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We have used electron microscopy and established methods of three-dimensional reconstruction to obtain structural information on the 30 nm chromatin fibers from sea cucumber sperm and chicken erythrocytes. The fibers show a longitudinal periodicity of 10–11 nm. We have interpreted this periodicity as due to a grouping of nucleosomes into disks, each disk containing about 5–6 nucleosomes. These disks are closely stacked to form the chromatin fiber. We have built a detailed model for four fibers and we have determined the approximate coordinates of all the nucleosomes in them. The average distance found between neighboring nucleosomes has a value close to 11 nm. They may be connected either as a regularly distorted helix or as a layered zigzag. The second model appears more appropriate, since in the constrictions of the fibers the nucleosomes can only be connected as a zigzag.  相似文献   

Despite over 30 years of work, the fundamental structure of eukaryotic chromatin remains controversial. Here, we review the roots of this controversy in disparities between results derived from studies of chromatin in nuclei, chromatin isolated from nuclei, and chromatin reconstituted from defined components. Thanks to recent advances in imaging, modeling, and other approaches, it is now possible to recognize some unifying principles driving chromatin architecture at the level of the ubiquitous '30 nm' chromatin fiber. These suggest that fiber architecture involves both zigzag and bent linker motifs, and that such heteromorphic structures facilitate the observed high packing ratios. Interactions between neighboring fibers in highly compact chromatin lead to extensive interdigitation of nucleosomes and the inability to resolve individual fibers in compact chromatin in situ.  相似文献   

真核生物的DNA以染色质形式通过逐级折叠压缩形成高级结构存在于细胞核中。染色质高级结构直接参与了真核基因的转录调控和其它与DNA相关的生物学事件,因此研究染色质高级结构对了解表观遗传学分子机制有着至关重要的作用。近些年,研究者们针对30 nm染色质高级结构提出了两个模型:螺线管模型和Zig-Zag模型。2014年,我们利用体外染色质组装体系重建了30 nm染色质纤维,运用高精度冷冻电镜技术得到了分辨率为11?的30 nm染色质纤维的精细结构,提出了30 nm染色质高级结构的左手双螺旋Zig-Zag模型。本文综述了30 nm染色质纤维结构研究方面的相关进展,并对30 nm染色质高级结构的表观遗传调控机理以及单分子成像和操纵技术在研究30 nm染色质高级结构中潜在的应用作出讨论和展望。  相似文献   

Cell lines derived from rat aorta and frog kidney were cultured on elastic membrane, and mechanical stress was given to the cells by stretching the membrane periodically. Cell reorientation oblique to the direction of stretching occurred as a result of the rapid withdrawal of cell periphery located along the direction of stretching and gradual extension of the cell membrane toward the direction oblique to the direction of stretching. Dynamic reorganization of stress fibers in living cells was visualized by labeling stress fibers with TRITC(3)-actin or EGFP-tagged moesin fragments with actin-binding ability. Stress fibers aligned in the direction of stretching disappeared soon after the start of stretching and then obliquely reoriented stress fibers appeared. The stretch-induced reorientation of cultured cells was suppressed by an inhibitor of stretch-activated (SA) cation channels and by a Ca(2+) chelator. However, the rearrangement of stress fibers was not affected by these agents. From these results, we suggest that Ca(2+) influx via SA channels is involved in stretch-induced cell reorientation but stress fiber rearrangement is independent of SA channels. Therefore, cell reorientation does not simply depend on the arrangement of stress fibers but may be controlled by some additional mechanism(s) which is regulated by calcium signaling.  相似文献   

ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling enzymes, such as SWI/SNF, hydrolyze thousands of ATPs to regulate gene expression on chromatin fibers. Recent mechanistic studies suggest that these enzymes generate localized changes in DNA topology that drive formation of multiple, remodeled nucleosomal states.  相似文献   

