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Secondary transporters of citrate in complex with metal ions belong to the bacterial CitMHS family, about which little is known. The transport of metal-citrate complexes in Streptomyces coelicolor has been investigated. The best cofactor for citrate uptake in Streptomyces coelicolor is Fe(3+), but uptake was also noted for Ca(2+), Pb(2+), Ba(2+), and Mn(2+). Uptake was not observed with the Mg(2+), Ni(2+), or Co(2+) cofactor. The transportation of iron- and calcium-citrate makes these systems unique among the CitMHS family members reported to date. No complementary uptake akin to that observed for the CitH (Ca(2+), Ba(2+), Sr(2+)) and CitM (Mg(2+), Ni(2+), Mn(2+), Co(2+), Zn(2+)) systems of Bacillus subtilis was noted. Competitive experiments using EGTA confirmed that metal-citrate complex formation promoted citrate uptake. Uptake of free citrate was not observed. The open reading frame postulated as being responsible for the metal-citrate transport observed in Streptomyces coelicolor was cloned and overexpressed in Escherichia coli strains with the primary Fe(3+)-citrate transport system (fecABCDE) removed. Functional expression was successful, with uptake of Ca(2+)-citrate, Fe(3+)-citrate, and Pb(2+)-citrate observed. No free-citrate transport was observed in IPTG (isopropyl-beta-d-thiogalactopyranoside)-induced or -uninduced E. coli. Metabolism of the Fe(3+)-citrate and Ca(2+)-citrate complexes, but not the Pb(2+)-citrate complex, was observed. Rationalization is based on the difference in metal-complex coordination upon binding of the metal by citrate.  相似文献   

A total of 92 enterococci, isolated from the faeces of minipigs subjected to an in vivo feeding trial, were screened for the production of antimicrobial substances. Bacteriocin production was confirmed for seven strains, of which four were identified as Enterococcus faecalis and three as Enterococcus faecium, on the basis of physiological and biochemical characteristics. The bacteriocins produced by the Ent. faecalis strains showed a narrow spectrum of activity, mainly against other Enterococcus spp., compared with those from the Ent. faecium strains showing a broader spectrum of activity, against indicator strains of Enterococcus spp., Listeria spp., Clostridium spp. and Propionibacterium spp. The bacteriocins of all seven Enterococcus strains were inactivated by alpha-chymotrypsin, proteinase K, trypsin, pronase, pepsin and papain, but not by lipase, lysozyme and catalase. The bacteriocins were heat stable and displayed highest activity at neutral pH. The molecular weight of the bacteriocins, as determined by tricine SDS-PAGE, was approximately 3.4 kDa. Only the strains of Ent. faecalis were found to contain plasmids. PCR detection revealed that the bacteriocins produced by Ent. faecium BFE 1170 and BFE 1228 were similar to enterocin A, whereas those produced by Ent. faecium BFE 1072 displayed homology with enterocin L50A and B.  相似文献   

We report here the molecular cloning, expression and characterization of a novel endo-alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminidase, classified into the GH101 family, from Enterococcus faecalis (endo-EF). The recombinant endo-EF was found to catalyze the liberation of core1-disaccharides (Galbeta1-3GalNAc) from core1-pNP (Galbeta1-3GalNAcalpha-pNP) like other GH101 family enzymes. However, endo-EF seems to differ in specificity from the GH101 enzymes reported to date, because it was able to release trisaccharides from core2-pNP (Galbeta1-3[GlcNAcbeta1-6]GalNAcalpha-pNP) and tetrasaccharides from Gal-core2-pNP (Galbeta1-3[Galbeta1-3GlcNAcbeta1-6]GalNAcalpha-pNP). Interestingly, the enzyme could transfer not only core1-disaccharides but also core2-trisaccharides to alkanols generating alkyl-oligosaccharides. Endo-EF should facilitate O-glycoprotein research.  相似文献   

