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Under natural and sexual selection traits often evolve that secure paternity or maternity through self‐sacrifice to predators, rivals, offspring, or partners. Emasculation—males removing their genitals—is an unusual example of such behaviours. Known only in insects and spiders, the phenomenon's adaptiveness is difficult to explain, yet its repeated origins and association with sexual size dimorphism (SSD) and sexual cannibalism suggest an adaptive significance. In spiders, emasculation of paired male sperm‐transferring organs — secondary genitals — (hereafter, palps), results in ‘eunuchs’. This behaviour has been hypothesized to be adaptive because (i) males plug female genitals with their severed palps (plugging hypothesis), (ii) males remove their palps to become better fighters in male–male contests (better‐fighter hypothesis), perhaps reaching higher agility due to reduced total body mass (gloves‐off hypothesis), and (iii) males achieve prolonged sperm transfer through severed genitals (remote‐copulation hypothesis). Prior research has provided evidence in support of these hypotheses in some orb‐weaving spiders but these explanations are far from general. Seeking broad macroevolutionary patterns of spider emasculation, we review the known occurrences, weigh the evidence in support of the hypotheses in each known case, and redefine more precisely the particular cases of emasculation depending on its timing in relation to maturation and mating: ‘pre‐maturation’, ‘mating’, and ‘post‐mating’. We use a genus‐level spider phylogeny to explore emasculation evolution and to investigate potential evolutionary linkage between emasculation, SSD, lesser genital damage (embolic breakage), and sexual cannibalism (females consuming their mates). We find a complex pattern of spider emasculation evolution, all cases confined to Araneoidea: emasculation evolved at least five and up to 11 times, was lost at least four times, and became further modified at least once. We also find emasculation, as well as lesser genital damage and sexual cannibalism, to be significantly associated with SSD. These behavioural and morphological traits thus likely co‐evolve in spiders. Emasculation can be seen as an extreme form of genital mutilation, or even a terminal investment strategy linked to the evolution of monogyny. However, as different emasculation cases in araneoid spiders are neither homologous nor biologically identical, and may or may not serve as paternity protection, the direct link to monogyny is not clear cut. Understanding better the phylogenetic patterns of emasculation and its constituent morphologies and behaviours, a clearer picture of the intricate interplay of natural and sexual selection may arise. With the here improved evolutionary resolution of spider eunuch behaviour, we can more specifically tie the evidence from adaptive hypotheses to independent cases, and propose promising avenues for further research of spider eunuchs, and of the evolution of monogyny.  相似文献   

According to sexual cannibalism theory, male complicity in terminal mating can be adaptive when the male's future reproductive value is low relative to the benefits of self sacrifice. Spiders and insects that exhibit male sacrifice behavior (either complicity in cannibalism or spontaneous death associated with copulation) often also have male genitalia that stereotypically become broken or disfigured the first time they are used for copulation, potentially lowering his future reproductive value. Theoretical work on monogamy has identified male bias in the effective sex ratio as a precursor to the evolution of monogamy (including male sacrifice) as an adaptive form of paternity protection. Using phylogeny-based statistics and drawing on several phylogenetic studies of araneoid spiders, I investigate relationships between male sacrifice behavior, genital mutilation, extreme sexual size dimorphism, and the accumulation of multiple males in the female web (as an indicator of a male-based effective sex ratio). This investigation focuses on araneoid spiders because several independent origins of sacrifice behavior are known for this group and the phylogenetic structure of the lineage is relatively well studied. I report that male genital mutilation is significantly correlated with sacrifice behavior and argue that this finding is consistent with sexual cannibalism theory. Male sacrifice behavior is also correlated with male accumulation, a result that is consistent with theoretical work on the evolution of monogamy. Male accumulation and extreme sexual size dimorphism are correlated suggesting that sex-based differences in maturation time can lead to a male biased effective sex ratio. Similar patterns of correlated characters may hold for some insect taxa. Studying traits that have appeared independently in multiple lineages is a powerful method for developing general theories about the evolution of biological phenomena.  相似文献   

