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Factorial combinations of four photoperiods (10, 11·33,12·66 and 16 h d-1) and three mean diurnal temperatures(20·2, 24·1 and 28·1°C) were imposedon nodulated plants of three Nigerian bambara groundnut genotypes[Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc., syn. Voandzeia subterranea (L.)Thouars] grown in glasshouses in The Netherlands. The photothermalresponse of the onset of flowering and the onset of poddingwere determined. The time from sowing to first flower (f) wasdetermined by noting the day on which the first open flowerappeared. The time from sowing to the onset of podding (p) wasestimated from linear regressions of pod dry weight againsttime from sowing. Developmental rates were derived from thereciprocals of f and p. In two genotypes, 'Ankpa 2' and 'Yola',flowering occurred irrespective of photoperiod and 1/f was controlledby temperature only, occurring sooner at 28·1 than at20·2°C. The third genotype, 'Ankpa 4', was sensitiveto temperature and photoperiod and f was increased by coolertemperatures and photoperiods > 12·66 h d-1 at 20·2°Cand > 11·33 h d-1 at 24·1 and 28·1°C.In contrast, p was affected by temperature and photoperiod inall three genotypes. In bambara groundnut photoperiod-sensitivitytherefore increases between the onset of flowering and the onsetof podding. The most photoperiod-sensitive genotype with respectto p was 'Ankpa 4', followed by 'Yola' and 'Ankpa 2'. Therewas also variation in temperature-sensitivity between the genotypesinvestigated. Evaluation of bambara groundnut genotypes foradaptation to different photothermal environments will thereforerequire screening for flowering and podding responses.Copyright1994, 1999 Academic Press Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc., Voandzeia subterranea (L.) Thouars, bambara groundnut, phenology, photoperiod, daylength, temperature, flowering, podding  相似文献   

The effects of temperature, photoperiod and light integral onthe time to first flowering of pansy (ViolaxwittrockianaGams)were investigated. Plants were grown at six temperatures (meansbetween 14.8 and 26.1 °C), combined with four photoperiods(8, 11, 14 and 17 h). The rate of progress to flowering increasedlinearly with temperature (up to an optimum of 21.7 °C)and with increase in photoperiod (r2=0.91, 19 d.f.), the latterindicating that pansies are quantitative long day plants (LDPs).In a second experiment, plants were sown on five dates betweenJuly and December 1992 and grown in glasshouse compartmentsunder natural day lengths at six temperatures (means between9.4 and 26.3 °C). The optimum temperature for time to floweringdecreased linearly (from 21.3 °C) with declining light integralfrom 3.4 MJ m-2d-1(total solar radiation). Data from both experimentswere used to construct a photo-thermal model of flowering inpansy. This assumed that the rate of progress to flowering increasedas an additive linear function of light integral, temperatureand photoperiod. Independent data from plants sown on threedates, and grown at five temperatures (means between 9.8 and23.6 °C) were used to validate this model which gave a goodfit to the data (r2=0.88, 15 d.f.). Possible confounding ofthe effects of photoperiod and light integral are discussed. Pansy;Violaxwittrockiana; flowering; photo-thermal model; temperature; photoperiod; light integral  相似文献   

The flowering and fruit-set of a bambara groundnut selectionfrom Ankpa, Nigeria, were studied in greenhouses at constantexposure to photoperiods of 10, 12, 12·5, 13, 14 and16 h. The development of embryos was determined in ovaries fromplants under photoperiods of 11·5 h and 14 h. The beginningof flowering, recorded as the number of days from sowing tothe first open flower, was delayed by lengthening the photoperiod.It started 7 d later under 16 h than under 10 h. This differenceincreased during the production of the next nine open flowers.Lengthening the photoperiod also caused a delay in the beginningof fruit development. Under 13 h it was delayed by more than40 d compared with fruit development under 10 h. Some plantsunder 14 and 16 h even failed to produce pods. After the beginningof fruit development dry matter partitioning to pods was substantiallyless under 14 and 16 h photoperiods than under photoperiodsof 13 h or less; this was reflected in a strong reduction ofpod growth rates. Under an 11·5 h photoperiod two groups of ovaries couldbe distinguished. In both, embryo development was identicalup to 17 d after anthesis, but then the embryos in the firstgroup continued to develop until they were full-grown at about41 d after anthesis, whereas the growth of the embryos in thesecond group stopped. Embryo development under a photoperiodof 14 h was similar to that in the ovaries with discontinuedembryo growth under the 11·5 photoperiod. Healthy-lookingembryos were found in ovaries up to 32 d after anthesis undera photoperiod 14 h. From then onwards embryos started to shriveland degenerate. Finally, the ovaries aborted.Copyright 1993,1999 Academic Press Vigna subterranea, Voandzeia subterranea, bambara groundnut, phenology, photoperiod, day-length, embryo development, harvest index, dry matter partitioning  相似文献   

