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This article measures the Indonesian legal framework governing fishing vessel registration and fishing vessel licensing against the relevant international fisheries instruments. It is argued that the current Indonesian regulatory framework for vessel registration and licensing is not adequate to implement Indonesia's obligations under international fisheries instruments to combat illegal, unregulated, and unreported (IUU) fishing.  相似文献   

Finfishing in the Southern Ocean began morethan 30 years ago at South Georgia and theKerguelen Islands. Although the fisheryextended further south for a few years in thesecond half of the 1970s, these two islandsremained the most important fishing groundsuntil 1996/97. Longlining for Dissostichuseleginoides began in 1985/86 and remainedrestricted to South Georgia and the KerguelenIslands for more than 10 years. Catches rarelyexceeded 12,000 tonnes in one season. Thefishery, however, is important because the fishare valuable and highly priced. The Commissionfor the Conservation of Antarctic Marine LivingResources (CCAMLR) is regulating fishing in theSouthern Ocean. CCAMLR first receivedinformation on this fishery and its possiblehigh by-catch of albatrosses and larger petrelswas first estimated in 1991. From 1996/97 onwards, illegal, unreportedand unregulated (IUU) fishing expandeddramatically within a single season. Limitedcontrol could be exerted in those areas whichwere under national jurisdiction. A number ofdetrimental effects from fishing activitiescould be seen on birds and mammals. Estimatedcatches in the illegal fishery amounted toseveral tens of thousands of birds per seasonwith little appparent reduction over the firstfour seasons. The sudden development of theillegal fishery placed a great strain onCCAMLR's fishery management. Vessels fishinglegally gradually improved their compliancewith CCAMLR conservation measures over the lastcouple of years. This may be insignificant compared to the potential in the IUU fisheriesbut testifies to our ability to makesignificant improvement using simple mitigationmethods.After setting precautionary catch limits in1997, CCAMLR was able to adopt a `CatchDocumentation Scheme' (CDS) in November 1999which came into force on 7 May 2000. Mauritius,the main port where IUU fish were landed in2000, was willing to accede to CCAMLR and adoptthe CDS. An International Plan of Action forReducing Incidental Catch of Seabirds inLongline Fisheries was adopted by the FAO inJune 1999 and various activities ofgovernmental and non-governmental groups alsoseemed likely to address the problem moreeffectively with the assistance of the fishingindustry.  相似文献   

This article argues that continued reliance on input/output controls and restrictions in fisheries management may be insufficient to protect global fish stocks. Instead, a transition beyond supply-side measures to those aimed at reducing demand for fish stocks may be necessary. The article offers a proposal for five types of demand-side or market-based measures: elimination of fishing subsidies, bolstering of import restrictions, ceasing trade in endangered and threatened fish stocks, strengthening civil and criminal penalties against illegal fishers, and pursuit of punitive trade sanctions against flag states flouting international fishery guidelines to help prevent and deter global overfishing.  相似文献   

Soviet Union fishing fleets found Patagonian toothfish in 1985 off the Kerguelen Islands in the Southern Ocean. In a few short years, toothfish became heavily fished and the viability of the fishery was put in question. This pressure largely arose from illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing that undermined fisheries management by coastal states and the Convention for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) Commission. The International Southern Oceans Longline Fisheries Information Clearing House (ISOFISH), based in Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, raised awareness about IUU fishing among governments, fishers, and the community. This article presents a case study of ISOFISH and the influence this nongovernment organization coalition exerted on the international community, including the deep-sea fishing industry, governments, and CCAMLR members, in an effort to protect toothfish stocks and reduce the incidental mortality of endangered seabirds and other nontarget marine species from longlining activities.­  相似文献   

The 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) held at Rio de Janeiro was a seminal event that addressed the interplay of economic development and human use of natural resources with the need for protection of the natural environment. The general principles embodied in the Rio Declaration and the provisions included in the comprehensive Agenda 21 expressed the expectations of the international community and set the stage for national and international policy and legal developments in a host of different areas, including the governance of the ocean's living resources. Chapter 17 of Agenda 21 focused on the world's oceans and seas and crystallized growing world community concern with problems such as unregulated fishing, fishing vessel reflagging, overcapitalization of the fishing industry, inadequate fisheries enforcement, and insufficient cooperation among states. Further, the documentation of UNCED evidenced interest in new governance frameworks and concepts such as ecosystem-based management and precaution. In retrospect, it is clear that the ideas discussed at Rio have been important and have been implemented by a variety of governments and international organizations as they exercise their responsibilities for fisheries management. This article examines the principles and approaches suggested by UNCED as they relate to world fisheries and considers how they have been reflected in global fishery agreements such as the FAO Compliance Agreement and the United Nations Fish Stocks Agreement, in the work of international fishery bodies such as the FAO Committee on Fisheries, and in the efforts of a number of regional fishery commissions. It also addresses the significance and ramifications of changes suggested by Agenda 21 for the future conduct and management of world marine fisheries.  相似文献   

