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The main objective of this work was to determine whether the five founding castes defined in the Lidia cattle breed actually have an important contribution to the Spanish paternal genetic stock as well as to the paternal genetic origin support. A total of 1300 Bos taurus male individuals were genotyped for five microsatellites (INRA189, UMN0103, UMN0307, BM861 and BYM1) and one indel (ZFY10). Microsatellite and indel alleles were combined into haplotypes, identifying a total of 38 haplotypes, 11 of them belonging to haplogroup Y1 and 27 to haplogroup Y2. Ten different haplotypes were found in the Lidia cattle breed, with five being exclusive to this breed. Our results agree with different male genetic stocks in the Lidia breed: one hypothetically representing the ancient Iberian bovine genetic stock (Gallardo, Navarra and Cabrera castes and some encastes from Vistahermosa) and a second one that is the result of the more recent breeding strategy of choosing the most aggressive individuals from traditional herds (including some Vistahermosa encastes and the Vazqueña caste). In terms of conservation, it would be better to not consider this breed as a unit but to consider the caste, or even better the encaste, as the target of putative conservation efforts.  相似文献   

It is increasingly common for apex predators to face a multitude of complex conservation issues. In Australia, dingoes are the mainland apex predator and play an important role in ecological functioning. Currently, however, they are threatened by hybridization with modern domestic dogs in the wild. As a consequence, we explore how increasing our understanding of the evolutionary history of dingoes can inform management and conservation decisions. Previous research on whole mitochondrial genome and nuclear data from five geographical populations showed evidence of two distinct lineages of dingo. Here, we present data from a broader survey of dingoes around Australia using both mitochondrial and Y chromosome markers and investigate the timing of demographic expansions. Biogeographic data corroborate the presence of at least two geographically subdivided genetic populations, southeastern and northwestern. Demographic modeling suggests that dingoes have undergone population expansion in the last 5,000 years. It is not clear whether this stems from expansion into vacant niches after the extinction of thylacines on the mainland or indicates the arrival date of dingoes. Male dispersal is much more common than female, evidenced by more diffuse Y haplogroup distributions. There is also evidence of likely historical male biased introgression from domestic dogs into dingoes, predominately within southeastern Australia. These findings have critical practical implications for the management and conservation of dingoes in Australia; particularly a focus must be placed upon the threatened southeastern dingo population.  相似文献   

Two monophyletic sister species of wall lizards inhabit the two main groups of Balearic Islands: Podarcis lilfordi from islets and small islands around Mallorca and Menorca and Podarcis pityusensis from Ibiza, Formentera and associated islets. Genetic diversity within the endangered P. lilfordi has been well characterized, but P. pityusensis has not been studied in depth. Here, 2430 bp of mtDNA and 15 microsatellite loci were analysed from Ppityusensis populations from across its natural range. Two main genetic groupings were identified, although geographical structuring differed slightly between the mtDNA and the nuclear loci. In general, individuals from islets/islands adjacent to the main island of Ibiza were genetically distinct from those from Formentera and the associated Freus islands for both mtDNA and the nuclear loci. However, most individuals from the island of Ibiza were grouped with neighbouring islets/islands for nuclear loci, but with Formentera and Freus islands for the mitochondrial locus. A time‐calibrated Bayesian tree was constructed for the principal mitochondrial lineages within the Balearics, using the multispecies coalescent model, and provided statistical support for divergence of the two main Ppityusensis lineages 0.111–0.295 Ma. This suggests a mid‐late Pleistocene intraspecific divergence, compared with an early Pleistocene divergence in P. lilfordi, and postdates some major increases in sea level between 0.4 and 0.6 Ma, which may have flooded Formentera. The program IMa2 provided a posterior divergence time of 0.089–0.221 Ma, which was similar to the multispecies coalescent tree estimate. More significantly, it indicated low but asymmetric effective gene copy migration rates, with higher migration from Formentera to Ibiza populations. Our findings suggest that much of the present‐day diversity may have originated from a late Pleistocene colonization of one island group from the other, followed by allopatric divergence of these populations. Subsequent gene flow between these insular groups seems likely to be explained by recent human introductions. Two evolutionary significant units can be defined for P. pityusensis but these units would need to exclude the populations that have been the subjects of recent admixture.  相似文献   

