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Mitochondrial genetic variations were used to investigate the relationships between two Japanese wild boars, Japanese wild boar (Sus scrofa leucomystax) and Ryukyu wild boar (S.s. riukiuanus). Nucleotide sequences of the control (27 haplotypes) and cytochrome b (cyt-b) regions (19 haplotypes) were determined from 59 Japanese wild boars, 13 Ryukyu wild boars and 22 other boars and pigs. From phylogenetic analyses, the mtDNA of Ryukyu wild boar has a distinct lineage from that of Japanese wild boar, which was classified into the Asian pig lineage. This result suggests that the Ryukyu wild boar has a separate origin from the Japanese wild boar.  相似文献   

伏牛山北坡野猪(Sus scrofa)泥浴场的生境特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
邓天鹏  郑合勋  曾国仕 《生态学报》2009,29(2):1001-1008
2005年6月至8月,在伏牛山北坡对野猪的泥浴场特征进行了研究.野外设置了42个20×20m2样方和14个生态因子,以此为基准运用聚类分析和主成分分析的方法,对野猪泥浴场进行了分析,结果表明,野猪泥浴场的生境特征为:(1)安全舒适因子:无倒木、无树桩、隐蔽距离30m以下、黄泥土质、郁闭度80%以上;(2)植被地形因子:乔木距离适中、灌木距离小于1m、坡度小于30°;(3)植被类型因子:高度倾向阔叶林;(4)干扰因子:人为干扰距离大于500 m;(5)海拔因子:海拔高度大于1000 m.在水源距离和坡位两项上没有明显的偏向.  相似文献   

崔爽  刘丙万 《兽类学报》2020,40(4):364-373
近年来,由于野猪(Sus scrofa)数量增长和土地利用方式的变化,导致人与野猪之间的冲突不断增加。2018年8-10月在吉林省珲春地区利用东北虎声音、野猪惨叫声、狼叫声,太阳能警示灯、防兽彩带等视觉设施,东北虎粪便,综合使用东北虎声音和东北虎粪便以及电子围栏等防控措施在已使用过和未使用过防控措施的样地开展了野猪危害防控效果及空间特征研究。我们以2018年野猪危害防控研究的数据,结合2011-2017年已发表数据进一步研究了野猪危害防控措施的时空特征。防控有效期为实验开始到野猪首次进入样地发生危害的时间间隔。研究结果表明:(1)2018年实验组与对照组相比,防控有效期均存在显著差异(P< 0.001),对照组防控有效期为(1.33±0.58)d,实验组中已使用过和未使用过防控措施样地的防控有效期分别为(16.25±9.00)d和(20.58±9.61)d,防控有效期差异不显著(P=0.127);(2)2018年与2011年、2013年、2016年、2017年相比同一种防控措施的防控效果随着使用年份的增加,播放东北虎声音1min加空白5min、放置避雨装置的粪便、综合使用东北虎声音加粪便、放置红黄绿色太阳能警示灯等防控措施的防控有效期没有显著变化(P=0.200;P=0.295;P= 0.221;P=0.080;P=0.090;P=0.050);播放狼声音1min加空白5min防控效果有显著下降趋势(P=0.003);按顺序播放东北虎声音加野猪惨叫1min加空白5min组防控效果呈显著上升趋势(P=0.001),但防控有效期较短为(13.67±2.62)d,不具推广意义。因此,野猪危害防控措施中播放东北虎声音、综合使用东北虎声音和东北虎粪便、太阳能警示灯等均具有空间推广性和时间延续性。  相似文献   

森林不同土壤层全氮空间变异特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
应用经典统计学和地统计学方法,分析了八达岭地区土壤全氮(TN)在不同层次(A,B,C)的空间变异特征。同时结合地理信息系统(GIS),分析了该地区植被类型和土壤TN之间的关系。应用分类回归树模型(classification and regression trees,CART)分析了土壤TN和海拔与植被分布格局的关系。得到以下结论:(1)TN在A、B、C层平均值分别为2.94、1.30,0.63 g/kg,变异系数(CV)分别为33%、33%、45%,都表现为中等变异。(2)TN在不同土层的变异函数理论模型符合球状模型,TN在A层为弱空间相关,在B、C层为中等空间相关。(3)泛可里格插值表明,TN在不同层次都表现出了明显的空间分布趋势。不同植被类型所对应土壤全氮的空间分布则各不相同。(4)CART研究结果表明,该区植被类型分布格局可大致划分为四大部分。可初步确定海拔725m,TN含量4.23 g/kg和5.69 g/kg为影响该区植被分布格局的重要参考值。  相似文献   

