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The genome damage (the frequencies of cells with micronuclei (MN), chromosome aberrations, the level of DNA double-strand breaks (DSB DNA), the concentration of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and 28 immunological parameters have been studied on the blood lymphocytes of Chernobyl accident liquidators. The purpose of this article was the investigation of cytogenetic, molecular changes of blood lymphocytes of irradiated individuals 24 years after accident, examination it there are correlation between genome damage and immunological parameters. It was shown that in lymphocytes of liquidators the frequencies of cells with MN and with all type of chromosome aberrations didn't differ from the lymphocytes of nonirradiated individuals, but the frequency of chromosome aberration type was increased, the level of DSB DNA was increased too. The concentration of ROS is decreased. The percent of cytotoxic CD8(+)-T-lymphocytes, natural killer cells (CD16(+)-lymphocytes), CD3+ CD16+ CD56+ (NK-T-cells), that posses antivirus and antitumor activity--HLA-DR+, regulatory T-lymphocytes (CD4+ CD25+high) in liquidators significantly increases. The level of serum immunoglobulin (Ig A) significantly increases too. The index of immune regulation, meaning of phagocyte neutrophil (FAN) and macrophage activity decreases. In liquidators there are significant correlation between the frequencies of cells with MN and the content of regulatory T-lymphocytes (p < 0.05), between the concentrations of ROS and activated T-lymphocytes. More connection is on the tendency level (p < 0.10): the frequency of chromosome aberrations, the DSB DNA level with natural killer cells and regulatory T-lymphocytes; the frequency of cells with MN and DSB DNA and FAM. We can suppose that genomic instability induced by the liquidators of Chernobyl accident consequences 24 years ago manifests now as increased genome damage and oxidative status decrease that can result in imbalance of cells and humoral immune status, disturbancies of health.  相似文献   

The article presents the results of studying on agroecosystems flora status in restricted zone 20 years after the Chernobyl accident. There were preliminary identified 8 agroecosystems associations by Broaun-Blanquet ecologo-floristic classification: Phalacrolometum septentrionale, Agrostio tenuis Calamagrostietum epigeii, Agrostio tenuis--Elytrigietum repentis, Poo pratensis--Bromopsietum inermis, Poo pratensis--Dactylidetum glomeratae, Poo pratensis--Agrostietum tenuis, Elytrigio repentis--Poetum pratensis, Caricetum hirtae. First three associations were attributed to Agropyretea repentis class, to Agropyretalia repentis order, Convolvulo--Agropyrion union. We consider the association Phalacrolometum septentrionale as the initial stage of agroscosystems overgrowing which is continued with increase of its demonstration in association Agrostio tenuis--Calamagrostietum epigeii and Agrostio tenuis--Elytrigietum repentis. The associations Poo pratensis--Bromopsietum inermis, Poo pratensis--Dactylidetum glomeratae, Poo pratensis--Agrostietum tenuis and Elytrigio repentis--Poetum pratensis we attributed to class Molinio--Arrhenatheretea, to order Arrhenatheretalia and Festuncion pratensis union. The association Caricetum hirtae was attributed to class Plantaginetea majoris, to order Plantaginetalia majoris and to union Agrapyro--Rumicion crispi. For each of the allocated associations and rye sowing there was provided brief characteristic, including 137Cs and 90Sr radionuclids content in soil and air-dry herbage mass. During the period of studies there was marked stable soil and air-dry herbage mass contamination by radionuclides at absence of grass stabilization of studied agroecosystems. The limiting factor on using of meadow agroecosystems herbages is their high level of contamination by 90Sr. The herbage can be used only for obtaining of milk-raw material for processing.  相似文献   

The increase of thyroid cancer incidence rate among children living in the Chernobyl contaminated territories of Belarus, Russia and Ukraine has widely been accepted. Our current work deals with thyroid cancer incidence in the cohort of liquidators (99024 persons) living in 6 regions of Russia: North-West, Volgo-Vyatsky, Central-Chernozemny, Povolzhsky, North-Caucasus and Urals. In the period 1986-1998, a total of 58 thyroid cancer cases were detected in this cohort. We found a statistically significant increase of the thyroid cancer incidence rate in liquidators as compared to the baseline (male population of Russia) level (SIR=4.33, 95% CI: 3.29; 5.60). It was demonstrated that there is no dependence of incidence rates due to external radiation exposure (ERR/Gy=-2.23, 95% CI: -4.67; 0.22).  相似文献   