The influence of temperature on photosynthesis and transpirationwas studied in ten varieties of Lolium perenne, L. multiflorum,Dactylis glomerata, and Festuca arundinacea from three climaticorigins grown in three different controlled environments (15?C, 72 W m-2 visible irradiation, 16-h photoperiod; 25 ?C, 72W m-2 visible irradiation, 16-h photoperiod; and 25 ?C, 180W m-2 visible irradiation, 16-h photoperiod) and in the glasshousein July/August. The optimum temperature for photosynthesis was influenced primarilyby growth environment; growth at low temperature (15 ?C) resultedin a low optimum temperature, which differed little from varietyto variety. The maximum CO2-exchange rate was influenced bygrowth environment and by variety. Within a variety, plantsgrown at higher light intensity or lower temperature had a greaterCO2-exchange rate. Seven varieties showed a negative correlationbetween the optimum leaf temperature and the maximum CO2-exchangerate. Activation energies for photosynthesis were influencedby growth environment only. There were marked varietal differences in the values of leafresistances (ra + rt) obtained from transpiration data at theoptimum leaf temperature for CO2 exchange. In Lolium, and Dactylisthe Mediterranean varieties had higher leaf resistances thanthe Northern varieties with the maritime varieties intermediate.In general the Dactylis varieties had higher resistances thanthe corresponding Lolium and Festuca varieties. Only at highgrowth temperatures was (ra+rl) insensitive to temperature;otherwise an activation energy of about 10 kcal/mole was observed.A negative correlation was found between mean varietal diffusionresistances (ra+rl), and corresponding maximum CO2-exchangerates.  相似文献   

E. V. Doku 《Plant and Soil》1969,30(1):126-128
Summary In a cross-inoculation experiment using crushed nodules from cowpea (Vigna unguiculata), groundnut (Arachis hypogea), bambara groundnut (Voandzeia subterranea), lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus) and soybean (Glycine max.), it was found that soybean did not nodulate with Rhizobia from any of the other species whilst its Rhizobia nodulated with all species. Cowpea and lima bean, on the other hand, nodulated with Rhizobia from all species, but their Rhizobia nodulated only with each other. Groundnut and bambara groundnut nodulated with Rhizobia from all species except cowpea and lima bean, and their Rhizobia also nodulated with all species except soybean.  相似文献   

