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Bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus) experienced a severe demographic population bottleneck caused by commercial whaling that ceased in 1914. Aboriginal subsistence whale harvests have continued and are managed by the International Whaling Commission. In an effort to provide management advice for bowhead whales, 25 microsatellite loci were isolated from genomic DNA libraries. This panel of markers will be utilized to analyse stock structure hypotheses of current bowhead whale populations.  相似文献   

Bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus) of the Bering‐Chukchi‐Beaufort population migrate in nearshore leads through the Chukchi Sea each spring to summering grounds in the Beaufort Sea. As part of a population abundance study, hydrophones were deployed in the Chukchi Sea off Point Barrow, (12 April to 27 May 2011) and in the Beaufort Sea (12 April to 30 June 2011). Data from these sites were analyzed for the presence of bowhead whale song. We identified 12 unique song types sung by at least 32 individuals during ~95 h of recordings off Point Barrow. Six of these songs were detected at the Beaufort MARU site as well as six additional song types that were not analyzed. These results suggest a shared song repertoire among some individuals. This report represents the greatest number of songs to date during the spring migration for this population. We attribute this greater variety to population growth over the 30 yr since acoustic monitoring began in the early 1980s. Singing during early to mid‐spring is consistent with the hypothesis that song is a reproductive display, but further research is necessary to understand the exact function of this complex vocal behavior.  相似文献   

Balaenid whales perform long breath-hold foraging dives despite a high drag from their ram filtration of zooplankton. To maximize the volume of prey acquired in a dive with limited oxygen supplies, balaenids must either filter feed only occasionally when prey density is particularly high, or they must swim at slow speeds while filtering to reduce drag and oxygen consumption. Using digital tags with three-axis accelerometers, we studied bowhead whales feeding off West Greenland and present here, to our knowledge, the first detailed data on the kinematics and swimming behaviour of a balaenid whale filter feeding at depth. Bowhead whales employ a continuous fluking gait throughout the bottom phase of foraging dives, moving at very slow speeds (less than 1 m s−1), allowing them to filter feed continuously at depth. Despite the slow speeds, the large mouth aperture provides a water filtration rate of approximately 3 m3 s−1, amounting to some 2000 tonnes of water and prey filtered per dive. We conclude that a food niche of dense, slow-moving zooplankton prey has led balaenids to evolve locomotor and filtering systems adapted to work against a high drag at swimming speeds of less than 0.07 body length s−1 using a continuous fluking gait very different from that of nekton-feeding, aquatic predators.  相似文献   

  • 1 Little is known about the endangered population of bowhead whales Balaena mysticetus in the Okhotsk Sea (OS). Here, we review existing information about this stock, including much material published in Russian.
  • 2 Whaling for OS bowheads began around 1846, was pursued intensively for two decades and continued sporadically until about 1913. Beginning in 1967, whalers from the USSR killed bowheads illegally, although the number of whales taken remains unknown. Estimates of the pre‐exploitation population size have ranged from 3000 to 20000 whales, but all such estimates are based upon untested assumptions and incomplete data.
  • 3 Information on historical and current distribution of bowheads comes from whaling records (notably Townsend 1935 ) and from modern (notably Russian/Soviet) marine mammal surveys. Little is known about winter distribution. During spring and summer, known bowhead concentrations occur in Shelikhov Bay and at Shantar. Although historical whaling data show bowheads in Shelikhov Bay during summer and early autumn, there have been no recent sightings later than June. However, extensive 19th century catches were made over much of the northern OS, and the present range and habitat use of the population is probably broader than existing data suggest. There is evidence for age or maturational class segregation between Shantar and Shelikhov Bay; the former hosts immature whales and lactating females, and the latter hosts adults.
  • 4 Genetic data indicate that the OS bowhead stock is separate from the Bering‐Chukchi‐Beaufort population, but that the two populations share a common ancestry. There is no evidence that bowheads ever leave the OS.
  • 5 Russian observers have put the current size of the OS stock in the low hundreds, but this is not based on quantitative analysis. Overall, the OS bowhead population is very likely to be relatively small; it did not recover from the intensive whaling in the 19th century, and the illegal Soviet catches of the 1960s have further set back its recovery. Dedicated surveys and other research are required to assess the status and conservation needs of the population.

