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Adherens-type junctions (AJs) are major subcellular targets for tyrosine specific protein phosphorylation [Volberg et al. (1991) Cell Regul., 2, 105-120]. Here we report on the apparent effect of such phosphorylation events on the assembly and integrity of AJs. We show that incubation of MDCK cells with potent inhibitors of tyrosine-specific phosphatases (PTP), namely H2O2 and vanadate, leads to a dramatic increase in AJ-associated phosphotyrosine which was apparent already within 2-5 min of treatment and progressed upon further incubation. Examination of H2O2 vanadate treated cells at later time points indicated that intercellular AJs rapidly deteriorated, concomitantly with a marked increase in the number and size of vinculin and actin containing focal contacts. In parallel, major changes were observed in cell structure and topology, as revealed by electron microscopy. These were manifested by rapid rounding-up of the cells followed by reorganization of the cell monolayer. Other intercellular junctions, including desmosomes and tight junctions, visualized by staining with desmoplakin and ZO-I antibodies, were not significantly affected. To verify that modulation of AJs was indeed related to tyrosine phosphorylation, we have carried out reciprocal experiments in which Rovs Sarcoma virus (RSV) transformed chick lens cells, expressing high levels of pp60src kinase, were treated with inhibitors of tyrosine kinases, (tyrphostins). We show that following such treatment, intercellular AJs which were deteriorated in the transformed cells, were reformed. Based on these observations, we propose that specific tyrosine phosphorylation of AJ components is involved in the downregulation of these cellular contacts.  相似文献   

Cadherins mediate homophilic cell adhesion and contribute to tissue morphogenesis and architecture. Cadherin cell adhesion contacts are actively remodeled and impact cell movement and migration over other cells. We found that expression of a mutant cadherin-11 lacking the cytoplasmic juxtamembrane domain (JMD) diminished the turnover of alpha-catenin at adherens junctions as measured by fluorescence recovery after photobleaching. This resulted in markedly diminished cell intercalation into monolayers reflecting reduced cadherin-11-dependent cell motility on other cells. Furthermore, the actin cytoskeleton in cadherin-11 deltaJMD cells revealed a more extensive cortical F-actin ring that correlated with significantly higher levels of activated Rac1. Together, these data implicate the cadherin-11 cytoplasmic JMD as a regulator of alpha-catenin turnover at adherens junctions and actin-cytoskeletal organization that is critical for intercellular motility and rearrangement in multicellular clusters.  相似文献   

Calmodulin (CaM) binding sites were recently identified on the cytoplasmic loop (CL) of at least three α-subfamily connexins (Cx43, Cx44, Cx50), while Cx40 does not have this putative CaM binding domain. The purpose of this study was to examine the functional relevance of the putative Cx43 CaM binding site on the Ca(2+)-dependent regulation of gap junction proteins formed by Cx43 and Cx40. Dual whole cell patch-clamp experiments were performed on stable murine Neuro-2a cells expressing Cx43 or Cx40. Addition of ionomycin to increase external Ca(2+) influx reduced Cx43 gap junction conductance (G(j)) by 95%, while increasing cytosolic Ca(2+) concentration threefold. By contrast, Cx40 G(j) declined by <20%. The Ca(2+)-induced decline in Cx43 G(j) was prevented by pretreatment with calmidazolium or reversed by the addition of 10 mM EGTA to Ca(2+)-free extracellular solution, if Ca(2+) chelation was commenced before complete uncoupling, after which g(j) was only 60% recoverable. The Cx43 CL(136-158) mimetic peptide, but not the scrambled control peptide, or Ca(2+)/CaM-dependent kinase II 290-309 inhibitory peptide also prevented the Ca(2+)/CaM-dependent decline of Cx43 G(j). Cx43 gap junction channel open probability decreased to zero without reductions in the current amplitudes during external Ca(2+)/ionomycin perfusion. We conclude that Cx43 gap junctions are gated closed by a Ca(2+)/CaM-dependent mechanism involving the carboxyl-terminal quarter of the connexin CL domain. This study provides the first evidence of intrinsic differences in the Ca(2+) regulatory properties of Cx43 and Cx40.  相似文献   

