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Data are presented concerning the antifungal activity of 11 natural isothiocyanates and 27 synthetized analogues in Aspergillus niger, Penicillium cyclopium, and Rhizopus oryzae, as well as in 13 additional saprophytic and parasitic fungi. A remarkable antifungal activity was observed in some analogues of benzylisothiocyanate and beta-phenylethylisothiocyanate. The latter-mentioned compounds have not been described previously. In the group of benzylisothiocyanates, a correlation, which was inversely proportional, was detected between ed(100) values for A. niger and R. oryzae and the corresponding molar solubilities of compounds in water. In contradistinction, no relationship was observed between antifungal activity and chemical reactivity of investigated derivatives.  相似文献   

Several naturally occurring calcium-phosphate apatites which varied in crystalline structure and ionic composition were added as crystals of different particle size to P-free (<1g/liter total P) nutrient media. Sufficient ortho-PO 4 3– was released by the partial dissolution of apatite crystals at limnetic pH levels (pH 7.8) to support growth of several unialgal-mixed bacterial cultures. The biomass produced by mixed populations increased as the amount of available apatite was increased and as the pH of the media and the particle size of the apatite crystals were decreased. These findings suggest that although apatite characteristically displays reduced solubility under alkaline conditions, the tons of apatite which are continuously entering aquatic environments as erosion material may be contributing to the P loading of those ecosystems.  相似文献   

Agglutinins that reacted with red cells from members of a different species (hetero-agglutinins) were detected in the serum of bovine fetuses beginning with about 5% in the fifth month of gestation, with the frequency of reactive sera increasing to about 50 % near term. The sera were able to agglutinate red cells from an increasing number of species as fetal age increased, but only exceptionally equalled the number agglutinated by sera from the dams. Antibodies that reacted with bovine red cells (isoantibodies) were detected in bovine fetal sera (anti-L agglutinin, anti-K hemolysin). However, no fetal serum was found that agglutinated the red cells of the respective dam. All fetal isoantibodies were inactivated by heat (56°C/30 min) and 2-mercapto-ethanol (2-ME) treatment, whereas some heteroagglutinins in serum from one fetus were resistant to inactivation by these methods. This suggests that most of the fetal antibodies were other than IgG.  相似文献   

A simple procedure using electron spin resonance techniques was applied to detect, identify and quantify quinones and quinols in crude plant extracts. Hydroquinone was determined in Pyrus, plumbagin in Drosera and Ceratostigma, and hydrojuglone in Juglandaceae. Hydrojuglone is found in markedly higher concentrations in Pterocarya and in Juglans than in Carya. Plastoquinol has been observed in 500 of 700 plant extracts studied. Esters of phenolic acids are easily detected and distinguished, e.g. chlorogenic and rosmarinic acids. Esters of homoprotocatechuic and of dihydrocaffeic acid occur widely in the Oleaceae. The limitations of the method are discussed.  相似文献   

Plant secondary metabolites are known to facilitate interactions with a variety of beneficial and detrimental organisms, yet the contribution of specific metabolites to interactions with fungal pathogens is poorly understood. Here we show that, with respect to aliphatic glucosinolate‐derived isothiocyanates, toxicity against the pathogenic ascomycete Sclerotinia sclerotiorum depends on side chain structure. Genes associated with the formation of the secondary metabolites camalexin and glucosinolate were induced in Arabidopsis thaliana leaves challenged with the necrotrophic pathogen S. sclerotiorum. Unlike S. sclerotiorum, the closely related ascomycete Botrytis cinerea was not identified to induce genes associated with aliphatic glucosinolate biosynthesis in pathogen‐challenged leaves. Mutant plant lines deficient in camalexin, indole, or aliphatic glucosinolate biosynthesis were hypersusceptible to S. sclerotiorum, among them the myb28 mutant, which has a regulatory defect resulting in decreased production of long‐chained aliphatic glucosinolates. The antimicrobial activity of aliphatic glucosinolate‐derived isothiocyanates was dependent on side chain elongation and modification, with 8‐methylsulfinyloctyl isothiocyanate being most toxic to S. sclerotiorum. This information is important for microbial associations with cruciferous host plants and for metabolic engineering of pathogen defenses in cruciferous plants that produce short‐chained aliphatic glucosinolates.  相似文献   

