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Recent literature abounds with reports of the decline and extinction of the endemic species of Achatinellidae and Partulidae in the Hawaiian and Society Islands, respectively, resulting from the introduction of the predatory snail Euglandina rosea. Here, we describe a previously unrecognised radiation of helicinid land snails from the Gambier Islands of French Polynesia, with up to seven species co-occurring in a single locality and up to eight species on a single island. This radiation had already become extinct (nine of ten species) several decades before the expansion of E. rosea in the Pacific, and even before the species were collected for scientific study. The Gambier Islands case study shows that massive extinctions of endemic land snails had already taken place in the nineteenth century, but have remained largely unrecognised and undocumented. Nine of the ten species are new to science and are described here almost entirely based on empty shells collected from the shell bank of the soil after the extinction had already taken place. This helicinid radiation alone increases the number of documented global mollusc extinctions by almost 2 %. Most of the species are minute and, at 1.5 mm, rank among the smallest, if not the smallest, species in the family. Several have apertural barriers and one has opercular apophyses—character states not previously documented in Pacific helicinids. Whereas the only surviving Gambier species belongs anatomically to the genus Sturanya, representative helicinid species from the Austral, Society and Cook Islands are not congeneric with it, and the generic name Nesiocina is here established for the latter taxa. It is hypothesised that the extinct Gambier species were also Nesiocina.  相似文献   

Little information is available on reproductive processes among corals in isolated central Pacific reef regions, including French Polynesia. This study examined the timing and mode of sexual reproduction for Acropora reef corals at Moorea. Spawning was observed and/or inferred in 110 Acropora colonies, representing 12 species, following full moon periods in September through November 2002. Gamete release was observed and inferred in four species of Acropora between 9 and 13 nights after the full moon (nAFM) in September 2002. Twelve Acropora spp. spawned gametes between 5 and 10 nAFM in October 2002, with six species spawning 7 nAFM and four species spawning 9 nAFM. In November 2002, spawning of egg and sperm bundles was observed and inferred in 27 colonies of Acropora austera, 6 nAFM. These are the first detailed records of spawning by Acropora corals in French Polynesia.  相似文献   

A new shallow water scleractinian coral species, Echinophyllia tarae sp. n., is described from the Gambier Islands, French Polynesia. It is characterized by an encrusting corallum, a few large and highly variable corallites with protruding walls, and distinctive costosepta. This coral was observed in muddy environments where several colonies showed partial mortality and re-growth. The new species has morphological affinities with both Echinophyllia echinata and with Echinomorpha nishihirai, from which it can be distinguished on the basis of the diameter and the protrusion of the largest corallite, the thickness of the septa, and the development of the size of the crown of paliform lobes.  相似文献   

The giant clam subfamily Tridacninae (family Cardiidae) is an important group of bivalve molluscs found throughout the Red Sea and Indo-Pacific, from East Africa to the Eastern Pacific biogeographic region. The Tridacna genus is currently revised with numerous cryptic species identified with molecular markers. New Tridacna records from the fringe of the known distribution areas are extremely useful to identify genetically unique species, geographic ranges, and to examine processes associated with species differentiation. While Tridacna maxima is abundant in French Polynesia (Central South Pacific Ocean) the larger fluted giant clam Tridacna squamosa was formerly reported only in the Austral Islands in the south. Following a recent survey that spanned 23 islands and atolls of the Society, Tuamotu and Gambier Archipelagos, the presence of T. squamosa between the Cook Islands and Pitcairn Islands is confirmed using both morphological and molecular information, suggesting a relic distribution across the Central Pacific Ocean. Tridacna squamosa is rare, but present throughout Tuamotu and Gambier. However, it remained undetected from the Society Islands, probably due to historical over-fishing. This species is valued by local inhabitants, and is sought after mainly as gifts and also for a limited local shell trade. The rarity of T. squamosa may call for conservation measures in the near future.  相似文献   

