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In human cervical cells, extracellular ATP induces an acutedecrease in the resistance of the lateral intercellular space, thephase I response, followed by adelayed increase in tight junctional resistance, thephase II response. These responses depend on vitamin A because incubation of cells in retinoid-free medium(RFM) abolished both responses. Treatment with retinoic acid restoredthe phase I response in full, but theamplitude of the phase II response wasrestored only partly. Shorter incubations and lower concentrations ofretinoic acid [half-maximal effective concentration(K1/2) = 0.1 µM] were required for restoring the phaseI response than were required for reversing thephase II response(K1/2 = 1 µM).The phase I response could be restoredby ligands that bind to either retinoic acid receptors (RARs) orretinoid X receptors, but only RAR agonists had an effect onphase II response. RFM had no effecton decreases in resistance induced by ionomycin, but it attenuatedphase II-like increases in resistanceinduced by KCl or by1,2-dioctanoyl-sn-diglycerol (diC8).Actinomycin D blocked phase IIresponse but not phase I response orthe responses to ionomycin, KCl, or diC8. These results suggest thatretinoids act on cervical cells via distinct retinoid receptormechanisms and modulate phase I andphase II changes in resistance byregulating distinct signal mechanisms.


Cytokines serve important functions in controlling host immunity. Cells involved in the synthesis of these polypeptide mediators have evolved highly regulated processes to ensure that production is carefully balanced. In inflammatory and immune disorders, however, mis-regulation of the production and/or activity of cytokines is recognized as a major contributor to the disease process, and therapeutics that target individual cytokines are providing very effective treatment options in the clinic. Leukocytes are the principle producers of a number of key cytokines, and these cells also express numerous members of the purinergic P2 receptor family. Studies in several cellular systems have provided evidence that P2 receptor modulation can affect cytokine production, and mechanistic features of this regulation have emerged. This review highlights three separate examples corresponding to (1) P2Y6 receptor mediated impact on interleukin (IL)-8 production, (2) P2Y11 receptor-mediated affects on IL-12/23 output, and (3) P2X7 receptor mediated IL-1β posttranslational processing. These examples demonstrate important roles of purinergic receptors in the modulation of cytokine production. Extension of these cellular observations to in vivo situations may lead to new therapeutic strategies for treating cytokine-mediated diseases.  相似文献   

Cytokines serve important functions in controlling host immunity. Cells involved in the synthesis of these polypeptide mediators have evolved highly regulated processes to ensure that production is carefully balanced. In inflammatory and immune disorders, however, mis-regulation of the production and/or activity of cytokines is recognized as a major contributor to the disease process, and therapeutics that target individual cytokines are providing very effective treatment options in the clinic. Leukocytes are the principle producers of a number of key cytokines, and these cells also express numerous members of the purinergic P2 receptor family. Studies in several cellular systems have provided evidence that P2 receptor modulation can affect cytokine production, and mechanistic features of this regulation have emerged. This review highlights three separate examples corresponding to (1) P2Y6 receptor mediated impact on interleukin (IL)-8 production, (2) P2Y11 receptor-mediated affects on IL-12/23 output, and (3) P2X7 receptor mediated IL-1β posttranslational processing. These examples demonstrate important roles of purinergic receptors in the modulation of cytokine production. Extension of these cellular observations to in vivo situations may lead to new therapeutic strategies for treating cytokine-mediated diseases.  相似文献   

