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Experimental determinations of glucose carbon recycling using 14C or 13C glucose tracer often underestimate true Cori cycle activity because of dilution and exchange of isotope tracer through the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle. The term glucose isotope recycling therefore is used to distinguish recycling of isotope from recycling of glucose carbon, the actual quantity of circulating glucose recycled. Recently, per-labeled glucose ([U-13C6]glucose) has been used to estimate glucose appearance rate and glucose isotope recycling. Chemical structural information determined by mass isotopomer analysis has been used to correct for dilution of isotope through the TCA cycle. In this report, we present experiments in the study of glucose turnover and recycling using [U-13C6]glucose. Methods of single injection and continuous infusion of [U-13C6]glucose are compared. A formula for the calculation of a dilution factor using TCA cycle parameters is derived. In this study of six rabbits, glucose turnover rate ranged from 3.4 to 8.8 mg/kg/min, and glucose m + 3 mass isotopomer recycling from 7 to 12%. The rate of pyruvate carboxylation (Y) was comparable to that of citrate synthetase, having an average relative flux of 0.89. Applying the correction factor for tracer dilution to the observed mass isotopomer recycling, we determined glucose carbon recycling (or Cori cycle activity) to be 22-35% of hepatic glucose output.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess the level of agreement between two techniques commonly used to measure exogenous carbohydrate oxidation (CHO(EXO)). To accomplish this, seven healthy male subjects (24 +/- 3 yr, 74.8 +/- 2.1 kg, V(O2(max)) 62 +/- 4 ml x kg(-1) x min(-1)) exercised at 50% of their peak power for 120 min on two occasions. During these exercise bouts, subjects ingested a solution containing either 144 g glucose (8.7% wt/vol glucose) or water. The glucose solution contained trace amounts of both [U-13C]glucose and [U-14C]glucose to allow CHO(EXO) to be quantified simultaneously. The water trial was used to correct for background 13C enrichment. 13C appearance in the expired air was measured using isotope ratio mass spectrometry, whereas 14C appearance was quantified by trapping expired CO(2) in solution (using hyamine hydroxide) and adding a scintillator before counting radioactivity. CHO(EXO) measured with [13C]glucose ([13C]CHO(EXO)) was significantly greater than CHO(EXO) measured with [14C]glucose ([14C]CHO(EXO)) from 30 to 120 min. There was a 15 +/- 4% difference between [13C]CHO(EXO) and [14C]CHO(EXO) such that the absolute difference increased with the magnitude of CHO(EXO). Further investigations suggest that the difference is not because of losses of CO2 from the trapping solution before counting or an underestimation of the "strength" of the trapping solution. Previous research suggests that the degree of isotopic fractionation is small (S. C. Kalhan, S. M. Savin, and P. A. Adam. J Lab Clin Med89: 285-294, 1977). Therefore, the explanation for the discrepancy in calculated CHO(EXO) remains to be fully understood.  相似文献   

