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Abstract.  1. Environmental cues are known to influence oviposition behaviour in mosquitoes, with important consequences for larval survival and insect population dynamics. Enriched microhabitats have been shown to be preferred oviposition sites.
2. In a field experiment designed to determine whether ovipositing mosquitoes are sensitive to different levels of nutrient enrichment, new pitcher-plant ( Sarracenia purpurea ) leaves were opened and enriched with 0, 2, or 20 dead ants, and the number of pitcher-plant mosquito ( Wyeomyia smithii ) larvae resulting from subsequent oviposition were measured.
3. Oviposition rates were higher in leaves with low levels of enrichment (0 and 2 ants per leaf), although larval development was enhanced at the highest enrichment level.
4. Results suggest that, although these mosquito larvae are nutrient limited, ovipositing females preferentially avoid highly enriched leaves. This counterintuitive result may be due to low oxygen concentrations or a masked cue in enriched leaves, and contrasts with other oviposition studies.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. The effects of resource levels, thermal microclimate, and seasonal oviposition patterns on fecundity and survivorship in the pitcher-plant mosquito, Wyeomyia smithii (Coq.), were examined at a northern Wisconsin bog over the course of 2 years. Wyeomyia smithii are bivoltine at this locality, thereby enabling the study of summer and overwintering generations separately.
2. Nutrient resources of W. smithii were not limiting and there was no indication of density-dependent survivorship or fecundity.
3. Oviposition rates were highest in young, large pitchers and individual mosquitoes appeared to allocate only a few eggs to any one leaf.
4. Winter was the harsh season, and the principal manifestation of seasonal harshness was reduced survivorship.
5. Overwintering W. smithii that had been oviposited later in the summer had a higher odds of survival than those oviposited earlier in the summer.
6. It was concluded that dispersal of eggs among many pitchers serves to spread the risk of encountering lethal winter temperatures among spatially unpredictable patches.  相似文献   

Hamilton IV  Robert  Duffield  Richard M. 《Hydrobiologia》2002,482(1-3):191-196
The invertebrate communities in Sarracenia purpurea were characterized by surveying the contents of 474 leaves from six pitcher plant populations in the eastern United States. More than 8200 invertebrate specimens, both living and dead, were recovered. Midge and mosquito larvae comprised 7907 (96%) of the specimens, with a mean of 16.9 dipteran larvae per leaf. Although midge larvae were present at all collection sites, mosquito larvae were absent from two of the sites. In the latter sites, the number of midge larvae per leaf was greater. This report documents for the first time that there is no statistical difference between the average number of Diptera larvae per leaf for sites that contain both midge and mosquito larvae compared to sites that contain only midge larvae. It appears that pitcher plants maintain an average number of larvae per leaf based on a number of interacting factors which we do not fully understand. This investigation documents that in the absence of mosquito larvae, more midge larvae are found per leaf per leaf than would be predicted based on data from sites that contain both larval taxa.  相似文献   

The mosquito, Wyeomyia smithii, enters a larval dormancy or diapause that is initiated, maintained, and terminated by photoperiod. The median or critical photoperiod regulating diapause increases from 12 h of light per day along the Gulf of Mexico, USA (30° N), to over 15 h in southern Canada (49° N). Photoperiodic time measurement in W. smithii comprises both rhythmic and hourglass (interval timer) components. Using interrupted-night and resonance experiments, we show that both the rhythmic and hourglass components are prominent in the southern (ancestral) populations and that the influence of the rhythmic component declines with increasing latitude, while the hourglass component remains strong in northern (derived) populations. Previously, it has been shown that the genetic differences in critical photoperiod between northern populations and their southern ancestors involve not only the additive (independent) effects of genes, but also gene-gene interaction (epistasis). We therefore conclude that adaptive evolution of W. smithii has probably involved the progressive epistatic masking of the ancestral rhythmic component resulting in photoperiodic time measurement in northern populations accomplished principally through a day-interval timer. A comparison of W. smithii with previous studies indicates that the decline in critical photoperiod with increasing latitude represents an overall decrease in response to light rather than a shift in the timing of photosensitivity among arthropods in general. We propose that the underlying functional components of photoperiodic time measurement, as well as the overt photoperiodic response, are either homologous or are themselves responding directly to selection over latitudinal gradients in seasonality. Received: 18 May 1998 / Accepted: 14 September 1998  相似文献   