AIMS: To assess the inhibitory activity on Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria of several species of enterococci recovered from a natural corn silage. METHODS AND RESULTS: The inhibitory activity of strains of Enterococcus faecalis (58), Enterococcus faecium (35), Enterococcus gallinarum (3) and Enterococcus casseliflavus (4) were studied employing indicator strains from various sources (clinical, food and ATCC). Enterococcus faecalis MR99, the only strain with inhibitory activity, inhibited other enterococci, Listeria spp., Staphylococcus aureus, Clostridium spp., Bacillus spp., Escherichia coli, Shigella sonnei and Shigella flexneri. The bacterium contained only one conjugative pheromone-responsive plasmid. The partially chromatography-purified MR99 enterocin (PPE) had a molecular weight of approx. 5000 Da and a pI of 6.2, was sensitive to proteolytic enzymes and could be extracted in benzene and butanol. It appeared stable to adjustment of pH 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0 and 8.0 and was resistant to heat. Inactivation was at 15 min at 121 degrees C. Enterocin MR99 was bactericidal on strains of Listeria monocytogenes, Staph. aureus, and bovine mastitis agents, it was bacteriostatic on E. coli. Although enterocins MR99 and AS48 have inhibitory activity on Gram-negative bacilli, PCR studies demonstrated a lack of relationship between them. CONCLUSIONS: The active component had a protein nature, was resistant to heat and presented a wide inhibitory spectrum. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The biological properties of Ent. faecalis MR99 suggest that this strain merits further investigations so it can be applied in human and veterinary health programmes.  相似文献   

Wild flowers in the South of Spain were screened for Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium. Enterococci were frequently associated with prickypear and fieldpoppy flowers. Forty-six isolates, from 8 different flower species, were identified as E. faecalis (28 isolates) or E. faecium (18 isolates) and clustered in well-defined groups by ERIC-PCR fingerprinting. A high incidence of antibiotic resistance was detected among the E. faecalis isolates, especially to quinupristin/dalfopristin (75%), rifampicin (68%) and ciprofloxacin (57%), and to a lesser extent to levofloxacin (35.7%), erythromycin (28.5%), tetracycline (3.5%), chloramphenicol (3.5%) and streptomycin (3.5%). Similar results were observed for E. faecium isolates, except for a higher incidence of resistance to tetracycline (17%) and lower to erythromycin (11%) or quinupristin/dalfopristin (22%). Vancomycin or teicoplanin resistances were not detected. Most isolates (especially E. faecalis) were proteolytic and carried the gelatinase gene gelE. Genes encoding other potential virulence factors (ace, efaA fs, ccf and cpd) were frequently detected. Cytolysin genes were mainly detected in a few haemolytic E. faecium isolates, three of which also carried the collagen adhesin acm gene. Hyaluronidase gene (hyl Efm ) was detected in two isolates. Many isolates produced bacteriocins and carried genes for enterocins A, B, and L50 mainly. The similarities found between enterococci from wild flowers and those from animal and food sources raise new questions about the puzzling lifestyle of these commensals and opportunistic pathogens.  相似文献   

目的 筛选1株能够产业化、替代粪肠球菌的芽胞杆菌。方法 从健康鸡、鸭、仔猪的粪便与肠道内容物中筛选,采用选择性培养基和耐酸耐胆盐发酵,通过耐人工肠液和人工胃液试验与粪肠球菌比较得到1株产酸能力较好的替代粪肠球菌的芽胞杆菌,并对其性质进行研究。结果 所筛选的芽胞杆菌(GY0520)对人工胃液、人工肠液有很好耐受性,90 ℃水浴15 min存活率为97%,能够产生大量有机酸,有利于提高动物机体的抗病能力及改善其生理性能,但对抗生素有一定的敏感性,不能配伍使用。结论 所筛选的芽胞杆菌能够替代粪肠球菌用于生产,为养殖业的微生态产品提高稳定性提供参考。  相似文献   

Pathogenic fungi drastically affect plant health and cause significant losses in crop yield and quality. In spite of their impact, little is known about the carbon sources used by these fungi in planta and about the fungal transporters importing sugars from the plant-fungus interface. Here, we report on the identification and characterization of MELIBIOSE TRANSPORTER1 (MBT1) from the hemibiotrophic fungus Colletotrichum graminicola (teleomorph Glomerella graminicola), the causal agent of leaf anthracnose and stalk rot disease in maize (Zea mays). Functional characterization of the MBT1 protein in baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) expressing the MBT1 cDNA revealed that α-D-galactopyranosyl compounds such as melibiose, galactinol, and raffinose are substrates of MBT1, with melibiose most likely being the preferred substrate. α-D-glucopyranosyl disaccharides like trehalose, isomaltose, or maltose are also accepted by MBT1, although with lower affinities. The MBT1 gene shows low and comparable expression levels in axenically grown C. graminicola and upon infection of maize leaves both during the initial biotrophic development of the fungus and during the subsequent necrotrophic phase. Despite these low levels of MBT1 expression, the MBT1 protein allows efficient growth of C. graminicola on melibiose as sole carbon source in axenic cultures. Although Δmbt1 mutants are unable to grow on melibiose, they do not show virulence defects on maize.  相似文献   

