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The existence of coral reef ecosystems critically relies on the reef carbonate framework produced by scleractinian corals and calcareous crusts (i.e., crustose coralline algae). While the Red Sea harbors one of the longest connected reef systems in the world, detailed calcification data are only available from the northernmost part. To fill this knowledge gap, we measured in situ calcification rates of primary and secondary reef builders in the central Red Sea. We collected data on the major habitat-forming coral genera Porites, Acropora, and Pocillopora and also on calcareous crusts (CC) in a spatio-seasonal framework. The scope of the study comprised sheltered and exposed sites of three reefs along a cross-shelf gradient and over four seasons of the year. Calcification of all coral genera was consistent across the shelf and highest in spring. In addition, Pocillopora showed increased calcification at exposed reef sites. In contrast, CC calcification increased from nearshore, sheltered to offshore, exposed reef sites, but also varied over seasons. Comparing our data to other reef locations, calcification in the Red Sea was in the range of data collected from reefs in the Caribbean and Indo-Pacific; however, Acropora calcification estimates were at the lower end of worldwide rates. Our study shows that the increasing coral cover from nearshore to offshore environments aligned with CC calcification but not coral calcification, highlighting the potentially important role of CC in structuring reef cover and habitats. While coral calcification maxima have been typically observed during summer in many reef locations worldwide, calcification maxima during spring in the central Red Sea indicate that summer temperatures exceed the optima of reef calcifiers in this region. This study provides a foundation for comparative efforts and sets a baseline to quantify impact of future environmental change in the central Red Sea.


Anthropogenic rise in the carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere leads to global warming and acidification of the oceans. Ocean acidification (OA) is harmful to many organisms but especially to those that build massive skeletons of calcium carbonate, such as reef corals. Here, we test the recent suggestion that OA leads not only to declining calcification of reef corals and reduced growth rates of reefs but may also have been a trigger of ancient reef crises and mass extinctions in the sea. We analyse the fossil record of biogenic reefs and marine organisms to (1) assess the timing and intensity of ancient reef crises, (2) check which reef crises were concurrent with inferred pulses of carbon dioxide concentrations and (3) evaluate the correlation between reef crises and mass extinctions and their selectivity in terms of inferred physiological buffering. We conclude that four of five global metazoan reef crises in the last 500 Myr were probably at least partially governed by OA and rapid global warming. However, only two of the big five mass extinctions show geological evidence of OA.  相似文献   

Coral reefs are among the most biologically diverse and economically important ecosystems on the planet. The deposition of massive calcium carbonate skeletons (biomineralization or calcification) by scleractinian corals forms the coral reef framework/architecture that serves as habitat for a large diversity of organisms. This process would not be possible without the intimate symbiosis between corals and photosynthetic dinoflagellates, commonly called zooxanthellae. Carbonic anhydrases play major roles in those two essential processes of coral’s physiology: they are involved in the carbon supply for calcium carbonate precipitation as well as in carbon-concentrating mechanisms for symbiont photosynthesis. Here, we review the current understanding of diversity and function of carbonic anhydrases in corals and discuss the perspective of theses enzymes as a key to understanding impacts of environmental changes on coral reefs.  相似文献   

The threat posed to coral reefs by changes in seawater pH and carbonate chemistry (ocean acidification) raises the need for a better mechanistic understanding of physiological processes linked to coral calcification. Current models of coral calcification argue that corals elevate extracellular pH under their calcifying tissue relative to seawater to promote skeleton formation, but pH measurements taken from the calcifying tissue of living, intact corals have not been achieved to date. We performed live tissue imaging of the reef coral Stylophora pistillata to determine extracellular pH under the calcifying tissue and intracellular pH in calicoblastic cells. We worked with actively calcifying corals under flowing seawater and show that extracellular pH (pHe) under the calicoblastic epithelium is elevated by ~0.5 and ~0.2 pH units relative to the surrounding seawater in light and dark conditions respectively. By contrast, the intracellular pH (pHi) of the calicoblastic epithelium remains stable in the light and dark. Estimates of aragonite saturation states derived from our data indicate the elevation in subcalicoblastic pHe favour calcification and may thus be a critical step in the calcification process. However, the observed close association of the calicoblastic epithelium with the underlying crystals suggests that the calicoblastic cells influence the growth of the coral skeleton by other processes in addition to pHe modification. The procedure used in the current study provides a novel, tangible approach for future investigations into these processes and the impact of environmental change on the cellular mechanisms underpinning coral calcification.  相似文献   