γ-Aminobutyric acid type A receptors (GABA(A)Rs) in the spinal cord are evolving as an important target for drug development against pain. Purinergic P2X(2) receptors (P2X(2)Rs) are also expressed in spinal cord neurons and are known to cross-talk with GABA(A)Rs. Here, we investigated a possible "dynamic" interaction between GABA(A)Rs and P2X(2)Rs using co-immunoprecipitation and fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) studies in human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293 cells along with co-localization and single particle tracking studies in spinal cord neurons. Our results suggest that a significant proportion of P2X(2)Rs forms a transient complex with GABA(A)Rs inside the cell, thus stabilizing these receptors and using them for co-trafficking to the cell surface, where P2X(2)Rs and GABA(A)Rs are primarily located extra-synaptically. Furthermore, agonist-induced activation of P2X(2)Rs results in a Ca(2+)-dependent as well as an apparently Ca(2+)-independent increase in the mobility and an enhanced degradation of GABA(A)Rs, whereas P2X(2)Rs are stabilized and form larger clusters. Antagonist-induced blocking of P2XRs results in co-stabilization of this receptor complex at the cell surface. These results suggest a novel mechanism where association of P2X(2)Rs and GABA(A)Rs could be used for specific targeting to neuronal membranes, thus providing an extrasynaptic receptor reserve that could regulate the excitability of neurons. We further conclude that blocking the excitatory activity of excessively released ATP under diseased state by P2XR antagonists could simultaneously enhance synaptic inhibition mediated by GABA(A)Rs.  相似文献   

The purinergic P2X7 receptor (P2X7R) is an adenosine triphosphate (ATP) ligand-gated cationic channel receptor. P2X7R is closely associated with various inflammatory, immune, cancer, neurological, musculoskeletal and cardiovascular disorders. P2X7R is an interesting therapeutic target as well as molecular imaging target. This brief digest highlights the radioligands targeting P2X7R recently developed in drug discovery and molecular imaging agent development.  相似文献   

Purinergic Signalling - P2 purinergic receptors are involved in the normal function of the kidney, bladder, and prostate via signaling that occurs in response to extracellular nucleotides....  相似文献   

Blood levels of extracellular nucleotides (e.g. ATP) are greatly increased during heart ischaemia, but, despite the presence of their specific receptors on cardiomyocytes (both P2X and P2Y subtypes), their effects on the subsequent myocardial damage are still unknown. In this study, we aimed at investigating the role of ATP and specific P2 receptors in the appearance of cell injury in a cardiac model of ischaemic/hypoxic stress. Cells were maintained in a modular incubator chamber in a controlled humidified atmosphere of 95% N2 for 16 hrs in a glucose‐free medium. In this condition, we detected an early increase in the release of ATP in the culture medium, which was followed by a massive increase in the release of cytoplasmic histone‐associated‐DNA‐fragments, a marker of apoptosis. Addition of either apyrase, which degrades extracellular ATP, or various inhibitors of ATP release via connexin hemichannels fully abolished ischaemic/hypoxic stress‐associated apoptosis. To dissect the role of specific P2 receptor subtypes, we used a combined approach: (i) non‐selective and, when available, subtype‐selective P2 antagonists, were added to cardiomyocytes before ischaemic/hypoxic stress; (ii) selected P2 receptors genes were silenced via specific small interfering RNAs. Both approaches indicated that the P2Y2 and P2χ7 receptor subtypes are directly involved in the induction of cell death during ischaemic/hypoxic stress, whereas the P2Y4 receptor has a protective effect. Overall, these findings indicate a role for ATP and its receptors in modulating cardiomyocyte damage during ischaemic/hypoxic stress.  相似文献   

Purinergic receptors (P2XRs) activate and desensitize in response to the binding of extracellular nucleotides in a receptor- and ligand-specific manner, but the structural bases of their ligand preferences and channel kinetics have been incompletely characterized. Here we tested the hypothesis that affinity of agonists for binding domain accounts for a ligand-specific desensitization pattern. We generated chimeras using receptors with variable sensitivity to ATP in order: P2X(4)R > P2X(2a)R = P2X(2b)R P2X(7)R. Chimeras having the ectodomain Ile(66)-Tyr(310) sequence of P2X(2)R and Val(61)-Phe(313) sequence of P2X(7)R in the backbone of P2X(4)R were expressed but were non-functioning channels. P2X(2a) + X(4)R and P2X(2b) + X(4)R chimeras having the Val(66)-Tyr(315) ectodomain sequence of P2X(4)R in the backbones of P2X(2a)R and P2X(2b)R were functional and exhibited increased sensitivity to ligands as compared with both parental receptors. These chimeras also desensitized faster than parental receptors and in a ligand-nonspecific manner. However, like parental P2X(2b)R and P2X(2a)R, chimeric P2X(2b) + X(4)R desensitized more rapidly than P2X(2a) + X(4)R, and the rate of desensitization of P2X(2a)+X(4)R increased by substituting its Arg(371)-Pro(376) intracellular C-terminal sequence with the Glu(376)-Gly(381) sequence of P2X(4)R. These results indicate the relevance of interaction between the ectodomain and flanking regions around the transmembrane domains on ligand potency and receptor activation. Furthermore, the ligand potency positively correlates with the rate of receptor desensitization but does not affect the C-terminal-specific pattern of desensitization.  相似文献   