The sensitivity of the leucocrit as a stress tolerance and fish health assessment method was evaluated by subjecting juvenile coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch , or steelhead trout, Salmo gairdneri , to standardized crowding, handling, temperature and disease challenges. The leucocrit was a sensitive indicator of the physiological stress resulting from crowding at population densities of 0·2–0·4 kg l−1, and to the stress of handling and to temperature changes. It was relatively insensitive to physiological sampling procedures which supports its continued development as a stress assessment method.
In the case of fish diseases, subclinical or active Renibacterium salmoninarum and Yersinia ruckeri infections had essentially no effect on leucocrit values. In contrast, active Aeromonas salmonicida infections significantly depressed the leucocrit. However, no change was seen during the subclinical (incubation) phase prior to the development of an epizootic. Thus, the potential of the leucocrit as a fish health assessment method appears limited.  相似文献   

The Apicomplexans are obligate intracellular protozoan parasites and the causative agents of severe diseases in humans and animals. Although complete genome sequences are available since many years and for several parasites, they are replete with putative genes of unassigned function. Forward and reverse genetic approaches are limited only to a few Apicomplexans that can either be propagated in vitro or in a convenient animal model. This review will compare and contrast the most recent strategies developed for the genetic manipulation of Plasmodium falciparum, Plasmodium berghei and Toxoplasma gondii that have taken advantage of the intrinsic features of their respective genomes. Efforts towards the improvement of the transfection efficiencies in malaria parasites, the development of approaches to study essential genes and the elaboration of high-throughput methods for the identification of gene function will be discussed.  相似文献   

We have recently reported naturally occurring autoantibodies against a large fetal brain antigen (FBA). Now we describe the process of purification and identification of this particular FBA. The brains of newborn rabbits were solubilized and purified with preparative gel electrophoresis. The protein fractions were concentrated and desalted and the fractions were tested by a known positive serum. On membrane digestion of the FBA-band gave a twelve amino acid sequence that resulted in best identity score for mouse, rat and human microtubule-associated protein (MAP) 1B: a member of the microtubule-associated protein family. Monoclonal anti-MAP1B recognized a band in immunoblots of the brain homogenate and of the partially purified fractions with the same electrophoretic mobility as that recognized by a known anti-FBA positive serum. When adult rabbit brain was used as an antigen, the anti-MAP1B failed to recognize any bands on immunoblots. MAP lB has not been previously known as an autoantigen, even though many structural proteins of the neuronal cytoskeleton are known to be targets of naturally occurring autoantibodies. MAP 1B is a functionally important regulatory protein in the developing brain; thus autoantibodies against MAP1B may affect the normal development.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on a survey of uranium and thorium decay chain radionuclides in food and drinking water from the thorium-rich (monazite-bearing) region of Buena, which is located in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The radionuclide concentration values in the food and drinking water from Buena reached values higher than 100-fold the international reference values. The daily intake of radionuclides by the local population is similar to that of another high background radiation area in Brazil, but the intake is higher than that of residents from a normal background radiation area. Approximately 58?% of the food consumed by Buena inhabitants is produced locally. Based on that figure, locally produced food and the dilution of total radionuclides in the diet of residents caused by food importation are both highly relevant to a population’s intake of radionuclides. The concentration values for 210Pb and the radium isotopes in drinking water from Buena are among the highest values to be reported in the literature. 228Ra is the most important radionuclide ingested with both food and water among the inhabitants of Buena.  相似文献   

Disulfide-bound dimers of three-fingered toxins have been discovered in the Naja kaouthia cobra venom; that is, the homodimer of alpha-cobratoxin (a long-chain alpha-neurotoxin) and heterodimers formed by alpha-cobratoxin with different cytotoxins. According to circular dichroism measurements, toxins in dimers retain in general their three-fingered folding. The functionally important disulfide 26-30 in polypeptide loop II of alpha-cobratoxin moiety remains intact in both types of dimers. Biological activity studies showed that cytotoxins within dimers completely lose their cytotoxicity. However, the dimers retain most of the alpha-cobratoxin capacity to compete with alpha-bungarotoxin for binding to Torpedo and alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) as well as to Lymnea stagnalis acetylcholine-binding protein. Electrophysiological experiments on neuronal nAChRs expressed in Xenopus oocytes have shown that alpha-cobratoxin dimer not only interacts with alpha7 nAChR but, in contrast to alpha-cobratoxin monomer, also blocks alpha3beta2 nAChR. In the latter activity it resembles kappa-bungarotoxin, a dimer with no disulfides between monomers. These results demonstrate that dimerization is essential for the interaction of three-fingered neurotoxins with heteromeric alpha3beta2 nAChRs.  相似文献   

