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Given the appropriate multicell electrophysiological techniques, small networks of cultured neurons (microcultures) are well suited to long-term studies of synaptic plasticity. To this end, we have developed an apparatus for optical recording from cultured vertebrate neurons using voltage-sensitive fluorescent dyes (Chien, C.-B., and J. Pine. 1991. J. Neurosci. Methods. 38:93-105). We evaluate here the usefulness of this technique for recording action potentials and synaptic potentials in microcultures of neurons from the rat superior cervical ganglion (SCG). After extensive dye screening and optimization of conditions, we chose the styryl dye RH423, which gave fast linear fluorescence changes of approximately 1%/100 mV for typical recordings. The root mean square noise of the apparatus (limited by shot noise) was typically 0.03%, equivalent to 3 mV of membrane potential. Illumination for at least 100 flashes of 100 ms each caused no noticeable photodynamic damage. Our results show that voltage-sensitive dyes can be used to record from microcultures of vertebrate neurons with high sensitivity. Dye signals were detected from both cell bodies and neurites. Signals from presumptive dendrites showed hyperpolarizations and action potentials simultaneous with those in the cell body, while those from presumptive axons showed delayed propagating action potentials. Subthreshold synaptic potentials in the cell body were occasionally detectable optically; however, they were usually masked by signals from axons passing through the same pixel. This is due to the complex anatomy of SCG microcultures, which have many crisscrossing neurites that often pass over cell bodies. Given a simpler microculture system with fewer neurites, it should be possible to use dye recording to routinely measure subthreshold synaptic strengths.  相似文献   

In this video, we demonstrate the procedure for isolating whole brains from adult Drosophila in preparation for recording from single neurons. We begin by describing the dissecting solution and capture of the adult females used in our studies. The procedure for removing the whole brain intact, including both optic lobes, is illustrated. Dissection of the overlying trachea is also shown. The isolated brain is not only small but needs special care in handling at this stage to prevent damage to the neurons, many of which are close to the outer surface of the tissue. We show how a special holder we developed is used to stabilize the brain in the recording chamber. A standard electrophysiology set up is used for recording from single neurons or pairs of neurons. A fluorescent image, viewed through the recording microscope, from a GAL4 line driving GFP expression (GH146) illustrates how projection neurons (PNs) are identified in the live brain. A high power Nomarski image shows a view of a single neuron that is being targeted for whole cell recording. When the brain is successfully removed without damage, the majority of the neurons are spontaneously active, firing action potentials and/or exhibiting spontaneous synaptic input. This in situ preparation, in which whole cell recording of identified neurons in the whole brain can be combined with genetic and pharmacological manipulations, is a useful model for exploring cellular physiology and plasticity in the adult CNS.  相似文献   

To improve the quality of fluorescent voltage-sensitive probes twenty new styryl dyes were synthesized. Some of the new probes are significantly better than any used in the past. A signal-to-noise ratio of 90 root mean square (rms) noise was obtained for an optical recording of action potentials from neuroblastoma cells maintained in monolayer culture. The fluorescence fractional change of the optical signal is as large as 14%/100 mV. Photodynamic damage and bleaching are much less significant with the new probes. These fluorescent probes can be used to measure small and rapid changes in membrane potential from single cells maintained in monolayer cultures, from single cells in invertebrate ganglia, from their arborization, and from other preparations. The optical measurement can be made with a standard fluorescent microscope equipped with DC mercury illumination. Guidelines for the design of even better fluorescent probes and more efficient instruments are suggested.  相似文献   

A key step toward understanding the function of a brain circuit is to find its wiring diagram. New methods for optical stimulation and optical recording of neurons make it possible to map circuit connectivity on a very large scale. However, single synapses produce small responses that are difficult to measure on a large scale. Here I analyze how single synaptic responses may be detectable using relatively coarse readouts such as optical recording of somatic calcium. I model a network consisting of 10,000 input axons and 100 CA1 pyramidal neurons, each represented using 19 compartments with voltage-gated channels and calcium dynamics. As single synaptic inputs cannot produce a measurable somatic calcium response, I stimulate many inputs as a baseline to elicit somatic action potentials leading to a strong calcium signal. I compare statistics of responses with or without a single axonal input riding on this baseline. Through simulations I show that a single additional input shifts the distribution of the number of output action potentials. Stochastic resonance due to probabilistic synaptic release makes this shift easier to detect. With ~80 stimulus repetitions this approach can resolve up to 35% of individual activated synapses even in the presence of 20% recording noise. While the technique is applicable using conventional electrical stimulation and extracellular recording, optical methods promise much greater scaling, since the number of synapses scales as the product of the number of inputs and outputs. I extrapolate from current high-speed optical stimulation and recording methods, and show that this approach may scale up to the order of a million synapses in a single two-hour slice-recording experiment.  相似文献   