To test for threshold effects in the response of coral physiology to increasing seawater flow, field and laboratory experiments were conducted in Moorea. First, the growth of juvenile massive Porites spp. and branching P. irregularis was compared among habitats differing in water motion. Growth of massive Porites spp. responded to flow in a pattern consistent with a threshold effect, whereas growth of P. irregularis increased linearly with flow. Second, a recirculating flume was used to test the effect of flow on photophysiology (ΔF/F(m)', effective photochemical efficiency) for massive Porites spp.; ΔF/F(m)' displayed a threshold response at 23 cm s(-1) and 28 °C, but not at 31 °C. Finally, intra-colony variation in the response of ΔF/F(m)' to flow and temperature was explored to evaluate the functional significance of colony shape in small corals. ΔF/F(m)' on the top and upstream surfaces of massive Porites spp. responded with a threshold effect of flow at 28 °C (but not 31 °C), but ΔF/F(m)' on downstream surfaces was unresponsive to flow. ΔF/F(m)' for P. irregularis was less responsive to flow than for massive Porites spp., suggesting that the photophysiological response of corals to varying flow speeds may differ between species and morphologies. Together, these results emphasize that flow can have diverse effects on the physiology of corals, with the outcome depending on flow speed, temperature, location on the colony, and perhaps morphology.  相似文献   

This study tested the hypothesis that the response of corals to temperature and pCO 2 is consistent between taxa. Juvenile massive Porites spp. and branches of P. rus from the back reef of Moorea were incubated for 1 month under combinations of temperature (29.3 °C and 25.6 °C) and pCO 2 (41.6 Pa and 81.5 Pa) at an irradiance of 599 μmol quanta m?2 s?1. Using microcosms and CO2 gas mixing technology, treatments were created in a partly nested design (tanks) with two between‐plot factors (temperature and pCO 2), and one within‐plot factor (taxon); calcification was used as a dependent variable. pCO 2 and temperature independently affected calcification, but the response differed between taxa. Massive Porites spp. was largely unaffected by the treatments, but P. rus grew 50% faster at 29.3 °C compared with 25.6 °C, and 28% slower at 81.5 Pa vs. 41.6 Pa CO2. A compilation of studies placed the present results in a broader context and tested the hypothesis that calcification for individual coral genera is independent of pH, [HCO3 ?], and [CO3 2?]. Unlike recent reviews, this analysis was restricted to studies reporting calcification in units that could be converted to nmol CaCO3 cm?2 h?1. The compilation revealed a high degree of variation in calcification as a function of pH, [HCO3 ?], and [CO3 2?], and supported three conclusions: (1) studies of the effects of ocean acidification on corals need to pay closer attention to reducing variance in experimental outcomes to achieve stronger synthetic capacity, (2) coral genera respond in dissimilar ways to pH, [HCO3 ?], and [CO3 2?], and (3) calcification of massive Porites spp. is relatively resistant to short exposures of increased pCO 2, similar to that expected within 100 y.  相似文献   

During the preparation of the Vascular Flora of the Marquesas Islands and Flore de la Polynésie française , four new species of Ixora L. (Rubiaceae) have come to light and are described and illustrated herein: Ixora jourdanii Mouly & J.Florence, Ixora tahuataensis Mouly & J.Florence, Ixora uahukaensis Lorence & W.L.Wagner, and Ixora uapouensis Lorence & W.L.Wagner. In addition to these new taxa, the following three species of Ixora previously described from the Marquesas are recognized: Ixora marquesensis F.Br., Ixora ooumuensis J.Florence, and Ixora spathoidea F.Br. As the Marquesan environment is under serious threat from human impact, feral animals and weeds, the conservation status was estimated for each Ixora species. It is concluded that all Marquesan taxa are in need of inclusion in the IUCN Red List, their status ranging from endangered to critically endangered.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 155 , 581–597.  相似文献   



Cosmetic plants and their uses have often been neglected in ethnobotanical surveys which focus mainly on plants with medicinal or food uses. Thus, this survey was carried out to specifically investigate cosmetics in a small community and to establish a cosmetopoeia, based on the model of pharmacopoeia for medicinal plants. The geographic spread of the survey covered the Marquesas Islands, one of the five archipelagos of French Polynesia (Pacific Ocean). This archipelago was also recently investigated for its pharmacopoeia.


