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The kinetochore plays important roles in cell cycle progression. Interactions between chromosomes and spindle microtubules allow chromosomes to congress to the middle of the cell and to segregate the sister chromatids into daughter cells in mitosis. The chromosome passenger complex (CPC), composed of the Aurora B kinase and its regulatory subunits INCENP, Survivin, and Borealin, plays multiple roles in these chromosomal events. In the genome of the silkworm, Bombyx mori, which has holocentric chromosomes, the CPC components and their molecular interactions were highly conserved. In contrast to monocentric species, however, the silkworm CPC co-localized with the chromatin-driven spindles on the upper side of prometaphase chromosomes without forming bipolar mitotic spindles. Depletion of the CPC by RNAi arrested the cell cycle progression at prometaphase and disrupted the microtubule network of the chromatin-driven spindles. Interestingly, depletion of mitotic centromere-associated kinesin (MCAK) recovered formation of the microtubule network but did not overcome the cell cycle arrest at prometaphase. These results suggest that the CPC modulates the chromatin-induced spindle assembly and metaphase congression of silkworm holocentric chromosomes.  相似文献   

A large body of work indicates that chromosomes play a key role in the assembly of both a centrosomal and centrosome-containing spindles. In animal systems, the absence of chromosomes either prevents spindle formation or allows the assembly of a metaphase-like spindle that fails to evolve into an ana-telophase spindle. Here, we show that Drosophila secondary spermatocytes can assemble morphologically normal spindles in the absence of chromosomes. The Drosophila mutants fusolo and solofuso are severely defective in chromosome segregation and produce secondary spermatocytes that are devoid of chromosomes. The centrosomes of these anucleated cells form robust asters that give rise to bipolar spindles that undergo the same ana-telophase morphological transformations that characterize normal spindles. The cells containing chromosome-free spindles are also able to assemble regular cytokinetic structures and cleave normally. In addition, chromosome-free spindles normally accumulate the Aurora B kinase at their midzones. This suggests that the association of Aurora B with chromosomes is not a prerequisite for its accumulation at the central spindle, or for its function during cytokinesis.  相似文献   

The formation of the central spindle (or the spindle midzone) is essential for cytokinesis in animal cells. In this study, we report that coiled-coil domain-containing protein 69 (CCDC69) is implicated in controlling the assembly of central spindles and the recruitment of midzone components. Exogenous expression of CCDC69 in HeLa cells interfered with microtubule polymerization and disrupted the formation of bipolar mitotic spindles. Endogenous CCDC69 proteins were localized to the central spindle during anaphase. RNA interference (RNAi)-mediated knockdown of CCDC69 led to the formation of aberrant central spindles and disrupted the localization of midzone components such as aurora B kinase, protein regulator of cytokinesis 1 (PRC1), MgcRacGAP/HsCYK-4, and polo-like kinase 1 (Plk1) at the central spindle. Aurora B kinase was found to bind to CCDC69 and this binding depended on the coiled-coil domains at the C-terminus of CCDC69. Further, disruption of aurora B function in HeLa cells by treatment with a small chemical inhibitor led to the mislocalization of CCDC69 at the central spindle. Our results indicate that CCDC69 acts as a scaffold to regulate the recruitment of midzone components and the assembly of central spindles.  相似文献   

The formation of the central spindle (or the spindle midzone) is essential for cytokinesis in animal cells. In this study, we report that coiled-coil domain-containing protein 69 (CCDC69) is implicated in controlling the assembly of central spindles and the recruitment of midzone components. Exogenous expression of CCDC69 in HeLa cells interfered with microtubule polymerization and disrupted the formation of bipolar mitotic spindles. Endogenous CCDC69 proteins were localized to the central spindle during anaphase. RNA interference (RNAi)-mediated knockdown of CCDC69 led to the formation of aberrant central spindles and disrupted the localization of midzone components such as aurora B kinase, protein regulator of cytokinesis 1 (PRC1), MgcRacGAP/HsCYK-4, and polo-like kinase 1 (Plk1) at the central spindle. Aurora B kinase was found to bind to CCDC69 and this binding depended on the coiled-coil domains at the C-terminus of CCDC69. Further, disruption of aurora B function in HeLa cells by treatment with a small chemical inhibitor led to the mislocalization of CCDC69 at the central spindle. Our results indicate that CCDC69 acts as a scaffold to regulate the recruitment of midzone components and the assembly of central spindles.Key words: CCDC69, aurora B, Plk1, central spindles, midzone components, cytokinesis  相似文献   