Flowering in petunias is hastened by long days, but little isknown about when the plants are most sensitive to photoperiod,or how light integral or temperature affect such phases of sensitivity.The effects of these factors on time to flowering was investigatedusing reciprocal transfer experiments between long (16 h d-1)and short days (8 h d-1). The effect of light integral on thephases of photoperiod sensitivity was examined using two sowingdates and a shading treatment (53% transmission). The effectsof temperature were investigated by conducting reciprocal transferexperiments in glasshouse compartments at five temperature regimes(means of 13.7, 19.2, 22.3, 25.0 and 28.7 °C). The lengthof the photoperiod-insensitive juvenile phase of development,when flowering cannot be induced by any environmental stimulus,was sensitive to light integral; low light integrals prolongedthis phase, from 23 d at 2.6 MJ m-2d-1to 36 d at 1.6 MJ m-2d-1(totalsolar radiation). The length of this development phase was shortest(12.5 d) at 21 °C; it was longer under cooler (21 d at 13.5°C) and warmer temperatures (17.6 d at 28.3 °C). Afterthis phase, time to flowering was influenced greatly by photoperiod,with long days hastening flowering by between 28 and 137 d,compared with short days. Plants also showed some sensitivityto both temperature and light integral during this phase, butthe duration of the final phase of flower development, duringwhich plants were photoperiod-insensitive, was dependent primarilyon the temperature at which the plants were grown; at 14.5 °C,33.9 d were required to complete this phase compared with 11.4d at 25.5 °C. The experimental approach gave valuable informationon the phases of sensitivity to photothermal environment duringthe flowering process, and could provide the basis of a morephysiologically-based quantitative model of flowering than hashitherto been attempted. The information is also useful in thescheduling of lighting and temperature treatments to give optimalflowering times of high quality plants.Copyright 1999 Annalsof Botany Company Petunia,Petuniaxhybrida, juvenility, flowering, photoperiod, temperature, light integral, reciprocal transfer.  相似文献   

In order to assess the influence of environmental conditionson time of flowering of pea (Pisum sativum L.), a serial sowingtrial was conducted over 2 years at Dijon, France, on two wintercultivars Frisson and Frilene. Time of flowering was analysedaccording to two variables: the leaf appearance rate RL andthe node of first flower NI. RL was linearly related to temperature (r2 = 0·94). Thebase temperature was 2°C for both varieties. Growth rateaccounted for the residual variability of RL . Photoperiod andtemperature acted on NI in an additive way. Frilene, the latergenotype, was more responsive than Frisson. A model for predicting time of flowering based upon these resultsis proposed. Deviations from this model were related to N nutritionin interaction with the plant water relations. Steps for improvingthe model are then discussed.Copyright 1993, 1999 Academic Press Pisum sativum L., pea, flowering, temperature, photoperiod, phyllochron, model  相似文献   

The effects of temperature and photoperiod on winged beans werestudied using 15 University of New Guinea (UPS) selections andfive Sri Lanka (SL) selections. They were grown at 25/20 or30/25 °C day/ night temperature at 11 or 14 h photoperiodwith 12 h thermoperiod. Differences in stomatal density wereobserved among selections and between photoperiods. Higher densitiesoccurred at 14 h photoperiod than at 11 h photoperiod. Whenstomatal density was high due to a photoperiod or temperatureeffect, there was a corresponding increase in leaf area andd. wt of plants. Total chlorophyll content at 25/20 °C was higher at 11 hphotoperiod than at 14 h photoperiod in all selections whilethe total chlorophyll content at 30/25 °C varied with thephotoperiod and selection. Leaf area of SL selections was greater than that of UPS selections.Also greater leaf area was observed at 14 h photoperiod thanat 11 h photoperiod, irrespective of the growing temperature. Temperature was as important as photoperiod in controlling floweringof winged beans. All the UPS selections and two SL selectionsflowered at 11 h photoperiod at 25/20 °C but failed to flowerat the same photoperiod at 30/25 °C indicating an interactionbetween temperature and photoperiod. It is likely that wingedbeans have a narrow photoperiodic range, particularly the SLselections. Psophocarpus tetragonolobus (L.) D.C., winged bean, stomatal density, leaf area, flowering, temperature, photoperiod  相似文献   