真核细胞中,基因组DNA缠绕组蛋白八聚体形成核小体,核小体再经过多层次折叠压缩形成具有高级结构的染色质.过去30多年,科学家对30 nm染色质纤维的结构进行了大量的研究,然而关于30 nm染色质纤维的精细结构仍然存在很大的争议.本文综述了近年来对30 nm染色质纤维结构的最新研究进展,并重点阐述了最近解析的30 nm染色质纤维左 手双螺旋结构.同时,我们还进一步讨论了一些对30 nm染色质纤维结构起调控作用的因子及其作用机制.最后,我们对30 nm染色质纤维结构与功能领域所面临的挑战和问题进行了展望.  相似文献   

J A Subirana 《FEBS letters》1992,302(2):105-107
The tendency of DNA to form fibers upon condensation with counterions is reviewed. It is shown that chromatin fibers may acquire a relatively constant diameter of about 30 nm simply as an optimal size achieved upon neutralization of DNA, without requiring a repetitive internal structure. Thus the size of chromatin fibers would not be determined by any specific spatial interaction between DNA and histones. The driving force for the formation of fibers in chromatin would be similar to that found in proteins when they acquire a compact globular shape.  相似文献   

Single chromatin fibers were assembled directly in the flow cell of an optical tweezers setup. A single lambda phage DNA molecule, suspended between two polystyrene beads, was exposed to a Xenopus laevis egg extract, leading to chromatin assembly with concomitant apparent shortening of the DNA molecule. Assembly was force-dependent and could not take place at forces exceeding 10 pN. The assembled single chromatin fiber was subjected to stretching by controlled movement of one of the beads with the force generated in the molecule continuously monitored with the second bead trapped in the optical trap. The force displayed discrete, sudden drops upon fiber stretching, reflecting discrete opening events in fiber structure. These opening events were quantized at increments in fiber length of approximately 65 nm and are attributed to unwrapping of the DNA from around individual histone octamers. Repeated stretching and relaxing of the fiber in the absence of egg extract showed that the loss of histone octamers was irreversible. The forces measured for individual nucleosome disruptions are in the range of 20-40 pN, comparable to forces reported for RNA- and DNA-polymerases.  相似文献   

The thermal flexibility of DNA minicircles reconstituted with single nucleosomes was measured relative to the naked minicircles. The measurement used a new method based on the electrophoretic properties of these molecules, whose mobility strongly depended on the DNA writhe, either of the whole minicircle, when naked, or of the extranucleosomal loop, when reconstituted. The experiment was as follows. The DNA length was first increased by one base-pair (bp), and the correlative shift in mobility resulting from the altered DNA writhe was recorded. Second, the gel temperature was increased so that the former mobility was restored. Under these conditions, the untwisting of the thermally flexible DNA due to the temperature shift exactly compensates for the increase in the DNA mean twist number resulting from the one bp addition. The relative thermal flexibility was then calculated as the ratio between the increases in temperature measured for the naked and the reconstituted DNAs, respectively. The figure, 0.69 (+/- 0.07), was used to derive the length of DNA in interaction with the histones, 109 (+/- 25) bp. Such length was in good agreement with the mean value of 115 bp we have previously obtained from the distribution of the angles between DNAs at the entrance and exit of similar nucleosomes measured from high resolution electron microscopy. This consistency further reinforces our previous conclusion that minicircle-reconstituted nucleosomes, with 1.3(109/83) to 1.4(115/83) turns of superhelical DNA, show no crossing of entering and exiting DNAs when the loop is in its most probable configuration, and therefore, that these nucleosomes behave topologically as "single-turn" particles. The present data are also within the range of values, 50 to 100 bp of thermally rigid DNA per nucleosome, obtained by others for yeast plasmid chromatin, suggesting that the "single-turn" particle notion may be extended to this particular case of naturally-occurring H1-free chromatin. However, these data are quite different from the 230 bp figure derived from thermal measurements of reconstituted H1-free minichromosomes. It is proposed that nucleosome interactions occurring in this chromatin, but not in yeast chromatin, may be partly responsible for the discrepancy.  相似文献   

