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The asparagine-linked sugar chains of human chorionic gonadotropin were released from the polypeptide moiety by hydrazinolysis followed by N-acetylation and NaB3H4 reduction. More than 90% of the released radioactive oligosaccharides contained N-acetylneuraminic acid residues. After removal of N-acetylneuraminic acid residues by sialidase treatment, two neutral oligosaccharide fractions were obtained by paper chromatography. Sequential exoglycosidase digestion revealed that one of them was a mixture of two neutral oligosaccharides. The complete structures of the three oligosaccharides were elucidated by methylation analysis. It was confirmed that all the N-acetylneuraminic acid residues of the asparagine-linked sugar chains of human chorionic gonadotropin occur as NeuAc alpha 2 leads to 3Gal groupings by comparing the methylation analysis data for the acidic oligosaccharide mixture before and after sialidase treatment. Based on these results, the structures of the asparagine-linked sugar chains of human chorionic gonadotropin were confirmed to be +/- NeuAc alpha 2 leads to 3Gal beta 1 leads to 4GlcNAc beta 1 leads to 2Man alpha 1 leads to 6(NeuAc alpha 2 leads to 3Gal beta 1 leads to 4GlcNAc beta 1 leads to 2Man alpha 1 leads to 3)Man beta 1 leads to 4GlcNAc beta 1 leads to 4(+/- Fuc alpha 1 leads to 6)GlcNAc and Man alpha 1 leads to 6(NeuAc alpha 2 leads to 3 Gal beta 1 leads to 4 GlcNAc beta 1 leads to Man alpha 1 leads to 3)Man beta 1 leads to 4 GlcNAc beta 1 leads to 4GlcNAc.  相似文献   

Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) purified from placenta, like urinary hCG, is shown to have the sialylated forms of three neutral oligosaccharides: Galβ1→4GlcNAcβ1→2Manα1→6(Galβ1→4GlcNAcβ1→2Manα1→3)Manβ1→4GlcNAcβ1→4(Fucα1→6)GlcNAc (N-1), Galβ1→4GlcNAcβ1→2Manα1→6(Galβ1→4GlcNAcβ1→2Manα1→3)Manβ1→4GlcNAcβ1→4GlcNAc (N-2) and Manα1→6(Galβ1→4GlcNAcβ1→2Manα1→3)Manβ1→4GlcNAcβ1→4GlcNAc (N-3). Gel permeation chromatographic analysis of oligosaccharides released from α- and β-subunits of placental hCG has revealed that the α-subunit has one each of sialylated N-2 and N-3, while the β-subunit has one each of sialylated N-1 and N-2.  相似文献   

The human chorionic gonadotropin beta-subunit tryptic COOH-terminal peptide (residues 123-145) which contains 3 serine-linked sugar chains was isolated. The sugar chains were cleaved by beta-elimination and then separated by gel filtration. The peaks were pooled and their compositions determined. The products of serial glycosidase digestion and periodate oxidation of the intact glycopeptide were also characterized. Of the serine-linked sugar chains, 13% were the hexasaccharide NeuAc alpha 2,3 Gal beta 1,3 (NeuAc alpha 2,3 Gal beta 1,4 GlcNAc beta 1,6) GalNAc, 34% the tetrasaccharide NeuAc alpha 2,3 Gal beta 1,3 (NeuAc alpha 2,6) GalNAc, 43% the trisaccharide NeuAc alpha 2,3 Gal beta 1,3 GalNAc and 10% the disaccharide NeuAc alpha 2,6 GalNAc.  相似文献   

Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) highly purified from urine of the patient with choriocarcinoma contains four asparagine-linked sugar chains in one molecule. The sugar chains were quantitatively liberated as radioactive oligosaccharides from polypeptide portion by hydrazinolysis followed by N-acetylation and NaB3H4 reduction. The structures of these sugar chains were determined by the combination of sequential glycosidase digestion, periodate oxidation, and methylation analysis. As compared with the sugar chains of normal urinary and placental hCG reported previously, they include several prominent structural differences. More than 97% of the sugar chains of choriocarcinoma hCG was free from sialic acid, while the sugar chains of normal hCG were mostly sialylated. Choriocarcinoma hCG contains unusual biantennary complex-type sugar chains in addition to regular tri-, bi-, and monoantennary sugar chains. These sugar chains have two outer chains linked at the C-2 and C-4 positions of the same alpha-mannosyl residue of the trimannosyl core. Since normal hCG does not contain any triantennary sugar chains, occurrence of Gal beta 1 leads to 4GlcNAc beta 1 leads to 4Man alpha 1 leads to group is another characteristic feature of the sugar chains of choriocarcinoma hCG. The evidence that the monoantennary sugar chain of Man alpha 1 leads to 6(Gal beta 1 leads to 4GlcNAc beta 1 leads to 2Man alpha 1 leads to 3)Man beta 1 leads to 4GlcNAc beta 1 leads to 4(Fuc alpha 1 leads to 6)GlcNAc leads to Asn is not found in normal hCG and the sum total of fucosylated sugar chains is 50%, which is twice as much as normal hCG, indicated that fucosylation is also modified in choriocarcinoma tissue.  相似文献   

Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) contains five acidic N-linked sugar chains, which are derived from three neutral oligosaccharides by sialylation. Each of the two subunits (hCGalpha and hCGbeta) of hCG contain two glycosylated Asn residues. Glycopeptides, each containing a single glycosylated Asn, were obtained by digestion of hCGalpha with trypsin, and of hCGbeta with chymotrypsin and lysyl endopeptidase. Comparative study of the sugar chains of the four glycopeptides revealed the occurrence of site-directed glycosylation. Studies of the sugar chains of hCGs, purified from urine of patients with various trophoblastic diseases, revealed that choriocarcinoma hCGs contain sialylated or non-sialylated forms of eight neutral oligosaccharides. In contrast, hCGs from invasive mole patients contain sialyl derivatives of five neutral oligosaccharides. The structural characteristics of the five neutral oligosaccharides, detected in choriocarcinoma hCGs but not in normal placental hCGs, indicate that N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase IV (GnT-IV) is abnormally expressed in the malignant cells. This supposition was confirmed by molecular biological study of GnT-IV in placenta and choriocarcinoma cell lines. The appearance of tumor-specific sugar chains in hCG has been used to develop a diagnostic method of searching for malignant trophoblastic diseases. In addition, a summary of the current knowledge concerning the functional role of N-linked sugar chains in the expression of the hormonal activity of hCG has been presented.  相似文献   

The concentrations of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and its free immunoreactive alpha-subunit (hCG-alpha) in the sera of patients with trophoblastic diseases were measured by hCG and hCG-alpha radioimmunoassay (RIA), respectively. In the sera of 12 women with hydatidiform mole large amounts of hCG and considerably high level of hCG-alpha were detected in all cases. After the evacuation of mole the serum level of these glycoproteins decreased, the leve of hCG-alpha declined more rapidly than hcg. in the sera of patients with destructive mole the concentration of hCG-alpha was usually lower than that of hCG. After hysterectomy and chemotherapy the levels of hCG-alpha declined practically paralleling that of hCG. However, when hCG had decreased to undetectable level, hCG-alpha could no longer be detected in all cases. Although in the serum of patient with choriocarcinoma involving the uterus and lungs the concentration of hCG-alpha was almost as high as that of hCG, the secretory pattern of hCG and hCG-alpha might not be closely related. The changes in the serum level of free hCG-alpha as well as that of hCG parelled the clinical course of the patients examined in this study. The present results suggest that measurements of the serum free hCG-alpha may be a useful parameter to follow the clinical course and to evaluate the efficacy of treatments of trophoblastic diseases.  相似文献   

Over the past two decades, sugar chain structures of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) produced in healthy people, three types of trophoblastic disease, and some types of cell lines have been analyzed. The abnormal biantennary structure of hCG is a good marker for the diagnosis of malignant choriocarcinoma. In spite of much research, hCG with an abnormal biantennary structure is only detected in the urine of choriocarcinoma or pregnant diabetic patients. We hypothesized that the formation mechanism of the abnormal biantennary sugar chain structure is mainly caused by high GnT-IV activity. To confirm this, we measured the N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase (GnT)-IV activity and hCG productivity in three choriocarcinoma cell lines, and selected JEG-3 cells. hCG samples were purified from medium conditioned by JEG-3 cells, and their sugar chain structures were analyzed. We detected an abnormal biantennary structure, and the proportions were different from those previously reported in the urine samples of choriocarcinoma patients. These findings proved our hypothesis and suggest the usefulness of JEG-3 cells for further analyses of abnormal biantennary structure formation.  相似文献   