In the eastern Gulf of Finland, European smelt Osmerus eperlanus occurs as an anadromous ecological form that spawns in coastal, low-salinity zones and in several rivers entering the gulf, most importantly in the River Neva. Osmerus eperlanus is a key commercial fish species for the population of St. Petersburg, and the city's fish symbol. However, the state of the smelt stock has considerably deteriorated over the past few decades. Monitoring shows that annual catches during 1965–1992 averaged 2274 t, compared to 292 t in 2002–2017, although some improvement is inidicated by a gradual increase in catches in recent years (e.g., to 595 t in 2017). This paper addresses long-term and recent changes in the fisheries for smelt in the eastern Gulf of Finland, including both commercial and recreational fisheries, and the range of fishing gears used. The commercial smelt fishery is mainly conducted during the spawning period (April–May) on migrating fish, using trap nets of various designs and beach seines. There has been an increase in recreational fisheries for smelt; in years when ice cover on the gulf during winter (December–April) is steady, recreational fishers from St. Petersburg, using hook and line, may catch quantities that are comparable to those of commercial catches. Several factors may account for the stock dynamics and associated changes in catches of smelt: these include a decrease in prey availability in the gulf; loss and degradation of spawning and nursery habitats, partly associated with large-scale hydroengineering operations in Neva Bay; and illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing which became widespread in post-Soviet decades. In spite of a gradual increase in smelt abundance in the most recent 15 years, a failure to accurately monitor and manage the extent of IUU and recreational fishing for smelt, to assess the status of the stock, or to forecast catches, increases the risk of overfishing of the spawning stock.  相似文献   

Synopsis The biological diversity and productivity of Philippine coral reefs are threatened by siltation, destructive fishing methods, coral and shell collecting and overfishing. Destructive fishing includes: the widespread, illegal use of explosives; poisons such as sodium cyanide; muro-ami and kayakas fishing; and trawling. The recent decline in catch rates threatens the livelihood of 700 000 near-shore subsistence fishermen who catch 55% of the total landings. The new government under Corazon Aquino wishes to protect the marine environment through the creation of a viable marine conservation management plan, enforcement of existing laws and through cooperation between government, non-government and international agencies to provide education and research. The Department of Agriculture, which has the authority for fisheries, has designated the International Marinelife Alliance as the lead non-government agency involved with fund raising, net-training and finding alternatives to destructive fishing methods.This essay addresses the societal relationships of village fishery to government, aid organizations, and science. Vadim Vladykov always maintained close relationship with fishermen and devoted over a year of his life to helping develop fisheries in Iran.  相似文献   

A remarkable phenomenon of dense Boops boops shoals appearing almost adjacent to the shoreline during nighttime is known to the locals of island communities of the Aegean Sea (eastern Mediterranean). In this work, we investigated this appearance testing the hypotheses that (a) it may occur only in anthropogenically modified locations (as suggested by previous observations), (b) the migration pattern to the littoral is not arbitrary but synchronized to the sunset/sunrise, (c) fish abundance is affected by location, season and/or natural (moon) light fluctuations. Quantitative sampling included visual observations from the coast at five stations in Syros (Cyclades, Greece) from July 2009 to September 2010. Both hypotheses concerning occurrence only in anthropogenically modified locations and timing with sunset/sunrise were confirmed. Fish abundance was modelled using generalized additive models, demonstrating a seasonal pattern and revealing significant differences among sampling stations, but no moon-phase effects. The phenomenon investigated here has implications for fisheries management, as the shoal proximity to the shore renders them prone to illegal harvesting (seasonally at high abundances), aggravating the problem of illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing. Further considerations on the integrated management of the coastal zone arise, especially concerning the effects of habitat structural modification and light pollution.  相似文献   

This article examines the National Plans of Action (NPOAs) adopted by selected States to combat illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing. Despite some minor differences between States’ NPOAs, the NPOAs generally are similar to what was envisioned in the International Plan of Action to Prevent, Deter, and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated Fishing adopted in 2001.  相似文献   


