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徐赫鸣  谢泽雄  刘夺  吴毅  李炳志  元英进 《遗传》2017,39(10):865-876
随着合成生物学的蓬勃发展,基因组学的研究正在由读取基因组信息拓展到以编写基因组信息为主的合成基因组学时代。2009年,由Jef D. Boeke教授提出的人工合成酵母基因组计划(Sc2.0)旨在合成世界上首个真核生物基因组。在美、中、英、法、澳大利亚、新加坡等多国科学家的努力下,目前已经完成1/3的酵母染色体的人工合成。本文从合成基因组学领域的发展历程出发,介绍了Sc2.0计划中酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)染色体设计与合成的最新进展,包括酿酒酵母9号染色体右臂、3号染色体、2号染色体、5号染色体、6号染色体、10号染色体和12号染色体的设计与合成过程,阐述了其各自的合成策略以及生物学意义,以期为合成基因组学的深入开展提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

合成基因组学标志着生命科学的研究从读取自然生命信息发展到写出人工生命信息阶段,颠覆了现有生命科学研究的范式。酵母基因组合成计划是合成基因组学研究的代表性工作,在合成型酿酒酵母基因组上开展的基因组重排研究可以揭示不同层次基因组序列与功能的关系。人工真核染色体的快速精准构建以及基因组重排近期取得一系列成果,高效提升了细胞工厂的生产效率,加速了微生物的进化和生物学知识的发现。现通过综述国内外研究现状及发展趋势,探讨合成基因组与基因重排在生命DNA设计及功能发现中的发展前景。  相似文献   

噬菌体(bacteriophage,phage)是感染细菌、真菌、放线菌或螺旋体等微生物的细菌病毒的总称。噬菌体在生态、微生物进化、细菌性疾病预防和治疗、细菌鉴定与疾病诊断等方面扮演重要角色。基因组测序技术和高效合成平台促进了合成基因组学的发展。利用合成基因组学技术,对噬菌体基因组进行设计或者合成出新的噬菌体来服务人类在不久的未来可能成为现实。但与此同时,合成噬菌体带来的风险也必须认真考虑。  相似文献   

合成生物学是一个新兴的交叉学科,近年来得到了广泛关注。本文以1992-2012年期间Web of Science数据库收录的5012篇与合成生物学相关的论文为研究对象,进行年代分布、地域分布、机构分布、研究热点等方面的计量分析,以探究合成生物领域的研究实力分布、研究热点与发展动态。通过文献计量分析发现合成生物学领域近十年来发展迅猛,美国等发达国家占据主动。我国在该领域的论文产出数量可观,但学术影响力有待提高。研究的热点主要集中在基因调控网络构建、基因基因组合成、功能回路设计等方面。  相似文献   

基因组装技术是合成生物学领域近年来发展起来的新型技术。它基于大规模基因组数据分析,发现新型的或隐藏的生物活性物质合成基因簇。利用基因组装技术,可提高或激活沉默的生物合成基因簇在微生物中的表达,从而合成潜在的、有价值的生物活性物质。本文旨在阐明最新的体内和体外基因组装技术的设计原理、关键策略及其应用。基因组装技术是合成生物学、代谢工程和功能基因组学研究的重要工具,对生物活性物质的高效生产及合成具有重要意义。  相似文献   

张双华  孙源  张治洲 《生命科学》2013,(11):1135-1143
基因组合成是合成生物学的一个重要环节,其发展将会对未来的生物、医药、农业、能源等方面的发展产生巨大的推动作用,同时DNA拼接作为基因组合成所需要的一种关键技术也日臻完备。回顾了多种DNA拼接技术,并对其中最具发展潜力的几种方法作了综述,探讨不同DNA拼接技术的原理和特点。  相似文献   