The Aurora/Ipl1 family of protein kinases plays multiple roles in mitosis and cytokinesis. Here, we describe ZM447439, a novel selective Aurora kinase inhibitor. Cells treated with ZM447439 progress through interphase, enter mitosis normally, and assemble bipolar spindles. However, chromosome alignment, segregation, and cytokinesis all fail. Despite the presence of maloriented chromosomes, ZM447439-treated cells exit mitosis with normal kinetics, indicating that the spindle checkpoint is compromised. Indeed, ZM447439 prevents mitotic arrest after exposure to paclitaxel. RNA interference experiments suggest that these phenotypes are due to inhibition of Aurora B, not Aurora A or some other kinase. In the absence of Aurora B function, kinetochore localization of the spindle checkpoint components BubR1, Mad2, and Cenp-E is diminished. Furthermore, inhibition of Aurora B kinase activity prevents the rebinding of BubR1 to metaphase kinetochores after a reduction in centromeric tension. Aurora B kinase activity is also required for phosphorylation of BubR1 on entry into mitosis. Finally, we show that BubR1 is not only required for spindle checkpoint function, but is also required for chromosome alignment. Together, these results suggest that by targeting checkpoint proteins to kinetochores, Aurora B couples chromosome alignment with anaphase onset.  相似文献   

Incenp is an essential mitotic protein that, together with Aurora B, Survivin, and Borealin, forms the core of the chromosomal passenger protein complex (CPC). The CPC regulates various mitotic processes and functions to maintain genomic stability. The proper subcellular localization of the CPC and its full catalytic activity require the presence of each core subunit in the complex. We have investigated the mitotic tasks of the CPC using a function blocking antibody against Incenp microinjected into cells at different mitotic phases. This method allowed temporal analysis of CPC functions without perturbation of complex assembly or activity prior to injection. We have also studied the dynamic properties of Incenp and Aurora B using fusion protein photobleaching. We found that in early mitotic cells, Incenp and Aurora B exhibit dynamic turnover at centromeres, which is prevented by the anti-Incenp antibody. In these cells, the loss of centromeric CPC turnover is accompanied by forced mitotic exit without the execution of cytokinesis. Introduction of anti-Incenp antibody into early anaphase cells causes abnormalities in sister chromatid separation through defects in anaphase spindle functions. In summary, our data uncovers new mitotic roles for the CPC in anaphase and proposes that CPC turnover at centromeres modulates spindle assembly checkpoint signaling. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The chromosomal passenger complex (CPC), containing Aurora B kinase, Inner Centromere Protein, Survivin, and Borealin, regulates chromosome condensation and interaction between kinetochores and microtubules at metaphase, then relocalizes to midzone microtubules at anaphase and regulates central spindle organization and cytokinesis. However, the precise role(s) played by the CPC in anaphase have been obscured by its prior functions in metaphase. Here we identify a missense allele of Drosophila Survivin that allows CPC localization and function during metaphase but not cytokinesis. Analysis of mutant cells showed that Survivin is essential to target the CPC and the mitotic kinesin-like protein 1 orthologue Pavarotti (Pav) to the central spindle and equatorial cell cortex during anaphase in both larval neuroblasts and spermatocytes. Survivin also enabled localization of Polo kinase and Rho at the equatorial cortex in spermatocytes, critical for contractile ring assembly. In neuroblasts, in contrast, Survivin function was not required for localization of Rho, Polo, or Myosin II to a broad equatorial cortical band but was required for Myosin II to transition to a compact, fully constricted ring. Analysis of this "separation-of-function" allele demonstrates the direct role of Survivin and the CPC in cytokinesis and highlights striking differences in regulation of cytokinesis in different cell systems.  相似文献   

