唐果、姚志远采.词源:新种种名源自新种部分标本采于橡胶林冠层.  相似文献   

为研究油茶(Camellia oleifera A)嫁接时穗条和砧木创伤后内源激素动态变化规律,解析影响砧穗嫁接面愈合的生理机制,为油茶砧穗愈合生长机理提供理论支持。以树龄6年的长林18号和53号的穗条和实生砧木为材料,按照芽苗砧嫁接方法切割穗条S0(0 min)、S10(10 min)、S40(40 min)和砧木茎段Z0(0 min)、Z10(10 min)后,利用液质联用法(HPLC-MS)测定吲哚乙酸(IAA)、脱落酸(ABA)、反式玉米素(TZR)、玉米素(Zeatin)、水杨酸(SA)和茉莉酸(JA)含量,分析不同时间段内源激素变化及品种间差异的关系。结果显示:创伤后18号的TZR、Zeatin和SA含量总体高于53号;18号IAA、SA和JA逐渐下降;TZR和Zeatin分别在S10和S0达最高值后下降;ABA在S10达最高值。53号IAA和JA爱S10达最高值后下降;TZR、Zeatin和SA在S10达低值后逐渐上升;ABA在S0达高值后逐渐下降。砧木茎段创伤前后激素含量除JA外18号高于53号;两品种Z0时激素含量下降,Z10后上升,仅53号ABA和SA含量在Z0达高值后下降。砧木茎段和根部激素含量在品种间除JA外18号高于53号,茎段的IAA、ABA高于根部,其他激素为根部高于茎段。激素比值在品种间和部位间差异明显;IAA/ABA、IAA/TZR、IAA/Zeatin和IAA/JA、ABA/TZR、ABA/Zeatin和ABA/JA比值为53号高于18号;穗条内SA/IAA为18号高于53号,SA/JA和SA/ABA为53号高于18号;砧木茎段均为18号高于53号;TZR/SA、TZR/JA比值在穗条和砧木茎段为18号高于53号。两品种创伤后IAA与JA极显著正相关,而IAA与SA,SA与JA在18号极显著正相关,53号极显著或显著负相关;53号TZR、Zeatin、SA间极显著或显著正相关,JA与TZR、Zeatin和SA极显著负相关。砧木茎段创伤后18号激素间为极显著或显著正相关;53号TZR和Zeatin与IAA、JA极显著正相关,与SA存在显著负相关,SA与JA有显著负相关。砧木茎段和根部间品种间仅在SA与各激素间相关性存在差异,其他激素间存在极显著正相关或负相关。综上所述,砧穗创伤后激素水平上18号在创伤面易于愈伤组织发育,而53号抗逆激素水平较高且与细胞分裂增殖类激素负相关,可能影响53号嫁接后愈合生长;嫁接应在创伤后10 min内较为适宜;砧穗间激素含量及比值的差异可能会影响后期嫁接部位形态重建以及穗条生长。  相似文献   

To elucidate whether the extent of element accumulation in the arteries and cardiac valves with aging was different between different races, the authors investigated the accumulation of elements in the arteries and cardiac valves of the Thai with aging and the relationships among elements in the cardiac valves. After ordinary dissection at Chiang Mai University was finished, 16 arteries and 4 cardiac valves were resected and element contents were determined by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry. In the 16 arteries, the average content of calcium was the highest in the site of the abdominal aorta ramifying into the common iliac arteries, and it decreased in the order internal iliac, coronary, abdominal aorta, common iliac, external iliac, superior mesenteric, inferior mesenteric, thoracic aorta, brachial, radial, common carotid, subclavian, ulnar, axillary, renal, and internal thoracic arteries. The average contents of phosphorus and magnesium in respective arteries were parallel with the average contents of calcium, except for the coronary artery. In comparison with the arteries of the Japanese, the trend of calcium accumulation in the arteries of the Thai was almost similar to that in the arteries of the Japanese, except for the coronary artery and thoracic aorta. The calcium accumulation in the coronary artery was much higher in the Thai than in the Japanese, whereas that in the thoracic aorta was lower in the Thai than in the Japanese. Regarding elements in the cardiac valves, the calcium content increased remarkably in the seventies in the aortic valve and in the nineties in the pulmonary valve, but it hardly increased in both the mitral and tricuspid valves with aging. The average content of calcium was the highest in the aortic valve, and it decreased in the order pulmonary, tricuspid, and mitral valves. Regarding the relationship among elements in the aortic valves, it was found that there were extremely significant direct correlations among the contents of calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium, whereas there were significant direct correlations between zinc and either calcium or phosphorus contents. Although significant correlations were found between sulfur and the other element contents in the aortic valves of the Japanese, no significant correlations were found between them in the aortic valves of the Thai. In the mitral valves, extremely or very significant direct correlations were found among the contents of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and sulfur, with some exceptions that there were no significant correlations between phosphorus and either magnesium or sulfur contents. In addition, no significant correlation was found in the calcium content between the aortic valve and coronary artery in the same individuals.  相似文献   

