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An in-vitro selection strategy was used to obtain strongly stabilized variants of the beta1 domain of protein G (Gbeta1). In a two-step approach, first candidate positions with a high potential for stabilization were identified in Gbeta1 libraries that were created by error-prone PCR, and then, after randomization of these positions by saturation mutagenesis, strongly stabilized variants were selected. For both steps the in-vitro selection method Proside was employed. Proside links the stability of a protein with the infectivity of a filamentous phage. Ultimately, residues from the two best selected variants were combined in a single Gbeta1 molecule. This variant with the four mutations E15V, T16L, T18I, and N37L showed an increase of 35.1 degrees C in the transition midpoint and of 28.5 kJ mol(-1) (at 70 degrees C) in the Gibbs free energy of stabilization. It was considerably more stable than the best variant from a previous Proside selection, in which positions were randomized that had originally been identified by computational design. Only a single substitution (T18I) was found in both selections. The best variants from the present selection showed a higher cooperativity of thermal unfolding, as indicated by an increase in the enthalpy of unfolding by about 60 kJ mol(-1). This increase is apparently correlated with the presence of Leu residues that were selected at the positions 16 and 37.  相似文献   

The three disulfide bonds of the gene-3-protein of the phage fd are essential for the conformational stability of this protein, and it unfolds when they are removed by reduction or mutation. Previously, we used an iterative in vitro selection strategy to generate a stable and functional form of the gene-3-protein without these disulfides. It yielded optimal replacements for the disulfide bonds as well as several stabilizing second-site mutations. The best selected variant showed a higher thermal stability compared with the disulfide-bonded wild-type protein. Here, we investigated the molecular basis of this strong stabilization by solving the crystal structure of this variant and by analyzing the contributions to the conformational stability of the selected mutations individually. They could mostly be explained by improved side-chain packing. The R29W substitution alone increased the midpoint of the thermal unfolding transition by 14 deg and the conformational stability by about 25 kJ mol− 1. This key mutation (i) removed a charged side chain that forms a buried salt bridge in the disulfide-containing wild-type protein, (ii) optimized the local packing with the residues that replace the C46-C53 disulfide and (iii) improved the domain interactions. Apparently, certain residues in proteins indeed play key roles for stability.  相似文献   

In vitro selections of stabilized proteins lead to more robust enzymes and, at the same time, yield novel insights into the principles of protein stability. We employed Proside, a method of in vitro selection, to find stabilized variants of TEM-1 β-lactamase from Escherichia coli. Proside links the increased protease resistance of stabilized proteins to the infectivity of a filamentous phage. Several libraries of TEM-1 β-lactamase variants were generated by error-prone PCR, and variants with increased protease resistance were obtained by raising temperature or guanidinium chloride concentration during proteolytic selections. Despite the small size of phage libraries, several strongly stabilizing mutations could be obtained, and a manual combination of the best shifted the profiles for thermal unfolding and temperature-dependent inactivation of β-lactamase by almost 20 °C to a higher temperature. The wild-type protein unfolds in two stages: from the native state via an intermediate of the molten-globule type to the unfolded form. In the course of the selections, the native protein was stabilized by 27 kJ mol− 1 relative to the intermediate and the cooperativity of unfolding was strongly increased. Three of our stabilizing replacements (M182T, A224V, and R275L) had been identified independently in naturally occurring β-lactamase variants with extended substrate spectrum. In these variants, they acted as global suppressors of destabilizations caused by the mutations in the active site. The comparison between the crystal structure of our best variant and the crystal structure of the wild-type protein indicates that most of the selected mutations optimize helices and their packing. The stabilization by the E147G substitution is remarkable. It removes steric strain that originates from an overly tight packing of two helices in the wild-type protein. Such unfavorable van der Waals repulsions are not easily identified in crystal structures or by computational approaches, but they strongly reduce the conformational stability of a protein.  相似文献   

The bacterial cold shock proteins (Csp) are widely used as models for the experimental and computational analysis of protein stability. In a previous study, in vitro evolution was employed to identify strongly stabilizing mutations in Bs-CspB from Bacillus subtilis. The best variant found by this approach contained the mutations M1R, E3K and K65I, which raised the midpoint of thermal unfolding of Bs-CspB from 53.8 degrees C to 83.7 degrees C, and increased the Gibbs free energy of stabilization by 20.9 kJ mol(-1). Another selected variant with the two mutations A46K and S48R was stabilized by 11.1 kJ mol(-1). To elucidate the molecular basis of these stabilizations, we determined the crystal structures of these two Bs-CspB variants. The mutated residues are generally well ordered and provide additional stabilizing interactions, such as charge interactions, additional hydrogen bonds and improved side-chain packing. Several mutations improve the electrostatic interactions, either by the removal of unfavorable charges (E3K) or by compensating their destabilizing interactions (A46K, S48R). The stabilizing mutations are clustered at a contiguous surface area of Bs-CspB, which apparently is critically important for the stability of the beta-barrel structure but not well optimized in the wild-type protein.  相似文献   

