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The role of Southern European peninsulas as glacial refugia for temperate species has been widely established, but phylogeographic patterns within refugia are being only recently addressed. Here we describe the phylogeographic patterns for Southern water vole ( Arvicola sapidus ) in its whole distribution across Iberia and France. Control region and cytochrome b sequences were obtained for 228 samples from 130 localities across Iberia and France. Eighty-five haplotypes were found in total yielding a high overall mitochondrial diversity (π = 0.027; H  = 0.974). Phylogeographic structure was relatively shallow (3.1% average intraspecific divergence) with few supported clades and 95% and 90% maximum parsimony unconnected networks, but significant, as reflected in increased pairwise nucleotide divergences with distance ( r  = 0.197, P  = 0.03) and significant autocorrelation up to ∼500 km. Spatial analysis of molecular variance analysis detected seven geographical groups explaining 43.73% of the total mitochondrial variation. We detected demographic expansions in three of these groups. A recent colonization of France from Iberia was suggested and estimated around 62 000 years bp by an isolation-with-migration model. Our results suggest the contribution of episodes of isolation in glacial subrefugia in Iberia, but seem to exclude a long-term isolation over successive glacial cycles. Phylogeographic divergence was probably tempered by relatively large population sizes and rapid and extensive mixing among subrefugia during interglacials, that might have eroded the phylogeographic structure accumulated at glacial peaks. Phenotypic differences in A. sapidus do not delineate historically isolated intraspecific divisions and do not warrant subspecific delimitations. Our results do support the existence of subrefugia within Iberia and their role in promoting intraspecific divergences.  相似文献   

There is now considerable evidence for the survival of temperate species within glacial refugia that were situated at relatively high latitudes, notably the Carpathian Basin and Dordogne region in Europe. However, the prevalence of fossil remains in such locations is rarely matched by molecular evidence for their contribution to subsequent geographical and demographic expansion of the species in question. One obstacle to this has been insufficient analysis of modern samples from the relevant areas, in particular the parts of eastern Europe that surround the Carpathian refugium. In the present study, we examine the patterns of variation in mitochondrial DNA of the common vole (Microtus arvalis), obtained from existing museum specimens and from newly‐collected samples obtained in this area. We show that common voles from one of six extant mitochondrial DNA lineages have colonized most of the species' range in eastern Europe. We contend that the post‐glacial dispersal of this lineage most likely originated from the Carpathian refugium, adding support to the argument that such northern refugia made an important contribution to existing genetic diversity in Europe. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, ●● , ●●–●●.  相似文献   

Phylogeography can help to determine LGM refugia and postglacial migration routes. However, the locations of LGM refugial areas in eastern Europe are not clear. Moose (Alces alces) is presently a common species in central and north-eastern Europe, but there are no studies showing its phylogenetic pattern and genetic diversity across its whole continuous range. Moose never became extinct in the eastern part of its range, and the eastern mtDNA lineage has the largest effective population size. The present study shows the phylogeographic pattern and genetic diversity of European moose and compares the results of mtDNA analyses with the archaeological record of the species to identify its LGM refugia and postglacial migration routes. I combined the mtDNA control region sequences obtained in all studies of moose in Europe and western Asia. The genetic data were then compared with the archaeological records of the species dated to the LGM. I found that the European moose lineage inhabits Europe and western Asia. It is composed of two clades: the eastern and the central-western, consisting of a total of six discrete haplogroups. The most complex, the eastern clade, has the largest range. Some of the haplogroups have narrow or scattered distributions and two are common in almost the whole range. Genetic diversity hotspots were detected in contact zones of different mtDNA haplogroups rather than in the LGM refugial areas of moose. Archaeological records dated to the LGM were found in several localities in central, southern and eastern Europe as well as in western Asia. The range of the moose during the LGM was much larger than previously thought. The eastern clade survived the LGM in western Siberia, the Ural Mountains and Russian plain. LGM refugia of moose were also located in the Caucasus, Carpathians, Balkans and northern Italy.  相似文献   

