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Objective To investigate the effect of a structured warm-up programme designed to reduce the incidence of knee and ankle injuries in young people participating in sports.Design Cluster randomised controlled trial with clubs as the unit of randomisation.Setting 120 team handball clubs from central and eastern Norway (61 clubs in the intervention group, 59 in the control group) followed for one league season (eight months).Participants 1837 players aged 15-17 years; 958 players (808 female and 150 male) in the intervention group; 879 players (778 female and 101 male) in the control group.Intervention A structured warm-up programme to improve running, cutting, and landing technique as well as neuromuscular control, balance, and strength.Main outcome measure The rate of acute injuries to the knee or ankle.Results During the season, 129 acute knee or ankle injuries occurred, 81 injuries in the control group (0.9 (SE 0.09) injuries per 1000 player hours; 0.3 (SE 0.17) in training v 5.3 (SE 0.06) during matches) and 48 injuries in the intervention group (0.5 (SE 0.11) injuries per 1000 player hours; 0.2 (SE 0.18) in training v 2.5 (SE 0.06) during matches). Fewer injured players were in the intervention group than in the control group (46 (4.8%) v (76 (8.6%); relative risk intervention group v control group 0.53, 95% confidence interval 0.35 to 0.81).Conclusion A structured programme of warm-up exercises can prevent knee and ankle injuries in young people playing sports. Preventive training should therefore be introduced as an integral part of youth sports programmes.  相似文献   

Objective To determine the impact of a simple educational package for general practitioners on adherence to antihypertensive drugs.Design Cluster randomised controlled trial.Setting Six randomly selected communities in Karachi, Pakistan.Participants 200 patients with hypertension taking antihypertensive drugs; 78 general practitioners.Intervention Care by general practitioners specially trained in management of hypertension compared with usual care.Main outcome measure Correct dosing, defined as percentage of prescribed doses taken, measured with electronic medication event monitoring system (MEMS) bottle.Results 200 patients were enrolled, and 178 (89%) successfully completed six weeks of follow-up. Adherence was significantly greater in the special care group than in the usual care group (unadjusted mean percentage days with correct dose 48.1%, 95% confidence interval 35.8% to 60.4%, versus 32.4%, 22.6% to 42.3%; P=0.048). Adherence was also higher among patients who had higher levels of education (P<0.001), were encouraged by family members (P<0.001), believed in the effect of drugs (P<0.001), and had the purpose of the drugs explained to them (P<0.001).Conclusions Special training of general practitioners in management of hypertension, emphasising good communication between doctors and patients, is more effective than usual care provided in the communities in Karachi. Such simple interventions should be adopted by other developing countries that are now facing an increasing burden of hypertension.Trial registration Clinical trials NCT00330408.  相似文献   



Blinding trachoma, caused by ocular infection with Chlamydia trachomatis, is targeted for global elimination by 2020. Knowledge of risk factors can help target control interventions.

Methodology/Principal Findings

As part of a cluster randomised controlled trial, we assessed the baseline prevalence of, and risk factors for, active trachoma and ocular C. trachomatis infection in randomly selected children aged 0–5 years from 48 Gambian and 36 Tanzanian communities. Both children''s eyes were examined according to the World Health Organization (WHO) simplified grading system, and an ocular swab was taken from each child''s right eye and processed by Amplicor polymerase chain reaction to test for the presence of C. trachomatis DNA. Prevalence of active trachoma was 6.7% (335/5033) in The Gambia and 32.3% (1008/3122) in Tanzania. The countries'' corresponding Amplicor positive prevalences were 0.8% and 21.9%. After adjustment, risk factors for follicular trachoma (TF) in both countries were ocular or nasal discharge, a low level of household head education, and being aged ≥1 year. Additional risk factors in Tanzania were flies on the child''s face, being Amplicor positive, and crowding (the number of children per household). The risk factors for being Amplicor positive in Tanzania were similar to those for TF, with the exclusion of flies and crowding. In The Gambia, only ocular discharge was associated with being Amplicor positive.