Li Z  Lee JH  Chu F  Burlingame AL  Günzl A  Wang CC 《PloS one》2008,3(6):e2354
Aurora B kinase is a key component of the chromosomal passenger complex (CPC), which regulates chromosome segregation and cytokinesis. An ortholog of Aurora B was characterized in Trypanosoma brucei (TbAUK1), but other conserved components of the complex have not been found. Here we identified four novel TbAUK1 associated proteins by tandem affinity purification and mass spectrometry. Among these four proteins, TbKIN-A and TbKIN-B are novel kinesin homologs, whereas TbCPC1 and TbCPC2 are hypothetical proteins without any sequence similarity to those known CPC components from yeasts and metazoans. RNAi-mediated silencing of each of the four genes led to loss of spindle assembly, chromosome segregation and cytokinesis. TbKIN-A localizes to the mitotic spindle and TbKIN-B to the spindle midzone during mitosis, whereas TbCPC1, TbCPC2 and TbAUK1 display the dynamic localization pattern of a CPC. After mitosis, the CPC disappears from the central spindle and re-localizes at a dorsal mid-point of the mother cell, where the anterior tip of the daughter cell is tethered, to start cell division toward the posterior end, indicating a most unusual CPC-initiated cytokinesis in a eukaryote.  相似文献   

Assembly of the mitotic spindle is essential for proper chromosome segregation during mitosis. Maintenance of spindle poles requires precise regulation of kinesin- and dynein-generated forces, and improper regulation of these forces disrupts pole integrity leading to pole fragmentation. The formation and function of the mitotic spindle are regulated by many proteins, including Aurora A kinase and the motor proteins Kif2a and Eg5. Here, we characterize a surprising role for the RhoA GTPase-activating protein, p190RhoGAP, in regulating the mitotic spindle. We show that cells depleted of p190RhoGAP arrest for long periods in mitosis during which cells go through multiple transitions between having bipolar and multipolar spindles. Most of the p190RhoGAP-depleted cells finally achieve a stable bipolar attachment and proceed through anaphase. The multipolar spindle phenotype can be rescued by low doses of an Eg5 inhibitor. Moreover, we show that p190RhoGAP-depleted multipolar cells localize Aurora A to all the poles, but the kinase is only activated at the two centriolar poles. Overall, our data identify an unappreciated connection between p190RhoGAP and the proteins that control spindle poles including Aurora A kinase and Eg5 that is required to prevent or correct spindle pole fragmentation.  相似文献   

During mitosis, the chromosomal passenger complex (CPC) comprising the Aurora B kinase, INCENP, survivin and borealin is essential for correcting non-bipolar chromosome attachments and for cytokinesis. In addition, the CPC might fullfil a role in the mitotic spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC), but this activity might be related to its role in correcting non-bipolar chromosome attachments. Here, we demonstrate that treatment of mitotic cells with the antibiotic actinomycin D causes a displacement of an intact and active CPC from centromeres onto chromosome arms, which results in chromosome misalignment, cytokinesis failure and SAC override, but still preserves histone H3 phosphorylation on chromosome arms. This surprising and unique scenario allows the reconstitution of endogenous Aurora B at centromeres/inner kinetochores by expressing a Cenp-B-INCENP fusion protein. We find that although the selective recruitment of endogenous Aurora B to centromeres/inner kinetochores is not sufficient to restore chromosome alignment and cytokinesis, it can restore Cenp-A phosphorylation at kinetochores, BubR1 recruitment to kinetochores and SAC activity after spindle disruption. These results indicate that INCENP-Aurora B localized at centromeres/inner kinetochores is sufficient to mediate SAC activity upon spindle disruption.  相似文献   

