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5'' Terminal noncoding sequence heterogeneity in reovirus mRNA.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The nucleotide sequences of the mRNAs of reovirus appear to diverge near the 5' termini. Ribonuclease T1 digestion of methylated mRNA synthesized in vitro yielded seven different 5' terminal fragments of the form m7G5'pp5' GmpCpUp(Np)nGp. Chain length analysis showed that the parameter "n" in this structural formula assumes the values 3, 4 and 5.  相似文献   

Poliovirus polysomal RNA is naturally uncapped, and as such, its translation must bypass any 5' cap-dependent ribosome recognition event. To elucidate the manner by which poliovirus mRNA is translated, we have determined the translational efficiencies of a series of deletion mutants within the 5' noncoding region of the mRNA. We found striking differences in translatability among the altered mRNAs when assayed in mock-infected and poliovirus-infected HeLa cell extracts. The results identify a functional cis-acting element within the 5' noncoding region of the poliovirus mRNA which enables it to translate in a cap-independent fashion. The major determinant of this element maps between nucleotides 320 and 631 of the 5' end of the poliovirus mRNA. We also show that this region (320 to 631), when fused to a heterologous mRNA, can function in cis to render the mRNA cap independent in translation.  相似文献   

Three closely related strains of poliovirus type 3 have been used to study the molecular basis of attenuation in the currently used Sabin vaccine of this serotype. Plaque-purified derivatives of these strains possess closely similar serological and biochemical properties yet differ markedly in neurovirulence for monkeys. Molecular cloning via an RNA . cDNA method has facilitated comparative nucleotide sequencing. Initial efforts have concentrated on the region of the genome encoding VP1. Only minor structural differences between neurovirulent and attenuated type 3 strains were detected, in contrast to the major differences observed between the vaccine strains of poliovirus type 1 and its virulent precursor P1/Mahoney. These observations suggest that the molecular basis of attenuation of type 3 Sabin vaccine virus does not involve the VP1 polypeptide and, therefore, that mutations conferring the attenuated phenotype probably lie elsewhere in the genome.  相似文献   

The wild mouse ecotropic retrovirus CasBrE causes a spongiform neurodegenerative disease after neonatal inoculation, with an incubation period ranging from 2 to 12 months. We previously showed that introduction of long terminal repeat (LTR) and gag-pol sequences from a strain of Friend murine leukemia virus (FB29) resulted in a dramatic acceleration of the onset of the disease. The chimeric virus FrCasE, which consisted of the FB29 genome containing 3' pol and env sequences from the wild mouse virus, induced a highly predictable, lethal neurodegenerative disease with an incubation period of only 16 days. Here we report that the sequences which are primary determinants of the length of the incubation period are located in the 5' end of the viral genome between a KpnI site in the R region of the LTR and a PstI site immediately 5' of the start codon for pr65gag (R-U5-5' leader). This region contains the tRNA primer binding site, splice donor site for the subgenomic env mRNA, and the packaging sequence. Computer-assisted sequence analysis failed to find evidence of a consensus sequence for a DNA enhancer in this region. In addition, sequences within a region of the genome between a ClaI site at the 3' end of env to the KpnI site in the R region of the LTR (inclusive of U3) also influenced the incubation period of the disease, but the effect was distinctly weaker than that of the R-U5-5' leader sequence. This U3 effect, however, appeared to be independent of the number of direct repeats, since deletion of one of two duplicated 42-base repeats containing consensus sequences of nuclear-factor binding domains had no effect on the incubation period of the disease. On the basis of Southern blot analysis of total viral DNA in the tissues, the effect of these sequences on the incubation period appeared to be related to the level of virus replication in the central nervous system. All of the chimeric viruses analyzed, irrespective of neurovirulence, replicated to comparable levels in the spleen and induced comparable levels of viremia.  相似文献   

