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Programs for the calculation, storage and analysis of restriction maps derived from the analysis of partial digestion products from end labelled DNA (1,2,3) and their correlation with digestion - and hybridisation patterns in total digestions and Southern blot experiments are described. These programs allow direct input of gel patterns from partial or complete digestion experiments using a digitizer tablet, calculation of molecular weights and restriction maps, plotting of maps and actual or predicted fragment patterns and automated identification of overlapping cosmids from partial restriction mapping results. Programs are written in PASCAL and have been implemented on a VAX/VMS system, with a HP-7221T plotter and a digitizing tablet.  相似文献   

A restriction endonuclease cleavage map of mouse mitochondrial DNA.   总被引:8,自引:8,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
A restriction endonuclease cleavage map is presented for mouse mitochondrial DNA. This map was constructed by electron microscopic measurements on partial digests containing fixed D-loops, and by electrophoretic analysis of partial and complete single enzyme digests, and of double digests. No map differences were detected between mitochondrial DNA from cultured LA9 cells and an inbred mouse line for the six endonucleases used. Three cleavage sites recognized by HpaI, five sites recognized by HincII, two sites recognized PstI and four sites recognized by BamI were located with respect to the origin of replication and the EcoRI and HinIII sites previously determined by others. No cleavages were produced by KpnI or SalI. The migration of linear DNA with a molecular weight greater than 1 X 10(6) was not a linear function of log molecular weight in 1% agarose gels run at 6.6 volts/cm.  相似文献   

A 12 megabase restriction map at the cystic fibrosis locus.   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
We have constructed a physical map of the chromosomal region containing the cystic fibrosis locus using seven DNA markers and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis methods. The map includes cleavage sites for 8 rare-cutting restriction enzymes and spans over 12 megabases (Mb) of DNA, with one unlinked probe covering an additional 5 Mb. To our knowledge, this is the largest segment of human DNA which has been restriction-mapped to date. We can identify thirteen putative HTF islands spaced at intervals of 0.3-3.2 Mb. The region between loci D7S8 and MET, where the CF gene lies, includes 1.4-1.9 Mb of DNA.  相似文献   

Dynamic programming algorithms for restriction map comparison   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
For most sequence comparison problems there is a correspondingmap comparison algorithm. While map data may appear to be incompatiblewith dynamic programming, we show in this paper that the rigorand efficiency of dynamic programming algorithms carry overto the map comparison algorithms. We present algorithms forrestriction map comparison that deal with two types of map errors:(i) closely spaced sites for different enzymes can be orderedincorrectly, and (ii) closely spaced sites for the same enzymecan be mapped as a single site. The new algorithms are a naturalextension of a previous map comparison model. Dynamic programmingalgorithms for computing optimal global and local alignmentsunder the new model are described. The new algorithms take aboutthe same order of time as previous map comparison algorithms.Programs implementing some of the new algorithms are used tofind similar regions within the Escherichia coli restrictionmap of Kohara et al.  相似文献   

A restriction map of IncFIV plasmid R124   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
I. G. Campbell  B. J. Mee 《Plasmid》1985,14(3):261-263
A physical and genetic map of the 125.7-kb IncFIV plasmid R124 was constructed using the restriction enzymes Sal1 and EcoR1. Two discrete regions involved in plasmid replication were identified on the plasmid genome. One region was located on a 4.66-kb segment of an EcoR1 fragment at map coordinates 73.87 to 78.53 kb. Another was located within an 8.05-kb segment of an EcoR1 fragment at map coordinates 113.40 to 121.45. This region was very unstable but, when ligated to the 3.21-kb EcoR1 fragment E13 located at map coordinates 18.83 to 22.06 kb, replication was stable. Thus, at least three regions of R124 widely separated around the genome are associated with plasmid replication and stable maintenance. Each of these three regions expressed incompatibility with R124. The Tc resistance gene of R124 was located on the contiguous EcoR1 fragments E8 and E12 located at map coordinates 100.49 to 113.40.  相似文献   

Summary A physical map of the actinophage VWB has been constructed using the restriction endonucleases BglII, ClaI, EcoRI, EcoRV, HindIII, KpnI and SphI. Phage VWB, genome size 47.3 kb, propagates on Streptomyces venezuelae, and it can also lysogenise this species. The three BglII-generated fragments of VWB DNA were cloned in pBR322, and subsequently mapped. In this manner the restriction map of the VWB phage genome was constructed.Abbreviations dam DNA adenine methylase activity - kb kilobase pairs - :: novel joint  相似文献   

The relative positions of the sites on RP1 of the following restriction enzymes were mapped: EcoRl, BamH1, HindIII, BglII, SmaI, andPstI.  相似文献   