Glutamate metabolism was studied in co-cultures of mouse cerebellar neurons (predominantly glutamatergic) and astrocytes. One set of cultures was superfused (90 min) in the presence of either [U-13C]glucose (2.5 mM) and lactate (1 mM) or [U-13C]lactate (1 mM) and glucose (2.5 mM). Other sets of cultures were incubated in medium containing [U-13C]lactate (1 mM) and glucose (2.5 mM) for 4 h. Regardless of the experimental conditions cell extracts were analyzed using mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. 13C labeling of glutamate was much higher than that of glutamine under all experimental conditions indicating that acetyl-CoA from both lactate and glucose was preferentially metabolized in the neurons. Aspartate labeling was similar to that of glutamate, especially when [U-13C]glucose was the substrate. Labeling of glutamate, aspartate and glutamine was lower in the cells incubated with [U-13C]lactate. The first part of the pyruvate recycling pathway, pyruvate formation, was detected in singlet and doublet labeling of alanine under all experimental conditions. However, full recycling, detectable in singlet labeling of glutamate in the C-4 position was only quantifiable in the superfused cells both from [U-13C]glucose and [U-13C]lactate. Lactate and alanine were mostly uniformly labeled and labeling of alanine was the same regardless of the labeled substrate present and higher than that of lactate when superfused in the presence of [U-13C]glucose. These results show that metabolism of pyruvate, the precursor for lactate, alanine and acetyl-CoA is highly compartmentalized. Special issue dedicated to John P. Blass.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present experiment was to compare 13CO2 recovery at the mouth, and the corresponding exogenous glucose oxidation computed, during a 100-min exercise at 63 +/- 3% maximal O2 uptake with ingestion of glucose (1.75 g/kg) in six active male subjects, by use of [U-13C] and [1,2-13C]glucose. We hypothesized that 13C recovery and exogenous glucose oxidation could be lower with [1,2-13C] than [U-13C]glucose because both tracers provide [13C]acetate, with possible loss of 13C in the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle, but decarboxylation of pyruvate from [U-13C]glucose also provides 13CO2, which is entirely recovered at the mouth during exercise. The recovery of 13C (25.8 +/- 2.3 and 27.4 +/- 1.2% over the exercise period) and the amounts of exogenous glucose oxidized computed were not significantly different with [1,2-13C] and [U-13C]glucose (28.9 +/- 2.6 and 30.7 +/- 1.3 g, between minutes 40 and 100), suggesting that no significant loss of 13C occurred in the TCA cycle. This stems from the fact that, during exercise, the rate of exogenous glucose oxidation is probably much larger than the flux of the metabolic pathways fueled from TCA cycle intermediates. It is thus unlikely that a significant portion of the 13C entering the TCA cycle could be diverted to these pathways. From a methodological standpoint, this result indicates that when a large amount of [13C]glucose is ingested and oxidized during exercise, 13CO2 production at the mouth accurately reflects the rate of glucose entry in the TCA cycle and that no correction factor is needed to compute the oxidative flux of exogenous glucose.  相似文献   

Zhang Y  Courtois P  Sener A  Malaisse WJ 《Biochimie》2004,86(12):913-918
The anomeric specificity of D-[U-14C]glucose incorporation into glycogen in rat hemidiaphragms was investigated. For this purpose, the hemidiaphragms were preincubated for 30 min at 37 degrees C and then incubated for 5 min at the same temperature in the presence of alpha- or beta-D-[U-14C]glucose. The concentrations of D-glucose (5.6 or 8.8 mM) and insulin (0 or 10 mU/ml) were identical during the preincubation and incubation periods. The incubation medium was prepared in D2O/H2O (3:1, v/v) in order to delay the interconversion of the D-glucose anomers. In addition to glycogen labelling, the output of radioactive acidic metabolites was also measured. Insulin caused a preferential stimulation of glycogen labelling relative to glycolysis. Such was not the case in response to a rise in D-glucose concentration. At 5.6 mM D-glucose and whether in the presence or absence of insulin, both glycogen labelling and glycolysis were lower with alpha-D-glucose than with beta-D-glucose suggesting a higher rate of beta-D-glucose than alpha-D-glucose transport across the plasma membrane. A mirror image was found at 8.8 mM D-glucose, especially in the absence of insulin. At this close-to-physiological hexose concentration, insulin lowered the alpha/beta ratio for glycogen labelling. On the contrary, the rise in D-glucose concentration increased such a ratio. Since such a rise is probably little affected by any possible anomeric difference in D-glucose transport across the plasma membrane, the present results strongly suggest that the intracellular factors regulating net glycogen synthesis, as well as glycolytic flux, display obvious preference for alpha-D-glucose.  相似文献   

1. [14C]Acetylcholine synthesis and 14CO2 production from [U-14C]glucose has been measured in tissue prism preparations from human neocortex. 2. Electron micrographs of prisms from human and rat neocortex show that both contain intact synaptic endings with evenly-distributed vesicles and normal-appearing mitochondria, but only poorly preserved cell body structure. 3. Synthesis of [14C]acetylcholine in prisms from rat neocortex is similar to estimates for turnover in vivo. Synthesis in prisms from human neocortex is 18% of that in rat tissue and 64% of that in tissue from baboon neocortex for incubations performed in 31 mM-K+. 4. Investigations of prisms prepared from rat brains stored at 37 degrees C after death revealed that synthesis of [14C]acetylcholine in the presence of 31 mM-K+ was greatly decreased within 30 min of post-mortem incubation, whereas synthesis at 5 mM-K+ and production of 14CO2 at both K+ concentrations were only significantly affected after longer periods. Changes were similar in neocortex and striatum. Thus human autopsy material is unlikely to be suitable for use with this system. 5. Investigations using animal models suggest that [14C]acetylcholine synthesis and 14CO2 production are not affected by surgical or anaesthetic procedures. 6. Neither [14C]acetylcholine synthesis nor 14CO2 production in human prisms was significantly changed with age between 15 and 68 years. 7. Samples from patients with the dementing condition Alzheimer's disease showed a significant decrease in [14C]acetylcholine synthesis to 47% of normal samples and a significant increase of 39% in production of 14CO2.  相似文献   

