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The role of central command in the respiratory response to 15 min of rhythmic-static (isometric) exercise was studied in humans. Voluntary exercise (VE) was compared with electrically induced exercise (EE) at three different work intensities, i.e. 5%, 15% and 25% of maximal voluntary contraction. A group of 12 volunteers participated in the study and each of them performed six sessions. A session consisted of at least 5 min rest, 15 min rhythmic-static single leg exercise (4 s contraction/12 s relaxation) and at least 5 min recovery. Force, minute ventilation (V E) and oxygen uptake (VO2) were measured. In EE, both V E and VO2 increased continuously during the entire exercise period after an initial rapid increase at all three work intensities. Correlation between VE and VO2 was highly significant during EE. During all three work intensities of VE, VE and VO2 achieved a steady-state after the initial increase. During VE, VE did not correlate as closely with VO2 as during EE. All these findings indicate that central command was not imperative for an adequate ventilatory response to exercise within all three work intensities investigated. Without the influence of central command, correlation between VE and VO2 was even better than during VE.  相似文献   

We sought to determine the relative contributions of cessation of skeletal muscle pumping and withdrawal of central command to the rapid decrease in arterial pressure during recovery from exercise. Twelve healthy volunteers underwent three exercise sessions, each consisting of a warm-up, 3 min of cycling at 60% of maximal heart rate, and 5 min of one of the following recovery modes: seated (inactive), loadless pedaling (active), and passive cycling. Mean arterial pressure (MAP), cardiac output, thoracic impedance, and heart rate were measured. When measured 15 s after exercise, MAP decreased less (P < 0.05) during the active (-3 +/- 1 mmHg) and passive (-6 +/- 1 mmHg) recovery modes than during inactive (-18 +/- 2 mmHg) recovery. These differences in MAP persisted for the first 4 min of recovery from exercise. Significant maintenance of central blood volume (thoracic impedance), stroke volume, and cardiac output paralleled the maintenance of MAP during active and passive conditions during 5 min of recovery. These data indicate that engaging the skeletal muscle pump by loadless or passive pedaling helps maintain MAP during recovery from submaximal exercise. The lack of differences between loadless and passive pedaling suggests that cessation of central command is not as important.  相似文献   

The cardiovascular adaptation at the onset of voluntary static exercise is controlled by the autonomic nervous system. Two neural mechanisms are responsible for the cardiovascular adaptation: one is central command descending from higher brain centers, and the other is a muscle mechanosensitive reflex from activation of mechanoreceptors in the contracting muscles. To examine which mechanism played a major role in producing the initial cardiovascular adaptation during static exercise, we studied the effect of intravenous administration of gadolinium (55 micromol/kg), a blocker of stretch-activated ion channels, on the increases in heart rate (HR) and mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) at the onset of voluntary static exercise (pressing a bar with a forelimb) in conscious cats. HR increased by 31 +/- 5 beats/min and MAP increased by 15 +/- 1 mmHg at the onset of voluntary static exercise. Gadolinium affected neither the baseline values nor the initial increases of HR and MAP at the onset of exercise, although the peak force applied to the bar tended to decrease to 65% of the control value before gadolinium. Furthermore, we examined the effect of gadolinium on the reflex responses in HR and MAP (18 +/- 7 beats/min and 30 +/- 6 mmHg, respectively) during passive mechanical stretch of a forelimb or hindlimb in anesthetized cats. Gadolinium significantly blunted the passive stretch-induced increases in HR and MAP, suggesting that gadolinium blocks the stretch-activated ion channels and thereby attenuates the reflex cardiovascular responses to passive mechanical stretch of a limb. We conclude that the initial cardiovascular adaptation at the onset of voluntary static exercise is predominantly induced by feedforward control of central command descending from higher brain centers but not by a muscle mechanoreflex.  相似文献   

