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蕨菜氨基酸及无机元素的分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

通过盆栽和大田试验研究扫帚菜Kochia scoparia对土壤中镉(Cd)的富集效率,并利用盆栽试验将其与4个白菜品种进行轮作试验,验证扫帚菜对土壤Cd污染的修复效果。结果表明,扫帚菜各部位富集能力表现为叶>根>茎,富集系数分别为15.07、5.44和2.96;种植扫帚菜后土壤总Cd降低6.02%-13.60%;土壤脲酶和酸性磷酸酶活性也有所提高。盆栽轮作结果表明,扫帚菜-白菜轮作系统中白菜地上部Cd含量与未轮作的对照组相比平均降低17.21%,生物量有略微增加,地上部对Cd的转运系数无明显变化。结果显示,通过扫帚菜与白菜轮作不仅可以增加白菜产量,而且可以有效降低白菜可食部Cd含量,实现边生产边治理的绿色农业理念。  相似文献   

蕨菜软包装生产技术   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
蕨菜(Pteridumaquilimum)分布广、资源量大。蕨菜营养丰富,风味独特,具有清热解毒,健胃补脾,治疗慢性关节炎、头晕、失眠、高血压之功效,是具有经济价值和社会效益的野生植物资源。蕨菜的嫩茎加工制成软罐头,是既经济,又方便,不可多得的食疗天...  相似文献   

采用75%的乙醇提取经乙醚脱脂的蕨菜粉末,提取液回收乙醇后以石油醚、氯仿、乙酸乙酯、正丁醇依次萃取粗分段,硅胶柱层析、乙酸乙酯-甲醇系统对乙酸乙酯部位梯度洗脱,对其乙酸乙酯洗脱部分反复凝胶柱层析获得2个黄酮单体,分别鉴定为紫云英苷(1)、芦丁(2),其中化合物1为首次从蕨菜中分离得到。  相似文献   

橄榄蚶软体部营养成分分析与评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
测定了橄榄蚶(EsteUarca olivacea)软体部的基本生化成分、氨基酸和脂肪酸的含量.结果表明,橄榄蚶软体部含水量为81.36%,粗蛋白、粗脂肪、总糖和灰分分别占软体部干重的63.64%、10.95%、13.55%和8.97%.橄榄蚶软体部含有18种氨基酸,总氨基酸、必需氨基酸和呈味氨基酸分别占软体部干重的54.83%、19.80%和27.54%,总氨基酸占软体部蛋白质的86.13%,必需氨基酸和呈味氨基酸分别占氨基酸总量的36.11%和56.52%.橄榄蚶的限制性氨基酸为蛋氨酸+胱氨酸和色氨酸.橄榄蚶软体部含28种脂肪酸,不饱和脂肪酸(UFA)、单不饱和脂肪酸(MUFA)、多不饱和脂肪酸(PuFA)及"w-3系列多不饱和脂肪酸(w-3PUFA)分别占脂肪酸的41.31%、23.06%、18.25%和10.54%,DHA和EPA分别占脂肪酸的2.82%和4.59%.  相似文献   

三叶虫茶营养成分的分析与评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过与老鹰茶虫酿茶和一些品牌绿茶的对比,对三叶虫茶的一般营养成分、茶的生化特征、氨基酸和脂肪酸组成、维生素、矿物质元素进行分析和营养评价,为开发三叶虫茶提供科学依据。方法:用常规方法分析其主要营养素和生化成分;用氨基酸分析仪分析氨基酸组成,并采用WHO推荐的蛋白质模式对蛋白质进行营养评价;维生素和矿物元素含量直接说明其营养功能。三叶虫茶含有36.44%的水浸出物,16.28%的茶多酚、1.39%的氨基酸;氨基酸的种类较为齐全,总含量与传统茶叶相当,9种人体必需氨基酸的总量达到0.722%,是传统茶叶的3~12倍,特别是赖氨酸、蛋氨酸、苏氨酸、色氨酸的含量远远高于常规茶叶,而这4种氨基酸在一般植物食品中都是限制性氨基酸;但其茶氨酸、天门冬氨酸、谷氨酸的含量远远低于常规茶叶,而这3种氨基酸对改善茶汤滋味具有重要作用;三叶虫茶中脂肪酸含量为1.23%,其中多不饱和脂肪酸占35.25%;钙、磷、镁含量较高,铁、铜、锌、锰等的含量丰富;维生素C和维生素E含量与普通茶叶相当。三叶虫茶营养丰富,具备常规茶叶的一些生化特征,可作为茶饮料的代用品;若与普通茶叶混合使用,能在滋味和营养价值上实现互补。  相似文献   

