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Meiotic pairing constraints and the activity of sex chromosomes   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The state of activity and condensation of the sex chromosomes in gametocytes is frequently different from that found in somatic cells. For example, whereas the X chromosomes of XY males are euchromatic and active in somatic cells, they are usually condensed and inactive at the onset of meiosis; in the somatic cells of female mammals, one X chromosome is heterochromatic and inactive, but both X chromosomes are euchromatic and active early in meiosis. In species in which the female is the heterogametic sex (ZZ males and ZW females), the W chromosome, which is often seen as a condensed chromatin body in somatic cells, becomes euchromatic in early oocytes. We describe an hypothesis which can explain these changes in the activity and condensation of sex chromosomes in gametocytes. It is based on the fact that normal chromosome pairing seems to be essential for the survival of sex cells; chromosomal anomalies resulting in incomplete pairing during meiosis usually result in gametogenic loss. We argue that the changes seen in the sex chromosomes reflect the need to avoid pairing failure during meiosis. Pairing normally requires structural and conformational homology of the two chromosomes, but when the regions is avoided when these regions become heterochromatinized. This hypothesis provides an explanation for the changes found in gametocytes both in species with male heterogamety and those with female heterogamety. It also suggests possible reasons for the frequent origin of large supernumerary chromosomes from sex chromosomes, and for the reported lack of dosage compensation in species with female heterogamety.  相似文献   

H. U. Lütolf 《Genetica》1972,43(3):431-442
Analysis of crossos between genetically marked stocks of Drosophila melanogaster showed, that the compound-3 chromosomes C(3L)RM and C(3R)RM segregate preterentially in female meiosis, and the following two types of eggs are formed predominantly: C(3L)RM; 0 and 0; C(3R)RM. In male meiosis segregation is almost random and four types of sperm are formed: 1. C(3L)RM; C(3R)RM, 2. 0; 0, 3. C(3L)RM; 0, 4. 0; C(3R)RM. The frequencies of these sperm types vary with the genotypes tested. In the stock C(3L)RM, st; C(3R)RM, p p, males produce 76.8% type 1 and 2, and 23.2% type 3 and 4; males of the stock C(3L)RM, ri; C(3R)RM, sr form 63.2% type 1 and 2, and 36.8% type 3 and 4.The segregational behaviour of compound-3 chromosomes found in female meiosis is expected according to the distributive pairing hypothesis. In the male however, where there is no distributive pairing, the stock-specific segregation of compound-3 chromosomes may be due to the presence of small homologous chromosome segments near the centromere which influence chromosome distribution.  相似文献   

J. Loidl  Q.-W. Jin  M. Jantsch 《Chromosoma》1998,107(4):247-254
Meiotic pairing and segregation were studied in three different heterozygous reciprocal translocation strains of the baker’s yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Pachytene translocation quadrivalents were identified by a combination of immunofluorescence and fluorescence in situ hybridization and the karyotypes of meiotic products were determined by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. The translocations differed with respect to the relative sizes of the chromosomes involved and the positions of translocation breakpoints, and produced translocation quadrivalents of widely different shapes. This allowed us to study the influence of the morphology of quadrivalents on their segregation behaviour. In all cases alternate predominated over adjacent segregation. 3:1 disjunction of chromosomes was more frequent when translocation breakpoints were close to the centromeres. If a translocation breakpoint was distant from the centromere, the occurrence of an intervening chiasma influenced the pattern of segregation. In general, quadrivalent formation and segregation resembled the behaviour of translocation heterozygotes in most higher eukaryotes. We therefore conclude that, although chromosome condensation does not occur in yeast metaphase, centromere orientation and chromosome disjunction are governed in a way similar to that of higher eukaryotes. Received: 6 February 1998; in revised form: 19 May 1998 / Accepted: 23 May 1998  相似文献   