Despite rapid evolution in international fisheries law and establishment of the exclusive economic zone (EEZ), straddling stocks still remain susceptible to heavy harvesting in high seas areas by distant‐water fishing states there by undermining coastal state management. The notion mar presencial (presential sea) has recently been proposed by Chile as a solution for the problem of straddling stocks. The presential sea concept was nationally designed and promoted to curtail such foreign fishing in areas adjacent to Chile's EEZ. This article examines the presential sea as a geostrategic concept, its justification for being, and the question of its permissibility under contemporary international fisheries law. Attention is also given to recent international developments that challenge the legal viability of the presential sea concept. The authors conclude that if this concept were to be widely adopted by coastal states, the traditional freedom to fish on the high seas might be severely compromised. The preferable legal solution is to work within the parameters set out by the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, more particularly through bilateral negotiations between coastal states and fishing states, as well as regional fishery commissions that could manage activities in the region.  相似文献   

渔场重心是表征渔场位置的重要参数,准确掌握渔场重心,对判断鱼类洄游路线、确定中心渔场、表征鱼群分布特征和变化规律具有重要意义。渔场重心计算采用的是固定物体重心计算方法,然而运动的鱼类和固定物体有着本质的区别。因此,由固定物体重心计算的渔场重心能否体现鱼群分布特征,值得深入研究。渔场重心信度是用于度量由固定物体重心计算的渔场重心表征鱼群分布特征的能力,体现渔场重心的可信程度,而渔场重心修正是为了提升渔场重心表征鱼群分布特征的能力,提高渔场重心信度,以准确掌握渔场重心。以闽南-台湾浅滩渔场二长棘鲷(Parargrops edita Tanaka)为例,采用渔场重心、几何中心和单位捕捞努力量渔获量(Catch Per Unit Effort,CPUE)为参数,首次建立了渔场重心信度测算及渔场重心修正理论和方法,分析了渔场重心信度,研究了渔场重心修正方法和渔场重心的分布特征,旨在从更精细地水平上掌握二长棘鲷渔场重心,为生态智慧在渔业资源开发和管理的应用提供可靠的数据支持。结果表明:(1)二长棘鲷渔场重心信度各月变化在0.12—1.00,平均值0.67,均方差0.31,各月渔场重心可信度波动较大,12月份和2月份渔场重心信度最大为1.00,鱼群对称和均匀分布于渔场重心,渔场重心可信度最高,3—8月份渔场重心信度低于0.70,鱼群在渔场重心周围的对称性和均匀度差,渔场重心可信度差,其中3月份渔场重心信度最小为0.12;(2)渔场重心信度不仅反映了渔场重心可信程度,还体现了鱼群在渔场重心周围的分布特征,可作为研究鱼群分布特征的重要参数,渔场重心信度低于0.70,渔场重心需要修正;(3)渔区修正系数用于判别鱼群所在渔区是否排除,通过去除渔区修正系数小于0.5的鱼群,能保留85%以上的鱼群数量,提高渔场重心信度0.70以上;(4)修改后的渔场重心变化规律较显著,4—5月份,幼鱼群体重心向西迁移,6—7月份,索饵群体重心向东北方向移动,8月份,索饵群体重心开始往南迁移,9—11月份,越冬群体重心逐渐向南移动,12月份,生殖群体重心继续往南迁移,1—3月份生殖群体主要集中在305渔区(119°15'E,23°15'N)附近进行生殖活动,鱼群少有迁移。  相似文献   


This paper discusses the roles of ecological and economic information in the political and legal matrix of international fisheries. An argument is made for vesting exclusive management authority in a monopoly subject to a constraint that stocks not be depleted beyond the point of economic restitution. It is suggested that an appropriate authority be chosen by the criterion of the closest merging of ecological, economic, sociological, and political self‐interests. The reallocation of fishing effort by market dealings rather than by governmental negotiations is visualized as a means to reduce international conflicts over fishing rights. Precedents for the various elements of this model and the dangers inherent in it are discussed.  相似文献   

