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Abstract.  A morphological study of adults and immature stages and a cladistic analysis were conducted to clarify the relationships amongst members of the sister nymphalid butterfly genera Dircenna Doubleday and Hyalenna Forbes. Two species formerly included in Dircenna , Ithomia paradoxa Staudinger and Dircenna hugia Schaus, clustered with Ithomia perasippa , the type species of Hyalenna . Therefore, the first two species are transferred from Dircenna to Hyalenna ( comb.n .). Hyalenna and Dircenna as now conceived are both monophyletic and well supported by morphological apomorphies and branch support measures. The taxonomy and classification of Hyalenna are reviewed and seven species and twenty-four taxa are recognized, including one new species, Hyalenna buckleyi sp.n. , and eleven new subspecies: Hyalenna paradoxa incachaca ssp.n. , H. perasippa valencia ssp.n. , H. perasippa ortygiosa ssp.n. , H. perasippa solitaria ssp.n. , H. buckleyi pomacocha ssp.n. , H. alidella exsulans ssp.n. , H. alidella cinereola ssp.n. , H. alidella vesca ssp.n. , H. sulmona balsamica ssp.n. , H. sulmona hyalina ssp.n. and H. sulmona tersa ssp.n. A key for the identification of all taxa, and illustrations of male and female genitalia for all species and adult specimens of all taxa (where known), are presented. The natural history of each species is summarized and the immature stages of H. paradoxa and H. sulmona are described for the first time.  相似文献   

The Pantropical spider clade Nephilidae is famous for its extreme sexual size dimorphism, for constructing the largest orb-webs known, and for unusual sexual behaviors, which include emasculation and extreme polygamy. We synthesize the available data for the genera Nephila , Nephilengys , Herennia and Clitaetra to produce the first species level phylogeny of the family. We score 231 characters (197 morphological, 34 behavioral) for 61 taxa: 32 of the 37 known nephilid species plus two Phonognatha and one Deliochus species, 10 tetragnathid outgroups, nine araneids, and one genus each of Nesticidae, Theridiidae, Theridiosomatidae, Linyphiidae, Pimoidae, Uloboridae and Deinopidae. Four most parsimonious trees resulted, among which successive weighting preferred one ingroup topology. Neither an analysis of an alternative data set based on different morphological interpretations, nor separate analyses of morphology and behavior are superior to the total evidence analysis, which we therefore propose as the working hypothesis of nephilid relationships, and the basis for classification. Ingroup generic relationships are ( Clitaetra ( Herennia ( Nephila , Nephilengys ))) . Deliochus and Phonognatha group with Araneidae rather than Nephilidae. Nephilidae is sister to all other araneoids ( contra most recent literature). Ethological data, although difficult to obtain and thus frequently missing for rare taxa, are phylogenetically informative. We explore the evolution of selected morphological and behavioral characters, discuss and redefine the homology of palpal sclerites, disprove semientelegyny in spiders, trace the newly interpreted evolution of the orb web, and show that nephilid genital morphologies coevolve with sexual behaviors and extreme sexual size dimorphism. Phylogenetic interpretations of behavior suggest new insights into spider biology and avenues for future research.
© The Willi Hennig Society 2007.  相似文献   

The Edraianthus graminifolius complex is one of the most interesting groups within the genus Edraianthus DC (Campanulaceae). The plants inhabit a variety of habitats and there is a micro-geographic and ecological differentiation of populations, accompanied by pronounced morphological variation. Hence, it is not surprising that this complex is taxonomically a very controversial group. On the one hand it is described to comprise only two to four taxa, including subspecies, and on the other, a classification comprising 23 taxa of the rank of species and subspecies has been proposed.  相似文献   

Two new speciesGuzmania herrerae andG. scandens, that have been mistakenly identified asG. dissitiflora are described and illustrated. All three taxa belong to a natural complex of species that corresponds to the formerly recognized segregate genusMassangea E. Morren. However, without additional morphological and molecular evidence we believe it is premature to recognize this species complex as a genus separate fromGuzmania.  相似文献   