南美白对虾饲料中沙蚕的营养成分分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以南美白对虾饲料中的沙蚕为研究对象,通过气相色谱-质谱联用仪和氨基酸自动分析仪分析检测其体内的脂肪酸和氨基酸,之后对其营养价值进行了分析评价。结果表明:沙蚕体内检测出11种脂肪酸,多不饱和脂肪酸质量分数高达46.62%,其中EPA和AA的含量达16.20%和10.41%;沙蚕体内蛋白含量丰富,必需氨基酸含量为38.39%。通过营养评价,表明沙蚕对南美白对虾来说是一种高蛋白、低脂肪的优质饲料。  相似文献   

山东名优特产水果氨基酸及其营养成分的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
滕葳  李坚 《氨基酸杂志》1994,16(4):17-20

野生蕨菜的开发利用及生理生态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、概况野生蕨菜主要指山蕨菜(Pteridium aouilinum Var.Jatiusculum)和薇菜(Osmunda einnamomea Var.asiatica),自古以来被用作蔬菜和度荒食食品,诗经中《诗召南草虫》日:“陡彼南山,言采其蕨”,可见蕨菜在我国利用极早。由于野生蕨菜具有特殊清香味道,又极少受到污染,目前它已成为我国外贸重要土产出口商品之一,在国外享有“山珍之王”的美誉。野生蕨菜不仅出口创汇价值高,出口一吨盐渍蕨菜可换外汇1000美元,出口一吨蕨菜干,可换外汇10000美元,其价值相当于出口40吨大豆;而且还可以用作造纸、食品  相似文献   

本文研究测定了17种山东省名优特产水果的蛋白质、氨基酸及其它营养成分的组成。证明这些水果不仅口味美,而且有较好的营养成分构成。  相似文献   

紫背天葵中营养成分及总黄酮分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
对食、药两用植物紫背天葵营养成分和总黄酮进行了研究 ,结果显示紫背天葵各种营养成分齐全且丰富 ,其中总氨基酸质量分数达 1 3.0 3% ,必需氨基酸占总氨基酸的 4 4 .1 3%。含人体必需的无机元素 1 2种 ,人体必需的微量元素 7种。植物中正丁醇提取部位的总黄酮含量为 0 .4 1 %。这些研究为人们认识紫背天葵的营养和药用价值 ,充分开发利用祖国的植物资源提供参考  相似文献   

The encroachment of bracken (Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn) into areas previously dominated by heather represents a threat to the ecology, agricultural economy and landscape value of many UK upland areas, including the moorland of the North York Moors National Park. The morphology of bracken, within a mature stand and at several bracken-heather interfaces, has been studied at a number of sites within the National Park. Differences have been found in the frond growth of bracken in a mature stand, at stationary stand margins, and at advancing stand margins where bracken is encroaching into heather. Frequency of fronds present on bracken rhizome growing at a stationary stand margin close to the interface with heather (1–2 m behind the boundary) are approximately the same as those found within a mature stand. At advancing margins (again 1–2 m behind the boundary), maximum frond densities were often found to exceed those present in either a mature stand or at a stationary margin. Frond numbers decline rapidly at the stand margins as distance from the stand increases. This is especially true where the front is stationary and bracken is not encroaching into heather at a significant rate. Maximum frond heights in a mature stand consistently exceed those at stand margins (even 1–2 m into the stand) and are greater at stationary margins than at advancing margins. Outlying fronds at the edges of bracken stands are generally present in greater numbers, and further into the area dominated by heather, where the margin is advancing. Heights of outlying fronds fall as distance from the bracken stand increases, as does stipe length. Fronds at the edges of bracken stands emerge each spring before those further into the stand and are therefore particularly vulnerable to frost damage. Outlying fronds are not, however, the first to emerge. Early emerging fronds reach their maximum height and eventually become senescent before later emerging fronds. Whilst most fronds emerge before the end of June a few fronds continue to emerge throughout the summer. Frond densities close to the edges of bracken stands (1–2 m into the stand) are comparable to those in a mature stand. At advancing stand margins frond densities generally exceed those in a mature stand, suggesting that a large number of potential entry points for foliage-applied herbicides are available for bracken control at the stand margins. The ratio of potential uptake points to biomass of rhizome is also greatest at the edges of the stand, and the canopy 1–2 m into the stand is usually almost completely closed. It is possible therefore, the efficacy of herbicides could be improved by the use of small scale applications, using tractors or hand-held sprayers, close to the margins of bracken stands.  相似文献   