Disruption of the function of the A-type Aurora kinase of Drosophila by mutation or RNAi leads to a reduction in the length of astral microtubules in syncytial embryos, larval neuroblasts, and cultured S2 cells. In neuroblasts, it can also lead to loss of an organized centrosome and its associated aster from one of the spindle poles, whereas the centrosome at the other pole has multiple centrioles. When centrosomes are present at the poles of aurA mutants or aurA RNAi spindles, they retain many antigens but are missing the Drosophila counterpart of mammalian transforming acidic coiled coil (TACC) proteins, D-TACC. We show that a subpopulation of the total Aurora A is present in a complex with D-TACC, which is a substrate for the kinase. We propose that one of the functions of Aurora A kinase is to direct centrosomal organization such that D-TACC complexed to the MSPS/XMAP215 microtubule-associated protein may be recruited, and thus modulate the behavior of astral microtubules.  相似文献   

How kinetochores correct improper microtubule attachments and regulate the spindle checkpoint signal is unclear. In budding yeast, kinetochores harboring mutations in the mitotic kinase Ipl1 fail to bind chromosomes in a bipolar fashion. In C. elegans and Drosophila, inhibition of the Ipl1 homolog, Aurora B kinase, induces aberrant anaphase and cytokinesis. To study Aurora B kinase in vertebrates, we microinjected mitotic XTC cells with inhibitory antibody and found several related effects. After injection of the antibody, some chromosomes failed to congress to the metaphase plate, consistent with a conserved role for Aurora B in bipolar attachment of chromosomes. Injected cells exited mitosis with no evidence of anaphase or cytokinesis. Injection of anti-Xaurora B antibody also altered the microtubule network in mitotic cells with an extension of the astral microtubules and a reduction of kinetochore microtubules. Finally, inhibition of Aurora B in cultured cells and in cycling Xenopus egg extracts caused escape from the spindle checkpoint arrest induced by microtubule drugs. Our findings implicate Aurora B as a critical coordinator relating changes in microtubule dynamics in mitosis, chromosome movement in prometaphase and anaphase, signaling of the spindle checkpoint, and cytokinesis.  相似文献   

We describe a Drosophila gene, orbit, that encodes a conserved 165-kD microtubule-associated protein (MAP) with GTP binding motifs. Hypomorphic mutations in orbit lead to a maternal effect resulting in branched and bent mitotic spindles in the syncytial embryo. In the larval central nervous system, such mutants have an elevated mitotic index with some mitotic cells showing an increase in ploidy. Amorphic alleles show late lethality and greater frequencies of hyperploid mitotic cells. The presence of cells in the hypomorphic mutant in which the chromosomes can be arranged, either in a circular metaphase or an anaphase-like configuration on monopolar spindles, suggests that polyploidy arises through spindle and chromosome segregation defects rather than defects in cytokinesis. A role for the Orbit protein in regulating microtubule behavior in mitosis is suggested by its association with microtubules throughout the spindle at all mitotic stages, by its copurification with microtubules from embryonic extracts, and by the finding that the Orbit protein directly binds to MAP-free microtubules in a GTP-dependent manner.  相似文献   

Aurora A kinase plays an essential role in the proper assembly and function of the mitotic spindle, as its perturbation causes defects in centrosome separation, spindle pole organization, and chromosome congression. Moreover, Aurora A disruption leads to cell death via a mechanism that involves aneuploidy generation. However, the link between the immediate functional consequences of Aurora A inhibition and the development of aneuploidy is not clearly defined. In this study, we delineate the sequence of events that lead to aneuploidy following Aurora A inhibition using MLN8054, a selective Aurora A small-molecule inhibitor. Human tumor cells treated with MLN8054 show a high incidence of abnormal mitotic spindles, often with unseparated centrosomes. Although these spindle defects result in mitotic delays, cells ultimately divide at a frequency near that of untreated cells. We show that many of the spindles in the dividing cells are bipolar, although they lack centrosomes at one or more spindle poles. MLN8054-treated cells frequently show alignment defects during metaphase, lagging chromosomes in anaphase, and chromatin bridges during telophase. Consistent with the chromosome segregation defects, cells treated with MLN8054 develop aneuploidy over time. Taken together, these results suggest that Aurora A inhibition kills tumor cells through the development of deleterious aneuploidy.  相似文献   

