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The economic and environmental viability of dedicated terrestrial energy crops is in doubt. The production of large scale biomass (macroalgae) for biofuels in the marine environment was first tested in the late 1960’s. The culture attempts failed due to the engineering challenges of farming offshore. However the energy conversion via anaerobic digestion was successful as the biochemical composition of macroalgae makes it an ideal feedstock. The technology for the mass production of macroalgae has developed principally in China and Asia over the last 50 years to such a degree that it is now the single largest product of aquaculture. There has also been significant technology transfer and macroalgal cultivation is now well tried and tested in Europe and America. The inherent advantage of production of biofuel feedstock in the marine environment is that it does not compete with food production for land or fresh water. Here we revisit the idea of the large scale cultivation of macroalgae at sea for subsequent anaerobic digestion to produce biogas as a source of renewable energy, using a European case study as an example.  相似文献   

Osteoporosis is a disease that increases skeletal fracture risk and places a significant health and economic burden on patients, families, and health systems. Many treatment options exist, but patient use is suboptimal, thus undermining the potential cost-effectiveness of treatments. In the previous issue of Arthritis Research & Therapy, Hiligsmann and colleagues expanded the findings of previous studies to report, from a sample of 257 patients with osteoporosis, the preference to trade off clinical outcomes for the amenity provided by convenient dosing regimens. This editorial critiques the strengths and limitations of the methods, discusses the potential utility of patient treatment preferences, and suggests avenues for further research.  相似文献   

Eggs and early embryos appear to be programmed to undertake particular developmental decisions at characteristic times, although precisely how these decisions are timed is unknown. We discuss the possible roles and interactions during early vertebrate development of two broad categories of timers: 1) those that involve cyclic or sequential mechanisms, referred to as clocks; and 2) those that require an increase or decrease in some factor to a threshold level for progression of time, referred to as hourglass timers. It is concluded that both clock-like timers linked to various features of the cell cycle and hourglass timers are involved in early developmental timing. The possible involvement of elements of circadian clock timers is also considered. BioEssays 22:57-63, 2000.  相似文献   

W. C. McGrew 《Human Evolution》1998,13(3-4):209-220
Behavioral differences exist among populations of wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes, Hominoidea) across Africa. Deciding if these are cross-cultural differences demands careful interpretation and rigorous scrutiny. Even standard patterns like social grooming may show variation in detail between neighboring populations. Some patterns of tool use, such as using hammers to crack nuts, also vary across far western Africa. At least 37 populations of free-ranging chimpanzees show tool use, and 14 show at least one habitual pattern of tool use. Regional differences exist among the three subspecies or geographical races of chimpanzees. Convincing empirical demonstration of social customs and traditions in non-human species is problematical, and even something so simple in principle as innovation is hard to show in practice. However, culture need not depend on imitation, teaching, or language, either in humans or in other species.  相似文献   

The natural product curcumin has gained considerable attention in recent years for its multiple pharmacological activities, but more efforts are needed to understand how curcumin can have these pharmacological effects considering its low bioavailability. In addition, it is unclear how curcumin exerts inhibitory effects against numerous enzymes, especially those that cannot accommodate curcumin within recognized binding pockets. By analyzing the similarities between the biological activities of curcumin and its degradation products against diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and cancer, as well as the preferential inhibition of some enzymes by degradation products, it appears that the bioactive degradation products may contribute to the pharmacological effects of curcumin. This possibility should be given full attention when elucidating the pharmacology of this promising natural product for various diseases.  相似文献   

Metformin is the most widely used antidiabetic drug that belongs to the biguanide class. It is very well tolerated and has the major clinical advantage of not inducing hypoglycemia. Metformin decreases hepatic glucose production via a mechanism requiring liver kinase B1, which controls the metabolic checkpoint, AMP‐activated protein kinase‐mammalian target of rapamycin and neoglucogenic genes. The effects of metformin on this pathway results in reduced protein synthesis and cell proliferation. These observations have given the impetus for many investigations on the role of metformin in the regulation of tumor cell proliferation, cell‐cycle regulation, apoptosis, and autophagy. Encouraging results from these studies have shown that metformin could potentially be used as an efficient anticancer drug in various neoplasms such as prostate, breast, lung, pancreas cancers, and melanoma. These findings are strengthened by retrospective epidemiological studies that have found a decrease in cancer risk in diabetic patients treated with metformin. In this review, we have focused our discussion on recent molecular mechanisms of metformin that have been described in various solid tumors in general and in melanoma in particular.  相似文献   

Today, epigenetics is a very fashionable field of research. Modification of DNA by methylation, and of chromatin by histone modification or substitution represents a major fraction of the studies; but this special issue shows that epigenetic studies are very diverse, and not limited to the study of chromatin. What is common behind these different uses of the word epigenetics? A brief historical survey shows that epigenetics was invented twice, with different meanings: in the 1940s, by Conrad Waddington, as the study of the relations between the genotype and the phenotype; in the 1960s, as the global mechanisms of gene regulation involved in differentiation and development; what is common is that an approach distinct from genetics was in both cases considered as necessary because genetic models were incapable to address these problems. A good way to appreciate the relations between genetics and epigenetics is to realize that the main aim of organisms is to reproduce, and to consider the way organisms perform this task. Genetics is the precise means organisms have invented to reproduce the structure of their macromolecular components; the genome is also used to control the level and place of this reproduction. All the other means organisms have used to reproduce were more or less the result of tinkering, and constitute the field of epigenetics, with its diversity and richness.  相似文献   

Epidemiological data support the beneficial effect of plant flavonoids on human health including anti-inflammatory and cancer preventing actions. The phytoestrogen flavonoids might interfere with estrogen action. The possible relations between the steroid- and the flavonoid-signalling in animal and plant cells have been addressed in numerous studies in the past decade. In search for possible sites of conjunction between these phenomena the post-receptor targets must not be disregarded.