Colicin endonucleases (DNases) are bound and inactivated by immunity (Im) proteins. Im proteins are broadly cross-reactive yet specific inhibitors binding cognate and non-cognate DNases with Kd values that vary between 10− 4 and 10− 14 M, characteristics that are explained by a ‘dual-recognition’ mechanism. In this work, we addressed for the first time the energetics of Im protein recognition by colicin DNases through a combination of E9 DNase alanine scanning and double-mutant cycles (DMCs) coupled with kinetic and calorimetric analyses of cognate Im9 and non-cognate Im2 binding, as well as computational analysis of alanine scanning and DMC data. We show that differential ΔΔGs observed for four E9 DNase residues cumulatively distinguish cognate Im9 association from non-cognate Im2 association. E9 DNase Phe86 is the primary specificity hotspot residue in the centre of the interface, which is coordinated by conserved and variable hotspot residues of the cognate Im protein. Experimental DMC analysis reveals that only modest coupling energies to Im9 residues are observed, in agreement with calculated DMCs using the program ROSETTA and consistent with the largely hydrophobic nature of E9 DNase-Im9 specificity contacts. Computed values for the 12 E9 DNase alanine mutants showed reasonable agreement with experimental ΔΔG data, particularly for interactions not mediated by interfacial water molecules. ΔΔG predictions for residues that contact buried water molecules calculated using solvated rotamer models met with mixed success; however, we were able to predict with a high degree of accuracy the location and energetic contribution of one such contact. Our study highlights how colicin DNases are able to utilise both conserved and variable amino acids to distinguish cognate from non-cognate Im proteins, with the energetic contributions of the conserved residues modulated by neighbouring specificity sites.  相似文献   

The B domain of protein A (BdpA) is a popular paradigm for simulating protein folding pathways. The discrepancies between so many simulations and subsequent experimental testing may be attributable to the protein being highly symmetrical: changing experimental conditions could perturb the subtle interplay between the effects of symmetry in the native structure and the effects of asymmetry from specific interactions in a given sequence. If the protein folds via multiple pathways, perturbations, such as temperature, denaturant concentration, and mutation, should change the flux of micro pathways, leading to changes in the bulk properties of the transition state. We tested this hypothesis by conducting a Phi-analysis of BdpA as a function of temperature from 25.0 degrees C to 60.0 degrees C. The Phi-values had no significant dependence on temperature and the values at 55.0 degrees C (denaturing conditions) are very similar to those at 25.0 degrees C (folding conditions), indicating the structure of the transition state does not significantly change although the experimental conditions are considerably altered. The results suggest that BdpA folds via a single dominant folding pathway.  相似文献   

We examined the co-operativity of ultra-fast folding of a protein and whether the Phi-value analysis of its transition state depended on the location of the optical probe. We incorporated in turn a tryptophan residue into each of the three helices of the B domain of Protein A. Each Trp mutant of the three-helix bundle protein was used as a pseudo-wild-type parent for Phi-analysis in which the intrinsic Trp fluorescence probed the formation of each helix during the transition state. Apart from local effects in the immediate vicinity of the probe, the three separate sets of Phi-values were in excellent agreement, demonstrating the overall co-operativity of folding and the robustness of the Phi-analysis. The transition state of folding of Protein A contains the second helix being well formed with many stabilizing tertiary hydrophobic interactions. In contrast, the first and the third helices are more poorly structured in the transition state. The mechanism of folding thus involves the concurrent formation of secondary and tertiary interactions, and is towards the nucleation-condensation extreme in the nucleation-condensation-framework continuum of mechanism, with helix 2 being the nucleus. We provide an error analysis of Phi-values derived purely from the kinetics of two-state chevron plots.  相似文献   

The cold shock protein CspB shows a five-stranded beta-sheet structure, and it folds rapidly via a native-like transition state. A previous Phi value analysis showed that most of the residues with Phi values close to one reside in strand beta1, and two of them, Lys5 and Lys7 are partially exposed charged residues. To elucidate how coulombic interactions of these two residues contribute to the energetic organisation of the folding transition state we performed comparative folding experiments in the presence of an ionic denaturant (guanidinium chloride) and a non-ionic denaturant (urea) and a double-mutant analysis. Lys5 contributes 6.6 kJ mol(-1) to the stability of the transition state, and half of it originates from screenable coulombic interactions. Lys7 contributes 5.3 kJ mol(-1), and 3.4 kJ mol(-1) of it are screened by salt. In the folded protein Lys7 interacts with Asp25, and the screenable coulombic interaction between these two residues is fully formed in the transition state. This suggests that long-range coulombic interactions such as those originating from Lys5 and Lys7 of CspB can be important for organizing and stabilizing native-like structure early in protein folding.  相似文献   

