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Abstract Infectious phage particles can be formed in vitro when extracts of T1-infected cells are incubated with T1 DNA. The DNA packaging system is based on mixtures of complementing extracts from Escherichia coli sup0 cells infected with the amber mutants am 4 (gene 16) or am 10 (gene 13). Gene 16 mutants are defective in the formation of DNA-filled heads but make proheads; gene 13 mutants are defective in prohead formation. Three forms of DNA have been packaged: (1) endogenous concatemeric DNA present in mixtures of am 4 and am 10 mutant extracts; (2) concatemeric DNA; (3) virion DNA both when supplied exogenously to mixtures of am 4 · am 20 and am 10 · am 20 double mutant extracts ( am 20 inhibits T1 DNA synthesis). The reaction requires added ATP, Mg2+ and spermidine for optimum efficiency and produces about 1.5 × 103 pfu/ μ g and about 1 × 104 pfu/ μ g for exogenous concatemeric and virion DNA, respectively.  相似文献   

Glucose metabolism has been studied in two strains ofAcinetobacter calcoaceticus. Strain LMD 82.3, was able to grow on glucose and possessed glucose dehydrogenase (EC Glucose oxidation by whole cells was stimulated by PQQ, the prosthetic group of glucose dehydrogenase. PQQ not only increased the rate of glucose oxidation and gluconic acid production but also shortened the lag phase for growth on glucose. Strain LMD 79.41 also possessed glucose dehydrogenase but was unable to grow on glucose. Batch cultures and carbon-limited chemostat cultures growing on acetate in the presence of glucose oxidized the sugar to gluconic acid, which was not further metabolized. However, after prolonged cultivation on mixtures of acetate and glucose, carbon-limited chemostat cultures suddenly acquired the capacity to utilize gluconate. This phenomenon was accompanied by the appearance of gluconate kinase and a repression of isocitrate lyase synthesis. In contrast to the starter culture, cells from chemostats which had been fully adapted to gluconate utilization, were able to utilize glucose as a sole carbon and energy source in liquid and solid media.  相似文献   

When exponentially growing cultures of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus RAG-1 or RAG-92 were either treated with inhibitors of protein synthesis or starved for a required amino acid, there was a stimulation in the production of emulsan, an extracellular polyanionic emulsifier. Emulsan synthesis in the presence of chloramphenicol was dependent on utilizable sources of carbon and nitrogen and was inhibited by cyanide or azide or anaerobic conditions. Radioactive tracer experiments indicated that the enhanced production of emulsan after the addition of chloramphenicol was due to both the release of material synthesized before the addition of the antibiotic (40%) and de novo synthesis of the polymer (60%). Chemical analysis of RAG-1 cells demonstrated large amounts of polymeric amino sugars; it was estimated that cell-associated emulsan comprised about 15% of the dry weight of growing cells. The data are consistent with the hypothesis that a polymeric precursor of emulsan accumulates on the cell surface during the exponential growth phase; in the stationary phase or during inhibition of protein synthesis, the polymer is released as a potent emulsifier.  相似文献   

On addition of low concentrations (0.005%) of Triton X-100 to a mineral medium supplemented with 0.5% heptadecane, a marked stimulation of growth rate was observed for Acinetobacter calcoaceticus strains able to grow on alkanes while appreciable amounts of soluble quinoprotein d-glucose dehydrogenase [d-glucose: (pyrroloquinoline-quinone) 1-oxidoreductase, EC] were found in the culture medium. At higher Triton X-100 concentrations (0.04%), still larger amounts of d-glucose dehydrogenase and also cytoplasmic enzyme activities appeared in the culture medium. Although combinations of other carbon sources plus non-ionic detergents also produced these enzymes in the medium, the combination of heptadecane and Triton X-100 gave higher levels and had a stabilizing effect on d-glucose dehydrogenase. Therefore, by using this combination and culturing within certain pH limits, a stable enzyme solution, having already a high specific activity, is produced while the cell harvesting and disruption steps can be circumvented. The results indicate that d-glucose dehydrogenase in this organism is a periplasmic enzyme, coupled to a cytochrome b.  相似文献   