The renaissance of interest in sexual selection during the last decades has fuelled an extraordinary increase of scientific papers on the subject in spiders. Research has focused both on the process of sexual selection itself, for example on the signals and various modalities involved, and on the patterns, that is the outcome of mate choice and competition depending on certain parameters. Sexual selection has most clearly been demonstrated in cases involving visual and acoustical signals but most spiders are myopic and mute, relying rather on vibrations, chemical and tactile stimuli. This review argues that research has been biased towards modalities that are relatively easily accessible to the human observer. Circumstantial and comparative evidence indicates that sexual selection working via substrate-borne vibrations and tactile as well as chemical stimuli may be common and widespread in spiders. Pattern-oriented research has focused on several phenomena for which spiders offer excellent model objects, like sexual size dimorphism, nuptial feeding, sexual cannibalism, and sperm competition. The accumulating evidence argues for a highly complex set of explanations for seemingly uniform patterns like size dimorphism and sexual cannibalism. Sexual selection appears involved as well as natural selection and mechanisms that are adaptive in other contexts only. Sperm competition has resulted in a plethora of morphological and behavioural adaptations, and simplistic models like those linking reproductive morphology with behaviour and sperm priority patterns in a straightforward way are being replaced by complex models involving an array of parameters. Male mating costs are increasingly being documented in spiders, and sexual selection by male mate choice is discussed as a potential result. Research on sexual selection in spiders has come a long way since Darwin, whose spider examples are reanalysed in the context of contemporary knowledge, but the same biases and methodological constraints have persisted almost unchanged through the current boom of research.  相似文献   

The role of sexual selection in determining the nature and direction of sexual size dimorphism may depend upon the timing of sexual selection, and this may also influence the variation in male size. For example, selection through sperm competition favours smaller males in the highly sexually size dimorphic orb-weaving spider Nephila edulis , whereas larger males are better able to exclude their smaller rivals from the central hub of the web where mating takes place. We investigate experimentally the role of body size and hub tenure in determining male fertilization success when males of different sizes compete for a single female over a 24-h period that includes a period of darkness. Our results confirm that small and large males obtain similar paternity share but that, in contrast with previous studies, hub tenure does not translate into greater paternity share. Unexpectedly, smaller males are at greater risk of postmating sexual cannibalism than larger males, suggesting that natural selection through sexual cannibalism may place a lower limit on male size.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 94 , 355–363.  相似文献   

The males of invertebrates from a few phyla, including arthropods, have been reported to practise traumatic insemination (TI; i.e. injecting sperm by using the copulatory organ to penetrate the female''s body wall). As all previously reported arthropod examples have been insects, there is considerable interest in whether TI might have evolved independently in other arthropods. The research reported here demonstrates the first case of TI in the arthropod subphylum Chelicerata, in particular how the genital morphology and mating behaviour of Harpactea sadistica (Řezáč 2008), a spider from Israel, has become adapted specifically for reproduction based on TI. Males have needle-like intromittent organs and females have atrophied spermathecae. In other spiders, eggs are fertilized simultaneously with oviposition, but the eggs of H. sadistica are fertilized in the ovaries (internal fertilization) and develop as embryos before being laid. Sperm-storage organs of phylogenetically basal groups to H. sadistica provide males with last male sperm priority and allow removal of sperm by males that mate later, suggesting that TI might have evolved as an adaptive strategy to circumvent an unfavourable structure of the sperm-storage organs, allowing the first male to mate with paternity advantage. Understanding the functional significance of TI gives us insight into factors underlying the evolution of the genital and sperm-storage morphology in spiders.  相似文献   

A model of evolution based on conflicts of interest between the sexes over mating decisions is examined in relation to diving beetles (Dytiscidae). The model predicts the following evolutionary sequence: (1) cost to females of mating increases, (2) females evolve behavioural resistance to male mating attempts, (3) males evolve devices to overcome female resistance, and (4) females evolve morphological counter-adaptations to the male devices. This model is tested using species of Dytiscidae, in which (1) some species have a very long mating duration while others mate quickly, (2) females of some species resist male mating attempts by swift and erratic swimming when seized by a male, (3) males of some species possess a grasping device in the form of sucker-shaped setae on the legs used to adhere to the pronota or elytra of females prior to mating, and (4) females of some species have a modified dorsal cuticle with irregular sculpturing which appears to interfere with the male adhesive setae. The predicted order of evolution of some of these features was tested in a cladistic analysis of 52 taxa in Dytiscidae and Hygrobiidae using characters from adult and larval morphology and a portion of the gene wingless . The combined analysis resulted in nine most parsimonious cladograms. The consensus cladogram of these indicates that male sucker setae arose a single time in a clade of Dytiscinae. Nested within this clade are five groups with an independently derived, modified dorsal cuticle in females. This pattern of characters in Dytiscinae is consistent with the prediction implied by the model of sexual selection. The utility of wingless as a marker for phylogenetic analysis of diving beetles is discussed, and the resulting phylogeny is compared with previous analyses and current classification.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 79 , 359–388.  相似文献   