The stomach contents of four bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus) harvested between 1994 and 2008 from the Canadian Arctic were examined to assess diet composition. Three samples were collected from bowhead whales of the Eastern Canada–West Greenland (EC–WG) population and represent, according to our knowledge, the first diet analysis from this bowhead whale stock. We also examined the stomach content of one bowhead whale from the Bering-Chukchi-Beaufort (BCB) population hunted in 1996. All four whales had food in their stomachs and their diet varied from exclusively pelagic (BCB whale), with Limnocalanus macrurus being the main prey, to epibenthic and benthic (EC–WG) with Mysis oculata playing an important role. These results indicate broad foraging spectrum of the bowhead whales and add to a basic knowledge of their diet.  相似文献   

The results of molecular genetic analysis (full-length sequences of the mtDNA cytochrome b gene and control region and the allelic composition of 14 microsatellite loci) of 65 tissue samples from the endangered bowhead whale (Balaena mysticetus) population of the Sea of Okhotsk are presented. The data obtained enable the suggestion that at present, the state of the Sea of Okhotsk bowhead whale population is relatively stable.  相似文献   

Although there are several isolated references to the olfactory anatomy of mysticetes, it is usually thought that olfaction is rudimentary in this group. We investigated the olfactory anatomy of bowhead whales and found that these whales have a cribriform plate and small, but histologically complex olfactory bulb. The olfactory bulb makes up approximately 0.13% of brain weight, unlike odontocetes where this structure is absent. We also determined that 51% of olfactory receptor genes were intact, unlike odontocetes, where this number is less than 25%. This suggests that bowheads have a sense of smell, and we speculate that they may use this to find aggregations of krill on which they feed.  相似文献   

By the end of the 19th century, European whalers had brought the bowhead whale (Balaena mysticetus) in the “Spitsbergen stock” ranging the waters between eastern Greenland and the western Russian Arctic to the verge of extinction. This paper presents observations of this species in Northeast Greenland and in the Greenland Sea between 1940 and 2004. The number of observations has increased in Northeast Greenland since the mid-1980s. Only three observations are known for the period 1940–1979 but during the 1980s, the 1990s and between 2000 and 2004, six, six and eight observations of bowhead whales were made, involving an absolute minimum of three, five and eight to ten different individuals, respectively. It remains uncertain whether this represents an increase in survey effort, an immigration from other areas, a recent recovery of an eastern Greenland relict “tribe” belonging to the Spitsbergen stock, or a combination of these factors.  相似文献   

A study of the microbiological flora isolated from cultures of normal and lesional skin tissue samples collected from 19 bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus) over a 4 yr period is presented. These cultures were obtained from 30 tissue samples (17 normal, 13 lesion) and 248 swab samples (157 normal, 91 lesion). Seven hundred-thirty bacterial and yeast isolations were made (285 normal, 445 lesion). Distribution revealed that 56% of the gram positive bacterial isolates, 75% of the gram negative bacterial isolates and 64% of the yeast isolates recovered were associated with lesional skin. It was found that 80% of one group of Corynebacterium sp. isolates, 90% of the Acinetobacter sp. isolates and 94% of the Moraxella sp. isolates were associated with lesional skin. Although the primary yeasts recovered were Candida spp., they were found on both normal and lesional skin. Enzymatic assays of isolates from normal and lesional skin demonstrated production of enzymes capable of causing necrosis. The majority of the microorganisms recovered were facultative anaerobes and many of them could be considered potential pathogens of mammalian hosts.  相似文献   

Sera from four bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus L.) were examined for the presence of specific antibodies, and tissue and swab samples from six and four animals respectively were processed for isolation of viruses and for initiation of bowhead whale cell cultures. All sera were negative for antibodies to nine serovars of Leptospira interrogans and to 21 orthomyxovirus subtypes and a paramyxovirus (Newcastle disease virus). All sera were positive, however, for neutralizing antibodies to one or more calicivirus serotypes. Two untyped adenoviruses were isolated from colon samples of two different whales, but neutralizing antibodies to the agents could not be demonstrated in any sera. Three primary bowhead whale cell cultures were derived from kidney (two cultures) and testis (one culture), from three individual whales.  相似文献   