The components of leaf water potential (l) and relative watercontent (RWC) were measured for stands of bambara groundnut(Vigna subterranea) exposed to three soil moisture regimes incontrolled-environment glasshouses at the Tropical Crops ResearchUnit, Sutton Bonington Campus. Treatments ranged from fullyirrigated (wet) to no irrigation from 35 days after sowing (DAS)(dry). RWC values varied between 92–96% for the wet treatment,but declined from 93% to 83% in the dry treatment as the seasonprogressed. l at midday decreased in both the wet and dry treatments,but the seasonal decline was more pronounced in the latter:seasonal minimum values were –1.19 and –2.08 MPa,respectively. Plants in the wet treatment maintained turgor(p) at about 0.5 MPa throughout the season, whereas values inthe dry treatment approached zero towards the end of the season.There was a linear relationship between p and l9 with p approachingzero at a l of –2.0 MPa. Mean daily leaf conductance wasconsistently higher in the wet treatment (0.46–0.79 cm-1)than in the intermediate and dry treatments (0.13–0.48cm s-1 Conductances in the intermediate and dry treatments weresimilar, and the lower evapotranspirational water losses inthe latter were attributable to its consistently lower leafarea indices (L): L at final harvest was 3.3, 3.3 and 1.9 forthe wet, intermediate and dry treatments. Bambara groundnutwas apparently able to maintain turgor through a combinationof osmotic adjustment, reductions in leaf area index and effectivestomatal regulation of water loss. Key words: Vigna subterranea, water relations, soil moisture  相似文献   

Summay Soil samples were taken from 48 fields in the southern part of Thailand in which either bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea) or groundnut (Arachis hypogeae) had been planted. Bacillus spp. were isolated using soil dilution plates and heat treatment to screen for endospore-producing bacteria. Among 342 Bacillus spp. isolates tested, 168 isolates were not antagonistic to Bradyrhizobium sp. strain NC-92 using dual culture technique. Further testing found 16 isolates of Bacillus spp. had the ability to inhibit mycelial growth of Rhizoctonia solani, a causal agent of leaf blight of bambara groundnut. Among these isolates, Bacillus spp. isolate TRV 9-5-2 had the greatest activity in anti-microbial tests against R. solani. This isolate was later identified as B. firmus. A powder formulation of B. firmus was developed by mixing bacterial endospores, talcum, sodium carboxymethylcellulose (SCMC) and polyvinylpyrolidone (PVP). The formulations contained bacterial levels ranging from 108 to 1010 c.f.u./g and the viability of bacteria in all formulations remained high after 1 year storage at room temperature (26–32 °C). All formulations showed satisfactory effectiveness in vitro in suppressing mycelial growth of R. solani using dual culture technique. The application of formulations as seed treatment showed that these formulations did not cause abnormality of seedling shape and had no effect on the germination of bambara groundnut seeds.  相似文献   

Factorial combinations of four photoperiods (10 h, 11 h 40 min,13 h 20 min and 15 h) and three night temperatures (14, 19 and24 °C) combined with a single day temperature (30 °C)were imposed on nodulated plants of 11 cowpea accessions [Vignaunguiculata (L) Walp.] grown in pots in growth cabinets. Thetimes to first appearance of flower buds, open flowers and maturepods were recorded. Linear relationships were established betweenthe reciprocal of the times taken to flower and both mean diurnaltemperature and photoperiod. When the equations describing thesetwo responses are solved, the time to flower in any given photothermalregime is predicted by whichever solution calls for the greaterdelay in flowering. Thus in different circumstances floweringis controlled exclusively by either mean temperature or photoperiod.The value of the critical photoperiod is temperature-dependentand a further equation, derived from the first two, predictsthis relationship. Considered together as a quantitative modelthese relationships suggest simple field methods for screeninggenotypes to determine photo-thermal response surfaces. Vigna unguiculata (L) Walp., cowpea, reproductive development, photoperiod, temperature, germplasm  相似文献   

Two strongly differentiated climatic races of the Mimulus cardinalis-lewisiicomplex were grown at a variety of temperatures (3–27°C)and photoperiods (8 and 16 hr) under controlled environmentalconditions. M. cardinalis (the lowland race, 400 m) and M. lewisii(the sub-alpine race, 3200 m) were found to differ in theirphysiological responses to the varied environments in severalsignificant ways: 1) At 27°C (16 hrphotoperiod), M. lewisiisustained 100% mortality in contrast to the substantial growthand flowering of M. cardinalis under these conditions; 2) In8 hr photoperiods at all temperatures, there was little growthand no flowering in M. lewisii whereas there was considerablegrowth at all temperatures, and flowering at 23 and 27°Cin M. cardinalis; 3) At low temperatures (7–15°C),16 hr photoperiods, flowering occurred a week or two earlierin M. lewisii than in M. cardinalis. The lowland race has asignificantly wider temperature and photoperiodic tolerancethan has the sub-alpine race. Applications of gibberellic acidto rosette Mimulus plants under non-inductive conditions (15°C,8 hr photoperiod) promoted vigorous stem elongation withoutflowering. The application of steroids, other hormones and metaboliteshad no observable effects. 1Present address: Faculty of Botany, Ohio State University,Columbus, Ohio, U.S.A. (Received March 16, 1970; )  相似文献   