For species in which reproductive success is more variable inone sex than the other, the Trivers and Willard model (TWM)predicts that females are able to adjust their offspring sexratio. High-quality mothers should provide greater investmentto one sex than the other. Previous tests of the TWM have beeninconsistent, and whether the TWM applies to species with severaloffspring per litter is unclear due to possible trade-offs betweensize, number, and sex of the offspring. Williams' model (WM)accounts for confounding effects of these trade-offs on sexratio variation. Lastly, the "extrinsic modification hypothesis"predicts changes in offspring sex ratio in relation to climaticconditions and population density. Using wild boar as a model,we tested 1) whether the WM fitted observed sex ratio variationand 2) whether sex ratio variations were related to maternalattributes (test of the TWM) and/or to resource availability(test of the extrinsic modification hypothesis). Females adjustedtheir litter size rather than their litter composition, so thatthe WM was not supported. Likewise, changes in resource availabilitydid not influence the fetal sex ratio, so that the extrinsicmodification hypothesis was not supported. The fetal sex ratiowas negatively related to increasing litter size, providingsome support for the TWM. Sex ratio was male biased for littersizes up to 6 and then became female biased in larger litters.Our results provide the first case study showing marked changesin sex ratio in relation to litter size in a large mammal.  相似文献   

Samples of blood sera and internal organs were collected from 90 shot wild boars (Sus scrofa) in five regions of Russian Federation. Blood sera were tested for antibodies against porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). In addition, samples of internal organs (lungs, lymph nodes, spleen) were tested by polymerase chain reaction (nested PCR) for PRRSV antigen. The result of our investigation showed that all samples were negative. However, PRRSV is widespread in domestic swine throughout Russia including the examined regions. Since the results show the absence of PRRSV infection in wild boars in the five examined regions of Russia, wild boars seem not to play any role in the epidemiology of PRRSV in Russia.  相似文献   

东北亚地区野猪种群mtDNA遗传结构及系统地理发生   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
研究测定了中国东北、华北及四川西部72个野猪(Susscrofa)个体线粒体控制区全序列,并结合GenBank报道的日本野猪(S.s.leucomystax)、琉球野猪(S.s.riukiuanus)72个同源区序列,分析了东北亚地区野猪线粒体DNA的变异及系统地理格局。在东北亚地区野猪的线粒体控制区共发现42个变异位点,均为转换,共定义了34个单元型。单元型之间的系统发生分析表明,东北亚地区野猪来自同一祖先。东北亚地区野猪现生种群具有显著的种群遗传结构,其中日本野猪与分布于中国东北地区的东北野猪之间亲缘关系较近;而琉球野猪则与华北野猪间亲缘关系较近,与日本野猪和东北野猪间的关系相对较远。嵌套进化枝系统地理分析(Nestedcladephylogeographicalanalysis,NCPA)表明:东北亚地区野猪由同一祖先经过长距离的迁徙而形成现生各种群(或亚种);琉球野猪应起源于大陆野猪,其种群演化可能经历了片断化事件;华北野猪呈现南部种群遗传多样性高的特点,其种群内部曾经历了一次分布区由南向北的扩张  相似文献   

A climate envelope approach was used to model the distributions of the intertidal gastropod Patella rustica , to test the robustness of forecast responses to climate change. The model incorporated variables that were likely to determine the abundance and the northern range limit of this species in the NE Atlantic. The model was built using classification and regression tree analysis (CART) trained with historical distribution data from the mid 1950s and a set of corresponding climatic and oceanographic variables. Results indicated air and sea temperature, in particular during the reproductive and settlement periods, as the main determinants of the Atlantic distribution of P. rustica . The model was subsequently fed with contemporary climatic data and its output was compared with the current distribution and abundance of P. rustica , assessed during a 2002–2003 survey. The model correctly hindcasted the recent collapse of a distributional gap in northern Portugal, as well as an increase in abundance at locations within its range. The predicted northward expansion of the northern range limit did not occur because the absence of the species was confirmed in a survey encompassing the whole Atlantic French coast up to Brest. Stretches of unsuitable habitat too long to be overcome by dispersal are the likely mechanism controlling the northern limit of the distribution of this intertidal species.  相似文献   