This survey is based on individual interviews of Marquesan informants on the islands of Tahiti (Society archipelago) and Nuku Hiva (Marquesas archipelago). The methodological approach was semi-directive with open-ended questions based on cosmetic criteria (application area, cosmetic use, plant). Before each interview, researchers and the informant signed a Prior Informed Consent (PIC). Quantitative analyses were performed using basic statistics and the indice of Fidelity Level (FL).


Twenty-eight informants from five of the six inhabited Marquesan islands were interviewed and yielded more than 500 cosmetic recipes. Marquesan cosmetopoeia included 79 plant taxa, of which 5% are Marquesan endemics, 23% are indigenous, 28% are Polynesian introductions and 44% are modern introductions. Among the introduced species, half were cultivated whereas the other half were weedy species. Most of the plants were abundant and only eight species were considered rare, of which four were Marquesan endemics. Main cosmetic plants were identified through informant citations and fidelity levels, and included Calophyllum inophyllum, Cananga odorata, Citrus aurantiifolia, Cocos nucifera, Curcuma longa, Gardenia taitensis, Mentha spp., Ocimum basilicum, Rauvolfia nukuhivensis and Santalum insulare var. marchionense. The most referred application areas were skin, hair and private parts whereas the main cosmetic uses were perfume, hydration, medicinal care and healing.


Through this survey, Marquesan cosmetopoeia was investigated in detail and uncovered a majority of introduced and abundant plants, and a minority of endemic and rare plants which required proper management to avoid future shortage. The well known perfumed coconut oil or monoi appeared as the main Marquesan cosmetic preparation either for the skin and the hair. Several plants and preparations warrant scientific investigations for their originality.

Four new species of Eviota (Teleostei: Gobiidae) are described from French Polynesia. Eviota hinanoae occurs from the Gambier, Austral and Society Archipelagos and differs from its closest relatives primarily in sensory pore pattern, having cuplike male urogenital papilla, and in lacking prominent dark pigmentation on the base of the pectoral fin. Three other new species, E. dorsimaculata, E. lacrimosa and E. deminuta, are known only from the Marquesas Islands and are distinguished from congeners by differences in pigmentation, sensory pore pattern, urogenital papilla shape, the number of rays in the dorsal and anal fins, and the length of the fifth pelvic-fin ray. Eviota deminuta represents one of the smallest known species of Eviota and features reductions in several morphological characters, including the loss of all head pores. Three of the new species are included in a phylogenetic analysis based on mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase-I, along with 21 additional species of Eviota.  相似文献   

The size structure of coral populations is influenced by biotic and physical factors, as well as species-specific demographic rates (recruitment, colony growth, mortality). Coral reefs surrounding Moorea Island are characterized by strong environmental gradients at small spatial scales, and therefore, we expected that the size structure of coral populations would vary greatly at this scale. This study aimed at determining the degree of spatial heterogeneity in the population size structure of two coral taxa, Pocillopora meandrina and massive Porites spp., among depths (6, 12, and 18 m) and among locations (Vaipahu, Tiahura and Haapiti) representing different exposure to hydrodynamic forces. Our results clearly underlined the strong heterogeneity in the size structure of both P. meandrina and massive Porites spp., with marked variation among depths and among locations. However, the lack of any consistent and regular trends in the size structure along depths or among locations, and the lack of correlation between size structure and mean recruitment rates may suggest that other factors (e.g., stochastic life history processes, biotic interactions, and disturbances) further modify the structure of coral populations. We found that the size structure of P. meandrina was fundamentally different to that of massive Porites spp., reflecting the importance of life history characteristics in population dynamics. Handling editor: I. Nagelkerken  相似文献   