A tendency of the increasing frequency of malignant neoplasms in liquidators at low radiation doses was found. The dose-effect dependence of the frequency of radiation markers (dicentric chromosomes) in lymphocytes of peripheral blood was revealed only in a group of liquidators of the ChNPP accident with malignant neoplasms in remote terms.  相似文献   

Exposure to ionizing radiation has long been suspected to increase mutation load in humans. Nevertheless, such events as atomic bombing seem not to have yielded significant genetic defects. The Chernobyl accident created a different, long-term exposure to radiation. Clean-up teams (or 'liquidators') of the Chernobyl reactor are among those who received the highest doses, presumably in some combination of acute and chronic forms. In this study, children born to liquidator families (currently either in the Ukraine or Israel) conceived after (CA) parental exposure to radiation were screened for the appearance of new fragments using multi-site DNA fingerprinting. Their sibs conceived before (CB) exposure served as critical internal controls, in addition to external controls (non-exposed families). An unexpectedly high (sevenfold) increase in the number of new bands in CA individuals compared with the level seen in controls was recorded. A strong tendency for the number of new bands to decrease with elapsed time between exposure and offspring conception was established for the Ukrainian families. These results indicate that low doses of radiation can induce multiple changes in human germline DNA.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present research was the estimation of probable genetic consequences at the liquidators of the consequences of Chernobyl accident in 1986-1987. The research is made on two groups of the liquidators. The first group included the liquidators taking place on the account in the branch register and working now at the enterprises of a nuclear industry. The second group included 902 liquidators of consequences of Chernobyl accident in 1986 constantly living in the Ryazan area and which are taking place on permanent observation the account in regional hospital. For an estimation of probable genetic effects analyzed the data on frequency and outcomes pregnancy of the wives of the liquidators, on condition and on diseases of newborn, on switching intrauterine development defects (IDD). The analysis carried out depending on dozes of an irradiation: up to 5 cGy; 5-10 cGy and 10-25 cGy. Received materials testify, that at the liquidators, at a doze of an external irradiation 10-25 cGy, the determined effects--period long sterility, kept at a part them till 3 years come to light. The set of the received data, such as depending from the dose increase of frequency of spontaneous abortions and of inherent defects of development of newborn, the increase of frequency diseases of newborn and share newborn with low weight, allows to make a conclusion about an induction of genetic effects in sexual cells of the liquidators of consequences of Chernobyl accident at dozes of an external irradiation more than 10 cGy. Taking into account high biological efficiency of alpha-radiation (K = 20), and of beta-radiation (K = 2-4), the equivalent effective doze male gonads (testes) in 3-5 times is higher, than estimated only from external gamma-radiation.  相似文献   

Dosimetric models have been developed to estimate the exposure doses of woody plants growing in the area contaminated by long-lived radionuclides. The models are parameterized based on the data obtained from the experimental plots in the south-west districts of the Bryansk region affected by radioactive fallout of the Chernobyl NPP accident. Doses are estimated to generative organs of pine trees from these plots. The contribution from various sources and types of ionizing radiation to the absorbed dose formation for these objects is determined.  相似文献   

With the help of the FISH technique the Official Dose Records (ODR) in 40 liquidators from the National (18 persons) and Military (22 persons) Registers were verified. In the civil liquidators the cases with the overestimated individual ODR were predominated while in the liquidators from the Military Register the cases with underestimation of the ODR in comparison with biological irradiation doses were prevailed. The both groups were considered as true "high-dose" ones with radiation exposure that exceed permissible levels for an accident.  相似文献   

A methodological approach for the justification of rational countermeasure options in agricultural production in the long term after the Chernobyl NPP accident is presented. The decrease in the scale of countermeasures in 1993-1996 in the most affected regions has resulted to a rise in internal exposure doses to the population. A need for further application of protective measures in the long term after the Chernobyl NPP accident is estimated. It has been shown that the remediation of some rural settlements should be continued till 2045.  相似文献   

The number of nucleoli in lymphocyte nuclei was compared in the peripheral blood of the Chernobyl liquidators and non-irradiated persons (control). The former was significantly distinguished from the latter (p < 0.01) by the parameter "the number of nucleoli in lymphocytes", mean numbers of nucleoli per nucleus in these being 1.18 and 1.12, respectively. The increased number of nucleoli in lymphocytes of the Chernobyl liquidators may be associated with cytogenetic radiation effects.  相似文献   