J. Puro  S. Nokkala 《Chromosoma》1977,63(3):273-286
A new technique was developed for a light microscopic analysis of meiosis in Drosophila oocytes. — When the nuclear envelope breaks down the bivalents, till then compressed into a karyosome, separate in early prometaphase. The homologues remain associated by chiasmata except for the fourth chromosomes which are no longer associated. Non-homologous chromosomes regularly segregating from each other in genetic experiments are also unconnected after karyosome disintegration but during metaphase I the fourth chromosomes and the heterologous pairs coorient on the same arc of the spindle and move precociously towards opposite poles. Nondisjunction and other irregularities are not infrequent in oocytes having an uneven number of achiasmatic elements. The fourth chromosomes and the Xs or the large autosomes, when lacking chiasmata, may be involved in non-homologous segregation. In c3G homozygotes all chromosomes appear as univalents in prometaphase. Segregation is variable but the observations suggest the polar distribution of equal numbers of chromosomes in variable combinations irrespective of the size. — Coorientation of univalents may be accounted for if the centromeres, whether homologous or non-homologous, are associated in pairs during early meiotic prophase, and that in the karyosome these pairing relationships are preserved until spindle organization at the onset of prometaphase.  相似文献   

Controversy exists regarding the meiotic behaviour of the giant sex chromosomes during spermatogenesis in the field vole, Microtus agrestis. Both univalents and bivalents have been observed between diakinesis and metaphase I. These differences seem to be dependent on the technique used. The present study employs electron microscopy of serially sectioned testes tubules and light microscopy of microspread preparations to re-examine the behaviour of sex chromosomes during meiosis. In microspreads, about one-third of the early pachytene nuclei examined showed end joining of the X and Y axes. The longitudinal heterogeneity of the chromosomes in the form of axial thickenings allowed the detection of two different end-joining patterns. In the remaining early pachytene cells as well as in all mid to late pachytene cells seen, the X and Y axes had, though near to each other, no contact in the form of a synaptonemal complex. If a synaptonemal complex is a prerequisite for genetic exchange, the sex chromosomes in M. agrestis males must be achiasmatic. The analysis of serial sections through an early pachytene and a late prophase I nucleus with the electron microscope revealed that the sex chromosomes occupied a common area. By metaphase I, the centromeres of the X and Y were oriented towards opposite spindle poles while the chromosomes remained attached to one another by their distal segments at the level of the metaphase I plate. As a consequence of the large size of the sex chromosomes their centromeres lay close to the spindle poles. In anaphase I the sex chromosomes maintained their metaphase position until the autosomes approached the spindle poles. During autosomal migration a medial constriction developed where the sex chromosomes were mutually associated, the X and Y became separated, and joined the autosomes. In metaphase II the chromatids of the sex chromosomes lay side by side and exhibited a delayed separation in the subsequent anaphase. It is suggested that heterochromatin, which represents a major part of both sex chromosomes, plays a role in the association of the two achiasmatic sex chromosomes in metaphase I and in the delayed separation of the chromatids of the sex chromosomes in anaphase II.Dedicated to Prof. C.-G. Arnold (Erlangen) on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   

The properties of the t haplotypes, specific mutant states of the proximal region of chromosome 17 in the house mouse keep renewing interest. One such property is increased transmission of the t haplotype from heterozygous t/+ males to their offspring. By means of reciprocal translocation T (16; 17)43H, we have constructed males with tertiary trisomy 17 (+T43/++/RB7+) carrying Robertsonian translocation Rb(16.17)7Bnr. The offspring of these males was viable when sperm of +T43/++ and Rb7+ was used. The segregation patterns in the offspring of t-bearing trisomics were analysed on days 16-18 of embryonic development. It was found that in the case when the t haplotype is on the normal acrocentric (male male ++T43/+t12+/Rb7++), its presence in the gamete +t12+/++T43 does not produce meiotic drive. However, when t6 is on Rb7, meiotic drive was equal to 80%. It is concluded that the presence of a normal homolog and a t-bearing chromosome in sperm does not result in meiotic drive. Possible mechanisms of meiotic drive of the t haplotypes are discussed.  相似文献   

Weird mammals are of two types. Highly divergent mammals, such as the marsupials and monotremes, have informed us of the evolutionary history of the Y chromosome and sex-determining gene, and the recently specialized rodents can help us predict its future. The Y chromosome has had a short but eventful history, and is already heading briskly for oblivion. It originated as a homologous partner of the X when it acquired a sex-determining gene (not necessarily SRY). Most of the genes on the Y, even those with a male-specific function, evolved from genes now on the X. At the mercy of a high rate of variability and the forces of drift and selection, the Y has lost genes at a rate of 3-6 genes/million years, sparing those that acquired critical male-specific functions. Even these genes have disappeared from one mammalian lineage or another as their functions were usurped by genes elsewhere in the genome. The mammalian testis-determining gene, SRY, is a typical Y-borne gene. It arose by truncation of a gene (SOX3) on the X that is expressed in brain development, and it may work by interacting with (inhibiting?) related genes, including SOX9. Variant sex-determining systems in rodents show that the action of SRY can change, as it evidently has in the mouse, and SRY can be inactivated, as in akodont rodents, or even completely superseded, as in mole voles.  相似文献   