Aim There is a need for more Southern Hemisphere phylogeography studies, particularly in Australia, where, unlike much of Europe and North America, ice sheet cover was not extensive during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). This study examines the phylogeography of the south‐east Australian montane tree species Eucalyptus regnans. The work aimed to identify any major evolutionary divergences or disjunctions across the species’ range and to examine genetic signatures of past range contraction and expansion events. Location South‐eastern mainland Australia and the large island of Tasmania. Methods We determined the chloroplast DNA haplotypes of 410 E. regnans individuals (41 locations) based on five chloroplast microsatellites. Genetic structure was examined using analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA), and a statistical parsimony tree was constructed showing the number of nucleotide differences between haplotypes. Geographic structure in population genetic diversity was examined with the calculation of diversity parameters for the mainland and Tasmania, and for 10 regions. Regional analysis was conducted to test hypotheses that some areas within the species’ current distribution were refugia during the LGM and that other areas have been recolonized by E. regnans since the LGM. Results Among the 410 E. regnans individuals analysed, 31 haplotypes were identified. The statistical parsimony tree shows that haplotypes divided into two distinct groups corresponding to mainland Australia and Tasmania. The distribution of haplotypes across the range of E. regnans shows strong geographic patterns, with many populations and even certain regions in which a particular haplotype is fixed. Many locations had unique haplotypes, particularly those in East Gippsland in south‐eastern mainland Australia, north‐eastern Tasmania and south‐eastern Tasmania. Higher haplotype diversity was found in putative refugia, and lower haplotype diversity in areas likely to have been recolonized since the LGM. Main conclusions The data are consistent with the long‐term persistence of E. regnans in many regions and the recent recolonization of other regions, such as the Central Highlands of south‐eastern mainland Australia. This suggests that, in spite of the narrow ecological tolerances of the species and the harsh environmental conditions during the LGM, E. regnans was able to persist locally or contracted to many near‐coastal refugia, maintaining a diverse genetic structure.  相似文献   

A phylogeographic analysis of the control region of mitochondrial DNA was done in 346 individuals of the red‐legged partridge Alectoris rufa (Linnaeus 1758), sampled throughout the species distribution range. The analysis indicated that there is no distinct intraspecific phylogeographical structure, in contrast to earlier studies with lower number of samples. The results are not in accord with the expected distribution of three A. rufa subspecies based on morphological characters (A. r. rufa, A. r. intercedens and A. r. hispanica). The results do not provide statistical support for the five groups (or management units) proposed in some earlier papers because the variation within populations is greater than that found among populations. The absence of a population structure might be a consequence of management activity, consisting of release into the field of individuals bred in farms with no control of their genetic identity and geographic origin. Only the north‐west Iberian populations show a weak population structure, suggesting that A. r. hispanica may have suffered less human influence.  相似文献   

Patterns of common recolonization routes from glacial refugia to Central Europe during the Pleistocene are generalized to paradigms of postglacial recolonization in Europe. Recent studies indicate, however, that the actual phylogeographic history of many species might be more complex and cannot be simplified to generalized patterns. Burnet moths of the Zygaena transalpina complex represent a group of closely related taxa, which are considered as a typical example for these generalized patterns. At present, three groups are recognized that are assumed to have spread from three classical refugia in Western Europe, Italy and the Balkans to Central Europe. Here, we re‐investigate their phylogeography using a combined molecular and morphometric approach. Phylogenetic and nested clade phylogeographic analyses of 476 samples from 55 localities taken from Southern and Central Europe reveal that the Zygaena transalpina complex consists of three distinct haplotype clusters, which geographically roughly correspond to possible refugia in Western Europe, Italy and the Balkans. A synthesis of the data with a geometric morphometry dataset of 425 specimens from 46 localities corroborates this molecular result but differs in several aspects. Important new aspects are multiple refugia of the western ‘hippocrepidis’ branch and micro‐habitats within the Alps of the central ‘transalpina’ branch. Further, our results display a more complex phylogeographic pattern for this species complex, which is not tractable with a rigid, generalized pattern.  相似文献   

The red‐legged partridge, Alectoris rufa, is an endemic species of the southwestern Mediterranean, and the most popular game bird in the Iberian Peninsula. A total of 27 microsatellite loci was isolated from an enriched genomic library of A. rufa. Six perfect GT microsatellites were characterized and optimized in 45 individuals of A. rufa. All loci revealed high levels of polymorphism with a number of alleles that ranged from three to 13. Observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.2 to 0.6. Cross‐species amplification showed that all loci were also polymorphic in rock partridge, Alectoris graeca. The new markers will be useful in determining hybridization between both species of Alectoris.  相似文献   