DAKORA  FELIX D. 《Annals of botany》1998,82(5):687-690
Nitrogen-fixing activity in two nodulated African legumes, Bambaragroundnut (Vigna subterraneaL.) and Kersting's bean (MacrotylomageocarpumL.), was assessed in the presence of nitrate (NO3-)ions in the rooting medium. Nitrogenase activity was unimpairedby the supply of 5 mol m-3NO3to both species. Also, large concentrationsof ureides dominated the transpiration stream of NO3-fed plants.Compared to other symbiotic legumes cultured with similar NO3concentrations,nodule functioning in the tested landraces of Bambara groundnutand Kersting's bean is tolerant of NO3ions in the rhizosphere.The potential benefits of such naturally occurring NO3-tolerantsymbioses are substantial, as they would permit inorganic Nfertilizer application in intercropping systems without inhibitingN2fixation in the associated legumes.Copyright 1998 Annals ofBotany Company NO3tolerance, Bambara groundnut, Kersting's bean, nitrogenase activity, xylem ureides.  相似文献   

Photoperiod is a major factor in flower development of the opiumpoppy (Papaver somniferum L. ‘album DC’) which isa long-day plant. Predicting time to flower in field-grown opiumpoppy requires knowledge of which stages of growth are sensitiveto photoperiod and how the rate of flower development is influencedby photoperiod. The objective of this work was to determinewhen poppy plants first become sensitive to photoperiod andhow long photoperiod continues to influence the time to firstflower under consistent temperature conditions. Plants weregrown in artificially-lit growth chambers with either a 16-hphotoperiod (highly flower inductive) or a 9-h photoperiod (non-inductive).Plants were transferred at 1 to 3-d intervals from a 16- toa 9-h photoperiod andvice versa . All chambers were maintainedat a 12-h thermoperiod of 25/20 °C. Poppy plants becamesensitive to photoperiod 4 d after emergence and required aminimum of four inductive cycles (short dark periods) beforethe plant flowered. Additional inductive cycles, up to a maximumof nine, hastened flowering. After 13 inductive cycles, floweringtime was no longer influenced by photoperiod. These resultsindicate that the interval between emergence and first flowercan be divided into four phases: (1) a photoperiod-insensitivejuvenile phase (JP); (2) a photoperiod-sensitive inductive phase(PSP); (3) a photoperiod-sensitive post-inductive phase (PSPP);and (4) a photoperiod-insensitive post-inductive phase (PIPP).The minimum durations of these phases forPapaver somniferum‘album DC’ under the conditions of our experimentwere determined as 4 d, 4 d, 9 d, and 14 d, respectively. Anthesis; days to flowering; flower bud; opium poppy; Papaver somniferum L.; photoperiod; photoperiod sensitivity; predicting time to flowering; transfer  相似文献   