T Volk  O Cohen  B Geiger 《Cell》1987,50(6):987-994
Cultured cells from either chicken lens or liver plated on solid substrates form flat epithelial sheets with adherens-type junctions between them. In lens cells these junctions contain A-CAM, while the same type of intercellular junctions in liver cells contain another cell adhesion molecule, L-CAM. Coculturing of lens and liver cells in the same dish resulted in the formation of mixed (heterotypic) adherens junctions. Double immunofluorescent labeling for both A-CAM and L-CAM indicated that the mixed junctions contained both molecules, each of which was present on one of the two partner cells. Moreover, the formation of the heterotypic junctions could be effectively inhibited by both anti-A-CAM and anti-L-CAM antibodies. It has thus been proposed that A-CAM and L-CAM share significant functional homology and may be involved in heterophilic interactions leading to the establishment of molecularly and cellularly asymmetrical adherens-type junctions.  相似文献   

Transformation of cultured chick lens epithelial cells with a temperature-sensitive mutant of Rous sarcoma virus (tsRSV) leads to radical changes in cell shape and interactions. When cultured at the restrictive temperature (42 degrees C), the transformed cells largely retained epithelial morphology and intercellular adherens junctions (AJ), whereas on switch to the permissive temperature (37 degrees C) they rapidly became fibroblastoid, their AJ deteriorated, and cell adhesion molecules (A-CAM) (N-cadherin) largely disappeared from intercellular contact sites. The microfilament system that was primarily associated with these junctions was markedly rearranged on shift to 37 degrees C and remained associated mainly with cell-substrate focal contacts. These apparent changes in intercellular AJ were not accompanied by significant alterations in the cellular content of several junction-associated molecules, including A-CAM, vinculin, and talin. Immunolabeling with phosphotyrosine-specific antibodies indicated that both cell-substrate and intercellular AJ were the major cellular targets for the pp60v-src tyrosine-specific protein kinase. It was further shown that intercellular AJ components serve as substrates to tyrosine kinases also in nontransformed lens cells, because the addition of a combination of vanadate and H2O2--which are potent inhibitors of protein tyrosine phosphatases--leads to a remarkable accumulation of immunoreactive phosphotyrosine-containing proteins in these junctions. This finding suggests that intercellular junctions are major sites of action of protein tyrosine kinases and that protein tyrosine phosphatases play a major role in the regulation of phosphotyrosine levels in AJ of both normal and RSV-transformed cells.  相似文献   

Myoepithelial cells present in exocrine glands cause secretion from the glands by contraction. They have mixed characteristics with regard to cytoskeletal elements, containing both epithelial-type intermediate filaments and smooth muscle-type myofilaments. For further characterization, myoepithelial cells from bovine apocrine sweat glands and tracheal glands were here examined with special attention to the cell-substratum adhesion system. Immunofluorescence microscopy using a panel of antibodies against adherens-type junctional and hemidesmosomal proteins demonstrated two types of cell-substratum junctions in myoepithelial cells from both glands. Type-I hemidesmosomes (HDs) consisting of plectin, BP230, integrin alpha6beta4, and BP180 were thus observed as punctate arrays longitudinally arranged along myoepithelial cell surfaces, while adherens-type junctions were similarly evident as linear rib-like structures. Double-label immunofluoresence revealed the two junctions to be distributed in a mutually exclusive or independent manner. Electron microscopy further demonstrated that apocrine myoepithelial cells surround secretory epithelial cells completely, without any gaps, HDs being abundant along the basement membrane, but with no distinct structures in the inter-hemidesmosomal regions. Immunoelectron microscopy, however, revealed an interhemidesmosomal localization of vinculin, pointing to the existence of adherens-type junctions. Secretory epithelial cells in tracheal glands were found not to be completely covered with myoepithelial cells, so that more than half of them are directly attached to the basement membrane, where they form type II-HDs lacking BP230 and BP180, but no detectable adherens junctions, like epidermal basal cells and sebaceous gland cells. These observations demonstrate that, in addition to their cytoskeleton, myoepithelial cells have both epithelial- and smooth muscle-type cell-substratum adhesion structures, i.e. HDs and dense plaque-like adherens junctions.  相似文献   