The morphological study of the herbarium material representing Epistephium (Orchidaceae, Vanilloideae) led to the discovery of two groups of specimens that significantly differ from all known species of the genus. The results of literature data study and of comparative analysis of those and other specimens suggest that these collections represent new taxa that we describe as E. garayi and E. kubiyuense. The distinguishing features of the species are indicated. As both new species are reported from Colombia (E. garayi, also from Guyana), the key for the determination of all Colombian representatives of the genus is included. Information on the ecology and distribution of newly described taxa is presented.  相似文献   

The Eupteryx aurata group is characterised by several features, primarily by colouration and aedeagus morphology. It is distributed mainly in Europe, with some species also in Asia and one species perhaps in North Africa. At least one species is introduced in North America. Until now 12 taxa were known. Two new species, Eupteryx divulsa from central Italy and Eupteryx oscorum from central and southern Italy, are described in this paper. Eupteryx petasitidis Ferrari, 1882, described as Eupteryx carpini petasitidis and later synonymised with Eupteryx atropunctata (Goeze, 1778), is reestablished on species level and redescribed including genital morphology. Ten taxa of the species group are studied in relation to their morphological and molecular characters. The colouration, aedeagus, and pygofer appendage are figured for all of these taxa. Molecular study showed that the E. aurata group is monophyletic. The little or moderate distances in sequences (below 6.0% for mtDNA and up to 2.5% for nuclear ITS2) between the different taxa of the E. aurata group and incongruence of genetic signals from mtDNA and nuclear DNA could be the result of incomplete lineage sorting in young species and/or hybridisation and introgression of DNA among taxa. Of particular importance in this study is material from Italy, a peripheral region in relation to the distribution of the species group and due to its geomorphological features favouring isolation and speciation. A distribution map for the E. aurata species group in Italy and an identification key for all 15 taxa of the aurata group are given. Phylogenetic relationships within the aurata group are discussed in relation to morphological, molecular, ecological, and zoogeographic aspects.  相似文献   

G. Karrer 《Plant Ecology》1985,59(1-3):199-209
Five plant communities contrasting in successional status and human impact from the southern part of the ‘Wienerwald’ (Austria) are analyzed using vegetation relevés, spectra of area types and a newly proposed disjunction quotient. A climax community (Asperulo-Fagetum), a subclimax community (Querco-Carpinetum s.l.), an anthropogenous substitute community (Mesobromion) and two natural, non-climax permanent communities (Euphorbio saxatilis-Pinetum nigrae and Fumano-Stipetum eriocaulis) are recognized. The disjunction quotient is defined as the number of partial (discontinous) areas divided by the size of the total area of distribution of a species. In particular, the average disjunction quotients of the species in the first two communities reflect relatively table environments only slightly influenced by man, with many ancient, stable taxa. These communities are characterized by species with well-delimited, stable distribution areas. The species in the Mesobromion community have very low average disjunction quotients as its component species are widely and continuously distributed and are often promoted by man. In contrast to these communities, the species linked to the natural permanent, non-climax communities of extreme habitats, have high distribution quotients i.e. small, disconinuous areas; this illustrates the relic character of these plant communities and of the eastern edge of the Alps is a whole. Using the highly variable disjunction quotient of all species and communities examined, the concepts of climax and permanent communities (of different origin) are discussed with regard to European conditions.  相似文献   

Abstract:The first lichen records from the Lakshadweep (Laccadive) Islands are presented.Lithothelium insulare (Pyrenulaceae) is described as new and nine other taxa are reported. The poor lichen flora, dominated by pantropical species, is probably a result of the lack of natural habitats in this area.  相似文献   

A taxonomic revision, based mainly on morphological and distributional criteria, is presented for all taxa ofTrillium subgen.Phyllantherum Raf., which is characterized by sessile flowers. The 22 species recognized as valid include 17 morpho-geographical species in the eastern United States and five in the northwestern United States and California. These species form three morphological alliances that are characterized informally as “species groups.” All the taxa are described, and a key to species and varieties is provided. Five new species are described:Trillium decipiens, T. reliquum, T. foetidissimum, T. albidum, and T. kurabayashii; and a new status,T. angustipetalum (Torrey) Freeman, based onT. sessile var.angustipetalum Torrey, is proposed. Six new flower color forms are described:T. reliquum f. luteum, T. stamineum f. Iuteum, T. maculatum F. luteum, T. maculatum f. simulans, T. foetidissimum f. luteum, and T. cuneatum f. luteum. County distribution maps are included for all species and varieties, and an annotated synonymy is presented for each taxon.  相似文献   