Sources of plasma glucose excursions (PGE) following a glucose tolerance test enriched with [U-(13)C]glucose and deuterated water were directly resolved by (13)C and (2)H Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy analysis of plasma glucose and water enrichments in rat. Plasma water (2)H-enrichment attained isotopic steady-state within 2-4 minutes following the load. The fraction of PGE derived from endogenous sources was determined from the ratio of plasma glucose position 2 and plasma water (2)H-enrichments. The fractional gluconeogenic contributions to PGE were obtained from plasma glucose positions 2 and 5 (2)H-positional enrichment ratios and load contributions were estimated from plasma [U-(13)C]glucose enrichments. At 15 minutes, the load contributed 26±5% of PGE while 14±2% originated from gluconeogenesis in healthy control rats. Between 15 and 120 minutes, the load contribution fell whereas the gluconeogenic contribution remained constant. High-fat fed animals had significant higher 120-minute blood glucose (173±6 mg/dL vs. 139±10 mg/dL, p<0.05) and gluconeogenic contributions to PGE (59±5 mg/dL vs. 38±3 mg/dL, p<0.01) relative to standard chow-fed controls. In summary, the endogenous and load components of PGE can be resolved during a glucose tolerance test and these measurements revealed that plasma glucose synthesis via gluconeogenesis remained active during the period immediately following a glucose load. In rats that were placed on high-fat diet, the development of glucose intolerance was associated with a significantly higher gluconeogenic contribution to plasma glucose levels after the load.  相似文献   

The hormonal control of [14C]glucose synthesis from [U-14C-A1dihydroxyacetone was studied in hepatocytes from fed and starved rats. In cells from fed rats, glucagon lowered the concentration of substrate giving half-half-maximal rates of incorporation while it had little or no effect on the maximal rate. Inhibitors of gluconeogenesis from pyruvate had no effect on the ability of the hormone to stimulate the synthesis of [14C]glucose from dihydroxyacetone. The concentrations of glucagon and epinephrine giving half-maximal stimulation from dihydroxacetone were 0.3 to 0.4 mM and 0.3 to 0.5 muM, respectively. The meaximal catecholamine stimulation was much less than the maximal stimulation by glucagon and was mediated largely by the alpha receptor. Insulin had no effect on the basal rate of [14C]clucose synthesis but inhibited the effect of submaximal concentration of glucagon or of any concentration of catecholamine. Glucagon had no effect on the uptake of dihydroxyacetone but suppressed its conversion to lactate and pyruvate. This suppression accounted for most of the increase in glucose synthesis. In cells from gasted rats, where lactate production is greatly reduced and the rate of glucose synthesis is elevated, glucagon did not stimulate gluconeogenesis from dihydroxyacetone. Findings with glycerol as substrate were similar to those with dihyroxyacetone. Ethanol also stimulated glucose production from dihydroxyacetone while reducing proportionately the production of lactate. Ethanol is known to generate reducing equivalents fro clyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase and presumably thereby inhibits carbon flux to lactate at this site. Its effect was additive with that of glucagon. Estimates of the steady state levels of intermediary metabolites and flux rates suggested that glucagon activated conversion of fructose diphosphate to fructose 6-phosphate and suppressed conversion of phosphoenolpyruvate to pyruvate. More direct evidence for an inhibition of pyruvate kinase was the observation that brief exposure of cells to glucagon caused up to 70% inhibition of the enzyme activity in homogenates of these cells. The inhibition was not seen when the enzyme was assayed with 20 muM fructose diphosphate. The effect of glucagon to lower fructose diphosphate levels in intact cells may promote the inhibition of pyruvate kinase. The inhibition of pyruvate kinase may reduce recycling in the pathway of gluconeogenesis from major physiological substrates and probably accounts fromsome but not all the stimulatory effect of glucagon.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to assess whether citrate stimulates aldosterone production by isolated bovine adrenal glomerulosa cells in vitro. When the cells were incubated with graded concentrations of citrate up to 4.0 mM, basal aldosterone production was significantly elevated, with a gradual reduction of extracellular ionized calcium concentration. Without citrate, however, adding increasing amounts of calcium chloride to a calcium-free medium did not reproduce the citrate's effect on basal aldosterone production. Genistein, an inhibitor of tyrosine kinases, inhibited the citrate (4 mM)-induced aldosterone production in a dose-dependent manner, with 89.8% of inhibition at a concentration of 10 microM. When the cells were exposed to citrate (4 mM) for 5, 10, and 30 min, tyrosine in Mr 105,000 endogenous protein was dominantly phosphorylated. This study demonstrates for the first time that citrate stimulates aldosterone production in bovine adrenal glomerulosa cells in vitro and also suggests a crucial involvement of protein tyrosine kinase in the steroidogenic action of citrate in the cells.  相似文献   