Over the past two decades, sugar chain structures of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) produced in healthy people, three types of trophoblastic disease, and some types of cell lines have been analyzed. The abnormal biantennary structure of hCG is a good marker for the diagnosis of malignant choriocarcinoma. In spite of much research, hCG with an abnormal biantennary structure is only detected in the urine of choriocarcinoma or pregnant diabetic patients. We hypothesized that the formation mechanism of the abnormal biantennary sugar chain structure is mainly caused by high GnT-IV activity. To confirm this, we measured the N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase (GnT)-IV activity and hCG productivity in three choriocarcinoma cell lines, and selected JEG-3 cells. hCG samples were purified from medium conditioned by JEG-3 cells, and their sugar chain structures were analyzed. We detected an abnormal biantennary structure, and the proportions were different from those previously reported in the urine samples of choriocarcinoma patients. These findings proved our hypothesis and suggest the usefulness of JEG-3 cells for further analyses of abnormal biantennary structure formation. Published in 2004.  相似文献   

A need exists for broadly applicable biomarkers of pregnancy outcome in population-based studies that assess environmental hazards to human reproduction. Previous studies have demonstrated that during the periimplantation period, measures of the circulating levels of immunoreactive hCG (IhCG) are not predictive of pregnancy outcome, whereas measurements of the circulating levels of bioactive hCG (BhCG) provide information relating to pregnancy outcome and might provide the basis for an early biomarker of pregnancy outcome. However, for this biomarker to have broad application in population-based studies, it must be adapted to urinary hCG metabolites. The principle objective of the present study was to characterize the periimplantation excretion patterns of urinary hCG metabolites of pregnancies that resulted in live birth (LB), early pregnancy loss (EPL), and recognized clinical abortion (CAB) with an immunoenzymometric assay specific to intact hCG and an LH/chorionic gonadotropin cellular bioassay as the basis for a preliminary comparison between successful (LB) and failing (EPL and CAB) outcome groups. Automated immunoassays for FSH and hCG were used to define each conceptive cycle's implantation window. The timing of first hCG detection was significantly later for the EPL group. Pregnancies that resulted in LB had consistently rising average daily IhCG and BhCG levels, with no significant differences when average daily IhCG and BhCG measurements were compared (Student t-test, P>0.05), whereas pregnancies that resulted in CAB and EFL had lower average daily IhCG and BhCG levels that increased inconsistently. These findings demonstrate that critical information related to pregnancy outcome may be present when multiple urinary hCG isoforms are measured. Further data suggest that the rate of change for the ratio of daily BhCG over IhCG levels might be useful as the basis of a broadly applicable early biomarker for pregnancy outcome.  相似文献   

Prolonged stimulation by human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) induces ovarian follicular cysts in progesterone-synchronized immature rats [Bogovich, Endocrinology 1989; 124:1646-1653]. To determine if unabated stimulation by hCG has a similar effect on follicular development in adult ovaries, pregnant rats were given either 0 (control), 1, or 3 IU hCG twice daily for 9 days beginning on Day 13 of pregnancy. By Day 22 of pregnancy, rats treated with 1 IU hCG possessed large antral follicles at least 1 mm in diameter: approximately 33% larger than the diameters of preovulatory follicles observed in control rats (0 IU hCG). In contrast, rats treated with 3 IU hCG displayed ovarian follicular cysts up to 5 mm in diameter, with well-developed thecae and just a remnant of granulosa cells. Progesterone, androstenedione, and estradiol accumulation was greater in follicular incubates from hCG-treated rats than in incubates from control rats. Progesterone increased in response to cAMP in incubates from all treatment groups on all days tested. Androstenedione increased in response to cAMP on Day 22 of pregnancy for follicles from control animals, on all days tested for follicles from rats treated with 1 IU hCG, and on Days 15-19 for follicles from rats treated with 3 IU hCG. Androstenedione production in the presence of 300 ng of exogenous testosterone was significantly greater in follicular incubates from animals treated with 1 and 3 IU hCG than incubates from control animals on Days 19-22 of pregnancy.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Changes in rat and human testicular human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) binding sites induced by hCG were estimated in vivo and in vitro. After a single administration of hCG, the specific 125I-hCG bindings were significantly reduced for 7 and 5 days in rat and human testes, respectively. Thereafter, 125I-hCG bindings had recovered to pretreatment values by the 14th day after the administration. Occupied hCG bindings accounted for about half of the reduced bindings on the day after administration of hCG. After this time, however, the occupancy did not contribute so much to the reduction of the bindings. In experiments in vitro using the organ culture technique, an exposure to hCG for 24 h induced a dose-related significant loss of the specific 125I-hCG bindings for 7 and 5 days in rat and human testes, respectively. Thereafter, the loss was gradually recovered. These patterns of changes in 125I-hCG bindings in vitro were similar to those in vivo. These findings suggest that the reduction in hCG binding sites by hCG is due to not only occupancy but also downregulation of the binding sites and that the testicular organ culture method used in the present study is useful to study hormonal regulation of testicular function, especially in human testes.  相似文献   