Colonisation of pitcher plant leaves at several spatial scales   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract.  1. The effect of meso-scale (zone within bog and local plant density) and fine-scale (leaf length and resource availability) factors on the colonisation of pitcher plant leaves by arthropods was examined in an eastern Canadian bog.
2. In spring, the abundances of three arthropods, the mosquito Wyeomyia smithii , the midge Metriocnemus knabi , and the mite Sarraceniopus gibsoni , were determined for plots with low, moderate, and high densities of pitcher plants. All overwintering inhabitants were then removed from the plots. Newly opening leaves were colonised from outside the plots, and arthropod abundances were assessed again in autumn.
3. Pitcher plant fauna varied in their response to the meso-scale factors. In autumn (soon after colonisation), midges were more abundant in areas with high densities of pitcher plants. The relationship between mosquito abundance and plant density, and the variation in abundance among zones within the bog in the spring, were probably due to overwintering mortality.
4. All taxa responded to the fine-scale factors, leaf length, and capture rate, in the autumn, but the strength of the responses frequently depended on a meso-scale factor (plant density), in which responses were usually strongest where plants were sparse. Thus, the interaction between meso- and fine-scale processes needs to be considered when interpreting patterns of species abundance within arthropod assemblages in pitcher plant leaves.  相似文献   

Gregarines in the genus Ascogregarina are not known to develop in sabethine mosquitoes, but we successfully infected larvae of Wyeomyia smithii with Ascogregarina taiwanensis in the laboratory. Ascogregarina taiwanensis is a natural parasite of the exotic Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus. Only 18% to 70% of the W. smithii larvae had visible trophozoites, with a range of 1-92 per larva. Trophozoites persisted in the midgut for more than 37 d, and one adult female W. smithii had gametocysts in its Malphigian tubules, which indicated that A. taiwanensis might fully develop in W. smithii. After 50 d, gregarines were not found in W. smithii larvae.  相似文献   

The oviposition and feeding preferences of the pollen beetle, Meligethes aeneus, were determined in choice and no-choice tests in field, semi-field and greenhouse trials. Plant species used were Brassica napus, B. campestris, B. juncea, B. nigra, B. carinata, Sinapis alba and Crambe abyssinica. With respect to number of eggs laid, S. alba and C. abyssinica were inferior to the other species. Pollen beetles laid fewer eggs on B. nigra than on the other Brassica spp. in no-choice tests, however this difference was partly due to fewer eggs laid per bud rather than fewer buds used for oviposition. Most eggs, for all plant species, were deposited in buds sized 2–3 mm. Feeding damage on all plant species was relatively similar. Pollen beetles seem to have a wider host range for feeding than for oviposition. There was good agreement in plant species ranking as oviposition hosts between the field, semi-field and greenhouse trials.  相似文献   

The oviposition behavior of single females of Drosophila melanogasterwas studied in population cages over 24 h. Each female shows a different behavior, but they can be arbitrarily separated into those which concentrate their egg laying in only one tube and those which spread it over more than two tubes. A comparison is made between females extracted from the Valdivian population and flies from lines selected for high and low aggregation. When one-tube females were grouped and compared with more-than-one-tube females, the aggregation indices between these groups were significantly different.  相似文献   

Black swallowtail females laid more eggs on plant models treated with contact stimulants and volatiles from carrot leaves than on models treated only with contact stimulants. The volatiles enhanced landing rates and females alighted more frequently on artificial leaves treated with host volatiles than on adjacent control leaves. Volatiles from cabbage, a nonhost, inhibited landing rates on artificial leaves treated with carrot contact stimulants. Examination of antennae revealed two major types of sensilla, believed to be olfactory in function. Electroantennogram preparations responded more strongly to carrot volatiles than to cabbage volatiles and several shared responses at particular retention times to carrot volatile components eluting from a gas chromatograph. Our results are consistent with a long-standing hypothesis that behavioral responses to essential oil components characteristic of the larval food plants have facilitated host shifts in the genus Papilio.  相似文献   

Mechanisms that improve prey richness in carnivorous plants may involve three crucial phases of trapping:attraction, capture and retention.Nepenthes rafflesiana var. typica is an insectivorous pitcher plant that is widespread in northern Borneo.It exhibits ontogenetic pitcher dimorphism with the upper pitchers trapping more flying prey than the lower pitchers.While this difference in prey composition has been ascribed to differences in attraction,the contribution of capture and retention has been overlooked.This study focused on distinguishing between the prey trapping mechanisms, and assessing their relative contribution to prey diversity.Arthropod richness and diversity of both visitors and prey in the two types of pitchers were analysed to quantify the relative contribution of attraction to prey trapping.Rate of insect visits to the different pitcher parts and the presence or absence of a sweet fragrance was recorded to clarify the origin and mechanism of attraction.The mechanism of retention was studied by insect bioassays and measurements of fluid viscosity. Nepenthes rafflesiana was found to trap a broader prey spectrum than that previously described for any Nepenthes species,with the upper pitchers attracting and trapping a greater quantity and diversity of prey items than the lower pitchers.Capture efficiency was low compared with attraction or retention efficiency.Fragrance of the peristome,or nectar rim,accounted mainly for the observed non-specific, better prey attraction by the upper pitchers, while the retentive properties of the viscous fluid in these upper pitchers arguably explains the species richness of their flying prey.The pitchers of N. rafflesiana are therefore more than simple pitfall traps and the digestive fluid plays an important yet unsuspected role in the ecological success of the species.  相似文献   