The dynamics of growth and the contents of free and bound endogenous IAA, gibberellins (GA), cytokinins (zeatin and its riboside), and ABA in kidney bean plants (Phaseolus vulgaris L., cv. Belozernaya) grown in darkness or in the light was studied. Phytohormones were quantified in 5–15-day-old plants by the ELISA technique. Plant growth and phytohormone content were shown to depend on plant age and the conditions of illumination. During scotomorphogenesis, changes in the biomass and hypocotyl length were highly correlated with the content of GA, whereas during photomorphogeneses, these parameters were correlated with the content of zeatin. In darkness, epicotyl growth displayed a positive correlation with the content of GA, whereas in the light, the correlation was negative. Growth characteristics of the primary leaves were shown to correlate with IAA in darkness and with GA and zeatin in the light. At a low concentration of cytokinins in illuminated leaves, cell divisions occurred, whereas, at the higher cytokinin concentrations, cell expansion occurred. The highest content of GA was characteristic of leaves in the period of growth cessation. ABA accumulated during active leaf and root elongation and biomass increment in the light and during hypocotyl growth in darkness. After plant illumination, the ratio of auxins to cytokinins increased in bean roots and decreased in their epicotyls. Thus, light changed the developmental programs of bean plants, which was manifested in the changed rate and duration of growth of various organs (root, hypocotyl, epicotyl, and leaf). Some mechanisms of light action depended on the contents of IAA, ABA, GA, and cytokinins and the ratios between these phytohormones. Differences between scotonorphogenesis of mono-and dicotyledonous plants are discussed in relation to the levels of phytohormones in them.  相似文献   

According to data of observations in 2002–2004, differences in the pattern of diurnal fluctuations in the total content and fractional composition of lipids in muscles of mature specimens of kilka Clupeonella cultriventris from the Rybinsk Reservoir in the feeding and spawning periods were revealed. It was established that the feeding intensity in kilka considerably changes throughout 24 h in both periods of the annual cycle, while diurnal fluctuations in the fatness of muscles are distinctly manifested only in the reproductive period and have a dissimilar pattern in specimens of different sexes. In females and males, they are determined mainly by the change in the content of the fraction of reserve lipids-triacylglycerols, as a rule, by its increase in the light hours of the day, several hours after an increase in the feeding activity of fish. The pattern of diurnal fluctuations of the level of lipid fractions (phospholipids, triacylglycerols, cholesterol, and its ethers) in kilka’s muscles differs from that in the feeding period. Possible causes of the change of diurnal variations of the considered indices of lipid metabolism in kilka at an increase in the endocrine activity of its body in the reproductive period is discussed.  相似文献   

Dichoroacetate (DCA) and trichloroacetate (TCA) are by-products formed during chlorination of the drinking water and were found to be hepatotoxic and hepatocarcinogenic in rodents. In this study, the abilities of the compounds to induce oxidative stress and phagocytic activation have been studied in B6C3F1 mice. Groups of mice were administered 300 mg/kg of either DCA or TCA, p.o, and were sacrificed after 6 or 12 h. Peritoneal lavage cells (PLCs) were isolated and assayed for superoxide anion (SA) production, and hepatic tissues were assayed for the production of SA, lipid peroxidation (LP), and DNA-single strand breaks (SSBs). TCA resulted in significant production of SA in the PLCs, and in the production of SA, LP, and DNA-SSBs in the hepatic tissues, 12 h after dosing, as compared with the control. DCA administration, on the other hand, resulted in significant increases in the productions of LP and DNA-SSBs in the hepatic tissues at both time points, and in SA production in PLCs and hepatic tissues, 6 h after dosing. However, DCA-induced increases in SA production in PLC and hepatic tissues declined at the 12-h time point, reaching control level in the hepatic tissues. These results may implicate the contribution of phagocytic activation to the induction of oxidative stress in the hepatic tissues and also the role of SA production in the induction of LP and/or DNA damage in those tissues, in response to the compounds. The results also suggest studying the involvement of these mechanisms in the long-term hepatotoxicity/hepatocarcinogencity of the compounds.  相似文献   