The Caspian seal (Pusa caspica) has declined by more than 90% since 1900 and is listed as endangered by IUCN. We made the first quantitative assessment of Caspian seal by-catch mortality in fisheries in the north Caspian Sea by conducting semi-structured interviews in fishing communities along the coasts of Russia (Kalmykia, Dagestan), Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan. We recorded a documented minimum by-catch of 1,215 seals in the survey sample, for the 2008–2009 fishing season, 93% of which occurred in illegal sturgeon fisheries. Due to the illegal nature of the fishery, accurately quantifying total fishing effort is problematic and the survey sample could reflect less than 10% of poaching activity in the north Caspian Sea. Therefore total annual by-catch may be significantly greater than the minimum documented by the survey. The presence of high by-catch rates was supported independently by evidence of net entanglement from seal carcasses, during a mass stranding on the Kazakh coast in May 2009, where 30 of 312 carcasses were entangled in large mesh sturgeon net remnants. The documented minimum by-catch may account for 5 to 19% of annual pup production. Sturgeon poaching therefore not only represents a serious threat to Caspian sturgeon populations, but may also be having broader impacts on the Caspian Sea ecosystem by contributing to a decline in one of the ecosystem’s key predators. This study demonstrates the utility of interview-based approaches in providing rapid assessments of by-catch in illegal small-scale fisheries, which are not amenable to study by other methods.  相似文献   

Time-area closures are commonly used to manage fisheries bycatch and involve temporarily closing an area of the ocean to particular fishing gears. We examine conditions in which implementing a time-area closure would increase the economic value of fisheries, focusing on a case study application in the Gulf of Mexico. Pelagic longline fishermen catch the highly valued Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus, Scombridae) on their Gulf of Mexico spawning grounds while fishing for Atlantic yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares). We analyze a multispecies, multifishery bioeconomic model that includes information on migratory patterns from electronic tagged bluefin tuna. We use dynamic optimization to identify management strategies that would maximize the net present value of tuna fisheries, allowing for discounting of future benefits and costs relative to the present. If past fishing mortality rates continue in Atlantic bluefin tuna fisheries, implementing a time-area closure in the Gulf of Mexico incurs economic costs. However, the net present value of the fisheries is increased by implementing a time-area closure as part of a broader commitment to rebuild the heavily depleted bluefin population, provided the discount rate and the costs of such a closure in forgone fishing opportunities are not too large. The increase in economic value offered by a time-area closure is small relative to the overall economic value of rebuilding itself and it may be economically optimal only to implement a closure once sufficient rebuilding has already taken place.  相似文献   

This study explores the management of inland fisheries on common lands (ejidos) within the Mayan Zone of Quintana Roo, Mexico. Qualitative survey data are used to examine whether there are (a) ongoing fishery conservation activities; (b) local caretakers of fishing sites; (c) restrictions on where fishing can take place; and (d) particular groups of individuals who lack the right to fish within the ejidos. Results indicate that in contrast to other local resources, fisheries in the ejidos have less defined use rights, being viewed as largely “open access”. In particular, most feel that outsiders can fish in an ejido if they abide by local rules (notably not damaging the local water bodies, asking consent to fish, and having a friend or relative in the community). However, there are within-community differences in views concerning management and conservation, with those more dependent on fishing being more likely to support exclusion of outsiders.  相似文献   

Traditionally, the ribeirinhoeconomy has been based on strategies of multiple resource use including agriculture, fishing, and small-scale stock raising. In the last two decades though, ribeirinhostrategies of resource management have undergone major changes due to the decline of jute production (the principal cash crop), and the intensification of the commercial fisheries. As a result of these trends, there has been a shift of ribeirinholabor from agriculture to commercial fishing. Today, the diversity which once characterized ribeirinhosubsistence strategies is disappearing, and fishing has become the primary economic activity for the great majority of varzeafamilies. As pressure on varzeafisheries has increased, ribeirinhocommunities have attempted to assert control over local varzealakes and exclude fishermen from outside the community. In a number of cases, ribeirinhocommunities have closed lakes to outsiders and established informal lake reserves under local community management. These lake reserves are a promising strategy for managing lake fisheries on a sustainable basis.  相似文献   

