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Recent evidence demonstrates that interactions between different integrins that are present on the cell surface can strongly influence the adhesive function of individual receptors. In this report, we show that Chinese hamster ovary cells that express the integrin alphavbeta3 in the absence of alpha5beta1 demonstrate increased adhesion and migration on fibrinogen. Furthermore, alphavbeta3-mediated adhesion to fibrinogen is not augmented by the soluble agonist, MnCl2, suggesting that alphavbeta3 exists in a higher affinity state in these cells. De novo expression of wild-type alpha5beta1 negatively regulates alphavbeta3-mediated adhesion and migration. This effect is not seen with expression of a chimeric alpha5beta1 integrin in which the cytoplasmic portion of the alpha5 integrin subunit is replaced by the cytoplasmic portion of the alpha4 integrin. In addition, it does not require ligation of alpha5beta1 by fibronectin. Cells that express a constitutively active beta3 integrin that contains a point mutation in the conserved membrane proximal region of the cytoplasmic tail, D723R, are resistant to the effect of alpha5beta1 expression. These data provide additional evidence of "cross-talk" between the integrins alpha5beta1 and alphavbeta3, and support the idea that alpha5beta1 regulates alphavbeta3-mediated ligand binding. This provides a relevant biological mechanism whereby variations in alpha5beta1 expression in vivo may modulate activation of alphavbeta3 to influence its adhesive function.  相似文献   

Laminin-5 is an important constituent of the basal lamina. The receptors for laminin-5, the integrins alpha3beta1 and alpha6beta4, have been associated with epithelial wound migration and carcinoma invasion. The signal transduction mechanisms that regulate these integrins are not well understood. We report here that the small GTPase Rap1 regulates the adhesion of a number of cell lines to various extracellular matrix proteins including laminin-5. cAMP also mediates cell adhesion and spreading on laminin-5, a process that is independent of protein kinase A but rather dependent on Epac1, a cAMP-dependent exchange factor for Rap. Interestingly, although both alpha3beta1 and alpha6beta4 mediate adhesion to laminin-5, only alpha3beta1-dependent adhesion is dependent on Rap1. These results provide evidence for a function of the cAMP-Epac-Rap1 pathway in cell adhesion and spreading on different extracellular matrix proteins. They also define different roles for the laminin-binding integrins in regulated cell adhesion and subsequent cell spreading.  相似文献   

Integrin adhesion receptors have been implicated in bidirectional signal transduction. The dynamic regulation of integrin affinity and avidity as well as post-ligand effects involved in outside-in signaling depends on the interaction of integrins with cytoskeletal and signaling proteins. In this study, we attempted to identify cytoplasmic binding partners of alpha(1)beta(1) integrin. We were able to show that cell adhesion to alpha(1)beta(1)-specific substrates results in the association of phospholipase Cgamma (PLCgamma) with the alpha(1)beta(1) integrin independent of PLCgamma tyrosine phosphorylation. Using peptide-binding assays, the membrane proximal sequences within the alpha(1)beta(1) integrin subunits were identified as binding sites for PLCgamma. In particular, the conserved sequence of beta(1) subunit binds the enzyme very efficiently. Because purified PLCgamma also binds the integrin peptides, binding seems to be direct. Inhibition of PLC by leads to reduced cell adhesion on alpha(1)beta(1)-specific substrates. Cells lacking the conserved domain of the alpha(1) subunit fail to respond to the PLC inhibition, indicating that this domain is necessary for PLC-dependent adhesion modulation of alpha(1)beta(1) integrin.  相似文献   