Static exercise is well known to increase heart rate, arterial blood pressure, and ventilation. These increases appear to be less in women than in men, a difference that has been attributed to an effect of estrogen on neuronal function. In decerebrate male cats, we examined the effect of estrogen (17beta-estradiol; 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, and 1.0 microg/kg iv) on the cardiovascular and ventilatory responses to central command and the exercise pressor reflex, the two neural mechanisms responsible for evoking the autonomic and ventilatory responses to exercise. We found that 17beta-estradiol, in each of the three doses tested, attenuated the pressor, cardioaccelerator, and phrenic nerve responses to electrical stimulation of the mesencephalic locomotor region (i.e., central command). In contrast, none of the doses of 17beta-estradiol had any effect on the pressor, cardioaccelerator, and ventilatory responses to static contraction or stretch of the triceps surae muscles. We conclude that, in decerebrate male cats, estrogen injected intravenously attenuates cardiovascular and ventilatory responses to central command but has no effect on responses to the exercise pressor reflex.  相似文献   

We have measured the cardiovascular responses during voluntary and nonvoluntary (electrically induced) one-leg static exercise in humans. Eight normal subjects were studied at rest and during 5 min of static leg extension at 20% of maximal voluntary contraction performed voluntarily and nonvoluntarily in random order. Heart rate (HR), mean arterial pressure (MAP), and cardiac output (CO) were determined, and peripheral vascular resistance (PVR) and stroke volume (SV) were calculated. HR increased from approximately 65 +/- 3 beats/min at rest to 80 +/- 4 and 78 +/- 6 beats/min (P < 0.05), and MAP increased from 83 +/- 6 to 103 +/- 6 and 105 +/- 6 mmHg (P < 0.05) during voluntary and nonvoluntary contractions, respectively. CO increased from 5.1 +/- 0.7 to 6.0 +/- 0.8 and 6.2 +/- 0.8 l/min (P < 0.05) during voluntary and nonvoluntary contractions, respectively. PVR and SV did not change significantly during voluntary or nonvoluntary contractions. Thus the cardiovascular responses were not different between voluntary and electrically induced contractions. These results suggest that the increases in CO, HR, SV, MAP, and PVR during 5 min of static contractions can be elicited without any contribution from a central neural mechanism (central command). However, central command could still have an important role during voluntary static exercise.  相似文献   

A human performance model has been developed and described [9] which portrays the human circulatory, thermo regulatory and energy-exchange systems as an intercoupled set. In this model, steady state or static relationships are used to describe oxygen consumption and blood flow. For example, heart rate (HTRT) is calculated as a function of the oxygen and the thermo-regulatory requirements of each body compartment, using the steady state work values of cardiac output (CO, sum of all compartment blood flows) and stroke volume (SV, assumed maximal after 40% maximal oxygen consumption): HTRT=CO/SV. The steady state model has proven to be an acceptable first approximation, but the inclusion of transient characteristics are essential in describing the overall systems' adjustment to exercise stress. In the present study, the dynamic transient characteristics of heart rate, stroke volume and cardiac output were obtained from experiments utilizing step and sinusoidal forcing of work. The gain and phase relationships reveal a probable first order system with a six minute time constant, and are utilized to model the transient characteristics of these parameters. This approach leads to a more complex model but a more accurate representation of the physiology involved. The instrumentation and programming essential to these experiments are described.  相似文献   

Recording of the H-reflex was used to study the changes in the reflex excitability of soleus motoneurons during dorsal and plantar flexions of the ipsilateral and contralateral feet performed with different strengths by 15 healthy subjects. The dorsiflexion of the ipsilateral foot was accompanied by the “classic” reciprocal inhibition of the soleus motoneurons, the degree of the inhibition being directly proportional to the strength of the contraction of pretibial muscles and depending on the presence of foot support. The plantar flexion of the ipsilateral foot was accompanied by changes in reflex excitability, which were inversely proportional to the strength of the flexion. This was apparently related to the activation of a mechanism protecting the muscle against excessive contraction. The dorsal and plantar flexions of the contralateral foot were accompanied by similar changes in the reflex excitability of soleus motoneurons, namely, an increase in the case of weak contraction and a decrease in the case of strong contraction. However, the increase in reflex excitability during contralateral dorsiflexion was smaller and its decrease began at a weaker contraction than in the case of contralateral plantar flexion. The changes in the reflex excitability of soleus motoneurons during movements of the contralateral foot, which were also strength-dependent, confirmed the presence of cross-projections that are likely to be part of the generator of the central pattern of lower limb movement coordination.  相似文献   