Fast voltage-sensitive dyes (VSD) are widely used in modern neuroscience for optical recording of electrical potentials at many levels, from single cell compartment to brain areas, containing populations of many neural cells. The more lipophilic a VSD, the better signal-to-noise ratio of the optical signal, but there are no effective ways to deliver a water-insoluble dye into the membrane of live cell. Here we report a new protocol based on rapid biolistic delivery of VSDs, which is optimal for further recordings of optical signals from live neurons of rat brain slices. This protocol allows us to stain locally (150 mkm) neural somata of brain structures with a Golgi-like pattern, and a VSD propagates even to distant neurites of stained cells very quickly. This technique also can be used for rapid local delivery of any lipophilic and water-insoluble substances into live cells, further optical recording of neural activity, and analysis of potential propagation in a nerve cell.  相似文献   

Rat olfactory receptor neurons were enzymatically dissociated and studied with the cell-attached configuration of the patch-clamp technique. Biphasic current waveforms induced across the membrane patch by intracellular action potentials were observed in approximately 5% of cells studied. In one cell in particular, current injected by the opening of a single channel initiated an action potential in the remainder of the cell each time the channel opened. A conventional type of electrical model of the cell and patch allowed the accurate modeling of cell excitability. The same model was used to explain the shape of the action potential current waveforms induced across the patch. The analysis indicated that the whole cell resistance (Ro) was approximately 40 G omega and the membrane capacitance (Co) was close to the standard value of 1 microF.cm-2. In addition, the threshold potential change necessary to initiate an action potential (Vth) was approximately 13 mV and a minimum current injection of 1 pA was required to depolarize the cell to spike threshold. When the smaller size of mammalian receptors are taken into account, membrane electrical properties were found to be consistent with those of salamander cells investigated by others using whole-cell recording. The analysis also revealed possible errors in the determination of single-channel conductances and reversal potentials by cell-attached recording from small cells.  相似文献   

The magnocellular neuropeptidergic cells (MNCs) of the paraventricular and supraoptic nuclei have been a model for biochemical and physiological studies of peptidergic neurons in the mammalian brain, but nearly all the electrophysiological studies of these vasopressinergic and oxytocinergic neuroendocrine cells are based on extracellular recordings. This paper reviews recent literature on electrophysiological properties of neurons in the magnocellular nuclei in which the rat in vitro slice preparation and intracellular recording were used. Spontaneously occurring action potentials and synaptic potentials (excitatory and inhibitory) have been observed in hypothalamic slices. The spike patterns have included slow and irregular firing, short rapid bursts of inactivating spikes, and slow phasic discharge with prolonged active and silent periods. Some studies have shown that increased osmolality causes neuronal firing, but this area is controversial. Intracellular injections of lucifer yellow have shown that some MNCs are dye-coupled and electron microscopic observations with the freeze-fracture technique have revealed occasional gap junctions, thus suggesting that some MNCs are electrotonically coupled. Both excitatory and inhibitory postsynaptic potentials have been evoked with extracellular stimulation. Therefore, action potentials, synaptic potentials, burst discharges, and probably electrotonic coupling have been found with intracellular recording in mammalian neuroendocrine cells. Future studies with intracellular recording and staining followed by immunohistochemical identification of cells should provide significant new information on the membrane physiology and synaptic pharmacology of vasopressinergic and oxytocinergic cells.  相似文献   