Computational protein design procedures were applied to the redesign of the entire sequence of a 51 amino acid residue protein, Drosophila melanogaster engrailed homeodomain. Various sequence optimization algorithms were compared and two resulting designed sequences were experimentally evaluated. The two sequences differ by 11 mutations and share 22% and 24% sequence identity with the wild-type protein. Both computationally designed proteins were considerably more stable than the naturally occurring protein, with midpoints of thermal denaturation greater than 99 degrees C. The solution structure was determined for one of the two sequences using multidimensional heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy, and the structure was found to closely match the original design template scaffold.  相似文献   

Dihydropyrimidinase is involved in the reductive pathway of pyrimidine degradation, catalysing the reversible hydrolysis of the cyclic amide bond (–CO–NH–) of 5,6-dihydrouracil and 5,6-dihydrothymine to the corresponding N-carbamoyl-β-amino acids. This enzyme is an attractive candidate for commercial production of D-amino acids, which are used in the production of semi-synthetic β-lactams, antiviral agents, artificial sweeteners, peptide hormones and pesticides. We have obtained the crystal structure of the dihydropyrimidinase from Sinorhizobium meliloti (SmelDhp) in the presence of zinc ions, but we have not been able to obtain good diffracting crystals in its absence. Then, the role of the ion in the structure of the protein, and in its stability, remains to be elucidated. In this work, the stability and the structure of SmelDhp have been studied in the absence and in the presence of zinc. In its absence, the protein acquired a tetrameric functional structure at pH ∼ 6.0, which is stable up to pH ∼ 9.0, as concluded from fluorescence and CD. Chemical-denaturation occurred via a monomeric intermediate with non-native structure. The addition of zinc caused: (i) an increase of the helical structure, and changes in the environment of aromatic residues; and, (ii) a higher thermal stability. However, chemical-denaturation still occurred through a monomeric intermediate. This is the first hydantoinase whose changes in the stability and in the secondary structure upon addition of zinc are described and explained, and one of the few examples where the zinc exclusively alters the secondary helical structure and the environment of some aromatic residues in the protein, leaving unchanged the quaternary structure.  相似文献   

A dispersion of melting temperatures at pH 5.3 for individual residues of the BBL protein domain has been adduced as evidence for barrier-free downhill folding. Other members of the peripheral subunit domain family fold cooperatively at pH 7. To search for possible causes of anomalies in BBL's denaturation behavior, we measured the pH titration of individual residues by heteronuclear NMR. At 298 K, the pKa of His142 was close to that of free histidine at 6.47 ± 0.04, while that of the more buried His166 was highly perturbed at 5.39 ± 0.02. Protonation of His166 is thus energetically unfavorable and destabilizes the protein by ∼ 1.5 kcal/mol. Changes in Cα secondary shifts at pH 5.3 showed a decrease in helicity of the C-terminus of helix 2, where His166 is located, which was accompanied by a measured decrease of 1.1 ± 0.2 kcal/mol in stability from pH 7 to 5.3. Protonation of His166 perturbs, therefore, the structure of BBL. Only ∼ 1% of the structurally perturbed state will be present at the biologically relevant pH 7.6. Experiments at pH 5.3 report on a near-equal mixture of the two different native states. Further, at this pH, small changes of pH and pKa induced by changes in temperature will have near-maximal effects on pH-dependent conformational equilibria and on propagation of experimental error. Accordingly, conventional barrier-limited folding predicts some dispersion of measured thermal unfolding curves of individual residues at pH 5.3.  相似文献   