The rhizome system of mature bracken (Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn) contains large reserves of both biomass (mean 8.63 kg m?2 fr. wt) and buds (mean 565 m-2) which are largely responsible for both its persistence and its often rapid rates of vegetative encroachment. Within areas such as the North York Moors the spread of bracken into areas previously dominated by heather and grass is considered undesirable because of reduced land value in terms of both agriculture and ecological diversity. In this paper we describe the morphology of bracken rhizome within a mature bracken stand, and at advancing and stationary stand margins where bracken-heather interfaces occur. Stationary margins, i.e. those where bracken is not encroaching into heather at a significant rate, often have morphological characteristics intermediate to those of a mature stand and an advancing margin. In the mature stand rhizome biomass is dominated by carbohydrate-storing long shoots which comprise 63% of the total fresh weight, whilst the majority of rhizome buds (89% of all active and 86% of all dormant buds) are found on frond-bearing short shoots. At the margins of a bracken stand the proportion of rhizome which is composed of long shoots is even greater, and that of short shoots small relative to that in the mature stand. More transitional shoots are also found at the stand margins. Hence close to the margin a greater proportion of fronds is found on transitional rhizome than is the case in more mature parts of the stand. The majority of buds on all types of rhizome are in a dormant state. The proportion of buds which are active is, however, greater on long and transitional shoots than on short shoots. Hence, a larger proportion of buds are active close to the margin where the rhizome is composed less of short shoots than is the case further into a mature stand. The differences in the morphology of bracken in a mature stand and at the stand margins which are identified here support the idea of controlling bracken at stand margins in preference to the spraying of large areas of dense, mature bracken. Morphological differences include an increased proportion of active buds, greater frequency of fronds per unit rhizome biomass, reduced biomass reserves. Improved conditions for the re-invasion and re-establishment of alternative vegetation are also available at stand margins in comparison with the centre of a dense bracken stand.  相似文献   

运用柱层析等分离纯化方法,从蕨菜乙醇提取物的乙酸乙酯萃取部位中分离得到4个黄酮类化合物:3,4,6,2’,4’-五羟基高黄烷醇(1)、槲皮素3-O-β-D-葡萄糖苷(2)、芦丁(3)、槲皮素3-O-β-D-葡萄糖苷(4),其中化合物1为新化合物,也是从蕨类植物中分离出的第一个高黄烷酮,化合物2为首次从该植物中分离得到。采用MTT法对获得的黄酮类化合物的细胞毒活性测定结果表明化合物1具有明显的细胞毒活性。  相似文献   

This paper examines the initial effects of bracken control on frond numbers and biomass, and the biomass, carbohydrate reserves and bud densities of bracken stands cut once per year, twice per year, subject to a single application of asulam or left untreated. The seasonal dynamics of these parameters are displayed; carbohydrate and biomass are both removed from the rhizome system to produce frond tissue, and are replenished at the end of the growing season. Asulam application reduced densities of both active and dormant buds, and both frond biomass and density. It did not significantly reduce rhizome biomass or carbohydrate reserves in the two years after treatment. Cutting, either once or twice per year reduced both rhizome biomass and rhizome carbohydrate reserves, as well as bud densities, though the latter were reduced in proportion to biomass. Cutting twice a year reduced the production of fronds, both in numbers and biomass. The collected data were used to evaluate a model of bracken growth, and subsequently to improve estimates of some of the model parameters. The model simulations of control treatments were compared to field data. The effects of cutting once per year and spraying with asulam were predicted accurately, but the bracken stand was more resilient to cutting twice per year than would be expected from model predictions. The combination of cutting and spraying is discussed as a potential tool in land management and the deficiencies of the model are discussed in relation to the need for future research into the biology of bracken.  相似文献   

目的:研究蕨菜乙醇提取物的致突变作用,为蕨菜的开发利用提供一定依据;方法:制备蕨菜乙醇提取物,采用Ames试验方法,以50μg/皿敌克松作为诱变剂,分别添加提取物50、100、200、400、800μg/皿,统计回变菌落数;结果:受试物各剂量组回变菌落数均未超过自发回变菌落数的2倍,且无剂量-反应关系;结论:在本实验条件下,蕨菜乙醇提取物无致突变作用.  相似文献   

We isolated eight novel polymorphic microsatellite loci from Pteridium aquilinum. These loci were characterized in 30 individuals, one from Bolivia, two from Peru, one from the USA, one from Japan, and 25 from Northeast China to Southwest China. The number of alleles per locus ranged from two to seven. The observed heterozygosity (H(O) ) ranged from 0.000 to 0.600 with an average of 0.3051, and the expected heterozygosity (H(E) ) ranged from 0.0966 to 0.7780 with an average of 0.4267. One locus deviated from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and four pairs of loci were found to be in linkage disequilibrium. These polymorphic loci will be useful in the study of the population genetic structure of Pteridium.  相似文献   

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