These results indicate that although the prevalence of active trachoma and Amplicor positives were very different between the two countries, the risk factors for active trachoma were similar but those for being Amplicor positive were different. The lack of an association between being Amplicor positive and TF in The Gambia highlights the poor correlation between the presence of trachoma clinical signs and evidence of C. trachomatis infection in this setting. Only ocular discharge was associated with evidence of C. trachomatis DNA in The Gambia, suggesting that at this low endemicity, this may be the most important risk factor.

Trial Registration

ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00792922  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo measure the impact on transmission of leishmaniasis of curtains impregnated with insecticide.DesignCluster randomised controlled trial: household interview survey, observational study of people''s behaviour, entomological study with light trap captures of sandflies inside houses.Setting14 urban sectors in Trujillo, Venezuela.Participants2913 inhabitants of 569 houses.InterventionSectors were paired according to their 12 month cumulative incidence of cutaneous leishmaniasis, one sector in each pair was randomly allocated to receive polyester curtains impregnated with lambdacyhalothrin (intervention group) while the other sector received curtains without insecticide or no curtains (control groups). After 12 months a follow up household survey was conducted.ResultsTransmission of cutaneous leishmaniasis occurred mainly in the domestic setting, with the incidence over 12 months of 4%. The mean number of sandflies per trap per night was 16. After follow up the 12 month incidence of cutaneous leishmaniasis was 0% in the intervention group and 8% in the six pairs in the control group that received unimpregnated curtains (mean difference 8, 95% confidence interval 4.22 to 11.78; P=0.001). There were significantly fewer sandflies in the intervention group (2 v 15, mean difference 13 sandflies per trap; 9 to 17; P<0.001).ConclusionCurtains impregnated with insecticide provide a high degree of protection against indoor transmission of cutaneous leishmaniasis.

What is already known on this topic

The transmission of cutaneous leishmaniasis is increasingly in urban and domestic settingsHouse spraying, space spraying, and insecticide treated material reduce the number of vectors

What this paper adds

Pyrethroid impregnated curtains can considerably reduce the incidence rate of cutaneous leishmaniasis in areas where indoor transmission is predominant  相似文献   



Intravenous recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rt-PA) is approved for use in selected patients with ischaemic stroke within 3 hours of symptom onset. IST-3 seeks to determine whether a wider range of patients may benefit.


International, multi-centre, prospective, randomized, open, blinded endpoint (PROBE) trial of intravenous rt-PA in acute ischaemic stroke. Suitable patients must be assessed and able to start treatment within 6 hours of developing symptoms, and brain imaging must have excluded intracerebral haemorrhage. With 1000 patients, the trial can detect a 7% absolute difference in the primary outcome. With3500 patients, it can detect a 4.0% absolute benefit & with 6000, (mostly treated between 3 & 6 hours), it can detect a 3% benefit.

Trial procedures

Patients are entered into the trial by telephoning a fast, secure computerised central randomisation system or via a secure web interface. Repeat brain imaging must be performed at 24–48 hours. The scans are reviewed 'blind' by expert readers. The primary measure of outcome is the proportion of patients alive and independent (Modified Rankin 0–2) at six months (assessed via a postal questionnaire mailed directly to the patient). Secondary outcomes include: events within 7 days (death, recurrent stroke, symptomatic intracranial haemorrhage), outcome at six months (death, functional status, EuroQol).

Trial registration

ISRCTN25765518  相似文献   

Forty patients with inoperable pancreatic cancer were included in a prospective, randomised, controlled trial of multiple chemotherapy. The survival of 19 untreated control patients was compared with that of 21 patients who received an initiation course of intravenous fluorouracil, cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, and vincristine given over five days followed by intravenous fluorouracil and mitomycin given over three or five days at six-week intervals thereafter. Median survival in treated patients was 44 weeks, which was significantly longer than the nine weeks seen in controls. In patients without metastases median survival was 48 weeks in the treated group and 12 weeks in controls. In patients with metastases it was 30 weeks in treated patients and seven weeks in controls. The treatment was well tolerated and seemed to confer a significant prolongation of survival, comparing favourably with previous reports of chemotherapy with or without radiotherapy. If the results are confirmed this regimen may be useful in district general hospital practice.  相似文献   