Subcellular concentrations of free amino acids in internodal cells of a Characeae, Chara corallina, were measured in the dark and in the light. Using an intracellular perfusion technique, we measured concentrations of amino acids in the vacuole, in the flowing sol endoplasm and in the cortical gel layer. The sol endoplasm was predominantly the cytosol. On the basis of microscopic observations, the gel layer appeared to be occupied predominantly by a layer of chloroplasts, while the sol endoplasm was free from chloroplasts. Both in the light and in darkness, the major amino acids in the internodal cells were isoasparagine, glutamic acid, aspartic acid, serine, glycine and alanine, as reported by Sakano and Tazawa (1984). The same major amino acids are found in each of the three compartments. The pattern of distribution of amino acids in the vacuole was similar to that in the sol endoplasm, but quite different from that in the gel layer. The total level of amino acids in the light was lower than that in darkness. The amino acid composition did not change very much, but the subcellular distribution of amino acids differed significantly between cells subjected to illumination and those kept in the dark. Concentrations of amino acids in both the vacuole and the gel layer decreased, whereas those in the sol endoplasm were almost constant.  相似文献   

Nile perch, a large predatory fish, was introduced into Lake Victoria in 1954. The upsurge of Nile perch in Lake Victoria was first observed in the Nyanza Gulf, Kenya, in 1979. In Ugandan waters this occurred 2–3 years later and in the Tanzanian Mwanza Gulf 4–5 years later. At the beginning of the upsurge in the Mwanza Gulf in 1983/1984 only sub-adult and adult fishes were found. The first juveniles appeared in 1985, suggesting that the initial increase of Nile perch was mainly caused by migration of sub-adults and adults. Shortly after the onset of trawl fishery in the area in 1973, haplochromines in the Mwanza Gulf started to decline. The final disappearance of the haplochromines, in 1987, only occurred after the Nile perch boom, and despite the abandoning of the haplochromine fishery in 1986. We hypothesize that the decline of haplochromines decreased predation on and competition with juvenile Nile perch and then facilitated survival of these juveniles. Consequently the immigration of sub-adult and adult Nile perch in an area may have paved the way for successful recruitment. Over-exploitation of haplochromine cichlids in the 1970s in the Nyanza Gulf, where the Nile perch upsurge was first observed, may have played a similar role.  相似文献   

Inactivation of the sapABCDF genes results in a loss of virulence in several bacterial pathogens of animals and plants. The role of this locus in the growth physiology of Vibrio fischeri, and in the symbiotic colonization of the squid Euprymna scolopes was investigated. In rich medium, a V. fischeri sapA insertion mutant grew at only 85% the rate of its wild-type parent. While a similar effect has been attributed to a potassium-transport defect in sap mutants of enteric bacteria, the V. fischeri mutant grew more slowly regardless of the potassium concentration of the medium. Similarly, the growth-rate defect was independent of the source of either carbon, nitrogen, or phosphorous, indicating that the V. fischeri sap genes do not encode functions required for the transport of a specific form of any of these nutrients. Finally, while a delay in colonizing the nascent light organ of the squid could be accounted for by the lower growth rate of the mutant, a small but statistically significant reduction in its final population size in the host, but not in medium, suggests that the sap genes play another role in the symbiosis. All of these phenotypic defects could be genetically complemented in trans by the sapABCDF genes, but not by the sapA gene alone, indicating that the insertion in sapA is polar to the four downstream genes in the locus. Thus, while the sap locus is important to the normal growth of V. fischeri, it plays different physiological roles in growth and tissue colonization than it does in enteric pathogens.  相似文献   

啮齿动物作用下退耕地山杏种子扩散与贮藏的季节变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
啮齿动物对植物种子的取食和扩散影响种子的时空分布,继而影响种子的萌发和幼苗建成,因而在森林更新中起着重要作用.在国有济源市愚公林场,选择退耕地生境,于春季、夏季、秋季分别释放人工标记的山杏种子,观察啮齿动物扩散与埋藏山杏种子的季节性差异.结果表明:1)退耕地中的啮齿动物主要包括大林姬鼠、社鼠、黑线姬鼠;2)山杏种子扩散速率在春季显著慢于夏季,夏季显著慢于秋季;3)种子搬运量受季节和种子状态交互作用影响,春季显著少于夏季,夏季显著少于秋季;4)不同季节种子平均搬运距离不同,秋季不同状态种子的搬运距离均大于春季和夏季;5)啮齿动物对山杏种子的贮藏点大小多为1粒种子,少量为2、3粒种子,且贮藏点大小与季节间存在显著的交互作用,春季单粒种子的贮藏点数量显著少于夏季和秋季,而夏季与秋季的贮藏点则倾向于多粒种子;6)在夏季和秋季各有5枚(共释放1800枚)被啮齿动物分散贮藏的山杏种子建成幼苗.  相似文献   

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