1. The classical ‘coral reef problem’ concerned the geological relationships of reefs as major topographical features; modern coral studies consider reefs both as complex biological systems of high productivity and as geological structures forming a framework for and being modified by coral growth. 2. Deep borings in reefs have conclusively confirmed the general arguments of Darwin, that oceanic reefs developed by progressive subsidence of their foundations. Darwin failed to take account of Pleistocene changes in sea level and their effect on the present surface features of reefs. Daly's alternative ‘glacial control theory’ was based on false assumptions concerning marine erosion rates during glacial periods, but if sea level during the Holocene was higher than at present, as Daly also supposed, the effects on reef features would be profound. 3. Reefs are complex biological systems in tropical seas, dominated by scleractinian corals. Coral faunas are larger and more diverse in the Indo-Pacific than in the Atlantic. Hermatypic corals are restricted to shallow water by the light requirements of their symbiotic algae, but temperature is a major control of worldwide distributions. Temperature, salinity and sediment tolerances of corals are wider than formerly supposed, and corals can survive brief emersion except when it coincides with heavy rainfall. Water turbulence is an important ecological control, but difficult to measure. 4. The trophic status of corals is still unclear, but in spite of their anatomical and physiological specialization as carnivores it is likely that they derive some nutrient substances from zooxanthellae. Suggestions that filamentous algae in coral heads play a major part in the economy of the corals have not been supported by later work, but biomass pyramids constructed on the basis by Odum and Odum remain the only ones available. Most reefs are apparently autotrophic, with 1500–3500 g. Carbon being fixed per m.2 per year. 5. Few animals eat corals, which may account for their success. Important predators are fish and the echinoderm Acanthaster. Quantitative estimates of biogenic erosion of organic skeletons on reefs are high. Fish affect not only corals but other invertebrates, algae and marine phanerogams. 6. Corals may be killed by ‘dark water’, intense rain or river floodwaters, earth movements, human interference and especially hurricanes. Reef recovery after hurricanes may take 10–20 years. 7. In addition to fringing, barrier and atoll reefs, intermediate types are recognised. The main types may consist of linear reefs or faros. Smaller lagoon reefs include pinnacles, patches and platforms, and submerged knolls. Complex cellular or mesh reef patterns are also found. 8. Reefs are conspicuously zoned, both laterally in response to changing exposure to waves to form windward and leeward reefs, and transversely, as a result of steep environmental gradients across reef flats from sea to lagoon. Topographic and ecological zones may be characterized by particular coral species, but these vary widely from reef to reef. A major distinction can be made between reefs with and without algal ridges, which are common on open-ocean trade-wind reefs, in the Indo-Pacific, but are absent on Caribbean reefs and on Indo-Pacific reefs in more sheltered waters. gorgonians are common on Caribbean reefs, alcyonaceans in the Indo-Pacific. 9. Much of the difficulty in comparing reefs stems from the lack of uniformity in surveying methods. Problems of describing the complex three-dimensional patterns of organisms on reefs have yet to be solved, and hence little progress has been made in explanation of these patterns. Explanation in terms of simple environmental controls is inadequate. 10. Understanding the distribution of corals is made more difficult both by taxo-nomic problems and by the plasticity of growth form in different situations. 11. Growth of corals and reefs may be estimated by measuring the growth of individual colonies, measuring rates of calcium carbonate deposition in the skeleton, measuring topographic change on the reef and deducing net rates of reef growth from geological evidence. Massive corals may increase in diameter by 1 cm./year, branches of branching corals may increase in length by 10 cm./year. Study of deposition rates shows variation within colonies, between species, in light and dark, and seasonally. Rates of reef growth extrapolated from colony measurements reach 2–5 cm./year, and contrast with figures as low as 0–02 cm/year averaged over 70 million years from borehole data. Both colony growth rates and geological data suggest worldwide variations in rates of reef growth. 12. In spite of clear evidence of long-continued subsidence, present surface features of reefs, often only thinly veneered by modern corals, have been much affected by recent sea level fluctuations. Many slightly raised reefs at 2–10 m. above sea level date at 90–160 thousand years B.P.; there is evidence for a sea level at about the present level at 30–35 thousand years B.P.; and controversy continues over whether sea level has stood higher than the present at any time since the last sea level rise began about 20,000 years ago. Evidence from many reefs suggests a slightly higher sea level in the last 4000 years, but on other reefs such evidence is lacking. 13. Several reef features (submerged terraces, groove-spur systems, algal ridge, reef flat, reef blocks and reef islands) have been interpreted either as relict features dating from a higher sea level in the last 5000 years, or contemporary features developed in response to present processes. In some cases the evidence is equivocal; in others it is clear that diverse features are being grouped together under the same name. If such features are referable to a higher sea level, this may have been of last Interglacial or even Interstadial age rather than Holocene. 14. A reef consists of a rigid framework defining several major depositional environments within and around it. Sediments are of biological, mainly skeletal origin, except in unusual environments such as the Bahama Banks. The characteristics of sediments derived from organisms depend partly on the breakdown patterns of particular skeletons, partly on transportation and sorting processes. Fine sediments may be either detrital, or physicochemical precipitates. 15. Organisms affect sediments after deposition, by disturbance, transportation and probably comminution. Fish and holothurians have been studied in detail. 16. While new theories of coral reefs are proposed from time to time, the need is less for new theories than for standardised procedures to ensure comparability of reef studies and the identification of variations in reefs both on local and regional scales. While reefs as biological systems adjust relatively rapidly to changes, reefs as geological systems adjust much more slowly. Because of the magnitude and recency of Pleistocene fluctuations in sea level, many biological features of reefs are out of phase with inherited geological features, and this had led to much controversy.  相似文献   