为了解浙江清凉峰国家级自然保护区内野猪(Sus scrofa)的分布及活动节律,2018年3月至2019年2月,我们利用红外相机技术对其进行了网格化监测。在千顷塘和龙塘山区域总计布设109个红外相机监测点,共计调查39 240个相机日。结果表明,在千顷塘区域,野猪倾向于在落叶阔叶林(拍摄率5.33 ±5.64)和针阔混交林(3.75 ±3.46)活动,而在龙塘山区域,则倾向于针阔混交林(4.32 ±5.21);千顷塘与龙塘山区域野猪各月间的日活动差异指数α均存在极显著差异(P < 0.01),冬季的α值高于其他季节;昼行性指数β的平均值分别为0.870和0.768,显著高于理论值13/24(P < 0.01),表明清凉峰的野猪种群具有明显的昼行性特征,且在冬季的活动时间分配较之其他季节更不均匀。通过核密度估计法分析不同季节野猪的日活动节律发现,保护区内野猪春季有晨昏两个活动高峰(08:00-10:00、17:00-19:00),冬季活动高峰出现在午后(13:00-17:00),其他季节无明显活动高峰。本研究有助于加深对野猪华南亚种生态习性的认知,为保护区的野生动物管理工作提供科学依据。  相似文献   

An association study was carried out to examine the influence of methylmalonyl-CoA mutase (MUT) polymorphisms on the susceptibility of a well-studied wild boar population from southern Spain to develop bovine tuberculosis (bTB). To this end, we examined polymorphisms at a closely linked dinucleotide microsatellite flanking exon 2 of the MUT gene in 37 wild boars with bTB and 36 non-infected individuals. The microsatellite showed low polymorphism in the studied population, with only three alleles (MUTm-A, MUTm-B and MUTm-C) found, in contrast to the 11 alleles previously reported for domestic pigs. Our case-control study showed that the MUTm-B allele was associated with disease in a dominant pattern (odds ratio = 3.36; 95% CI = 1.05-10.72; P = 0.04), while the MUTm AA genotype appeared to have a protective effect against bTB infection (odds ratio = 4.33; 95% CI = 1.20-14.96; P = 0.02). Interestingly, infected wild boars heterozygous for MUTm AB are at an advantage (11-fold) to contain the systemic spread of the disease when compared to other genotypes, implying that a balanced polymorphism may be present in the population. These results strengthen previous observations regarding the importance of the MUT gene on bTB resistance in wild boars and indicate that polymorphisms at this locus will influence the risk of acquiring and maintaining bTB in the studied population.  相似文献   

吉林珲春地区野猪危害防控研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
近年来人与野生动物冲突日趋严重。2012年7月到2014年10月,利用东北虎(Panthera tigris altaica)粪便、声音在吉林珲春地区开展了野猪(Sus scrofa)危害防控研究。以采取防控措施起始时间到野猪进入实验样地或对照样地的时间间隔作为防控有效期;以实验结束时实验样地内放置东北虎粪便、东北虎声音播放器位置或对照样地中心点与样地内野猪危害发生处的最短距离作为防控范围。将防控有效期和防控范围分别转化为有效期指数和范围指数。结果表明:(1)东北虎粪便对野猪危害防控效果显著,与对照组相比,有效期指数和范围指数均存在显著差异(P0.05);(2)东北虎声音对野猪危害防控效果显著,与对照组相比,有效期指数和范围指数均差异显著(P0.05);(3)同时应用东北虎粪便和声音防控野猪危害效果显著,与对照组相比,有效期指数和范围指数均差异显著(P0.05);(4)单独应用东北虎粪便、单独应用东北虎声音与同时应用东北虎粪便和声音的各种防控方法之间,有效期指数和范围指数无显著差异(P0.05)。本研究认为,东北虎粪便、声音对野猪危害防控效果显著与东北虎是野猪天敌,且珲春地区存在东北虎有关。  相似文献   

冬季清凉峰山区小麂和野猪的生境选择及差异   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
从2005 年11 月5 日至2006 年1 月21 日,为了评估小麂和野猪的生境选择及其差异,我们在浙江清凉峰国家级自然保护区核心区共设置了248 个样方群。研究发现,两者都选择平缓坡的灌丛植被、草本密度小、离住宅较近和离隐蔽物距离适中的生境,表现了它们的生境选择有一定的重叠性。但是它们也表现出生境选择的一些差异,小麂选择乔木密度适中、灌丛密度大和郁闭度适中的生境,而野猪选择乔木密度小的生境,随机地使用各类灌丛密度和郁闭度的生境。小麂还选择北坡、离水源距离较远的生境,野猪只是随机地使用不同的坡向和离水源距离的生境。分析两者共存的机制,我们发现小麂采取隐藏策略而野猪采取逃跑策略来避敌和利用资源,即它们之间存在与反捕食策略相关的生境选择差异。

