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The genetic mechanisms that control the establishment of early polarities and their link with embryonic axis specification and patterning seem to substantially diverge across vertebrates. In amphibians and teleosts, the establishment of an early dorso-ventral polarity determines both the site of axis formation and its rostro-caudal orientation. In contrast, amniotes retain a considerable plasticity for their site of axis formation until blastula stages and rely on signals secreted by extraembryonic tissues, which have no clear equivalents in the former, for the establishment of their rostro-caudal pattern. The rationale for these differences remains unknown. Through detailed expression analyses of key development genes in a chondrichthyan, the dogfish Scyliorhinus canicula, we have reconstructed the ancestral pattern of axis specification in jawed vertebrates. We show that the dogfish displays compelling similarities with amniotes at blastula and early gastrula stages, including the presence of clear homologs of the hypoblast and extraembryonic ectoderm. In the ancestral state, these territories are specified at opposite poles of an early axis of bilateral symmetry, homologous to the dorso-ventral axis of amphibians or teleosts, and aligned with the later forming embryonic axis, from head to tail. Comparisons with amniotes suggest that a dorsal expansion of extraembryonic ectoderm, resulting in an apparently radial symmetry at late blastula stages, has taken place in their lineage. The synthesis of these results with those of functional analyses in model organisms supports an evolutionary link between the dorso-ventral polarity of amphibians and teleosts and the embryonic-extraembryonic organisation of amniotes. It leads to a general model of axis specification in gnathostomes, which provides a comparative framework for a reassessment of conservations both among vertebrates and with more distant metazoans.  相似文献   



The subkingdom Bilateria encompasses the overwhelming majority of animals, including all but four early-branching phyla: Porifera, Ctenophora, Placozoa, and Cnidaria. On average, these early-branching phyla have fewer cell types, tissues, and organs, and are considered to be significantly less specialized along their primary body axis. As such, they present an attractive outgroup from which to investigate how evolutionary changes in the genetic toolkit may have contributed to the emergence of the complex animal body plans of the Bilateria. This review offers an up-to-date glimpse of genome-scale comparisons between bilaterians and these early-diverging taxa. Specifically, we examine these data in the context of how they may explain the evolutionary development of primary body axes and axial symmetry across the Metazoa. Next, we re-evaluate the validity and evolutionary genomic relevance of the zootype hypothesis, which defines an animal by a specific spatial pattern of gene expression. Finally, we extend the hypothesis that Wnt genes may be the earliest primary body axis patterning mechanism by suggesting that Hox genes were co-opted into this patterning network prior to the last common ancestor of cnidarians and bilaterians.  相似文献   

In a sample of 83 dogfish, Scyliorhinus canicula , 30% were found to be infected with trypanosomes during the summer of 1981 at Plymouth. Infected fish were over 53.0 cm total length and slightly anaemic, reflected in a 4.6% reduction in circulating erythrocytes with a small (0.6%) increase in leucocytes. Individual differences in serum proteins did not correlate with infection, although spleens from infected fish showed lymphoid aggregations around blood vessels. Parasitaemias were consistently low, ranging between 1.5×l03 and 6.O×103ml−1. No dividing forms were found in the peripheral blood or lymphomyeloid tissues, although two size forms were found in the peripheral blood. The trypanosome, Trypanosoma scyllii , is described from living and stained preparations and has been successfully maintained in laboratory culture.  相似文献   

1. Pepsin II extracted from the gastric mucosa of Scyliorhinus canicula has been characterized and compared to calf chymosin. 2. The kcat and Km of the dogfish enzyme for the synthetic hexapeptide Leu-Ser-Phe(NO2)-Nle-Ala-Leu-OMe have been determined. The kcat/Km ratio is close to that of calf chymosin. Its milk-clotting efficiency is however 21-fold lower than that of calf chymosin. 3. The proteolytic activity against haemoglobin is optimal at pH 2.5. It clots the milk up to pH 6.8. 4. The dogfish pepsin II shows relatively better activity at low temperatures than calf chymosin.  相似文献   

Summary Clearance and subsequent localisation of a range of materials, including colloidal carbon, latex beads, sheep erythrocytes, bacteria and dextran were followed in the lesser spotted dogfish, Scyliorhinus canicula. It was found that two populations of peripheral blood leucocytes — monocytes and thrombocytes, but not granulocytes — were involved in clearance of the circulation. In the case of carbon, this material was cleared from the plasma after 12 h, and both the colloid-containing thrombocytes and monocytes disappeared from circulation by 8 weeks post injection. Upon injection of some of the materials, and particularly bacteria, a settling out of monocytes containing phagocytosed material was seen in the secondary lamellae and cavernous bodies of the gills. Large clumps of monocytes were found in the gills as early as 30 min post injection and these increased in size for up to one week, after which they gradually dispersed. The lining cells of the cavernous body, known as CB cells, were also responsible for the sequestration of carbon, latex beads and probably erythrocytes, but dextran and bacteria were not internalised. The origin, functions and phylogenetic significance of the CB cells are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary During the last 15 years we have gained considerably more knowledge about the anatomy, physiology and molecular sequences of the modern agnathans. This knowledge has been analysed with modern systematic techniques which provide clear, unambiguous statements of relationships. At present there is a conflict between the results obtained using morphological/physiological data and that using molecular data. During the next few years it is likely that more molecular sequences will become available for analysis. Whether this will fuel the conflict or resolve the issue remains to be seen.The great increase in our knowledge of the diversity of fossil agnathans is continuing to provide much new anatomical information and this allows more firmly based phylogenies to be constructed. From these we may be able to delimit more precisely the course of evolutionary changes of functional systems in the early history of vertebrates.Many of our decisions concerning primitiveness or degeneracy of the modern agnathans can be gained through study of the ontogenetic development and the variation between the ontogenies from species to species. Lampreys are relatively well known in this respect. However, we lack comparable detailed studies of the development of hagfishes. A major research field is here waiting to be reaped.  相似文献   

