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During its life cycle, the protozoan parasite Leishmania major alternates from an intracellular amastigote form in the mammalian host to a flagellated promastigote form in the insect vector. The expression of the surface metalloprotease (PSP) during differentiation in vitro was investigated by Western and Northern blots, by immunoprecipitation of cells metabolically labeled with [35S]methionine or labeled at the surface with radioactive iodine, and by quantification of the proteolytic activity in substrate-containing polyacrylamide gels. We report that the surface metalloprotease is down-regulated at both the mRNA and the protein level in amastigotes, where it represents less than 1% of the equivalent proteolytic activity detected in promastigotes. A significant amount of mRNA is detected 4 hr after the onset of differentiation. The expression of the protease begins at that time and reaches steady state 8 hr later. The synthesis of PSP precedes the complete morphological differentiation to the promastigote stage and the appearance of the lipophosphoglycan, another major promastigote surface component. In contrast to PSP, a family of mercaptoethanol-activated proteases present in the amastigote exists only at a reduced level in the promastigote. The confinement of the surface metalloprotease to the insect stage of the parasite suggests that it has no physiological function in the parasitism maintenance of mammalian host macrophages.  相似文献   

Leishmania sp. protozoa are introduced into a mammalian skin by a sandfly vector, whereupon they encounter increased temperature and toxic oxidants generated during phagocytosis. We studied the effects of 37 degrees C "heat shock" or sublethal menadione, which generates superoxide and hydrogen peroxide, on Leishmania chagasi virulence. Both heat and menadione caused parasites to become more resistant to H(2)O(2)-mediated toxicity. Peroxide resistance was also induced as promastigotes developed in culture from logarithmic to their virulent stationary phase form. Peroxide resistance was not associated with an increase in reduced thiols (trypanothione and glutathione) or increased activity of ornithine decarboxylase, which is rate-limiting in trypanothione synthesis. Membrane lipophosphoglycan increased in size as parasites developed to stationary phase but not after environmental exposures. Instead, parasites underwent a heat shock response upon exposure to heat or sublethal menadione, detected by increased levels of HSP70. Transfection of promastigotes with L. chagasi HSP70 caused a heat-inducible increase in resistance to peroxide, implying it is involved in antioxidant defense. We conclude that leishmania have redundant mechanisms for resisting toxic oxidants. Some are induced during developmental change and others are induced in response to environmental stress.  相似文献   

Leishmania braziliensis, growing axenically at 26 C and transferred to 34 C, changes within 3 hr from the long slender motile promastigote form to an ellipsoidal form with a nonmotile flagellum. This transformation is reversible for heat treatments of up to 12 hr. In this study we show by light microscopic measurements that the cells decrease in length and increase in diameter at constant volume. Quantitative morphometry of electron micrographs further demonstrates that: the distance between nucleus and kinetoplast decreases; the kinetoplast enlarges slightly; the distance between adjacent subpellicular microtubules decreases; and that after 3 hr of heat treatment there is no change in mitochondrial morphology, but after 6 hr of heat treatment the mitochondria lose their cristae and no longer possess a clearly defined double membrane. These observations are compared with the morphological changes that occur normally in the gut of a sandfly and in the in vivo transformation occurring during infection of the mammalian host and of macrophage cultures.  相似文献   