(13)C-metabolic flux analysis (MFA) is a widely used method for measuring intracellular metabolic fluxes in living cells. (13)C MFA relies on several key assumptions: (1) the assumed metabolic network model is complete, in that it accounts for all significant enzymatic and transport reactions; (2) (13)C-labeling measurements are accurate and precise; and (3) enzymes and transporters do not discriminate between (12)C- and (13)C-labeled metabolites. In this study, we tested these inherent assumptions of (13)C MFA for wild-type E. coli by parallel labeling experiments with [U-(13)C]glucose as tracer. Cells were grown in six parallel cultures in custom-constructed mini-bioreactors, starting from the same inoculum, on medium containing different mixtures of natural glucose and fully labeled [U-(13)C]glucose, ranging from 0% to 100% [U-(13)C]glucose. Macroscopic growth characteristics of E. coli showed no observable kinetic isotope effect. The cells grew equally well on natural glucose, 100% [U-(13)C]glucose, and mixtures thereof. (13)C MFA was then used to determine intracellular metabolic fluxes for several metabolic network models: an initial network model from literature; and extended network models that accounted for potential dilution effects of isotopic labeling. The initial network model did not give statistically acceptable fits and produced inconsistent flux results for the parallel labeling experiments. In contrast, an extended network model that accounted for dilution of intracellular CO(2) by exchange with extracellular CO(2) produced statistically acceptable fits, and the estimated metabolic fluxes were consistent for the parallel cultures. This study illustrates the importance of model validation for (13)C MFA. We show that an incomplete network model can produce statistically unacceptable fits, as determined by a chi-square test for goodness-of-fit, and return biased metabolic fluxes. The validated metabolic network model for E. coli from this study can be used in future investigations for unbiased metabolic flux measurements.  相似文献   

Plasma glucose and muscle glycogen oxidation during prolonged exercise [75-min at 48 and 76% maximal O(2) uptake (Vo(2 max))] were measured in eight well-trained male subjects [Vo(2 max) = 4.50 l/min (SD 0.63)] using a simplified tracer technique in which a small amount of glucose highly enriched in (13)C was ingested: plasma glucose oxidation was computed from (13)C/(12)C in plasma glucose (which was stable beginning at minute 30 and minute 15 during exercise at 48 and 76% Vo(2 max), respectively) and (13)CO(2) production, and muscle glycogen oxidation was estimated by subtracting plasma glucose oxidation from total carbohydrate oxidation. Consistent data from the literature suggest that this small dose of exogenous glucose does not modify muscle glycogen oxidation and has little effect, if any, on plasma glucose oxidation. The percent contributions of plasma glucose and muscle glycogen oxidation to the energy yield at 48% Vo(2 max) [15.1% (SD 3.8) and 45.9% (SD 5.8)] and at 76% Vo(2 max) [15.4% (SD 3.6) and 59.8% (SD 9.2)] were well in line with data previously reported for similar work loads and exercise durations using conventional tracer techniques. The significant reduction in glycogen concentration measured from pre- and postexercise vastus lateralis muscle biopsies paralleled muscle glycogen oxidation calculated using the tracer technique and was larger at 76% than at 48% Vo(2 max). However, the correlation coefficients between these two estimates of muscle glycogen utilization were not different from zero at each of the two work loads. The simplified tracer technique used in the present experiment appears to be a valid alternative approach to the traditional tracer techniques for computing plasma glucose and muscle glycogen oxidation during prolonged exercise.  相似文献   