Structural studies on the thymus of the dogfish, Scyliorhinus canicula L.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Histological and ultrastructural studies of the thymus of the dogfish, Scyliorhinus canicula L., revealed paired lobular masses above the first two gill arches of embryonic and newly hatched dogfish, involuting at approximately 3 weeks. It did not have defined cortex and medullary regions and ultrastructural investigations showed the tissue to be composed mainly of a range of different sized lymphocytes within a connective tissue capsule and reticular epithelial cell framework. Lymphoblasts often in mitosis were also present being more electron lucent and larger than lymphocytes. Macrophages contained cellular debris and frequently whole small lymphocytes. A cell with cytoplasmic granules was occasionally observed.  相似文献   

F Guerard  Y Le Gal 《Biochimie》1989,71(6):767-770
Electrophoretic patterns of casein and casein subfractions were studied following proteolysis by dogfish pepsin II or calf chymosin. Both enzymes hydrolyze the kappa casein subfraction with the production of kappa paracasein peptide. alpha S1 and beta subfractions hydrolysis is stronger with dogfish enzyme than with chymosin. It is concluded that, despite a broader specificity, the activity spectrum of dogfish enzyme is, in many respects, similar to that of calf chymosin.  相似文献   

The genetic mechanisms, which control axis specification, apparently extensively diverge across vertebrates. In amphibians and teleosts, they are tightly linked to the establishment of an early dorso-ventral polarity. This polarity has no equivalent in amniotes, which unlike the former, retain a considerable plasticity for their site of axis formation until blastula stages and rely on signals secreted by extra-embryonic tissues for the establishment of their early rostro-caudal pattern. In order to better understand the links between these seemingly highly divergent mechanisms, we have used an evo-devo approach, aimed at reconstructing the gnathostome ancestral state and focussed on a chondrichthyan, the dogfish Scyliorhinus canicula. A detailed molecular characterization of the dogfish embryo at blastula and gastrula stages highlights striking similarities with all vertebrate model organisms including amniotes. It suggests the presence in the dogfish of territories homologous to the hypoblast and extra-embryonic ectoderm of the latter, which may therefore reflect the primitive condition of jawed vertebrates. In the ancestral state, these territories are specified at opposite sides of an early axis of bilateral symmetry, homologous to the dorso-ventral axis of amphibians and teleosts, and aligned with the later forming embryonic axis, from head to tail. Amniotes have diverged from this pattern through a posterior expansion of extra-embryonic ectoderm, resulting in an apparently radial symmetry at late blastula stages. These data delineate the broad outlines of the gnathostome ancestral pattern of axis specification and highlight an unexpected unity of mechanisms across jawed vertebrates. They illustrate the complementarity of comparative and genetic approaches for a comprehensive view of developmental mechanisms themselves. To cite this article: M. Coolen et al., C. R. Biologies 332 (2009).  相似文献   

Summary The presence and distribution of bombesin-like material were investigated in the brain of the cartilaginous fishScyliorhinus canicula using conventional immunocytochemical techniques. Perikarya containing bombesin-like immunoreactivity were identified in the hypothalamus, within the magnocellular component of the preoptic nucleus. Some immunopositive elements appeared to be of cerebrospinal fluid-contacting type. Beaded immunoreactive fibers were seen crossing the ventral telencephalon and the whole hypothalamus. An important tract of fibers was found in the infundibular floor and in the median eminence, in close contact with the vascular system of the pituitary portal plexus. A moderate number of positive fibers innervated the habenular complex and the dorsal wall of the posterior tuberculum. These findings indicate that a neuropeptide strictly related to amphibian bombesin is located in specific hypothalamic neurons ofS. canicula. The distribution of the immunoreactive fibers and terminals suggests that, in fish, this peptide, may be involved in neuroendocrine and neuromodulator functions.  相似文献   