三维基因组学是一门研究基因组三维空间结构与功能的新兴学科,主要研究基因组序列在细胞核内的三维空间构象,及其对DNA复制、DNA重组、基因表达调控等生物过程的生物学效应。自染色质构象捕获技术 (3C)出现后,三维基因组学相关研究领域飞速发展。借助于3C及其衍生技术、Hi-C和ChIA-PET等技术,科学家能对各类物种的三维基因组进行更为深入的研究,从而揭示微生物、植物和动物基因组的空间构象、染色质的相互作用模式、转录调控以及不同生物学性状的形成机制;挖掘与生命活动和疾病相关的关键基因和信号通路;推动农业科学、生命科学和医学等领域的快速发展。文中就三维基因组学研究进展作一综述,主要阐述三维基因组学的概念和研究技术的发展及其在农业科学、生命科学和医学等领域的应用,尤其是肿瘤领域所取得的阶段性研究成果。  相似文献   

植物功能基因组学的研究策略   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
植物基因组学是一门研究植物基因组内基因与遗传信息是如何有机结合并如何决定其功能的一门科学。随着植物基因组计划的顺利进行 ,植物基因组学的研究已从结构基因组学转向功能基因组学。近年来 ,多采用高通量 (highthroughput,HTP)序列分析技术、大规模实验技术及计算机统计分析技术研究植物基因组功能。概述了植物功能基因组学的最新进展。  相似文献   

合成生物学是综合了科学与工程的一个崭新的生物学研究领域,为生命现象及其运动规律的解析提供了一种采用“白下而上”合成策略的正向工程学的研究思路和方法手段,在经济和社会发展中具有巨大的应用开发潜力。近年来,DNA合成与系统生物学技术的发展使生命系统复杂基因回路的设计、合成与组装逐步成为可能,并应用于生物基化学品、生物燃料、医药中间体、保健产品的生产和环境保护等领域。但是,合成生物学的研究仍然面临科学、技术和伦理的挑战,只有积极地应对这些问题,在加大研究开发支持力度的同时,做好必要的风险监管,才能真正把握合成生物学发展带来的历史机遇。  相似文献   

刘晓  熊燕  王方  赵国屏 《生命科学》2012,(11):1334-1338
合成生物学是以基因组学、系统生物学知识和分子生物学技术为基础,综合了科学与工程的一门新兴交叉学科。它使生命科学和生物技术研发进入了以人工设计、合成自然界中原本不曾出现的人造生命体系,以及对这些人工体系进行体内、体外优化,或利用这些人造生命体系研究自然生命规律为目标的新时代。然而,合成生物学研究在迅速发展、表现出巨大潜力和应用前景的同时,也引发了社会各界对相关社会、伦理、安全,以及知识产权等问题的重视与讨论。就世界各国针对合成生命对传统意义上生命概念的挑战、合成生物学产品存在的潜在风险危害、合成生物学研究的风险评估与监管等问题进行回顾综述和相关探讨。  相似文献   

As a key focus of synthetic biology, building a minimal artificial cell has given rise to many discussions. A synthetic minimal cell will provide an appropriate chassis to integrate functional synthetic parts, devices and systems with functions that cannot generally be found in nature. The design and construction of a functional minimal genome is a key step while building such a cell/chassis since all the cell functions can be traced back to the genome. Kinds of approaches, based on bioinformatics and molecular biology, have been developed and proceeded to derive essential genes and minimal gene sets for the synthetic minimal genome. Experiments about streamlining genomes of model bacteria revealed genome reduction led to unanticipated beneficial properties, such as high electroporation efficiency and accurate propagation of recombinant genes and plasmids that were unstable in other strains. Recent achievements in chemical synthesis technology for large DNA segments together with the rapid development of the whole-genome sequencing, have transferred synthesis of genes to assembly of the whole genomes based on oligonucleotides, and thus created strong preconditions for synthesis of artificial minimal genome. Here in this article, we review briefly the history and current state of research in this field and summarize the main methods for making a minimal genome. We also discuss the impacts of minimized genome on metabolism and regulation of artificial cell.  相似文献   