Oviposition response of the polyphagous European corn borer,Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), to chemical constituents in host plants was investigated in the laboratory using two-choice bioassays. Foliar extracts of corn (Zea mays L.), pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) and potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) were prepared using the solvents pentane, acetone and methanol. In all three host plants, chemicals soluble in pentane stimulated oviposition. In potato, chemicals extractable in acetone also elicited a positive oviposition response. When presented with a choice between pentane extracts of corn and pepper, females preferred corn. No preferences were exhibited between pentane extracts of corn and potato or pepper and potato. Pentane extracts of corn husks, tassels, silk, and corn leaves from plants at early whorl and tassel (pre-pollen shed) stages of development also stimulated oviposition. Similar extracts from plants at 2-leaf and blister (when kernels resemble blisters) stages were not stimulatory. This indicates that plant phenology affects chemically mediated oviposition response in European corn borer. The potential use of plant chemicals for management ofO. nubilalis in the field is suggested.  相似文献   

Pitcher plants (Sarracenia purpurea L.) attract insects to pitchers and then capture them in fluid-filled, pitfall traps, but how efficient are pitcher plants at capturing prey in their natural environment? We monitored insect activity by videotaping pitchers and analyzing videotapes for several variables including identity of each visitor and outcome of each visit (e.g., departure or capture). Efficiency of capture (i.e., number of captures per number of visits) was low. Overall efficiency of capture was 0.83–0.93%, depending on whether potential prey were broadly or narrowly defined. Ants constituted 74% of the potential prey. Efficiency of capture of ants was even lower at 0.37%. Potential prey were more likely to visit pitchers with greater red venation and less water in the pitcher. There was no correlation between number of potential prey visiting a pitcher and pitcher age, length, or mouth width. Also, number of potential prey visits did not correlate with plant size, air temperature, time of day or date of videotaping. While the overall efficiency of prey capture was very low, pitcher plants may still benefit from the additional nutrients. However, the relationship between ants and S. purpurea remains an enigma, since it is unclear whether the plants capture enough ants to compensate for nectar lost to ants.  相似文献   

Nepenthes pitcher plants deploy tube-shaped pitchers to catch invertebrate prey; those of Nepenthes aristolochioides possess an unusual translucent dome. The hypothesis was tested that N. aristolochioides pitchers operate as light traps, by quantifying prey capture under three shade treatments. Flies are red-blind, with visual sensitivity maxima in the UV, blue, and green wavebands. Red celluloid filters were used to reduce the transmission of these wavebands into the interior of the pitchers. Those that were shaded at the rear showed a 3-fold reduction in Drosophila caught, relative to either unshaded control pitchers, or pitchers that were shaded at the front. Thus, light transmitted through the translucent dome is a fundamental component of N. aristolochioides' trapping mechanism.  相似文献   

The effects of natal experience on the oviposition behaviour of adult female mosquitoes were investigated in the laboratory using Aedes aegypti (L.) (Diptera: Culicidae). 'Treatment' mosquitoes were exposed to a dilute repellent (inducing stimulus) in their breeding water (aquatic stages) and/or in the air (adults) during various combinations of life stages [larval only (L regime); larval and pupal (LP regime); larval, pupal and emergent adult (LPE regime); larval, pupal, emergent adult and adult (LPEA regime); pupal, emergent adult and adult (PEA regime); adult only (A regime)]. 'Control' mosquitoes were raised in an identical manner, but were not exposed to the inducing stimulus. The oviposition behaviour of treatment and control females was assessed in an oviposition assay that presented a choice of water with or without the inducing stimulus. Of the 435 mosquitoes tested in the experiment, 176 were non-distributors (i.e. laid all of their eggs in only one of the choices). Treatment females (distributors plus non-distributors) reared in the presence of the inducing stimulus throughout their lives (LPEA regime) showed a significant preference for the oviposition option containing the inducing stimulus (24/36 females) compared with corresponding controls (5/39 females). Distributors reared under the LPEA and PEA regimes also showed this preference (6/6 treatment vs. 2/29 control females, and 13/18 treatment vs. 7/23 control females, respectively). Females that had been exposed to the inducing stimulus as either immatures or adults only showed no preference for, and some showed an aversion to, the treatment oviposition option. This is interpreted as evidence for a natal habitat preference induction (NHPI) in this species, albeit one that requires extensive reinforcement in the adult stage. This adult experience-reinforced NHPI (AER-NHPI) is discussed in terms of its adaptive significance for container breeders, the possible timing mechanism and sensory basis of induction and potential practical consequences.  相似文献   


Background and Aims Nepenthes

(Nepenthaceae, approx. 120 species) are carnivorous pitcher plants with a centre of diversity comprising the Philippines, Borneo, Sumatra and Sulawesi. Nepenthes pitchers use three main mechanisms for capturing prey: epicuticular waxes inside the pitcher; a wettable peristome (a collar-shaped structure around the opening); and viscoelastic fluid. Previous studies have provided evidence suggesting that the first mechanism may be more suited to seasonal climates, whereas the latter two might be more suited to perhumid environments. In this study, this idea was tested using climate envelope modelling.