Sperm competition is a pervasive force. One adaptation is the male ability to displace the rivals' sperm that females have stored from previous copulations. In the damselfly, Calopteryx haemorrhoidalis asturica , males with wider aedeagi displace more spermathecal sperm. The present study documents that the same mechanism operates in another damselfly, Hetaerina americana . However, this genital width in both species decreases along the season, but late-emerging females have more sperm displaced than early-emerging females. Because territorial males mated more and were larger in body and genital size than nonterritorial males, late-season females mated with considerably larger males with respect to female size and this produced higher sperm displacement. Assuming female benefits from storing sperm but that such benefit does not prevail if males displace sperm, it is predicted that, along the season, females will mate less and male harassment (in terms of male mating attempts and oviposition duration) will increase. These predictions were corroborated. In H. americana , it was also tested whether spermathecal sperm became less viable along the season. The results obtained did not corroborate this. This is the first evidence indicating that season affects sperm displacement ability and female mating frequency due to changes in male body and genital size.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 96 , 815–829.  相似文献   

When females are inseminated by more than one male (polyandry) sexual selection continues after insemination in the form of sperm competition and cryptic female choice. The sexually-selected sperm hypothesis proposes that, under the risk of sperm competition, additive variation in male traits determining fertilising efficiency will select for female propensity to be polyandrous in order to increase the probability of producing sons with superior fertilising efficiency. Two factors complicate this prediction: sex-biased transmission of male fertilising efficiency traits and sexual antagonism of sex-limited traits, fostered by sex-biased inheritance. Here, we (i) review the evidence that male traits contributing towards fertilising efficiency are heritable through sex-biased mechanisms, and (ii) explore the evolutionary implications for male and female reproductive strategies caused by both sex-biased transmission and sexual antagonism of fertilising efficiency traits. Many male fertilising efficiency traits are heritable through sex-biased mechanisms and may not necessarily increase female fitness. The predictions of the sexually-selected sperm hypothesis change dramatically under these different mechanisms of inheritance of fertilising efficiency traits, and different fitness pay-offs derived by females from the expression of such traits. Both sex-biased control of fertilising efficiency and sexual antagonism may also be important in explaining the maintenance of the genetic variance and selection potential of fertilising efficiency. We propose that a useful approach to test the sexually-selected sperm hypothesis is to combine studies which identify behavioural and physiological mechanisms explaining variation in reproductive success with artificial selection experiments to infer the underlying evolutionary patterns.  相似文献   

Conflicts over mating decisions characterize the sexual behaviour of many insects, in particular when males encounter females that already carry enough sperm to fertilize their eggs, since a mating often will inflict greater costs than benefits upon females. Therefore, coevolutionary models predict adaptation and counter-adaptation by the sexes in a battle to control the outcome of sexual encounters. A phylogenetic analysis was performed on patterns of sexual dimorphism and mating systems within water striders (Hemiptera, Gerridae). Phylogenetic effects or 'constraints' have significantly shaped patterns of sexual dimorphism in female/ male size ratios, legs and genitalia of males, and the structure of the female abdomen. Males of ancestral gerrids were probably slightly smaller than conspecific females, had powerful fore legs adapted to grasp the female's thorax during mating, and had clasping genitalic structures suited to grasp or pinch the female posteriorly. Most gerrids have a female/male size ratio between 1.05 and 1.14, but more pronounced sexual size ratios (above 1.25) have independently evolved several times in the family, usually in association with extended post-copulatory mate guarding. The comparative, phylogenetic analysis suggests coevolution of female anticlasper and male clasping devices for the clade comprising the subfamilies Cylindrostethinae, Ptilomerinae, and Halobatinae while female anticlasper devices have evolved in the absence of male clasping genitalia in the Gerrinae. The ancestral and most common mating system in gerrids is 'scramble competition polygyny' from which has evolved 'resource defence polygyny' at least four times independently of each other. The phylogenetic effects on patterns of mating behaviour are much less obvious, as exemplified by the large amount of interspecific variation in some genera.  相似文献   