Actin, keratin, vinculin and desmoplakin organization were studied in primary mouse keratinocytes before and during Ca2+-induced cell contact formation. Double-label fluorescence shows that in cells cultured in low Ca2+ medium, keratin-containing intermediate filament bundles (IFB) and desmoplakin-containing spots are both concentrated towards the cell center in a region bounded by a series of concentric microfilament bundles (MFB). Within 5-30 min after raising Ca2+ levels, a discontinuous actin/vinculin-rich, submembranous zone of fluorescence appears at cell-cell interfaces. This zone is usually associated with short, perpendicular MFB, which become wider and longer with time. Later, IFB and the desmoplakin spots are seen aligned along the perpendicular MFB as they become redistributed to cell-cell interfaces where desmosomes form. Ultrastructural analysis confirms that before the Ca2+ switch, IFB and desmosomal components are found predominantly within the perimeter defined by the outermost of the concentric MFB. Individual IF often splay out, becoming interwoven into these MFB in the region of cell-substrate contact. In the first 30 min after the Ca2+ switch, areas of submembranous dense material (identified as adherens junctions), which are associated with the perpendicular MFB, can be seen at newly formed cell-cell contact sites. By 1-2 h, IFB-desmosomal component complexes are aligned with the perpendicular MFB as the complexes become redistributed to cell-cell interfaces. Cytochalasin D treatment causes the redistribution of actin into numerous patches; keratin-containing IFB undergo a concomitant redistribution, forming foci that coincide with the actin-containing aggregates. These results are consistent with an IF-MF association before and during desmosome formation in the primary mouse epidermal keratinocyte culture system, and with the temporal and spatial coordination of desmosome and adherens junction formation.  相似文献   

A striking characteristic of the simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) and of the human immunodeficiency virus type 2 (HIV-2) is the presence of a nonsense mutation in the env gene resulting in the synthesis of a truncated transmembrane protein lacking the cytoplasmic domain. By mutagenesis of an infectious molecular clone of SIVmac142, we investigated the function of the cytoplasmic domain and the significance of the env nonsense mutation. When the nonsense codon (TAG) was replaced by a glutamine codon (CAG), the virus infected HUT78 cells with markedly delayed kinetics. This negative effect was counterselected in vitro as reversion of the slow phenotype frequently occurred. The sequencing of one revertant revealed the presence of a new stop codon three nucleotides 5' to the original mutation. Deletions or an additional nonsense mutation introduced 3' to the original stop codon did not modify SIV infectivity. In contrast, the same deletions or nonsense mutation introduced in the clone in which the stop codon was replaced by CAG abolished infectivity. These results indicated that the envelope domain located 3' to the stop codon is not necessary for in vitro replication. However, the presence of this domain in SIV transmembrane protein leads to a reduced infectivity. This negative effect might correspond to a function controlling the rate of spread of the virus during in vivo infection.  相似文献   

The cytoplasmic domains of the erythropoietin receptor essential for signal transduction were identified by assessing a series of truncated and deletional mutant receptors. A 91-amino acid region proximal to the transmembrane domain was required for growth signaling. In this region, residues between 353Pro and 362His and between 278Gln and 308Leu appeared to constitute the essential cytoplasmic domains. These two domains contain the conserved amino acids common in the cytokine receptor superfamily, which indicates that these domains in the cytoplasmic regions of the erythropoietin receptor may be important for interaction with common signal transducers or protein tyrosine kinases.  相似文献   