Synapsis and reciprocal recombination between sex chromosomes are restricted to the pseudoautosomal region. In some animal species, sex chromosomes do not present this region, although they utilize alternative mechanisms that ensure meiotic pairing and segregation. The subfamily Arvicolinae (Rodentia, Cricetidae) includes numerous species with achiasmate sex chromosomes. In order to know whether the mechanism involved in achiasmate segregation is an ancient feature in arvicolid species, we have compared the sex chromosomes of both the Mediterranean vole (Microtus duodecimcostatus) and the water vole (Arvicola terrestris). By means of immunofluorescence, we have found that sex chromosomes in M. duodecimcostatus are asynaptic and develop a synaptonemal complex-derived structure that mediates pairing and facilitates segregation. In A. terrestris, sex chromosomes are synaptic and chiasmate but also exhibit a synaptonemal complex-derived filament during anaphase I. Since phylogenetic relationships indicate that the synaptic condition is ancestral in arvicolids, this finding indicates that the mechanism for achiasmate sex chromosome segregation precedes the switching to the asynaptic condition. We discuss the origin of this synaptonemal complex-derived mechanism that, in turn, could counterbalance the disruption of homology in the sex chromosomes of those species.  相似文献   

The meiotic behavior of the sex chromosomes of Pitymys duodecimcostatus was studied by electron microscopy of whole-mount synaptonemal complex preparations. The results established that the sex chromosomes of this species are achiasmatic and remain unassociated throughout meiotic prophase I in most spermatocytes. In other cells, nonspecific association of the X and Y occurred by means of filamentous bridges. Pitymys duodecimcostatus represents an additional example of a mammalian species lacking a homologous pairing segment in its sex chromosomes and extends current knowledge about this controversial subject. In this regard, we suggest that sex-chromosome association is a characteristic that probably followed different evolutionary paths in different mammals, leading to loss of the homologous segment in some species and its conservation in others. It is also suggested that in P. duodecimcostatus, and probably in many other species as well, three mechanisms may act in concert to permit joining of the X and Y chromosomes during meiotic prophase, and, consequently, to ensure proper segregation during anaphase I: (1) joining of the sex-chromosome axes at their ends to the nuclear membrane, (2) formation of fibrillar structures to hold the sex chromosomes together, and (3) cohesiveness due to sex-vesicle formation.  相似文献   

Interspecific hybrids and backcrossed organisms generally suffer from reduced viability and/or fertility. To identify and genetically map these defects, we introgressed regions of the Drosophila sechellia genome into the D. simulans genome. A female-biased sex ratio was observed in 24 of the 221 recombinant inbred lines, and subsequent tests attributed the skew to failure of Y-bearing sperm to fertilize the eggs. Apparently these introgressed lines fail to suppress a normally silent meiotic drive system. Using molecular markers we mapped two regions of the Drosophila genome that appear to exhibit differences between D. simulans and D. sechellia in their regulation of sex chromosome segregation distortion. The data indicate that the sex ratio phenotype results from an epistatic interaction between at least two factors. We discuss whether this observation is relevant to the meiotic drive theory of hybrid male sterility.  相似文献   

A study of male meiosis has been carried out on air-dried testicular preparations from three insectivore species: Crocidura russula, Neomys anomalus and Talpa occidentalis.Two particularities in relation to the meiotic process were found. The sex-chromosomes show a special allocycly. In the zygotene and pachytene stages, only some cells (a maximum of 50% in some individuals) present a typical sex-vesicle. In the majority of cells in these stages, the X-chromosome appears unfolded, isopycnotic or negatively heteropycnotic, with the ends of the arms together. The Y-chromosome is more condensed and it is associated with the ends of the X-chromosome. At diakinesis and metaphase I the sex chromosomes show end-to-end pairing. A second interesting feature in these species is the existence of spontaneous polymeiosis in a relative high frequency.The origin of this phenomenon, and the influence of these two particularities on fertility and the relation with the phylogeny of these species are discussed.  相似文献   