We have used chromosome jumping technology to move from within a large intron sequence in the Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) gene to a region adjacent to exons of the gene. The single copy jump clone, HH1, was used to characterise deletions in patients previously shown to be deleted for DNA markers in the 5' end of the gene. 12 out of 15 such patients have breakpoints which lie between HH1 and the genomic locus J-47. Thus the vast majority of the deletions in these patients have proximal breakpoints in a similar region distal to the 5' end of the gene. HH1 was mapped with respect to the X;1 translocation in a DMD female and was shown to lie at least 80 kb from the starting point of the chromosome jump, HIP25.  相似文献   

A base change from C to U at position 472 of the 5' noncoding region of the poliovirus genome is known to be a major determinant of attenuation in the P3/Sabin vaccine strain. To determine the biochemical basis for the attenuated phenotype imparted by this mutation, a cell line in which replication of neurovirulent and attenuated viruses could be distinguished was identified. A pair of P3/Sabin-P2/Lansing viral recombinants that differ only at position 472 was used; the viruses replicated equally well in HeLa cells, but the virus with a U at base 472 was attenuated in mice. In the human neuroblastoma cell line SH-SY5Y, recombinants with a U at base 472 replicated to approximately 10-fold-lower titers than did neurovirulent viruses with a C at this position. Analysis of viral RNA and protein synthesis indicated that translation of the attenuated viral RNA was specifically reduced in SH-SY5Y cells.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that the 5' noncoding region of mouse c-myc mRNA has a negative effect on translational efficiency in a rabbit reticulocyte lysate (A. Darveau, J. Pelletier, and N. Sonenberg, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 82:2315-2319, 1985). We wanted to localize and characterize the inhibitory translational element(s) in the mRNA and to study its effect in other in vitro and in vivo systems. Here we report that the restrictive element is confined to a 240-nucleotide sequence of the 5' noncoding region of mouse c-myc mRNA and that this sequence acts in cis to inhibit the translation of a heterologous mRNA. In addition, we report that the cis-inhibitory effect is also exhibited in microinjected Xenopus oocytes and wheat-germ extracts but not in HeLa cell extracts. Transfection of corresponding plasmid DNA constructs into several established cell lines did not produce the cis-inhibitory effect. A model to explain these results is presented.  相似文献   

S Kuge  A Nomoto 《Journal of virology》1987,61(5):1478-1487
A number of deletion and insertion sequences were introduced into the 5' noncoding sequence (742 nucleotides long) of the genome of the Sabin strain of type 1 poliovirus by using an infectious cDNA clone of the virus strain. The genomes of all three poliovirus serotypes contained highly homologous sequences (nucleotide positions 509 to 639) as well as highly variable sequences (positions 640 to 742) in the 5' noncoding region. The viability of mutant viruses was tested by transfecting mutant cDNA clones into African green monkey kidney cells and then estimating the plaque sizes displayed on the cells. The results suggested that the highly variable sequence next to the VP4 coding region did not play an important role, at least in the in vitro culture system used, that the loci of highly conserved nucleotide sequences were not always expected to be the genome regions essential for viral replication, that the sequence between positions 564 and 599 carried genetic information to maintain the efficiency of certain steps in viral replication, and that the sequence between positions 551 to 563 might play an essential role in viral replication. Four-base deletion or insertion mutations were introduced into relatively variable sequences in the genome region upstream of position 509. The results suggest that variable sequences do not always indicate that the corresponding genome regions are less important. Apparent revertants (large-plaque variants) were easily generated from one of the viable mutants with the small-plaque phenotype. The determination of nucleotide sequences of the revertant genomes revealed the second mutation site. The results suggested that the different loci at around positions 200 and 500 might specifically interact with each other. This interaction may result in the formation of a functional structure that influences the efficiency of certain steps in the viral replication.  相似文献   