In the cluster randomised study design, the data collected have a hierarchical structure and often include multivariate outcomes. We present a flexible modelling strategy that permits several normally distributed outcomes to be analysed simultaneously, in which intervention effects as well as individual-level and cluster-level between-outcome correlations are estimated. This is implemented in a Bayesian framework which has several advantages over a classical approach, for example in providing credible intervals for functions of model parameters and in allowing informative priors for the intracluster correlation coefficients. In order to declare such informative prior distributions, and fit models in which the between-outcome covariance matrices are constrained, priors on parameters within the covariance matrices are required. Careful specification is necessary however, in order to maintain non-negative definiteness and symmetry between the different outcomes. We propose a novel solution in the case of three multivariate outcomes, and present a modified existing approach and novel alternative for four or more outcomes. The methods are applied to an example of a cluster randomised trial in the prevention of coronary heart disease. The modelling strategy presented would also be useful in other situations involving hierarchical multivariate outcomes.  相似文献   

Objective To assess whether training doctors in counselling improves careseeking behaviour in families with sick children.Design Pair matched, community randomised trial conducted in 12 primary health centres (six pairs). Doctors in intervention centres were trained in counselling, communication, and clinical skills, using the integrated management of childhood illness approach.Setting Rural district in Rajasthan, India.Participants Children aged under 5 years presenting for curative care and their mothers were recruited and visited monthly at home for six months. A total of 2460 children were recruited (1248 intervention, 1212 control).Main outcome measures Careseeking behaviour of mothers for sick children; mothers'' knowledge and perceptions of seeking care; counselling performance of doctors.Results For episodes of illness with at least one reported danger sign, 15% of intervention group mothers and 10% of control group mothers reported having sought care from an appropriate provider promptly; this difference was not statistically significant (relative risk reduction 5%, 95% confidence interval -0.4% to 11%; P = 0.07). One month after training, intervention site doctors counselled more effectively than control group doctors, but at six months their performance had declined. A greater proportion of mothers in the intervention group than in the control group recalled having had at least one danger sign explained (45% v 8%; P = 0.02).Conclusions Mothers'' appreciation of the need to seek prompt and appropriate care for severe episodes of childhood illness increased, but their careseeking behaviour did not improve significantly.  相似文献   

Malawi has successfully leveraged multiple delivery platforms to scale-up and sustain the implementation of preventive chemotherapy (PCT) for the control of morbidity caused by soil-transmitted helminths (STH). Sentinel monitoring demonstrates this strategy has been successful in reducing STH infection in school-age children, although our understanding of the contemporary epidemiological profile of STH across the broader community remains limited. As part of a multi-site trial evaluating the feasibility of interrupting STH transmission across three countries, this study aimed to describe the baseline demographics and the prevalence, intensity and associated risk factors of STH infection in Mangochi district, southern Malawi. Between October-December 2017, a community census was conducted across the catchment area of seven primary healthcare facilities, enumerating 131,074 individuals across 124 villages. A cross-sectional parasitological survey was then conducted between March-May 2018 in the censused area as a baseline for a cluster randomised trial. An age-stratified random sample of 6,102 individuals were assessed for helminthiasis by Kato-Katz and completed a detailed risk-factor questionnaire. The age-cluster weighted prevalence of any STH infection was 7.8% (95% C.I. 7.0%-8.6%) comprised predominantly of hookworm species and of entirely low-intensity infections. The presence and intensity of infection was significantly higher in men and in adults. Infection was negatively associated with risk factors that included increasing levels of relative household wealth, higher education levels of any adult household member, current school attendance, or recent deworming. In this setting of relatively high coverage of sanitation facilities, there was no association between hookworm and reported access to sanitation, handwashing facilities, or water facilities. These results describe a setting that has reduced the prevalence of STH to a very low level, and confirms many previously recognised risk-factors for infection. Expanding the delivery of anthelmintics to groups where STH infection persist could enable Malawi to move past the objective of elimination of morbidity, and towards the elimination of STH.Trial registration: NCT03014167.  相似文献   



The multi-arm multi-stage (MAMS) trial is a new paradigm for conducting randomised controlled trials that allows the simultaneous assessment of a number of research treatments against a single control arm. MAMS trials provide earlier answers and are potentially more cost-effective than a series of traditionally designed trials. Prostate cancer is the most common tumour in men and there is a need to improve outcomes for men with hormone-sensitive, advanced disease as quickly as possible. The MAMS design will potentially facilitate evaluation and testing of new therapies in this and other diseases.