The specificity of lung irradiation caused by ionizing radiation is influence on mucous membranes of respiratory ways, alveolar epithelium and capillaries of a small circle of the blood circulation. Under diseases of bronchus-lung system the lipid peroxidation (LPO) processes activation is observed. The radiating influence strengthening effect. In results in imbalance aggravation in system "LPO-antioxidants", and long expressing of LPO intensification is the important mechanism of the inflammation chronization. The sharp increase of proteolytic activity and inhibitor activity decrease is found out in the patients-liquidators. Noticed imbalance results in the further change of permeability of membranes and correlates with an index of endoscopy inflammation changes and index of irreversible changes in lung tissue. Thus, the direct connection between LPO intensity and imbalance degree of proteinase-inhibitor system of blood at the patients with chronic bronchitic taking part in Chernobyl accident liquidation is revealed.  相似文献   

The cytogenetic screening was carried out in 100 Chernobyl clean-up workers (liquidators) with registered doses during 1 year after exposure. The bayesian analysis has been applied for constructing the individual distribution of probability density for biological doses estimated from dicentric and centric ring yields in liquidators. The coincidence of the biological and registered dose has been found in 25% of cases; among the rest persons the documented doses exceeded the biological estimations in 25% of cases and the cytogenetic doses were higher than registered ones in 50% of cases. The total distribution of biological doses was constructed by pooling the individual data in 50 mGy dose intervals. The distribution obtained had the maximum at 300-350 mGy and contained 68% of probability density in the dose range 0-1000 mGy. The probabilistic approach in cohort biodosimetry showed the necessity of corrections in radiogenic risk assessment for Chernobyl liquidators. The advantages of bayesian technique for biodosimetrical treatment of cytogenetic data in conditions of small number of cells scored and low aberration yields induced by low dose irradiation were discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of the work was research and functional reserves immunity in participants in the Chernobyl with cardiovascular disease. A Clinical Lab 49 men aged 44 to 52 years with diseases of the cardiovascular system, participated in the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in 1986 to 1988. As control used data 33 patients with similar pathology, and 16 healthy men. Researched the total number of white blood cells, lymphocytes and transfusions, the absolute number and relative CD4+ and CD8+, CD 16, CD20+, CD95+ lymphocytes peripheral blood, number mononuclear, synthesizing IL-1beta, TNF-alpha, INF-alpha, IL-4, the content of lipids and proteins, the activity of alkaline phosphatase and mieloperoksidazy in neutrophils. To assess the functional reserve immune system blood samples studied people subjected to radiation doses 0.25, 50, 1.0 Gy of in vitro and studied the reaction cytochemical indicators neutrophils before and after the radiative forcing. The liquidators not detected significant changes in the absolute number of leucocytes, but compared with control groups noted significant reduction in the absolute number of CD8+ and CD20+ lymphocytes, increased the number of cells, expression of FAS-antigen, change the number of mononuclear spontaneously synthesizing and produce cytokines, decreased maintenance of cation proteins in neutrophils. Radiation samples peripheral blood liquidators caused the same reaction cytochemical indicators of neutrophils and control groups, the compensatory and adaptive nature of the changes in the immune system, developed in response to complex factors radiation accident.  相似文献   

Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant accident clean-up workers were exposed to different radiation doses. Realization of remote effects depends on cellular membrane structure and function. We studied lipid composition of erythrocyte ghost and blood plasma in clean-up workers on the 12-th year after the accident. Groups of Chernobyl accident clean-up workers, non-irradiated patients with the same diseases and healthy controls were studied. Phospholipids were analyzed by two dimentional thin layer chromatography on silica gel. To analyse fatty acids and cholesterol gas chromatography was used. Total cholesterol and total phospholipids amounts in clean-up workers erythrocyte ghost were increased. The level of sphingomyelin and phosphatidylethanolamine raised. In some of the studied irradiated patients lysophosphatidylethanolamine appeared. The distribution of (diacyl)- and plasmalogen forms of phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine was not affected. The fatty acid composition changed slightly except 22:5 n-3, which level significantly increased and 22:5 n-6, which quantity lowered. The unsaturation index remains unchanged. No change in lipid composition of blood plasma was detected. All the changes in lipid composition of erythrocyte ghost of irradiated and unexposed patients were very similar. The obtained results confirm the suggestion about non-specific remote effects after exposure to low doses of ionizing irradiation.  相似文献   

