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Wang J  Wan W  Sun R  Liu Y  Sun X  Ma D  Zhang N 《Cellular signalling》2008,20(6):1025-1034
Protein kinase Cζ PKCζ mediates cancer cell chemotaxis by regulating cytoskeleton rearrangement and cell adhesion. In the research for its upstream regulator, we investigated the role of Akt2 in chemotaxis and metastasis of human breast cancer cells. Reduction of Akt2 expression by siRNA inhibited chemotaxis of MDA-MB-231, T47D, and MCF7 cells, three representative human breast cancer cells. Expression of a wild type Akt2 in siRNA transfected cells rescued the phenotype. EGF-induced integrin β1 phosphorylation was dampened, consistent with defects in adhesion. Phosphorylation of LIMK and cofilin, a critical step of cofilin recycle and actin polymerization, was also impaired. Thus, Akt2 regulates both cell adhesion and cytoskeleton rearrangement during chemotaxis. Depletion of Akt2 by siRNA impaired the activation of PKCζ while inhibition of PKCζ did not interfere with EGF induced phosphorylation of Akt. Furthermore, EGF induced co-immunoprecipitation between PKCζ and Akt2, but not Akt1, suggesting that a direct interaction between PKCζ and Akt2 in chemotaxis. Protein levels of integrin β1, LIMK, cofilin, and PKCζ didn't alter, suggesting that Akt2 does not regulate the expression of these signaling molecules. In a Severe Combine Immunodeficiency mouse model, Akt2 depleted MDA-MB-231 cells showed a marked reduction in metastasis to mouse lungs, demonstrating the biological relevancy of Akt2 in cancer metastasis in vivo. Taken together, our results suggest that Akt2 directly mediates EGF-induced chemotactic signaling pathways through PKCζ and its expression is critical during the extravasation of circulating cancer cells.  相似文献   

Chemoprevention is regarded as one of the most promising and realistic approaches in the prevention of human cancer. Among naturally occurring products, sulfur-containing compounds (OSCs), especially garlic compounds (GCs) and isothiocyanates (ITCs), represent two important and promising chemopreventive families because of their potent chemopreventive effects in various in vivo and in vitro models. In recent years, numerous investigations have shown that sulfur-containing compounds induce apoptosis in multiple cell lines and experimental animals. In the course of apoptosis induction by GCs and ITCs, multiple signal-transduction pathways and apoptosis intermediates are modulated. In particular, modulation of MAPKs and production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) seem to play pivotal roles in apoptosis induction by most GCs and ITCs. However, the role of P53 is still controversial. Based on present knowledge, GCs and ITCs may target not only the metabolism of carcinogens but also apoptosis signaling molecules. The effects of ITCs and GCs at multiple points of cancer development make these compounds highly promising candidates in cancer chemoprevention. However, the mechanisms of their anticancer effects are not fully understood, and further studies are required, especially to elucidate the role of cell-death receptors (the extrinsic pathway) and whether these agents induce apoptotic effects in non-tumor cells.  相似文献   

The enzymatic properties of glycosylphosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase D (EC were characterized using a 6,000-fold purified enzyme. This was obtained in 100 microg amounts from human serum with a recovery of 35%. Pure alkaline phosphatase containing one anchor moiety per molecule was used as substrate. The enzyme is stimulated by n-butanol, but in contrast to other phospholipases this activation is not produced by a transphosphatidylation reaction. The previously reported non-linearity of the specific activity with respect to phospholipase concentration in the test was no longer observed upon purification, indicating inhibitor removal. The serum inhibitor(s) co-chromatograph with serum proteins and lipoproteins. The main part of the inhibitory activity was found in the lipid fraction after protein denaturation and can be subfractionated into acid phospholipids, cholesteryl esters and triacylglycerides. Added phosphatidyl-serine, phosphatidylinositol, phosphatidylglycerol, gangliosides, cholesteryl esters, and sphingomyelins turned out to be strong inhibitors, as well as phosphatidic acid. Phosphatidylethanolamine and various monoacylglycerols were found to be activators. The low glycosylphosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase activity found in native serum did not increase significantly upon 90% removal of phospholipids by n-butanol. High serum concentrations of strongly inhibiting compounds, complex kinetic interactions among aggregates of these substances, and compartmentalization effects are discussed as possible reasons for the observed inactivity.  相似文献   

The activity of gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT) is frequently upregulated in tumor cells after oxidative stress and may thus increase the availability of amino acids needed for biosynthesis of the antioxidant glutathione. As gamma-radiation of tumor cells can result in oxidative stress, we investigated whether such treatments modulate the enzyme level in colon carcinoma CC531 cells. Radiation of these cells blocked cell proliferation, increased cellular size, initiated apoptosis and upregulated GGT activity and protein levels in a dose- and time-related manner. A slight but significant increase in the cellular level of reactive oxygen species (ROS) was found directly after radiation but appeared not to cause the GGT elevation. Thus, other mechanisms than cellular oxidative stress appear to be responsible for the radiation-induced upregulation of GGT. Stable transfection of activated Ras in a human colon carcinoma cell line expressing wild-type Ras resulted in an increased GGT level, while a reduced enzyme level was demonstrated in another cell line with constitutively activated Ras after stably transfection with a dominant-negative Ras mutant. Moreover, addition of specific protein kinase inhibitors that blocked downstream targets PI-3K and MEK1/2 of Ras, prior to and after radiation, attenuated the radiation-induced activation of GGT. These results support a role for Ras, being frequently activated after radiation, in regulating the level of GGT and also indicate that GGT participates in radioresistance.  相似文献   