Although pentavalent antimonials are the first-line drug for treatment of visceral leishmaniasis all over the world, yet, in India, increasing number of patients are being reported to be unresponsive to sodium stibogluconate. Verapamil, a calcium channel blocker, affects drug uptake by preventing its efflux and thereby accumulation within the cell. In the present study, effect of verapamil on in vitro susceptibility of both promastigote and amastigote stages of 15 clinical isolates and standard strain of Leishmania donovani to sodium stibogluconate was evaluated by detection of acid phosphatase. Amastigotes were found more susceptible to sodium stibogluconate than the promastigotes (p<0.05) and in the presence of verapamil, IC(50) value of sodium stibogluconate was reduced only for those isolates, which had a higher IC(50). Verapamil alone did not have any effect on the parasites. The results indicate that amastigotes are more susceptible to sodium stibogluconate than promastigotes and verapamil can reverse the in vitro drug resistance of L. donovani clinical isolates to sodium stibogluconate.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Leishmaniasis is a major tropical and subtropical parasitic disease. Sodium stibogluconate, N-methyl -D-glucamine antimoniate, amphotericin B, pentamidine, and ketoconazole are drugs used to treat this disease. Some of these drugs cause severe adverse side effects and treatment failures are common. Allopurinol, a purine analog, has been used to treat leishmaniasis, alone or combined with the previously mentioned drugs. Low cost, ease of administration (oral), and lack of toxicity make allopurinol a particularly appealing candidate. METHODS: The effect of allopurinol on Leishmania infantum (MCAN/ES/89/IPZ229/1/89, zymodeme MON1) wild-type promastigotes (wt-p229), and an altered form of these promastigotes (allo-p229) resulting from long term in vitro exposure to allopurinol, was determined by [(3)H]-thymidine incorporation assays and by diverse flow cytometric approaches. RESULTS: Allopurinol arrested the proliferative capacity of wt-p229 promastigotes, reduced the proportion of viable cells, and decreased their total protein content. In contrast, allo-p229 promastigote proliferation was only slightly decelerated and the proportion of viable cells and the protein content were not affected by the allopurinol treatment. CONCLUSIONS: The flow cytometry approach allowed us to demonstrate differences in allopurinol susceptibility of the two promastigote forms, expanding the spectrum of flow cytometry applications in studies of parasite resistance.  相似文献   

Differentiation of Leishmania major promastigotes from a noninfective to an infective stage has been demonstrated for promastigotes growing within axenic culture and within the sandfly vector. We have been attempting to identify specific biochemical or antigenic changes that are associated with the development of infective-stage promastigotes. In this report we demonstrate that during growth, cultured L. major promastigotes undergo selective changes in surface carbohydrates, determined by their agglutination by plant lectins. Thus, although all promastigotes from logarithmic (log)-phase cultures were agglutinated by the two-D-galactose-binding lectins, peanut agglutinin (PNA) and Ricinus communis, identical concentrations of these lectins failed to agglutinate approximately 50% of L. major promastigotes from the stationary-phase cultures. These changes in lectin-agglutinating properties are consistent with the fact that log-phase promastigotes represent a homogeneous population of noninfective parasites, whereas up to 50% of the stationary-phase organisms appear to be transformed into infective-stage promastigotes, as determined by their ability to survive within normal resident mouse peritoneal macrophages in vitro. The identities of the populations defined by infectivity and PNA agglutination were confirmed by the purification of PNA-unagglutinated promastigotes from stationary-phase cultures, which demonstrated that 100% of these promastigotes were able to establish intracellular infections. Lectin-purified, infective-stage promastigotes from the stationary phase were compared with noninfective promastigotes from the log phase for the purpose of identifying stage-specific antigens. On the basis of Western blot analysis and the immunoprecipitation of surface-labeled organisms, we have identified an antigen of roughly 116,000 Mr that is expressed on the surface of infective but not noninfective promastigotes.  相似文献   

Protein-energy malnutrition and micronutrient deficiencies may down-regulate immune response and increase morbidity and mortality due to infection. In this study, a murine model was used to study the effects of protein, iron and zinc deficiencies on the immune response to Leishmania (Leishmania) chagasi infection. Mice were initially fed a standard diet or with a diet containing 3% casein but deficient in zinc and iron. After malnutrition was established, mice were inoculated with L. chagasi and sacrificed four weeks later in order to evaluate liver and spleen parasite loads and serum biochemical parameters. Significant decreases in liver and spleen weight, an increase in the parasite loads in these organs and decreases in serum protein and glucose concentrations in malnourished animals were observed. Furthermore, the production of interferon-gamma by spleen cells from infected malnourished mice stimulated by Leishmania antigen was significantly lower compared with that in control diet mice. These data suggest that malnutrition alters the immune response to L. chagasi infection in the BALB/c model and, in association with the effects on biochemical and anatomical parameters of the host, favored increases in the parasite loads in the spleens and livers of these animals.  相似文献   

Apoptosis in amastigotes from hamsters infected with visceral leishmaniasis was absent 30-day post-infection but appeared 90-day post-infection in the liver and spleen, as analysed using the TUNEL method. Necrosis was not present in these tissues and the nuclei of macrophages harbouring apoptotic amastigotes were preserved. Amastigote DNA fragmentation was demonstrated using agarose gel electrophoresis. DNA fragmentation was evident 90-day post-infection, coinciding with the occurrence of apoptosis of amastigotes in the tissues. Apoptosis of Leishmania amastigotes in vivo may constitute a mechanism that regulates growth of the parasite population during infection.  相似文献   