Seven healthy male volunteers exercised on a cycle ergometer at 50 +/- 5% VO2max for 180 min, on three occasions during which they ingested either water only (W), [13C]glucose (G), or [13C]fructose (F) (140 +/- 12 g, diluted at 7% in water, and evenly distributed over the exercise period). Blood glucose concentration (in mM) significantly decreased during exercise with W (5.1 +/- 0.4 to 4.2 +/- 0.1) but remained stable with G (5.0 +/- 0.4 to 5.3 +/- 0.6) or F ingestion (5.4 +/- 0.5 to 5.1 +/- 0.4). Decreases in plasma insulin concentration (microU/ml) were greater (P less than 0.05) with W (11 +/- 3 to 3 +/- 1) and F (12 +/- 4 to 5 +/- 1) than with G ingestion (11 +/- 2 to 9 +/- 5), and fat utilization was greater with F (103 +/- 11 g) than with G ingestion (82 +/- 9 g) and lower than with W ingestion (132 +/- 14 g). However F was less readily available for combustion than G; over the 3-h period 75% (106 +/- 11 g) of ingested G was oxidized, compared with 56% (79 +/- 8 g) of ingested fructose. As a consequence, carbohydrate store utilizations were similar in the two conditions (G, 174 +/- 20 g; F, 173 +/- 17 g; vs. W, 193 +/- 22 g). These observations suggest that, during prolonged moderate exercise, F ingestion maintains blood glucose as well as G ingestion, and increases fat utilization when compared to G ingestion. However, due to a slower rate of utilization of F, carbohydrate store sparing is similar with G and F ingestions.  相似文献   

Studies have been made on the intensity of oxidation of [U-14C]-palmitate, [1-14C]- and [6-14C]-glucose by slices of the liver and skeletal muscles of new-born, 1-day, 5-day and adult Wistar rats and domestic pigs. It was found that the level of 14CO2 production from these substrates is higher in tissues of rats than in those of pigs. At early stages of ontogenesis, in tissues of both species intensive oxidation of glucose is observed together with oxidation of fatty acids. In the course of ontogenetic development, the intensity of glucose utilization significantly decreases, whereas the level of fatty acid catabolism remains relatively unaffected.  相似文献   

The rate of [2-14C]glucose uptake has been used as an indication of the status of energy consumption by the rat brain, but the cost of this radiolabel can be prohibitive and the surgical manipulation involved in published methods is extensive. A method for measuring glucose utilization in vivo in mouse brain with [U-14C]glucose is described in this article. Glucose consumption in whole mouse brain obtained with [U-14C]glucose or [2-14C]glucose was 0.650±0.022 and 0.716±0.36 nmol/mg/min, respectively. In all instances the rate obtained with the uniformly labeled isotope was somewhat lower than that found with [2-14C]glucose. The rate of glucose utilization measured with either isotope was significantly depressed in sodium pentobarbital anesthetized mice. The method described here is advantageous because [U-14C]glucose is substantially less expensive than [2-14C]glucose and surgical intervention is avoided.  相似文献   

The experiment was performed on rats to which a single injection of [U-14C]glucose had been administered. Results were observed from the 7th to the 281st day following contamination. At 280 days only the lipids in the brain contained radioactivity, the highest degree of specific activity being found in the cerebrosides.  相似文献   