Monitoring membrane potentials by multisite optical recording techniques using voltage-sensitive dyes is ideal for direct analysis of network signaling. We applied this technology to monitor fast and slow excitability changes in the enteric nervous system and in hundreds of neurons simultaneously at cellular and subcellular resolution. This imaging technique presents a powerful tool to study activity patterns in enteric pathways and to assess differential activation of nerves in the gut to a number of stimuli that modulate neuronal activity directly or through synaptic mechanisms. The optical mapping made it possible to record from tissues such as human enteric nerves, which were, until now, inaccessible by other techniques.  相似文献   

Previous studies have speculated, based on indirect evidence, that the action potential at the transverse (t)-tubules is longer than at the surface membrane in mammalian ventricular cardiomyocytes. To date, no technique has enabled recording of electrical activity selectively at the t-tubules to directly examine this hypothesis. We used confocal line-scan imaging in conjunction with the fast response voltage-sensitive dyes ANNINE-6 and ANNINE-6plus to resolve action potential-related changes in fractional dye fluorescence (ΔF/F) at the t-tubule and surface membranes of in situ mouse ventricular cardiomyocytes. Peak ΔF/F during action potential phase 0 depolarization averaged −21% for both dyes. The shape and time course of optical action potentials measured with the water-soluble ANNINE-6plus were indistinguishable from those of action potentials recorded with intracellular microelectrodes in the absence of the dye. In contrast, optical action potentials measured with the water-insoluble ANNINE-6 were significantly prolonged compared to the electrical recordings obtained from dye-free hearts, suggesting electrophysiological effects of ANNINE-6 and/or its solvents. With either dye, the kinetics of action potential-dependent changes in ΔF/F during repolarization were found to be similar at the t-tubular and surface membranes. This study provides what to our knowledge are the first direct measurements of t-tubule electrical activity in ventricular cardiomyocytes, which support the concept that action potential duration is uniform throughout the sarcolemma of individual cells.  相似文献   

We report on factors affecting the spontaneous firing pattern of the identified serotonin-containing Retzius neurons of the medicinal leech. Increased firing activity induced by intracellular current injection is followed by a ‘post-stimulus-depression’ (PSD) without spiking for up to 23 s. PSD duration depends both on the duration and the amplitude of the injected current and correlates inversely with the spontaneous spiking activity. In contrast to serotonin-containing neurons in mammals, serotonin release from the Retzius cells presumably does not mediate the observed spike suppression in a self-inhibitory manner since robust PSD persists after synaptic isolation. Moreover, single additional spikes elicited at specific delays after spontaneously occurring action potentials are sufficient to significantly alter the firing pattern. Since sub-threshold current injections do not affect the ongoing spiking pattern and PSD persists in synaptically isolated preparations our data suggest that PSD reflects an endogenous and ‘spike-dependent’ mechanism controlling the spiking activity of Retzius cells in a use-dependent way.  相似文献   

The electrical properties of neurons in the supraoptic nucleus (so.n.) have been studied in the hypothalamic slice preparation by intracellular and extracellular recording techniques, with Lucifer Yellow CH dye injection to mark the recording site as being the so.n. Intracellular recordings from so.n. neurons revealed them to have an average membrane potential of -67 +/- 0.8 mV (mean +/- s.e.m.), membrane resistance of 145 +/- 9 M omega with linear current-voltage relations from 40 mV in the hyperpolarizing direction to the level of spike threshold in the depolarizing direction. Average cell time constant was 14 +/- 2.2 ms. So.n. action potentials ranged in amplitude from 55 to 95 mV, with a mean of 76 +/- 2 mV, and a spike width of 2.6 +/- 0.5 ms at 30% of maximal spike height. Both single spikes and trains of spikes were followed by a strong, long-lasting hyperpolarization with a decay fitted by a single exponential having a time constant of 8.6 +/- 1.8 ms. Action potentials could be blocked by 10(-6) M tetrodotoxin. Spontaneously active so.n. neurons were characterized by synaptic input in the form of excitatory and inhibitory postsynaptic potentials, the latter being apparently blocked when 4 M KCl electrodes were used. Both forms of synaptic activity were blocked by application of divalent cations such as Mg2+, Mn2+ or Co2+. 74% of so.n. neurons fired spontaneously at rates exceeding 0.1 spikes per second, with a mean for all cells of 2.9 +/- 0.2 s-1. Of these cells, 21% fired slowly and continuously at 0.1 - 1.0 s-1, 45% fired continuously at greater than 1 Hz, and the remaining 34% fired phasically in bursts of activity followed by silence or low frequency firing. Spontaneously firing phasic cells showed a mean burst length of 16.7 +/- 4.5 s and a silent period of 28.2 +/- 4.2 s. Intracellular recordings revealed the presence of slow variations in membrane potential which modified the neuron's proximity to spike threshold, and controlled phasic firing. Variations in synaptic input were not observed to influence firing in phasic cells.  相似文献   