The maternal and paternal genetic variation of horse breeds from the Baltic Sea region, including three local Estonian breeds, was assessed and compared with that of Altai and Yakutian horses. In the mtDNA D‐loop region, 72 haplotypes assigned to 20 haplogroups in the nine breeds were detected. In Estonian local breeds, 38 mtDNA haplotypes were found, and five of them were shared by the three breeds. More than 60% of all identified haplotypes were rare. Compared with the Estonian Native and Estonian Heavy Draught breeds, a higher haplotypic diversity was found in the Tori breed (h = 0.969). Moreover, four haplotypes shared among Finnish and Estonian local horse breeds indicated ancient ancestry, and of these, H30 (haplogroup D3) showed global sharing and genetic links between modern Baltic Sea region and Siberian horses, specifically. The studied breed set showed high variability in maternal inheritance and mixed patterns of the international and native breeds of the Siberian and Baltic regions. No variation was found in paternally inherited markers among horse breeds in the Baltic Sea region.  相似文献   

Puerto Rico and the surrounding islands rest on the eastern fringe of the Caribbean's Greater Antilles, located less than 100 miles northwest of the Lesser Antilles. Puerto Ricans are genetic descendants of pre‐Columbian peoples, as well as peoples of European and African descent through 500 years of migration to the island. To infer these patterns of pre‐Columbian and historic peopling of the Caribbean, we characterized genetic diversity in 326 individuals from the southeastern region of Puerto Rico and the island municipality of Vieques. We sequenced the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region of all of the samples and the complete mitogenomes of 12 of them to infer their putative place of origin. In addition, we genotyped 121 male samples for 25 Y‐chromosome single nucleotide polymorphism and 17 STR loci. Approximately 60% of the participants had indigenous mtDNA haplotypes (mostly from haplogroups A2 and C1), while 25% had African and 15% European haplotypes. Three A2 sublineages were unique to the Greater Antilles, one of which was similar to Mesoamerican types, while C1b haplogroups showed links to South America, suggesting that people reached the island from the two distinct continental source areas. However, none of the male participants had indigenous Y‐chromosomes, with 85% of them instead being European/Mediterranean and 15% sub‐Saharan African in origin. West Eurasian Y‐chromosome short tandem repeat haplotypes were quite diverse and showed similarities to those observed in southern Europe, North Africa and the Middle East. These results attest to the distinct, yet equally complex, pasts for the male and female ancestors of modern day Puerto Ricans. Am J Phys Anthropol 155:352–368, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In admixed populations, genetic contributions from males and females of specific parental populations can be of different proportions due to past directional mating during the process of genetic admixture. In this research paper, we provide evidence of such male- and female-specific differential admixture components of African, European, and American Indian origin in an admixed population from the city of Melo, in the northeastern region of Uruguay. From data on 11 autosomal markers from a sample of 41 individuals of mixed African descent, we estimated 47% African, 38% European, and 15% Amerindian contributions. In contrast, 6 mtDNA site-specific polymorphic markers showed that the mtDNA genome of these individuals was 52% African, 19% European, and 29% Amerindian, while from 3 Y-specific polymorphic sites, we estimated 30% African, 64% European, and 6% Amerindian contributions. We argue that this heterogeneity of admixture estimates results from disproportionate unions of European males with African and American Indian females from which this mixed African population was formed. Also, we argue that the asymmetry of the admixture estimates from the three sets of markers (autosomal, mtDNA, and Y-linked) is a result of the changes in the direction of mating during the history of the population. Implications of such evidence of directional mating are discussed, indicating the need of further demographic data for a quantitative assessment of the impact of directional mating on genetic structure of admixed populations.  相似文献   