The region of cytoplasm underlying the tight junction (TJ) contains several multimolecular protein complexes, which are involved in scaffolding of membrane proteins, regulation of cytoskeletal organization, establishment of polarity, and signalling to and from the nucleus. In this review, we summarize some of the most recent advances in understanding the identity of these proteins, their domain organization, their protein interactions, and their functions in vertebrate organisms. Analysis of knockdown and knockout model systems shows that several TJ proteins are essential for the formation of epithelial tissues and early embryonic development, whereas others appear to have redundant functions.  相似文献   

The region of cytoplasm underlying the tight junction (TJ) contains several multimolecular protein complexes, which are involved in scaffolding of membrane proteins, regulation of cytoskeletal organization, establishment of polarity, and signalling to and from the nucleus. In this review, we summarize some of the most recent advances in understanding the identity of these proteins, their domain organization, their protein interactions, and their functions in vertebrate organisms. Analysis of knockdown and knockout model systems shows that several TJ proteins are essential for the formation of epithelial tissues and early embryonic development, whereas others appear to have redundant functions.  相似文献   

Integrins promote formation of focal adhesions and trigger intracellular signaling pathways through cytoplasmic proteins such as talin, alpha-actinin, and focal adhesion kinase (FAK). The beta 1 integrin subunit has been shown to bind talin and alpha-actinin in in vitro assays, and these proteins may link integrin to the actin cytoskeleton either directly or through linkages to other proteins such as vinculin. However, it is unknown which of these associations are necessary in vivo for formation of focal contacts, or which regions of beta 1 integrin bind to specific cytoskeletal proteins in vivo. We have developed an in vivo assay to address these questions. Microbeads were coated with anti-chicken beta 1 antibodies to selectively cluster chicken beta 1 integrins expressed in cultured mouse fibroblasts. The ability of cytoplasmic domain mutant beta 1 integrins to induce co-localization of proteins was assessed by immunofluorescence and compared with that of wild-type integrin. As expected, mutant beta 1 lacking the entire cytoplasmic domain had a reduced ability to induce co-localization of talin, alpha-actinin, F-actin, vinculin, and FAK. The ability of beta 1 integrin to co-localize talin and FAK was found to require a sequence near the C-terminus of beta 1. The region of beta 1 required to co-localize alpha-actinin was found to reside in a different sequence, several amino acids further from the C-terminus of beta 1. Deletion of 13 residues from the C-terminus blocked co-localization of talin, FAK, and actin, but not alpha-actinin. Association of alpha-actinin with clustered integrin is therefore not sufficient to induce the co-localization of F-actin.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli serine chemoreceptor (Tsr) is a protein with a simple topology consisting of two membrane-spanning sequences (TM1 and TM2) separating a large periplasmic domain from N-terminal and C-terminal cytoplasmic regions. We analyzed the contributions of several sequence elements to the cytoplasmic localization of the C-terminal domain by using chemoreceptor-alkaline phosphatase gene fusions. The principal findings were as follows. (i) The cytoplasmic localization of the C-terminal domain depended on TM2 but was quite tolerant of mutations partially deleting or introducing charged residues into the sequence. (ii) The basal level of C-terminal domain export was significantly higher in proteins with the wild-type periplasmic domain than in derivatives with a shortened periplasmic domain, suggesting that the large size of the wild-type domain promotes partial membrane misinsertion. (iii) The membrane insertion of deletion derivatives with a single spanning segment (TM1 or TM2) could be controlled by either an adjacent positively charged sequence or an adjacent amphipathic sequence. The results provide evidence that the generation of the Tsr membrane topology is an overdetermined process directed by an interplay of sequences promoting and opposing establishment of the normal structure.  相似文献   