Ocean acidification (OA) resulting from uptake of anthropogenic CO2 may negatively affect coral reefs by causing decreased rates of biogenic calcification and increased rates of CaCO3 dissolution and bioerosion. However, in addition to the gradual decrease in seawater pH and Ω a resulting from anthropogenic activities, seawater carbonate chemistry in these coastal ecosystems is also strongly influenced by the benthic metabolism which can either exacerbate or alleviate OA through net community calcification (NCC = calcification – CaCO3 dissolution) and net community organic carbon production (NCP = primary production ? respiration). Therefore, to project OA on coral reefs, it is necessary to understand how different benthic communities modify the reef seawater carbonate chemistry. In this study, we used flow-through mesocosms to investigate the modification of seawater carbonate chemistry by benthic metabolism of five distinct reef communities [carbonate sand, crustose coralline algae (CCA), corals, fleshy algae, and a mixed community] under ambient and acidified conditions during summer and winter. The results showed that different communities had distinct influences on carbonate chemistry related to the relative importance of NCC and NCP. Sand, CCA, and corals exerted relatively small influences on seawater pH and Ω a over diel cycles due to closely balanced NCC and NCP rates, whereas fleshy algae and mixed communities strongly elevated daytime pH and Ω a due to high NCP rates. Interestingly, the influence on seawater pH at night was relatively small and quite similar across communities. NCC and NCP rates were not significantly affected by short-term acidification, but larger diel variability in pH was observed due to decreased seawater buffering capacity. Except for corals, increased net dissolution was observed at night for all communities under OA, partially buffering against nighttime acidification. Thus, algal-dominated areas of coral reefs and increased net CaCO3 dissolution may partially counteract reductions in seawater pH associated with anthropogenic OA at the local scale.  相似文献   