The sex chromosomes segregate precociously in prometaphase I of male meiosis, without prior synapsis or any physical connection, in 4 species of American mantispids (Neuroptera: Mantispidae). Segregational movements are interpolar, and are implemented through chromosomal fibers. Univalent autosomes, present from diakinesis on in several species, are capable of a similar distance segregation in prometaphase. The sex chromosomes are XX —XY , as is characteristic of the Order, with the exception of Entanoneura phthisica in which both elements are compound —X1X2X3Y1Y2Y3in the male, and X1X1X2X2X3X3 in the female. In tetraploid sectors of gonial origin in testes of this species no sex bivalents are formed; a distance segregation of 6 sex univalents to each pole is effected, but — as observed in the one individually identifiable pair — segregation separates complete homologues, Y1 from Y1, X1 from X1, etc. In all species the male meiotic spindle is formed by the collocation of individual chromosomal spindle units within which bivalents become deformed; the timing and degree of deformation vary with the species. In karyotype the American species conform to a common pattern with the known Japanese and European species; diploid numbers range only from 18 to 22, and each complement carries the family insigné of one pair of disproportionately large autosomes in a set of small and rather uniformly sized chromosomes.  相似文献   

Reconstructing the evolutionary relationships among the orders of eutherian mammals constitutes a formidable phylogenetic task. It entails the identification of a single true phylogenetic tree out of 10(12)-10(28) possible ones. For almost half a century, the field of mammalian Phylogeny has been dominated by a pessimistic view, according to which the great burst of mammalian radiations more than 65 million years ago has rendered the ordinal phylogeny of mammals insolvable. In the last few years, this pessimism has started to dissipate as several superordinal relationships were identified through the use of molecular data. DNA and protein sequences have the potential to supply millions of phyloge netically useful characters, and therefore, the Phylogeny of the orders of mammals may be resolved into a consistently bifurcating tree in the not-sodistant future.  相似文献   

Evolution of the avian sex chromosomes and their role in sex determination   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Is it the female-specific W chromosome of birds that causes the avian embryo to develop a female phenotype, analogous to the dominance mode of genic sex differentiation seen in mammals? Or is it the number of Z chromosomes that triggers male development, similar to the balance mode of differentiation seen in Drosophila and Caenorhabditis elegans? Although definite answers to these questions cannot be given yet, some recent data have provided support for the latter hypothesis. Moreover, despite the potentially common features of sex determination in mammals and birds, comparative mapping shows that the avian sex chromosomes have a different autosomal origin than the mammalian X and Y chromosomes.  相似文献   

A Diter  R Guyomard  D Chourrout 《Génome》1988,30(4):547-553
Gene segregation at six protein loci was analysed in progeny from tetraploid males and females obtained by suppression of first mitosis. The triploid full-sib families from five tetraploid males and the diploid gynogenetic lines from four tetraploid females were examined. The proportions of heterozygous gametes (0.83 on the average) were significantly higher than expected from tetrasomic inheritance (0.667) at all the loci studied. This was explained by preferential pairing of homologous chromosomes. The proportions of heterozygous gametes were significantly different between loci, but the variations were not correlated with the gene--centromere distances. Our results showed that, at least for one locus, the homozygous gametes mainly resulted from pairing of homologous chromosomes rather than from pairing of homologous chromosomes, quadrivalent formation, and chromatin exchanges between homologous chromosomes.  相似文献   

Chiasmata established by recombination are normally sufficient to ensure accurate chromosome segregation during meiosis by physically interlocking homologs until anaphase I. Drosophila melanogaster female meiosis is unusual in that it is both exceptionally tolerant of nonexchange chromosomes and competent in ensuring their proper segregation. As first noted by Puro and Nokkala [Puro, J., Nokkala, S., 1977. Meiotic segregation of chromosomes in Drosophila melanogaster oocytes. A cytological approach. Chromosoma 63, 273-286], nonexchange chromosomes move precociously towards the poles following formation of a bipolar spindle. Indeed, metaphase arrest has been previously defined as the stage at which nonexchange homologs are symmetrically positioned between the main chromosome mass and the poles of the spindle. Here we use studies of both fixed images and living oocytes to show that the stage in which achiasmate chromosomes are separated from the main mass does not in fact define metaphase arrest, but rather is a component of an extended prometaphase. At the end of prometaphase, the nonexchange chromosomes retract into the main chromosome mass, which is tightly repackaged with properly co-oriented centromeres. This repackaged state is the true metaphase arrest configuration in Drosophila female meiosis.  相似文献   

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