Artisanal coastal invertebrate fisheries in Galicia are socio-economically important and ecologically relevant. Their management, however, has been based on models of fish population dynamics appropriate for highly mobile demersal or pelagic resources and for industrial fisheries. These management systems focus on regulating fishing effort, but in coastal ecosystems activities that change or destruct key habitats may have a greater effect on population abundance than does fishing mortality. The Golfo Artabro was analysed as a representative example of a coastal ecosystem in Galicia, and the spider crab Maja squinado used as a model of an exploited coastal invertebrate, for which shallow coastal areas are key habitats for juvenile stages. The commercial legal gillnet fishery for the spider crab harvests adults during their reproductive migrations to deep waters and in their wintering habitats. Illegal fisheries operate in shallow waters. The annual rate of exploitation is >90%, and <10% of the primiparous females reproduce effectively at least once. A simple spatially-explicit cohort model was constructed to simulate the population dynamics of spider crab females. Yield- and egg-per-recruit analyses corresponding to different exploitation regimes were performed to compare management policies directed to control the fishing effort or to protect key habitats. It was found that the protection of juvenile habitats could allow increases in yield and reproductive effort higher than in the present system, with such protection based in the control of the fishing effort of the legal fishery. Additionally, there is an urgent need for alternative research and management strategies in artisanal coastal fisheries based on the implementation of a system of territorial use rights for fishers, the integration of the fishers into assessment and management processes, and the protection of key habitats (marine reserves) as a basic tool for the regulation of the fisheries.  相似文献   

  • 1 The western Steller sea lion Eumetopias jubatus population has experienced a chronic decline since the 1960s. The causes are likely multifactorial and a combination of anthropogenic and natural factors. A draft revised recovery plan for the Steller sea lion has been published by the US National Marine Fisheries Service, listing both anthropogenic and natural factors that may have contributed to the observed decline or which may be a threat to the recovery of the western Steller sea lion population. The purpose of this review is to consider the anthropogenic threats to this stock.
  • 2 Anthropogenic sources of mortality include fisheries competition resulting in nutritional stress, mortality incidental to commercial fisheries (i.e. fisheries by‐catch), subsistence hunts, legal and illegal shooting, commercial hunts, anthropogenic‐related contamination, and research‐induced mortalities.
  • 3 We present evidence that the following anthropogenic factors likely contributed to the decline of the western Steller sea lion population over the last 40 years: (i) mortality incidental to commercial fisheries (i.e. by‐catch); (ii) commercial hunting of western Steller sea lions; and (iii) legal and illegal shooting; whereas the subsistence hunts for western Steller sea lions and mortality incidental to research were not likely to be contributors to the observed decline.
  • 4 Further, we present evidence that the following can be excluded as significant anthropogenic threats to the recovery of the western Steller sea lion population: (i) mortality incidental to commercial fishing; (ii) legal and illegal shooting; (iii) commercial hunts of Steller sea lions; (iv) subsistence hunting; and (v) mortality incidental to research.
  • 5 Competition with fisheries resulting in nutritional stress, and the potential impacts of contaminants, are two anthropogenic factors that should continue to be a priority for the various organizations currently doing research on this population.

We studied the potential role as seed disperser of the pacu fish (Piaractus mesopotamicus, Characidae) in the Pantanal of Brazil. The most important food item in the diet of the pacu in the wet season was fruits of the palm Bactris glaucescens found in the guts of 73 percent of all fishes collected (N= 70). We found a positive relationship between fish length, weight, and gape size and the number of intact seeds in their gut. Therefore, large pacus are especially important in dispersing B. glaucescens seeds within the studied system. Since the best seed dispersers are the largest fishes, which are preferred by commercial fisheries, we predict that the ongoing over fishing in freshwater ecosystems will have major impacts on the dispersal system of fish‐dependent plants. We suggest that it is paramount to change the attitudes in fisheries management of fruit‐eating fishes and urgent to evaluate the impact of fishing on forest regeneration.  相似文献   

The concept of an optimum yield at intermediate levels of fishing (the so called maximum sustainable yield or MSY) has been with us since the 1930s and is now enshrined in legislation as a key objective of fisheries management. The concept seems intuitively reasonable and is readily applicable to a single stock treated in isolation and assuming a constant environment. However, translating this concept into a mixed and multispecies fishery, where there are complex trade-offs between fleets and stocks and in general no simple optimum solution, has been problematic. Here I introduce a framework for thinking about multispecies MSY in terms of an integrated risk of stock depletion and expected long-term yield. Within this framework I consider the performance of a set of simple harvest control rules based upon a single-limit fishing mortality rate (F) which is common to all stocks and a target biomass which is a set fraction of a stock's virgin biomass. Using a multispecies management strategy evaluation, I compare expected outcomes for a set of these harvest control rules with alternative scenarios, in which each stock has its own F based on the assessment process. I find that the simple framework can produce outcomes that are similar to those from the more sophisticated estimates of F. I therefore conclude that achieving multispecies MSY may depend more upon setting reasonable biomass targets and faithfully applying a harvest control rule approach rather than determining the best possible Fs for each stock.  相似文献   

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