Sponges mediate consolidation of Porites furcata rubble on shallow Caribbean reefs by quickly adhering to rubble and stabilizing it until carbonate secreting organisms can grow and consolidate it to the reef. Experimental investigations demonstrate that the entire cycle from (1) temporary binding of rubble by sponges, through (2) rubble consolidation by encrusting coralline algae, to (3) colonization of consolidated rubble by corals, can be completed within 10 months. Bound rubble both adds to vertical reef growth and also provides stable substrata for colonization by corals. Corals that colonize stabilized rubble are damaged less and survive better than on unstable rubble. Rubble that is not temporarily stabilized by sponges does not become bound to the reef, because continuous movement disturbs the consolidation process, and does not provide suitable substrata for settlement and growth of corals. Sponge-mediated consolidation of rubble may increase rates of reef growth and enhance reef recovery after damage. This new role for sponges in reef growth is not obvious from examination of the internal fabric of a reef frame. Spongemediated consolidation may help to explain geographic and temporal differences in growth and morphology among shallow reefs of ramose corals.  相似文献   

Michaela Bernecker 《Facies》2005,51(1-4):442-453
The paleolatitudinal distribution patterns during Ladinian and Carnian time are characterized by an increasing expansion of reefs from the northern to the southern hemisphere. The optimum of reef diversity and frequency in the Norian is associated with the development of extended attached or isolated carbonate platforms. Norian-Rhaetian sponge and coral reefs of the Northern Calcareous Alps developed (1) as reef belt composed of patch reefs in platform-edge positions facing the open-marine northwestern Tethys basins and (2) as patch reefs in intraplatform basins as well as in ramp positions.Carnian and Norian-Rhaetian sponge and coral reefs of the Arabian Peninsula are formed (1) as reef complexes at the margins of carbonate platforms on the tops of volcanic seamounts in the southern Tethyan ocean, as small biostromes on these isolated platforms, and (2) as transgressive reef complexes on the attached platform of the Gondwana margin. The Norian Gosaukamm reefal breccia of the NW Tethys is a counterpart of Jabal Wasa reefal limestone of the Gondwana margin with similarities in geological setting and biotic composition. Rhaetian coral biostromes of low diversity known from the Austrian Koessen basin resemble to the time equivalent Ala biostromes of the isolated Kawr platform in the southern Neo-Tethys by forming a discontinuous layer in shallow intraplatform basin setting.  相似文献   

Coral reefs are degrading on a global scale, and rates of reef-organism calcification are predicted to decline due to ocean warming and acidification. Systematic measurements of calcification over space and time are necessary to detect change resulting from environmental stressors. We established a network of calcification monitoring stations at four managed reefs along the outer Florida Keys Reef Tract (FKRT) from Miami to the Dry Tortugas. Eighty colonies (in two sequential sets of 40) of the reef-building coral, Siderastrea siderea, were transplanted to fixed apparatus that allowed repetitive detachment for buoyant weighing every 6 months. Algal-recruitment tiles were also deployed during each weighing interval to measure net calcification of the crustose coralline algal (CCA) community. Coral-calcification rates were an order of magnitude greater than those of CCA. Rates of coral calcification were seasonal (summer calcification was 53 % greater than winter), and corals in the Dry Tortugas calcified 48 % faster than those at the other three sites. Linear extension rates were also highest in the Dry Tortugas, whereas percent area of the coral skeletons excavated by bioeroding fauna was lowest. The spatial patterns in net coral calcification revealed here correlate well with Holocene reef thickness along the FKRT and, in part, support the “inimical waters hypothesis” proposed by Ginsburg, Hudson, and Shinn almost 50 yrs ago to explain reef development in this region. Due to the homogeneity in coral-calcification rates among the three main Keys sites, we recommend refinement of this hypothesis and suggest that water-quality variables (e.g., carbonate mineral saturation state, dissolved and particulate organic matter, light attenuation) be monitored alongside calcification in future studies. Our results demonstrate that our calcification monitoring network presents a feasible and worthwhile approach to quantifying potential impacts of ocean acidification, warming, and/or deteriorating water quality on the process of calcification.  相似文献   