A total of 94 species, comprising 1978 populations, were grouped by prey capture mechanism (large peristome, small peristome, waxy, waxless, viscoelastic, non-viscoelastic, ‘wet’ syndrome and ‘dry’ syndrome). Nineteen bioclimatic variables were used to model habitat suitability at approx. 1 km resolution for each group, using Maxent, a presence-only species distribution modelling program.

Key Results

Prey capture groups putatively associated with perhumid conditions (large peristome, waxless, viscoelastic and ‘wet’ syndrome) had more restricted areas of probable habitat suitability than those associated putatively with less humid conditions (small peristome, waxy, non-viscoelastic and‘dry’ syndrome). Overall, the viscoelastic group showed the most restricted area of modelled suitable habitat.


The current study is the first to demonstrate that the prey capture mechanism in a carnivorous plant is constrained by climate. Nepenthes species employing peristome-based and viscoelastic fluid-based capture are largely restricted to perhumid regions; in contrast, the wax-based mechanism allows successful capture in both perhumid and more seasonal areas. Possible reasons for the maintenance of peristome-based and viscoelastic fluid-based capture mechanisms in Nepenthes are discussed in relation to the costs and benefits associated with a given prey capture strategy.  相似文献   

1 The oviposition behaviour and response of Monochamus alternatus females to oviposition scars were investigated in the laboratory. 2 Prior to oviposition, females gnawed at the bark surface of Pinus densiflora bolts to make a wound. Then females turned their bodies 180° to position their ovipositors over the wounds and inserted them under the bark through the wounds. After an oviposition, a jelly was deposited while the ovipositor was still inserted. The females then withdrew their ovipositors and rubbed the oviposition scars with the tips of their abdomens. 3 When searching females encountered oviposition scars, they stopped walking and drummed the surface and inside of the oviposition scars with their maxillary and labial palpi. 4 Eighty-six percent of females left oviposition scars containing single eggs after the palpation. By contrast, when females encountered oviposition scars containing no eggs, 76% of them began to gnaw at the scars and 64% deposited single eggs. The response to artificial oviposition scars was similar to that to vacant oviposition scars made by the females. 5 The results of various observations and experiments showed that the females could recognize oviposition scars and discriminate the scars occupied by single eggs from vacant ones, and suggested that the palpation of oviposition scars was the critical discrimination behaviour, indicating mediation by chemical cues.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Formation of the rosette-like egg mass of the neotropical mosquito Mansonia titillans Walker is described from video recordings of thirteen females ovipositing on the undersurfaces of water lettuce ( Pistia stratiotes ) leaves in the laboratory. The female abdomen executes symmetrical stroking behaviour to the right and left of centre line. Outstrokes consist solely of scratching, in which spines on the eighth tergite abrade the leaf surface preparatory to oviposition. A row of eggs is glued to the leaf only on instrokes, which are of longer duration than outstrokes, and may be interrupted by scratches and pauses. Scratching precedes oviposition of each of the first four eggs, which are laid without stroking behaviour. The egg mass is enveloped in an air bubble which is transported underwater on the hydrofuge female abdomen. The deposition of eggs on instrokes is homologous to the behaviour used by Culex and Culiseta mosquitoes in the construction of free-floating egg rafts.  相似文献   

The yellow pitcher plant, Sarracenia flava, is an insectivorous plant restricted to fire-maintained wetland ecosystems in southeastern Virginia. Only four natural sites remain in the state totaling fewer than 100 clumps. Plants from sites located in Dinwiddie, Greensville, Prince George, Sussex counties, and the city of Suffolk were tested for the effects of self-pollination, intrasite outcrossing, and intersite outcrossing on offspring quantity (total seed number and total seed mass) and offspring quality (avarage seed mass, germination, and growth).Self-pollination resulted in significantly lower offspring quantity and quality. Total seed number and total seed mass for self-pollinated capsules were approximately one-fourth that of outcrossed capsules. Germination, survivorship, and growth over 5 yr were also significantly lower for offspring from self-pollinated capsules. Together, these results suggest strong inbreeding depression in this species.Relative to offspring from intrasite crosses, offspring from intersite crosses were significantly larger after 5 yr of growth. This suggests that restoration efforts for Virginia S. flava will be most successful when plants from multiple sites are used.  相似文献   

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