The presence and ultrastructural features of reticulum cells and macrophages were studied in the spleen of the dogfish Scyliorhinus canicula. Three morphologically distinguishable regions of the spleen were identified: the white pulp, the red pulp and the ellipsoids. In all three, the splenic parenchyma was a meshwork supported by reticulum cells and fibres. Reticulum cells in both the white and the red pulp are irregular elements, the processes of which are joined by cell junctions and embrace developing reticular fibres. The ellipsoids of the dogfish spleen are terminal branches of the splenic arteries of the white pulp, with a sheath consisting of reticulum cells, reticular fibres, ground substance, macrophages and occasional lymphocytes. Isolated melanomacrophages also occur in the ellipsoid walls as well as in the red pulp. In both the white and the red pulp phagocytic reticulum cells, and macrophages appear frequently forming cell associations with surrounding blood cells, mainly lymphocytes. The functional significance of the ellipsoids and the cell-cell clusters of the white and the red pulp is discussed in relation to the immune capacities demonstrated in elasmobranchs.  相似文献   

The primary structure of glucagon isolated from the intestine of the common dogfish, Scyliorhinus canicula, was established as H S E G T F T S D Y S K Y M D N R R A K D F V Q W L M N T. The peptide shows four substitutions compared with human glucagon: Glu-3 for Gln, Met-14 for Leu, Asn-16 for Ser and Lys-20 for Gln. Glucagon represented the predominant molecular form of the glucagon-like immunoreactivity in the dogfish gut extracts demonstrating that the pathway of posttranslational processing of proglucagon in the gut of this fish differs markedly from the pathway in the mammalian gut.  相似文献   

 The vertebrate Hox genes have been shown to confer regional identity along the anteroposterior axis of the developing embryo, especially within the central nervous system (CNS) and the paraxial mesoderm. The notochord has been shown to play vital roles in patterning adjacent tissues along both the dorsoventral and mediolateral axes. However, the notochord’s role in imparting anteroposterior information to adjacent structures is less well understood, especially as the notochord shows no morphological distinctions along the anteroposterior axis and is not generally described as a segmental or compartmentalized structure. Here we report that four zebrafish hox genes: hoxb1, hoxb5, hoxc6 and hoxc8 are regionally expressed along the anteroposterior extent of the developing notochord. Notochord expression for each gene is transient, but maintains a definite, gene-specific anterior limit throughout its duration. The hox gene expression in the zebrafish notochord is spatially colinear with those genes lying most 3’ in the hox clusters having the most anterior limits. The expression patterns of these hox cluster genes in the zebrafish are the most direct molecular evidence for a system of anteroposterior regionalization of the notochord in any vertebrate studied to date. Received: 30 March 1998 / Accepted: 16 June 1998  相似文献   

The widely accepted phylogenctic position of Chondrichthyes as the sister group to all other living gnathostomes makes biomechanical analyses of this group of special significance for estimates of skull function in early jawed vertebrates. We review key findings of recent experimental research on the feeding mechanisms of living elasmobranchs with respect to our understanding of jaw depression mechanisms in gnathostome vertebrates. We introduce the possibility that the ancestral jaw depression mechanism in gnathostomes was mediated by the coracomandibularis muscle and that for hyoid depression by the coracohyoideus muscle, as in modern Chondrichthyes and possibly placoderms. This mechanism of jaw depression appears to have been replaced by the sternohyoideus (homologous to the coracohyoideus) coupling in Osteichthycs following the split of this lineage from Chondrichthyes. Concurrent with the replacement of the branchiomandibularis (homologous to the coracomandibularis) coupling by the sternohyoideus coupling as the dominant mechanism of jaw depression in Osteichthyes was the fusion and shift in attachment of the intcrhyoideus and intermandibularis muscles (producing the protractor hyoideus muscle, mistakenly refereed to as the geniohyoideus), which resulted in a more diversified role of the sternohyoideus coupling in Osteichthyes. The coracohyoideus coupling appears to have been already present in vertebrates where it functioned in hyoid depression, as in modern Chondrichthyes, before it acquired the additional role of jaw depression in Osteichthyes.  相似文献   

Summary The anatomy of the blood supply to the gills of the dogfish, Scyliorhinus canicula, is described. The anatomical basis for a counter-current exchange system at the respiratory surfaces is reported. Within the interbranchial septum there is a capillary network joining all the afferent branchial arterioles of the gill. The structure of the walls of the corpus cavernosum is found to be of smooth muscle cells supported by a basal lamina and connective tissue and lined by endothelial cells containing phagocytic vesicles. Both the capillary network and corpus cavernosum are suggested to function in smoothing the pressure pulses of the blood flow. Pre- and post-lamellar vessels and pre- and post-lamellar sphincters are described. The sphincters are thought to control the number of secondary lamellae physiologically in the respiratory circuit, and by retaining blood within nonperfused lamellae to act in conjunction with pillar cells (contracting in antagonism to the hydrostatic skeleton of the blood) to maintain the rigidity of secondary lamellae in the water current.Whorls of cells of unknown function are found within the interbranchial septum. In the epithelium lining the water channel large cells having a complexly branching plasma membrane and a very large central vacuole occurs. The cytoplasm lining the lumen contains numerous vacuoles each surrounded by a double membrane.This work formed part of a thesis submitted for the degree of Master of Science at the University of Bristol. I should like to thank Professor G.M. Hughes for the use of facilities in the Department of Zoology, University of Bristol.  相似文献   

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