We searched for an optimal voltage-sensitive dye for optical measurements of neural activity in the hippocampal slice by evaluating several merocyanine-rhodanine and oxonol dyes. The wavelength dependence (action spectra), pharmacological effects of staining, signal size, signal-to-noise ratio, and the utility of the dyes for long-term continuous recording were examined for four merocyanine-rhodanine dyes (NK2761, NK2776, NK3224 and NK3225), which had been reported to be optimal in embryonic nervous systems, and for two oxonol dyes (NK3630 (RH482) and NK3041 (RH155)), which have been among the most popular potentiometric probes for the hippocampal slice preparation. NK2761, NK3224 and NK3225 provided large signal-to-noise ratios, and proved to be useful for optical recordings lasting several hours. NK3630 was most suitable for long-term recording, although the signal-to-noise ratio was slightly inferior to that of the merocyanine-rhodanines. Using NK3630 (RH482) on the hippocampal slice preparation, we demonstrate here that long-term potentiation can be monitored stably for more than 8 hr. Received: 16 June 1999/Revised: 4 August 1999  相似文献   

The bag cells in the abdominal ganglion of Aplysia californica control egg-laying behavior by releasing a polypeptide (ELH) during an afterdischarge of synchronous action potentials. We have used intracellular injection of Lucifer Yellow to study the morphology and interconnections of the bag cells. These neurosecretory cells are typically multipolar and their processes extend in all directions out from the bag cell clusters into the surrounding connective tissue, where they branch in a complex manner. In some of the dye injection experiments, dye transfer from the injected cell to neighboring cells was observed. Freeze fracture of the bag cell clusters and their surrounding connective tissue revealed numerous gap junctions on bag cell processes within the clusters as well as on more distal processes. We have also examined the morphology and coupling between bag cells in primary culture. As in the intact ganglion, bag cells in culture were found to be multipolar. All pairs of bag cells whose somata or processes had formed contacts in culture were electrically coupled. The strongest coupling was observed between pairs of cells whose somata appeared closely apposed. In these cases transfer of Lucifer Yellow between cells could also be observed. It is therefore likely that the synchrony of bag cell action potentials during a bag cell afterdischarge is a result of coupling between individual cells in the bag cell cluster.  相似文献   

1. The CNS from invertebrate animals such as slugs, snails, leeches, and cockroaches, can be isolated and kept alive for many hours. 2. The electrical and pharmacological properties of invertebrate CNS neurons have many similarities and it is probable that the basic rules governing the CNS evolved more than 600 million years ago. 3. The nerve cells can show sodium action potentials, calcium action potentials, EPSP, IPSP, biphasic potentials, electrogenic sodium pump potentials, and a variety of potassium, sodium, calcium and chloride currents. 4. Invertebrate CNS ganglia contain identifiable individual nerve cells whose properties and responses to neurotransmitters and drugs are constant and repeatable from preparation to preparation. 5. It was possible to set up an isolated CNS-nerve trunk-muscle preparation and study the transport of radioactive material from the CNS to the muscle and from muscle to CNS. This has provided information about axoplasmic transport in both invertebrate and vertebrate preparations. 6. The methods developed from studies of invertebrate isolated CNS preparations have been applied to vertebrate isolated CNS preparations. 7. In addition to thin slices of the mammalian brain, it is possible to keep 5 cm lengths of the whole mammalian spinal cord and brain stem alive for many hours. 8. The isolated mammalian spinal cord has functional ipsilateral and contralateral reflexes, ascending and descending pathways, extensive sensory integrative local area networks, and inhibitory interneuron circuits. Much of the in vivo circuitry is functional in vitro. 9. The isolated mammalian spinal cord and brain stem can be developed to include functional higher brain circuits that will provide increased understanding of the control and integrative action of the mammalian central nervous system.  相似文献   