Whole genome engineering is now feasible with the aid of genome editing and synthesis tools. Synthesizing a genome from scratch allows modifications of the genomic structure and function to an extent that was hitherto not possible, which will finally lead to new insights into the basic principles of life and enable valuable applications. With several recent genome synthesis projects as examples, the technical details to synthesize a genome and applications of synthetic genome are addressed in this perspective. A series of ongoing or future synthetic genomics projects, including the different genomes to be synthesized in GP-write, synthetic minimal genome, massively recoded genome, chimeric genome and synthetic genome with expanded genetic alphabet, are also discussed here with a special focus on theoretical and technical impediments in the design and synthesis process. Synthetic genomics will become a commonplace to engineer pathways and genomes according to arbitrary sets of design principles with the development of high-efficient, low-cost genome synthesis and assembly technologies.  相似文献   

DNA从头合成技术是指以寡核苷酸链为起始的合成DNA片段的技术,其不断进步是合成生物学快速发展的基石之一。常规使用的连接介导的DNA合成技术和PCR介导的DNA合成技术日益成熟,精确合成长度已经达到0.5—1kb。微阵列介导的DNA合成技术不断发展,其低成本、高通量的特点吸引了人们的注意;而酵母体内DNA合成技术的成功探索也为体外DNA合成提供了一种补偿方法。DNA合成在优化密码子用于异源表达、构建异源代谢途径、合成人工基因组以及合成减毒病毒用于疫苗研制等方面有广泛应用。综述了DNA从头合成技术的研究进展,并介绍了DNA合成的前沿应用。  相似文献   

Over the past 15 years, the seismic shifts caused by the convergence of biomolecular, chemical, physical, mathematical, and computational sciences alongside cutting-edge developments in information technology and engineering have erupted into a new field of scientific endeavor dubbed Synthetic Biology. Recent rapid advances in high-throughput DNA sequencing and DNA synthesis techniques are enabling the design and construction of new biological parts (genes), devices (gene networks) and modules (biosynthetic pathways), and the redesign of biological systems (cells and organisms) for useful purposes. In 2014, the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae became the first eukaryotic cell to be equipped with a fully functional synthetic chromosome. This was achieved following the synthesis of the first viral (poliovirus in 2002 and bacteriophage Phi-X174 in 2003) and bacterial (Mycoplasma genitalium in 2008 and Mycoplasma mycoides in 2010) genomes, and less than two decades after revealing the full genome sequence of a laboratory (S288c in 1996) and wine (AWRI1631 in 2008) yeast strain. A large international project – the Synthetic Yeast Genome (Sc2.0) Project – is now underway to synthesize all 16 chromosomes (~12?Mb carrying ~6000 genes) of the sequenced S288c laboratory strain by 2018. If successful, S. cerevisiae will become the first eukaryote to cross the horizon of in silico design of complex cells through de novo synthesis, reshuffling, and editing of genomes. In the meantime, yeasts are being used as cell factories for the semi-synthetic production of high-value compounds, such as the potent antimalarial artemisinin, and food ingredients, such as resveratrol, vanillin, stevia, nootkatone, and saffron. As a continuum of previously genetically engineered industrially important yeast strains, precision genome engineering is bound to also impact the study and development of wine yeast strains supercharged with synthetic DNA. The first taste of what the future holds is the de novo production of the raspberry ketone aroma compound, 4-[4-hydroxyphenyl]butan-2-one, in a wine yeast strain (AWRI1631), which was recently achieved via metabolic pathway engineering and synthetic enzyme fusion. A peek over the horizon is revealing that the future of “Wine Yeast 2.0” is already here. Therefore, this article seeks to help prepare the wine industry – an industry rich in history and tradition on the one hand, and innovation on the other – for the inevitable intersection of the ancient art practiced by winemakers and the inventive science of pioneering “synthetic genomicists”. It would be prudent to proactively engage all stakeholders – researchers, industry practitioners, policymakers, regulators, commentators, and consumers – in a meaningful dialog about the potential challenges and opportunities emanating from Synthetic Biology. To capitalize on the new vistas of synthetic yeast genomics, this paper presents wine yeast research in a fresh context, raises important questions and proposes new directions.  相似文献   