The expansion of Bantu languages represents one of the most momentous events in the history of Africa. While it is well accepted that Bantu languages spread from their homeland (Cameroon/Nigeria) approximately 5000 years ago (ya), there is no consensus about the timing and geographical routes underlying this expansion. Two main models of Bantu expansion have been suggested: The 'early-split' model claims that the most recent ancestor of Eastern languages expanded north of the rainforest towards the Great Lakes region approximately 4000 ya, while the 'late-split' model proposes that Eastern languages diversified from Western languages south of the rainforest approximately 2000 ya. Furthermore, it is unclear whether the language dispersal was coupled with the movement of people, raising the question of language shift versus demic diffusion. We use a novel approach taking into account both the spatial and temporal predictions of the two models and formally test these predictions with linguistic and genetic data. Our results show evidence for a demic diffusion in the genetic data, which is confirmed by the correlations between genetic and linguistic distances. While there is little support for the early-split model, the late-split model shows a relatively good fit to the data. Our analyses demonstrate that subsequent contact among languages/populations strongly affected the signal of the initial migration via isolation by distance.  相似文献   

In a series of publications beginning in the 1960s, Neel and colleagues suggested that genetically nonrandom, or "lineal", population fissions contributed to genetic structure in ancient human groups. The authors reached this conclusion by studying the genetic consequences of village fissions among the Yanomamo, a Native South American group thought to have been relatively unaffected by European contact and, therefore, representative of the human past. On the basis of ethnographic accounts and pedigree data, they further concluded that patrilineal relationships were particularly important in shaping the genetic structure of villages following fissions. This study reexamines the genetic consequences of village fissions using autosomal STRs, Y-chromosome STRs, and mitochondrial DNA sequences collected from large samples of individuals from multiple Yanomamo villages. Our analyses of the autosomal STRs replicate the previous finding that village fissions have produced substantial genetic structure among the Yanomamo. However, our analyses of Y-chromosome STRs and mtDNA d-loop polymorphisms suggest that other population processes, including village movements, inter-village migration, and polygynous marriage, affect genetic structure in ways not predicted by a simple model of patrilineal fissions. We discuss the broader implications of population fissions for human evolution and the suitability of using the Yanomamo as a model for the human past.  相似文献   

Abstract.— We report the results of one of the first intrageneric analyses to simultaneously survey mitochondrial, Y-chromosomal, and autosomal loci from the same individuals representing the same taxa. Phylogenetic trees were constructed for each of these genetic systems from a pool of 63 macaques, representing all 19 recognized species in this genus, and eight outgroup taxa. The mitochondrial locus analyzed here (1.5 Kb) spans the 3' end of 12S rDNA, tRNA-VAL, and the 5' end of 16S rDNA; the Y chromosome dataset (3.1 Kb) consists of the genes SRY and TSPY; the two autosomal datasets include IRBP intron 3 (1.6 Kb) and the 5' half of C4 "long" intron 9 (3.3 Kb). A total of 1.35 million bases were read, revealing 682 variable sites within the genus Macaca. With regard to earlier unresolved issues of macaque evolution, a comparison of topologies reconstructed from each of the three genetic systems suggests: (1) four monophyletic species groups; (2) an initial bifurcation among Asian macaques between the silenus group progenitor and a M. fascicularis -like taxon, with the latter representing the probable common ancestor to all non-silenus group Asian macaques; (3) a possible hybrid origin of M. arctoides from proto- M. assamensis/thibetana and proto- M. fascicularis; and (4) contemporary introgression between M. mulatta and M. fascicularis in Indochina. Inferences 3 and 4 are of particular interest, because episodes of reticulate evolution often go undetected in analyses employing a single genetic system. Finally, divergence calculations suggest that, in female-philopatric taxa, mitochondrial bifurcations may typically predate Y-chromosomal divergences at the same node.  相似文献   