alpha(V)beta(3), a broadly distributed member of the integrin family of adhesion receptors, has been implicated in a variety of physiological and pathophysiological events, including control of bone density, angiogenesis, apoptosis, tumor growth, and metastasis. Recently, it has been shown that activation of alpha(V)beta(3), its transition from a low- to a high-affinity/avidity state, influences its recognition of certain ligands. Bone sialoprotein (BSP) is recognized as an important ligand for alpha(V)beta(3) in processes ranging from bone formation to the homing of metastatic tumor cells. Here, the influence of alpha(V)beta(3) activation on the adhesion and migration of relevant cells to BSP has been examined. Stimulation of lymphoblastoid, osteoblastoid, and human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) with PMA or Mn(2+) markedly enhanced alpha(V)beta(3)-dependent adhesion to BSP. alpha(V)beta(3)-mediated migration of HUVEC or osteoblastic cells to BSP was substantially enhanced by stimulation, demonstrating that alpha(V)beta(3) activation enhances both adhesive and migratory responses. However, adhesion and/or migration of certain tumor cell lines, including M21 melanoma and MDA MB435 and SKBR3 breast carcinoma cell lines, to BSP was constitutively high and was not augmented by alpha(V)beta(3)-activating stimuli. Inhibitors of the intracellular signaling molecules, phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase with wortmannin, hsp90-dependent kinases with geldanamycin, and calpain with calpeptin, but not MAPKK with PD98059, reduced the high spontaneous adhesion and migration of the M21 cells to BSP, consistent with the constitutive activation of the receptor on these tumor cells. These results indicate that the activation state of alpha(V)beta(3) can regulate cell migration and adhesion to BSP and, by extension, to other ligands of this receptor. The constitutive activation of alpha(V)beta(3) on neoplastic cells may contribute to tumor growth and metastatic potential.  相似文献   

Functions of alpha3beta1 integrin   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
alpha3beta1 integrin is a laminin receptor with apparently diverse functions. In epithelial cells it acts as a receptor for the basement membrane, whereas in neuronal and possibly tumor cells it mediates migration. Interactions of alpha3beta1 integrin with tetraspanin proteins may provide clues to how it transduces signals that affect cell behavior.  相似文献   

Fibrinogen/fibrin and its proteolytic fragments serve as potential adhesive substrates during thrombosis, wound healing, and cancer. In this report we examined the biological response of human melanoma cells exposed to fibrinogen and its naturally occurring plasmic breakdown products that are known constituents of the tumor stroma. Plasmin treatment of fibrinogen first results in fragment X, which is characterized by removal of the COOH-terminal portion of the alpha chain including an RGD sequence (A alpha 572-575). Further digestion leads to fragment D comprising primarily an intact COOH-terminal stretch of the gamma chain containing the platelet adhesion sequence HHLGGAKQAGDV. In a sensitive adhesion assay M21 human melanoma cells utilized integrin alpha v beta 3 to attach to all three of these ligands. However, only intact fibrinogen promoted significant cell spreading, while fragment X produced minimal spreading and fragment D promoted only adhesion. These results indicate that fibrinogen contains at least two alpha v beta 3-dependent adhesive sites and these promote distinct biological responses of human melanoma cells. The differential functional properties of these ligands directly correlate to their relative binding affinity for purified alpha v beta 3 as measured in a solid-phase receptor binding assay. These results provide evidence that a single integrin can promote distinct biological signals depending on the molecular nature of the ligand binding event.  相似文献   

Recent studies indicate that angiogenesis depends, in part, on ligation of integrin alpha(5)beta(1) by fibronectin. Evidence is now provided that integrin alpha(5)beta(1) regulates the function of integrin alpha(v)beta(3) on endothelial cells during their migration in vitro or angiogenesis in vivo. Secretion of fibronectin by endothelial cells leads to the ligation of integrin alpha(5)beta(1), which potentiates alpha(v)beta(3)-mediated migration on vitronectin without influencing alpha(v)beta(3)-mediated cell adhesion. Endothelial cell attachment to vitronectin suppresses protein kinase A (PKA) activity, while addition of soluble anti-alpha(5)beta(1) restores this activity. Moreover, agents that activate intracellular PKA, such as forskolin, dibutyryl cAMP or alpha(5)beta(1) antagonists, suppress endothelial cell migration on vitronectin in vitro or angiogenesis in vivo. In contrast, inhibitors of PKA reverse the anti-migratory or anti-angiogenic effects mediated by alpha(5)beta(1) antagonists. Therefore, alpha(v)beta(3)-mediated endothelial cell migration and angiogenesis can be regulated by PKA activity, which depends on the ligation state of integrin alpha(5)beta(1).  相似文献   