Female rats were injected i.v. with comparable trace amounts of [U-14C] glycerol, [2-3H] glycerol, [U-14C] glucose, or [1-14C] palmitate, and killed 30 min afterwards. The radioactivity remaining in plasma at that time was maximal in animals receiving [U-14C] glucose while the appearance of radioactive lipids was higher in the [U-14C] glycerol animals than in other groups receiving hydrosoluble substrates. The carcass, more than the liver, was the tissue where the greatest proportion of radioactivity was recovered, while the greatest percentage of radioactivity appeared in the liver in the form of lipids. The values of total radioactivity found in different tissues were very similar when using either labelled glucose or glycerol but the amount recovered as lipids was much greater in the latter. The maximal proportion of radioactive lipids appeared in the fatty-acid form in the liver, carcass, and lumbar fat pads when using [U-14C] glycerol as a hydrosoluble substrate, and the highest lipidic fraction appeared in adipose tissue as labelled, esterified fatty acids. In the spleen, heart, and kidney, most of the lipidic radioactivity from any of the hydrosoluble substrates appeared as glyceride glycerol. The highest proportion of radioactivity from [1-14C] palmitate appeared in the esterified fatty acid in adipose tissue, being followed in decreasing proportion by the heart, carcass, liver, kidney, and spleen. Thus at least in part, both labelled glucose and glycerol are used throughout different routes for their conversion in vivo to lipids. A certain proportion of glycerol is directly utilized by adipose tissue. The fatty acids esterification ability differs among the tissues and does not correspond directly with the reported activities of glycerokinase, suggesting that the alpha-glycerophosphate for esterification comes mainly from glucose and not from glycerol.  相似文献   

1. The incorporation of [(35)S]sulphate in vivo into the acid-soluble intermediates extracted from young rat skin showed three sulphated hexosamine-containing components. 2. The rates of synthesis of these components were determined in vivo by measuring the incorporation of radioactivity from [U-(14)C]glucose into their isolated hexosamine moieties. 3. The incorporation of radioactivity from [U-(14)C]glucose into the isolated hexosamine and uronic acid moieties of the acid glycosaminoglycans was also measured. These results, combined with those obtained on the intermediary pathways of hexosamine and uronic acid biosynthesis previously determined in this tissue, indicated that the acid-soluble sulphated hexosamine-containing components were not precursors of the sulphated hexosamine found in the acid glycosaminoglycans. 4. The rates of synthesis of the acid glycosaminoglycan fractions were calculated from the incorporation of radioactivity from [U-(14)C]glucose into the hexosamine moiety. The sulphated components containing principally dermatan sulphate, chondroitin 6-sulphate and in smaller amounts, chondroitin 4-sulphate, heparan sulphate and heparin appeared to be turning over about twice as rapidly as hyaluronic acid and about four times as rapidly as the small keratan sulphate fraction. The relative rates of synthesis of the sulphated glycosaminoglycans were calculated from the incorporation of [(35)S]sulphate and were in agreement with those from (14)C-labelling studies.  相似文献   

Raghunathan V  Chau MH  Ray BD  Rao BD 《Biochemistry》1999,38(47):15597-15605
A complete characterization of the conformations of Mn.ADP and Mn.ATP bound to the active site of yeast 3-P-glycerate kinase is presented. These conformations have been deduced on the basis of paramagnetic effects on 13C spin-lattice relaxation rates in [U-13C]nucleotides due to Mn(II), used as a substituent activating cation. The 13C relaxation measurements were performed on exclusively enzyme-bound complexes E.Mn.[U-13C]ATP and E.Mn.[U-13C]ADP at three distinct 13C NMR frequencies: 75.4, 125.7, and 181 MHz. The frequency dependence of the relaxation data has been analyzed in an effort to evaluate distances from the cation for all 10 13C nuclei in the adenosine moieties of E.Mn.ATP and E.Mn.ADP. These distance data, taken along with previously published cation-31P distances, have been used as constraints in the molecular modeling program Quanta, in which molecular dynamics simulations and energy minimization have been performed to determine the conformations that are compatible with the distance data. It was possible to model the distances on the basis of a single enzyme-bound conformation for each of the nucleotides. The details of the enzyme-bound Mn.ATP and Mn.ADP conformations are distinguishably different from each other, indicating that structural alterations occur in the enzyme-bound reaction complex as the enzyme turns over. For example, when the adenosine moieties in the bound structures of Mn.ATP and Mn.ADP are superposed, the cation is found to be displaced by approximately 2.4 A between the two conformations, suggesting that these structural changes may involve movements with significant amplitudes. Furthermore, the NMR-determined structures of enzyme-bound Mn.ATP and Mn.ADP are significantly different from those in published X-ray crystal structures of the enzyme-nucleotide complexes.  相似文献   

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