A restriction map of Xenopus laevis mitochondrial DNA   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The mitochondrial DNA from Xenopus laevis is a 17.4 x 10(3)-base-pair circular DNA molecule. The mapping of this DNA, using 19 different restriction endonucleases is reported here. The sites are as follows: 1 for BamHI, PstI, SacI, SalI, BalI; 2 for BglII, SacII, EcoRI, ClaI, 3 for XhoI, 4 for AvaI, XbaI, PvuII, 5 for HindIII, 6 for HhaI, BclI, HpaI, 10 for AvaII and 11 for HincII. The same sites (except for one of the two ClaI sites) are observed in the molecule cloned in pBR322 DNA. The fragments corresponding to 62 cleavage sites have all been ordered and precisely located. They provide suitable conditions for further investigations connected with the study of replication and nucleotide sequence determination of this molecule.  相似文献   

This study presents a framework linkage map based on microsatellite markers for Muscadinia rotundifolia (1n?=?20). The mapping population consisted of 206 progeny generated from a cross of two M. rotundifolia varieties, 'Fry' and 'Trayshed'. A total of 884 primers were tested for their ability to amplify markers: 686 amplified and 312 simple sequence repeat (SSR) primer pairs generated 322 polymorphic markers for either one or both parents. The map for the female parent 'Fry' consisted of 212 markers and covered 879?cM on 18 chromosomes. The average distance between the markers was 4.1?cM and chromosome 6 was not represented due to a lack of polymorphic markers. The map for the male parent 'Trayshed' consisted of 191 markers and covered 841?cM on 19 chromosomes. The consensus map consisted of 314 markers on 19 chromosomes with a total distance of 1,088?cM, which represented 66?% of the distance covered by the Vitis vinifera reference linkage map. Marker density varied greatly among chromosomes from 5 to 35 mapped markers. Relatively good synteny was observed across 19 chromosomes based on markers in common with the V. vinifera reference map. Extreme segregation distortion was observed for chromosome 8 and 14 on the female parent map, and 4 on the male parent map. The lack of mapping coverage for the 20th M. rotundifolia chromosome is discussed in relation to possible evolutionary events that led to the reduction in chromosome number from 21 to 19 in the ancestral genome.  相似文献   

A BlnI restriction map of the Salmonella typhimurium LT2 genome.   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
BlnI or AvrII (5'-CCTAGG) sites are very rare in the Salmonella typhimurium LT2 genome. BlnI was used to construct a physical map which was correlated with the genetic map by using three methods. First, Tn10 carries BlnI sites, and the extra restriction sites produced by 34 genetically mapped Tn10 insertions were physically mapped by using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. Second, six genetically mapped Mud-P22 prophage insertions were used to assign BlnI fragments. Integration of Mud-P22 introduces 30 kb of DNA that can easily be detected by a "shift up" in all but the largest BlnI fragments. Finally, induced Mud-P22 insertions package more than 100 kb of genomic DNA adjacent to one side of the insertion. Some of the smaller BlnI fragments were localized by hybridization to a dot blot array of 52 lysates from induced Mud-P22 insertions. Of the 10 BlnI sites mapped, 6 probably occur in or near the 16S rRNA genes at about 55, 71, 83, 86, 88.5, and 89.5 min. There is one BlnI site in the 90-kb pSLT plasmid. Two additional BlnI fragments of about 7 and 4 kb have not been localized. The size of the genome was estimated as 4.78 Mb (+/- 0.1 Mb) excluding pSLT but including prophages Fels-1 and Fels-2. One BlnI fragment that maps between 55 and 59 min showed a 40-kb reduction in size in a strain cured of the approximately 40-kb Fels-2 prophage.  相似文献   

Summary A restriction endonuclease cleavage map of phage P2 was constructed. The enzymes used and, within parenthesis, the number of their cleavage sites on the P2 lg cc DNA molecule were: AvaI(3), BalI(1), BamI(3), BglII(3), HaeIII (more than 40; only three were mapped), HindIII(0), HpaI(10), KpnI(3), PstI(3), SalI(2) and SmaI(1). The EcoRI cleavage sites (3), as determined earlier, were used as reference points for this study. The DNAs of a variety of P2 mutants carrying chromosomal aberrations (del1, del2, del3, del6, vir22, vir37(2), vir79 and vir94) were also similarly examined.  相似文献   

A restriction map of the bacteriophage T4 genome   总被引:90,自引:0,他引:90  
Summary We report a detailed restriction map of the bacteriophage T4 genome and the alignment of this map with the genetic map. The sites cut by the enzymes BglII, XhoI, KpnI, SalI, PstI, EcoRI and HindIII have been localized. Several novel approaches including two-dimensional (double restriction) electrophoretic separations were used.  相似文献   