Ocean acidification by atmospheric carbon dioxide has increased almost continuously since the last glacial maximum (LGM), 21 000 years ago. It is expected to impair tropical reef development, but effects on reefs at the present day and in the recent past have proved difficult to evaluate. We present evidence that acidification has already significantly reduced the formation of calcified bacterial crusts in tropical reefs. Unlike major reef builders such as coralline algae and corals that more closely control their calcification, bacterial calcification is very sensitive to ambient changes in carbonate chemistry. Bacterial crusts in reef cavities have declined in thickness over the past 14 000 years with largest reduction occurring 12 000–10 000 years ago. We interpret this as an early effect of deglacial ocean acidification on reef calcification and infer that similar crusts were likely to have been thicker when seawater carbonate saturation was increased during earlier glacial intervals, and thinner during interglacials. These changes in crust thickness could have substantially affected reef development over glacial cycles, as rigid crusts significantly strengthen framework and their reduction would have increased the susceptibility of reefs to biological and physical erosion. Bacterial crust decline reveals previously unrecognized millennial‐scale acidification effects on tropical reefs. This directs attention to the role of crusts in reef formation and the ability of bioinduced calcification to reflect changes in seawater chemistry. It also provides a long‐term context for assessing anticipated anthropogenic effects.  相似文献   

Summary In a fringing reef at Aqaba at the northern end of the Gulf of Aqaba (29°26′N) growth rates, density, and the calcification rate ofPorites were investigated in order to establish calculations of gross carbonate production for the reefs in this area. Colony accretion ofPorites decreases with depth as a function of decreasing growth rates. The calcification rate ofPorites is highest in shallow water (0–5 m depth) with 0.9 g·cm−2·yr−1 and falls down to 0.5 g·cm−2·yr−1 below 30 m. Scleractinian coral gross production is calculated from potential productivity and coral coverage. It is mainly dependent on living coral cover and to a lesser extent on potential productivity. Total carbonate production on the reef ranged from 0 to 2.7 kg/m2 per year, with a reef-wide average of 1.6 kg/m2 perycar. Maximum gross carbonate production by corals at Aqaba occurs at the reef crest and in the middle fore-reef from 10 to 15 m water depth. Production is low in sandy reef parts. Below 30 m depth values still reach ca. 50% of shallow water values. Mean potential production of colonies and gross carbonate production of the whole reef community at Aqaba is lower than in tropical reefs. However, carbonate production is higher than in reef areas at the same latitude in the Pacific, indicating a northward shift of reef production in the Red Sea.  相似文献   

Hard, or stony, corals make rocks that can, on geological time scales, lead to the formation of massive reefs in shallow tropical and subtropical seas. In both historical and contemporary oceans, reef‐building corals retain information about the marine environment in their skeletons, which is an organic–inorganic composite material. The elemental and isotopic composition of their skeletons is frequently used to reconstruct the environmental history of Earth's oceans over time, including temperature, pH, and salinity. Interpretation of this information requires knowledge of how the organisms formed their skeletons. The basic mechanism of formation of calcium carbonate skeleton in stony corals has been studied for decades. While some researchers consider coral skeletons as mainly passive recorders of ocean conditions, it has become increasingly clear that biological processes play key roles in the biomineralization mechanism. Understanding the role of the animal in living stony coral biomineralization and how it evolved has profound implications for interpreting environmental signatures in fossil corals to understand past ocean conditions. Here we review historical hypotheses and discuss the present understanding of how corals evolved and how their skeletons changed over geological time. We specifically explain how biological processes, particularly those occurring at the subcellular level, critically control the formation of calcium carbonate structures. We examine the different models that address the current debate including the tissue–skeleton interface, skeletal organic matrix, and biomineralization pathways. Finally, we consider how understanding the biological control of coral biomineralization is critical to informing future models of coral vulnerability to inevitable global change, particularly increasing ocean acidification.  相似文献   