Past studies showed that Leishmania spp. promastigotes exhibit differential sensitivity to complement mediated lysis (CML) during development in vitro and in vivo. Leishmania chagasi promastigotes in cultures during logarithmic and stationary growth phases are CML-sensitive or CML-resistant when exposed to human serum, respectively, but only in cultures recently initiated with parasites from infected animals; serially passaged cultures become constitutively CML-sensitive regardless of growth phase. Building on these observations, a genetic screen was conducted to identify novel complement resistance factors of L. chagasi. A cosmid library containing genomic DNA was transfected into a promastigote line previously subjected to >50 serial passages. Selection with human serum for CML resistance yielded 12 transfectant clones. Cosmids isolated from 7 of these clones conferred CML resistance when transfected into an independent, high-passage promastigote culture; at 12% human serum, the mean survival of transfectants was 37% (+/- 11.6%), and that of control transfectants was about 1%. Inserts within the 7 cosmids were unique. Determination of the complete DNA sequence for 1 cosmid indicated that its 32-kilobase insert was 89% identical (overall) to a 31-kilobase region of Leishmania major chromosome 36, which is predicted to encode 6 genes, all of which encode hypothetical proteins.  相似文献   

The role of Proechimys semispinosus as reservoir of Leishmania (Viannia) panamensis on the Colombian Pacific coast was experimentally evaluated. The susceptibility to L. chagasi also was assessed to determine the utility of this rodent as a model for studying reservoir characteristics in the laboratory. Wild-caught animals were screened for natural trypanosomatid infections, and negative individuals were inoculated intradermally (ID) in the snout or feet with 10(7) promastigotes of L. panamensis. L. chagasi was inoculated intracardially (10(7) promastigotes) or ID in the ear (10(8) promastigotes). PCR-hybridization showed that 15% of 33 spiny rats were naturally infected with L. Viannia sp. Animals experimentally infected with L. panamensis developed non-ulcerated lesions that disappeared by the 7th week post-infection (p.i.) and became more resistant upon reinfection. Infectivity to sand flies was low ((1/2)0-(1/4)8 infected/fed flies) and transient, and both culture and PCR-hybridization showed that L. panamensis was cleared by the 13th week p.i. Animals inoculated with L. chagasi became subclinically infected and were non-infective to sand flies. Transient infectivity to vectors of spiny rats infected with L. panamensis, combined with population characteristics, e.g., abundance, exploitation of degraded habitats and high reproductive rates, could make them epidemiologically suitable reservoirs.  相似文献   

In addition to utilizing glycosylated phosphatidylinositols (GPIs) as anchors for surface proteins, protozoan parasites of the genus Leishmania synthesize two novel classes of GPI: the polydisperse lipophosphoglycans (LPGs) and a family of low molecular weight glycoinositol phospholipids (GIPLs). We now show that LPG is expressed in high copy number (6 x 10(6) molecules/cell) in the promastigote (insect) stage of L. donovani but not in the amastigote stage, which infects mammalian macrophages. Detection of these molecules was by gas chromatography-mass spectrometric analyses and by a sensitive radiolabeling procedure. In contrast, a novel family of GIPLs was present in high copy number (approximately 10(7) molecules/cell) in both promastigote and amastigote stages of L. donovani. These glycolipids were purified and analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, methylation analysis, and by chemical and enzymatic sequencing after deamination and NaB3H4 reduction. Promastigotes contained three major GIPLs species with the following generalized structure [formula: see text] where R = H for isoM2, Man alpha 1- for isoM3 or Man alpha 1-2Man alpha 1- for isoM4. Amastigotes contained two major GIPL species that lacked the alpha 1-3-linked mannose branch and had the linear structures Man alpha 1-6Man alpha 1-4GlcN (M2) and Man alpha 1-2Man alpha 1-6Man alpha 1-4GlcN (M3) linked to alkylacyl-PI. The 1-O-alkyl-2-acyl-PI moieties of all these species contained predominantly C18:0 alkyl chains and C16:0 or C18:0 fatty acids. Amastigotes contained, in addition, a GalNAc beta 1-3 terminating glycosphingolipid with homology to the mammalian para Forssman glycolipid. This glycolipid appeared to be a constituent of the parasite membrane but was not metabolically labeled with [3H]glucose, suggesting that it was acquired from host cells. These results suggest that LPG may not be required for amastigote survival in the mammalian host and that the GIPLs are likely to be major components on the surface membrane in both stages.  相似文献   