The conserved mitotic kinase Bub1 performs multiple functions that are only partially characterized. Besides its role in the spindle assembly checkpoint and chromosome alignment, Bub1 is crucial for the kinetochore recruitment of multiple proteins, among them Sgo1. Both Bub1 and Sgo1 are dispensable for growth of haploid and diploid budding yeast, but they become essential in cells with higher ploidy. We find that overexpression of SGO1 partially corrects the chromosome segregation defect of bub1Δ haploid cells and restores viability to bub1Δ tetraploid cells. Using an unbiased high-copy suppressor screen, we identified two members of the chromosomal passenger complex (CPC), BIR1 (survivin) and SLI15 (INCENP, inner centromere protein), as suppressors of the growth defect of both bub1Δ and sgo1Δ tetraploids, suggesting that these mutants die due to defects in chromosome biorientation. Overexpression of BIR1 or SLI15 also complements the benomyl sensitivity of haploid bub1Δ and sgo1Δ cells. Mutants lacking SGO1 fail to biorient sister chromatids attached to the same spindle pole (syntelic attachment) after nocodazole treatment. Moreover, the sgo1Δ cells accumulate syntelic attachments in unperturbed mitoses, a defect that is partially corrected by BIR1 or SLI15 overexpression. We show that in budding yeast neither Bub1 nor Sgo1 is required for CPC localization or affects Aurora B activity. Instead we identify Sgo1 as a possible partner of Mps1, a mitotic kinase suggested to have an Aurora B-independent function in establishment of biorientation. We found that Sgo1 overexpression rescues defects caused by metaphase inactivation of Mps1 and that Mps1 is required for Sgo1 localization to the kinetochore. We propose that Bub1, Sgo1, and Mps1 facilitate chromosome biorientation independently of the Aurora B-mediated pathway at the budding yeast kinetochore and that both pathways are required for the efficient turnover of syntelic attachments.  相似文献   

Fish lineage-specific gene, sinup [Siaz-interacting nuclear protein], modulates neural plate formation in embryogenesis and shares homology with human TPX2 protein, a member of the vertebrate mitogen-activating protein family. In spite of the presence of the TPX2 domain in Sinup, its cellular function has been unknown. As an initial approach to this question, we expressed Sinup by injecting sinup-EGFP mRNAs into zebrafish embryos at the one- to two-cell stage. First of all, Sinup-EGFP was associated with centrosomes and mitotic spindles. In particular, Sinup was localized to the spindle poles and midbody microtubules during the period between anaphase and cytokinesis. Second, various deleted mutants of Sinup-EGFP failed to be associated with the centrosomes and mitotic spindles. Third, a Sinup mutant, where the 144th Serine residue was converted to alanine, not only disturbed the mitotic spindle organization, such as multipolar spindles, fragmented spindle poles, and flattened spindles, but also arrested the cell cycle at metaphase and cell movement. Finally, Sinup is phosphorylated by Aurora A and the 144th Serine mutant of Sinup is partially phosphorylated by Aurora A kinase. We thus propose that Sinup is an essential element for the integrity of centrosomes and mitotic spindle fibers as well as for the normal process of cell cycle and cellular movement in vertebrate embryos.  相似文献   