Upon continuous stimulation, the pore of the monovalent cation-selective P2X7 receptor (P2X7R) expands to accommodate large molecules such as N-methyl-D-glucamine (NMDG+). How the change in P2X7R permeability is regulated is not known. Here we report that extracellular Cl- (Cl-(o)) regulates the outward current, whereas extracellular Na+ (Na+(o)) regulates the inward current of large molecules by P2X7Rs. The P2X7R-mediated current was measured in parotid acinar and duct cells of wild type and P2X7R-/- mice and in HEK293 cells expressing the human or mouse P2X7R isoforms. In symmetrical NaCl, triethylammonium chloride, and NMDG+ chloride solutions, the P2X7R current followed a linear current/voltage relationship. In symmetrical NaCl, removal of Cl-(o) reduced the inward Na+ current by approximately 35% and the outward Na+ current by only 10%. By contrast, in the absence of Na+(i) and the presence of Na+(o) or NMDG+(o), the removal of Cl-(o) reduced the inward Na+ or NMDG+ currents by 35% but the outward NMDG+ current by >95%. The effect of Cl-(o) was half-maximal at approximately 60 mm. Reducing Cl-(i) from 150 to 10 mm did not reproduce the effects of Cl-(o). All currents were eliminated in P2X7R-/- cells and reproduced by expressing the P2X7Rs in HEK cells. These findings suggest that Cl-(o) primarily regulates the outward P2X7R current of large molecules. When cells dialyzed with NMDG+ were stimulated in the presence of Na+(o), subsequent removal of Na+(o) resulted in a strongly outward rectifying NMDG+ current, indicating maintained high selectivity for Na+ over NMDG+. During continuous incubation in Na+-free medium, the permeability of the P2X7Rs to NMDG+ gradually increased. On the other hand, when the cells were incubated in symmetrical NMDG+ and only then stimulated with ATP, the NMDG+ current by P2X7Rs followed a linear current/voltage relationship and did not change with time. These findings suggest that the P2X7R has a "Na+(o) memory" and that Na+(o) regulates the inward permeability of P2X7Rs to large molecules. The novel regulation of P2X7R outward and inward permeability to large molecules by Cl-(o) and Na+(o), respectively, may have an important protective function, particularly in secretory epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and other nucleotides can be released in the central and peripheral nervous systems and act as neurotransmitters/neuromodulators. They can activate G-protein coupled receptors and ligand-gated ion channels, which are present throughout the central nervous system (CNS). P2X2 is one of seven known ion channels gated by ATP, and is characterized by having two transmembrane domains, a large extracellular loop and intracellular N- and C-termini. Recently, work from several laboratories has shown that neurotransmitter receptors can interact with other proteins thereby changing their functional attributes. More specifically, it was demonstrated that P2X2 binds beta-tubulin. Our goal was to investigate this interaction, by comparing P2X2 with a naturally occurring splicing variant named P2X2b. These isoforms differ in their C-terminal regions which contain the proposed beta-tubulin-binding domain. Indeed we were able to demonstrate that only the long variant P2X2 binds beta-tubulin I in various biochemical assays. In addition, this interaction can be direct since it also occurred when the P2X2 C-terminus was exposed to purified brain tubulin. When expressed in heterologous cells, P2X2 interacted with beta-tubulin I while present on the outer membrane, as demonstrated by biotinylation of surface proteins. Therefore, the present data strongly support a functional interaction between an ATP-gated channel and the cytoskeleton. Moreover, we show a biochemical difference between the splicing alternatives that might account for novel distinct functional roles.  相似文献   