betaig-h3 is a TGF-induced extracellular matrix (ECM) protein. Our previous evidence suggests that beta ig-h3 may promote adhesion and invasion potential of human hepatoma cells, but the mechanism underlying this process is still unknown. The present study identifies a pivotal role for molecules of the beta ig-h3 signal transduction pathway. We demonstrated that beta ig-h3 co-immunoprecipitated with alpha 3beta 1 integrin in human 7721 hepatoma cells. The addition of alpha 3beta 1 integrin antibodies inhibited the elevated adhesion and migration in beta ig-h3-over-expressing 7721 cells, but not in beta ig-h3 siRNA transfected 7721 cells. The expression and activity of integrin downstream molecules FAK and paxillin show a positive correlation with beta ig-h3 expression in different human hepatoma cells. Levels of focal adhesions and stress fibers were decreased in beta ig-h3 siRNA transfected 7721 cells. We suggest that by interaction with alpha 3beta 1 integrin, beta ig-h3 activates FAK-paxillin signaling linkage, leads to cytoskeleton reorganization, and thus enhances the metastatic potentials of human hepatoma cells.  相似文献   

Cell surface integrins can adopt distinct conformations in response to ligand binding and intracellular signals. Several integrins including alpha(v)beta(3) can bind to multiple ligands. The binding of alpha(v)beta(3) to fibronectin and vitronectin was used as a model to determine whether the same or distinct forms of the receptor were utilized in strong binding to the two different ligands. A spinning-disc device was used to measure the relative strength of the alpha(v)beta(3)-ligand bonds. The initial binding reaction for both ligands occurred in the absence of metabolic energy and resulted in a strong adhesion to fibronectin but a weak adhesion to vitronectin. Increases in the strength of the alpha(v)beta(3)-vitronectin bond required phosphorylation of the beta(3) cytoplasmic domain, intracellular signals, and the binding of cytoskeletal proteins to cytoplasmic domains of beta(3) controlled by Tyr-747 and Tyr-759. In contrast, alpha(v)beta(3)-mediated adhesion to fibronectin was unaffected by phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate, mutations of Tyr-747 and Tyr-759 to phenylalanine, or availability of metabolic energy. This suggests that strong adhesion to fibronectin used the initial binding conformation, whereas strong binding to vitronectin required signaling-induced changes in the conformation of alpha(v)beta(3).  相似文献   

p21-activated kinase 1 (PAK1) can affect cell migration (Price et al., 1998; del Pozo et al., 2000) and modulate myosin light chain kinase and LIM kinase, which are components of the cellular motility machinery (Edwards, D.C., L.C. Sanders, G.M. Bokoch, and G.N. Gill. 1999. Nature Cell Biol. 1:253-259; Sanders, L.C., F. Matsumura, G.M. Bokoch, and P. de Lanerolle. 1999. SCIENCE: 283:2083-2085). We here present a novel cell motility pathway by demonstrating that PAK4 directly interacts with an integrin intracellular domain and regulates carcinoma cell motility in an integrin-specific manner. Yeast two-hybrid screening identified PAK4 binding to the cytoplasmic domain of the integrin beta 5 subunit, an association that was also found in mammalian cells between endogenous PAK4 and integrin alpha v beta 5. Furthermore, we mapped the PAK4 binding to the membrane-proximal region of integrin beta 5, and identified an integrin-binding domain at aa 505-530 in the COOH terminus of PAK4. Importantly, engagement of integrin alpha v beta 5 by cell attachment to vitronectin led to a redistribution of PAK4 from the cytosol to dynamic lamellipodial structures where PAK4 colocalized with integrin alpha v beta 5. Functionally, PAK4 induced integrin alpha v beta 5-mediated, but not beta1-mediated, human breast carcinoma cell migration, while no changes in integrin cell surface expression levels were observed. In conclusion, our results demonstrate that PAK4 interacts with integrin alpha v beta 5 and selectively promotes integrin alpha v beta 5-mediated cell migration.  相似文献   