Adaptation of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus from river water to aniline depends on the dynamics of parent and mutant populations. The parent, Acinetobacter strain DON26 phenotype Ani0, was common in river water and assimilated aniline effectively at micromolar concentrations, but was inhibited at higher concentrations of aniline. The Ani0 phenotype was also characterized by a broad specificity for oxidation of chloroanilines by aniline-induced cells. The mutant Ani+ phenotype was represented by DON2, isolated from a population of less than 100 cells ml-1 in a mixed river water culture, and by DON261, isolated during continuous culture of DON26. Ani+ strains assimilated aniline at a greater maximum specific rate than the parent and were able to grow at concentrations of aniline greater than 16 mM. These strains cooxidized phenol after growth at high aniline concentrations, but showed reduced activity toward chloroanilines. These changes plus kinetic data, oxygen uptake data, and the results of auxanography indicate that the mutant has an increased activity and altered specificity of the initial enzyme in the aniline catabolic pathway. The parent strain, DON26, was at a selective advantage relative to the mutant at low concentrations of aniline, but was replaced by the mutant when aniline concentrations increased. Adaptation of the mixed river water community to aniline involved selection of both phenotypes. Reversion of the Ani+ to Ani0 phenotype occurred at a frequency of 10(-2) in the absence of aniline selection. Plasmid content was not altered during either acquisition or loss of the Ani+ phenotype. Adaptive changes in Acinetobacter spp. populations illustrate important differences in the catabolic activities of natural and pollutant selected strains.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Pyrimidine metabolism in Acinetobacter calcoaceticus   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
The metabolism of thymine, thymidine, uracil, and uridine has been investigated in five different strains of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus. Attempts to isolate thymine and thymidine auxotrophic mutants were not successful. Consistent with this finding was the observation that uptake of radioactive thymine or thymidine could not be demonstrated. Search for enzymes capable of transforming thymine via thymidine to thymidine-5'-monophosphate in crude extracts was performed, and the following enzymes were absent judging from enzyme assays: thymidine phosphorylase (EC, trans-N-deoxyribosylase (EC, and thymidine kinase (EC The enzymes responsible for the phosphorylation of thymidine-5'-monophosphate to thymidine-5'-triphosphate were present in crude extracts. Radioactive uracil was readily incorporated into both ribonucleic acid and deoxyribonucleic acid, the ratio being 6:1, and radioactivity was found only in pyrimidine bases. No uptake of uridine could be demonstrated. Uridine-5'-monophosphate pyrophosphorylase (EC activity was detected in crude extracts, suggesting that uracil is converted directly to uridine-5'-monophosphate which is then phosphorylated to uridine-5'-triphosphate or transformed to other ribo- and deoxypyrimidine nucleotides.  相似文献   

Adaptation of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus from river water to aniline depends on the dynamics of parent and mutant populations. The parent, Acinetobacter strain DON26 phenotype Ani0, was common in river water and assimilated aniline effectively at micromolar concentrations, but was inhibited at higher concentrations of aniline. The Ani0 phenotype was also characterized by a broad specificity for oxidation of chloroanilines by aniline-induced cells. The mutant Ani+ phenotype was represented by DON2, isolated from a population of less than 100 cells ml-1 in a mixed river water culture, and by DON261, isolated during continuous culture of DON26. Ani+ strains assimilated aniline at a greater maximum specific rate than the parent and were able to grow at concentrations of aniline greater than 16 mM. These strains cooxidized phenol after growth at high aniline concentrations, but showed reduced activity toward chloroanilines. These changes plus kinetic data, oxygen uptake data, and the results of auxanography indicate that the mutant has an increased activity and altered specificity of the initial enzyme in the aniline catabolic pathway. The parent strain, DON26, was at a selective advantage relative to the mutant at low concentrations of aniline, but was replaced by the mutant when aniline concentrations increased. Adaptation of the mixed river water community to aniline involved selection of both phenotypes. Reversion of the Ani+ to Ani0 phenotype occurred at a frequency of 10(-2) in the absence of aniline selection. Plasmid content was not altered during either acquisition or loss of the Ani+ phenotype. Adaptive changes in Acinetobacter spp. populations illustrate important differences in the catabolic activities of natural and pollutant selected strains.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Bacterial mutation frequency after UV irradiation and phage mutation frequency under conditions of W-reactivation were determined in A. calcoaceticus. With the exception of streptomycin resistance, there was no increase in the frequency of the assayed markers above the background level. The increased survival of phage during W-reactivation was not followed by an increase in the frequency of mutation from turbid to clear plaque formers among phage survivors. The findings suggested that the UV-inducible repair pathway in A. calcoaceticus was error free. Post-irradiation incubation of UV-treated culture before phage infection resulted in a further increase of W-reactivation. As chloramphenicol inhibited this response, it was concluded that de novo protein synthesis was involved in the UV-inducible repair pathway in A. calcoaceticus.  相似文献   

Multiple DNA polymerases in Acinetobacter calcoaceticus   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
I F Nes  K Kleppe 《FEBS letters》1974,43(2):180-184