In soyabean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] the period between sowingand flowering is comprised of three successive developmentalphases—pre-inductive, inductive and post-inductive—inwhich the rate of development is affected, respectively, bytemperature only, by photoperiod and temperature, and then againby temperature only. A reciprocal-transfer experiment (carriedout at a mean temperature of 25°C) in which cohorts of plantswere transferred successively between short and long photoperiodsand vice-versa showed that eight combinations of three pairsof maturity alleles (E1/e1, E2 /e2, E3 /e3) had their greatesteffect on the duration of the inductive phase in long days.This phase was increased with the increasing photoperiod sensitivityinduced by the different gene combinations, and ranged fromabout 27 to 54 d according to genotype. In a short day regime(11·5 h d-1), less than the critical photoperiod, theduration of the inductive phase was brief—requiring about11 photoperiodic cycles in the less photoperiod-sensitive genotypesand only about seven cycles in the more sensitive ones. Thematurity genes also affected the duration of the two photoperiod-insensitivephases; these durations were positively correlated with thephotoperiod-sensitivity potential of the gene combinations.The largest effect was on the pre-inductive phase which variedfrom 3 to 11 d, while the post-inductive phase varied from about13 to 18 d. As a consequence of these non-photoperiodic effectsof the maturity genes, even in the most inductive regimes (daylengthsless than the critical photoperiod) the time taken to flowerby the less photoperiod-sensitive combinations of maturity geneswas somewhat less than in the more sensitive combinations—rangingfrom about 28 to 34 d. The genetic and practical implicationsof these findings are discussed.Copyright 1994, 1999 AcademicPress Glycine max (L.) Merrill, soyabean, maturity genes, isolines, flowering, photoperiod  相似文献   

Bagnall  D. J. 《Annals of botany》1993,71(1):75-83
The late flowering ecotypes of Arabidopsis thaliana L. (Heyn.)Eifel, Pitztal and Innsbruck responded to 10 d vernalization(cold treatment) by flowering earlier with less with less thanhalf the number of leaves of non-induced plants. The vernalizationresponse was cumulative: increased numbers of days of vernalizationinduced earlier flowering up to an apparent saturation in responseafter 30 to 40 d. The ratio of red:far-red (R:FR) light alsoaffected non-vernalized time-to-flower. When grown under fluorescentplus incandescent lamps (R:FR = 1·0), time-to-flowerwas approximately half that required by plants grown under fluorescentlamps (R:FR = 5·8) at the same photon flux density andphotoperiod. Leaf production rate was unaffected by either vernalizationor light quality changes and time-to-flower and leaf numberwere highly correlated (r2 = 0·973). The late flowering mutants of Landsberg erecta were grown underlighting which displayed a gradient of R:FR. Some mutants likeco, flowered at the same time in all R:FR treatment, while otherlike fca took nearly twice as long to flower, with double thenumber of leaves at R:FR ratio of 5·8 compared with theR:FR = 1 treatment. The ranking of the response from least tomost responsive was co, fe, gi, WT, fd, fwa, ft, fha, fpa, fy,fve and fca. Vernalization of these Landsberg mutants always resulted inearlier flowering, although only fca, fve, fy and fpa were significantlymore sensitive to thermoinduction than the wild type parent.There was a high correlation (r2 = 0·89 between the responseto thermoinduction and to R:FR ratio. Vernalization of fca for24 d largely eliminated the R:FR time-to-flower response. Vernalizationand photoinduction similarly affect late flowering and can substitutefor each another.Copyright 1993, 1999 Academic Press Light quality, vernalization, flowering, Arabidopsis thaliana, phytochrome, thermoinduction, photoperiod, photoinduction, growth conditions, photon flux density, daylength, spectral quality, far-red light  相似文献   

Plants of eight isolines of soyabean [Glycine max(L.) Merrill],comprising all combinations of two alleles at the three lociE1/e1,E2/e2andE3/e3inthe cultivar ‘Clark’ background, were transferredafter different periods following first flowering from longdays (LD, 14 h d-1) to short days (SD, 12 h d-1) andvice versaina reciprocal-transfer experiment in a plastic house maintainedat 30/24 °C (day/night). Photoperiod (0.10>P>0.05),transfer time (P<0.001),>isoline (P<0.001), and theirinteractions (P<0.001) all affected flowering duration, i.e.the period from first flowering until the appearance of thelast flower. The flowering duration comprised two distinct phases:a photoperiod-sensitive phase beginning at first flowering,and a subsequent photoperiod-insensitive phase. The durationof the photoperiod-sensitive phase varied much more among theisolines in LD than in SD. Only the dominant alleleE1increasedthe sensitivity of the photoperiod-sensitive phase of floweringduration to photoperiod singly, but positive epistatic effectswere detected betweenE1andE2,E1andE3, and especially among allthree dominant alleles. The increases in flowering durationresulting from the combined effects of gene and environment(i.e. photoperiod) were associated with considerable increasesin biomass and seed yield at harvest maturity.Copyright 1998Annals of Botany Company. Glycine max(L.) Merrill, soyabean, maturity genes, flowering, photoperiod, reciprocal transfer, yield.  相似文献   