STAMPEDE is an open-label, 5-stage, 6-arm randomised controlled trial using MAMS methodology for men with prostate cancer. It is the first trial of this design to use multiple arms and stages synchronously.


The practical and statistical issues faced by STAMPEDE in implementing MAMS methodology are discussed and contrasted with those for traditional trials. These issues include the choice of intermediate and final outcome measures, sample size calculations and the impact of varying the assumptions, the process for moving between trial stages, stopping accrual to each trial arm and overall, and issues around perceived trial complexity.


It is possible to use the MAMS design to initiate and undertake large scale cancer trials. The results from STAMPEDE will not be known for some years but the lessons learned from running a MAMS trial are shared in the hope that other researchers will use this exciting and efficient method to perform further randomised controlled trials.

Trial registration

ISRCTN78818544, NCT00268476  相似文献   

The results of a randomised trial of polyadenylic-polyuridylic acid given as adjuvant treatment for operable breast cancer were reviewed after a mean follow up period of 87 months. Of the 300 patients included in the original trial, 145 had been allocated to conventional treatment alone and served as controls. At the time of review the overall survival of the group given polyadenylic-polyuridylic acid was significantly improved (p less than 0.05) as compared with that of the controls given conventional treatment alone. Significant benefit (p less than 0.02) was also observed among patients with evidence of disease in lymph nodes, the best results occurring in those with up to three invaded nodes, who showed a significant increase in both overall and relapse free survival. No evidence of toxicity was recorded. These findings confirm the value of polyadenylic-polyuridylic acid as adjuvant treatment for operable breast cancer. Results in an experimental model and in patients receiving the adjuvant suggested a possible role of interferon and natural killer (NK) cells in the mechanism of action.  相似文献   



Regular use of beta-agonists leads to tolerance to their bronchodilator effects. This can be demonstrated by measuring the response to beta-agonist following bronchoconstriction using methacholine. However most studies have demonstrated tolerance after a period of beta-agonist withdrawal, which is not typical of their use in clinical practice. This study assessed tolerance to the bronchodilator action of salbutamol during ongoing treatment with long-acting beta-agonist.


Random-order, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover trial. After 1 week without beta-agonists, 13 asthmatic subjects inhaled formoterol 12 μg twice daily or matching placebo for 1 week. Eight hours after the first and last doses subjects inhaled methacholine to produce a 20% fall in FEV1. Salbutamol 100, 200 and 400 μg (cumulative dose) was then given at 5-minute intervals and FEV1 was measured 5 minutes after each dose. After a 1 week washout subjects crossed over to the other treatment. Unscheduled use of beta-agonists was not allowed during the study. The main outcome variable was the area under the salbutamol response curve.


The analysis showed a significant time by treatment interaction indicating that the response to salbutamol fell during formoterol therapy compared to placebo. After 1 week of formoterol the area under the salbutamol response curve was 48% (95% confidence interval 28 to 68%) lower than placebo. This reduction in response remained significant when the analyses were adjusted for changes in the pre-challenge FEV1 and dose of methacholine given (p = 0.001).