真核生物的基因组以染色质的形式存在,染色质在真核生物的基因表达调控及胚胎发育过程中起重要作用,为表观遗传提供一个重要的信息整合平台.染色质的高级结构,特别是 30 nm染色质的动态变化在基因转录沉默和激活过程中起着重要的调控功能.但是目前对30 nm 染色质纤维的组装及其精细结构的认识还十分有限.本文通过体外表达系统,表达未经修饰的组蛋白,并利用克隆构建的601DNA均一重复序列,通过逐步降低盐离子浓度并加入组蛋白H1或镁离子的方法,体外重组均一的30 nm染色质纤维.并利用镀金属、负染色制样和冷冻电镜制样等手段通过透射式电子显微镜(TEM)对30 nm纤维结构的形成原因、组蛋白H1的作用和核小体重复单位(nucleosome repeat lengths,NRLs)长度对30 nm染色质纤维的影响进行研究.研究结果显示在组蛋白H1或二价镁离子存在的情况下,均可形成30 nm染色质纤维.其形成的染色质拓扑结构有所不同.统计分析表明,不同长度核小体重复单位(NRLs)形成的染色质纤维直径有所不同(P < 0.05).同时,我们得到了较为均一的冷冻电镜样品,为进一步研究30 nm染色质纤维的高级结构及理解体内染色质存在的形式及动态过程打下了较好的基础.  相似文献   

Sedimentation analysis has been used to compare the structure of 30-nm chromatin fibers, isolated and digested under conditions that maintain the native structure, with relaxed-refolded chromatin. The native chromatin fibers show sharp, ionic strength-dependent changes in sedimentation coefficient that are not apparent in relaxed-refolded fibers. The first transition at approximately 20 mM ionic strength reflects the organization of the 10-nm polynucleosome chain into a loose helically coiled 30-nm fiber. Between 20 and 60 mM ionic strength there is considerable interaction between nucleosomes within the coils to generate a stable helical array with 12 nucleosomes/turn. Above 60 mM ionic strength the helical coil continues to condense until it precipitates at ionic strengths slightly greater than those considered physiological, indicating that there is no end point in fiber formation. The data is incompatible with a solenoid model with 6 nucleosomes/turn and also rules out the existence of a beaded subunit structure.  相似文献   

Nucleosomes inhibit DNA repair in vitro, suggesting that chromatin remodeling activities might be required for efficient repair in vivo. To investigate how structural and dynamic properties of nucleosomes affect damage recognition and processing, we investigated repair of UV lesions by photolyase on a nucleosome positioned at one end of a 226-bp-long DNA fragment. Repair was slow in the nucleosome but efficient outside. No disruption or movement of the nucleosome was observed after UV irradiation and during repair. However, incubation with the nucleosome remodeling complex SWI/SNF and ATP altered the conformation of nucleosomal DNA as judged by UV photo-footprinting and promoted more homogeneous repair. Incubation with yISW2 and ATP moved the nucleosome to a more central position, thereby altering the repair pattern. This is the first demonstration that two different chromatin remodeling complexes can act on UV-damaged nucleosomes and modulate repair. Similar activities might relieve the inhibitory effect of nucleosomes on DNA repair processes in living cells.  相似文献   

Cell survival, tissue integrity and organismal health depend on the ability to maintain functional protein networks even under conditions that threaten protein integrity. Protection against such stress conditions involves the adaptation of folding and degradation machineries, which help to preserve the protein network by facilitating the refolding or disposal of damaged proteins. In multicellular organisms, cells are permanently exposed to stress resulting from mechanical forces. Yet, for long time mechanical stress was not recognized as a primary stressor that perturbs protein structure and threatens proteome integrity. The identification and characterization of protein folding and degradation systems, which handle force‐unfolded proteins, marks a turning point in this regard. It has become apparent that mechanical stress protection operates during cell differentiation, adhesion and migration and is essential for maintaining tissues such as skeletal muscle, heart and kidney as well as the immune system. Here, we provide an overview of recent advances in our understanding of mechanical stress protection.  相似文献   

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