Spider web research bridges ethology, ecology, functional morphology, material science, development, genetics, and evolution. Recent work proposes the aerial orb web as a one‐time key evolutionary innovation that has freed spider‐web architecture from substrate constraints. However, the orb has repeatedly been modified or lost within araneoid spiders. Modifications include not only sheet‐ and cobwebs, but also ladder webs, which secondarily utilize the substrate. A recent nephilid species level phylogeny suggests that the ancestral nephilid web architecture was an arboricolous ladder and that round aerial webs were derived. Because the web biology of the basalmost Clitaetra and the derived Nephila are well understood, the present study focuses on the webs of the two phylogenetically intervening genera, Herennia and Nephilengys, to establish ontogenetic and macroevolutionary patterns across the nephilid tree. We compared juvenile and adult webs of 95 Herennia multipuncta and 143 Nephilengys malabarensis for two measures of ontogenetic allometric web changes: web asymmetry quantified by the ladder index, and hub asymmetry quantified by the hub displacement index. We define a ‘ladder web’ as a vertically elongated orb exceeding twice the length over width (ladder index ≥ 2) and possessing (sub)parallel rather than round side frames. Webs in both genera allometrically grew from orbs to ladders, more so in Herennia. Such allometric web growth enables the spider to maintain its arboricolous web site. Unexpectedly, hub asymmetry only increased significantly in heavy‐bodied Nephilengys females, and not in Herennia, challenging the commonly invoked gravity hypothesis. The findings obtained in the present study support the intrageneric uniformness of nephilid webs, with Herennia etruscilla webs being identical to H. multipuncta. The nephilid web evolution suggests that the ancestor of Nephila reinvented the aerial orb web because the orb arises at a much more inclusive phylogenetic level, and all intervening nephilids retained the secondarily acquired substrate‐dependent ladder web. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 99 , 849–866.  相似文献   

The complex, species-specific foreleg armature in males of the genus Themira (Diptera: Sepsidae) provides an ideal system for testing competing hypotheses for the evolution of sexually dimorphic character divergence. In sepsid flies, the male holds onto the female by clasping her wing base with his modified forelegs. In the present study, we document the male leg and the female wing morphology using scanning electron microscopy and confocal microscopy. We use a phylogenetic tree for Themira to reconstruct male foreleg and female wing evolution and demonstrate that the male legs have evolved elaborate structures with little or no corresponding changes in wing morphology. This lack of interspecific variation in female wings is not in agreement with the hypothesis of a morphological 'evolutionary arms race' between males and females. However, there is also no evidence for sex-specific wing differences in sensory organs on the wing base that may explain how females could assess males according to Eberhard's 'cryptic female choice' hypothesis. Finally, our study reveals the function of several novel morphological clasping structures and documents that the male foreleg characters in Themira are highly homoplastic. Male forelegs in two clades evolve considerably faster than in other species or clades. These two clades include Themira superba and Themira leachi , species that have some of the most dramatically modified forelegs known in Diptera.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 93 , 227–238.  相似文献   

In species in which individuals alternate between mating strategies, males may respond to elevated predation risk by switching from conspicuous courtship displays to less risky or more profitable sneaky mating attempts. As a consequence, in such species female choice is likely to be undermined more frequently in relatively dangerous localities. We tested this prediction using the guppy, a species of fish in which individual males alternate between courtship (solicited) and forced (unsolicited) copulations according to prevailing levels of predation. We collected females at late stages of gestation from four high- and four low-predation populations in Trinidad and examined them for the presence of sperm in their gonoducts. Due to the patterns of sperm storage in guppies, sperm found in the gonoducts of such late-cycle females can only arise from unsolicited copulations. We anticipated that because female guppies are subject to greater sexual harassment in the form of forced mating attempts in high-risk localities, a higher proportion of females in these populations would contain sperm in their gonoducts arising from recent unsolicited copulations. Contrary to this prediction, only one of the four paired comparisons (from the Quaré River) revealed a significant difference in the proportion of females recently inseminated through forced copulations. The paired comparisons for the remaining three rivers revealed no significant differences in the proportion of females with recoverable sperm in their gonoducts. However, overall, we found that 44.5% (±4.3 SE) of females had sperm in their gonoduct arising from sneaky mating, a figure three times higher than previously reported for this species. We discuss these findings in relation to recent predictions concerning the strength of sexual selection in natural populations.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 78 , 605–612.  相似文献   