Fariha MM  Chua KH  Tan GC  Tan AE  Hayati AR 《Cytotherapy》2011,13(5):582-593
Background aimsFetal membrane from human placenta tissue has been described as a potential source of stem cells. Despite abundant literature on amnion stem cells, there are limited studies on the stem cell properties of chorion-derived stem cells.MethodsThe main aim was to determine the stemness properties of serial-passaged human chorion-derived stem cells (hCDSC). Quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was performed to reveal the following stemness gene expression in serial-passaged hCDSC: Oct-4, Sox-2, FGF-4, Rex-1, TERT, Nanog (3), Nestin, FZD-9, ABCG-2 and BST-1. Cell growth rate was evaluated from passage (P) 1 until P5. The colony-forming unit–fibroblast (CFU-F) frequency of P3 and P5 cells and multilineage differentiation potential of P5 cells were determined. The immunophenotype of hCDSC was compared using the surface markers CD9, CD31, CD34, CD44, CD45, CD73, CD90, CD117, HLA-ABC and HLA-DR, -DP and -DQ. Immunostaining for trophoblast markers was done on P0, P1, P3 and P5 cells to detect the contamination of trophoblasts in culture, while chromosomal abnormality was screened by cytogenetic analysis of P5 cells.ResultsThe surface markers for mesenchymal lineage in hCDSC were more highly expressed at P5 compared with P3 and P0, indicating the increased purity of these stem cells after serial passage. Indeed, all the stemness genes except TERT were expressed at P1, P3 and P5 hCDSC. Furthermore, human chorion contained high clonogenic precursors with a 1:30 CFU-F frequency. Successful adipogenic, chondrogenic and osteogenic differentiation demonstrated the multilineage potential of hCDSC. The karyotyping analysis showed hCDSC maintained chromosomal stability after serial passage.ConclusionshCDSC retain multipotent potential even at later passages, hence are a promising source for cell therapy in the future.  相似文献   

The in situ identification of carbohydrate structures in Trichinella spiralis intestinal larvae, adults and L1 muscular larvae was carried out by lectin histochemistry, with emphasis on the O-linked glycans. The absence of reactivity with two lectins-TML and MAL indicated that Trichinella spiralis does not synthesize sialic acid. Reactivity with HPA, VVL-B4, PNA and UEA-I staining suggested that T. spiralis synthesizes and expresses on its cuticle O-linked glycans analogous to Tn-antigen (GalNAc-α-Ser/Thr), T-antigen (Gal-β1,3-GalNAc-α-Ser/Thr) and also structures analogous to A-blood group antigens (GalNAc-α1,3-Gal-β1,3(4)-(Fuc-α1,2-)-R). Expression of the saccharidic moieties is stage-specific. Blood group-A and T-antigen structures were identified on the cuticle of the intestinal and muscular larvae. The Tn-antigen structure was missing in the intestinal larvae. Appropriate ligands for WGA were not identified in the adult individuals. The obtained results may contribute to a better understanding of the glycobiology of this parasitic nematode in relation to occupation of its intracellular niche. The presence of saccharidic structures analogous to some of those expressed on the intestinal epithelial cells may serve as a protective shield on the surface of the parasite.  相似文献   

L.d. chagasi was isolated from active cutaneous leishmaniasis in both human and canine infections in an endemic area in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Both isolates were identified by molecular and immunological characterization of the parasite using three different methods: electrophoretic mobility of isoenzymes; restriction endonuclease fragment analysis of kDNA and serodeme analysis using monoclonal antibodies. This seems to be the first well documented case in the New World of a "viscerotropic" Leishmania inducing a case of cutaneous leishmaniasis. This observation emphasizes that the diagnosis of the etiologic agent of human or canine visceral leishmaniasis based solely upon clinical and epidemiological criteria may lead to erroneous conclusions.  相似文献   



The present study aims to identify antigens in protein extracts of promastigote and amastigote-like Leishmania (Leishmania) chagasi syn. L. (L.) infantum recognized by antibodies present in the sera of dogs with asymptomatic and symptomatic visceral leishmaniasis (VL).