The work focuses on the results of the analysis of the cancer incidence among the Chernobyl emergency workers residing in Russia during 1991-2001. The analysis is based on the data for the cohort of male emergency workers from 6 regions of Russia including 55718 persons with documented external radiation doses in the range of 0.001-0.3 Gy who worked within the 30-km zone in 1986-1987. The mean age at exposure for these persons was 34.8 years old and the mean external radiation dose 0.13 Gy. In this cohort 1370 cases of solid cancer were diagnosed. Three follow-up periods were considered: 1991-1995, 1996-2001 and 1991-2001. The second follow-up period was chosen to allow for a minimum latency period of 10 years. Risk assessments were performed for two control groups: the first control group ("external") represented incidence rates for corresponding ages in Russia in general and the second control group ("internal") consisted of emergency workers. The estimated standardized incidence ratio (SIR) is in good agreement with that of the control within 95% CI. The values of the excess relative risk per unit dose 1 Gy (ERR/Gy) for solid malignant neoplasms have been estimated to be 0.33 (95% CI: -0.39, 1.22) (internal control) for the follow-up period 1991-2001 and 0.19 (95% CI: -0.66, 1.27) for 1996-2001. The analysis of cancer morbidity was carried out for the cohort of 29003 emergency workers who took part in liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident from 26 April 1986 to 25 April 1987. It was shown that the excess relative risk of cancer deaths per unit dose 1 Sv (ERR/Sv) is equal to 1.52 (95% CI: 0.20, 2.85).  相似文献   

Health effects as a result of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant occurred in 1986 are considered in the paper. Wrong prognosis of the health effects with respect to mortality and morbidity among the population exposed to low radiation doses is shown. Proven increase in thyroid cancer cases among people who were children aged from 0 to 18 at the time of the accident is shown. Linear relationship between thyroid cancer cases and dose to thyroid ranged from 0.2 to 4.0 Gy is considered. An additional absolute risk of thyroid cancer in children varies in the range 1.9-2.6 cases per 10(4) person-year Gy. During the fifteen years following the accident no cases of acute and chronic radiation sickness have been revealed because the population living in contaminated areas received low radiation doses. Also, exposures to low radiation doses did not result in excess of malignant tumors among population. In some cases the outcomes of acute radiation sickness were as follows: radiation damages to the skin, cancer cataracts, development of oncopathology.  相似文献   

Ionizing radiation is one of major factors of risk of oncological diseases. A question about the frequency of malignant neoplasms (MN) and their early identification in the liquidators of consequences of the Chernobyl accident remains opened. In the present work, the results of long-term immunological monitoring of the liquidators of consequences of the failure at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant (ChN PP) living in the Northwest region of Russia are analyzed; we also heve made an attempt to reveal the predictors of oncological diseases in this group of individuals. The frequency of the newly revealed MN cases in a cohort of the persons who took part in liquidation of consequences of the ChNPP failure and were followed-up in 1999-2009, has made up 89 cases per 1005 persons (8.856%), which somewhat exceeds general population indicators. Regarding the frequency of separate MN localizations, lung cancer, cancer of stomach and cancer of prostate gland predominated, which corresponds to the world's tendency of MN prevalence. It has been established that as early as 1-3 years before diagnosis of MN is confirmed in liquidators, a number of changes in the immune status comes to light: drop in percentage of CD3+ and CD4(+)-T-lymphocytes, B-lymphocytes to a lesser extent, decrease in the CD4+/CD8+ index, increase of the relative and absolute content of CD16(+)-lymphocytes, increase of absolute content of CD8(+)-T-lymphocytes, prevalence of CD3+16/56+(NK-T) cell over CD3-16/56+(NK) cells, rise of the activity of phagocytes. Patients with the presence of one or several of the above-mentioned signs should be attributed to the MN risk group for determination of tumor markers, thorough examination and dynamic observation.  相似文献   