Cerebral blood flow during static exercise in humans   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Cerebral blood flow (CBF) was determined in humans at rest and during four consecutive unilateral static contractions of the knee extensors. Each contraction was maintained for 3 min 15 s with the subjects in a semisupine position. The contractions corresponded to 8, 16, 24, and 32% of the maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) and utilized alternate legs. CBF (measured by the 133Xe clearance technique) was expressed by a noncompartmental flow index (ISI). Heart rate and mean arterial pressure increased from resting values of 73 (55-80) beats/min and 88 (74-104) mmHg to 106 (86-138) beats/min and 124 (102-146) mmHg, respectively (P less than 0.0005), during the contraction at 32% MVC. Arterial PCO2 and central venous pressure did not change. Corrected to the average resting PCO2, CBF during control was 55 (35-73) ml.100 g-1.min-1 and remained constant during contractions. Cerebral vascular resistance increased from 1.5 (1.0-2.2) to 2.4 (1.4-3.0) mmHg. 100 g.min.ml-1 (P less than 0.025) at 32% of MVC. There was no difference in CBF between the two hemispheres at rest or during exercise. In contrast to dynamic leg exercise, static leg exercise is not associated with an increase in global CBF when measured by the 133Xe clearance technique.  相似文献   

In congestive heart failure (CHF), exaggerated sympathetic activation is observed during exercise, which elicits excess peripheral vasoconstriction. The mechanisms causing this abnormality are not fully understood. Central command is a central neural process that induces parallel activation of motor and cardiovascular systems. This study was undertaken to determine whether central command serves as a mechanism that contributes to the exaggerated sympathetic response to exercise in CHF. In decerebrated rats, renal and lumbar sympathetic nerve responses (RSNA and LSNA, respectively) to 30 s of fictive locomotion were examined. The fictive locomotion was induced by electrical stimulation of the mesencephalic locomotor region (MLR). The study was performed in control animals (fractional shortening > 40%) and animals with myocardial infarctions (MI; fractional shortening < 30%). With low stimulation of the MLR (current intensity = 20 microA), the sympathetic responses were not significantly different in the control (RSNA: +18 +/- 4%; LSNA: +3 +/- 2%) and MI rats (RSNA: +16 +/- 5%; LSNA: +8 +/- 3%). With intense stimulation of the MLR (50 microA), the responses were significantly greater in MI rats (RSNA: +127 +/- 15%; LSNA: +57 +/- 10%) than in the control rats (RSNA: +62 +/- 5%; LSNA: +21 +/- 6%). In this study, the data demonstrate that RSNA and LSNA responses to intense stimulation of the MLR are exaggerated in MI rats. We suggest that intense activation of central command may play a role in evoking exaggerated sympathetic activation and inducing excessive peripheral vasoconstriction during exercise in CHF.  相似文献   