Frequently, Pleistocene climatic cycling has been found to be the diver of genetic structuring in populations, even in areas that did not have continental ice sheets, such as on the Qinghai‐Tibetan Plateau (QTP). Typically, species distributed on the plateau have been hypothesized to re‐treat to south‐eastern refugia, especially during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). We evaluated sequence variation in the mitochondrial DNA gene Cytb and the nuclear DNA gene RAG‐1 in Rana kukunoris, a species endemic to the QTP. Two major lineages, N and S, were identified, and lineage N was further subdivided into N1 and N2. The geographical distribution and genealogical divergences supported the hypothesis of multiple refugia. However, major lineages and sublineages diverged prior to the LGM. Demographical expansion was detected only in lineage S and sublineage N2. Sublineage N1 might have survived several glacial cycles in situ and did not expand after the LGM because of the absence of suitable habitat; it survived in river islands. Genetic analysis and environment modelling suggested that the north‐eastern edge of QTP contained a major refugium for R. kukunoris. From here, lineage S dispersed southwards after the LGM. Two microrefugia in northern Qilian Mountains greatly contributed to current level of intraspecific genetic diversity. These results were found to have important implications for the habitat conservation in Northwest China.  相似文献   

Aim At the height of glaciations such as the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), benthic life on polar continental shelves was bulldozed off nearly all of the Antarctic shelf by grounded ice sheets. The origins of the current shelf benthos have become a subject of considerable debate. There are several possible sources for the current Antarctic shelf fauna, the first of which is the continental slope and deep sea of the Southern Ocean. The high levels of reported eurybathy for many Antarctic species are taken as evidence supporting this. A second possible source for colonists is the southern margins of other continents. Finally, shelves could have been recolonized from refugia on the continental shelves or slopes around Antarctica. The current study investigates whether the patchily rich and abundant biota that now occurs on the Antarctic continental shelf recolonized from refugia in situ or elsewhere. Location Weddell Sea, Antarctica. Methods We examined bryozoan samples of the BENDEX, ANDEEP III and SYSTCO expeditions, as well as the literature. Using similarity matrices (Sørensen coefficient), we assessed similarities of benthos sampled from around Antarctica. By assessing numbers of species shared between differing depths and adjacent shelf areas, we evaluated the origins of cheilostome bryozoan communities. Results Bryozoans decreased from 28, 6.5 and 0.3 colonies per trawl, and 0.16, 0.046 and 0.0026 colonies per cm2 of hard surface from shelf to slope to abyssal depths. We found little and no support for recolonization of the Weddell Sea shelf by bryozoans from the adjacent slope and abyss, in the scenario of LGM faunal wipe‐out. The Weddell Sea shelf bryozoan fauna was considerably more similar to those on other Antarctic shelves than to that of the adjacent (Weddell Sea) continental slope. The known bryozoan fauna of the Weddell Sea shelf is not a subset of the Weddell Sea slope or abyssal faunas. Main conclusions We consider that the composition of the current Weddell Sea bryozoan fauna is most easily explained by in situ survival. Thus we consider that at least some of the Weddell Sea fauna persisted throughout the LGM, although not necessarily at the same locations throughout, to recolonize the large area currently occupied.  相似文献   

We developed and tested 16 new polymorphic microsatellite markers for the red‐legged partridge (Alectoris rufa): four dinucleotide, two trinucleotide, eight tetranucleotide and two pentanucleotide repeat loci. The number of alleles per locus ranged from two to 21, observed heterozygosity was from 0.03 to 1.00 and expected heterozygosity was comprised between 0.18 and 0.91. Cross‐specific amplification in others members of the Phasianidae family highlighted the potential usefulness of these molecular markers for the study of related species.  相似文献   