Abstract. Separate logistic regression models were developed to predict the distribution and large-scale spatial patterns of dominant graminoid species and communities in alpine grasslands. The models are driven by four bioclimatic parameters: degree-days of growing season (basis 0 °C), a moisture index for July, potential direct solar radiation for March, and a continentality index. Geology and slope angle were used as a surrogate for nutrient availability and soil water capacity. The bioclimatic parameters were derived from monthly mean temperature, precipitation, cloudiness and potential direct solar radiation. The environmental parameters were interpolated using a digital elevation model with a resolution of 50 m. The vegetation data for model calibration originate from field surveys and literature. An independent test data set with samples from three different climatic zones was used to test the model. The degree of coincidence between simulated and observed patterns was similar for species and communities, but the κ-values for communities were generally higher (κ= 0.539) than for species (mean individual κ= 0.201). Information on land use was detected as a major factor that could significantly improve both the species and the community model. Nevertheless, the climatic factors used to drive the model explained a major part of the observed patterns.  相似文献   

Dioecy is a rare breeding system in flowering plants, but one that has evolved multiple times in different plant lineages. Dioecious species are commonly associated with several ecological traits, including woody habit, fleshy fruit, and small, inconspicuous flowers, although the significance of these correlations has been debated extensively. Monoecy is a breeding system that may lead to the evolution of dioecy, but ecological correlates of monoecious species have rarely been analyzed. We determined the diversity of breeding systems in the littoral forests of Madagascar and used multivariate methods to estimate which ecological traits have the strongest association with dioecy and are the best predictors of breeding systems. The Malagasy littoral forest flora is a well‐documented subset of the Malagasy flora, with 13 percent of total species diversity in an area <1 percent of the island's total. We found high levels of dioecy (18.4%) and monoecy (9.2%), similar to incidences in other tropical floras. Using multinomial logistic regression, dioecy has the strongest association with woody habit and fleshy fruit. Monoecious species have a strong association with small flowers, although this association does not hold at higher taxonomic levels. Using classification and regression tree (CART) methods, the best predictors of dioecy are woody habit and fleshy fruit; monoecy is equally predicted by fleshy and dry fruit. For the Malagasy littoral forest, both methods provide further support for the importance of woody habit and fleshy fruit in the evolution of dioecy.  相似文献   

Aim Elucidating the environmental limits of coral reefs is central to projecting future impacts of climate change on these ecosystems and their global distribution. Recent developments in species distribution modelling (SDM) and the availability of comprehensive global environmental datasets have provided an opportunity to reassess the environmental factors that control the distribution of coral reefs at the global scale as well as to compare the performance of different SDM techniques. Location Shallow waters world‐wide. Methods The SDM methods used were maximum entropy (Maxent) and two presence/absence methods: classification and regression trees (CART) and boosted regression trees (BRT). The predictive variables considered included sea surface temperature (SST), salinity, aragonite saturation state (ΩArag), nutrients, irradiance, water transparency, dust, current speed and intensity of cyclone activity. For many variables both mean and SD were considered, and at weekly, monthly and annually averaged time‐scales. All were transformed to a global 1° × 1° grid to generate coral reef probability maps for comparison with known locations. Model performance was compared in terms of receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves and area under the curve (AUC) scores. Potential geographical bias was explored via misclassification maps of false positive and negative errors on test data. Results Boosted regression trees consistently outperformed other methods, although Maxent also performed acceptably. The dominant environmental predictors were the temperature variables (annual mean SST, and monthly and weekly minimum SST), followed by, and with their relative importance differing between regions, nutrients, light availability and ΩArag. No systematic bias in SDM performance was found between major coral provinces, but false negatives were more likely for cells containing ‘marginal’ non‐reef‐forming coral communities, e.g. Bermuda. Main conclusions Agreement between BRT and Maxent models gives predictive confidence for exploring the environmental limits of coral reef ecosystems at a spatial scale relevant to global climate models (c. 1° × 1°). Although SST‐related variables dominate the coral reef distribution models, contributions from nutrients, ΩArag and light availability were critical in developing models of reef presence in regions such as the Bahamas, South Pacific and Coral Triangle. The steep response in SST‐driven probabilities at low temperatures indicates that latitudinal expansion of coral reef habitat is very sensitive to global warming.  相似文献   

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