Further characterization of vanilla mosaic potyvirus (VaMV) confirmed that it is quite distinct from vanilla necrosis potyvirus (VNV). In immuno-blot ELISA, a polyclonal antiserum to vanilla mosaic virus from Vanilla tahitensis in French Polynesia did not react with vanilla necrosis potyvirus infected V. fragrans from Tonga. However, samples of V. tahitensis with leaf distortion and mosaic from the Cook Islands reacted strongly with the VaMV antiserum. Host range studies involving 20 plant species failed to find a host for VaMV outside the genus Vanilla, confirming that VaMV has a much more restricted host range than VNV. The mean particle length of VaMV from purified preparations was 763 nm (Std. Dev. 48) and SDS-polyacrylamide electrophoresis indicates a single coat polypeptide of Mr 34 × lO3.  相似文献   

In 1934 the Mangarevan Expedition of the Bishop Museum made botanical collections in southeastern Polynesia. In the Austral Islands the following novelties were collected: Hemandia moerenhoutiana Guillem. ssp. elliptica (Hernandiaceae); Euodia angustior (Rutaceae); Acalypha tubuaiensis , and Macaranga raivavaeensis (Euphorbiaceae).  相似文献   

Introduced plants with fleshy fruit can alter the dietary decisions of frugivorous birds in their novel ranges by producing fruit of higher quality or by producing fruit in greater abundance. We used fruit choice experiments with wild-caught captive Red-vented Bulbuls (Pycnonotus cafer) on the tropical Pacific island of Moorea, French Polynesia, to determine whether this bird prefers the fruit of a highly invasive tree (Miconia calvescens) over three other fruit (one alien, two native) and to determine whether birds would eat less preferred fruit when it was more abundant than preferred fruit. Birds showed consistent preferences, and chose M. calvescens more than any other species. Birds selected more abundant fruit first when a single species was presented. However, when both fruit species and abundance were modified simultaneously, patterns of preference for particular species remained intact while the response to abundance disappeared. Results imply that dietary preferences are more important than small-scale variations in abundance for fruit selection. The strong preference for M. calvescens suggests that Bulbuls will select the fruit even in habitats where it is rare.  相似文献   

Ichthyological Research - A new species of goatfish, Parupeneus williamsi, is described on the basis of 12 specimens (43.9–234.3 mm in standard length) collected from the Marquesas...  相似文献   

Bidirectional sex change in mushroom stony corals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sex change occurs when an individual changes from one functional sex to another. The direction of sex change occurs mainly from male to female (protandry) or vice versa (protogyny), but sometimes may be bidirectional (repetitive). Here, for the first time in stony corals, we report on a protandrous sex change exhibited by two mushroom corals, Fungia repanda and Ctenactis echinata, with the latter also exhibiting bidirectional sex change. Compared with C. echinata, F. repanda exhibited relatively earlier sex change, significantly slower growth and higher mortality rates, in accordance with sex-allocation theory. Sex ratio in both the species was biased towards the first sex. The bidirectional sex change displayed by C. echinata greatly resembles that of dioecious plants that display labile sexuality in response to energetic and/or environmental constraints. We posit that, similar to these plants, in the studied corals, sex change increases their overall fitness, reinforcing the important role of reproductive plasticity in scleractinian corals in determining their evolutionary success.  相似文献   

Human pressures have put many top predator populations at risk of extinction. Recent years have seen alarming declines in sharks worldwide, while their resilience remains poorly understood. Studying the ecology of small populations of marine predators is a priority to better understand their ability to withstand anthropogenic and environmental stressors. In the present study, we monitored a naturally small island population of 40 adult sicklefin lemon sharks in Moorea, French Polynesia over 5 years. We reconstructed the genetic relationships among individuals and determined the population’s mating system. The genetic network illustrates that all individuals, except one, are interconnected at least through one first order genetic relationship. While this species developed a clear inbreeding avoidance strategy involving dispersal and migration, the small population size, low number of breeders, and the fragmented environment characterizing these tropical islands, limits its complete effectiveness.  相似文献   

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