The ADAMTS (a disintegrin-like and metalloproteinase domain with thrombospondin type I motifs) family of proteases plays a role in pathological conditions including arthritis, cancer, thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura and the Ehlers-Danlos type VIIC and Weill-Marchesani genetic syndromes. Here, we report the first crystal structures for a member of the ADAMTS family, ADAMTS-1. Originally cloned as an inflammation-associated gene, ADAMTS-1 has been shown to be involved in tissue remodelling, wound healing and angiogenesis. The crystal structures contain catalytic and disintegrin-like domains, both in the inhibitor-free form and in complex with the inhibitor marimastat. The overall fold of the catalytic domain is similar to related zinc metalloproteinases such as matrix metalloproteinases and ADAMs (a disintegrin and metalloproteinases). The active site contains the expected organisation of residues to coordinate zinc but has a much larger S1' selectivity pocket than ADAM33. The structure also unexpectedly reveals a double calcium-binding site. Also surprisingly, the previously named disintegrin-like domain showed no structural homology to the disintegrin domains of other metalloproteinases such as ADAM10 but is instead very similar in structure to the cysteine-rich domains of other metalloproteinases. Thus, this study suggests that the D (for disintegrin-like) in the nomenclature of ADAMTS enzymes is likely to be a misnomer. The ADAMTS-1 cysteine-rich domain stacks against the active site, suggesting a possible regulatory role.  相似文献   

Previous work used hydrogen exchange (HX) experiments in kinetic and equilibrium modes to study the reversible unfolding and refolding of cytochrome c (Cyt c) under native conditions. Accumulated results now show that Cyt c is composed of five individually cooperative folding units, called foldons, which unfold and refold as concerted units in a stepwise pathway sequence. The first three steps of the folding pathway are linear and sequential. The ordering of the last two steps has been unclear because the fast HX of the amino acid residues in these foldons has made measurement difficult. New HX experiments done under slower exchange conditions show that the final two foldons do not unfold and refold in an obligatory sequence. They unfold separately and neither unfolding obligately contains the other, as indicated by their similar unfolding surface exposure and the specific effects of destabilizing and stabilizing mutations, pH change, and oxidation state. These results taken together support a sequential stabilization mechanism in which folding occurs in the native context with prior native-like structure serving to template the stepwise formation of subsequent native-like foldon units. Where the native structure of Cyt c requires sequential folding, in the first three steps, this is found. Where structural determination is ambiguous, in the final two steps, alternative parallel folding is found.  相似文献   

A point mutation of a small globular protein, the C-terminal domain of L9 destabilizes the protein and leads to observable cold-denaturation at temperatures above zero. The cold denatured state is in slow exchange with the native state on the NMR time scale, and this allows the hydrodynamic properties of the cold unfolded state and the native state to be measured under identical conditions using pulsed-field gradient NMR diffusion measurements. This provides the first experimental measurement of the hydrodynamic properties of a cold unfolded protein and its folded form under identical conditions. Hydrodynamic radii of the cold-induced unfolded states were measured for a set of temperatures ranging from 2 °C to 25 °C at pD 6.6 in the absence of denaturant. The cold unfolded state is compact compared to the urea or acid unfolded state and a trend of increasing radii of hydration is observed as the temperature is lowered. These observations are confirmed by experiments on the same protein at pD 8.0, where it is more stable, in the presence of a modest concentration of urea. The expansion of the cold-denatured state at lower temperatures is consistent with the temperature dependence of hydrophobic interactions.  相似文献   

The main cofactors of Photosystem II (PSII) are borne by the D1 and D2 subunits. In the thermophilic cyanobacterium Thermosynechococcus elongatus, three psbA genes encoding D1 are found in the genome. Among the 344 residues constituting the mature form of D1, there are 21 substitutions between PsbA1 and PsbA3, 31 between PsbA1 and PsbA2, and 27 between PsbA2 and PsbA3. In a previous study (Sugiura et al., J. Biol. Chem. 287 (2012), 13336-13347) we found that the oxidation kinetics and spectroscopic properties of TyrZ were altered in PsbA2-PSII when compared to PsbA(1/3)-PSII. The comparison of the different amino acid sequences identified the residues Cys144 and Pro173 found in PsbA1 and PsbA3, as being substituted in PsbA2 by Pro144 and Met173, and thus possible candidates accounting for the changes in the geometry and/or the environment of the TyrZ/His190 phenol/imidizol motif. Indeed, these amino acids are located upstream of the α-helix bearing TyrZ and between the two α-helices bearing TyrZ and its hydrogen-bonded partner, D1/His190. Here, site-directed mutants of PSII, PsbA3/Pro173Met and PsbA2/Met173Pro, were analyzed using X- and W-band EPR and UV-visible time-resolved absorption spectroscopy. The Pro173Met substitution in PsbA2-PSII versus PsbA3-PSII is shown to be the main structural determinant of the previously described functional differences between PsbA2-PSII and PsbA3-PSII. In PsbA2-PSII and PsbA3/Pro173Met-PSII, we found that the oxidation of TyrZ by P680+● was specifically slowed during the transition between S-states associated with proton release. We thus propose that the increase of the electrostatic charge of the Mn4CaO5 cluster in the S2 and S3 states could weaken the strength of the H-bond interaction between TyrZ and D1/His190 in PsbA2 versus PsbA3 and/or induce structural modification(s) of the water molecules network around TyrZ.  相似文献   