The chromosomal passenger complex of Aurora B kinase, INCENP, and Survivin has essential regulatory roles at centromeres and the central spindle in mitosis. Here, we describe Borealin, a novel member of the complex. Approximately half of Aurora B in mitotic cells is complexed with INCENP, Borealin, and Survivin; and Borealin binds Survivin and INCENP in vitro. A second complex contains Aurora B and INCENP, but no Borealin or Survivin. Depletion of Borealin by RNA interference delays mitotic progression and results in kinetochore-spindle misattachments and an increase in bipolar spindles associated with ectopic asters. The extra poles, which apparently form after chromosomes achieve a bipolar orientation, severely disrupt the partitioning of chromosomes in anaphase. Borealin depletion has little effect on histone H3 serine10 phosphorylation. These results implicate the chromosomal passenger holocomplex in the maintenance of spindle integrity and suggest that histone H3 serine10 phosphorylation is performed by an Aurora B-INCENP subcomplex.  相似文献   

Chromatin-induced spindle assembly depends on regulation of microtubule-depolymerizing proteins by the chromosomal passenger complex (CPC), consisting of Incenp, Survivin, Dasra (Borealin), and the kinase Aurora B, but the mechanism and significance of the spatial regulation of Aurora B activity remain unclear. Here, we show that the Aurora B pathway is suppressed in the cytoplasm of Xenopus egg extract by phosphatases, but that it becomes activated by chromatin via a Ran-independent mechanism. While spindle microtubule assembly normally requires Dasra-dependent chromatin binding of the CPC, this function of Dasra can be bypassed by clustering Aurora B-Incenp by using anti-Incenp antibodies, which stimulate autoactivation among bound complexes. However, such chromatin-independent Aurora B pathway activation promotes centrosomal microtubule assembly and produces aberrant achromosomal spindle-like structures. We propose that chromosomal enrichment of the CPC results in local kinase autoactivation, a mechanism that contributes to the spatial regulation of spindle assembly and possibly to other mitotic processes.  相似文献   

To assemble mitotic spindles, cells nucleate microtubules from a variety of sources including chromosomes and centrosomes. We know little about how the regulation of microtubule nucleation contributes to spindle bipolarity and spindle size. The Aurora A kinase activator TPX2 is required for microtubule nucleation from chromosomes as well as for spindle bipolarity. We use bacterial artificial chromosome-based recombineering to introduce point mutants that block the interaction between TPX2 and Aurora A into human cells. TPX2 mutants have very short spindles but, surprisingly, are still bipolar and segregate chromosomes. Examination of microtubule nucleation during spindle assembly shows that microtubules fail to nucleate from chromosomes. Thus, chromosome nucleation is not essential for bipolarity during human cell mitosis when centrosomes are present. Rather, chromosome nucleation is involved in spindle pole separation and setting spindle length. A second Aurora A-independent function of TPX2 is required to bipolarize spindles.  相似文献   

Bipolar mitotic spindle organization is fundamental to faithful chromosome segregation. Furry (Fry) is an evolutionarily conserved protein implicated in cell division and morphology. In human cells, Fry localizes to centrosomes and spindle microtubules in early mitosis, and depletion of Fry causes multipolar spindle formation. However, it remains unknown how Fry controls bipolar spindle organization. This study demonstrates that Fry binds to polo-like kinase 1 (Plk1) through the polo-box domain of Plk1 in a manner dependent on the cyclin-dependent kinase 1-mediated Fry phosphorylation at Thr-2516. Fry also binds to Aurora A and promotes Plk1 activity by binding to the polo-box domain of Plk1 and by facilitating Aurora A-mediated Plk1 phosphorylation at Thr-210. Depletion of Fry causes centrosome and centriole splitting in mitotic spindles and reduces the kinase activity of Plk1 in mitotic cells and the accumulation of Thr-210-phosphorylated Plk1 at the spindle poles. Our results suggest that Fry plays a crucial role in the structural integrity of mitotic centrosomes and in the maintenance of spindle bipolarity by promoting Plk1 activity at the spindle poles in early mitosis.  相似文献   

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