Coregonine fishes are notorious taxonomicproblems due to their extreme morphological andecological variation. In North America, diversity is particularly baffling among ciscoes, and both morphological and phylogenetic analyses have resulted in major polytomy among the 8 taxa of the ``Coregonus artedi' species complex. Ciscoes arealso a devastated group, accounting for 10% ofthe fish species listed by the Committee on theStatus of Endangered Wildlife in Canada. Here,we complete the genetic characterization ofNorth American ciscoes with mitochondrial andmicrosatellites markers previously used toanalyse populations of C. artedi in orderto elucidate the evolutionary history andidentify appropriate conservation units. Ourresults revealed a complex evolutionary historymarked by postglacial reticulation eventscoupled with recent and independent evolutionof similar phenotypes (taxa). Genetic variationreflects geography rather than taxonomy, andconsequently, we recommend that a single taxon,C. artedi (sensu lato) be recognized.Local genetic differentiation is often coupledwith ecophenotypic diversification, and gillraker polymorphisms, depth-related habitatpreference and reproductive behaviour areconsidered as phenotypic traits with probableadaptive value contributing to the nicheexpansion of ciscoes. Ecomorphotypes of eachparticular locale thus represent a uniqueexpression of a diverse genetic pool stillundergoing divergence and sorting.Consequently, ciscoes from lakes with distinctecomorphotypes are recognized as ESUs, as wellas each of sympatric forms when they aregenetically differentiated. We recommend thatan ESU strategy focusing at a very local levelbe adopted for continental ciscoes as a validalternative to protect significant evolutionaryprocesses of divergence encountered inpolytypic species of newly colonized habitats.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the interesting phylum of Planctomycetes has increased in the last decades both due to cultural and molecular methods. Although a restricted number of species have been described to date, this group presents a much larger diversity that has been mainly revealed by molecular ecology studies. Isolation experiments allowed us to get a number of new Planctomycetes taxa that extend the already described ones. In this work we present the ultrastructural morphological characterization of these new taxa as well as we give new details of Aquisphaera giovannonii ultrastructure. Furthermore, our interpretation on Planctomycetes cell envelope is provided.  相似文献   

Seed protein analysis and morphological characterization were carried out in one cultivated and one wild species of Sesamum, Sesamum indicum L. and S. occidentale Regel and Heer. Data on 13 quantitative and 33 qualitative characters of the cultivated species and seven accessions of the wild taxa were analyzed. The genetic diversity of the taxa was assessed using UPGMA dendrogram and one-way ANOVA (p?<?0.05). Principal component analysis (PCA) was executed to identify the significant characters to delimit the taxa. Seed protein analysis showed diverse bands, ranging from 16 to 88?kDa. A dendrogram based on UPGMA analysis of seed protein suggested intraspecific relationships of the wild taxa as evidenced from the morphological characterization.  相似文献   

The genus Auricullina Vassiljeva, 1998 and its type species A. papulosa Vassiljeva, 1998 are redescribed based on new well-preserved material, which allows me to revise the generic diagnosis and greatly add to the morphological characterization of the type species. A new species, A. granulosa sp. nov., is described from the Botomian of Australia. The synonymy of the taxa is improved. The morphology and function of shell pores in Cambrian univalved mollusks are discussed.  相似文献   


Key message

ISSR characterization of Chukrasia populations from the natural range revealed two distinct groups of populations consonant with morphological differentiation. Results suggest the current taxonomic classification of the genus should be reviewed.