betaig-h3 is an extracellular matrix protein and its expression is highly induced by TGF-beta and it has also been suggested to play important roles in skin wound healing. In this paper, we demonstrate that betaig-h3 is present in the papillary layer of dermis and synthesized in the basal keratinocytes in vivo and its expression is induced by TGF-beta in normal human keratinocytes (NHEK) and HaCaT cells. betaig-h3 mediates not only adhesion and spreading of keratinocytes but also supports migration and proliferation. These activities are mediated through interacting with alpha3beta1 integrin. Previously identified two alpha3beta1 integrin-interacting motifs of betaig-h3, EPDIM, and NKDIL, are responsible for these activities. The results suggest that betaig-h3 may regulate keratinocyte functions in normal skin and potentially during wound-healing process.  相似文献   

The urokinase receptor (uPAR) is linked to cellular migration through its capacity to promote pericellular proteolysis, regulate integrin function, and mediate cell signaling in response to urokinase (uPA) binding. The mechanisms for these activities remain incompletely defined, although uPAR was recently identified as a cis-acting ligand for the beta2 integrin CD11b/CD18 (Mac-1). Here we show that a major beta1 integrin partner for uPAR/uPA signaling is alpha3. In uPAR-transfected 293 cells uPAR complexed (>90%) with alpha3beta1 and antibodies to alpha3 blocked uPAR-dependent vitronectin (Vn) adhesion. Soluble uPAR bound to recombinant alpha3beta1 in a uPA-dependent manner (K(d) < 20 nM) and binding was blocked by a 17-mer alpha3beta1 integrin peptide (alpha325) homologous to the CD11b uPAR-binding site. uPAR colocalized with alpha3beta1 in MDA-MB-231 cells and uPA (1 nM) enhanced spreading and focal adhesion kinase phosphorylation on fibronectin (Fn) or collagen type I (Col) in a pertussis toxin- and alpha325-sensitive manner. A critical role of alpha3beta1 in uPA signaling was verified by studies of epithelial cells from alpha3-deficient mice. Thus, uPAR preferentially complexes with alpha3beta1, promoting direct (Vn) and indirect (Fn, Col) pathways of cell adhesion, the latter a heterotrimeric G protein-dependent mechanism of signaling between alpha3beta1 and other beta1 integrins.  相似文献   

betaig-h3 is an extracellular matrix (ECM) protein whose expression is highly induced by transforming growth factor beta1 (TGF-beta1). We previously demonstrated that betaig-h3 has two alpha3beta1 integrin-interacting motifs, which promote adhesion, migration, and proliferation of human keratinocytes. Both betaig-h3 and TGF-beta1 have been suggested to play important roles in the healing of skin wounds. In this study, we demonstrate that TGF-beta1 enhances keratinocyte adhesion and migration toward betaig-h3 through the alpha3beta1 integrin. TGF-beta1 did not increase the amount of the alpha3beta1 integrin on the cell surface, but rather increased its affinity for betaig-h3. LY294002, an inhibitor of PI3K, blocked the basal and TGF-beta1-enhanced cell migration but not adhesion to betaig-h3. A constitutively active mutant of PI3K stimulated cell migration but not adhesion to betaig-h3. The PI3K pathway is also not associated with the affinity of the alpha3beta1 integrin to betaig-h3. TGF-beta1 induced phosphorylation of AKT and FAK. Taken together, these data suggest that TGF-beta1 increases affinity of the alpha3beta1 integrin to betaig-h3, resulting in enhanced adhesion and migration of keratinocytes toward betaig-h3. TGF-beta1 also enhances migration through PI3K, but PI3K is not associated with either the binding affinity of the alpha3beta1 integrin or its adhesion to betaig-h3.  相似文献   