Drought is one of the most significant abiotic stresses that influence plant growth anddevelopment.Expression analysis revealed that OsNRT1.3,a putative nitrate transporter gene in rice,wasinduced by drought.To confirm if the OsNRT1.3 promoter can respond to drought stress,a 2019 bpupstream sequence of OsNRT1.3 was cloned.Three OsNRT1.3 promoter fragments were generated by5′-deletion,and fused to the β-glucuronidase (GUS) gene.The chimeric genes were introduced into riceplants.NRT2019::GUS,NRT1196::GUS and NRT719::GUS showed similar expression patterns in seeds,roots,leaves and flowers in all transgenic rice,and GUS activity conferred by different OsNRT1.3 promoterfragments was significantly upregulated by drought stress,indicating that OsNRT1.3 promoter responds todrought stress and the 719 bp upstream sequence of OsNRT1.3 contains the drought response elements.  相似文献   

粪肠球菌和屎肠球菌耐药性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 监测我院肠球菌中粪肠球菌株和屎肠球菌株的耐药性,为临床合理应用抗菌药物提供依据。方法 采用法国生物梅里埃公司的GPI板进行细菌鉴定及药敏试验,应用whonet5软件统计粪肠球菌和屎肠球菌的耐药率。结果 粪肠球菌和屎肠球菌对氯霉素、呋喃妥因、万古霉素有较好体外抗菌活性,耐药率都在50%以下,对万古霉素的耐药率在1%以下。粪肠球菌对青霉素、高水平庆大霉素、环丙沙星、利福平、红霉素等大部分抗菌素的耐药率有逐年下降趋势,而屎肠球菌对环丙沙星、利福平、呋喃妥因等抗菌素的耐药率则有上升趋势,屎肠球菌对大多数抗菌素耐药率都高于粪肠球菌。结论 粪肠球菌和屎肠球菌呈多重耐药,临床用药应结合药敏试验结果合理选择抗菌药物。  相似文献   

The major peptidoglycan hydrolase of Enterococcus faecalis, AtlA, has been identified, but its enzyme activity remains unknown. We have used tandem mass spectrometry analysis of peptidoglycan hydrolysis products obtained using the purified protein to show that AtlA is an N-acetylglucosaminidase. To gain insight into the regulation of its enzyme activity, the three domains of AtlA were purified alone or in combination following expression of truncated forms of the atlA gene in Escherichia coli or partial digestion of AtlA by proteinase K. The central domain of AtlA was catalytically active, but its activity was more than two orders of magnitude lower than that of the complete protein. Partial proteolysis of AtlA was detected in vivo: zymograms of E. faecalis extracts revealed two catalytically active protein bands of 62 and 72 kDa that were both absent in extracts from an atlA null mutant. Limited digestion of AtlA by proteinase K in vitro suggested that the proteolytic cleavage of AtlA in E. faecalis extracts corresponds to the truncation of the N-terminal domain, which is rich in threonine and glutamic acid residues. We show that the truncation of the N-terminal domain from recombinant AtlA has no impact on enzyme activity. The C-terminal domain of the protein, which contains six LysM modules bound to highly purified peptidoglycan, was required for optimal enzyme activity. These data indicate that AtlA is not produced as a proenzyme and that control of the AtlA glucosaminidase activity is likely to occur at the level of LysM-mediated binding to peptidoglycan.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Because Candida albicans is resistant to several antifungal antibiotics, there is a need to identify other less toxic natural products, particularly antimicrobial proteins, peptides or bacteriocin like inhibitory substances. An attempt has been made to purify and characterise an anti-Candida compound produced by Enterococcus faecalis. RESULTS: An anti-Candida protein (ACP) produced by E. faecalis active against 8 C. albicans strains was characterised and partially purified. The ACP showed a broad-spectrum activity against multidrug resistant C. albicans MTCC 183, MTCC 7315, MTCC 3958, NCIM 3557, NCIM 3471 and DI. It was completely inactivated by treatment with proteinase K and partially by pronase E. The ACP retained biological stability after heat-treatment at 90 degreesC for 20 min, maintained activity over a pH range 6-10, and remained active after treatment with alpha-amylase, lipase, organic solvents, and detergents. The antimicrobial activity of the E. faecalis strain was found exclusively in the extracellular filtrate produced in the late logarithmic growth phase. The highest activity (1600 AU mL-1) against C. albicans MTCC 183 was recorded at 48 h of incubation, and activity decreased thereafter. The peptide showed very low haemagglutination and hemolytic activities against human red blood cells. The antimicrobial substance was purified by salt-fractionation and chromatography. Partially purified ACP had a molecular weight of approximately 43 KDa in tricine-PAGE analysis. The 12 amino acid N terminal sequence was obtained by Edman degradation. The peptide was de novo sequenced by ESI-MS, and the deduced combined sequence when compared to other bacteriocins and antimicrobial peptide had no significant sequence similarity. CONCLUSIONS: The inhibitory activity of the test strain is due to the synthesis of an antimicrobial protein. To our knowledge, this is the first report on the isolation of a promising non-haemolytic anti- Candida protein from E. faecalis that might be used to treat candidiasis especially in immunocompromised patients.  相似文献   