Shallow water Porites lutea corals were collected along two transects normal to mainland shorelines, parallel to gradients in water quality: one, 7 km long, near Motupore Island in South Papua New Guinea, the other, 70 km long, from Jakarta Bay along the Pulau Seribu chain in the Java Sea. The corals were slabbed and studies were made of skeletal density bands as revealed by X-ray photography and fluorescent bands as revealed by ultraviolet light. Water quality measurements and rain-fall data were assembled for the two areas and related to skeletal banding patterns. For both areas, with increasing distance form mainland there is a decrease in overall brightness of fluorescence in corals and an increase in the contrast between bright and dull fluorescent bands. Fluorescence is bright, but seasonal banding is obscure in corals within about 2 km of stream mouths at Motopure and about 5 km of the coast in Jakarta Bay; this suggests that, despite low freshwater run-off during dry seasons, there are sufficient organic compounds which cause fluorescence in coral skeletons, to swamp seasonal effects. During the wet seasons, deluges of freshwater consequent on mainland rainfall of greater than about 150 mm/ month extend at least 7 km offshore in the Motupore area and perhaps tens of kilometres into Java Sea, giving distinctive bright and dull fluorescent banding in off-shore corals. The fluorescent banding pattern within corals on the Motupore reefs is similar in most corals along the transect and it correlates well with the Port Moresby monthly rainfall data. This relationship suggests that the same body (or bodies) of freshwater affect all reefs of the area during the wet season. The fluorescent banding in Java Sea corals does not show a precise correlation with either mainland or island monthly rainfall data; indeed the pattern of fluorescent banding on Pulau Seribu can only be matched in corals from reefs less than about 25 km apart. This suggests that in this area discrete water bodies carrying the relevant organic acids for coral fluorescence affect the fringing reefs on the chain of islands. Comparisons of fluorescent and density banding have revealed that for these areas, in general, periods of high freshwater run-off are times of deposition of less dense skeleton in Porites lutea corals.  相似文献   

Pruss, S.B., Clemente, H. & Laflamme, M. 2012: Early (Series 2) Cambrian archaeocyathan reefs of southern Labrador as a locus for skeletal carbonate production. Lethaia, Vol. 45, pp. 401–410. Archaeocyathan reefs, the first reefs produced by animals, are prominent, global features of early Cambrian successions. However, microbialites – the dominant reef components of the Proterozoic – were still abundant in most archaeocyathan reefs. Although such reefs were a locus for carbonate production, it is unclear how much carbonate was produced skeletally. This analysis of well‐known early Cambrian archaeocyathan patch reefs of the Forteau Formation, southern Labrador, demonstrates that skeletal carbonate was abundantly produced in these archaeocyathan reefs, although only about half was produced by archaeocyathans. Trilobites, echinoderms and brachiopods contributed substantially to the total carbonate budget, particularly in grainstone facies flanking the reefs. Through point count analysis of samples collected from the reef core and flanking grainstones, it can be demonstrated that skeletal material was most abundant in grainstone facies, where animals such as trilobites and echinoderms contributed significantly to carbonate production. In contrast, microbial fabrics were more abundant than skeletal fabrics in the reef core, although archaeocyathan material was more abundant than other skeletal debris. Similar to modern reefs, these reefs created a variety of habitats that allowed for the proliferation of skeletal organisms living on and around the reef, thereby promoting skeletal carbonate production through ecosystem engineering. □Archaeocyatha, bioherms, carbonates, calcification, point count analysis  相似文献   

Density banding in skeletons of reef-building corals is a valuable source of proxy environmental data. However, skeletal growth strategy has a significant impact on the apparent timing of density-band formation. Some corals employ a strategy where the tissue occupies previously formed skeleton during as the new band forms, which leads to differences between the actual and apparent band timing. To investigate this effect, we collected cores from female and male colonies of Siderastrea siderea and report tissue thicknesses and density-related growth parameters over a 17-yr interval. Correlating these results with monthly sea surface temperature (SST) shows that maximum skeletal density in the female coincides with low winter SSTs, whereas in the male, it coincides with high summer SSTs. Furthermore, maximum skeletal densities in the female coincide with peak Sr/Ca values, whereas in the male, they coincide with low Sr/Ca values. Both results indicate a 6-month difference in the apparent timing of density-band formation between genders. Examination of skeletal extension rates also show that the male has thicker tissue and extends faster, whereas the female has thinner tissue and a denser skeleton—but both calcify at the same rate. The correlation between extension and calcification, combined with the fact that density banding arises from thickening of the skeleton throughout the depth reached by the tissue layer, implies that S. siderea has the same growth strategy as massive Porites, investing its calcification resources into linear extension. In addition, differences in tissue thicknesses suggest that females offset the greater energy requirements of gamete production by generating less tissue, resulting in differences in the apparent timing of density-band formation. Such gender-related offsets may be common in other corals and require that environmental reconstructions be made from sexed colonies and that, in fossil corals where sex cannot be determined, reconstructions must be duplicated in different colonies.  相似文献   