Integrins are alphabeta transmembrane receptors that function in key cellular processes, including cell adhesion, differentiation, and extracellular matrix deposition through interactions with extracellular, membrane, and cytoplasmic proteins. We previously identified and cloned a muscle beta1 integrin cytoplasmic binding protein termed MIBP and found that the expression level of MIBP is critical in the decision-making process of terminal myogenic differentiation. We report here that MIBP interacts with the alpha7beta1 integrin but not the alpha5beta1 integrin in C2C12 myoblasts, suggesting an important role of integrin alpha chains in the regulation of the beta1-MIBP interaction. Furthermore, consistent with its selective binding activity toward the alpha7beta1 laminin receptor, we have found that overexpression of MIBP in C2C12 myoblasts resulted in a significant reduction of cell adhesion to laminin and inhibition of laminin matrix deposition. By contrast, neither cell adhesion to fibronectin nor fibronectin matrix deposition was significantly altered in cells overexpressing MIBP. Finally, we show that both the protein level and tyrosine phosphorylation of paxillin, a key signaling molecule involved in the cellular control of myogenic differentiation, are increased by MIBP. These results suggest that MIBP functions in the control of myogenic differentiation by regulating alpha7beta1 integrin-mediated cell interactions with laminin matrix and intracellular signaling through paxillin.  相似文献   

Integrin-extracellular matrix (ECM) interactions in two-dimensional (2D) culture systems are widely studied (Goldstein and DiMilla, 2002. J Biomed. Mater. Res. 59, 665-675; Koo et al., 2002. J. Cell Sci. 115, 1423-1433). Less understood is the role of the ECM in promoting intercellular cohesion in three-dimensional (3D) environments. We have demonstrated that the alpha5beta1-integrin mediates strong intercellular cohesion of 3D cellular aggregates (Robinson et al., 2003. J. Cell Sci. 116, 377-386). To further investigate the mechanism of alpha5beta1-mediated cohesivity, we used a series of chimeric alpha5beta1-integrin-expressing cells cultured as multilayer cellular aggregates. In these cell lines, the alpha5 subunit cytoplasmic domain distal to the GFFKR sequence was truncated, replaced with that of the integrin alpha4, the integrin alpha2, or maintained intact. Using these cells, alpha5beta1-integrin-mediated cell aggregation, compaction and cohesion were determined and correlated with FN matrix assembly. The data presented demonstrate that cells cultured in the absence of external mechanical support can assemble a FN matrix that promotes integrin-mediated aggregate compaction and cohesion. Further, inhibition of FN matrix assembly blocks the intercellular associations required for compaction, resulting in cell dispersal. These results demonstrate that FN matrix assembly contributes significantly to tissue cohesion and represents an alternative mechanism for regulating tissue architecture.  相似文献   