Malignant neoplasms (MN) have been found to develop most frequently in the liquidators of entry into the ChNPP zones in 1986 (43.75%), as well as among the liquidators who worked for long, one quarter of whom participated in liquidation of the consequences of failure (LCF) in 1986. Specific features of the immune status depending on the timing of participation in LCF and the year of entry into the ChN PP zone have been established. Changes in the immune system in the persons with a confirmed diagnosis of MN who took both a non-permanent and permanent part in liquidating the consequences of the ChNPP failure in 1986 had the same character of deviations and differed in the magnitudes of deviations of immunological parameters. Continuous participation in the period of extreme conditions and a greater exposure to the radiation factor led to the increased content of CD8(+)-T-cells, CD16(+)-lymphocytes and activated T-lymphocytes, as well as to the reduced index of immune regulation, decreased content ofCD3-16/56+(NK)-cells (%) and the total IgE and to a greater deficiency of B-lymphocytes. Distinctions in the groups of liquidators who participated in LCF in 1986 and 1987 have been revealed. The greatest deviations in the IS indicators were found in liquidators-87. A similar effect came to light in case of a continuance in the ChNPP zones in 1986 and 1987; however, the degree of deviation of the content of CD4(+)-T-lymphocytes (41), CD8(+)-T-lymphocytes (1) and the immune regulation index (41) were remarkably higher in liquidators-87. A continuous stay in the ChNPP zones in 1987 led to the deficiency of CD4(+)-T-lymphocytes, increased values of CD8(+)-T-lymphocytes, a decreased index of CD4+/CD8+, as well as to the change in the ratio between NK-T and NK cells, increased numbers of CD95+, HLA-DR+ and activated T-lymphocytes, and a lower level of the total IgE. Long-term participation in LCF didn't cause any enhanced expression of cellular activation markers in liquidators-86. Specific features of changes in IS depending on a dose of external gamma-irradiation have been established. Increase in the frequency of MN among liquidators, in relation to the number of examinees in each age group, with age has been revealed. Distinctions in the age dynamics of IS in liquidators in the presence and in the absence of MN manifested themselves in a stable level of values of CD3+, CD4+, CD8(+)-T-lymphocytes, immune regulation index, CD95+, serum IgA at the age between 40 and 70 years old with a subsequent reduction in indicators and increase in the content of CD8(+)-T-lymphocytes with age in the absence of MN; continuous increase of CD3-16/56(+)-NK-cells in the presence of MN and decrease in the values after 70 in the absence of MN. Also revealed in IS of the both age groups of liquidators over 70 with and without MN was the deficiency of the T-cell component (CD3+, CD4(+)-T-lymphocytes, CD4+/CD8+ index) and the increase in absolute values of CD8(+)-T-lymphocytes. The growing deficiency of CD4(+)-T-lymphocytes during monitoring against the background of ever rising values of CD8(+)-T-lymphocytes leading to the weakening of the immune regulation due to progressing disorders of the T-lymphocyte regulatory subpopulation distribution can serve an indicator for the adverse prognosis of the life expectancy in the presence of MN.  相似文献   

In this paper, some final results of 25-year investigations carried out in Scientific Centre for Radiation Medicine and Burns MH RA (SCRMB) on the Armenian cohort of the Chernobyl accident consequences liquidators are shown. These results show that health conditions of the liquidators became worse during the whole observation period. A considerable development of both pathological states atypical of radiation damages and diseases, which may be considered as radiation-induced ones, was determined. Rise of the sickness rate of almost all organism systems, first of all, nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory and digestive ones, was observed. In 70% of liquidators the main disease was primarily detected after working on CNPP. In the intervening years, the average number of diagnoses per 1 liquidator increased from 1.5 in 1987 to 7-8 in the recent time. In addition to the detected diseases, particular functional shifts in neuropsychological and vegetative status of the liquidators were observed. The overwhelming majority of them have increased tonicity of the sympathetic vegetative nervous system, asthenic and depressive syndromes occurring in the form of weakness, somnolence, mood instability, mental capacity decrease, and memory defects. In the paper, the results of investigations aimed at clarification of changes in biological aging processes of the liquidators and assessment of their "life quality" features in terms of physical, psychical and social welfare are considered. Biological aged-related passportization in a definite part of liquidators elucidated an accelerated aging rate. The studies were performed with the help of SF-36 inquirer and indicated that health status aggravation of the liquidators also affected their life satisfaction. The "life quality" indices of the liquidators significantly concede the overall average standards by both physical health and psychical and social welfare scales.  相似文献   

A comparative analysis of the strategy of countermeasures aimed at reducing exposure doses to the rural population is presented. The effectiveness of the proposed system of countermeasures assessed by criteria such as reduction factor of exposure doses and cost of averted doses. Costs of countermeasures in the rural settlements located in the affected zone are calculated for a long term after the Chernobyl NPP accident.  相似文献   

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