The Yanesha are a Peruvian population who inhabit an environment transitional between the Andes and Amazonia. They present cultural traits characteristic of both regions, including in the language they speak: Yanesha belongs to the Arawak language family (which very likely originated in the Amazon/Orinoco lowlands), but has been strongly influenced by Quechua, the most widespread language family of the Andes. Given their location and cultural make‐up, the Yanesha make for an ideal case study for investigating language and population dynamics across the Andes‐Amazonia divide. In this study, we analyze data from high and mid‐altitude Yanesha villages, both Y chromosome (17 STRs and 16 SNPs diagnostic for assigning haplogroups) and mtDNA data (control region sequences and 3 SNPs and one INDEL diagnostic for assigning haplogroups). We uncover sex‐biased genetic trends that probably arose in different stages: first, a male‐biased gene flow from Andean regions, genetically consistent with highland Quechua‐speakers and probably dating back to Inca expansion; and second, traces of European contact consistent with Y chromosome lineages from Italy and Tyrol, in line with historically documented migrations. Most research in the history, archaeology and linguistics of South America has long been characterized by perceptions of a sharp divide between the Andes and Amazonia; our results serve as a clear case‐study confirming demographic flows across that ‘divide’. Am J Phys Anthropol 155:600–609, 2014. © 2014 The Authors. American journal of physical Anthropology published by Wiley Periodocals, Inc.  相似文献   

The Egyptian Western Desert lies on an important geographic intersection between Africa and Asia. Genetic diversity of this region has been shaped, in part, by climatic changes in the Late Pleistocene and Holocene epochs marked by oscillating humid and arid periods. We present here a whole genome analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and high‐resolution molecular analysis of nonrecombining Y‐chromosomal (NRY) gene pools of a demographically small but autochthonous population from the Egyptian Western Desert oasis el‐Hayez. Notwithstanding signs of expected genetic drift, we still found clear genetic evidence of a strong Near Eastern input that can be dated into the Neolithic. This is revealed by high frequencies and high internal variability of several mtDNA lineages from haplogroup T. The whole genome sequencing strategy and molecular dating allowed us to detect the accumulation of local mtDNA diversity to 5,138 ± 3,633 YBP. Similarly, theY‐chromosome gene pool reveals high frequencies of the Near Eastern J1 and the North African E1b1b1b lineages, both generally known to have expanded within North Africa during the Neolithic. These results provide another piece of evidence of the relatively young population history of North Africa. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The Northern Talysh from Azerbaijan and the Southern Talysh from Iran self‐identify as one ethnic group and speak a Northwestern Iranian language. However, the Northern and Southern Talysh dialects are so different that they may actually be separate languages. Does this linguistic differentiation reflect internal change due to isolation, or could contact‐induced change have played a role? We analyzed mtDNA HVI sequences, 11 Y‐chromosome bi‐allelic markers, and 9 Y‐STR loci in Northern and Southern Talysh and compared them with their neighboring groups. The mtDNA data show a close relatedness of both groups with each other and with neighboring groups, whereas the Northern Talysh Y‐chromosome variation differs from that of neighboring groups, probably as a result of genetic drift. This genetic drift most likely reflects a founder event in the male gene pool of Northern Talysh: either fewer males than females migrated to Azerbaijan, or there was a higher degree of relatedness among the male migrants. Since we find no evidence of substantial genetic contact between either Northern or Southern Talysh and neighboring groups, we conclude that internal change, rather than contact‐induced change, most likely explains the linguistic differentiation between Northern and Southern Talysh. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Due to its important effects on the ecological dynamics and the genetic structure of species, biologists have long been interested in gender‐biased dispersal, a condition where one gender is more prone to move from the natal site. More recently, this topic has attracted a great attention from human evolutionary geneticists. Considering the close relations between residential rules and social structure, gender‐biased dispersal is, in fact, regarded as an important case study concerning the effects of socio‐cultural factors on human genetic variation. It all started with the seminal paper by Mark Seielstad, Erich Minch and Luigi Luca Cavalli Sforza from Stanford University (Seielstad et al. 1998). They observed a larger differentiation for Y‐chromosome than mitochondrial DNA between extant human populations, purportedly a consequence of the prevalence of long‐term patrilocality in human societies. Subsequent studies, however, have highlighted the need to consider geographically close and culturally homogeneous groups, disentangle signals due to different peopling events and obtain unbiased estimates of genetic diversity. In this issue of Molecular Ecology, not only do Marks et al. (2012) adopt an experimental design which addresses these concerns, but they also take a further and important step forward by integrating the genetic analysis of two distant populations, the Basotho and Spanish, with data regarding migration rates and matrimonial distances. Using both empirical evidence and simulations, the authors show that female‐biased migration due to patrilocality might shape the genetic structure of human populations only at short ranges and under substantial differences in migration rates between genders. Providing a quantitative framework for future studies of the effects of residential rules on the human genome, this study paves the way for further developments in the field. On a wider perspective, Marks et al.'s work demonstrates the power of approaches which integrate biological, cultural and demographic lines of evidence in the study of relations between social and genetic structures of human populations.  相似文献   