Methodology/Principal Findings

Proteins recognized by sera samples were separated by two-dimensional electrophoresis (2DE) and identified by mass spectrometry. A total of 550 spots were observed in the 2DE gels, and approximately 104 proteins were identified. Several stage-specific proteins could be identified by either or both classes of sera, including, as expected, previously known proteins identified as diagnosis, virulence factors, drug targets, or vaccine candidates. Three, seven, and five hypothetical proteins could be identified in promastigote antigenic extracts; while two, eleven, and three hypothetical proteins could be identified in amastigote-like antigenic extracts by asymptomatic and symptomatic sera, as well as a combination of both, respectively.


The present study represents a significant contribution not only in identifying stage-specific L. infantum molecules, but also in revealing the expression of a large number of hypothetical proteins. Moreover, when combined, the identified proteins constitute a significant source of information for the improvement of diagnostic tools and/or vaccine development to VL.  相似文献   

In areas of Leishmania chagasi transmission the ability to control leishmania infection is associated with IFN-gamma production. In visceral leishmaniasis down-regulation of T cell responses is mediated by interleukin-10 (IL-10). In this study we evaluated the lymphoproliferative response, IFN-gamma and IL-10 production on lymphocyte cultures stimulated with recombinant leishmania antigens in subjects with asymptomatic L. chagasi infection. There was a statistically significant difference in the lymphoproliferative response of the subjects with asymptomatic infection as compared to patients with visceral leishmaniasis and healthy subjects with respect to crude antigens (p<0.01), gp-63 (p<0.05) and hsp-70 (p<0. 01), as well as between asymptomatic L. chagasi infected subjects and patients with visceral leishmaniasis with respect to the response to all antigens tested. The IFN-gamma production observed in the group with asymptomatic infection with all the three recombinant antigens tested was higher (p<0.01) than that observed in patients with visceral leishmaniasis and in healthy subjects. Furthermore, in individuals with asymptomatic infection, IL-10 levels in cultures stimulated with recombinant antigens were very low. This study shows that lymphocytes from individuals with asymptomatic L. chagasi infection are able to recognize recombinant leishmania antigens with production of a cytokine that is associated with leishmania killing.  相似文献   

Kwiatkowska M 《Protoplasma》2003,222(1-2):1-11
Summary During the development of the antheridia of Chara species, dynamic changes in the occurrence and ultrastructure of plasmodesmata are observed which are closely correlated to particular developmental phases and presumably regulate the morphogenetic events in the antheridia. The disappearance of plasmodesmata between shield cells and between shied cells and the basal cell leads to a cessation in symplasmic transport around the antheridum and determines its concentric or centrifugal character via centrally situated capitular cells. Unplugged plasmodesmata are present between fully synchronously developing antheridial filament cells and obviously coordinate the development of the cells. In the middle phase of spermiogenesis, rough endoplasmic reticulum in antheridial filaments passes uncompressed through wide plasmodesmata and provides an additional transport pathway for developmental control factors. Plugged plasmodesmata link cells of different types or cells of the same type which are at different phases of cell cycle and guarantee their individual development. The plugging of plasmodesmata is a reversible process that depends on the morphogenetic situation. Plasmodesmata connecting the basal cell and the subbasal cell as well as the basal cell and capitular cells are transformed successively from the simple into the complex type and might be the pathways for an import of gibberellins and nutrients into the strong sink tissues of the developing antheridium. There is a symplasmic connection between the antheridum and the thallus via a basal cell. Prior to the initiation of spermatozoid differentiation (spermiogenesis), plasmodesmata connecting the basal cell with a subbasal cell and the basal cell with capitular cells are spontaneously broken, resulting in symplasmic isolation of the antheridium that is probably a signal which triggers the induction of spermatozoid differentiation. Premature plasmolytically evoked symplasmic isolation of the antheridium leads to the elimination of 1 to 2 cell cycles from the proliferative stage of spermatogenesis. Autoradiographic studies demonstrate that both natural and induced symplasmic isolation drastically decreases the entry of isotopically labeled gibberellic acid into antheridia of Chara species that may be the consequence of the elimination of the hormone's transport through plasmodesmata.Correspondence and reprints: Department of Cytophysiology, University of ód, ulica Pilarskiego 14, 90-231 ód, Poland.Received March 11, 2002; accepted September 19, 2002; published online August 26, 2003  相似文献   

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