Changes in miRNA expression are a common feature in colon cancer. Those changes occurring in the transition from normal to adenoma and from adenoma to carcinoma, however, have not been well defined. Additionally, miRNA changes among tumor subgroups of colon cancer have also not been adequately evaluated. In this study, we examined the global miRNA expression in 315 samples that included 52 normal colonic mucosa, 41 tubulovillous adenomas, 158 adenocarcinomas with proficient DNA mismatch repair (pMMR) selected for stage and age of onset, and 64 adenocarcinomas with defective DNA mismatch repair (dMMR) selected for sporadic (n = 53) and inherited colon cancer (n = 11). Sporadic dMMR tumors all had MLH1 inactivation due to promoter hypermethylation. Unsupervised PCA and cluster analysis demonstrated that normal colon tissue, adenomas, pMMR carcinomas and dMMR carcinomas were all clearly discernable. The majority of miRNAs that were differentially expressed between normal and polyp were also differentially expressed with a similar magnitude in the comparison of normal to both the pMMR and dMMR tumor groups, suggesting a stepwise progression for transformation from normal colon to carcinoma. Among the miRNAs demonstrating the largest fold up- or down-regulated changes (≥4), four novel (miR-31, miR-1, miR-9 and miR-99a) and two previously reported (miR-137 and miR-135b) miRNAs were identified in the normal/adenoma comparison. All but one of these (miR-99a) demonstrated similar expression differences in the two normal/carcinoma comparisons, suggesting that these early tumor changes are important in both the pMMR- and dMMR-derived cancers. The comparison between pMMR and dMMR tumors identified four miRNAs (miR-31, miR-552, miR-592 and miR-224) with statistically significant expression differences (≥2-fold change).  相似文献   

The literature dealing with the detection, isolation, purification and characterization of cyanogenic glycosides has been integrated with spectral and chemical data as well as other techniques from our laboratory to establish a method for the positive identification of glycosides of this type. The compounds are arranged into biosynthetically related groups (those derived from l-phenylalanine; l-tyrosine; l-leucine, l-valine; l-isoleucine; those with cyclopentene rings and pseudocyanogenic glycosides) and features of each of the above procedures are critically reviewed and spectral data for each group presented (IR, MS, UV and NMR). The NMR spectra of TMS ethers of cyanogenic glycosides have proven especially useful in chemical structure determination. This information is sufficient to permit identification of any of the 26 known glycosides as well as certain uncharacterized ones.  相似文献   

Naturally occurring terphenyls and related compounds such as terferol and its corresponding quinone and phlebiarubrone were synthesized from 2,5-diphenyl-1,4-benzoquinone. According to the proposed biosynthetic pathway, chemical conversion of phlebiarubrone to ustalic acid, a toxic compound isolated from the poisonous mushroom, Tricholoma ustale, was examined to find a low-yield conversion to the ustalic acid dimethyl ester.  相似文献   

A possible mechanism of cannabinoid-mediated akinesia is suggested. This effect is proposed to be the consequence of a decrease in LTD/LTP in cortical inputs to striatopallidal/striatonigral cells in the matrix due to CB1 receptor activation. In addition, cannabinoids can attenuate locomotor activity due to a reducing of glutamate/GABA release from axon terminals of subthalamic nucleus/striatonigral cells of matrix and subsequent decrease/increase in the activity of neurons of globus pallidus/substantia nigra pars reticulata. Cannabinoid-mediated rise of dopamine release might be a result of a decrease of dopamine neuron inhibition by striatonigral cells of striosomes. It follows from the suggested mechanism that an inactivation (activation) of CB1 receptors leading to rise (lowering) of the motor activity can be useful for treatment of Parkinson (Huntington) disease.  相似文献   

Ras is a key signal transduction protein in the cell. Mutants of Gly(12) and Gln(61) impair GTPase activity and are found prominently in cancers. In wild type Ras-GTP, an allosteric switch promotes disorder to order transition in switch II, placing Gln(61) in the active site. We show that the "on" and "off" conformations of the allosteric switch can also be attained in RasG12V and RasQ61L. Although both mutants have similarly impaired active sites in the on state, RasQ61L stabilizes an anti-catalytic conformation of switch II in the off state of the allosteric switch when bound to Raf. This translates into more potent activation of the MAPK pathway involving Ras, Raf kinase, MEK, and ERK (Ras/Raf/MEK/ERK) in cells transfected with RasQ61L relative to RasG12V. This differential is not observed in the Raf-independent pathway involving Ras, phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K), and Akt (Ras/PI3K/Akt). Using a combination of structural analysis, hydrolysis rates, and experiments in NIH-3T3 cells, we link the allosteric switch to the control of signaling in the Ras/Raf/MEK/ERK pathway, supporting a GTPase-activating protein-independent model for duration of the Ras-Raf complex.  相似文献   