Our present understanding of the nature of the transition state for protein folding depends predominantly on studies where individual side-chain contributions are mapped out by mutational analysis (phi value analysis). This approach, although extremely powerful, does not in general provide direct information about the formation of backbone hydrogen bonds. Here, we report the results of amide H/D isotope effect studies that probe the development of hydrogen bonded interactions in the transition state for the folding of a small alpha-beta protein, the N-terminal domain of L9. Replacement of amide protons by deuterons in a solvent of constant isotopic composition destabilized the domain, decreasing both its T(m) and Delta G(0) of unfolding. The folding rate also decreased. The parameter Phi(H/D), defined as the ratio of the effect of isotopic substitution upon the activation free energy to the equilibrium free energy was determined to be 0.6 in a D(2)O background and 0.75 in a H(2)O background, indicating that significant intraprotein hydrogen bond interactions are developed in the transition state for the folding of NTL9. The value is in remarkably good agreement with more traditional measures of the position of the transition state, which report on the relative burial of surface area. The results provide a picture of a compact folding transition state containing significant secondary structure. Indirect analysis argues that the bulk of the kinetic isotope effect arises from the beta-sheet-rich region of the protein, and suggests that the development of intraprotein hydrogen bonds in this region plays a critical role in the folding of NTL9.  相似文献   

In previous work, a strongly stabilized variant of the β1 domain of streptococcal protein G (Gβ1) was obtained by an in vitro selection method. This variant, termed Gβ1-M2, contains the four substitutions E15V, T16L, T18I, and N37L. Here we elucidated the molecular basis of the observed strong stabilizations. The contributions of these four residues were analyzed individually and in various combinations, additional selections with focused Gβ1 gene libraries were performed, and the crystal structure of Gβ1-M2 was determined. All single substitutions (E15V, T16L, T18I, and N37L) stabilize wild-type Gβ1 by contributions of between 1.6 and 6.0 kJ mol− 1 (at 70 °C). Hydrophobic residues at positions 16 and 37 provide the major contribution to stabilization by enlarging the hydrophobic core of Gβ1. They also increase the tendency to form dimers, as shown by dependence on the concentration of apparent molecular mass in analytical ultracentrifugation, by concentration-dependent stability, and by a strongly increased van't Hoff enthalpy of unfolding. The 0.88-Å crystal structure of Gβ1-M2 and NMR measurements in solution provide the explanation for the observed dimer formation. It involves a head-to-head arrangement of two Gβ1-M2 molecules via six intermolecular hydrogen bonds between the two β strands 2 and 2′ and an adjacent self-complementary hydrophobic surface area, which is created by the T16L and N37L substitutions and a large 120° rotation of the Tyr33 side chain. This removal of hydrophilic groups and the malleability of the created hydrophobic surface provide the basis for the dimer formation of stabilized Gβ1 variants.  相似文献   

SlyD, the sensitive-to-lysis protein from Escherichia coli, consists of two domains. They are not arranged successively along the protein chain, but one domain, the “insert-in-flap” (IF) domain, is inserted internally as a guest into a surface loop of the host domain, which is a prolyl isomerase of the FK506 binding protein (FKBP) type. We used SlyD as a model to elucidate how such a domain insertion affects the stability and folding mechanism of the host and the guest domain. For these studies, the two-domain protein was compared with a single-domain variant SlyDΔIF, SlyD* without the chaperone domain (residues 1-69 and 130-165) in which the IF domain was removed and replaced by a short loop, as present in human FKBP12. Equilibrium unfolding and folding kinetics followed an apparent two-state mechanism in the absence and in the presence of the IF domain. The inserted domain decreased, however, the stability of the host domain in the transition region and decelerated its refolding reaction by about 10-fold. This originates from the interruption of the chain connectivity by the IF domain and its inherent instability. To monitor folding processes in this domain selectively, a Trp residue was introduced as fluorescent probe. Kinetic double-mixing experiments revealed that, in intact SlyD, the IF domain folds and unfolds about 1000-fold more rapidly than the FKBP domain, and that it is strongly stabilized when linked with the folded FKBP domain. The unfolding limbs of the kinetic chevrons of SlyD show a strong downward curvature. This deviation from linearity is not caused by a transition-state movement, as often assumed, but by the accumulation of a silent unfolding intermediate at high denaturant concentrations. In this kinetic intermediate, the FKBP domain is still folded, whereas the IF domain is already unfolded.  相似文献   

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