The increasing aridity during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) has been proposed as a major factor affecting Neotropical species. The character and intensity of this change, however, remains the subject of ongoing debate. This review proposes an approach to test contrasting paleoecological hypotheses by way of their expected demographic and genetic effects on Neotropical cloud forest species. We reviewed 48 paleoecological records encompassing the LGM in the Neotropics. The records show contrasting evidence regarding the changes in precipitation during this period. Some regions remained fairly moist and others had a significantly reduced precipitation. Many paleoecological records within the same region show apparently conflicting evidence on precipitation and forest stability. From these data, we propose and outline two demographic/genetic scenarios for cloud forests species based on opposite precipitation regimes: the dry refugia and the moist forests hypotheses. We searched for studies dealing with the population genetic structure of cloud forest and other montane taxa and compared their results with the proposed models. To date, the few available molecular studies show insufficient genetic evidence on the predominance of glacial aridity in the Neotropics. In order to disentangle the climatic history of the Neotropics, the present study calls for a general multi‐disciplinary approach to conduct future phylogeographic studies. Given the contradictory paleoecological information, population genetic data on Neotropical cloud forest species should be used to explicitly test the genetic consequences of competing paleoecological models.  相似文献   

A diversity of evolutionary processes can be responsible for generating and maintaining biodiversity. Molecular markers were used to investigate the influence of Plio-Pleistocene climatic oscillations on the evolutionary history of taxa restricted to the freshwaters of a classical glacial refugium. Population genetic, phylogenetic and phylogeographical methods allowed the inference of temporal dynamics of cladogenesis and processes shaping present-day genetic constitution of Barbus sclateri , a polytypic taxon found in several independent river drainages in southern Iberian Peninsula. Results from different analyses consistently indicate several range expansions, high levels of allopatric fragmentation, and admixture following secondary contacts throughout its evolutionary history. Using a Bayesian demographical coalescent model on mitochondrial DNA sequences calibrated with fossil evidence, all cladogenetic events within B. sclateri are inferred to have occurred during the Pleistocene and were probably driven by environmental factors. Our results suggest that glaciation cycles did not inhibit cladogenesis and probably interacted with regional geomorphology to promote diversification. We conclude that this polytypic taxon is a species complex that recently diversified in allopatry, and that Pleistocene glaciation–deglaciation cycles probably contributed to the generation of biological diversity in a classical glacial refugium with high endemicity.  相似文献   

Chromosome-specific paints from macrochromosomes 1-9 and Z of the chicken were hybridised to metaphases of the red-legged partridge and revealed no inter-chromosomal rearrangements. The results from chromosome painting are similar to previous studies on the Japanese quail but different from findings in guinea fowl and several species of pheasant. The difference in centromere position in chicken and partridge chromosome 4, previously assumed to be the result of an inversion, was confirmed. However, FISH mapping of BAC clones from chicken chromosome 4 revealed that the order of loci was the same in both species, indicating the occurrence of a neocentromere during divergence.  相似文献   

Unlike other migratory hummingbirds in North America, the broad‐tailed hummingbird (Selasphorus platycercus) exhibits both long‐distance migratory behaviour in the USA and sedentary behaviour in Mexico and Guatemala. We examined the evolution of migration linked to its northward expansion using a multiperspective approach. We analysed variation in morphology, mitochondrial and nuclear DNA, estimated migration rates between migratory and sedentary populations, compared divergence times with the occurrence of Quaternary climate events and constructed species distribution models to predict where migratory and sedentary populations resided during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and Last Interglacial (LIG) events. Our results are consistent with a recent northward population expansion driven by migration from southern sedentary populations. Phylogeographical analyses and population genetics methods revealed that migratory populations in the USA and sedentary populations in Mexico of the platycercus subspecies form one admixed population, and that sedentary populations from southern Mexico and Guatemala (guatemalae) undertook independent evolutionary trajectories. Species distribution modelling revealed that the species is a niche tracker and that the climate conditions associated with modern obligate migrants in the USA were not present during the LIG, which provides indirect evidence for recent migratory behaviour in broad‐tailed hummingbirds on the temporal scale of glacial cycles. The finding that platycercus hummingbirds form one genetic population and that suitable habitat for migratory populations was observed in eastern Mexico during the LIG also suggests that the conservation of overwintering sites is crucial for obligate migratory populations currently facing climate change effects.  相似文献   

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