Zeh J  Poole D  Miller G  Koski W  Baraff L  Rugh D 《Biometrics》2002,58(4):832-840
Annual survival probability of bowhead whales, Balaena mysticetus, was estimated using both Bayesian and maximum likelihood implementations of Cormack and Jolly-Seber (JS) models for capture-recapture estimation in open populations and reduced-parameter generalizations of these models. Aerial photographs of naturally marked bowheads collected between 1981 and 1998 provided the data. The marked whales first photographed in a particular year provided the initial 'capture' and 'release' of those marked whales and photographs in subsequent years the 'recaptures'. The Cormack model, often called the Cormack-Jolly-Seber (CJS) model, and the program MARK were used to identify the model with a single survival and time-varying capture probabilities as the most appropriate for these data. When survival was constrained to be one or less, the maximum likelihood estimate computed by MARK was one, invalidating confidence interval computations based on the asymptotic standard error or profile likelihood. A Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) implementation of the model was used to produce a posterior distribution for annual survival. The corresponding reduced-parameter JS model was also fit via MCMC because it is the more appropriate of the two models for these photoidentification data. Because the CJS model ignores much of the information on capture probabilities provided by the data, its results are less precise and more sensitive to the prior distributions used than results from the JS model. With priors for annual survival and capture probabilities uniform from 0 to 1, the posterior mean for bowhead survival rate from the JS model is 0.984, and 95% of the posterior probability lies between 0.948 and 1. This high estimated survival rate is consistent with other bowhead life history data.  相似文献   

Killer whales (Orcinus orca) are increasing in occurrence and residence time in the eastern Canadian Arctic (ECA) in part due to a decrease in sea ice associated with global climate change. Killer whales prey on bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus) of the Eastern Canada-West Greenland (EC-WG) population, but their patterns of predation pressure and effect on the EC-WG population’s ability to recover from historical whaling remain unknown. We analyzed photographs of individual bowhead whale flukes from five regions within the EC-WG population’s geographic range (Cumberland Sound, Foxe Basin, Isabella Bay, Repulse Bay and Disko Bay), taken during 1986 and from 2007 to 2012, to estimate the occurrence of rake marks (parallel scars caused by killer whale teeth). Of 598 identified whales, 10.2 % bore rake marks from killer whales. A higher occurrence of rake marks was found in Repulse and Disko Bays, where primarily adult bowhead whales occur seasonally, than in Foxe Basin, where juveniles and females with calves occur. Older bowheads, which have had greater exposure time to killer whales due to their age, had higher occurrences of rake marks than juveniles and calves, which may indicate that younger whales do not survive killer whale attacks. A high proportion of adult females also had rake marks, perhaps due to protecting their calves from killer whale predation. In order to quantify the effect of killer whales on EC-WG population recovery, further research is needed on the relationship between the occurrence of rake marks and bowhead adult, calf, and juvenile mortality in the ECA, as well as more information about Arctic killer whale ecology.  相似文献   

A fractured right mandible with midlength nonunion and oral lesions were noted in a subsistence-harvested female bowhead whale (Balaena mysticetus) near Wainwright, Alaska (USA). The cause of the fracture was not apparent. The fracture resulted in misalignment of the mandible. The abnormal mobility at the fracture site probably caused irregular baleen stowage within the oral cavity, leading to breakage of many baleen plates and extensive ulceration of the tongue and lips. Good body condition suggested the fracture was not debilitating.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences were analyzed from 106 bowhead whale (Balaena mysticetus) specimens dating 471 ± 44 14C b.p. –10,290 ± 150 14C b.p. to evaluate whether historical changes in distribution and connectivity were detectable in levels of diversity and population structuring in the Central Canadian Arctic. The species has maintained levels of mtDNA diversity over 10,000 yr comparable to other nonbottlenecked large whale species. When compared to data from the Holocene East Greenland/Spitsbergen and contemporary Bering‐Chuckchi‐Beaufort populations, differentiation was low (FST≤ 0.005, ΦST≤ 0.003) and no temporal or geographical genetic structuring was evident. A combination of analyses suggests that the population has expanded over the past 30,000 14C yr. This genetic signature of expansion could result from population growth, admixture of multiple gene pools, or a combination of both scenarios. Despite known climatic change that altered bowhead distribution and led to isolation of populations, there is no detectable population structuring or change in genetic diversity during the Holocene. This may be due to long generation time, occasional population connectivity and a historically large global population. These characteristics warrant caution when interpreting contemporary bowhead whale DNA data, as it is unlikely that any population will be in mutation‐drift equilibrium.  相似文献   