Typically, sexually selected traits show positive allometry and high coefficients of variation (CV). To date, many studies on the allometry of genitalia have focused on insects. In addition, studies have largely ignored the potential for sexual selection on female genitalia, despite male and female structures presumably co-evolving. Insects tend to show negative allometry in both male and female genitalia, while in contrast, the few studies carried out in mammals (males only) show positive allometry. Reasons for these differences between the taxa still remain unclear. However, in mammals, three main mechanisms have been proposed for genital evolution, namely, sperm competition, female cryptic choice and sexual conflict. In the first such study that we are aware of, we examined intra-specific genital allometry in both males and females of a mammal, the subterranean solitary Cape dune mole-rat, Bathyergus suillus. We found positive allometry occurring in male genitalia, which is consistent with previous vertebrate studies. Similarly, we found that female genitalia also exhibited positive allometry further supporting the notion of co-evolution of male and female genitalia. Although it is difficult to distinguish between the forces or mechanisms determining this directional selection, we suggest that several reproductive advantages are incurred as a result of positive allometric relationship of the genitalia in B. suillus and such advantages are also likely in other subterranean mammals. Our study further highlights the differences in genital allometry across taxa.  相似文献   

Following Darwin's original insights regarding sexual selection, studies of intrasexual competition have mainly focused on male competition for mates; by contrast, female reproductive competition has received less attention. Here, we review evidence that female mammals compete for both resources and mates in order to secure reproductive benefits. We describe how females compete for resources such as food, nest sites, and protection by means of dominance relationships, territoriality and inter‐group aggression, and by inhibiting the reproduction of other females. We also describe evidence that female mammals compete for mates and consider the ultimate causes of such behaviour, including competition for access to resources provided by mates, sperm limitation and prevention of future resource competition. Our review reveals female competition to be a potentially widespread and significant evolutionary selection pressure among mammals, particularly competition for resources among social species for which most evidence is currently available. We report that female competition is associated with many diverse adaptations, from overtly aggressive behaviour, weaponry, and conspicuous sexual signals to subtle and often complex social behaviour involving olfactory signalling, alliance formation, altruism and spite, and even cases where individuals appear to inhibit their own reproduction. Overall, despite some obvious parallels with male phenotypic traits favoured under sexual selection, it appears that fundamental differences in the reproductive strategies of the sexes (ultimately related to parental investment) commonly lead to contrasting competitive goals and adaptations. Because female adaptations for intrasexual competition are often less conspicuous than those of males, they are generally more challenging to study. In particular, since females often employ competitive strategies that directly influence not only the number but also the quality (survival and reproductive success) of their own offspring, as well as the relative reproductive success of others, a multigenerational view ideally is required to quantify the full extent of variation in female fitness resulting from intrasexual competition. Nonetheless, current evidence indicates that the reproductive success of female mammals can also be highly variable over shorter time scales, with significant reproductive skew related to competitive ability. Whether we choose to describe the outcome of female reproductive competition (competition for mates, for mates controlling resources, or for resources per se) as sexual selection depends on how sexual selection is defined. Considering sexual selection strictly as resulting from differential mating or fertilisation success, the role of female competition for the sperm of preferred (or competitively successful) males appears particularly worthy of more detailed investigation. Broader definitions of sexual selection have recently been proposed to encompass the impact on reproduction of competition for resources other than mates. Although the merits of such definitions are a matter of ongoing debate, our review highlights that understanding the evolutionary causes and consequences of female reproductive competition indeed requires a broader perspective than has traditionally been assumed. We conclude that future research in this field offers much exciting potential to address new and fundamentally important questions relating to social and mating‐system evolution.  相似文献   