Flaviviruses such as West Nile, Japanese encephalitis, and tick-borne encephalitis (TBEV) viruses are important neurotropic human pathogens, causing a devastating and often fatal neuroinfection. Here, we demonstrate that incorporation into the viral genome of a target sequence for cellular microRNAs expressed in the central nervous system (CNS) enables alteration of the neurovirulence of the virus and control of the neuropathogenesis of flavivirus infection. As a model virus for this type of modification, we used a neurovirulent chimeric tick-borne encephalitis/dengue virus (TBEV/DEN4) that contained the structural protein genes of a highly pathogenic TBEV. The inclusion of just a single target copy for a brain tissue-expressed mir-9, mir-124a, mir-128a, mir-218, or let-7c microRNA into the TBEV/DEN4 genome was sufficient to prevent the development of otherwise lethal encephalitis in mice infected intracerebrally with a large dose of virus. Viruses bearing a complementary target for mir-9 or mir-124a were highly restricted in replication in primary neuronal cells, had limited access into the CNS of immunodeficient mice, and retained the ability to induce a strong humoral immune response in monkeys. This work suggests that microRNA targeting to control flavivirus tissue tropism and pathogenesis might represent a rational approach for virus attenuation and vaccine development.  相似文献   

We have determined the sequence of the first 1371 nucleotides at the 5' end of the genome of mouse mammary tumor virus using molecularly cloned proviral DNA of the GR virus strain. The most likely initiation codon used for the gag gene of mouse mammary tumor virus is the first one, located 312 nucleotides from the 5' end of the viral RNA. The 5' splicing site for the subgenomic mRNA's is located approximately 288 nucleotides downstream from the 5' end of the viral RNA. From the DNA sequence the amino acid sequence of the N-terminal half of the gag precursor protein, including p10 and p21, was deduced (353 amino acids).  相似文献   

Poly(A)-containing messenger RNA isolated from rabbit reticulocytes as estimated by periodate oxidation and condensation with [3H]isoniazid has two oxidizable end groups per molecule of mol. wt. 220000. When the mRNA is subjected to stepwise degradation by beta-elimination, only one oxidizable end-group is found. This indicates that one of the 2',3' hydroxyl end-groups is linked through the normal 3'--5' phosphodiester bond, but that the other is linked in such a way that after stepwise degradation no new 2',3 hydroxyl group is revealed. This structure could be a 5'-linked 5'-phospho di- or tri-ester. On digestion with ribonuclease the isoniazid-labelled RNA produced oligonucleotide hydrazones consistent with a poly(A) sequence at the 3' end plus fragments that are not found after stepwise degradation. These fragments have a charge of --6 and --8 from pancreatic ribonuclease or --7 from ribonuclease T1 digestion. These charges are changed to --3.4 and --4.1 after pancreatic ribonuclease, ribonuclease T2 and alkaline phosphatase digestion. methyl-3H-labelled-poly(A)-containing RNA isolated from late erythroid cells contain a methyl-labelled fragment resistant to endonuclease and phosphodiesterase II digestion. After digestion with phosphodiesterase I this fragment produces methyl-3 H-labelled nucleotides with the electrophoretic mobility of pm7G and pAm. It is concluded that globin mRNA has the 5' sequences m7G(5')ppp'AmpYpGp ... and m7G(5')pppAmpApGpYp.  相似文献   

Viral chimeras have been constructed through in vitro manipulations of the infectious cDNA clones of two prototypes of Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus: (i) the virulent GDVII strain and (ii) the less virulent BeAn and VL strains. Previous studies have suggested that the phenotypic differences in virulence between the BeAn and GDVII strains map to both the 5' noncoding and the coat protein regions of these viral genomes. It is shown here that attenuation mapped to the 5' noncoding region is due, at least in part, to an inadvertent deletion resulting from a cloning artifact of one C nucleotide out of four between positions 876 and 879 in the BeAn sequences. The in vitro growth characteristics in BHK-21 cells, however, do not reflect the large differences in neurovirulence between chimeras that are identical except for the deleted C. Another chimera with a mutation at position 877 and a deletion at 976 is also attenuated. The wild-type sequences from the less virulent strains BeAn and VL between nucleotides 1 and 933, in an otherwise GDVII chimera, do not attenuate virulence. Sequences of the 500 nucleotides of the 5' noncoding region proximal to the translation initiation codon were obtained for nine additional Theiler's virus strains. The attenuating deletions are discussed in the context of these sequences and the proposed secondary structures for the 5' noncoding region.  相似文献   