Lactic acid bacteria exhibiting activity against the gram-positive bacterium Bacillus subtilis were isolated from rice bran. One of the isolates, identified as Enterococcus faecalis RJ-11, exhibited a wide spectrum of growth inhibition with various gram-positive bacteria. A bacteriocin purified from culture fluid, designated enterocin RJ-11, was heat stable and was not sensitive to acid and alkaline conditions, but it was sensitive to several proteolytic enzymes. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis revealed that enterocin RJ-11 had a molecular weight of 5,000 in its monomeric form. The amino acid sequence determined for purified enterocin RJ-11 exhibited high levels of similarity to the sequences of enterocins produced by Enterococcus faecium.  相似文献   

Topological analysis with a phoA gene fusion suggested that Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans MerC, a mercury transporter, has two periplasmic loops and four transmembrane domains. Cys-23 and Cys-26 of the protein were involved in Hg(2+)-recognition/uptake, but Cys-132 and Cys-137 were not. Escherichia coli cells producing the MerC were hypersensitive to CdCl(2). In this case, mutation of His72 rendered the host cells less CdCl(2) sensitive, whereas none of the Cys residues affected it. E. coli cells expressing the gene encoding a mercuric ion transporter (merC)-deletion mutant, in which the coding-sequence of the carboxy-terminal cytoplasmic region was removed, retained Hg(2+) hypersensitivity and showed about 55% HgCl(2) uptake ability compared to that of the one expressing the intact merC, indicating that the region is not essential for Hg(2+) uptake. Coexpression of A. ferrooxidans the gene encoding mercuric reductase (merA) and the merC deletion mutation conferred HgCl(2) tolerance to E. coli host cells. Under this condition, the merC deletion gene product was exclusively present as a monomer.  相似文献   

Leishmania major, like all the other kinetoplastid protozoa, are unable to synthesize purines and rely on purine nucleobase and nucleoside acquisition across the parasite plasma membrane by specific permeases. Although, several genes have been cloned that encode nucleoside transporters in Leishmania and Trypanosoma brucei, much less progress has been made on nucleobase transporters, especially at the molecular level. The studies reported here have cloned and expressed the first gene for a L. major nucleobase transporter, designated LmaNT3. The LmaNT3 permease shows 33% identity to L. donovani nucleoside transporter 1.1 (LdNT1.1) and is, thus, a member of the equilibrative nucleoside transporter (ENT) family. ENT family members identified to date are nucleoside transporters, some of which also transport one or several nucleobases. Functional expression studies in Xenopus laevis oocytes revealed that LmaNT3 mediates high levels of uptake of hypoxanthine, xanthine, adenine and guanine. Moreover, LmaNT3 is an high affinity transporter with K(m) values for hypoxanthine, xanthine, adenine and guanine of 16.5 +/- 1.5, 8.5 +/- 0.6, 8.5 +/- 1.1, and 8.8 +/- 4.0 microM, respectively. LmaNT3 is, thus, the first member of the ENT family identified in any organism that functions as a nucleobase rather than nucleoside or nucleoside/nucleobase transporter.  相似文献   