During local adaptation with gene flow, some regions of the genome are inherently more responsive to selection than others. Recent theory predicts that X‐linked genes should disproportionately contribute to local adaptation relative to other genomic regions, yet this prediction remains to be tested. We carried out a multigeneration crossing scheme, using two cline‐end populations of Drosophila melanogaster, to estimate the relative contributions of the X chromosome, autosomes, and mitochondrial genome to divergence in four traits involved in local adaptation (wing size, resistance to heat, desiccation, and starvation stresses). We found that the mitochondrial genome and autosomes contributed significantly to clinal divergence in three of the four traits. In contrast, the X made no significant contribution to divergence in these traits. Given the small size of the mitochondrial genome, our results indicate that it plays a surprisingly large role in clinal adaptation. In contrast, the X, which represents roughly 20% of the Drosophila genome, contributes negligibly—a pattern that conflicts with theoretical predictions. These patterns reinforce recent work implying a central role of mitochondria in climatic adaptation, and suggest that different genomic regions may play fundamentally different roles in processes of divergence with gene flow.  相似文献   

The X-STRs are important tools in forensic application, particularly in complex cases of kinship testing. In deficiency paternity testing when alleged father cannot be typed, investigation of X-STR markers yields the desired information. Blood samples were collected from unrelated individual (118 females and 94 males) and 84 trios families (father, mother and daughter). DNA extraction from whole blood was performed with Phenol chloroform method. Five X-linked STR markers DXS6800, DXS7133, DXS6797, DXS981 and GATA165B12 were selected. The amplicons were analyzed through ABI 3100 Genetic Analyzer. Pentaplex PCR system was developed for multilocus amplification at the same time. For each locus 4–9 alleles were noted. Altogether, 32 alleles were observed from five markers. Eighty-four trios families were analysed to check the mutation rate and no mutation was observed. Stutter peaks were observed maximum at locus DXS6797 (12.44%) while the minimum at locus DXS7133 (4.5%). For sensitivity study, amplification of X chromosomal short tandem repeats loci was successfully performed using 0.15 ng quantity of DNA as template. In conclusion; this pentaplex represents a convenient method to study X chromosome markers. It works with reasonable amounts of DNA and is suitable for paternity cases.  相似文献   

Since their domestication in the Neolithic, cattle have belonged to our cultural heritage. The reconstruction of their history is an active field of research 1 that contributes to our understanding of human history. Archeological data are now supplemented by analyses of modern and ancient samples of cattle with DNA markers of maternal, paternal, or autosomal inheritance. The most recent genetic data suggest that maternal lineages of taurine cattle originated in the Fertile Crescent with a possible contribution of South‐European wild cattle populations, while zebu cattle originate from the Indus Valley. Subsequently, cattle accompanied human migrations, which led to the dispersal of domestic cattle of taurine, indicine, or mixed origin over Asia, Africa, Europe, and the New World. This has resulted in their adaptation to different environments and considerable variation in appearance and performance. More recently, rational management of breeding led to international movements of sires, which again changed the global patterns of genetic diversity.  相似文献   