合成生物学作为一门新兴学科,其目标主要有两点:一是利用非天然的分子使其出现生命的现象,也就是―人造生命‖;二是―改造生命‖,比如利用一种生命体的元件(或经过人工改造),组装到另一个生命体中,使其产生特定功能。无论是哪种目的,对生命遗传物质DNA的操作都非常关键,其具体包括DNA的从头合成、组装和编辑等。同时,这些使能技术的进步也促进了合成生物学其他领域的发展。本文介绍了DNA操作相关的合成生物学使能技术的最新进展。  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) is among the most iconic and economically important fish species and was the first member of Salmonidae to have a high‐quality reference genome assembly published. Advances in genomics have become increasingly central to the genetic improvement of farmed Atlantic salmon as well as conservation of wild salmon stocks. The salmon genome has also been pivotal in shaping our understanding of the evolutionary and functional consequences arising from an ancestral whole‐genome duplication event characterising all Salmonidae members. Here, we provide a review of the current status of Atlantic salmon genetics and genomics, focussed on progress made from genome‐wide research aimed at improving aquaculture production and enhancing understanding of salmonid ecology, physiology and evolution. We present our views on the future direction of salmon genomics, including the role of emerging technologies (e.g. genome editing) in elucidating genetic features that underpin functional variation in traits of commercial and evolutionary importance.  相似文献   

基因组序列为昆虫分子生物学研究提供丰富的数据资源,推动系统生物学在古老的昆虫学中蓬勃发展。昆虫基因组学研究已经成为当前的研究热点,目前在NCBI登录注册的昆虫基因组测序计划有494项,其中已提交原始测序数据的昆虫有225种,完成基因组拼接的有215种,具有基因注释的有65种,公开发表的昆虫基因组有43篇。本文综述了测序技术发展的历史及其对昆虫基因组研究的推动作用、昆虫基因组的组装和注释及其存在的问题、昆虫基因组测序进展、昆虫基因组数据库的发展及基因数据挖掘利用的基本思路和对策,以及昆虫基因大数据在害虫防治和资源昆虫利用中的应用前景。  相似文献   

DNA microarray and next-generation DNA sequencing technologies are important tools for high-throughput genome research, in revealing both the structural and functional characteristics of genomes. In the past decade the DNA microarray technologies have been widely applied in the studies of functional genomics, systems biology and pharmacogenomics. The next-generation DNA sequencing method was first introduced by the 454 Company in 2003, immediately followed by the establishment of the Solexa and Solid techniques by other biotech companies. Though it has not been long since the first emergence of this technology, with the fast and impressive improvement, the application of this technology has extended to almost all fields of genomics research, as a rival challenging the existing DNA microarray technology. This paper briefly reviews the working principles of these two technologies as well as their application and perspectives in genome research. Supported by the National High-Tech Research Program of China (Grant No.2006AA020704) and Shanghai Science and Technology Commission (Grant No. 05DZ22201)  相似文献   

Genome synthesis endows scientists the ability of de novo creating genomes absent in nature, by thorough redesigning DNA sequences and introducing numerous custom features. However, the genome synthesis is a labor‐ and time‐consuming work, and thus it is a challenge to verify and quantify the synthetic genome rapidly and precisely. Thus, specific DNA sequences different from native genomic sequences are designed into synthetic genomes during synthesis, namely genomic markers. Genomic markers can be easily detected by PCR reaction, whole‐genome sequencing (WGS) and a variety of methods to identify the synthetic genome from native one. Here, we review types and applications of genomic markers utilized in synthetic genomes, with the hope of providing a guidance for future works.  相似文献   

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