A V Maricq  J I Korenbrot 《Neuron》1988,1(6):503-515
Vertebrate rod and cone photoreceptors hyperpolarize when illuminated. However, synaptic input from horizontal cells can depolarize cones and even elicit action potentials. Using the whole-cell tight-seal recording technique, we determined that, in solitary cones isolated from a lizard retina, action potentials can be generated by depolarizing current steps under conditions where only two ionic currents are activated. A dihydropyridine-sensitive, inward Ca2+ current that activates at potentials positive to -40 mV can regeneratively depolarize the cell. Subsequently, a SITS-sensitive, Ca2(+)-dependent outward Cl- current repolarizes the cell. We suggest that these ionic currents may help explain lateral inhibition in the retina.  相似文献   

Complete understanding of the ontogenesis and early development of electrical activity and its related contraction has been hampered by our inability to apply conventional electrophysiological techniques to the early embryonic heart. Direct intracellular measurement of electrical events in the early embryonic heart is impossible because the cells are too small and frail to be impaled with microelectrodes. Optical signals from voltage-sensitive dyes have provided a new and powerful tool for monitoring changes in membrane potential in a wide variety of living preparations. With this technique it is possible to make optical recordings from cells which are inaccessible to microelectrodes. An additional advantage of the optical method for recording membrane potential activity is that electrical activity can be monitored simultaneously from many sites in a preparation. Thus, applying a multiple-site optical recording method with a 100- or 144-element photodiode array and voltage-sensitive dyes, we have been able to monitor for the first time spontaneous electrical activity in pre-fused cardiac primordia in early chick embryos at the 6- and early 7-somite stages of development; we have been able to determine that the time of initiation of the heartbeat is the middle period of the 9-somite stage. In the rat embryonic heart, the onset of spontaneous electrical activity and contraction occurs at the 3-somite stage. This article describes ionic properties of the spontaneous action potential and genesis of excitation-contraction coupling in the early embryonic chick and rat hearts. In addition, an improved view of the ontogenetic sequence of spontaneous electrical activity and its implications for excitation-contraction coupling in the early embryonic heart are proposed and discussed.  相似文献   

Prey capture by a tentacle of the ctenophore Pleurobrachia elicits a reversal of beat direction and increase in beat frequency of comb plates in rows adjacent to the catching tentacle (Tamm and Moss 1985). These ciliary motor responses were elicited in intact animals by repetitive electrical stimulation of a tentacle or the midsubtentacular body surface with a suction electrode. An isolated split-comb row preparation allowed stable intracellular recording from comb plate cells during electrically stimulated motor responses of the comb plates, which were imaged by high-speed video microscopy. During normal beating in the absence of electrical stimulation, comb plate cells showed no changes in the resting membrane potential, which was typically about -60 mV. Trains of electrical impulses (5/s, 5 ms duration, at 5-15 V) delivered by an extracellular suction electrode elicited summing facilitating synaptic potentials which gave rise to graded regenerative responses. High K+ artificial seawater caused progressive depolarization of the polster cells which led to volleys of action potentials. Current injection (depolarizing or release from hyperpolarizing current) also elicited regenerative responses; the rate of rise and the peak amplitude were graded with intensity of stimulus current beyond a threshold value of about -40 mV. Increasing levels of subthreshold depolarization were correlated with increasing rates of beating in the normal direction. Action potentials were accompanied by laydown (upward curvature of nonbeating plates), reversed beating at high frequency, and intermediate beat patterns. TEA increased the summed depolarization elicited by pulse train stimulation, as well as the size and duration of the action potentials. TEA-enhanced single action potentials evoked a sudden arrest, laydown and brief bout of reversed beating. Dual electrode impalements showed that cells in the same comb plate ridge experienced similar but not identical electrical activity, even though all of their cilia beat synchronously. The large number of cells making up a comb plate, their highly asymmetric shape, and their complex innervation and electrical characteristics present interesting features of bioelectric control not found in other cilia.  相似文献   

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