The present review describes research on novel natural isoquinoline alkaloids and their N-oxides isolated from different plant species. More than 200 biological active compounds have shown confirmed antimicrobial, antibacterial, antitumor, and other activities. The structures, origins, and reported biological activities of a selection of isoquinoline N-oxides alkaloids are reviewed. With the computer program PASS some additional SAR (structure–activity relationship) activities are also predicted, which point toward new possible applications of these compounds. This review emphasizes the role of isoquinoline N-oxides alkaloids as an important source of leads for drug discovery.  相似文献   

Bundles of microtubules (MTs) are readily visualized in vivo by videomicroscopy in highly flattened reticulopodia of the foraminiferan protozoan Allogromia sp. strain NF. In this report we use videomicroscopy, immunocytochemistry, and high-voltage electron microscopy to characterize the dynamic changes that occur in this extensive MT cytoskeleton, and in the associated cytoplasmic transport, during induced withdrawal and subsequent reextension of reticulopodia. Within seconds after application of the withdrawal stimulus (seawater substitute made hypertonic with MgCl2) intracellular bidirectional transport along linear MT-containing fibrils ceases and is replaced by an inward, constant-velocity flow of cytoplasm along the fibrils. As withdrawal continues, most fibrils become wavy and coalesce to form phase-dense pools. These wavy fibrils and phase-dense pools contain a paracrystalline material and few if any MTs. Same-section correlative immunofluorescence and high-voltage electron microscopy reveal that the paracrystalline material contains tubulin. During recovery linear fibrils (MTs) rapidly extend from the phase-dense pools (paracrystals), which concurrently shrink in size, thus reestablishing normal network morphology and motility. We conclude that the MT cytoskeleton in Allogromia reticulopodia is transformed during withdrawal into a tubulin-containing paracrystal, which serves as a temporary reservoir of MT protein and an initiation site for MT regrowth.  相似文献   

An epizootic of chronic respiratory disease was found in a rat colony. Lungs of the symptomatic rats showed histopathologically severe peribronchial lymphoid cuffing. Filamentous bacteria were detected on the border of the tracheal and bronchial epithelium by light and electron microscopy. These bacteria did not grown on artificial media but propagated in embryonated chicken eggs. The disease was thus diagnosed as cilia-associated respiratory (CAR) bacillus infection. Epizootiological observations of the natural and experimentally induced cases revealed that the disease was highly contagious, slowly progressive and intractable. Contact infection may play a major role in the transmission of this disease.  相似文献   

Glutamatergic signaling and intracellular calcium mobilization in the spinal cord are crucial for the development of nociceptive plasticity, which is associated with chronic pathological pain. Long-form Homer proteins anchor glutamatergic receptors to sources of calcium influx and release at synapses, which is antagonized by the short, activity-dependent splice variant Homer1a. We show here that Homer1a operates in a negative feedback loop to regulate the excitability of the pain pathway in an activity-dependent manner. Homer1a is rapidly and selectively upregulated in spinal cord neurons after peripheral inflammation in an NMDA receptor-dependent manner. Homer1a strongly attenuates calcium mobilization as well as MAP kinase activation induced by glutamate receptors and reduces synaptic contacts on spinal cord neurons that process pain inputs. Preventing activity-induced upregulation of Homer1a using shRNAs in mice in vivo exacerbates inflammatory pain. Thus, activity-dependent uncoupling of glutamate receptors from intracellular signaling mediators is a novel, endogenous physiological mechanism for counteracting sensitization at the first, crucial synapse in the pain pathway. Furthermore, we observed that targeted gene transfer of Homer1a to specific spinal segments in vivo reduces inflammatory hyperalgesia. Thus, Homer1 function is crucially involved in pain plasticity and constitutes a promising therapeutic target for the treatment of chronic inflammatory pain.  相似文献   



Tubular shaped mammalian cells in response to dehydration have not been previously reported. This may be due to the invisibility of these cells in aqueous solution, and because sugars and salts added to the cell culture for manipulation of the osmotic conditions inhibit transformation of normal cells into tubular shaped structures.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Colonies of wild-type Lucilia cuprina (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Calliphoridae) in our laboratory differed greatly in the degree of rhythmicity of their eclosion when exposed to light/dark cycles, constant darkness or constant light. Among colonies reared in the laboratory for thirty-four to eighty-eight generations and others for more than 360 generations, some were consistently rhythmic, others weakly rhythmic and others arrhythmic.
One colony with arrhythmic eclosion was studied further. Arrhythmicity of eclosion in the colony was found to result from homozygosis of a recessive allele (ary) on chromosome 5. Adults from this colony were arrhythmic in spontaneous flight activity under constant darkness though rhythmic under light/dark cycles.  相似文献   

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