Complex genetic interactions lie at the foundation of many diseases. Understanding the nature of these interactions is critical to developing rational intervention strategies. In mammalian systems hypothesis testing in vivo is expensive, time consuming, and often restricted to a few physiological endpoints. Thus, computational methods that generate causal hypotheses can help to prioritize targets for experimental intervention. We propose a Bayesian statistical method to infer networks of causal relationships among genotypes and phenotypes using expression quantitative trait loci (eQTL) data from genetically randomized populations. Causal relationships between network variables are described with hierarchical regression models. Prior distributions on the network structure enforce graph sparsity and have the potential to encode prior biological knowledge about the network. An efficient Monte Carlo method is used to search across the model space and sample highly probable networks. The result is an ensemble of networks that provide a measure of confidence in the estimated network topology. These networks can be used to make predictions of system-wide response to perturbations. We applied our method to kidney gene expression data from an MRL/MpJ × SM/J intercross population and predicted a previously uncharacterized feedback loop in the local renin-angiotensin system.  相似文献   

A genetic linkage map for human chromosome 3 has been constructed using 41 polymorphic DNA markers genotyped in 40 CEPH reference families. The map spans a genetic distance of 261 cM in males and 413 cM in females; the ratio of these distances (approximately 1.6 in favor of female meioses) was fairly constant across the map. Frequency of recombination was relatively uniform throughout much of the chromosome, except that in both telomeric regions recombination was more frequent than the physical distances would predict. The genetic map was basically in agreement with physical localization of 24 loci that were mapped by fluorescent in situ hybridization. This map can be used for linkage studies for genetic diseases, and it will serve as a step toward a high-resolution map for human chromosome 3.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA from cultured C13/B4 hamster cells was cleaved by the restriction endonucleases Hpa II, Hind III, Eco RI and Bam HI into 7, 5, 3 and 2 unique fragments, respectively. The summed molecular weights of fragments obtained from electrophoretic mobilities in agarose-ethidium bromide gels (with Hpa I-cleaved T7 DNA as standard) and electron microscopic analysis of fragment classes isolated from gels (with SV40 DNA as standard) were in good agreement with the size of 10.37 +/- 0.22 x 10(6) daltons (15,700 +/- 330 nucleotide pairs) determined for the intact circular mitochondrial genome. Cyclization of all Hind III, Eco RI and Bam HI fragments was observed. A cleavage map containing the 17 restriction sites (+/- 1% s.d.) was constructed by electrophoretic analysis of 32P-labeled single- and double-enzyme digestion products and reciprocal redigestion of isolated fragments. The 7 Hpa II sites were located in one half of the genome. The total distribution of the 17 cleavages around the genome was relatively uniform. The position of the D-loop was determined from its location and expansion on 3 overlapping restriction fragments.  相似文献   

We reported previously that polycytidylate [poly(C)]-dependent RNA polymerase activity was a property of small spherical or triangular reovirus-specific particles which sedimented at 13 to 19S and were composed solely of the reovirus protein, sigma NS. Depending on the fraction of cellular extracts from which they were obtained, these particles exhibited marked differences in stability. Most 13 to 19S particles from a particular fraction repeatedly disaggregated into smaller 4 to 5S subunits with no enzymatic activity. Disruption of many particles could be prevented and polymerase activity retained after these particles had bound different single-stranded (ss) RNAs. Our previous results indicated that there was heterogeneity among the 13 to 19S particles in that possession of poly(C)-dependent RNA polymerase activity was a property of only some. Support for this heterogeneity was derived from the demonstration in this report that there were at least three types of binding sites present within particles in any purified preparation: (i) those binding only poly(C); (ii) those binding only reovirus ss RNAs; and (iii) those binding one or the other, but not both at the same time. It is suggested that only those particles able to bind either poly(C) or reovirus ss RNAs had poly(C)-dependent RNA polymerase activity, as reovirus ss RNAs markedly inhibited the polymerase activity. All three size classes of reovirus ss RNAs were equally effective in binding, but once bound, they were not copied. It is possible that heterogeneity in binding capacity of different particles comprised of only one protein, sigma NS, could result from the ability of subunits containing this protein to assemble into slightly different 13 to 19S particles with specificity of binding or polymerase activity conferred by the configuration of the assembled particles. The high capacity of sigma NS to bind many different nucleic acids with some specificity suggests that these particles may act during infection as condensing agents to bring together 10 reovirus ss RNA templates in preparation for double-stranded RNA synthesis.  相似文献   

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