The Na+-coupled dicarboxylate transporter, SdcL, from Bacillus licheniformis is a member of the divalent anion/Na+ symporter (DASS) family that includes the bacterial Na+/dicarboxylate cotransporter SdcS (from Staphyloccocus aureus) and the mammalian Na+/dicarboxylate cotransporters, NaDC1 and NaDC3. The transport properties of SdcL produced in Escherichia coli are similar to those of its prokaryotic and eukaryotic counterparts, involving the Na+-dependent transport of dicarboxylates such as succinate or malate across the cytoplasmic membrane with a Km of ~ 6 μM. SdcL may also transport aspartate, α-ketoglutarate and oxaloacetate with low affinity. The cotransport of Na+ and dicarboxylate by SdcL has an apparent stoichiometry of 2:1, and a K0.5 for Na+ of 0.9 mM. Our findings represent the characterization of another prokaryotic protein of the DASS family with transport properties similar to its eukaryotic counterparts, but with a broader substrate specificity than other prokaryotic DASS family members. The broader range of substrates carried by SdcL may provide insight into domains of the protein that allow a more flexible or larger substrate binding pocket.  相似文献   

The SLC13 transporter family, whose members play key physiological roles in the regulation of fatty acid synthesis, adiposity, insulin resistance, and other processes, catalyzes the transport of Krebs cycle intermediates and sulfate across the plasma membrane of mammalian cells. SLC13 transporters are part of the divalent anion:Na+ symporter (DASS) family that includes several well-characterized bacterial members. Despite sharing significant sequence similarity, the functional characteristics of DASS family members differ with regard to their substrate and coupling ion dependence. The publication of a high resolution structure of dimer VcINDY, a bacterial DASS family member, provides crucial structural insight into this transporter family. However, marrying this structural insight to the current functional understanding of this family also demands a comprehensive analysis of the transporter’s functional properties. To this end, we purified VcINDY, reconstituted it into liposomes, and determined its basic functional characteristics. Our data demonstrate that VcINDY is a high affinity, Na+-dependent transporter with a preference for C4- and C5-dicarboxylates. Transport of the model substrate, succinate, is highly pH dependent, consistent with VcINDY strongly preferring the substrate’s dianionic form. VcINDY transport is electrogenic with succinate coupled to the transport of three or more Na+ ions. In contrast to succinate, citrate, bound in the VcINDY crystal structure (in an inward-facing conformation), seems to interact only weakly with the transporter in vitro. These transport properties together provide a functional framework for future experimental and computational examinations of the VcINDY transport mechanism.  相似文献   

The prevalence of resistance to high levels of gentamicin among 182 isolates of Enterococcus faecalis from 2 Iranian hospitals was 42%. Gentamicin resistance was associated with conjugative plasmids (>70 kb) in most strains. Fingerprinting using EcoRI and HindIII showed genetic variation among these plasmids and gave evidence of nosocomial outbreaks and persistence of infection in different wards of the study hospitals, as well as transfer of plasmids between genetically diverse isolates. Using EcoRI, hospital-based specific plasmid fingerprints were detected for the isolates that had previously proved to be unrelated by multilocus enzyme electrophoresis, suggesting the persistence of related plasmids at each hospital, though minor changes in these related plasmids could be detected with HindIII.  相似文献   

Lactobacilli have been shown to be important in the maintenance of the healthy urogenital flora. One strain, Lactobacillus fermentum RC-14, releases surface-active components which can inhibit adhesion of uropathogenic bacteria. Using a quantitative method for determining inhibition of adhesion, a protein with high anti-adhesive properties against Enterococcus faecalis 1131 was purified. The N-terminal sequence of the 29-kDa protein was identical to that of a collagen-binding protein from Lactobacillus reuteri NCIB 11951, and exhibited close homology with a basic surface protein from L. fermentum BR11. The results suggest that this anti-adhesive cell surface protein of Lactobacillus could protect against uropathogens by preventing their adhesion. the Federation of European Microbiological Societies.  相似文献   

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