Enzymatic basis for sialyl-Tn expression in human colon cancer cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Sialyl-Tn antigen (SA2-6 GalNAc-Ser/Thr) is expressed as a cancer-associated antigen on the surface of cancer cells and its expression correlates with a poor prognosis in patients with colorectal and other adenocarcinomas. To understand the enzymatic basis of sialyl-Tn (STn) antigen expression, we used two clonal cell lines, LSB and LSC, derived from LS174T human colonic cancer cells. LSC cells express only the truncated carbohydrate antigen Tn (GalNAc-Ser/Thr) and sialyl-Tn on their mucin molecules, whereas LSB cells express elongated oligosaccharide chains. Both cell lines demonstrated similar activities of glycosyltransferases involved in the biosynthesis of elongated and terminal structures of complex O-glycans. However, LSC cells were unable to synthesize core 1 (Gal1-3GalNAc-) because the ubiquitous enzyme activity of UDP-Gal:GalNAc-R 3-Gal-transferase (core 1 3-Gal-transferase) was lacking. Core 1 3-Gal-transferase could not be reactivated in LSC cells by treatment with sodium butyrate or by in vivo growth of LSC cells in nude mice. In contrast, LSB cells were able to synthesize and process core 1 and core 2 (GlcNAc1-6 (Gal1-3) GalNAc-). LSC cells represent the first example of a non-hematopoietic cell line which lacks core 1 3-Gal-transferase activity. The lack of core 1 3-Gal-transferase in LSC cells explains why they are incapable of forming the common mucin O-glycan core structures and are committed to synthesizing the short Tn and STn oligosaccharides. These findings suggest that the activity of core 1 3-Gal-transferase is an important determinant of the STn phenotype of colon cancer cells.  相似文献   

A number of studies have been conducted during space flight and with clinostats and centrifuges, suggesting that gravity effects the proliferation and differentiation of mammalian cells in vitro. However, little is known about the mechanisms by which mammalian cells respond to changes in gravitational stress. This paper summarizes studies designed to clarify the effects of hypergravity on the cultured human HeLa cells and to investigate the mechanism of hypergravity signal transduction in these cells.  相似文献   

A mechanism of opioid and substance P-mediated modulation of a cortical signal transduction through the striatum is suggested. According to this mechanism, an activation of postsynaptic receptors, bound to Gi/0 proteins, should increase the magnitude of NMDA-dependent (NMDA-independent) LTD (LTP) of excitatory inputs and LTP (LTD) of inhibitory inputs to all types of striatal cells. An activation of postsynaptic receptors, bound to Gs or Gq/11 proteins, should oppositely modulate LTD and LTD in the same inputs. It follows from the model that the negative feedback loops can held the activity of a striatal output cells at the stable level due to recurrent activation by endogenous opioids of delta receptors on striatopallidal cells, mu and kappa receptors on striatonigral cells of striosomes and matrix, respectively, and subsequent suppression of the efficacy of corticostriatal inputs. Cholinergic interneurons, affected by enkephalin and substance P, are also involved in these feedback loops. We hypothesized that an activation of mu and delta receptors and/or inactivation of kappa receptors on striatal spiny cells might alleviate parkinsonian symptoms and recover locomotor activity.  相似文献   

Dogs with naturally occurring cancer represent an important large animal model for drug development and testing novel immunotherapies. However, poorly defined immunophenotypes of canine leukocytes have limited the study of tumor immunology in dogs. The accumulation of myeloid derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) is known to be a key mechanism of immune suppression in tumor-bearing mice and in human patients. We sought to identify MDSCs in the blood of dogs with cancer. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from dogs with advanced or early stage cancer and from age-matched healthy controls were analyzed by flow cytometry and microscopy. Suppressive function was tested in T cell proliferation and cytokine elaboration assays. Semi-quantitative RT-PCR was used to identify potential mechanisms responsible for immunosuppression. PBMCs from dogs with advanced or metastatic cancer exhibited a significantly higher percentage of CD11b(+)CD14(-)MHCII(-) cells compared to dogs diagnosed with early stage non-metastatic tumors and healthy dogs. These CD11b(+) CD14(-)MHCII(-) cells constitute a subpopulation of activated granulocytes that co-purify with PBMCs, display polymorphonuclear granulocyte morphology, and demonstrate a potent ability to suppress proliferation and IFN-γ production in T cells from normal and tumor-bearing donors. Furthermore, these cells expressed hallmark suppressive factors of human MDSC including ARG1, iNOS2, TGF-β and IL-10. In summary our data demonstrate that MDSCs accumulate in the blood of dogs with advanced cancer and can be measured using this three-marker immunophenotype, thereby enabling prospective studies that can monitor MDSC burden.  相似文献   

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