This study assesses effects of airgun sounds on bowhead calling behavior during the autumn migration. In August–October 2007, 35 directional acoustic recorders (DASARs) were deployed at five sites in the Alaskan Beaufort Sea. Location estimates were obtained for >137,500 individual calls; a subsample of locations with high detection probability was used in the analyses. Call localization rates (CLRs) were compared before, during, and after periods of airgun use between sites near seismic activities (median distance 41–45 km) and sites relatively distant from seismic activities (median distance >104 km). At the onset of airgun use, CLRs dropped significantly at sites near the airguns, where median received levels from airgun pulses (SPL) were 116–129 dB re 1 μPa (10–450 Hz). CLRs remained unchanged at sites distant from the airguns, where median received levels were 99–108 dB re 1 μPa. This drop could result from a cessation of calling, deflection of whales around seismic activities, or both combined, but call locations alone were insufficient to differentiate between these possibilities. Reverberation from airgun pulses could have masked a small number of calls near the airguns, but even if masking did take place, the analysis results remain unchanged.  相似文献   

Sea ice is believed to be a major factor shaping gene flow for polar marine organisms, but it remains unclear to what extent it represents a true barrier to dispersal for arctic cetaceans. Bowhead whales are highly adapted to polar sea ice and were targeted by commercial whalers throughout Arctic and subarctic seas for at least four centuries, resulting in severe reductions in most areas. Both changing ice conditions and reductions due to whaling may have affected geographic distribution and genetic diversity throughout their range, but little is known about range‐wide genetic structure or whether it differed in the past. This study represents the first examination of genetic diversity and differentiation across all five putative stocks, including Baffin Bay‐Davis Strait, Hudson Bay‐Foxe Basin, Bering‐Beaufort‐Chukchi, Okhotsk, and Spitsbergen. We also utilized ancient specimens from Prince Regent Inlet (PRI) in the Canadian Arctic and compared them with modern stocks. Results from analysis of molecular variance and demographic simulations are consistent with recent and high gene flow between Atlantic and Pacific stocks in the recent past. Significant genetic differences between ancient and modern populations suggest PRI harbored unique maternal lineages in the past that have been recently lost, possibly due to loss of habitat during the Little Ice Age and/or whaling. Unexpectedly, samples from this location show a closer genetic relationship with modern Pacific stocks than Atlantic, supporting high gene flow between the central Canadian Arctic and Beaufort Sea over the past millennium despite extremely heavy ice cover over much of this period.  相似文献   

Gastric and cranial duodenal structure of the bowhead whale (Balaena mysticetus) was examined grossly and microscopically. The stomach was arranged in a series of four compartments. The first chamber, or forestomach, was a large nonglandular sac lined by a keratinized stratified squamous epithelium. It was followed by the fundic chamber, a large, somewhat globular and entirely glandular compartment. At the entrance of the fundic chamber, a narrow cardiac gland region could be defined. The remaining mucosa of the chamber contained the proper gastric glands. A narrow, tubular connecting channel, the third distinct gastric division, was lined by mucous glands and joined the fundic chamber with the final stomach compartment, or pyloric chamber. This fourth chamber was also tubular and lined by mucous glands but was of a diameter considerably larger than the connecting channel. The stomach terminated at the pyloric sphincter which consisted of a well-developed band of circular smooth-muscle bundles effecting a division between the pyloric chamber and small intestine. The small intestine began with the duodenal ampulla, a dilated sac considerably smaller than the fundic chamber of the stomach. The mucosa of this sac contained mucous glands throughout. The ampulla led without a separating sphincter into the duodenum proper which continued the intestine in a much more narrow tubular fashion. The mucosal lining of the duodenum was composed of villi and intestinal crypts. Although their occurrence varied among whales, enteroendocrine cells were identified within the mucous glands of the cardiac region, connecting channel, pyloric chamber, and cranial duodenum. The hepatopancreatic duct entered the wall of the duodenum shortly after the termination of the duodenal ampulla and continued intramurally along the intestine before finally joining the duodenal lumen.  相似文献   

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