The bronchodilator response to salbutamol is significantly reduced in patients taking formoterol. Clinically relevant tolerance to rescue beta-agonist treatment is likely to occur in patients treated with long-acting beta-agonists.  相似文献   

Objectives: To assess whether flutamide (Drogenil), a pure androgen receptor blocking agent, improves survival in patients with pancreatic carcinoma and thus whether testosterone is a major growth factor for this tumour. Design: A prospective, randomised, double blind placebo controlled trial. Subjects: 49 patients with a clinical diagnosis of pancreatic carcinoma. Interventions: 24 patients received flutamide and 25 received placebo. Main outcome measures: Death of the patient. Results: Analysis of all patients at 6 months and 1 year showed 14 and eight patients alive, respectively, in the flutamide group compared with 10 and one in the placebo group. After exclusion of those patients in both groups who received less than 6 weeks’ treatment because of advanced disease and early death the comparable results were 14 (88%) and eight (50%) alive in the flutamide group compared with 10 (50%) and one (5%) in the placebo group. Median survival for all patients was 8 months in the flutamide group compared with 4 months in the placebo group. With the 6 week exclusions median survival was 12 months compared with 5 months, respectively. Conclusions: This study supports the concept that testosterone is a growth factor for pancreatic carcinoma and that blockade of androgen receptors offers an appropriate new approach to treatment.

Key messages

  • Previous work suggests that androgens may be involved in the growth of pancreatic cancer
  • This study shows that the antiandrogen flutamide doubles median survival in patients with pancreatic cancer
  • The treatment is well tolerated by patients with minimal side effects, an important consideration in those with advanced malignant disease
  • The concept that testosterone may be a growth factor in pancreatic adenocarcinoma is supported by this trial

ObjectiveTo assess the effect of a 40 mg methylprednisolone injection proximal to the carpal tunnel in patients with the carpal tunnel syndrome.DesignRandomised double blind placebo controlled trial. SettingOutpatient neurology clinic in a district general hospital.ParticipantsPatients with symptoms of the carpal tunnel syndrome for more than 3 months, confirmed by electrophysiological tests and aged over 18 years.InterventionInjection with 10 mg lignocaine (lidocaine) or 10 mg lignocaine and 40 mg methylprednisolone. Non-responders who had received lignocaine received 40 mg methylprednisolone and 10 mg lignocaine and were followed in an open study.ResultsAt 1 month 6 (20%) of 30 patients in the control group had improved compared with 23 (77%) of 30 patients the intervention group (difference 57% (95% confidence interval 36% to 77%)). After 1 year, 2 of 6 improved patients in the control group did not need a second treatment, compared with 15 of 23 improved patients in the intervention group (difference 43% (23% to 63%). Of the 28 non-responders in the control group, 24 (86%) improved after methylprednisolone. Of these 24 patients, 12 needed surgical treatment within one year.ConclusionA single injection with steroids close to the carpal tunnel may result in long term improvement and should be considered before surgical decompression.

Key messages

  • Corticosteroid injections into the carpal tunnel may damage the nerve, and any treatment benefits may be of short duration
  • A single injection with steroids proximal to the carpal tunnel improves 77% of patients with the carpal tunnel syndrome at one month after treatment
  • This single injection is still effective at one year in half of the patients
  • Injections proximal to the carpal tunnel have no side effects and are easier to carry out than injections into the carpal tunnel

ObjectiveTo assess the impact on mortality related to pregnancy of supplementing women of reproductive age each week with a recommended dietary allowance of vitamin A, either preformed or as β carotene.DesignDouble blind, cluster randomised, placebo controlled field trial.SettingRural southeast central plains of Nepal (Sarlahi district).Subjects44 646 married women, of whom 20 119 became pregnant 22 189 times.Intervention270 wards randomised to 3 groups of 90 each for women to receive weekly a single oral supplement of placebo, vitamin A (7000 μg retinol equivalents) or β carotene (42 mg, or 7000 μg retinol equivalents) for over 3½ years.ResultsMortality related to pregnancy in the placebo, vitamin A, and β carotene groups was 704, 426, and 361 deaths per 100 000 pregnancies, yielding relative risks (95% confidence intervals) of 0.60 (0.37 to 0.97) and 0.51 (0.30 to 0.86). This represented reductions of 40% (P<0.04) and 49% (P<0.01) among those who received vitamin A and β carotene. Combined, vitamin A or β carotene lowered mortality by 44% (0.56 (0.37 to 0.84), P<0.005) and reduced the maternal mortality ratio from 645 to 385 deaths per 100 000 live births, or by 40% (P<0.02). Differences in cause of death could not be reliably distinguished between supplemented and placebo groups.ConclusionSupplementation of women with either vitamin A or β carotene at recommended dietary amounts during childbearing years can lower mortality related to pregnancy in rural, undernourished populations of south Asia.