There are different views as to whether the genus Chukrasia (Meliaceae) consists of one species, C. tabularis, or two species C. tabularis and C. velutina. Despite a clear pattern of variation in many morphological characteristics such as leaves and bark, some authors regard the latter merely an ecotype of the former in seasonal forest. In the present study, we used ISSR markers to determine the genetic diversity and population structure among 23 Chukrasia subpopulations from across the natural range in Asia. Molecular analysis clearly differentiated two distinct groups of subpopulations, corresponding to the putative species, as well as well-defined subpopulations corresponding to geographic regions within the two groups. The molecular results are in concordance with morphological differentiation and corresponded to the two recognized taxa. The present study suggests that current taxonomic classification of the genus Chukrasia should be reviewed.  相似文献   

淫羊藿是我国特有且传统的重要药用植物,逐渐步入大宗品种行列。物种的准确鉴定是药效保障和用药安全的前提,为促进其资源的合理开发和利用,该文对淫羊藿属分类学研究进行系统梳理,并对其中存在的问题及存疑类群进行阐述。淫羊藿属共发表68种,中国58种(85.3%),其中57种为特有分布,具有显著的资源优势。淫羊藿属中国类群的分类学研究较为特殊,共26种集中发表于1990s,共31种(53.4%)为国外研究者命名,且绝大多数依据少量栽培个体命名。由于缺乏广泛的形态调查和性状变异分析,导致大量类群的形态描述不准确或不全面,后续20个类群被归并或降级。依据栽培个体命名的类群是补充描述和分类修订的重点。花色、根茎类型、花茎叶的数量及着生方式等性状在中国类群中存在广泛变异。经分类修订后,该属目前包括46种、1亚种和2变种。淫羊藿属中国组类群仍处于活跃进化中,其形态变异复杂,种间关系无法得到解决,为该属分类的最大挑战。但种质资源的研究和利用需要建立在清晰的分类学基础上。未来研究应基于居群调查,完善各物种的形态描述;在此基础上,整合形态变异特征、地理分布格局和基因序列特征,检测自然种间杂交事件,从而揭示物种的...  相似文献   

We have tested whether Scabiosa columbaria s. str. could have originated by recent homoploid hybrid speciation because it is of intermediate morphology and is distributed in areas under glacial influence. Existing morphological and new RAPD data for 11 ingroup populations were analysed using multivariate statistics. Most methods indicated that S. columbaria s. str. could be the first example for a homoploid hybrid origin from Central Europe although a rigorous proof was missing partly because of ongoing introgression. Sequence variation was absent for 5,000 bp from 11 regions supporting a postglacial origin of S. columbaria s. str. An analysis of realized macroclimatic niches using GIS data showed that the niches of S. columbaria s. str. were partly intermediate between its putative parental species rather than extreme as often found in other homoploid hybrids. This could be due to geographical preconditions: large new habitats were available in postglacial Europe while in the case of most other homoploid hybrids only ecologically challenging habitats were not occupied by parental taxa.  相似文献   

The family Kareniaceae is mostly known in France for recurrent blooms of Karenia mikimotoi in the Atlantic, English Channel, and Mediterranean Sea and for the unusual green discoloration in the saltwater lagoon of Diana (Corsica) caused by Karlodinium corsicum in April 1994. In terms of diversity, this taxonomic group was long overlooked owing to the difficult identification of these small unarmored dinoflagellates. In this study, thanks to the molecular characterization performed on single cells from field samples and cultures, twelve taxonomic units were assigned to the known genera Karenia, Karlodinium and Takayama, whereas one could not be affiliated to any described genus. The molecular phylogeny inferred from the D1–D2 region of the LSU rDNA showed that five of them formed a sister taxon of a known species, and could not be identified at species-level, on the basis of molecular analysis only. Among these latter taxa, one Karlodinium which was successfully cultured was investigated by studying the external morphological features (using two procedures for cells fixation), ultrastructure, pigment composition, and haemolytic activity. The results of our analyses corroborate the genetic results in favour of the erection of Karlodinium gentienii sp. nov., which possesses an internal complex system of trichocysts connected to external micro-processes particularly abundant in the epicone, and a peculiar pigment composition. In addition, preliminary assays showed a haemolytic activity.  相似文献   

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