The Effect of Temperature on Leaf Appearance in Rice   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
Temperature is the principal environmental determinant of cropleaf appearance. The objective of this study is to analyse whetherthere are different effects of day temperature (TD) and nighttemperature (TN) on main-stem leaf appearance in rice (OryzasativaL.). Plants of 12 rice cultivars were grown at five constant temperatures(22, 24, 26, 28 and 32 °C) and four diurnally fluctuatingtemperatures (TD/TN: 26 /22, 30 /22, 22 /26 and 22 /30 °C)with a constant photoperiod of 12hd-1. The leaf appearance onthe main stem was measured. A constant change in leaf appearance rate was observed duringontogeny. The relation between the number of emerged leavesand days from seedling emergence was described by a power-lawequation with only one cultivar-specific parameter. Values forthis parameter were estimated for the five constant temperaturetreatments, and the relation between this parameter and temperaturewas quantified by a nonlinear model. Leaf appearance for thefour fluctuating temperature treatments could be accuratelypredicted on the basis of these relations in each cultivar.This indicated that there were no specific effects ofTDandTNonleaf appearance in rice, in contrast with phenological developmentto flowering. The optimum temperature for leaf development wasfound to be substantially higher than for development to flowering. The final main-stem leaf number differed with diurnal temperatureconditions. When a diurnal temperature delayed flowering, itincreased the leaf number as well. This might explain whyTDandTNhada different effect on development to flowering but not on leafdevelopment. Oryza sativa; rice; leaf appearance; leaf number; day and night temperature  相似文献   

Photothermal Responses of Flowering in Rice (Oryza sativa)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Durations from sowing to panicle emergence in 16 diverse genotypesof rice (Oryza sativa L.) were recorded in 13 different photothermalregimes, comprising constant and diurnally alternating temperaturesbetween 16 and 32 °C and photoperiods between 10.5 and 15.0h d–1—all provided by controlled-environment growthcabinets. In 11.5 h days and at sub-optimal temperatures, relationsbetween the rate of progress towards panicle emergence and meantemperature were linear in all genotypes, and amongst thesethe base temperature at that photoperiod varied between 6.6and 11.9 °C. In most cases progress was most rapid at 24–26°C, i.e. the optimum temperature was much cooler than expectedfrom previously published values of times to panicle emergencein a less extensive range of photothermal regimes. Only in threecultivars was it warmer than 28 °C, and in these there weresufficient data to establish that relations between rates ofprogress to panicle emergence and photoperiod in the diurnallyalternating temperature regime of 28–20 °C are alsolinear. Also, the responses of these three cultivars provideno evidence of any interaction between the effects of photoperiodand temperature. We conclude, then, that the model in whichrate of development is a linear function of both temperatureand photoperiod with no interaction, which has been shown tobe common to many other species, also applies to rice. Differencesamong genotypes in relative sensitivity of rate of progresstowards panicle emergence to both temperature and to photoperiodwere considerable; japonica cultivars tended to be more sensitiveto temperature and less sensitive to photoperiod than indicacultivars. Four indica cultivars bred and selected at The InternationalRice Research Institute (IRRI) in the Philippines did not differ(P > 0.10) in their relations between rate of progress towardspanicle emergence and sub-optimal temperatures in a daylengthof 11.5 h, but the optimum temperature for cv. IR 36 was appreciablywarmer than that for the cvs IR 5, IR 8 and IR 42. Oryza sativa, rice, flowering, temperature, photoperiod, photothermal responses  相似文献   

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