Recent Quaternary geological and climate events have shaped the evolutionary histories of plant species in the Mediterranean basin, one of the most important hotspots of biodiversity. Genetic analyses of the western Mediterranean Cheirolophus intybaceus s.l. (Asteraceae) based on AFLP were conducted to establish the relationships between its close species and populations, to reconstruct the phylogeography of the group and to analyse potential unidirectional versus bidirectional dispersals between the Ibero‐Provençal belt and the Balearic Islands. AFLP data revealed two main genetic groups, one constituted by the Balearic populations and Garraf (NE Iberia) and the other formed by the remaining mainland populations that were further sub‐structured into two geographically separated subgroups (SE + E Iberia and NE Iberia + SW France). Genetic diversity and spatial structure analyses suggested a mid‐Pleistocene scenario for the origin of C. intybaceus in southern Iberia, followed by dispersal to the north and a single colonisation event of the Balearic archipelago from the near Dianic NE Iberian area. This hypothesis was supported by paleogeographic data, which showed the existence of terrestrial connections between the continent and the islands during the Middle–Late Pleistocene marine regressions, whereas the more recent single back‐colonisation of the mainland from Mallorca might be explained by several hypotheses, such as long‐distance dispersal mediated by migratory marine birds or sea currents.  相似文献   

A total of 63 binary polymorphisms and 10 short tandem repeats (STRs) were genotyped on a sample of 2,344 Y chromosomes from 18 Native American, 28 Asian, and 5 European populations to investigate the origin(s) of Native American paternal lineages. All three of Greenberg's major linguistic divisions (including 342 Amerind speakers, 186 Na-Dene speakers, and 60 Aleut-Eskimo speakers) were represented in our sample of 588 Native Americans. Single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) analysis indicated that three major haplogroups, denoted as C, Q, and R, accounted for nearly 96% of Native American Y chromosomes. Haplogroups C and Q were deemed to represent early Native American founding Y chromosome lineages; however, most haplogroup R lineages present in Native Americans most likely came from recent admixture with Europeans. Although different phylogeographic and STR diversity patterns for the two major founding haplogroups previously led to the inference that they were carried from Asia to the Americas separately, the hypothesis of a single migration of a polymorphic founding population better fits our expanded database. Phylogenetic analyses of STR variation within haplogroups C and Q traced both lineages to a probable ancestral homeland in the vicinity of the Altai Mountains in Southwest Siberia. Divergence dates between the Altai plus North Asians versus the Native American population system ranged from 10,100 to 17,200 years for all lineages, precluding a very early entry into the Americas.  相似文献   

The hypervariable region-1 and four nucleotide positions (10400, 10873, 12308, and 12705) of the coding region of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) were analyzed in 441 individuals belonging to eight populations (Daba, Fali, Fulbe, Mandara, Uldeme, Podokwo, Tali, and Tupuri) from North Cameroon and four populations (Bakaka, Bassa, Bamileke, and Ewondo) from South Cameroon. All mtDNAs were assigned to five haplogroups: three sub-Saharan (L1, L2, and L3), one northern African (U6), and one European (U5). Our results contrast with the observed high frequencies of a Y-chromosome haplogroup of probable Asian origin (R1*-M173) in North Cameroon. As a first step toward a better understanding of the evident discrepancy between mtDNA and Y-chromosome data, we propose two contrasting scenarios. The first one, here termed "migration and asymmetric admixture," implies a back migration from Asia to North Cameroon of a population group carrying the haplotype R1*-M173 at high frequency, and an admixture process restricted to migrant males. The second scenario, on the other hand, temed "divergent drift," implies that modern populations of North Cameroon originated from a small population group which migrated from Asia to Africa and in which, through genetic drift, Y-chromosome haplotype R1*-M173 became predominant, whereas the Asian mtDNA haplogroups were lost.  相似文献   

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