The Jaragua National Park is located in a remote area to the SW coast of the Dominican Republic. Fishing and mining are the major human activities. The main reef formations of the Park include: (a) long bank reefs (spur and groove) growing as bands over the platform and running in a SW-NW direction at 12-25 m depth, (b) well developed, deep, fringing reefs at the platform edge (drop-off) areas which could extend from 10 to 45 m depth, and (c) small patch reefs and poorly developed coral-octocoral-sponge-algal communities in shallow platforms near shore, rocky bottoms, and over the submerged walls of the uplifted reef. Nine reef localities were surveyed between Cabo Beata and Bahia Honda using Scuba diving to inventory the diversity and relative abundance of scleractinian corals, octocorals and sponges. Fringing reefs were surveyed starting at the bottom (30 m) and swimming in a zig-zag pattern (50 m on each side) to shallower areas. Bank reefs were surveyed by swimming in zig-zag across the spur-groove formation along 500 m. Sponges were the most diverse group with 83 species in 50 genera followed by the scleractinian corals with 56 species in 26 genera and the octocorals with 47 species in 15 genera. New records included eight coral species, 29 octocoral species and 59 sponges. The diversity, species composition and abundance of particular groups varied across the different localities. Northern reefs within the park and the Los Frailes Island offshore had the highest live cover, relative abundance and diversity for the three groups. In general, the Jaragua National Park had the highest diversity of corals, octocorals and sponges reported for the Dominican Republic and rank amongst the highest reported for the northern Caribbean. It is recommended that the area be protected and that fishing activities be regulated or eliminated altogether.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate the spatial structure of nocturnal fish communities at settlement on coral reefs in Moorea Island lagoon, French Polynesia; and the temporal consistency of habitat selection between winter (April to June 2001) and summer (November 2001). The Moorea lagoon was divided into 12 habitat zones (i.e., coral reef zones), which were distinct in terms of depth, wave exposure, and substratum composition. Nocturnal visual censuses among the 12 habitats found that the recently settled juveniles of 25 species recorded were dispatched among three communities spatially distributed according to the distance from the reef crest (reef crest, barrier reef, and fringing reef communities). This spatial communities structure of nocturnal juveniles was consistent in both winter and summer and would be explained primarily by a current gradient in Moorea lagoon (current speed was high near the reef crest and decreased towards the beach) and by the topographic characteristics of reef zones. Among the 25 species, 13 were recorded in both winter and summer. A comparison of the spatial distribution between summer and winter for 13 species that occurred during both seasons found that only 4 differed between the two seasons. For these species, habitat selection would be organized primarily by some stochastic processes such as inter- and intraspecific competition, predation, and food availability. Overall, the present study allowed us to highlight that most nocturnal coral reef fish juveniles at Moorea Island exhibited striking patterns in their distribution and current and topographic characteristics of reef zones might exert considerable influence on the distribution of fishes.  相似文献   

The geographic range of the coral, Plesiastrea versipora (Lamarck, 1816), extends into temperate waters outside the southern limit for hermatypic corals. In the present study, calcification in Plesiastrea collected from Port Phillip Bay, Victoria was examined over the coral's normal annual temperature range (10-21 °C), which is well below the normal optimum for coral calcification in tropical corals (25-28 °C). Calcification rate in Plesiastrea was considerably lower than in reef corals, but showed a similar pattern in temperature responses, with a trend towards higher rates at ∼18 °C. The light/dark calcification ratio was markedly lower than that in tropical corals. Autoradiography showed that calcification occurred primarily by deposition of calcium carbonate at the upper surfaces of the septo-costae. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) showed that skeletal deposition in Plesiastrea had a temperature-dependent diel pattern. In the light, calcium carbonate was deposited as small spheroidal crystals and, at higher temperatures, small needle-shaped crystals. In the dark, calcium carbonate deposition appeared to be in the form of an amorphous sheet-like cementation. Compared with other scleractinian corals, calcification rate in Plesiastrea was relatively slow and showed different patterns of skeletal deposition.  相似文献   