The asparagine-linked sugar chains of human erythropoietin produced by recombinant Chinese hamster ovary cells and naturally occurring human urinary erythropoietin were liberated by hydrazinolysis and fractionated by paper electrophoresis, lectin affinity chromatography, and Bio-Gel P-4 column chromatography. Both erythropoietins had three asparagine-linked sugar chains in one molecule, all of which were acidic complex type. Structural analysis of them revealed that the sugar chains from both erythropoietins are quite similar except for sialyl linkage. All sugar chains of erythropoietin produced by recombinant Chinese hamster ovary cells contain only the NeuAc alpha 2----3Gal linkage, while those of human urinary erythropoietin contain the NeuAc alpha 2----6Gal linkage together with the NeuAc alpha 2----3Gal linkage. The major sugar chains were of fucosylated tetraantennary complex type with and without N-acetyllactosamine repeating units in their outer chain moieties in common, and small amounts of 2,4- and 2,6-branched triantennary and biantennary sugar chains were detected. This paper proved, for the first time, that recombinant technique can produce glycoprotein hormone whose carbohydrate structures are common to the major sugar chains of the native one.  相似文献   

The effect of super-ovulatory dose of pregnant mare serum gonadotropin and human chorionic gonadotropin on ovulation, advancement of ovulation, subsequent embryo development and implantation were studied in the hamster. Groups of hamsters received pregnant mare serum gonadotropin injection on day 1 of the estrous cycle followed by human chorionic gonadotropin injection either at 56 or 76 h later, pregnant mare serum gonadotropin alone on day 1 or human chorionic gonadotropin alone on day 3.The combination therapy (pregnant mare serum gonadotropin and human chorionic gonadotropin) resulted in super-ovulation (an average of 40 mature ova/animal) while human chorionic gonadotropin alone yielded an average of 10 mature ova/animal. Ovulation was advanced by 24 h by giving human chorionic gonadotropin at 56 h instead of 76 h after pregnant mare serum gonadotropin. Subsequent embryo development and implantation occurring under different hormonal regimens were studied. The ova obtained by giving human chorionic gonadotropin injection at 56 h were poorly fertilizablein vivo and hence the pregnancy rate was low (6 %). These ova however, were fertilizablein vitro, suggesting that the low fertilization rate and developmental failure may be due to inhibition of sperm capacitation/transport because of premature human chorionic gonadotropin administration. In the group receiving human chorionic gonadotropin alone on day 3 there was fertilization and cleavage, but no implantation occurred due to failure of functional corpora lutea. However, administration of progesterone and estrone from day 2 of gestation resulted in 80% implantation and sustenance of pregnancy. On the other hand, the pregnant mare serum gonadotropin and human chorionic gonadotropin combination therapy resulted in super-pregnancy. The number of fetuses present at term was higher in the group receiving pregnant mare serum gonadotropin alone than in the group receiving the combination therapy. Embryo resorption however was higher (37%) in the latter group compared with the former (9.5%). However, preimplantation embryos were found to be viable as evidenced by fluorescein diacetate staining.  相似文献   

The sugar chains of gamma-glutamyltranspeptidases, purified from human hepatoma and from normal human liver, were released quantitatively as oligosaccharides by hydrazinolysis. Comparative study of their structures revealed that the following structural alterations are induced by hepatocyte carcinogenesis: 1) high mannose type sugar chains are detected in the hepatoma enzyme but not in the normal liver enzyme; 2) abnormal biantennary sugar chains containing C-2,4 outer chain branches newly appeared; 3) the total amounts of tri- and tetraantennary sugar chains containing C-2,6 outer chain branches increased up to three times.  相似文献   

Michael Dietrich  J. A. French 《CMAJ》1974,111(3):235-237
Three “indirect-type” slide tests utilizing the principle of hemagglutination inhibition and one new “direct-type” slide test employing direct agglutination were evaluated for their sensitivity in detecting human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) in urine. The results of positive tests in a group of woman in very early pregnancy were correlated with the “days after last menses”. In this series the direct slide test was the most accurate. A control must be used with each direct test to indicate interfering substances and when such are present a different test must be used. All tests were found to be of the relative sensitivity stated by the manufacturer.  相似文献   

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