The estrogen-inducible type II estrogen binding sites of rat uteri have first been reported 25 years ago by Clark and coworkers [Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 81 (1978) 1]. These sites are known to bind catecholic flavonoids with considerable affinity. Behaviour of the tyrosinase-like enzymatic activity associated with these sites appeared reminiscent to the recently described dopachrome oxidase or tautomerase activity exhibited by the cytokine macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) inasmuch as it also accepts a broad range of catecholic melanogenic precursors. Therefore we assessed, whether the known type II ligand flavonoids interfere with the MIF tautomerase. We report here, that luteolin and quercetin have a biphasic effect on the enol–keto conversion of phenylpyruvate mediated by MIF tautomerase. We also demonstrate the presence of MIF immunoreactivity by Western blotting in rat uterine nuclear extracts prepared according to the method that yields high type II binding activity. These data support the possible participation of MIF in type II estrogen binding phenomena.  相似文献   

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the most significant prognostic factor in individuals with type 2 diabetes (T2D). However, a significant number of individuals may develop CVD that does not present with the classic angina-related or heart failure symptoms. In these cases, CVD may seem to be ‘silent’ or ‘asymptomatic’, but may be more accurately characterised as unrecognised diabetic cardiac impairment. An initial step to raise awareness of unrecognised CVD in individuals with T2D would be to reach a consensus regarding the terminology used to describe this phenomenon. By standardising the terminologies, and agreeing on the implementation of an efficient screening program, it is anticipated that patients will receive an earlier diagnosis and appropriate and timely treatment. Given the availability of anti-diabetic medications that have been shown to concomitantly reduce CV risk and mortality, it is imperative to improve early identification and initiate treatment as soon as possible in order to enable as many patients with T2D as possible to benefit.  相似文献   


Eriochrome cyanine R (ECR) is a synthetic anionic dye that forms complexes with cations such as iron. We found that an iron-ECR (Fe-ECR) mixture provided either nuclear or myelin staining depending on the differentiator used. Selective nuclear staining was obtained by differentiation in an aqueous HCl solution, pH 0.95, followed by a wash in slightly alkaline tap water; the pH difference facilitated control of differentiation. When used with an eosin B counterstain, results were nearly indistinguishable from standard hematoxylin and eosin (H & E) staining. Nuclear staining with Fe-ECR provides tinctorial features similar to regressive aluminum-hemateins as well as resistance to acidic solutions such as those of iron hemateins. Fe-ECR also stained selectively intestinal cells of the diffuse neuroendocrine system (DNES). In addition to its use as an H & E substitute, acid differentiated Fe-ECR produced acid-resistant and selective nuclear counterstaining in combination with Alcian blue, and in the Papanicolaou and van Gieson techniques. With alkali differentiation, Fe-ECR produced selective myelin staining, which was compatible with neutral red counterstaining. Myelin sheaths were stained aqua blue. Fe-ECR could be used for both cytological and histological samples, and was suitable for use in automated tissue stainers. ECR also is less expensive than hematoxylin. Hematoxylin still may be preferred as a nuclear counterstain for some immunostaining methods for which Fe-ECR mixtures probably are too acidic.  相似文献   

In its widest sense, the term epigenetics describes a range of mechanisms in genome function that do not solely result from the DNA sequence itself. These mechanisms comprise DNA and chromatin modifications and their associated systems, as well as the noncoding RNA machinery. The epigenetic apparatus is essential for controlling normal development and homeostasis, and also provides a means for the organism to integrate and react upon environmental cues. A multitude of functional studies as well as systematic genome-wide mapping of epigenetic marks and chromatin modifiers reveal the importance of epigenomic mechanisms in human pathologies, including inflammatory conditions and musculoskeletal disease such as rheumatoid arthritis. Collectively, these studies pave the way to identify possible novel therapeutic intervention points and to investigate the utility of drugs that interfere with epigenetic signalling not only in cancer, but possibly also in inflammatory and autoimmune diseases.  相似文献   

The development of desiccation tolerance by vegetative tissues was an important step in the plants’ conquest of land. To counteract the oxidative stress generated under these conditions the xanthophyll cycle plays a key role. Recent reports have shown that desiccation itself induces de-epoxidation of xanthophyll cycle pigments, even in darkness. The aim of the present work was to study whether this trait is a common response of all desiccation-tolerant plants. The xanthophyll cycle activity and the maximal photochemical efficiency of PS II (F v/F m) as well as β-carotene and α-tocopherol contents were compared during slow and rapid desiccation and subsequent rehydration in six species pairs (with one desiccation-sensitive and one desiccation-tolerant species each) belonging to different taxa. Xanthophyll cycle pigments were de-epoxidised in darkness concomitantly with a decrease in F v/F m during slow dehydration in all the desiccation-tolerant species and in most of the desiccation-sensitive ones. De-epoxidation was reverted in darkness by re-watering in parallel with the recovery of the initial F v/F m. The stability of the β-carotene pool confirmed that its hydroxylation did not contribute to zeaxanthin formation. The α-tocopherol content of most of the species did not change during dehydration. Because it is a common mechanism present in all the desiccation-tolerant taxa and in some desiccation-sensitive species, and considering its role in antioxidant processes and in excess energy dissipation, the induction of the de-epoxidation of xanthophyll cycle pigments upon dehydration in the dark could be understood as a desiccation tolerance-related response maintained from the ancestral clades in the initial steps of land occupation by plants.  相似文献   

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