The tetraspanin CD151 forms a stoichiometric complex with integrin alpha3beta1 and regulates its endocytosis. We observed that down-regulation of CD151 in various epithelial cell lines changed glycosylation of alpha3beta1. In contrast, glycosylation of other transmembrane proteins, including those associated with CD151 (e.g. alpha6beta1, CD82, CD63, and emmprin/CD147) was not affected. The detailed analysis has shown that depletion of CD151 resulted in the reduction of Fucalpha1-2Gal and bisecting GlcNAc-beta(1-->4) linkage on N-glycans of the alpha3 integrin subunit. The modulatory activity of CD151 toward alpha3beta1 was specific, because stable knockdown of three other tetraspanins (i.e. CD9, CD63, and CD81) did not affect glycosylation of the integrin. Analysis of alpha3 glycosylation in CD151-depleted breast cancer cells with reconstituted expression of various CD151 mutants has shown that a direct contact with integrin is required but not sufficient for the modulatory activity of the tetraspanin toward alpha3beta1. We also found that glycosylation of CD151 is also critical; Asn(159) --> Gln mutation in the large extracellular loop did not affect interactions of CD151 with other tetraspanins or alpha3beta1 but negated its modulatory function. Changes in the glycosylation pattern of alpha3beta1 observed in CD151-depleted cells correlated with a dramatic decrease in cell migration toward laminin-332. Migration toward fibronectin or static adhesion of cells to extracellular matrix ligands was not affected. Importantly, reconstituted expression of the wild-type CD151 but not glycosylation-deficient mutant restored the migratory potential of the cells. These results demonstrate that CD151 plays an important role in post-translation modification of alpha3beta1 integrin and strongly suggest that changes in integrin glycosylation are critical for the promigratory activity of this tetraspanin.  相似文献   

The integrin alpha3beta1 mediates cellular adhesion to the matrix ligand laminin-5. A second integrin ligand, the urokinase receptor (uPAR), associates with alpha3beta1 via a surface loop within the alpha3 beta-propeller (residues 242-246) but outside the laminin binding region, suggesting that uPAR-integrin interactions could signal differently from matrix engagement. To explore this, alpha3-/- epithelial cells were reconstituted with wild-type (wt) alpha3 or alpha3 with Ala mutations within the uPAR-interacting loop (H245A or R244A). Wt or mutant-bearing cells showed comparable expression and adhesion to laminin-5. Cells expressing wt alpha3 and uPAR dissociated in culture, with increased Src activity, up-regulation of SLUG, and down-regulation of E-cadherin and gamma-catenin. Src kinase inhibition or expression of Src 1-251 restored the epithelial phenotype. The H245A and R244A mutants were unaffected by coexpression of uPAR. We conclude that alpha3beta1 regulates both cell-cell contact and matrix adhesion, but through distinct protein interaction sites within its beta-propeller. These studies reveal an integrin- and Src-dependent pathway for SLUG expression and mesenchymal transition.  相似文献   

Endothelium extracellular matrix (ECM) interactions can provide distinct spatial and molecular signals which control cellular proliferation, migration, and differentiation. Here, we investigated the role of fibronectin (FN), a major ECM protein, on the functions of lymphatic endothelial cells (LEC). We observed that FN, the ligand for integrin alpha5beta1, selectively promoted the growth of LEC as compared with vitronectin (VN) in the presence of the ligand for vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 3 [VEGFR-3 (VEGF-C156S)]. Upon investigating the mechanisms whereby ECM components regulate VEGFR-3 signaling, we found that FN transactivated VEGFR-3 and significantly enhanced the phosphorylation of VEGFR-3 induced by VEGF-C156S as compared to VN. An enhanced association of the integrin subunit alpha5 or beta1 with VEGFR-3, after stimulation with VEGF-C156S, was observed by co-immunoprecipitation. While blockade of integrin alpha5beta1 inhibited the VEGF-C156S-induced phosphorylation of VEGFR-3, no similar effect was obtained by blocking integrin alphavbeta3. FN also protected the endothelial cells from serum deprivation-induced apoptosis. Moreover, while the specific PI3 kinase inhibitor, LY294002, abolished this FN-mediated cell survival, the MAPK kinase inhibitor, PD98059, had no significant effect. Furthermore, a dominant-negative mutant of VEGFR-3 (G857R) reduced VEGF-C156S or FN-mediated cell survival, as well as the activities of PI3 kinase/Akt. Our results indicate that integrin alpha5beta1 participates in the activation of both VEGFR-3 and its downstream PI3 kinase/Akt signaling pathway, which is essential for FN-mediated lymphatic endothelial cell survival and proliferation.  相似文献   

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