Extracellular ATP is a potent agonist of surfactant phosphatidylcholine (PC) exocytosis from type II pneumocytes in culture. We studied P1 and P2 receptor signal transduction in type II pneumocytes. The EC50 for ATP on PC exocytosis was 10(-6) M, whereas the EC50 for ADP, AMP, adenosine, and the nonmetabolizable ATP analogue alpha,beta-methylene ATP was 10(-4) M. The rank order of agonists for PC exocytosis was ATP greater than ADP greater than AMP greater than adenosine greater than alpha,beta-methylene ATP. The rank order of agonists for phosphatidylinositol (PI) hydrolysis was ATP greater than ADP, whereas AMP, adenosine, and alpha,beta-methylene ATP did not stimulate PI hydrolysis. ATP (10(-4) M) caused a 15-fold increase in adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (cAMP) production, and the nonmetabolizable adenosine analogue 5'-N-ethylcarboxyamidoadenosine (10(-6) M) increased cAMP production threefold. The effects of both these agonists on cAMP production were completely inhibited by the adenosine antagonist 8-phenyltheophylline (10(-5) M). The effects of ATP (10(-4) M) on PC exocytosis were inhibited 38% by 10(-5) M 8-phenyltheophylline. Thus, ATP regulates PC exocytosis by activating P2 receptors, which stimulate PI hydrolysis to inositol phosphate, as well as by activating P1 receptors, which stimulate cAMP production. Interactions between the P1 and P2 pathways may explain the high potency of extracellular ATP as an agonist of PC exocytosis.  相似文献   

Ran GTPase plays important roles in nucleocytoplasmic transport in interphase and in both spindle formation and nuclear envelope (NE) assembly during mitosis. The latter functions rely on the presence of high local concentrations of GTP-bound Ran near mitotic chromatin. RanGTP localization has been proposed to result from the association of Ran's GDP/GTP exchange factor, RCC1, with chromatin, but Ran is shown here to bind directly to chromatin in two modes, either dependent or independent of RCC1, and, where bound, to increase the affinity of chromatin for NE membranes. We propose that the Ran binding capacity of chromatin contributes to localized spindle and NE assembly.  相似文献   

The tumor microenvironment modulates cancer growth. Extracellular vesicles (EVs) have been identified as key mediators of intercellular communication, but their role in tumor growth is largely unexplored. Here, we demonstrate that EVs from sarcoma patients promote neoangiogenesis via a purinergic X receptor 4 (P2XR4) -dependent mechanism in vitro and in vivo. Using a proteomic approach, we analyzed the protein content of plasma EVs and identified critical activated pathways in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) and human progenitor hematopoietic cells (CD34+). We then showed that vessel formation was due to rapid mitochondrial activation, intracellular Ca2+ mobilization, increased extracellular ATP, and trafficking of the lysosomal P2XR4 to the cell membrane, which is required for cell motility and formation of stable branching vascular networks. Cell membrane translocation of P2XR4 was induced by proteins and chemokines contained in EVs (e.g. Del-1 and SDF-1). Del-1 was found expressed in many EVs from sarcoma tumors and several tumor types. P2XR4 blockade reduced EVs-induced vessels in angioreactors, as well as intratumor vascularization in mouse xenografts. Together, these findings identify P2XR4 as a key mediator of EVs-induced tumor angiogenesis via a signaling mediated by mitochondria-lysosome-sensing response in endothelial cells, and indicate a novel target for therapeutic interventions.Subject terms: Cancer microenvironment, Cell polarity  相似文献   