Peripheral chemoreflex inhibition with hyperoxia decreases sympathetic nerve traffic to muscle circulation [muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA)]. Hyperoxia also decreases lactate production during exercise. However, hyperoxia markedly increases the activation of sensory endings in skeletal muscle in animal studies. We tested the hypothesis that hyperoxia increases the MSNA and mean blood pressure (MBP) responses to isometric exercise. The effects of breathing 21% and 100% oxygen at rest and during isometric handgrip at 30% of maximal voluntary contraction on MSNA, heart rate (HR), MBP, blood lactate (BL), and arterial O2 saturation (SaO2) were determined in 12 healthy men. The isometric handgrips were followed by 3 min of postexercise circulatory arrest (PE-CA) to allow metaboreflex activation in the absence of other reflex mechanisms. Hyperoxia lowered resting MSNA, HR, MBP, and BL but increased Sa(O2) compared with normoxia (all P < 0.05). MSNA and MBP increased more when exercise was performed in hyperoxia than in normoxia (MSNA: hyperoxic exercise, 255 +/- 100% vs. normoxic exercise, 211 +/- 80%, P = 0.04; and MBP: hyperoxic exercise, 33 +/- 9 mmHg vs. normoxic exercise, 26 +/- 10 mmHg, P = 0.03). During PE-CA, MSNA and MBP remained elevated (both P < 0.05) and to a larger extent during hyperoxia than normoxia (P < 0.05). Hyperoxia enhances the sympathetic and blood pressure (BP) reactivity to metaboreflex activation. This is due to an increase in metaboreflex sensitivity by hyperoxia that overrules the sympathoinhibitory and BP lowering effects of chemoreflex inhibition. This occurs despite a reduced lactic acid production.  相似文献   

Previous studies suggest that the blood pressure response to static contraction is greater than that caused by dynamic exercise. In anesthetized cats, however, pressor responses to electrically induced static and dynamic contraction of the same muscle group are similar during equivalent workloads and peak tension development [i.e., similar tension-time index (TTI)]. To determine if the same relationship exists in humans, where contraction is voluntary and central command is present, dynamic (180 s; 1/s) and static (90 s) contractions at 30% of maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) were performed. Dynamic contraction also was repeated at the same TTI for 90 s at 60% MVC. Mean arterial pressure (MAP), heart rate (HR), cardiac output (CO), MAP during postexercise arterial occlusion (an index of the metaboreceptor-induced activation of the exercise pressor reflex), and relative perceived exertion (RPE) (an index of central command) were assessed. No differences in these variables were found between static and dynamic contraction at a tension of 30% MVC. During dynamic contraction at 60% MVC, changes in MAP (16 +/- 3 vs. 19 +/- 4 mmHg) and absolute HR (92 +/- 6 vs. 69 +/- 5 beats/min), CO (7.9 +/- 0.4 vs. 6.3 +/- 0.3 l/min), RPE (16 +/- 1 vs. 13 +/- 1), and MAP during postexercise arterial occlusion (115 +/- 3 vs. 100 +/- 4 mmHg) were greater than during static contraction (P < 0.05). Thus increases in MAP and HR, activation of central command, and muscle metabolite-induced stimulation of the exercise pressor reflex during static and dynamic contraction in humans seem to be similar when peak tension and TTI are equal. Augmented responses to dynamic contraction at 60% MVC are likely related to greater activation of these two mechanisms.  相似文献   

This article describes an easy to use test equipment for measuring the isometric force in the ankle joints in dorsiflexion and plantar flexion. The combination of the test equipment for measuring the voluntary maximal isometric muscle force in the ankle joint, the surface electromyograms and the motion analysis of the measured leg allow an objective comparison of the strength of the muscular force between the left and right leg. It might be also used as a control setup during rehabilitation after surgical treatment or injuries.  相似文献   