Key messages

  • Maternal vitamin A deficiency, evident as night blindness or low serum retinol concentration during pregnancy, is widely prevalent in rural south Asia
  • In Nepal, women of reproductive age who were given 7000 μg retinol equivalents of vitamin A on a weekly basis showed a reduction in mortality related to pregnancy of 40%
  • Weekly dosing with 42 mg β carotene (also providing 7000 μg retinol equivalents) lowered their mortality by 49%
  • Preventing maternal vitamin A deficiency in rural South Asia can lower the risk of mortality of women during and after pregnancy

Annually in the UK around 250 000 cervical smears show low-grade abnormalities. Alternative management policies following a low-grade smear are cytological surveillance or referral for colposcopy. Their effectiveness and cost-effectiveness, and the potential for human papillomavirus (HPV) testing to triage women to either management, has been debated. Trial of management of borderline and other low-grade abnormal smears (TOMBOLA) (a large RCT) addresses these uncertainties, considering clinical, psychosocial and economic outcomes. 4439 women aged 20–59, resident in Grampian, Tayside or Nottingham with a low-grade smear were randomised to cytological surveillance (six-monthly smears in primary care) or hospital-based colposcopy. At colposcopy, women with visible abnormality were randomised to immediate treatment or biopsy and recall for treatment if necessary. Recruitment HPV status was assessed using PCR techniques. Women were followed for three years to an exit colposcopy. Cumulative incidence of CIN2 or more severe disease (CIN2+) in the colposcopy arm was 7.9% per year, higher than in cytological surveillance (5.8%; OR = 1.43, 95% CI 1.23–1.67). This difference was less marked for CIN3+ (OR = 1.27, 1.04–1.55), suggesting spontaneous regression of some CIN2, and that initial colposcopy can lead to over-treatment. There was little difference in psychosocial outcomes between arms. In comparison of biopsy and recall versus immediate treatment, there was no difference in cumulative incidence of CIN2+ or psychosocial outcomes. There was over-treatment and increased frequency/duration of bleeding with immediate treatment. There was no compelling economic reason to favour any one management method. Testing for HPV does not appear to be effective in triage. Based on these findings, we make management recommendations for women with low-grade smears.  相似文献   



Subgroup analyses in randomized trials examine whether effects of interventions differ between subgroups of study populations according to characteristics of patients or interventions. However, findings from subgroup analyses may be misleading, potentially resulting in suboptimal clinical and health decision making. Few studies have investigated the reporting and conduct of subgroup analyses and a number of important questions remain unanswered. The objectives of this study are: 1) to describe the reporting of subgroup analyses and claims of subgroup effects in randomized controlled trials, 2) to assess study characteristics associated with reporting of subgroup analyses and with claims of subgroup effects, and 3) to examine the analysis, and interpretation of subgroup effects for each study's primary outcome.


We will conduct a systematic review of 464 randomized controlled human trials published in 2007 in the 118 Core Clinical Journals defined by the National Library of Medicine. We will randomly select journal articles, stratified in a 1:1 ratio by higher impact versus lower impact journals. According to 2007 ISI total citations, we consider the New England Journal of Medicine, JAMA, Lancet, Annals of Internal Medicine, and BMJ as higher impact journals. Teams of two reviewers will independently screen full texts of reports for eligibility, and abstract data, using standardized, pilot-tested extraction forms. We will conduct univariable and multivariable logistic regression analyses to examine the association of pre-specified study characteristics with reporting of subgroup analyses and with claims of subgroup effects for the primary and any other outcomes.


A clear understanding of subgroup analyses, as currently conducted and reported in published randomized controlled trials, will reveal both strengths and weaknesses of this practice. Our findings will contribute to a set of recommendations to optimize the conduct and reporting of subgroup analyses, and claim and interpretation of subgroup effects in randomized trials.  相似文献   

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