A bursa tract diverticulum is widespread in the female part of the hermaphroditic reproductive system of stylommatophoran pulmonates. However, the ultrastructure of the diverticulum is unknown and there is only anecdotal evidence for a spermatophore-dissolving function for this organ. In the present study, we examined the ultrastructure of the diverticulum and investigated histological, histochemical, and morphometric changes at different time intervals after mating in the simultaneously hermaphroditic land snail Arianta arbustorum. The diverticulum in this species of snail is a prominent organ, consisting of a luminal columnar epithelium surrounded by a thick layer of connective tissue. During mating, the diverticulum functions as the site of spermatophore uptake. Within the lumen of the diverticulum the spermatophore wall is dissolved or at least partly broken down. The digested material is taken up by epithelial cells and accumulated in molluscan-specific cells of the connective tissue, the so-called rhogocytes. Subsequent to copulation, the total diameter of the diverticulum increases markedly, reaching a maximum size 12 h after mating, while at the same time the thicknesses of the diverticulum wall and diverticulum epithelium decrease. The length of the diverticulum shows a positive allometry and a high phenotypic variation compared to snail size, which suggests that the diverticulum is under directional sexual selection. We propose that the diverticulum in A. arbustorum has evolved in response to selection pressures imposed by divergent evolutionary interests between male and female function.  相似文献   

Male diving beetles of the subfamily Dytiscinae possess tarsi with adhesive discs that they strike on the female dorsum during mating interactions. Females of many species are dimorphic, being either smooth or structured dorsally. Darwin suggested the female structures were an aid for the male but in this study we investigate these characteristics in the light of sexual conflicts. The intraspecific variation in the numbers and size distribution of male tarsal discs, and in body measurements were recorded for three dytiscine species, all with dimorphic females. The number of protarsal discs in the two Dytiscus species varied much more than previously reported. In addition, only a small part of the variation could be explained by body size. In Graphoderus we found highly significant differences in male secondary sexual characters among populations. A multivariate analysis significantly correlated male secondary sexual characters with the proportion of granulate females in the populations. These observations are consistent with the theory of arms races and female counter adaptations. Covariation between male and female characters is predicted from a framework of sexual conflict over mating rate. At the same time our study gives a new perspective on the function of dytiscine female dorsal irregularities debated ever since Darwin.  相似文献   

Male genitalia are among the fastest evolving morphological characters, and at a general level sexual selection seems to be involved. But experimental determination of the functions of many remarkable genitalic elaborations is very rare. Here we present the first study to address experimentally the adaptive function of a male genital structure that is not involved in sperm transfer. Females of the orb-weaving spider Argiope bruennichi are sexually cannibalistic and polyandrous. The male increases his paternity by obstructing the female's insemination duct with a fragment of his complex genitalia (embolus tip). We manipulated males by detaching another species-specific structure, the median apophysis spur, and found that the spur promotes breakage of the embolus tip inside the female duct, but does not affect the probability and duration of copulation. These data are novel in that they suggest that a genitalic structure which does not transfer sperm nevertheless evolved in the context of sperm competition.  相似文献   

Conflict between the sexes over mating decision may result in antagonistic coevolution in structures that increase control over copulation. In Aquarius paludum both females and males have long abdominal spines. We tested the hypothesis that abdominal spines increase female ability to resist male mating attempts and reduce the costs of mating in A. paludum. We manipulated female spine length and observed female mating and egg-production rate in two different studies. We found that females with intact spines succeeded to reject male mating attempt more often than females with removed spines. Intact females also mated less often than females with removed or shortened spines. Male presence and mating rate increased female egg number. Our results thus support the hypothesis that abdominal spines help female to reject male mating attempts but contrary to predictions, we found that A. paludum females somehow benefit from multiple matings in spite of the sexual conflict.  相似文献   

Orb-weaving spiders of the genus Nephila are notable for their sexual size dimorphism, with dwarf males and giant females. However, less well known is the extreme size polymorphism of males that is characteristic of some species. For example, adult male body size in N. edulis varies by an order of magnitude. Previous experiments reveal that male mating behaviour covaries with body size, suggesting the size variation is maintained by opposing pre- and post-insemination sexual selection pressures. Here, we test this idea by allowing males of different sizes to compete directly and simultaneously for access to females. Using the sterile-male technique for paternity assessment, we show that two competing males drawn from the extremes of size variations, split paternity the same way as two males of the same size drawn from the intermediate sizes. The paternity of a large male dropped from 50% to 30% on average if he competed against two instead of one small male. The large male increased his mating frequency when there were more rivals but required a much lower total duration of copulation to achieve the same paternity share. These data are consistent with the idea that opposing pre- and post-insemination selection pressures at least partly explain the variation in male body size. Co-ordinating editor: L.D. Hurst  相似文献   

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