Membranes prepared from [3H]inositol-labeled turkey erythrocytes express a phospholipase C that is markedly stimulated by stable analogs of GTP (Harden, T. K., Stephens, L., Hawkins, P. T., and Downes, C. P. (1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 9057-9061). We now report that P2-purinergic receptor-mediated regulation of the enzyme occurs in the membrane preparation. The order of potency of a series of ATP and ADP analogs for stimulation of inositol phosphate formation, i.e. 2-methylthioadenosine 5'-triphosphate (2MeSATP) greater than adenosine 5'-O-(2-thiodiphosphate) greater than adenosine 5'-O-(3-thiotriphosphate) greater than ATP greater than 5'-adenylyl imidodiphosphate approximately ADP greater than alpha, beta-methyleneadenosine 5'-triphosphate greater than beta, gamma-methyleneadenosine 5'-triphosphate, was consistent with that for the P2Y-purinergic receptor subtype. Agonist-stimulated effects were completely dependent on the presence of guanine nucleotide. Activation of phospholipase C by guanosine 5'-O-(3-thiotriphosphate) (GTP gamma S) occurred with a considerable time lag. The rate of activation followed first order kinetics and was markedly increased by increasing concentrations of a P2Y receptor agonist; in contrast, the rate of activation at a fixed agonist concentration was independent of guanine nucleotide concentration. Addition of guanosine 5'-O-(2-thiodiphosphate) (GDP beta S) prior to addition of agonist and GTP, 5'-guanylyl imidodiphosphate (Gpp(NH)p), or GTP gamma S blocked in a concentration-dependent manner the stimulatory effect of guanine nucleotide. GDP beta S, added subsequent to preactivation of membranes with 2MeSATP and GTP gamma S or Gpp(NH)p had only small inhibitory effects on the rate of inositol phosphate production observed over the subsequent 10 min. In contrast, addition of GDP beta S to GTP-preactivated membranes resulted in a rapid return of enzyme activity to the basal state within 60 s. Taken together, the data are consistent with the idea that P2Y receptor activation increases the rate of exchange of GTP and GTP analogs for GDP on the relevant guanine nucleotide regulatory protein. Once the active enzymic species is formed, hydrolysis of guanine nucleotide reverts the enzyme to the inactive state.  相似文献   

Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the leading causes of cancer death in humans. In order to identify novel cancer-promoting genes in CRC, we here constructed a retroviral cDNA expression library from a CRC cell line RKO, and used it for a focus formation assay with mouse 3T3 fibroblasts, leading to the identification of 42 independent cDNAs. One of such cDNAs turned out to encode purinergic receptor P2Y, G-protein coupled, 2 (P2RY2). The oncogenic potential of P2RY2 was confirmed in vitro with the focus formation assay as well as soft agar-growth assay, and also in vivo with a tumorigenicity assay in nude mice. While our P2RY2 cDNA encodes a protein with two amino-acid substitutions compared to the reported one, we have confirmed that the wild-type P2RY2 has a strong transforming potential as well. These results indicate an unexpected role of P2RY2 in the carcinogenesis of human cancers.  相似文献   

Adenosine and ATP/UTP are main components of the purinergic system that modulate cellular and tissue functions via specific adenosine and P2 receptors, respectively. Here, we explored the possibility that A(1) adenosine receptor (A(1)R) and P2Y(2) receptor (P2Y(2)R) form heterodimers with novel pharmacological properties. Coimmunoprecipitation showed these receptors directly associate in A(1)R/P2Y(2)R-cotransfected HEK293T cells. Agonist binding by the A(1)R was significantly inhibited by P2Y(2)R agonists only in membranes from cotransfected cells. The functional activity of A(1)R, as indicated by the G(i/o)-mediated inhibition of adenylyl cyclase, in the cotransfected cells was attenuated by the simultaneous addition of A(1)R and P2Y(2)R agonists. The increase in intracellular Ca(2+) levels induced by P2Y(2)R activation of G(q/11) was synergistically enhanced by the simultaneous addition of an A(1)R agonist in the coexpressing cells. These results suggest that oligomerization of A(1)R and P2Y(2)R generates a unique complex in which the simultaneous activation of the two receptors induces a structural alteration that interferes signaling via G(i/o) but enhances signaling via G(q/11).  相似文献   

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