Poliovirus mRNA contains a long 5' noncoding region of about 750 nucleotides (the exact number varies among the three virus serotypes), which contains several AUG codons upstream of the major initiator AUG. Unlike most eucaryotic mRNAs, poliovirus does not contain a m7GpppX (where X is any nucleotide) cap structure at its 5' end and is translated by a cap-independent mechanism. To study the manner by which poliovirus mRNA is expressed, we examined the translational efficiencies of a series of deletion mutants within the 5' noncoding region of the mRNA. In this paper we report striking translation system-specific differences in the ability of the altered mRNAs to be translated. The results suggest the existence of an inhibitory cis-acting element(s) within the 5' noncoding region of poliovirus (between nucleotides 70 and 381) which restricts mRNA translation in reticulocyte lysate, wheat germ extract, and Xenopus oocytes, but not in HeLa cell extracts. In addition, we show that HeLa cell extracts contain a trans-acting factor(s) that overcomes this restriction.  相似文献   

We have constructed 24 deletion mutants which contain deletions of from 1 to 15 nucleotides in the 5' nontranslated region of Sindbis virus RNA and tested the effect of these mutations on virus replication. The results showed that the first 44 nucleotides, which are capable of forming a hairpin structure, are important for virus replication, as all deletions tested in this region were either lethal or resulted in virus that grew poorly in comparison to the parental virus. Many of these deletions had different effects in mosquito cells than in chicken cells, suggesting that cellular factors, presumably proteins, bind to this region. This domain may function in at least two processes in viral replication. It seems likely that in the minus strand, this sequence element is bound by the viral replicase and promotes RNA replication. In the plus strand, this element may modulate initiation of translation of the nonstructural proteins. The results suggest that the hairpin structure itself is important. All deletions within it had deleterious effects on virus replication, and in particular, deletion of one of the G residues at nucleotide 7 or 8 or of one of the C residues at nucleotide 36 or 37 which are theoretically base-paired with these G's resulted in temperature-sensitive viruses that behaved very similarly. In contrast, large deletions between the 44-nucleotide hairpin and the translation start site at nucleotides 60 to 62 resulted in virus that grew as well as or better than the parental virus in both chicken and mosquito cells. The A residue at position 5 of the HRSP strain used was examined in more detail. Deletion of this A was lethal, whereas substitution by G resulted in a virus that grew poorly, despite the fact that G is present at position 5 in the AR339 parent of HRSP. U at position 5 resulted in a virus that grew less well than the A5 strain but better than the G5 mutant.  相似文献   

HindIII-O/N DNA fragments of vaccinia virus (VV) of the LIVP strain were mapped using thirteen restriction endonucleases. Nucleotide sequences of the HindIII-O fragment (1530 bp) as well as of a site of the HindIII-N genome fragment 353 bp in size were determined. Comparison of restriction maps and nucleotide sequences of VV strains (WR and LIVP) demonstrated that DNA of VV LIVP contained % deletions and 2 insertions. "Reliable" short direct repeats were localized and their possible role in formation of DNA deletions was shown. It was suggested that VV endonuclease and DNA-ligase participate in replication and repair processes. Mechanism of formation of variable sequences of viral genomes is discussed.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of the intracisternal A-particle genome IAP-IL3 is presented. This IAP element was found to have inserted upstream of the promoter of the interleukin-3 gene of the leukemia cell line WEHI-3B. IAP-IL3 is 5095 bp in length, with identical long terminal repeats (LTRs) of 337 bp. The LTRs show many of the conserved sequence elements identified in other retroviruses. Comparison with other available sequences of IAP genomes indicates that IAP-IL3 is a deleted type I element. It carries a deletion covering the 3' end of the putative IAP gag gene and extending into the 5' end of the putative IAP pol gene. IAP-IL3 has extensive sequence homology with an IgE-binding factor cDNA and evidence is presented indicating that it was derived from a member of the mouse IAP sequence family. Comparison between the pol region of IAP-IL3 and other retroviruses suggests that IAP-IL3 is most closely related to type B and type D retroviruses.  相似文献   

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