Because of extensor weakness, children with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) maintain internal flexion moments at the joints of the lower extremities when they walk. We believe that at the ankle, the plantar flexion moments caused by contractures may contribute significantly to the production of the net ankle flexion moment during the gait in these children. The goal of the present study is to quantify ankle plantar flexion passive moments that may be associated with the presence of flexion contractures and to estimate their contribution to the net moment during the gait of children with DMD. Kinematic and kinetic parameters were collected during gait of eleven subjects with DMD. Ankle plantar flexion passive moments were also measured experimentally during the same session. Fourteen control children participated in the study in order to have normal reference values. The presence of ankle plantar flexion contractures in children with DMD was reflected by a rigidity coefficient obtained at a common moment of ?7 Nm that was higher for these children (0.75 Nm/° vs. 0.48 Nm/°; p < 0.05). The relative passive moment contribution to the net plantar flexion moments was higher for the children with DMD at the end of the lengthening phase of the plantar flexors (25% vs. 18%; p < 0.05). We believe that the passive moments can compensate for the presence of progressive muscle weakness in the children with DMD and help these children with gait.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of muscle mass and contractionintensity on the cardiorespiratory responses to static exercise and onthe contribution afforded by muscle metaboreflex and arterial baroreflex mechanisms. Ten subjects performed static handgrip at 30%maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) (SHG-30) and one-leg extension at15% (SLE-15) and 30% (SLE-30) MVC, followed by postexercise circulatory occlusion (PECO). Mean arterial pressure (MAP) and heartrate (HR) responses were greater during SLE-30 than during SHG-30. Thedifference in MAP was maintained by PECO, and the part of the pressorresponse maintained by PECO was greater after SLE-30 than after SHG-30(88.3 ± 10.6 and 67.8 ± 12.7%, respectively, P = 0.02). There were no differences in MAP and HR responses between SHG-30and SLE-15 trials. Baroreflex sensitivity was maintained during SHG-30and SLE-15, whereas it was significantly reduced during SLE-30 andrecovered back to the resting level during PECO. Minute ventilation andoxygen uptake increased more during SLE-30 than during both SHG-30 andSLE-15 trials. Minute ventilation remained significantly elevated aboverest only during PECO following SLE-30. These data suggest that duringstatic exercise the muscle mass and contraction intensity affect1) the magnitude of the cardiorespiratory responses,2) the contribution of muscle metaboreflex to thecardiorespiratory responses, and 3) the arterialbaroreflex contribution to HR control.


The splanchnic circulation can make a major contribution to blood flow changes. However, the role of the splanchnic circulation in the reflex adjustments to the blood pressure increase during isometric exercise is not well documented. The central command and the muscle chemoreflex are the two major mechanisms involved in the blood pressure response to isometric exercise. This study aimed to examine the behaviour of the superior mesenteric artery during isometric handgrip (IHG) at 30% maximal voluntary contraction (MVC). The pulsatility index (PI) of the blood velocity waveform of the superior mesenteric artery was taken as the study parameter. A total of ten healthy subjects [mean age, 21.1 (SEM 0.3) years] performed an IHG at 30% MVC for 90 s. At 5 s prior to the end of the exercise, muscle circulation was arrested for 90 s to study the effect of the muscle chemoreflex (post exercise arterial occlusion, PEAO). The IHG at 30% MVC caused a decrease in superior mesenteric artery PI, from 4.84 (SEM 1.57) at control level to 3.90 (SEM 1.07) (P = 0.015). The PI further decreased to 3.17 (SEM 0.70) (P = 0.01) during PEAO. Our results indicated that ergoreceptors may be involved in the superior mesenteric artery vasodilatation during isometric exercise.  相似文献   

We sought to define the role of hypoxemia in eliciting the cardiovascular responses to apnea during exercise. Eleven men performed repeated apneas during 100-W steady-state exercise, either with normoxic gas (air) or 95% oxygen (oxygen). Beat-by-beat arterial blood pressure, arterial oxygen saturation, and heart rate (HR) were determined, and stroke volume (SV) was estimated from impedance cardiography calibrated with soluble gas rebreathing. There were large interindividual variabilities of HR, mean arterial pressure (MAP), and total peripheral resistance (TPR) at end-apnea (ea). However, for each individual, HR(ea), MAP(ea), and TPR(ea) were highly correlated between air and oxygen (R = 0.94, 0.78, and 0.93). HR decreased and MAP increased faster during apnea with air than with oxygen (ANOVA, P < 0.05), but MAP(ea) was not different between conditions. Cardiac output was reduced by 33% with air and by 11% with oxygen (P < 0.001 for air vs. oxygen). We conclude that the hypoxemia component cannot account for the wide interindividual differences of HR and TPR responses to apnea. However, hypoxemia augments the HR and TPR responses and may limit the MAP response to apnea by preventing a bradycardia-associated increase of SV.  相似文献   

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