Batch culture of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus in L-mandelate- or phenylglyoxylate-salts medium showed an unusual non-exponential pattern unless the inoculum had been grown on benzyl alcohol. There were transient accumulations of benzaldehyde and benzyl alcohol caused by the limitation of L-mandelate oxidation by low activities of benzaldehyde dehydrogenase and the diversion of reducing power to the formation of benzyl alcohol. In vivo enzymic activities were estimated from patterns of substrate utilization in batch cultures containing pairs of substrates. When bacteria previously grown in L-mandelate-salts medium were inoculated into media containing L-mandelate and a second carbon source, metabolism of L-mandelate was arithmetical in the presence of benzoate, catechol or succinate, but accelerated on exhaustion of the second substrate. This indicated repression of the enzymes involved in L-mandelate oxidation. Inoculation of bacteria grown in benzoate-salts medium into medium containing L-mandelate and benzoate gave diauxie with initial utilization of benzoate. Similar experiments showed that benzoate oxidation was not repressed by catechol and only partially repressed by succinate. Measurement of L-mandelate dehydrogenase, phenylglyoxylate carboxy-lyase and benzaldehyde dehydrogenase I in bacterial extracts showed no evidence for feedback inhibition by intermediates of the pathway. The rates of L-mandelate and benzoate utilization by bacterial suspensions were inhibited by succinate and catechol but not by other intermediates of the pathway.  相似文献   

Production of the glycopeptide antibiotic vancomycin by Amycolatopsis orientalis ATCC 19795 was examined in phosphate-limited chemostat cultures with biomass-recycle, employing an oscillating membrane separator, at a constant dilution rate (D= 0. 14 h-1). Experiments made under low agitation conditions (600 rpm) showed that the biomass concentration could be increased 3.9-fold with vancomycin production kinetics very similar to that of chemostat culture without biomass-recycle. The specific production rate (qvancomycin) was maximal when the biomass-recycle ratio (R) was 0.13 (D= 0.087 h-1). When the dissolved oxygen tension dropped below 20% (air saturation), the biomass and vancomycin concentrations decreased and an unidentified red metabolite was released into the culture medium. Using increased agitation (850 rpm), used to maintain the dissolved oxygen tension above 20% air saturation, maximum increases in biomass concentration (7.9-fold) and vancomcyin production 1.6-fold (0.6 mg/g dry weight/h) were obtained when R was 0.44 (D= 0.056 h -1) compared to chemostat culture without biomass-recycle. Moreover, at this latter recycle ratio the volumetric vancomycin production rate was 14.7 mg/L/h (a 7-fold increase compared to chemostat culture without biomass-recycle). These observations encourage further research on biomass-recycling as a means of optimising the production of antibiotics.  相似文献   

目的:在乙酸钙不动杆菌Y2004中表达山梨糖脱氢酶。方法:将酮古龙酸菌山梨糖脱氢酶基因sdh以及从pWH1266质粒上扩增的复制原点ori先后酶切连接到pBBR1MCS2质粒上,构建pBBR1MCS2-ori-sdh穿梭质粒;再以pBBR1MCS2-ori-sdh/DH5α为供体菌、乙酸钙不动杆菌Y2004为受体菌、pRK2013/HB101为辅助菌进行三亲本接合转移;从氨苄青霉素和卡那霉素双抗平板上挑取转化子进行培养,通过菌落PCR和提取质粒复转筛选阳性克隆,再通过活性电泳和体外糖酸转化实验检测阳性克隆的山梨糖脱氢酶活性。结果:构建了pBBRMCS2-ori-sdh质粒并转入乙酸钙不动杆菌Y2004中,活性电泳和体外实验证实阳性克隆具有山梨糖脱氢酶活性。结论:实现了山梨糖脱氢酶在乙酸钙不动杆菌Y2004中的表达,为单菌糖酸转化的进一步研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Growth of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus on Ethanol   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
A soil microorganism, identified as Acinetobacter calcoaceticus, was cultivated on ethanol as a sole source of carbon. This organism grew with a maximum specific growth rate of 0.7/h. The pH optimum for growth was between 6.5 and 7.5, and the temperature optimum was between 32 and 35 C. Ethanol metabolism by this organism was inducible by ethanol, and the presence of acetate led to the repression of ethanol dehydrogenase. At higher cell densities the cessation of growth on ethanol was accompanied by the accumulation of acetate or acetaldehyde, or both. These accumulations were attributed to a reduction in the magnesium or sulfur content of the medium and a lack of feedback inhibition by acetate of alcohol dehydrogenase.  相似文献   

The strains of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus, var. anitratus (A. c. a.) were isolated in the nosocomial environment as an opportune pathogen. The therapy of choice may be determined after in vitro tests. Our results show following therapeutical possibilities: beta-lactam antibiotics--cephalosporins of IIIrd generation (cefotaxime), also combinations of antimicrobials have shown good results: amoxycillin or ticarcillin with clavulanic acid. Best synergistic effect was found in combination ticarcillin-amikacin.  相似文献   

Acinetobacter calcoaceticus can be immobilized on Celite by adsorption. The salt concentrations suitable for immobilized cell fermentation are between 10 and 50 mM phosphate concentration. Low salt concentrations cause desorption of immobilized cells while high salt concentrations inhibit the adsorption of cells on Celite. It is also found that cell adsorption is better at lower pH than at higher pH. An airlift fermentation using immobilized cells at 300 g/L Celite loading shows that about 70% of the total polymer produced is accumulated in Celite pores at a concentration (15.4 g/L) almost threefold higher than that in the bulk liquid (5.7 g/L).  相似文献   

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