Assembly of the plasma membrane proteins syntaxin 1A and SNAP-25 with the vesicle protein synaptobrevin is a critical step in neuronal exocytosis. Syntaxin is anchored to the inner face of presynaptic plasma membrane via a single C-terminal membrane-spanning domain. Here we report that this transmembrane domain plays a critical role in a wide range of syntaxin protein-protein interactions. Truncations or deletions of the membrane-spanning domain reduce synaptotagmin, alpha/beta-SNAP, and synaptobrevin binding. In contrast, deletion of the transmembrane domain potentiates SNAP-25 and rbSec1A/nsec-1/munc18 binding. Normal partner protein binding activity of the isolated cytoplasmic domain could be "rescued" by fusion to the transmembrane segments of synaptobrevin and to a lesser extent, synaptotagmin. However, efficient rescue was not achieved by replacing deleted transmembrane segments with corresponding lengths of other hydrophobic amino acids. Mutations reported to diminish the dimerization of the transmembrane domain of syntaxin did not impair the interaction of full-length syntaxin with other proteins. Finally, we observed that membrane insertion and wild-type interactions with interacting proteins are not correlated. We conclude that the transmembrane domain, via a length-dependent and sequence-specific mechanism, affects the ability of the cytoplasmic domain to engage other proteins.  相似文献   

To determine the role played by syndecan-4 cytoplasmic domain in the mediation of basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) signaling, immortalized human cells (ECV) were used to generate cell lines expressing constructs encoding full-length sequences for syndecan-4 (S4), syndecan-1 (S1), glypican-1 (G1), or chimeric proteins consisting of the ectoplasmic domain of glypican-1 linked to the transmembrane/cytoplasmic domain of syndecan-4 (G1-S4c) and the ectoplasmic domain of syndecan-4 linked to the glypican-1 glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchor sequence (S4-GPI). Vector-transduced cells (VC) were used as controls. Expression of all these proteoglycans (except for the vector control) significantly increased cell-associated heparan sulfate mass and the number of low affinity bFGF-binding sites. However, in low serum medium, the addition of bFGF stimulated growth and migration of cells expressing S4 and G1-S4c constructs but not G1, S1, S4-GPI, or VC cells. Similar results were obtained using Matrigel growth assays. Mutations of heparan sulfate attachment sites on S4 construct abolished syndecan-4-dependent augmentation of bFGF responses. We conclude that cytoplasmic tail of syndecan-4 plays an important role in bFGF-mediated signal transduction.  相似文献   

Neutrophil recruitment at sites of inflammation is regulated by a series of adhesion and activation events. L-selectin (CD62L) is a leukocyte expressed adhesion protein that is important for neutrophil accumulation and rolling along the vascular endothelium. L-selectin is unique from other adhesion molecules involved in leukocyte transmigration in that its adhesiveness appears to be regulated partly by rapid endoproteolysis. Cleavage of L-selectin occurs within a membrane-proximal region that results in ectodomain shedding and retention of a 6-kDa transmembrane fragment. The cleavage domain of L-selectin has been well characterized through mutational analysis. Whether the cytoplasmic domain of L-selectin also plays a role in regulating shedding is controversial. We have previously shown that the Ca(2+)-sensing protein calmodulin (CaM) constitutively associates with the cytoplasmic domain of L-selectin in transfected cell lines. However, in the absence of mapping and mutational analysis of the CaM-binding region of L-selectin, there remains no direct evidence that this interaction affects shedding. Using synthesized peptides and expressed L-selectin constructs, we demonstrate that CaM binding activity occurs in the membrane-proximal region of the cytoplasmic domain. Mutations engineered in this region that prevent CaM binding increase the proteolytic turnover of L-selectin. Moreover, we demonstrate that CaM binding to the 6-kDa transmembrane fragment is greatly reduced compared with intact L-selectin in neutrophils, suggesting that CaM binding is regulated. These data imply that the cytoplasmic domain of L-selectin can regulate shedding by a mechanism in which bound CaM may operate as a negative effector.  相似文献   

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