Large benthic Foraminifera (LBF) are major carbonate producers on coral reefs, and are hosts to a diverse symbiotic microbial community. During warm episodes in the geological past, these reef‐building organisms expanded their geographical ranges as subtropical and tropical belts moved into higher latitudes. During these range‐expansion periods, LBF were the most prolific carbonate producers on reefs, dominating shallow carbonate platforms over reef‐building corals. Even though the fossil and modern distributions of groups of species that harbour different types of symbionts are known, the nature, mechanisms, and factors that influence their occurrence remain elusive. Furthermore, the presence of a diverse and persistent bacterial community has only recently gained attention. We examined recent advances in molecular identification of prokaryotic (i.e. bacteria) and eukaryotic (i.e. microalgae) associates, and palaeoecology, and place the partnership with bacteria and algae in the context of climate change. In critically reviewing the available fossil and modern data on symbiosis, we reveal a crucial role of microalgae in the response of LBF to ocean warming, and their capacity to colonise a variety of habitats, across both latitudes and broad depth ranges. Symbiont identity is a key factor enabling LBF to expand their geographic ranges when the sea‐surface temperature increases. Our analyses showed that over the past 66 million years (My), diatom‐bearing species were dominant in reef environments. The modern record shows that these species display a stable, persistent eukaryotic assemblage across their geographic distribution range, and are less dependent on symbiotic photosynthesis for survival. By contrast, dinoflagellate and chlorophytic species, which show a provincial distribution, tend to have a more flexible eukaryotic community throughout their range. This group is more dependent on their symbionts, and flexibility in their symbiosis is likely to be the driving force behind their evolutionary history, as they form a monophyletic group originating from a rhodophyte‐bearing ancestor. The study of bacterial assemblages, while still in its infancy, is a promising field of study. Bacterial communities are likely to be shaped by the local environment, although a core bacterial microbiome is found in species with global distributions. Cryptic speciation is also an important factor that must be taken into consideration. As global warming intensifies, genetic divergence in hosts in addition to the range of flexibility/specificity within host–symbiont associations will be important elements in the continued evolutionary success of LBF species in a wide range of environments. Based on fossil and modern data, we conclude that the microbiome, which includes both algal and bacterial partners, is a key factor influencing the evolution of LBF. As a result, the microbiome assists LBF in colonising a wide range of habitats, and allowed them to become the most important calcifiers on shallow platforms worldwide during periods of ocean warming in the geologic past. Since LBF are crucial ecosystem engineers and prolific carbonate producers, the microbiome is a critical component that will play a central role in the responses of LBF to a changing ocean, and ultimately in shaping the future of coral reefs.  相似文献   

Elevated sea surface temperature (SST) caused by global warming is one of the major threats to coral reefs. While increased SST has been shown to negatively affect the health of coral reefs by increasing rates of coral bleaching, how changes to atmospheric heating impact SST distributions, modified by local flow environments, has been less understood. This study aimed to simulate future water flow patterns and water surface heating in response to increased air temperature within a coral reef system in Bocas del Toro, Panama, located within the Caribbean Sea. Water flow and SST were modeled using the Delft3D-FLOW© computer simulation package. Locally measured physical parameters, including bathymetry, astronomic tidal forcing, and coral habitat distribution were input into the model and water flow, and SST was simulated over a four-month period under present day, as well as projected warming scenarios in 2020s, 2050s, and 2080s. Changes in SST, and hence the thermal stress to corals, were quantified by degree heating weeks. Results showed that present-day reported bleaching sites were consistent with localized regions of continuous high SST. Regions with highest SST were located within shallow coastal sites adjacent to the mainland or within the interior of the bay, and characterized by low currents with high water retention times. Under projected increases in SSTs, shallow reef areas in low flow regions were found to be hot spots for future bleaching.  相似文献   

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